I !lSp3m< wm Vr 1 v -vounan nvK—numbbb in. MOODY LEADS WOMAN GOVERNOR IN EARLY RETH6 WILL HOT IUSE !DttEIT SCOTT'S CONFESSIOiI K UPPEHL vOUNG ATTORNEY GENERAL AHEAD MRS. FERGUSON BY MORETHAN 2 TO 1 COfflU Only Few of 252 Coun ties la Stole Had Re ported Result* of the Vote . Dallas. Jaly U.—Uh —Attorney Oen ml Oh Moody. foe of toe admtel. tratioa of Oemw Miriam A For pm, the lee Ate the ram ier the Dwiitli gubernatorial earn lee - tloi am lead returns on todif'i pri mary la Taxaa Incomplete reaalu oa the taua tlea oat of Ml‘la the Mate gave the Town* attorney a tiro to oae lead over the wemeadxiiuUT* Lynch running third aad the other cnsd£* dates, lira, Mtth Wllllame, of Dalits, aad Roe. O. f. Ilaiaieraiaa. of Morrte oounty, wore polling an almost neg- UatMe rate. The Inrp were: Moody 12.17*: Mrs Wrgusoa 6,7**; DaeMeoa 3,073; Mrs. wunmo M: nmmarmao it Dos ptle rain la Ndrth Teiaa had scattered sheer ere to other sections reports Indicated early toaleht that eaters had marched to the polls to great anpihsm ■ Ttso-paHo dosed at f o’clock aad the reyrnu from the heesry test Texas coaaties are not ex pected to oosm to tor seeeral hoars. It was predieted hy officials of the Texas electloa hareau that It would be sometime before any definite check of the balloting ooaM ho gagod. Scat tered returns from sparsely settled •Hfertlee to West Texas usually are the drat available — -nem.aefr NEW FIRM DffiHUI'TE * hrysler drrtmßiLK The Boaey Motor Company is the name of a saw firm which has been formed to Goldsboro for tha diatribe* (ton of the Oh nr S l nr automobile to 'Wkyqe county- Partners in the but! ness are Paisley Honey. Jr. aad Oeb ntL-Bfiaey. id number at the latest style Chryelers were received the f'rm yesterday aad they Will begin demons! rating tha oar on Monday. Tbay are occupying the garage hand ing oa North Cantor Street owned by X. A. Miller. The two part acre art sons of Pais ley Honey, wall known business man of the city. The young mm haws a wide acquaintance N tha city and rouaty and nr* wall liked. Their buai ness training under tli*‘r father should go tor toward Insuring them taboos to their near venture. Minor Fluctuations Southern Mill Shares Special to The News < Gastonia. July *4. According to figures as released by R. 8. Dickson A Company, the wash closing today brought about only minor fluetua tioaa In tha average price of twenty five moat active Southern Cotton Mill shares .At the close of last weak tha Itat ehowad an average of 9110 OS as •pmarel *ttb Hl*,** for the week raflm 'toda* *•* ~ T \ A much better demand was noted for s' few of tha eommoa stocks than a week ago, this spplyfag particular 's to tha Behnoot stocks. Gaffney Manufacturing Company aad Aader «on Cotton M|lla war* marked down In the bid prW-M, compared with a weak ago. while Woodslde Cotton Mills common advanced several points (llowx Spinning. Stowe. Crrecent. Unford and Starling showed alight Improvement's., Tha ntejorlty as preferred atocks ware Inactive throughout tha weak. >he demand being largely for com mon atocks which la usually evtdeoce of a gradual Improvement to the gen •fti vm w fill— oU—u. S' ' >v &-X THE COIB3IBRO NEWS m,mmam '!■ 11 1 " I* " ■ r '■ I ■UMIII nil m ■■'■ll IS 11l , leuaiw 7jii .1 »^e»mrato#^s^aasf£tok^^ammtomasas LOCATED AT Na HO'SOUTH JAMES STREET IN THE HEART OF THE BUSINESS SECTION — i Stole Balance | * 1 ■ g Is Greater . Raleigh. Jubr 14.-(*)—A bal ance In the general fund of the Mate of lI.MS.U4M at tha dote of tha fiscal year on June 30 was reported tonight la a statement te wed from the governor's office. The dual Bgure was greater by 1141,41* than the preliminary eoti eate of the surplus mads ehortly after tha Brat of Jaly. This was explained hy state re seipta which had been reported on that data and tha set! mate of As departmental and institutional ex penditures wbkh were leu than anticipated. ASHEVILLE MAN PREACH TODAY t*» *totoaa*toMhtoto Frea of Grave Charges Will Talk Os DM “Rugged Creee” Aehcrills, July 14 -GP)—Prood from - ■, T ’ grave aaaaaatlona Hav. Aobley Clap peU. pastor of the Central Methodist chlirch here, will return to hie pulpit tomorrow after a sue penal on of two months. Dr. Chappell, whose congre gation Is the largaat in Western North Carolina, said he would preach an "The Old Rugged 01008.** A court of thirteen pastors of the Western North Carolina conference of the Methodist Church, South ac quitted the popular Asheville mtoletor at Statesville Met Tuesday oa charges of Immorality, tai|t|feood. and attempt ed bribery. Dr. Chappell has referrpd to hie experience as "niy Gethsemene.” The stewards of tho church tonight were planning n quiet demonstration for lbs service tomorrow morning as vtslbta proof of their love for their pastor aad their confidence In hie In tegrity. Active support of tha mlnletar by (towards and congregation aad has bean evident throughout the trial. “An outrageous combination of circum stances," the preacher and bis loyal barker* declare, that the cause of the arrest in Memphis at the General Conference In May and the police charge of disorderly conduct. Tonight on the eve of hie return to the pulpit Dr. Chappell displayed the eager pleasure which characterised him during the first of the week. He had danced with >O7 as he exclaimed "I am going to preach next Sunday.*' HTRfKERR ADMIT DEFEAT New York, July 14.—CAP) —Bdward P. Larin, leader of the striking em ployee of the Interborough Rapid Transit Company, advised the strik ers last night to seek their old Jobs at their pre-strike standing. Tha strike of the subway motor men and switchmen bad been lost hr said, '*because of Mayor Walker's failure to Intervene and the etaady de sertions from tke strikers' ranks." Ho urged the men to march In a body to jefte tOtjMHtoft-MBS #kwu/ +u£ku*'L.%t. token hock. TO CLStR LICENSES Re Irish, Jujy 24.—UF)—Swamped by applications for motor rehiclr li censes the autamobile license bureau of the Department of Mevraue ex pects to be able to clear the applica tions on hand and being received by the middle or last pf next week. At that time Inspectors will be Alapetrh ed over the state to takh note of these who have not provided them selves with license*. This announcement vtb made today by R. A. DoughUm, commissioner of revraua. M . ’ h " ■ ... - ... 11 . 11 ■■ - • I GOLDSBORO, N. C, SUNDAY MORNING. JULY «&, 1929 * 1, I■■nAm , , ■■, ■ ,■ - „ - - ■ 500 TO ATTEND EPWORTH LE’GUE ft ry 4 £ Roproaanl 12 Statu of SooUhhti Method tot Church j . r ~ •* ttoko Jmwhmka. July 24-4*l Mora than 600 Methodist young people, representing twelve slates of Southern Method tot territory east of the Mis sisalppl use expected to attend the na •o*l Kpworth League pbaeobly of tne Methodist Episcopal Church- Booth, here August * to If. K. C Harbin, sup erintendent of recreation anj culture of toe general Epwortb league hoard aad dona of the assembly,; has an nuunepd States expected to aeed large ds'.o gattone are Alabama. Florid*. Georgia, Ultoots. Kentucky, Maryland. Mta aippl. North Carolina, South Caro Una, Teuuessea. Virginia and Weal \tr xlata. Outotaadtog leaders In young peo ‘W«'s work who will deliver platform addresses during the 10 day saaemhly period are announce*! its follows: Dr. l-uther A. Weigte, Tale divinity vcboM. New Haven, Conn ; Dr. F. 8. itorfc er. general aeretary. Epwortb l-eague board; Dr. Christian F. RSlsncr- pas tor Broadway Temple Methodiid church. New York; Dr. W. B. F. Qratx. editor at "Bpworth 6hlcago; Dr. Baacom Anthony, pastor. Mulberry Street church, Mecca, Oa. The dally achoduta for the mssrmhly Includes class room work to the mornings, aftpruooks for reef hud rec reation. mad evenings tor platform ad dratotok toting Afbti. pageadts anff eatertalninant fentUris. 1 A coaxes ip rshgktus publicity ha given by Mrs. C. W. Tuppin, of Nashville, Teaa.. bead of the secular press bureau of tha cburißi tether fea tures will be a course In doctrine by Dr. W- F. Qullilan, presi dent of Wesleyan College. Macon. Oa.. and Dr. J. H. BnrohsrdT, presiding elder of the Winston-Salem district. Worth "Carolina; dally talks on the Baautftudas by Hav. Angle Nashville, Tenn.; vesper services dally by Mrs. Alice Cron*. Twtlley, Epwortb League secrutary of Florida; claeses to methods and leadership by Rev. M. ■. 'Nollner, B. Frank Pirn. Mias Leila Beth Roberts, and Mr Har bin jot the general Bpworth League board. Dally open forums on young-epoo ple's problems will ha led by Dr. Rvlsnwr. Topics to ha discussed In clude : "Youth, courtship aad mar " Youth and world peace;" ‘Touch and ring*;” "Youth and amimmianta;" the home;" and **youth and evange lism.’* Mias Jean Ragsdale, of Atlanta. Oa, will It# la charge of recreation, and Miss Elisabeth Belcher, of Americua. Oa. of league exhibits Miss Reids Smith, of'Raleigh, will b« assembly nurse. Allen Carter, of Richmond. Vs., and Mias Frances Vsrnada. Nemmond, La., will be registrars. ■rirr wear io.tn " New York. July 21.—Coate must be worn to acquire knowledge at the public library no matter how hot It le. Harry KViretnan. of Milwaukee, s writer, was scarred because his nifty blue shot, open at the neck, was on view. BLOMDF.H STRIKE New York. July 24 - (JP\ Flo Zieg /eldrs bWwde, goto,.** strike Ite twb-lr' P*»tee%.». *«--•«.- i‘ws ftM coaxed to poae oa they told how thsy have an apology and a 6# per coni rates. "Iwt -’am strike," eays Flo He denies disparaging blondes bat says he le trying to organise a bru nettes tor his next performance. • - - BO TRIPS AHEAD Ix>ndon. July 21.- -A snappy salute to motorists by a cycling scost of the ieeociatlon means that there are gs speed traps ahead. Falter# to aalute manna watch out for the bobbee One hobble had a aooat to court and the mngttorate held It was so offeimd to warn • person about to break the tog. GOLDSBORO CETS FIREMAN’S R’UEF . CHaMMNcr Announces Caliee '. ' tkm and INatribulion of— Fund Under Law T — ■ -■^2ZSm3ttbSUT~* — -* — Raleigh. July 24.—VP)—Aanounce mout of tha ooltectlou and dint riba- Mon of the firemen’ll relief land has lust bee* made by Insurance Horn miaalouer Stadtey W. Wade. The tend, provided for by tow. represents a fraction of the premiums collected to tha cities and towns. • « Tha largest share wen. to Charlotte, the amount bring 13.2U1.1*. Winston Soiem came next with 12.3*2.73, fol lowed hy Asheville with 12,212 34. Among the other cities and town* participating In the fund ware Greensboro. 91.752. U; Wilmington. 11,*U.«|; Raleigh. 11,631.10; High Point, i1.042.t0; Wilson 1*44.4«; KB enton. »14*.«; BHxabeth City, *4*7.- M; Khyettarille, *644.17; Gastonia. 2630.t0; Goldsboro, 3793.41; Green vme, *444 10; Henderson, 142*33; Hickory. *30*51. New Bern. HTI.1l; Rocky Mount. *642.M; Salisbury. *426.42: Statesville, *4*9.64; and TSr- M>ro, 1184 9* . ; *- -j-« « BARKS FROM*KB „ -> • Atlanta. July 24.— Tig small hanks to Georgia, which cloned a week nge< attar the bankruptcy proceedings against the Bankers Trust Company, ware open for business again today, dtohf oua at them, however, waa m. mraUl of the Bankers Yruot Com pany chain of whloh mora thaa to suspended actlritlee nftsP the suspen sion of buslneaa by their fiscal agent Meanwhile two Investigations at the Bankers Trust Company affairs moved forward, oa# hy a Fulton grand Jary and other by Investigators of Solicitor General John A. Boyfcja's department. “ PL AH IMS OLYMPIC New York, July 24.—America's campaign, of preparation for Olympic conquest In tb« International Games at Amsterdam, Holland, In 192*. will be officially under way tomorrow. wMh the departure for Europe of two amteaaaries— Lawaon Robertson. of the University of Pennsylvania, coach of the-1934 team, and Murray Hulberl, of New York, praaident of the Amateur Athletic Uuion. Building Permits Since Ist Os Year Approach $660,000 Through July 14. Tolal for GoMsboro Alone Wro $591,985 uni & Does Not Include Number of llomn « ** rMilnirtin •( mw WalMlag* ■■4 Ipprttrwit •< er wiMHlww (o tM »h*« la lielduberu "lore January I approaches a twlal 'a t Mil Meal *1 rlaa« la HlaiioUm The Sew* by Ike fbaaibee •( I'taaern' tkiw building permit* tniullnir 9etli> DU. These statistics repreweal Ike parted as Jaaaary I through July 14. They do not rrttreeeot Improve ments which have born started out aide tbe city llmita. For Instance they do not include the 130.000 Invent' went repreeentjjd in the. new plant of . » ,# r . •jmk'gyiHF' ,•#.! dtlrtn now briny matin MtWh.dHrWtei* Rox and lainiber (onipany. Thare' are a number of Hem* with in the city llaelf which are not In -a eluded, the Improvement* to the j building rt the National Jtanli of Goldsboro. for Instant-e. Thin work I In Itnelf will reprnnenl a pretty pen ny. but Min actual figures could not | be secured .ftyr thin sptry. Through Inability to obtain tbe com- | pleje data front the real eetats men j v '"iff Any the dealara were to buay ; nrlllrtg to do much figuring—the fig- I uren promised concerning total cfty VIOLATES OLD BLIT SIINDAY IAW Director of Expooition Give* Noiko of Appeal PhtTadctphls. July 24 Krae tun L. Auetln. director general of th# Besqul t entennlal expoaUlon who today- held guilty of vloj)oting tke Monday blua lawn of 17*4 to operating the Exposition on Sunday. Ha waa •gad the limit of the law--44.U. Tha kg provldpe that If tha la* la not paid, six days In Jnll la given. Ap peal la permitted instead as paying tha Baa. Mr. Aus tin pot up a bond at stt, pending xa appeal to the county court. Tho prose cution, aa to former as as* was brought by members of tho Methodist Matt’s rnmmllt— Dsn Taylor told that goods wort sold In the sxpsmtttaa ground* tool Sunday aad that amusements wore op erated on the "gladmay." It was admitted that ae oua row Mr. Austin do any “worldly employ mnut q|» bmi n nil” |jng n wrg oomtonwi4l~ ed by couasal for the proascuUon "No assn can ran a fair like the Saakml-Canlaanlal and bo inactive la bharga of it aad cimaaqttsatly ha la guilty of tha vtolatloa.** -Wayne Tire Very tfaedmtul inn In this Issue of The Mows that aa tor this year they have handled ffv! solid carloads at Firestone aad Old •ek) Ursa. When, as it la pointed out, It la equal derad that there la ag average of IIP* tiros to the oar. It would sepm that this company has sold a great number of tires. s> ' That are also inviting the public te make naa of their free road aerates, Tbay bow hav# three service trsekr quipped with air to operation. Mb William A Prince, who la in Charge of this department aa well as"the vul <-noising plant and repairing, tgld a News representative today that bo would Ilka for ieory oar owner to IB spect his shop to sac Just how oaro i fully ovary job waa attended to, aad to see the difference to the manner of vulcanising a balloon aad blgh-yras eurr tiro. * " ■ , matton fur a special story la salt Sunday'* News. The atatlatlra on bulldlag* within the city between January 1 and July H are aa follows: I wan-house Z. M. I* Jeff ries ;.( 2,0 Hoo Jan. S Store ...... 300 00 •Jan. ft Kilting Hat lon ... 700.00 Jan. 11—More it.ooo 04 Jan. 2<S Tenant 1.000 H Jan. 17 Kexldrnee ...... S.OH 00 K«A. I fcoalOonas ..... .. S,ooo no ►VI. 0 Office Ul'lKe 1.000.0 U Keb IS-- Rtnrage Huuae .. 1.100.00 reb. IS Killing Station , 5.(00 no Krb 2« lUM4*»re ... 4.000 M • r«b. 24 -Tenant .... l.lod no fill. Si Residence 1.100.00 Mar. I Store 3.000 00 Mar. I—Tenant 7(0.00 Mar. *fhureh .......... 24.000,00 Mar; K .Resilience 3.000 (K) Mar. 0- Realdenee ........ 1,(00 Oft Mar. 11 Dwelling 1.000.00 Mar„ U-Store 4.(00.00 Mar. I( Dwelling 1.000 00 Mas. It- Tenant 1.700 00 Mas,., It —Residence 1.(00.00 Mar. M- Dwellbia .... . 2,500 00 Mar. IMTiaatl ........ 1,700.00 Mar. 3ft Residence IN N Mar. 21—Wore ..\ 10ft 00 Mar. 23 Store 2.(00 00 (Contiouod On fata Two) ' - • ■ ’ V# u.*it aft -f a ■ ... i ,ii TXiiJiy mir jb PBICI fiv i enfn CONFESSED THAT HE AND NOT RUSSELL FIRED SHOT THAT SLEW DRW! CLERK Associated Press • Credits The News T..» Associated Press, AmrtM't greatest a*«i iiiktriu *w.-i ■raterdey used tha etory o! »r --luillNUiav one rat lon m-rformed ■ Denote Blagletaa. Flkertll* youug man who broke hU Md la I • dive lata a shallow pond na»r I Ft*moot Tha atory waa supplied H to the service hy Tha Nowa and I ifadli waa given tha pa par In tha I atory, Thl* manna itha naa 0# dfa I ■man or Tha Noma la papora 11 throughout tha country yaatOrdhy fl and Mty. Tha a—ootatad Frees If 'tha Uaited dtaias ' aafTliddllMM a H liinis.— iiilfflimyJ POISON WHISKEY CAUSES DEATHS 1 Nt»a IN* Ih OhUrif TWw« hi Thru Hijra , t BgpmHim. Ouutlo, July.MHIFw Flat paraooa war* arragief today la’ connection with a steadily In nr anting within a low hours om of thooo himself dlod of oleohotla itoiftonlnft. ~~ .flip ini! brought (I# |em durtgg tha pant thru# days to alao. His pataoaa arrastad wars William Jfe hoi his wife and two anas, pad Bart Against tho latter only tf'technical charge of vagmaey wan place! pond ing InTaatlgadon. Tha othora war* charged with nailing tha poisoned li quor. Shortly after hla arrest Ms* 14a haeuma 111 tad died. Officiate are trying to detemlae whether the some supply of polanaod , ll«nor wan responsible loir hit tho dootho. They am alao Investigating to tad If any possible conned ton ha tween tha Ontario deaths aad those la Baffalo where four am imported to horn died from drinking alooicl. L ,<i •—ft Buffalo, July *l— Of) —Four me a and one woman are dead from aieohd poison. I>nube of another man aad woman ware expected aad two mas were >a hospitals today blind as a re sult of tha jusa pola«n. A saloon beeper and hla wife and an hllagad purveyor warn. baU. on. comklds charges. o Schedule Bouts At Fort Bragg Fori Bragg, July ft.- (AV-Fear bouts, scheduled to ga SO round In all, have been arranged for tha box ing program to be staged ham ful/ 50. Harry Allrn. holder of the my thical hanlamwflght title of the Booth a«d ('aha, will meet Diok Bowden, former Fayetteville yoath, bat sow a resident of Florida and a mrmbej of the national guard of that state; to lhe main bout. In which Aliena title. I bfoa rpfpNhtly in_J«ckaou*l||e. will h^ •gin. »i£ ' * - The other bouts Ipclud* an elgh'- rnuad seml-wlndup between Lee Johnston. local soldier, and “Bpihe" Webb. ,4>f fharlott*. and two round affairs between Hauser and V'olllne. .of the local army poet: aad Boldler Dennln. of f*)rt Bragg, aad "Back" WuikVr of rnarlotfe. A bailie royal will round opt th* card. • . v . \+, mkw tori rorroii New York, July lt Ld’V—Oetton futures closed firm at a net advance of 14 in It points October IT.Tf: December t7.»J; Januarv 177 T: Me* 17. M. Colton spot steady. Middling HI * -W A t v»<* . gr*A- * { .. ; >•' e ? 'i .. ... jßif ABB0CU& *1 . MV PRESS DISPATCHfeS I I • , ;/ 1 ~v mpamaammii^m If Roml I* FjpMd tfrflr Devote Rest of His Life Worimm Against ’ * "** a m 4 mi Hi Miter I H OeuS!nS/jMf% ] raghg BBBteB teWR|ZgMMif I I ** —y^&wteytßsj •f W-totl •pitawLmT SSlp'Jg 1 \ The haothara g»w au«h atßdr rtNte a few hoars altar tohpM jp|g m§ ihe •hooting. Ha had **£+ lm hN wsys thought ho'd 4%" BWHOB aoltf. "Tho caolOgmS bui a already boo mßmi<dl ||BB4MM my oenecieaoa,- ~~ time since he lZ woaM "imm'dM hjrrrjrj: la Ih Oatmtt go aara k Judge Basil today agpgad Mb y*rt that Rphart —nnlmf ttm WMI dCBM older brother y Chicago, July IA-^MIl!I^Mllm Into BeUlr —— *** that slew Joseph g ('allfumia nriaM rgr ho doctored: “I lied to MVo M*!* Hla eldor broth#*. BaOpoßb ahagrf whom baa reeolvod aoosa at fgl Mdßfe intricate legal amaMvapg la AMdrlaaa juriaprudeaee, aprltar ptadßPff RPlBr the plan, waa taoad gaWy hyja Jaryt and after a half doaaa trlaM Rod *•> orietee now la awaittag laaß m th# gallowa la OMaßav. That the purfiortod arifaaglsd d| Robert wIH result la now lo«M mag. fare to sovo Btaaooll from BmT mom seemed certain. Jko poaolMb bfcmt at Robert's fairmsßt was bblug MdMaa-^ ~ ifci I'KhiUrf • and Majuilaer quoting inthirtTlai om rrlmthal low to dodartm oath lug could ho domo to senteuce to one of death. Tho aoarts ham lept jiiMMba ovar tho CMS afl fhr M UM «mMm la conceroai! they haH|iai Thdlfthli'b likewise, waa hpM that th* StMtlUk done with,Kasoatl aad tho aidsaMat can not help him ttmsHPf iUjpßbh H: waa pointed out thpl Ba in It bp par* dooed hy tha g—Tf|i| Ruaooll mod taara. "I always team- teWßlßm dap he Would toll tho Stary. lkh Ml «Bi I always knew wheat Rphggt Til , ' the night I wag Ip ttf daoMt MR t (Coot la aad Oh Bo|b^

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