TV- • ■ vrm tTI w* M* - _ -»> *» c ■ C.i_ ' '"* •.* * , 9 Stows VtosSto iii VttoiiiV' ' i :” ytoMHMtoitoiMSMMMHWM • VOUIW ms— ttUMUHI 18. _,. - . ■■■ —.. «.r*i~. * ■ • . '* ........ MRS. FERGUSON Will RESIGN RESULT OF PRIMARY CMHES BOSS MMESTS ESI ABLISH ME IT ST»TE FMJH >''towkiw, _ <• :..wL'j. r - ~ wtkv -—■■" ■ ” w' ... .v' Had Agreed To Retire If Attorney General Moody Defeated Her By One Vote Young Dqii Moody Is Ahead of AH Oppon -1 enta by More Than I—Says Princi . plea Triumphed Austin, Texas, July 28. • V y one vote In the •rat primary. • Her offer waa coatla gnat,pa Moody's agreement to resign aa attogpoy gaasral if aha should laad him by .JA.MO rotas pad ha aceaptod. Os the #77,*17 votes already oouat- IJX ATED AT NO. 110 SOUTH JAMES STREET , K THE HEART Ml BUSINESS SBCTIQN ' 1 '~i 'I m 1 Concord Woman Is Suicide *\ Klliabcth Cjty,l Juy M.— W) — • Mrs. T. D. Maaass, of Concord, to night was reported by physicians i to ha slowly sinking" pa a result of a bullet wound through her tem ple. mid to have been salt Infllct ! •*- Mrs. Mnnaaa haa been eitrcnutly daapondart. It waa ataled. since tha death of bar hnaband last tall, ghe waa visiting at tbs home of her brother here. Dr. Wm. Parker, a dentist. The wound waa Inflict ed shout 2 o'clock this afternoon sad she bad not recovered con erinuanesas elncr Physician* bald out no lopes for her recovery- REV. MPLENDON HOLD REVIVAL r* eT-mjr J‘ : ~ ' ‘ 5 Pin! Strriw hi Mowt OUtc Nt*t Saadoy ' Rev. B. F. McLendon. of Bennetta ville. Booth Carolina, will begin a revival campaign nt Mount Olive next Sunday, It waa announced yeeterdny. Rev Mr. McLendon la better known an "Cyclone Mack" and has held a number of successful revivals la this 1 part of the State. Many will recall 1 the meeting which he held at Kin ston several years ago. A few Sundays ago Rev. Mr! Mc- Lendon went back to apeak In Span- 1 cer. where he had formerly held a I meeting, and a grant demonstration 1 waa given him oir bin return. The 1 avangeHet practically, took the rail- 1 road town by storm'upon the occa sion of hla services In that city. As- < tor he had left that place aad gone l to "Atlanta for service. Spencer pen- ■ pie chartered a special train and 1 Journeyed to the Georgia city to hear < tha opening aervlee. William Radon, hla advance, man. In already In Mount Oliva, superin tending tha erection of a tabernacle with an estimated aeatlng capacity or 2.PQ*. John B> Jones, director of mu sic. Is also in the town to begin the organisation and training of a large rkolrtrf lead the singing. The whirlwind evangelist, who has been resting aad recuperating dur ing moat of the year, following t ( nervous collapse last fall. Is reported { to hava about regained hla usual good health end cornea to thin, hla first meeting since the one In Spartanburg last fall. In fine physical trim Messrs Radon and Jone* are among home friends In Mount Olive. Joaea' home town, and they have expressed themselves aa more than dllghted , with the cordial reception and of fers of hearty co-operation so far accorded them. I Statement On , PrCmeltr " -/ ' -1 • Winston-Salem, July 2*. —(JO Judga J. M Oglesby, of Concord, 4g clared In chalrging the grand jury In Pkirayth county superior court today that the time haa passed In Morth Cifrolln* when to convicts will be tolerattd. "Whipping convicts li an Tnkult to the decent rltlaenrtitp of North Caro-. Iltot aad I don't Intend to sentence any man bo any chafhgang where he Is beaten with n lash or anything else." said the Judge. "If the superinten dent or guard cant get aervlee' out of hie men without whipping than ha la Ini'* mi potent to be in charge of con victs." I e» ••y»‘ *** •• m rtU- * 1 ‘‘.r ~ ' t t i ifyi L— *. -.-L.-. GOLDBBOSO, N. C, TUBBOAY MOMNING, JULY 27, 1926 THOUSAND HEAR SUDAN BAND SUN. Cur Feme All Potato I« Eastern Carahna Are Nntod . Several thousand people attended tha concert of the Sudan Temple Band at Harman Park Sunday aftoraooa. according to estimates of those who ware preaaat. While tha excessive heat provestd th muaictana from do ing ihamsatvaa full JueOce. tha crowd waa treated to a Asa selection of etnndnrd pieces. Applnuaa greeted each number. Old Southern given In n medley eetoctlaa ehtlllad "Gama from Stephan roster," seamed to he * the favorite of tho crowd, aa Judged frojp the applause. Tho medley made up from bows of tha moat allrrtag of re ligious places, was wall received, aa wars the patriotic offerings The park waa crowded beyond Its capacity with can fro* every point in Eastern North Carolina - New Barn, Wilson and Kinston cars wars note fregueatlyj Washington. Ayden. Lagrange, Greenville. Rocky Mount. Trenton, Pate town and (Wilmington occasionally. Kim City, Fremont. Ra leigh, Smith§ald, Benson, (tour Oaks aad Fay a tie villa. One car' bearing n Tallahassee. Florida, license was noted. The number pf calr* from the coun try districts seemed to be In' tha ma jority, lbr It wna noted that there ware more care which did not hoar city license man than did. 'This waa plaaathg to tha local men who had been IBtoreatod In securing n good at tendaaas to* tha occasion, as they had expanded apaclal efforts tn Intern ing tha farmers of Wayne county In the concert. Tha band took places on a raised platform not far from tha fountain In the park. Dressed In the brilliant col ors of the full regalia of the order, the band presented a striking picture. •Daddy"' Price, of North Carolina HUte College, ufttod an director, and placards on tha platform announced that tho concert waa In honor of Fred B. Crow eon. K. F. C. Met* and W. H. Baades. A. number of people who could not And standing room neuer the band took places on the porches of homes around the park. Hundreds must have been accomodated In this fash ion. ■' ' WAYNECO. LED AT HOLTS LAKE Analyst* as Camp Activities In lanued by Execative Wkyne county lead all other coun ties In rrery department of nctlrity nt Oamp Tuacarora. according to sta tistics issued yesterday by Bcout Exe cutive W. W. Rtvers. Tha ramp ended Us moat success ful year yesterday morn'ng and the "Goat Patrol". ts back In Ooldsboro. much browtted and broadened by its experience at Holt's lake < The statistics us the camp era ts follow: Number of Hcouts by Counties— Johnston County 2»; Wayne U; Le noir to; Green 12; Ruplln 0; Houth Carolina 5. -Total I*7. Visitors at Camp by Counties Johnston Ift; Wayne 91; la-nolr 47; 4*r Duplin It Houth Carolina J Toia/ utf ™ -7 J Merit Badges won at Camp John- i aton 7; Wayne 7«; i;ecen 7; Itupl n A; la-nolr 3; Mouth Carolina 7. Total IM. Testa Paaaod nt Camp - Johnston 3; , Wayne I; l-enolr 1; Duplin 0; Green 0. Total la. Honor Decorations Johnston TOO; Wayne MO; Green MO; Lenoir 2*U; Duplin •; Soqfh Carolina 60. Total 1200. rot*!*D i/niTt New York. V'*y 2«. Wllllrm V. Dwyer, head of an alleged *14.000.. AM rum running syndicate, waa to night found guilty of conspiracy to riots tea the national liquor lows. TO RAISE FUND I APVERTSE LOCAL TOBACO MARKET Wedaaaday, Amh A Nannd as Onto tor GuMlßarhr ' -1 Dimcion Realising tbn iMtwftanwi of gtv- Mff pnMMty to tke *)eldabnrn to* j hneee market, tb»B«krd as Direc tors of toe Chamber of Coauaevce torn named Aegnat 4—Wednes day week m ton toy toey wfll kwneh n aa*pn>—i fer IMM te be used In adnwAMng the lenel market. The (*d will be raised by pepalnr snberrilpDen, and to. I Greet era es ton t'e> apt sere argaal astlnn "wRb ton ambtww es ear entire hnalaeaa ißtorest" will loaneb tke im*»n|Rk 11 kt pen* peand to expend tke land In sack fare* of pabllrlly aa the Orgnal nrtton may dee* win give toe ■net returns. % • Tke tort wank la 'lngest has ban* named by ton Clumber es Cetnauren m *RmI ton lw*d t«k*. It la hoped during ||jkt week to (rtbl Ike rtriaeas es tleldsberw to calling span nvery tobnern grower In Wayne aad ndjelalaff renatlee and extending to sank n pereertnt torkattoe la seU In LeMaberw. “The eppaetnnßy of k a lid lag eir market np te ton er twelve toe to**. We mmat avail enrarL votes tola prtrHewn.* says n atrte men* tbreagb Neerrtary Den* mark. 4te Ids heps will bin yser •Ais to eperaUen fear section renllaaea, and “this office bus tor assurance that all of the big companies will Have repps* sea tallies an ear market We are are nlse naan red by several lade. ’ pendent companion whs have art bengbt ea ear Market to ton part that they wIH be repreeealed » 9Wre v . S. MKW TORf ( OTTO!* New York, July i< -Cotton futpree closed fairly steady at a net adrnnee of 10 to 17 polntn. October 1*06: December 17.7 J; Jnnunry 17.74; March 17.P4, at 94; May " RECALLS GOLDSBORO CORNET BAND OF 49 YEARS AGO _ ... U a Seven Member* Still Alive—Was Finable Offense to Blow Horn Except When Mewing With Band To many of the .older rltlien* of Ooldoboro. (be «dPearaftr*. of the Su dan Temple Band here Hun day after noon 'Will brliio memorle* of „ sos- j ty-nlnr year* a*n when the iSoldnhoro Cornet Bend waa the city’* pr|de. There will be memorle* of the time when the hand played "for the la dle* at their 'diner' (dinner) party ■lven for the benefit of The boro Rifle*. M ' The secretary of the band wa* T. R. Roblnaon. of Roblnf»a‘* Pro* Com pany. and the book In which hr kept hi* record* I* now >fwned by Mr*. T. f). Crawford, deputy clerk of Sti Court The record (five* lh» minute* of the band from It* or ganisation on May 14. 1177 through * comprised of 15 of the 'young "men of aome of the flrat faAillle* of the < ty. and the book In the hand* of Mr*. Crawford Htse* Information of oilier* brine admitted to membernhlp later on. There la on* reonrd where an application for membernhlp wa* refused. Office** alerted at the flrat meet ing Cupt O. U Baker, U. F. I. Ca*lex, treasurer fl. W Dewey, leader, B, W. Hoffman. The** of ficer* war* elected on May 14. 11177. and they *eem to have nerved until **. 1177 when P. J k f>«- •** wa* made captain, and W. T. Hill (FUNERAL HELD MRS. STROSNIDER Eeteened Wetnaa DM at Has* pttal Sunday Afternoon 1 Funeral aerrieea ware held yester day aftoraooa nt 1:30 for Mrs Jdwfllm Kdgerton Etroantder who died In tha Goldsboro hospital nt 3 o'clock San i day. The funeral wna held from tha horac at the corner of John aad Chest nut street. Rev. J. M. Dan.tvltt pas tor of Bt, Paul Methodist Church, aa-, slated by Jtov C. L. Read* of tttfrk -1 ogham conducted tke acrv|c«». Mrs. Etrosnldnr wna one of the dear ly beloved women of tha city aad many friends were present to pay tri bate at tke services The floral offer ings wore bean Ufa!. ’ Pallbearers were H. L. Grabs*. Paul Yslvertoa. Will C. Rtrowd. Graven Smith. Rdwtn Las, George Downy. William Smith, and To* D*Wf* i While It had been known that Mr*, athmnlder waa Im serious condi tion, news of her ffuath wna a great "hock to the city. Ske had been S pA> tteat tn the Goldsboro hospital for about two weeks. She seemed recov ering fro* an operation whan a re lapse set la about four days ago. Mrs. Btrmgllaer was a jnemher of St. Paul Methodist church, and took an active part tn ton social aad reli gious activities of floidahoro. Mrs. Btroenider waa a daughter of the Lots Captain J.B. Kdgerton, who died a few weeks ago. She had faith-' tolly nursed her father to Ms tort Ul* ness. Growing up to Ooldsboro and I living here nil her Ilf*, she waa' known by many people In the city and j bhlnved of the* nil. She la survived by her husband. Dr. C. F. Btroenider. on« brother. A. H. Kdgerton. and a half sister. Mr*. John L. Thompson I.4JNBH Cttl'BT FIGHT July 2*. -(JPJ—Lasses I* Farrell, who has refused tq vacate the office of register of public lands at Phoenix, Aria., lost toe dec la km today In the Supreme Ovurt Os Hu District of Columbia to which he hod token hla fight to compel the Preel deot to issue him, a com mission. the constitution and by-laws of the hond at the flrat meeting were: Q, (*' Raher. George D. Dewey, W. K. HIM, ’ **. Is. dun, (has 0. Smith, Arn old Horden. Moaea Mom. B. M Hub br “ OB *v H Hobtneon. T. W. Dewey. J. H. Woodard. T. R Robinson. M. A,\4iaMmen. John Buchner, and James W. Raker. Seven of the original members are still living. They are: George W. Dew ey. T L. last ex. Charles fl. Smith, H M, Hobbeson. T. \V l><|wey. J D. Woodard, and T ft 'Robinson "According to previous notice." nads the first minutes In the booh, "the young men met at lly> drug store of Dr. W. H. H Cohh for the pur* t>«p/>»•* *.4. hJfr tbli.M' . A the meeting after which an election of officers was called." and officers named as given above. "The secretary was Instructed to correspond with Messrs. W. H. and Ed Nears, for the purpose of ascertaining on what terms either would i«tm> to Golds horo and Instructed the Itand for one ♦nonth" '» The above was written May 14, 1*77. The following weeh the Incip ient hand md and learned from tho ‘♦•otnmlt'ee that prof Neave would come to Goldsboro and Inst met the band for t*f> and all expenses -y*fh out concert or |IM with concert." A subscription was taken among the (OaaMßued On Pag a Two) v. ii '■■■i ■ ' . Assistant Attorney General Speak On Highway Plats Betore Local Khraw (U - ■ 'HJB i ■ * ■HI It I, 0 Il I —l.m Pf—fcdh> JBm. I I .■lll Lawyer Locked In By Mistake (Wartes Hat It Ik yont WWo« nttorno). hod • peanHar eip.w ayeatoitny wofnMfb t fc ww with Mienl olkr ly l nil ~"jrJ mT their cMeota. All es the Mtahon es the party eioe*t Mr. HwNh. flakhed their kMhooe h the J»M asd went eel h. Charley eonthnet he hath Mb ee»e wRh hi. rlteet. Whea ho propnwt U lease, all totti were "Bay. CeL La act tea." eMsaaa eke hat nea hi meat! eat of knot and wan vary aarwaan, "The Jnla int everybody It (eat, and lawyer (■MM 'b 9 -WeU, ee te Hhartff WraetS ah flee east aet a hay aai M hha " ■«--« J'.l eti. wwen ten. MHwwot. yer wan pillar te natal JFLSriZ h M Arms tMN (I kane, nbert stop, nod wrong! alb* M er ye« It lean at neoht ea the Mafen | I atveraMy banehaM teaan. Me la- II el law neaneitee ape. THEM DXYS ARE GONE FOREVER Dead 15 Yard* In Draaa naM Paid 4 ; Only $1.15 Par It gometlme ketweea Auguat ut Un camber. IMS, a Goldsboro woman «ot the aiaktaga (or a aew calico Arana. The draaa, together with buttowe gad thread, cant her IMS. Net wore than 96 casts want hare beta agent toy (he .thrgad and buttonn. (at 100 eras than netting at • eeata a yard aad with M centa expended for thla goods, the woman mu*t ham aaed about IK yarda of gooda In that draaa. "Why I could' make i drnaaoa nut ot that much cloth today." remarkad a local woqyn whan told of tha above "And eaAh ona would foot Ova tlnwa' an much Ja that tingle one," a hus banfr'addfcl; The ttgures cowcerateg the puretutae of IM2 were Whea from a day b»k at one time uitd by tha Brm of Whit ley and Howall which tmme to li|h» yaatarday. • * The name old book Halt fwo cigar* aaltlng for 7 renta and again three i-tgara for 10 renta. iNrn load* o( drayaga am Hated as aoatlag 76 cent * 16 centa n load. Drayaga o« can trunk today la 76 centa. Home other laiereeting prtcea Hat ed In the old booh follow:*?. S doien eggs at 16 eeata. 46 centa; to 11 1-2 Iba. meat. $9.23; to nilffh. II So, to I ,Ib. coffee, II ceeto; to I pair hone. SO cent#; la I pair shoes. |l to; to 61 Iba. bum at II I*l centa. »„ j abort no centa: to 6 Ibe tiara W t to l.otMc ahlnglea. >3:00; to 1 lamp chimney. 3 centa; to 1 bushel of corn. *I.OO To 1 yards calico. 34 cants; to 1 cigars, 7* casts; 'to 4 yarda domestic, 40 centa; u> 3 clgam, 10 cents; t. drayaga JS loads7l ceala; to t pair baby shoes, l£ cents; to 1 broom. IS cents; to 1 shirt. SO cants; to 10 3-t Iba bacon. $!.•!; to S 3 I*4 Iba. maat. »3 34: lo 12 Iba. fW>r.' 60 oaata; 1 pair ladles' ahoea, 12 ibj- bo 1 suit clotbea. sl4 JO. To I calico dress and buttons and thread 11.16 (calico was • casta a paid— must have been quite a few yards in that draaa. 1 . P'bhMnin ~ ‘| ; AaSOOAMP \ | ■ggwMr 7 : 1 Wf*? * KlSflHr' ifl< * ■. > • , . ■■■■i i i ’ Make Tajrti* Vwai —4p& t Tha KJwaatnag mn wy Wham* Ingly eatertalaed dsrtat thalr mge lad mtellßi last wUAi |w a aattk MM|k Carol tin roads, the gpgghnr Hr MM misi4i)( M charge of tha haggl daoortahaat M MM Mr. hem was tha (UjNMMaos by OTwaOMii Mwdpr* yamruia manias- *M ,ssn 9m* w« The latter among olMwJhjpng *»- In. matayatnwof improved nrndn. 2 or Its 4,200 mMet and ha feftad it ot drtvtag by a gmat «MP#iha «$• up and down those goad IWHfeh Me iiiasuwind haw - Trr rr “i have mom stringent MOV*. NMpwKi the present dny traffla wMb-MM 4H when people trnmlnd hi Mtlln. flPl the only mgulntlen nnnilagfr wwMM observation ol heaping |g n$M During the conma as Mi vna^pl be referred to the many iMm » of which ham a tend—ar ho lndv< the people of their (Mml|Nl| rtSMa, Yet said ha. Mam must bn oanw mWth Od of retaliation for MW other Mil* la tha prt|Unsan that «Mn« t$ ■» All moat be pratentod. The Raleigh MW such a system, matatalnad and rqsw* laird by Me state. wnnM hp tho WMI aatlafactary phi. "Them la no dooht shoot til tMft,, (hat the time ban coom whan M In «h* ■olutaly neceeaary to «M ntmng pro* tentative wnnnnmn hi frntonllao as the sans and camful drhnWn who wMh In make use of tha BptgWMt PUndi WO have expended appriulwgllly * hah dred million dollars ho nraoha 1 * Mr. Rons urged the mamhori of tip «hW to give (arefut umaldnggMan ho Mu question. Klwaatao Nafer latrOdwOPd lsr. 000. C. Kornegay. chairman 0t tha WUghd county commhulonam. to aid «Rs - he might deelm to tfeg ggod ad vtcm of Mr. Rosa. Mr. MhMpv gam a detailed oatllne of tha Moa* of thd Wayne county tomwlnMOß, whoh ttgr are doing. «ad plan to do durtag MW next two years Meagrs. UA. Rangy, Nathan Barger, and ‘MhnOM**Mhn- aamnhago ‘df'Mh abort talks . 4 , The oaly baainaaa brpughl hnlnrd the Huh was the alsatian df Klwaolao Ktank Taylor as Prepdant as thd otah» fulftlllag tha unespimd tanoa Ml M* wanlaa Vnnatory, who raaßMod ho oOaae huslneea lataresha bast Mw away from the city muth as UW thno, Ktwanlaa ( has Millar WOS MpriMl Vice President ■■■ naahfhr WlOliM Taylor. The fntiowtag goaoto wans In at-* tendance: T-f fit OlOh$'AgWWWaM Charles Rosa, ea-flhortft “* if Grantham towaahto. Onr>l C. RUtw . M. BhoeafaM. of ThgWMw end Mr UotdaWW.