si'.' . | f Wjipill .' tVA* r l 1 " -■■-=■ '1 - ■ —— VOLUME FIVE; NUMBER 1* vmmmmmrm TffTl -I .■! 4 -UJB f ---==*■ ' ■ '• ' ■ “ -- - -- : ~rz=s:=T. 1 1 ■■■■lllH ■ FIND MUTILATED BODY OF YOUTH IN NEW RIVER -( * , OFFICERS SEARCHING FOR WILLIE EVANS ON SERIOUS MAME SIX ONSLOW COUNTY WHITE MEN ARE HELD AS MATERIAL WffNESSESIN JACKSONVILLE Body Found in Now River by Lynchburg, Physician; Had Been Brawl; Mew Bern. July *7.—(*■)—«* young Oflw county white me§ »r« h«UI In Inn at Jacksonville without b*U a» Malarial witnesses In cqpaoction with thh death of Bltta Hollta. 17. of Roily Ridge. whoa# mutilated body waa found la New River, fww itillea from iackoowvllla Monday afternoon Thl* waa the iafonaatlon received over lons dlataace telephone tonight from' acting ooroner O. W. Jones of Onslow county. Throe of thooe In Jail gave the name of Howard, while two others are named Sedans the corn ney aajd The none of tho sixth could not he learned. The body, found hy a igrachburg, Va.. physician. when he wee flah- Ing In the rlrar, according to hla statement, waa later Identified by Hol lis- parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Hol lis. The body was In bad condition.' tbo coroner said, the thrdat baring boon cat oad the akall fractured. The cheat was badly bruised. The dead man appeared f t Met been In tho water far sometime. Halite waa laet seen Saturday af teraoon at 2 o'clock la company with tha all yoaths now fa Jail, the coro ner eatd. He passed through J*ck aoartlle with them, stopping at an old eaphalt plant shout three miles from Juckeoavlll*. Hero sometime later the police was railed to quiet a drui "brawl'’ among them. No - arrests wore made at tho time. Early that night, however, four of the gig returning through Jackson ville were Jelled after they had drif ts their car into another machine. Later released, they were re-arrested shortly after the finding of (Jte body Monday. The parents of Hl4 othex, two surrendered them to thet qwthorl tloe today. j No clue ne to where Hollis was •*d‘n. If he was. baa been Cor-1 oner Jones said. The graphs It plant where the row tools..trine* la the af ternoon la located on a creek three quarters of a mile from the point where the body waa found. The officer expressed the opin ion that th.» body waa towed down the creek and cut adrift In the New River. A search np and down the creek- and examination of every row boat failed lo reveal any signs of blood, ko said rSILDRF.IT PLANT ffARSF* Roanke Rapids. July 27. —<£*)— Thirty-eight gardens, some of thorn belonging not over eight years old*wM nil showing especial care, have been Jndged for children of the Rosemary section of Halifax county, Mias Hasel Ervin, county agent, has reported. Lettuce, beets cucomtuirs, llpje beans, equasb, .tomatoes- onions and Jounce have been grown successfully. The moat of the gardens are being tended by children whose parents are employed at the Rosemary, mills: vegetables for winter urn. Silk Worth *slo,ooo Stolen Oakland, Cnllf.. July 27.--(JP) Ten or twelve men hoarded a Houthern Pacific freight train -loaded with silk and special mervhawd(»* at Newark, south of here, today, overpowered the train crew sad threw approximate ly of the freight to confeder ates alongside the track, who escaped la an automobile. Three suspects wore at Ntlm. the first stop, where the robbers leaped from the t*n%, .... u _ A •! * I. , ‘' ■ i .. i LOCATED AT NO. 110 SOUTH JAMES STREET 1N THE HEART OF THE BUSINEBB SECTION - ' • ' , I- ... - STORM ABATES ! IN FLORIDA Leaving ENtnutgcd Shipping ( ropn and Wir* Fa - ‘ » .... -WfM * * * Jacksonville. Fla.. July 27.—(de luding on n wind which at times reached a velocity of 100 miles gu hour, the storm which came, out of the Cnrrebereaq sea yesterday hit the lower Florida coast today and was travsltng up the Atlantic seaboard to night. leaving Hi Its wake distressed i.blpptpg. damaged crops and crippled * Ire facilities. * The storm was reported lets today centered between |Palm Beach and Juplthr, Florida, apparently moving slowly north westward. Miami reported, damage of 1100.900, three-fourths of which was suffer ed by the avocado pear crop. A lino? than met death when he came la touch with a live wire on top of a telegraph pole. This was the only lose reported late today In the storm swept area. Th Miami the rain ceased at noon and the wind had dropped to mod erate force late today. Palm Beach received the full force of the storm In an 00-mlle an hour wind. The barokneter went up to 29.03. hut tho blow abated at three o’- clock this afternoon. Ocean Drive and the fashionable sea front boulevard of Palm Reach fronted by palatial homes was said tp have been badly damaged by high waves. Trees were uprooted an# the roofs lifted off seven houses. Twenty ynrbts anchored at thr yacht club pier broke away and were smashed. t ’An Italian steamship caught the full force of the storm off Jupiter In let and late today was fighting for W existence. Five ships were In the vic inity of thr distressed vessel which had broken her steering apparatus. t _ * Again Peach Crop Is a Bumper One July 27. -Georgia's golden horse of luscious pearhra, now mov ing Into every corner of the Nation will not begin to show gny signs of letting up until Heptemher 1. This Is two weeks later than the usual Urns for the closing of thel Georglq peach season. This year’s | prolonged shipping Is due to s bump er harvest, drsplte prlng's Isle cold snaps. KJstlmata swere made that Georgia's peach crop would net the peach grow ers something like 912.MM.U00 In 192*. While thla year's Is not quite the largest commercial crop In history, the peach Is said to be virtually free from all worms, nears, pits and othrr defects. A new system of marketing baa been worked out hy the Georgia Peach Growers’ Exchange to prevent the larger markets from becoming glutted and cauaHig price depression, as bps been the caae heretofore Argument With * - Th|s One Taboo -=r—> Parts. July 27. There la-no chance to argue with n new type of tele phone operator recently Installed hers. It Is >a 24-hnur-a-day phono graph. When a person calls a number that has been changed, he Is automatical ly plugged In on the phonograph and hears a voles announcing In aonoroua tones: "Tb's number has been changed; i pleas# consult thr new telephone di rectory. Thla number has been changed; please consult tha new I*l - 1 ■ "■■■ V, ars Tr-grrrr: 1 ,t;;--r -.-j-.-. GOLDSBORO, N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 28. I»2< BEGIN TRIAL OF FIVE MEN % » Chargofl WUh H*viit* Outraged Pettet Girls Last * " February San Diego, July 27.—UP) —the last (h%ptar In the tragedy which claim ed the lives tha family of Tbomaa M. Pet eat hare last February, waa to be written today In Tl Juana, reaort iown across the lower CalHbrnU hod oar from here, when five men will lace q Mexican court charged with having outraged the two Peteet daughters. Clyde and f The IRo girl*, with their parents were found dead In a gas-filled room a few days after they declared they had been drugged and attacked In the border cltv. In a note found near (he bodies gir faher declared tho family sught death rather than en dure the shame they felt was theirs. The defendants Zeaado I Janos, firmer chief of police of Tt Juana; Louis Amador, keeper of the saloon in which the glrjs alleged they were drugged; Refugio Alvareg and Fran cisco Navarro, bar tender, and Bal vador Epinnaa. taxicab driver—were brought Into court yesterday and the complaints charging them with the criminal attack reiuj, Judge Dries then ordered all but Atvares returned to Jail, wheer they have remained since they were arrested February 10. Alvaros has been at liberty on pro bation. The trial will be held la the eoro n uirftr hall of Tt Juana and will be dreed to tho'^ public. Special passes Lave been leaned lo newspaper writ era. In the event of conviction the men may be puniahed by prieon term* ranging from alx to eight yeara. WILLDISOJSS STATE RIGHTS Governors Representing East and West Gather ia Wyoming . _ \ Cheyenne. Wyo., July. 2 State rights will be djscusafcd by gov ernors representing the egst and weal at tha opening of the second day of the twelfth annual governor's con ference here today. '• The difference of opinion that led to a breach between the north and south, Ilea today, as evidenced by the views of Governor delegatee, be tween the east and the west. The east, they say, Is defending ’‘(fie pol icy of federal control' of national re sources and the vast, undeveloped stretches of the far west and the west Its holding that the' federal jlomaln | in Its sections |g an encroachment upon tha rights of Ita respective states. Governor Ralph O. Brewster, of Maine, and J. H. Trumbull, of Con necticut, will speak on "Htata Jtlghts and Obilgatlona.” to represent the oast while governors Walter M. Pierce, of Oregon, and George F. Deem, of IT tah. will take up the western view point with a4dresaes on “Western re action" and -''the public land ques tion." ' > Other speakers on the day's pro gram Include Governor Franklin 8. Billings, of Vermoiy. on "prison-mad* goods and possible interference 'ia distribution" whoyc address la to pre a round fable discussion by all jar-? ci nor Adam M. McMullen, of Nehras la. will speak on "efficient state ad ministration." * Honolulu and Ht. are bidding for the next conference but It la understood the 1929 meeting place will not be selected until the executive board session next winter. THftltvrON» niVORIFH Philadelphia. July 27.—(iPJ— It he came known here today that a di vorce waa granted July ftth hy the Philadelphia courts to Virginia Blair Thornton from Hlr Henry W. Thorn ton. prtrgftient of the Canadian Na iiUDßi Hr! Imrwl <■> g ——■ I" .yi. ns ...I H.S First Death In ' Mexican Trouble MEXICO fIYV, Jaly 27. The «jrst death frap rieleaee la the preseat con Met Maris the gav -matcat ahd tha Latheik- rbarrh was r«parted hy a rerre>p« adesl leday. Me repariad the l>n>l»i as the mqrwr *f XeteMtam, who had attached a leva! Catbslk priest. , Coolidge WarnH American Citizens Paul Bmitha. N. Y.. July 27. VF)- Praaidant V-uuHdga hopes Gut Ameri cans hbi-oad will make allowances X. ' # for conditions la the foreign coun tries they are visiting and will not Indulge In any unwarranted criticisms or any recriminations. Hie portion of tha president who was made claar la the matter at the executive offices today without, how over, any direct reference being made to the demons! rat tops that have oc cured agaiast American tourists In France. Th* desire of the United Staten, It was said, waa to maintain friendly relations with all ceentriea aad the belief waa expressed that the attitude of Irresponsible persons or the Unit ed States for foreign countries should not he treated too serjpuely. It la necessary. It waa added, for Americans abroad to rssllae at this time that pMoplm of some other coun tries are In a difficult!** with sym pathy. Borne American tourists It was said are of a somewhat bumptlone nature' end If that type obtains some educa tion and discover* that thsre are oth er people in the world who are entitl ed to some consideration, not much barm will be done. If the more responsible type of American finds things abroad uaaat lafactory, It waa asserted, there la al ways tha remedy for them to come end spend their money here. Cozart & Son Erect New "Packing House For $60,000 Will Be Able to Handle All Live Stock of Wayße and Adjoining Count lew . ‘ w After hxvliiK been In buatnees In Goldsboro (or Im» (ban two and t half years I hi* wall known flyn of, fnsart and Bon believes In thla MC- | tlon of the state to thi* extent lhal they hare count runted a new parkin* hnuae. It la lorjded on the extension of South t'enler atrert, Jual below Vlnron'a wood and coal yard, and j equipped It with every modern facil ity >n order that tuny may better lake rare of their ever Increasing pat ronacr. The new plant wflh Ita of fice and refrlxeratton equipment, drill coat approximately fti0.000.04). The fU 'M , The firm of t'oxart and Bon started 'n biialneea on Center atreet and Mulberry about 2N month* ago. doing doing at that time only a jobbing bualueaa. About n year |at«u* they constructed 'a slaughter him«ee : on Hourh John atvret, In might prepare the raeaL ■trade from .the lire stffk wßjt'(iti wrouml Wayne r-opnf f. ‘ 11 lilt dr I| lint <■ for rhrtr. ruVrt.i .Tji a -grtrAl 2• ree making preparations Veeater.,. plant. The present eqhifla meni about 120,000 00 Thus It i ufc-l»* atan. lhal this firm baa every |:i the future of Goldsboro na a trad-1 bur .enter „—T ““ ‘When In mir n^MpM l *' we well.' he able to buy. and care h»r, A live s)ork that may be and prepared for the market by all the r»»*>plea of Wayne and a>g or eight ad jacent count lea." stated Mr. R T. On* rsrt. ampr ftp the tirpi. yesterday whet W« tatatotawrt tat • »n*te-J NEW SUPERVISOR HAS ARRIVED Het*B WHbom To Take Plica as Mm Spear ’ Miss Hslon Wilson. ,of Rockwell (Tty. lows, arrived la Goldsboro yes urday to assume her duties as rural supervisor of the schools of Ways* county. Mlsa Leuf? Bpears, who has been auprevleor for the past three years, nlvrs up her work at the end of the week. n, , 9 ‘ Mies Hpenr will spend, sometime visiting In Klnaton, her home. She ia to be married to T. W. Guthrie, of Rallshary. In tbo fall. Mias gpaar has made many friends during her stay in Goldsboro sad they will regret to see her go. She remains la Golds boro. for th* real of th* week to as sist Mlaa Wllstyi In getting acquaint ed with the detail* of the position • County school authbrftkM feel that they have a competent successor to Mlaa Spear In Miss Wtjson. She was educated at lowg Ruth College and secured her Master’s degree from Teacher’s college, Columbia Ualver aly. The past year she served as rur al auprevleor of Rutte County, Cali fornia ,aad prior to that ah* waa (ounty superintendent of Calhoun County, iown. She has a record aa r successful leeeher. Barber i« Abo Town Historian Huntsville. Mo.. July 27 --Ttp hqr ber shop of Rugby and Mayo la the home of the city’* archive*. Here la a huge diary, resting on a center table, are chronicled each day’a events. t The “barber shop book ends all dis putes. When customers get to argu ing about th* coldest or hottest days the book la opened and Iker* la foand the truth in black and white. . It’a no use £o try to sell your flve-yedr-old used car a* a two-year old because the Kook will find yon %ui. J s «. * 0 tad lit lea for handling all of Ha, aa wall, an Iba market for It'd dlatrl but Ion". \ The firm la now oparatlna nine i nucha for the delivery of their pro* •liirla outalde of fioldaboro and two j cracka hteldr the Hty limit* They har* approximately 'twenty man In i their employ# and In their nauaaa* department they employe twelve glrle nt preaant. Aa aoon aa they ar« In rttetr new plant they will require at leaat half that many more, "t oaarta" aauaaae la their apodal feat are. al thouirh they deal In all other .pack ln« houae tinea. They have In their’ new plant cold atoraae farllltlea for the refrigeration of 150.000 pound# 'if perlahahle produrta. The firm la > of hi It. t'o - Hr., and R. T. < tncher and aon Mr. It T, Omari. tpK* manager, haa Jlyed „>n tioldahoro only a few year#, and prior to hla entry In bual peaa for hlmaelf, waa aaaodated with thflft and o>. here and at. Raletali . Wt pi*wjg>'4tnrt •enaedah .«* **-e**-i ply the hualnmf* men In ■rnernl aa huatlera and hooat ahorl the ftrm of f’osart A Hou hiKJif a r#tl a***t to (tolriahorr) I f(p*^ J fftroiirMlliiK and thtdr eaij| i**< |>Hpiii£d!> evidence that |*U£ieee la the will to UQu and thl hccept an I erformnlty/ Nlr. J oaart atated that It war dnr to the liberal of the Oolda iKiro *njen h«nla were able to Inr.reaae their faWmiea to the »«- tent they hnvr, and herald that both i BOOTBLACK CHARGED WITH ATTEMPT Tfl fAMMIT DAPF AliLßirl lUtUinMll mic BY MRS. LILLIAN RUSSELL i» 'M ■ I- V'*!>■*<* EGYPT FORCES DIGGERS OUT b >' ■ *■’!, •< SquaMfM Onr ! RuanllMii * W,U ** London July S7—Aa a dir ret coa seqaenre of riwNt squabbles with U»r Egyptian antiquities department, Prd?' lessor Mr W. M, Flinders Pr|ri«, the world famous R«|IM NopalWdi. baa daeldod to abandon all ai op ra tion work la Egypt and t mat far bla staff to Palestine. Archaeologtma working la Jm ora Minn* constantly Irritated br thr "high handed" acf-on of the new ly-formed antiqultlaa dapartmaal. wttich his at Us hand. Plarra Lnena, a Frenchman. It la stateA that lhay ara being sak rd ta- iliß atraaaaati with 1 nous which glva Ws depart mat practical ly. despotic pager* ovar slmoat amp data * I of tbatr work Professor Peuto baa lat|«Mod that ha coaatdara aoJk of the taptlallm to Ur no ludicrous that H la >|—ga 'tibia tor him to maka any farther plana for work la Rappt. far tba tame rraaon a party of aMllad American aicaratoi a at Thebse haw ahaademad all excavation work, dad there la a llkrhilhood of other oieavatara with* drawing. "I am bringing my fifty years work In niypt to a clone tb|a yanr". aaid Profaasor Petrie la aa lateral*** here. • and am flolag to South Palaattha, where erary aaalataaoe la gtvsa to archaeologists. The dot-ta-tha maa *»r attitude token up by thr authorl tlea In Egypt baa mad# it Imp—kflfl for me to rontipue my work. Tie ■Uuatlon there from the polat of view of archaeologists la aothtag bhort of farcical. “The old law concerning f*nda made by axsasatora wag that Ihe fin der ehoald hare half of what he touad. The other hair waa taken by the government. That waa fair aaoagh although tha government generally ’took the better half. New law* in troduced eatpnwer the government to take everything the excavator eo long an hla expeneea were Thai meant that the government cqpllp take anything of great tatereat and "Imply give the archaeolglst back bla rxpenaea. Three keguUtlon*. how- e *ar. were only once put Into fifrte. “Now, however, Lama require* that 5 no workmen ahall be employed with out official sanction for each ladi vldast man. No visitors may be ad mitted to oae'a excavations without the name official eaßctloa. and one may not European on the work uuleaa Hnpoo baa been ladl virtually aanctloned by the antiquities department. “An exravalor may not put up any shed or building on the site of bla work without first consulting and submitting the plsn of such a build ">* to hrsdquarters,. Every find made j by aa excavator, under the new agree ment which be, Is required lo sign, has to be placed at lb* dlapoaal of the dl lector of the 'Atoparlaieal pf fenllqut- Inspector to oversea the work, wkllr thr excavator baa lo pay the man's salary. **A further rule Instituted by the Hulborllles says that no workman may be paid for any small rtads be makes. The result has been that hun dreds of Hnutii specimens which would normal have been preserved' are being overlooked by the native workers. **l have alwwya paid my men the Leal value for the f’pd* they make. This mad* them carets I not to ovnr-I I loo>t **d sM» remtpad taj , -v \, * ' 'viSj*' t* -• 'mf VF.': VvrfC ' —Am a , ~ t • -- - - -2 - MW AflßOCliwHvP' f if pmbTj t I DISPATCHES » —m—mi i i i ii l mi * '- i—- PRICE FIVE CENTS • .TL.e'rSkA n'%i Negro Has Left For Parts Unknown and Officers are Oeaduct- Ing Wide Search imd4#i Imnw Imnht la «*» M» ts tag. I the rase. My*. BnUer and Mr. WtfWM registered at lie hotai JgHW ■•• Fit lag Nr. Bailor waa out aT when Bvnaa eaflkfl lo MEVJlSakl^^g other rwport in that the —*»•*»#» loom end tator rwtafMd mA MM the attempt to oammtt B* «MP; cam. one «he -road vto*. X * p* Mr. Boiler rets mod l» ttm ktt room some minute* later aai hia Wt.. told him of what bad MlfUti, J cording to a story told Irr the negro fled wh«fll she aoffljH »d, after having thrwsm bar MfIMR the bed. Upon hearing tha story br Mm. Batter. Mr. Batler mag tor bell boy serrtoe, Iblnkiag, socordtag to tha report, to then J. (’. Vanatory. totoWBFJiMBh what naatataatio he oonM to tba aon ple. he told Tba HeWi. * , They oheebad oat a tow btortM Inter, and several boom totof tba «d --flcers appeared with ton wiflMl tor the negro. UeaaUaM he bad Ml tor imrti unknown. A Mr. and Mrs Bnttor left On inhere yesterday afternoon for Batolgb M said they wonM ro«om ««**** Ixslnst the negro to flbgfl ho wag AI 2" coup 14 registered from Maflnltd Of ficers understand that thay worn orl yiaally from Wlnotoo-4gtop. Mr- Butler la a painter by trada. 0. 'M. Smith waa employed as flonooal kg the couple. _» ■ v _ r * Min Jane Roberts Has BailgnH Miss Jane A. Roberta, tor tha pa* three yenre home demonetraliln agent for Wayne rouaty. has raaigand dM will leave at the end of tha woak tor her home ta Oreoawood. B. Ck Mtoi Roberta will probably reabgto dotoon stration work la Alabama la tßg toll. Educated at WTathrnf Oallaga. South Caroline, and atVmbtdy Oal lege. Mine, Roberta came lo OolßdMd* ’krsc yearg ago aa boms danaaostra tloa agaat. During tha Ugsn that man's clubs, and cammmMr fltohl Lave been formed to every Mdtofl ot tb* rouaty. Throngb bar. thn flB»% market waa eoukliahad. and aba was instrumental to securing the toRIm cf a branch of Rissar and Rflktoowito Northern poultry merebaata, toftoMto * . Ilf TMK CMW NEW YORK* Jaiyne>£|MfedK| Mire swsady gkgjME’