I THE WEATHER I I - probably gal*. I L_ | . VOLUMS FIT*; NUMBER IM STORY HURRICAN DAMAGE BEGINS COME IN _ l\ * *’ MO*E THAN $160,000 WAS SPENT IN ILLINOIS PRIMARY TWO LIVES LOST AND DAMAGE Inure runs into mum J 5,000,000 IN NASSAU ALONE * ‘ t •« ‘ I 1- Cities Hurriedly Adopt ed Measures for Pro tection of Exposed and Outlying Points JAOKOONVIU4E, rla, July St.— The Wm Indian hurricane that has raced akmg the coast of Florida staca Monday paaaad 'sS Sm oodat near near Jacksonville late today and ad vanced toward Ooorgta. The Jack aonrllle weather bureau edßl the city wao out of the atom am aa the wind had retrod had the atom can tor had paeeed to the Borth and eaat. The atom took only two tlrea aa . tt gamed up the Florida coast but tt caused property damage eattamt ad is the millions. Palm Botch** loo* waa estimated at one million dollars. That ot Sbawart. Fla . as 9M0.0M. and Miami at 91M.M0 la addition to demote to ahftpplnd. tele grapg aad telephone wires, and crops at scores of places. The atoqa waa lessen lap la Inten sity aa It fame up the cook hot waa otill of hurricane force Inhabitants aad summer real dents at coast re aorta harried Into the city for safe ty. Vessels eojjthl abaUer Ite IW*r harbors. * Rescue St the Itallaa freighter tea Oio teooado was tshorted thru radio moarnte to St Augustine. Fla. It said the rcaeel had been taka* la tow by tbs steamer West Har ahaw. which Is proceeding to Ja.ck aonrills, whara It la doe tomorrow at aeon. Since early Monday morning the Italian ship had fought heroically against (ho force ot the hurricane. There Is a crew Ip addition to the captain had three alien*; Report* ot damage where the storm had passed came la aa crippled wire facilities elowly were restored A message from Nassau byway of Ml aml Bird the damage there at »5,- taa.OOO The hurricane hit Nassau af 4fr Jt came up out of the Carrlbean tea aad before touching the lojpr Florida eaat coast. North of the storm, and In Its path, waralaga were Issued to persona and Teens Is to get to places of safety. Brunswick. On., sent a messenger to Bt. Stmonda Inlands nod the Tlsttors aad residents there rushed Into the city by every available means. The Georgia National Guard en camped oa Tybee Beach was ordrred lato barracks at Fort Seri vena when Its camp was flooded by the advam-e rainfall. The North Carolina National Guard encamped at Fort Moultrie, on Sul livan’s Inland, opposite Cl|irlea|on, South Carolina waa ordered into bar racks. Charleston warmed nearby islands aad summer reaorta by tolling the Ve hells and displaying hurricane Agnail at the cualoms house. Women end children were brought from Tybee Island to Savannah on a •pedal train. . BRUNSWICK. On., July M.-The highest tide since I*lo swept It* way 2lVSX gabmerging the lower parts of New Gaetle aad Gloucester streets and oOrering all water front' roads In and about the rily. - «, Two waahouia have been reported by Ihe Atlantic Coast lJne railway near Wayneevllle. Oa., and all traf •c waa diverted byway of Jeaeup. The Balat Mintons highway waa cov ered with water and residents at the Island were moving up aa rapidly aa possible The east bench road also waa covered. At noon today the barometer waa still falling aad the wind Increasing ip velocity, - ( W rmiMtin n i inr LOCAto) AT NO. 110 SOUTH JAMES STREET-—-I N TOR HEART OF THE BUSINESS SECTION '' *■' ; '1 ■ U * J 4 GOLDBBORO. N. C. THURSDAY MORNING. JULY 19, 1936 , * * JUJBKMXJVZ'-pi. -k. I Jp TO PRESIDE AT' \ RICHMOND MEW • J. A. Beat, President Soutl r» Retail Merchants Conference 1 J, A Beat, one of fee best kn «i merchant* of Fremont ynd prealdej of the Bouthcrn Retail MerchaiJ Conference, will attend the nnntl meeting ot this outstanding Souther organisation when It convenes { Richmond. Va., August 17 to contln through August 20. Accompany! Mr. Best and alao attending the c<i I ere nee will ha merchants from ma towna IA North Carolina. The conference has been an annti event for a number <tf years, brln log together retail merchants, fre all over the South, for the purpose mutual assistance In developing be ter mergfesndlsin* practices. Men < national |rominencc In the merchai t|fe field, specialists In varioua phnst of merchandising. and auceeaaful r tail merchants deliver Instructs talks which have proven of great he I to tboae attending the conference. A elaborate program of ealaeiatnmM* always la arranged by the dtrrctoT for the benefit of the 1.000 or mos People who attend An outline of ths year's prograil juat received by Mr. Rest indicates'' that, from the standpoint* both of ed ucation and entertainment, It wilt eclipse that has been arranged heretofore. Heading the Hat of prom inent speaker* will be Governor Har ry Flood Byrd. Virgin>ai business governor who also Is on agricultur alist of prominence. c He will a|>eak The Relation of Agriculture to Business". _ Successful retail merchants who will address the conference, giving Its member* the benefit of their knowledge and experience are: Mr. J, A. Best, president of the conference snd a merchant of outstanding prom inence In the Fremont, N. f\, section: Mr. A. L. M Wiggins, of Hartsvllle, 8. C- and Mr. Bdwtn G. Watklna. of Henderson. N. f., both of whom are equally well known In tlylr respe*- tlve sections. All are known through out the South progressive and successful merchants. The hfonder phases of merchandilt- Ing will be discussed by Mr, John If. Matter, of the if. 8. Chamber of Com merce. who will speak on “Some Problems of the Retailer and Their Solution'*; Mr. W. I) Thal hlmer ,of Thalhlmer Bros., Richmond, whose sqhlect will be. "Turnover and Its Kffect on Mark Downs.” Judge H. B Will*, of Borden Town. N. Y.. considered one of the best and most intereatlng humorists of America, will provide the wit and humor of the conference. The entertainment program In clude* alght-seelqg trips through lilchmond to "Maymont”'rtte mugnl fldrnt estate recently willed to Rich mond by Major James H. Dooley as a museum and park? attendance at a Virginia la-ague baseball gaipe be tween Richmond and Petersburg and ' ‘*iw **»*>»» *.,*." *» trtM*rv-'»a.t.,(ta, 1-'f Tithh <•». Ing and other recrealton will he en joyed. A special train will convey the Conference delegate* to thl* pop ular beach resort, lunch and refresh ment* being served by the entertain ment committee. r > * *KW YORK COTTON « New York. ,luly SI. (Ah—Cotton futures closed steady at a net ad vance of 1R to l» points October December 17.7«; January 17.83; March 11.06; May YOUNG PEOPLE ( AT MONTREAT “ 4 Well Known RelißiottM Lender* on I'roßTam at School Montreal. July 2* -(A’t Hcycral hundred young people are asstinbltri at Montrefet, the summer assembly ground of the Southern Presbyterian church. attendlnfTJhe Montreal lead ership training school, which will be In seeolon until August 3. The school I*, held under the dl lectlon of the leadership training di vision of the executive committee of publication and Sabbath school work. Rev. Wesley Kake“r, of Richmond. Va.. d'rector of thin division. I* presiding ' oay utnHAii l uumWR Sold Jew els to I*ocal Party Ooldsboro’s Herman ..-oltiny grows. Mr. apd Mr*.» Max jtlapa and Cefle child arrived yesterday frsm Alien brtrg. Germany, pnd will make borne here. Mr. and Mrs." Stup,, ar<- Ihq second German fn.i.lly U» conic to the cRy lu the last year ki.d bring the number of native fU-rpi.in* In tp.. city to six. t Willie Zobcl, of the staff of the Goldsboro ArgutT?* a brothuv of Mr*. Htaps and Mrs W. H. Ungiton U an aunt of Mr*; Stups. It was through Mrs. Uttigstt* thbi the Znbel and Stgpa fumljic* Mealed In Goldsboro: —ueft almost destitute gl the end of tho Vwiurld War Ytr>lx>| looked .-ironud for » place whor« nr could begin life unrw. and found It here. - - 4 While relative* advanced him mon ey for passage to America, he” has already made a slprt toward finan cial Independence Cure turning to America. has been here only a year, he hut purchased a home •Od is well advahoed jn the payments I upon It. At out: time the German Countess I Travars visited Mr* Ungston her# I v.llh thr purpose of fmtllng a piir (haser for family Jewel* which »h« impoverishment of war necessitated her to sell. It I* understood ihat she lound a buyer In a Goldsboro cltlxeo. U. S. to Defend Joah Crisp CIfARI/VTTK, July 28 -The f,til ed State* will aid in the defense "of Joab f’rlsp when lie Is tried by the state Os North Carolina lu Superior court at Murphy far the death s.f V *#r ‘1 . 'V. «w-. . . - k * -9 , -- **r- w». • w-> * ■ ***«• fc Wpw%f-.|gp-imN»Pxi|. ops#t <er shot and kHIj-rf McClure and kill/ ed hint In line of duty, according «> J, Jj Osteen, deputy ndiutnlslrattr in charge of Federal prohibition fit Western North Carolina., I*l KK TKI WKKT Charlotte, July 28 (Ah The board nt .trusters Os 1»|. Duke foiibdatlon belli an uolmportpnr buxine*- meet ing hers Tuesday amtJrsnsai led only routine business. It was announced upon adjournmeni. The meeting lasted nnir, a <knr* time and the trustees bft for Utslr 1 hong## immediately tficrealter, ML Olive Child Dies ! From Kerosene Advices reach lag GuMsbare yaa tertlay were la the effect that William Kay, d-jear-eld-soa of { Nr. aad Nrs. J* J. Jdra%ag. of 1 Neunt Olive died at I u’clacb , Tuesday afternoon from lb* efforts nf swallowing herosrah *O. Tbs little fellow, mistake, swallowed a uaantlti .of kerosene a boat neap last Saada|> wad death Is supposed to have., labelled from Ihe preseare of the ell m his wind pipe. Kaueral services Wfre held at Ike boat* of Ihe pwrwdla Tuesday a iter now. and lalermraj waa la the Nona! Oliva eeamtoryj INVENTS FIBRE WHICH ABSORBS MUCH SOUND t a- •inven After TWrty Yearn of Unremitting Effort OKNBVA. Il|.. July J7.—Thirty Ur* unremitting effort to lesaea pocks and nerve-trritatlon from re octed sound ts crowned here today Ith the announcement by Colonel 6. ■jiihyun, founder of the Riverbaafc ihoratorie*. of tho of a Material that absorb* sound In fe' man Jer that can be only b« likened to h<- nbeorbltlou of Ink by blotting pa ler. | This material was perfected by Dr. Paul K Hablne of Rlverbank labor- Idortea, who has carried on for the |msi -lx yeara the work begun by Ms laid comdn. Hrofeaaor Wallace C. |nblue, of Harvard university. A* wa the life of his cousin, virtually te entire Ilf# of Dr. Bablna-Juta been noted to tbc study of sound. An idea of the Importance of Dr. iblne’a discovery can be gained by iy Individual who will recall i eck up In his own reactions lo the lutltltude ot* nerve-tormenting -jund* he or she experiences In the eairse of an average day. That such siindlf produce fatigue, nervousness til, frequently. 111 health Is admlt tej by medical authorities. '‘Consider the average city office." aid Colonel Fabryan. today, In an ti uncing Dt. Sabine’s discovery. Tel * hones Jangle, typewriter* rattle, t Inclatlng devleea clatter. There,, are I otsteps on the floors, the eredk of imttnre,. and the noise of voices, ow. It I* a scientific fact that Ihe jverage wall -reflects more aonud Lan the most highly prllshml metal inrface refleats light. Thus, the Inund within an office strikes the Ivtilla apd Instead of being absorbed ■ire bounced back. The result la ex cessive and unnecessary noise ihat is [a sou res of discomfort to workers •and that lessens their efficiency. "Iu some room draperies, ruga and the clothing of the occupant* provide sufficient absorptive surface to aen*- < Oily lessen the annoyance. This, however, |» not generally the case, as such modern construction as ot flo buildings. bauks, hospitals, t-.funds and ao on testify " 1 1 idotiel Fahyran then went on to iplnt -ut Ihat' Dr. - Sabine’* dlacov j \ la’s special plaster Ihat gees on 6. Walls in the sain*, nmutier a* or nliiary pbisler; that Ibis plaster Is porous Instead of dense and that Its composition Ip such that the bulk of i’i'fi >ct*l *he* sfrlk-s *vsj*»* V <* , of being reflected. "We hav*. testing this plaster fur five years.” Colonel Fabryan con tinued, ’’on two rooms tn our labor slories here, on a room of the Uh-mI high scho-d and In j* number of Im portant auditoriums throughout the Cnlted Stale*. The plaster on the \allsWif all theec ro«*m* la In perfect condition tf*day. and we have demon strated through It* use that It Is pos sible In secure with It Ibe maximum gconstlral efficiency In any theater, rh»M*b. auditorium, school room or public bulldtec •• well at I* e*t tkiw ti - OH VBCR T*k . s .7 STATE WILL M AKE FIRST PAYMENT * On General Fund Note* I—ed Yenr A#ur ltal4tb, July 2».-■(ip) within the next few days th* State of Nm’Hi Car olina will pay out approximately HWi.iMHt ati tlia firm annual payment on the General Fund notea leaved a year airo to rare for all outstanding oblkght lima wheu tpq State went on a “reek” accounting. The General Aaßcmbly of I>N vot ed to adopt the Executive Budget aya tvm which provided (or paying oft all putatandlng obllgatlona at the clone of the flacal year on June 3d. 1916. thta being oae of the meaeuree of the flacal scheme of Governor McDwa. The amount of bonda laaued to care for three obllgatlona wee »f 1,436,000 und under the measure adopted by the General Aaaembly 6400.000 waa to be paid from ihe general fund each year until the bonda were dleebarg ••d. Slightly more than that figure will be paid thta year and the re maining amount will be about $6,000.- 000. The budgetary plan of the atate now provides that from current reve nuea each flacal year, thla eaaount ahall be paid. The money waa set aalde at the rloee of thr paal flacal year oa July I. 19W to pay the inatallmeni due. However. It waa neceaaary that the deal be consummated la Mew York City where the boada were eoM and the part lee there holding the bonds were notified early thla month that the atate waa ready to pay off tba Inatallmeni. The transaction will be completed as aooa aa the paper* are la ehape and Ihe cancelled " obli gation* recetred from New~Y#rh» »- ARREST NEGRO IN ONSLOW CASE __________ I Youths Hot* Told Conflict tug Stories About A Sail- New Bern, July 26. GIV Richard Konce, 23 year old negro, the seventh person to be taken Into custody In connection with the death of Cilia Hot lla, Holly Ridge white youth whose body waa found >n New Hirer, near Jacksonville Monday,, waa brought to New Bern today and lodg ed In the Craven county Jalft He waa brought here., It wad eg plained, because there was no room In the Jacksonville lull. Onslow authorities would a(fd noth ing today to the details reported yes terday on the Hollis caae. No rea mvii baa given for bolding Kooncr beyond the expressed that lie may know something atiout the af fair. . The six white men held at Jack sonville, lauinlc, Arthur, and Jadle Howard, brother*; I,eon. and I,eon nrd Kadcna. brothers; and' Hoy Hud son. hare made conflicting statements relative to the case. It was ascertain ed. ■ •<OO Registered U. N. C. Summer School Chapel Hill, July 79. Registration fjjr credit for the second Term of the Cnlveralty Summer School dosed last night with an enrollment of *2l. "The nnmber has exceeded o»ir ex reel at lone". aald Director N It Walker, commenting on the reglatra til.ll "| im rerx. tally gratified with" ■ it, . * >-> 1 A * ¥ • m tm tautn mm IHm wllltnanca* so apend 12 weeka of tlr*- plumper In study shows a greater ••arnealneaa and aerlouaneaa on their oart to fit themselves for the|r work Although no exact figures have been made known, the maktr portion of the reclatrants are student* who hay been here for both aeaflona.” ' < Thlp number exceeds Ihe regtatrn ilon for the second tertb of last vesr hv ini and give* a ffi'al enrollment for both term* of Mil 210 more than foe. both term" last year. One hundred, and seventy two of the stu dent* enrolled are registered In (he Normal department. • j - ' * ■ INSULL, CHICAGO TRACTION MAGNATE, CONTRIBUTED IN ALL MORE THAN $193,000 808 EDWARDS ~ < SPEAKS RAIEIGH ________ Shown Crowd IMO How to Call Mi-Sheriff Edwards of Oold#bore got statewide attention yesterday when he waa the second to lake part la the hog calling contest which fea tured yesterday's aeaslon of the North Caroline Farm Oonvtolloa In Raleigh. The Goldsboro awn ban s chance to win the prig# wKIH Vi! bees offered Is the contest. The winner to ho announced at S Inter dal*. Says the Raleigh Times; Sheriff Boh Biward*, of OrtQdt boru who had drennod himself sp la a fresh Palm Ben oh salt was tbs esc and to mount the Uhls, nr to h* boosted up. first nn agonised es preunion paused over hie lore gad bis eyas vlslonad la the crowd of flfteen hundred or so farmer* sad (arm women gathered Is front of him on the campus to wttsoss tks event, g group of Us boss, bp aMS si Us mouth sad with a half yodel gave the call, thkt'Wß'lSM ms ed to gnawer to. d farmer Boh 'Sdlw. Os At IBM nee. former president of the Oosvsstlos, who two year* ago *UK the Snow Camp Oomninalty band of Aiasmsee Introduced a q*e of merestlo* sad Informal good tbs* into the coavau ttoa that Is refl voted is the burger gathering this year, was the drat to mount the table and start the bog calling. Farmer Boh ns Tuesday with Dr. Crocker. president of the convention as a team atate, woa the herns shoe pitching content frem re presentative* of (he college Farmer Bob's young grandson had kept him practicing dally eo that he might sot lone. „ Volume of voice, Kristy. bstle*- roeeft. musical quality and taeUl ex presaton. were the qualities eo whleh the acoftnga wan mad* and the judge* are bound to bar* u hard tlgM deriding. ■With flfty nr more registered tor the contest, dinner bud to he port poned for a|h hour or so while farm er after f«jrt%r mounted the table In front off FnAf*" Hull and did hi* stuff ResuUljwf the contest will b* announced totor, JeJUM' w,r " ,U " atfedi when the approach of press TTrne prevented a final .report e n the hog calling. WEATHERMAN ISSUES REPORT Rain and Gales Accompany Ad vancing Storm v l WASHINGTON, July 21 - The wee thex bureau a«ld tonight In H* re port of condition*: “The tropical storm la centered Jalong (hr Georgia coaat and moving e--fhw«rd wdjjb- 4tm^nl*b4n« c 1W la. . f adfgraidita no as 1 * tu f Mr i nutlned displayed from Havanaah l«i . Charleston, and storm warnings north to the Virginia rape* and eonth of Charleston to Titusville. Fla. "The highest velocity reported st > Jacksonville waa d 2 mile* frlm the K**t, and the hlgbeaf so far at Sa ' vanneh and Charleston Is 46 mile* from the southeast and rant reaper Ively. "The tropical storm will move Brat northward and then toward the aortb 1 ea«t and It , will he attended by gen eral rains In the Atlantic states and Appalachian regions and by gain: near its center,” r 1 j—ocio fF nflHi *1 X DISPATCHES I * * " • 11 * ■■■ • -"" n ivies; ■ ."■‘rrrmfl;! t. PMCH fIYB aunt 7'ST.-r.. 7-jui ■smuoy -n 11 ■■ Donated^ Successful DtsudnU, Is Shawn .*« CHICAGO, Jml? MU—Ab» . oiksr coßiriimUffß Wlp* f mg|9>atd to Utt fund riM to flto Apfffl TU 1 today tofoiu Urn ffßßßto 1 campuiffu commit to*. J publlcM J dUSm I hi* succsafui Stto Nff tfco J i9^inumni\tT Trir B JriJlZry^ 7M.it of wua jmm 1 Mtlpll 0»i ? 1 niMsrrsUf MMliiMto T 4 | i a total o i lITttSBT 1E Emwb Uu lltooto } ASKED BE SENT ELECTRIC CHAIR But H*o»ogt hi DmSM BBS Ho PHIDADOUPHLA, July Iff—His re qneat to be sent to the liistete ehslir because ‘hr was beyond retorm" hav ing been refused by th*. oourts. Vu. H. Moore today begun a easts*os a g three to Ms years lu the Bsstsru State pealtsntlsry for vatslag eheehs and obtaining money sudor Calks frb teases. Moore told the court ha had aut been free for more than Baa mouths at a time nine* he was tars year* old. "You would he detag the ooatmsa- Iry u grrat favor If you weald aaad me to the electric chair und I would not mind e bit.” said Moose. “I think I would b* hotter off dead. I wa* reared In n reform schegt fans. I neyer learned agy .trade and 1 did not hive any schooling with beaks. AM I learned wa* bow ta be crooked and I’va been told I’m pretty goad at that." -7— r' r* Mrs* Batkf fa* >•} */ ? In Fiynanrule ~ A letter received In the egy yae terdny stated that Mrs. Ulliga Sut ler. who preferred a warrant gggluet Willie Parana, colored, alleging ts eault with Intent to commit rape, waa in Kuyottevtlle wbar* m* eatdd he reached In cane Evans wag Isnsd. The report of Tuesday was that Mr. and Mrs. Butler stated they Were going to Raleigh whoa they left Goldsboro. -j. . j The eearah tor Mvna* has proved fruitless. ___ | mmddMßl

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