? V, * ■' ■1:- * _ •.■ , t j /'ti ;\ .- f inn wl ,*»*«*.—««-> I '; .y « ■'”-<?*y"" | " ,' ■ 1111 **"fff" 1 ■» ■'■■ —■■ ’— .v.yj.r i.-j^.".^■JLiiif'"v”-t VOIAIME FIVE- NI.MBKR 1«L MRS. HAIL IS RELEASED UNDER. $15,000 BOND TESTIFY SUM YWTN LAST SEER WT# BESS MSTIQB < i Iki a i— i '’ ■•• I • ■ -■.l,- , FT 1 • ir ' tS7« •** - .2cL _ ,:•■* •; t _ ■ ■ nEg 1 tS*V V fill JH| M ■ «sb is ■ s sS9S ■& ns sin s® s sss '4 &f # § S 111*1 I SSbIVS I m B SBSbSSS IS SB I mJ| g| Jg Jg mk% w B • llDr fltVfll Wm • AU • N|pr Wmmmk MIP H. ® wM nsb Sb 111 mßa l b bib bßm w William J. Phillips, a n %to ■- a A,t rormcr n lsniwiicfi mb, Now Under Ar rest in the Case Mr Mas* through ft kick entrance Mr*, fnaecl ttcrau H*H. accompanied hr Mr attorney. •M kplrttck away loalgkt to Ui* Maagyfawla rallroM at«Uoft »k»r» aft* kaatdid ft trahi tor. New York City Reporters sad crowds of ca rtons parsons wslUftft to front of tha Nall hoftM war# unaware of Mr swd dm departure Mrs. Kftli rasfttecd Mr Uhsrtr to night to tlMd* Mil after having IMM to ho«ra to Bosaaraat county Mi charged with th« totardar four yaftra ago of Mr husMad. too church fortor. add Ms alleged awectheart sad ahstr stager to his church. Ths 4* ymr old sHstoersUc matron was arrested lots Wednesday night, after authMrltUyaaid a ‘'anas of as# rvtdenee" got at tog to Mr aa tha s|ay : covered la aa taraatigatSoa ordarod hy Omnor Haora and State autho(- luaa. A it aether Arrest la Cans SOMfinWIUX. N. J., July to—OF* —WIMton FMIIIpa. factory worhar, has Joiaad Mrs. BdwaN Wheeler Hall to tM county jell where aha Was be tag MM Without hail today accuaed *sf tM nardar four yours ago of her clergyman husband and lira. Eleanor lUlla. wtfa of tM aciton in Mr bus haad'a ohardh ’ Phillips. who was i night watch man at tla Now Jersey Collage for Women, a law Mocks from IM Hall haoM, wMo tM bodies ware found sMa by qlde undar a crab apple troa. wah arrested last night aa a material wlianas and held la 16.000 Mil. Hr taforawd Investigator* four year* ago M had ansa Mr* Hall and Mr broth - ir rsterw, hom\ oa the night of tha a layings. laarrh Far Other* BtaU'a official* faat night sought at leant two other parson* on what they any Is a mass of saw evidence. The now avid—ca la held secret, other than that reqaltlng from an annul ment salt filed by Arthur 8. Riehl a gal net Mrs. Louis* Oalat Riehl. for anr mate In tM Hall home. Mrs. Riehl dmlea assertion* of her hug bead that ahr waa paid 66.000 for secracy. Bhe la quoted, however, aa r»vesting that Barbara Tough, anoth er maid la the Hall household, waa off duty oa tha night of the murder, raw tM Rav. Mr. Hall and Me* Mills at thoir trystiug place to an aMn doned orchard and telephoned to Mra Mall. Mra. Hall is said to have left bar home afterward to company with bar brother, Willie Btevena, and her cMaffawr, Rater Tumulty. T% Wamna- Qohmed Mr*. «Jgpr N. 04boon, who said four years ago site now Mra. Hall and a man quarrel with Mr. Hall and Mra. As* - X.. Mm questioned again tote relterat dd Mr story. Governor Moore announced that tM stata will puah the prosecution of Mra. Hall to a finish, hut official* are guarding IMIr new evidence. Un lit toe April grand jury Is recalled or Mra. Hall o\s Mil, aha faces at* prospect of rwmotolac to Jail until a saw grand Jury la calked la deptero e** 41.*' Although she las lata that Mr ar rest was rid lentous. Mra. Hall makes tta m •' If Rflfti'*' aad she upawda sewaldsrahl* time to 4* Mi to «■ ««w *. HMIUIWI, i ..j . J .*• 'irv mL J- l r rL jE’ i~mim Mri nFkir 11111 i ■ 111 THE \3O!TOgpQROTfE WS [- ' LOCATED A Ntt 110 SOUTH JAMES OTtOT-I TOE HEAlfr OF THE BUBJNESSBECTON " 'f • ' ■ 4 ‘CRABBERS PLAN : USE RAPID GUNS ~ ~ • _ MarytoAd Ptofedr M U ReaMt Virfftaifai Patrol Bml i ■AI-T/MORE. Jaly to.-A stall car respondent of the Baltimore Bun re ■ port* to hla paper front Crlaafteld. i Md.. that arraagemmto have Mm made by Maryland crab Mrs wM ex changed shots with Um .Virginia ftoh •rlea patrol boat Marguerite last wash to jtrtog three rapid tire guns to Smith I a land, to Tangier Sdund. aad mount them to Tylertoa. TM guaa will M manned by vet ♦ran* of tM World War. tha d>* patch said, tad the crab Mrs 1 natal 'haw should tM Virginia boat again Hr* Into Tylertoa tM ahora battery will reply. * Firing la to Tylortaa by On* Mar guerite. the correspondent reporta crabbers aa saying, waa reepoasthia for tha skirmish last weak. Tha am SS&Z-X&rZ'SSZS aad chi Ideas ware to Tylertoa the Virginia boat opened fire oa tha town. After the shot* had Men fired Into IM town, the crab Mrs my, ibey re turned home, got their guns and re ared to the marshes. When the Mar guerite opened fire a arcoad time, they declared, they began shooting from the marahea md many of thrtc lulleta hit tha boat. The Maryland crab Mrs any tha boundary line Mtween Maryland and Virginia at Smith Island to only a lew buadrrd feat from the door* of the homes. They Insist that they know the ehact location of tha Has, since In time* pant at least >6 Smith to landers have been killed by Virginia patrol crews. Tha scrubbers' chief complaint is that tha Virginia Mata open fire on them while they are Ih transit across Virginia waters. Re marking of tM line will M started next Monday. TM work will M done by E. 11. <V»llina. hydrographic en gineer of the Maryland ('onserration Commission, aad Fred K. Hsudlnger, Virgin. > engineer. lUttt BORIS TO WED Temdon. July 10*— (JFt— Psulher* Geneva correspondent says he learn* from Sofia that the Mthrothal of King Boris of Bulgaria to Princess Gtovaa n*. third* daughter of the Italian aov etgna. la “considered an ncrompllgbed sact ’* Frustrate Attempt At * Store Robbery In Fremont - - —A-*; *~f" iff —L.-1 Wirtwr Darla, whit* ya—h suppos edly of the KretnOjil section, la In Jail with ,75 small abat from a shotgun ,Mf*> under Iga akin nod off Imre jtfcf ivofcjjtfly uuhvrii A k ‘••hull of an attempted store robbery at Kremoat a few eighth ago J. A. Btat. Krrmont merchant, brought •*>«* atory to Goldaboro yeatarday. Prompt work on the part of the night watchman employed by Kre mont seems to have prevented a wall -ntgfaad rilbbery. Three atorea wara •token Into and the man rad era wara in tha third atore whaa dlaoorerad lif the watchman. ~ Tha atorea of George Joseph and of Hooka Hrotbrra wara salved. and it was In the atom of tha latter that the watchman found tha two man. Aa attempt to eater tfcyWtore of Oeorgo Reeta had been made. cminniioi rc, iatimay mmtwik julv aiTim ~ = ■ - . .*.ern mien II —HH-, - .■ : Rescued him Jnlui fijUH. CM, la Ai ■itloi lo Coturty Hama “Yaaaah. Mom. ’ar aagal cum aad mMd - ; That to tha story which John WU ltoma. colored, of Mount Oliva, hha. torn tsiting (or several year* new. Yesterday Williams waa broaght to | Goldsboro and permission aacared to 1 admit him la ths county hoato. The story #oaa that Wit Item* waa l frightened fin someone Bred a gaa behind him aad to hto Mato to get away from tha locality M stumbled Into a Mg aad waa caught tost. - Tha moat ha himself in au effort to grt free. Dm more firmly tM quicksand closed around hto lagd. He waa roamed at tha of several days, and M to firmly convinced that the Lard heard hla prayer and amt ua aagal to free him. Aa ft result of Uelug caught la IM bog, tha toes oa each foot of tM aar gro had become infected aad It waa accessary to amputate them. Pur months now William* has Mm preaching on the street* of Mouat Oliva aad llvtag a hand to uiouih fg> totaaeq- Momatiama M slept In g box car aad aornettmas M slept to.a dry goods box. Mouat OUte people came to Um re alisation Q** l hto mtad had Mm ttightly effected, .aad brought him to him to enter the oadh ty Mato. *■!»■ ■ ' 23 New Cases Os Typhoid Fever Raleigh, July M.—Twenty-three new cases of typhoid fever were re ported from North Pnrpflaa potota to tM Stair Board of Health Friday bringing tha total aumbec of Caaae of this disease reported tor tha maath of Jaly tor Ml. which mahes it practical ly certala certain that tM total num ber of cases of typhoid In JBIy, lIM, will slightly exaaed tha total numMr of epaae of typhotd Ui July. I*M. when Ml cases of the disease ward reported la North Parol Ins tor tM ea* tire month. - However, aa yet the disease Ms developed no epidemic strength In any one locality. TM casaa reported Friday ware dis tributed through thirteen counties. Swain., county reported nix canes, three of (ham fudldns, and Wilton county reported Sts ease*. No new casea of Infantile paralysis were reported. 4 TOBACCO HARR BI RRS Trenton. Jnly M.—A tobacco bdrn containing tobacco waa destroyed by fire a few miles from Mre Tuesday afternoon. Herbert Tyndall sms the lobes. want aroaad to tha roar and enter-' ed. Apparently the would-be robbrra did not senna that they were hemmed *" v*-<'dwr aumt near tin f—pi ok-Ue house.'owe .rs them hurled it with groat force agalnat the plate glaaa window. The glass wan completely shatter ed and the two prowlers rushed through the exit thus effected. Homewbat taken back by thia novel means of man In front of the store did not nan his gun Immed iately. The racaping fugitives wara noma distance away whrn he fired und 75 of the shot am aaid to have taken effect la the body of Darla who was captured. The other, thought ta he Wiley Boawell. made his escape Oarin' - la not badly hurt, Ike gua having baea at noma diet—on tram him when (trad. Between |Uu4M« worth as gaada ai.,, .d.Llj: ~ . L It*»,as-.w. . » i raMUNDAYVEWsJ Tha Saaday edMMh as The Raws wH Map which yw*» wMI apt mra to mlm. It idi raafeHa all Hto (seal news as Optbshoro aad Wayaa reuaty, fewfarj matortol as j|aaal fotoaeat. thiitohi Ftwaa dispatches, aad fear page* el ap. < ail Mi* and MfVe a ropy toft at wmmm w a- * e as fkf> ———— Bullet In Brain V iftRMM IM*RM>I* Jaly •Hr— Saw m hoars altar a balls had atoatod his hrato W. L Ktog for* mqriy as ■atom's Cm* towa ■Mls waihad Ms a doctor’* sf> flee (here today aad ashed for Mtopi Hto ballet lodged to hh J WW? j «m tb**"mm -nr. r..*r*. Ml* J «S!l hr wTamtoTfo M wha mm told Thick awghisid mmA. * Hltlil 1 tie aad tsmarmw. WA YNESffIOf)IS RANKING HIGH Above National Braid In Thro* K’a Hajto Bnftoe "I am dellgbtad with tha pragresS which Wayaa County to making In heg rural schools," declared L. C. Brogden. State Supervisor of Msmm tery Schools while vTaltlag ta the efty yesterday Mr. Brogdeu will be re membered to many of the Htlseae of the county as a native non. He waa hare to talkoovar the matter of rural euparvlatpn of schools with tM In coming supervisor. Mini: Helen Wil son. / “Wayne Schools, ! noticed from a serins of reports this morntodt rank above the national acale in tM mat ter of grades on reading. wrtUng aad Arithmetic," *ald Mr. Broaden. “Thai la a great record, for not many coun ties aa a whole can point to such a condition, “And you know today yoa hear much said about the teachers going In for (he frill* in education and not paying «n«ogh attention to the three ft'a. W»il, *lf those who are tpfk -ng fhl* could see the reports on the reading, writing, and arithmetic testa In the county, they would M forever attoarod." . MI NT K/UNF. BOli.H till dfeKKNHHOHO July M The only way to make money in tha dairy la to raiae all tha roughage ■ reded and to raise alt calves. J* the belief "V?T ' M t». rspoils oouaty ageui .»■ lt In carrying tort (hto Tmftef Mr. Pevneberton has put up 110 ton* of wheat, oats and vetch hay for use next fall. Not only this hut Mr. Pemberton has turned under 25 acre* which he will plant In illftfe corn. a The dairymen now Ms 16 pure bred heifers. MRLRR WILLS WfRH Hast Hampton. N. Y., July U-4JP) Mis* Helen Wills, national .ham _ * * CONFESSES TO 2 ** « CAPITAL CRIMES tUt IM mam Makm « BUU i HMftl to DwrfcufNUt Durham. July M.—(AP} —Rraaat p* Walker, mixed brand colored, white md ladlaa.*maa. thin morning cm faaaad to two capital crimes, under farther Investigation fur hto alleged oouaectiea with tha aaaaalt oa Jamas Cassidy, ulgid, and wife. Mra tost Sunday night. WlMriir WtofeftMl to tha crlaaa at ll:M o’etoek la tad pmsaapro of Chtof as Miss W. F. Dnhy aad others against htos. fur wMuh a ban ring vm (* rw*wtokm HTIH ravtfluur m iHI mß^M^MkmJp* Tha charges are tout degree Mr WMI*N. IN. j lory. He kad tailed to sopite any aat- ,f, , , g, . |ll.ll ,|* «Mom CaroKnii J Tp DiHcuw Rates WRaaa, inly Jd —O^—TM pat era NarA Carol ins Wholesale Healers sad Manufacturer* will mast hare Apgust U. to dfoeupa the proposal rutas oa goods moving from Virginia aad North Carolhu cities. The pru poaai ha* bees mags by tM lataastato Commerce Oummtaatoa. The Association will disease goods moving from Virginia to this stain and goods moving from oily to city within tM stale, following a proposal by an examiner % for tha mmsalaatne that freight raise la tM twe places M pat op a mors equal basis. It to claimed that eltim within a radius of 209 mile* of Virginia have ■uffared auder thajugfrat seh tans of rates. " ■AT M*AR RID BRITIKH MTHIR I*oadoa. Jaly to— —ll* am (sc ene* of Miner*' delegate* has dacldad to recommewO acceptance of the peace proposal* suggatad by clmrchmm of the Anglican and Free rhurcheo 1a tM preeeat coal tie up. The prop nigh will M wst back to tM dlatrlrt* to M vatad upun. ' *. Dairyman s Association • * A* ft • ■'W . iff. ' m Hears Address By Expert * ► Jr 5 5 k ■ -T" The Dairyman's Association -of Wayne county held Ita genual picnic! at the hotriMf W. r. Moore at Oopon. | *~*V '- -. WW... V i ASy •ffiLg.Jk Hie crown aatnereO about ten o'vto* k. and a good many of the younger peo ple enjoyed a good awlm hi tha lake before the luncheon hour. At about twelve-thirty o'clock the lunch, which oonaleted -of barbecue and a good many r artel lea of farm and dairy prodnrta artistically prepar ed was apraad oa tha aprdally pre pared tablee. sad those attending were Invited to more forward, which they did. I)r. A. It. Kerr, epokaeman who pee* elded over the gathertag. explained In a saw worda the purpose of having the yearly picnic and then latrodaced the apeeher of the occasion. a. 0. Kltnray. of tha Agricultural and Un- Mr Ktonray lilillalnpd tU ppp Jij . .dki.., >2 | -I.- :L.ul FIVE OF SK SUSPECIB*”"** onslow Younvonott HELD FOR MVESMAI rrSSSSaCBg!SS333B gfltt* £ - '«•*-'•■ • m : WOMEN’S MEET' ST. PAUL CHURCH .. Mm. L. ItQtoto IOMp Talk U Last night to BL Faal’s Mathodta church. Mra. L H. Omar pavu m nd Mn. Omar Mpaa by reciting tM Ito^Rto^^hTtM l^ he* with Hto lamb ta hto hatom. Ih* thro wnutmd that Mr auh-l '.m tonight would M.' Jaoua. RmlJ Jama, that name that ahall audura."] sgitatioaal talks m to* tore as Ja *M, Hto power, Hie aMMy to help lug ro .aft mmn-mta frua.^toatah Miter. The Highly Ood. The RvertaM-1 lux Fhthar. TM Frtaoa of ItatoW iaothar Psalms T»-IT. “lfte same uhalt endure forever; Mg aaam dhAltj to contiauad aa hmg aa tM suut hid an mm shall M Messed ta him; hit nation* ahall call Him blamed. l And •noiher -dudm M. “Ha Is abi* to Map yqu from failing." At to* elaaa of tM addriaq, whtah wm m helpful to ail. Mra. Omar promised that la ta* new fttod to "Mck eke to going aM gpt tar* «•! .'toe team to those aM to teuvtog aud will pruy far <tta|h * ' Mra. Omar wilt tear* go to Mr am homo ta Maw Maritasvitte, W. Va. after a law weeks, to M with Mr huabaad la Mu' work. t<k ’'fviwmuu'.aa*** I. w» a ini.n Largest Pogl In Inland Section tot ROW OITY, Ran., July M.-dPJ —ta tala town as MN rnpulailaa. at mam centrally located from all largv bodtoa of water, to among tM largest swimming pools la tM country. TM pool. M 6 faat tang and Slf feet «M*. will annnaimndali a balMra at a time. .It to a drawing rard for scores of mllaa around. It wasMIH la fin by toe city aM dvto orgaalmtlons. la tM winter tM pool to aaad aa i Mating risk. —■» ■ harp of tka aaaadattoa for about thirty I mlaotea with oim of tha mo* taatm< j Uva talk* on dairy farpdpp f wd oaap ggj plrtaure of Um wrtoar'to haar. s H cboae aa hla auhjacta: UVaatoch to (Jeneral. * Mr. Klairay ftrat outlined the va]a< of dairy prodaou lo tha paopla as the nuuatry, ataUag that at Wat PP pat ocat of all tha paopla of tha TTint~t had at eoiae time or othor to dnpnn. on the prod acta of tha eow. Me elated that all grant natlooa vora lajjpe non aamera as dairy products sod stair! that /oat little cousury. Palgarta. had practically lived oa dairy prodnrta far tha past several sewtpries; | a that coaatry, ha apld. there at* move pew Pis over ana hundred years old today thaa la alt tbe roat of the world. Mr. Klmray stated that tha oaer wav d 11 7-^ T ipmupfff f> ; gs 4v wf mil I MfflKStt ;f l_ i ( —I 1 ' J limn i 1-nil -II nu —i*ft,.-. t- a.- ' ■I —h.—l-. C 4blMMdMr M kTMflflMlft WWtfHk&flft miig OMilr WMNM^ •u New rtw HM*n *<W lit M -I fli fltiL wto&k IrMtli i»»» nam nj m m^Llh ~t "‘VTiIhT UM# aLi)«mir yottlfa %shkcmol tffHHßli turw, *m «ria»M >fo——l ■ IjY; MW* jwf ■ w®> ft acae®®^ tj nl< tbar liMM to M Iff arrtvad. JMk MMHKjMMI M# Hollis jraatb wa*4wM dfMMjMfc* iba |lu( that nipt a*i 1 i|| Mi pick ad np by bta MkM -«■§ to**M§ bona. whlla tba Mr dt Mm MMy l pbjndotu who la agptfMr MIMIC tloa bare.- f' All ato of tbs yaaMa Itow dp Mtt* Htolla m ato aaaa *r mm^ taaaa four aad tva a’atotot •fteraooa. tbraa bMm aftto tth MM ssasajs Paul Jeaaa Mi tba smt IM |W overboard laaaard Mm If# ttP** tratoa Saturday HaWdM Mft j* ad bla faea. Ha aaM bo <f* «MM IMP , «bo iba nan wH thd* diM* Mp He pointed oat LMMtf* M«P mlm ' tel., nir

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