■ iny ~iii z*\ v' r B^bb® - 44bb4w Im&m bbb '»•-■■■•' "■, ■•', • o 7~" ■ i ■ ■ 1 ■ y ■■■” ■ .‘- ■== -.'% ¥0141)01 JIVB—NUMBER l U. -*—» - - - - - ■> ■ - - - ■ THINK BARON AND BARONESS IN SUICIDE PACT REV. Ml? McLEIHN MCI IS HBWtl AT MT OLIVE THIS f. M. BARONESS HURLED SELF DEATH FROM EIGHTEENTH STORY WINDOW OF HOTEL "We Died Happily At We lived Together” Say* Note Found In Room mm ■■■■ V ' MIA Ml, Phk, July JL——Whlls potto* expressed belief I* tb« theory of I putrid* poet search yu on*] ttucf tonight tor Baroo Royce-Uar I rrtt, former Ruoalan nobleman whooe I yoatkfal wife taarled beraelf from the eigbternth floor of- a Miami betel Fri day night The doable ealcide theory *u pre dicated oppa a aote found la the ho tel apartment of the couple today whtoh aaM “We died happily as w« lived together." Apparently It was In the handwriting of the Baroness It Imre the diaatirr "The Royce-Oer retta.” Abide from the -bptflton expressed that the couple were la flaaaclal straits Utils la kaowa of the exeats :*medlatly proceediag the death of Hto Baroness. Investigators did learn however, that ea the afteraooa be fore. eh>mt Ooral Onbirs hotel weep tag. mW MIl *A* r Dp her hu» head, aad tpopemoa of thoir apart meat repealed that aetthir had TtT tlrto. VlHbownh .it waa uadrotood by frieada of the caaple that they were la flaaaclal dffflcaltlee the Baroa and Baroaeaa lived at an exclusive hotel and wore eeea frequently at aoclal fuaetlona. Shortly before lh« aote was found William Moßae, acting justice of the peace, had looued orders fpr potlee to arrest and hold the Boron without head ppadlas the coroner’s Inqnew late the death of his wife. It was vs id that the arrest order waa (eased •olely becease of tbe "disappearance" of tbe Raton. who x was last seen fol io wing hie wife from tbe hotel. GOVERNING NOT GOOD FOR MIF/N Ns Looper Cm He Ptoa K h mil Day aad Not Feci It RALBiGH. July Jl. -GP)-1 hours, hod no reel sod no sleep and stopped only oc casionally. Yet. at the end qfthe fctp ho felt bettor than If be bad span! a day in tbe office plugging asrsy on matters of state. He believes Ibis ran be accounted for by tbe Tact that I e was able to give his mind a com plete rest sad he wgs la the open air. THE gWjJSBDRO NEWS ■■■■■■wssßmisea——sumasaa—smae——f— ———o— mtmrnmUmmmmm i ——aasweeim LOCATED AT NO. lid SOUTH JAMES STREET 1 N THE HEART OF THE BUSINESS SECTION - ~ - « - ■ v - ■ '■■■- ■- ■ State Taxes Fall Short V• • e Balelgh. July II North Carolina has made • poor start ea Its new • seal year which b&an July 1. no far an tax collections are ituirrnrf The state tax collec Uone of July were more than »l««. IN lose than during July of last ter. The collections for tbe last, month totaled aa com pared with 1717.175.7* for Jaly a WWW. ' ", PREDICTED SPUT FAILS TO OCCUR r— v ; v / • 0 But Klan Recalcitrants CUat Tidy Worn Much They Wmnte4 Durham. Jaly 11. All Indication es the predicted spilt la the ranks of the Nortt^ Carolina realai of the Invisible Empire. Knights o( thg Ku had dloappearod at Iht site of jHto 1 ' moralns session of tbg state confea- Uoo of Klorero at 11:3d yesterday, be •» cause U was elated. Judge Henry A. i Grady. Grand Dragon, had announced c 1 l« mercbendlxlng that 4s affoNed them by tbe Short Course te Retell lag which has been Inaugurated this year by the Coafereace as g service to 1U members. the Ohort Course to Retelling will be gives at Richmond. Virginia, dur tec the vote of Aug not M-17, Immedi ately following tbe conclusion of the Conference which will be held August tt-JO. Moraine, afternoon aad we nine otaaote will bp bold la tbe John Mstebitl high nohool, tbe course be ing under the dlreoUoa of Professor R, B. Harris, of the School of Bnsl aesa. University of Richmond. Mpo ciel a r range men ts have been made whereby nil members of tbd Ooothern Retail Merchants Conference and their aeelataaU are eligible ftw aa rollaaont, tha only direct expense n 4 the course belac a tujtloft (aa of lib. Special rates far board have been secured, raagfbg from B to a vote for room pod from W to 111 a wash for beard Dad* this plan It 10-paaddbta far merchants te waive 'highly Ipeclallved InaUtacUoa. tha m si stance of exports ip solving their pro Moms aad a printed digest of the entire course at a total cost of !nee than 126 0 Dr. Norris A Briscoe, New York Bnl reraity School, of Retelling, bs* bo-a secured for the session and will be the chief Instructor, toeurlng those who tike sdvaatipa of this course, th irst of Itt kind ever to be arranged for merchant* of this section, of the services and advice of bo* of the most capable instructors aloog merchan dising Unas la this country- The daily schedule of classes In cludes: Morning—Balsa Promotion Stock Turnover aad Round Table die cueatoo of Merchandising Problems. Afteraooa— Visit* to Store* and Fbc l lories to Study Systems aad PrOb iWs; Evening - Psychology of Retail ißercbaadlsing Control. / Merchant*' through tbe territory covered by the Souther* Retail Mer- have expressed the MfOlest enlhAetasm ovdr thl* cour*A ilnwvdt 'Been "and. from Indications I^AyJrcetv A. (here will be a large ESHSkteigoth of merchant* end It 1* the first opfH.r- 1 ccorded our merchant* rrorfferurlng scboollng as an aid to I* dally experiences. The Instruction should be moot valuable la Improving methods, In meeting tb# changing con ditions surrounding us and aa an aid toward tha successful conduct of our business. Tbe cost bee been pl*<-ed so low that every clerk can lake advan tage of this opportunity and b* aasur td of benefit* that will repay him many time*. I myself hop* to ink* the course and to hav# at. least on# of my aenlstxnls do *0“ Education and entertainment fea tures of the Conference, the most elaborate arranged during the Inst els year*, are expected to attract on# of the largeet meeting# in the history of > . . KPHlirr l'LAßßlt\ PI HH 4 ALTO MOBILE CONTEST IS BILLED AT CRARLOTTK ,* J „ Charlotte. July 11.—jN# world sprint classle at tha Charlotte Speed way Isn’t the only thing that’s com ing off .hors lata In August. The national pu oh mobile title also will he decided her* August 23. prior lo the automobile races. CUles from all parts of the country will sand con testants to vl« for tb* snsardteg to C. C. Ooddlngton, president nf the —V ISSUE MANY 1 AUTO TAGS HERE «wmtemtemß» * • Total of $07,1M FbM For U corbbb la Lbcol Offlca Throngb I entente test evening MM department *f tee Do . pnrtmcot es Revenue es Rerih •te nnlomobßa* had Isstwd Ad 47 r ; numbers. A total es OB7JMLM had , v boon paid the total eftro ter three I . Clerks wore kept busy jtetor da) sad a total us IM tegs acre ft**««4. It li f|||pi|i4 |)mi| (lift white hav* mi yet beau sappitod with tela, t|i a rush la exported ■teMny. ,^,,.1,, as aa a sun e»d la a totter from B.' A. Deogbton, In charge as the die trtbetloa hi tha state. osnare of dgn wtl ho Rlvaa gntfl Tugedoy. I Anguat l» te nam tea Meaaegry Itcaosa, PiHmihlw wW oaf ha tele rated after that date. „ In the nol to# te tea torsi da part mist, Hr. Doaghten pilntri sot that an extension of thno bad taevehal thnoa bags floated, that ntl lmd baa* gtvear ampto appor- la tote tea tef*. , f - I ; NEGRO TRADES MIIIFFQR MFIJIN Thirty Pound WMcnaabii Was More Than Ha CooM Raoiot Winston-Salem. July > ll.—Jack Sprat could eat no tat his wits could eat no lean, and so betwixt them both you aee they licked tke platter clean.” •A modem version of this nursery rhyme was sees yesterday afternoon Whan V. J, Howard, a negro who rani a grocery story oa Hickory street, traded a mule lor a watermelon. A tenner had a thirty-pound watermelon and w ate«d the-mule, Howard had a mule and wanted the' melon so they "swapped" even. Immediately upon the In form at lan of this exchange of property, a report er waa rushed to the scene where the bargain was said to hav* bean driven This representative of the • press cheeked around on bis gtlm shoe In an effort to see If there Wga anything wrong with the mute. * There It stood, with all parts, tail, both rear aad front togs, ears and all other things whk-h all well ordered mule* have In dene*. It really looked Ilk* It was worth more than a watermelon, but then "A watermelon Is a water melon" in these days and a mule la ■ sort of second-best elno* tb* advent [ of gasoline. I State College Wins Poultry Diploma RAIAUOH. July JL-UPJ— Dr. M. A. Hull of the United Htatrs Department ' of Agriculture has been*lnformed of r t&* svdidlng of a diploma for an Kdu ' isltonal Poultry Exhibit te Ihe Poul try Exhibit to thmPoultry department ‘ it State milage by the Keroud World’s 1 Poultry Congress held at Barcelona. | Spain, during May. 1124. The glploma U signed by Proree- I rnr Haladnr* Cagtella. president rtf .A AA .tys+JL#- '.’4. id ihrTiofrt rtf Purthry av flwreeion«, rad by H K Dye de Ikallen. prsaldenl of the exhibition and president of tbr , Association of Rpaaish poultry breed er*. The exhibit was prepared In the poultry department at Btat* College by member* of (hr staff and ex hibited by Dr. B. T. Kaupp, head '_ BATTERY A IS TO LEAVE MONDAY WUI SgMid Two Week* At Fort 0 Btbie Battery “A" 117 T. A. Goldsboro* unit of the North Carolina National Guard leaves Monday August 2nd for Fort Bragg for the annual encamp ment. Tbe Battery Is commanded by Cajd. B M. Britt who baa aa hta lieutenants U. C. 8. Osswald Jr., and La. W. B Yelverton. There nr# atx ts-four non-uommtaalon officers and valeted men In tb* Battery. The annual ramp is looked forward lo Ulte fflUrt pEfaofttl vKII gyr#|. * interest and pleasure—while the mtil tary training at the cna*» la intensive ■ad InatrucUv*. much of the Um# la , set apart for recreation and sport*. : Beginning wUh a review of the mili tary subject* covers during th* winter, training and culminating with target, practice lx which onr boy# gotagUf Ore th* large tune In which they nr# egnlppetg aad In field maneuvers. In (he maneuvers the officers mm of th* Battery are rmpilrad te demon state all of th* technical subjects of th* artillery Branch of the service.' selection of poelttoas, laying of tele ■ Phone lines, aad schemas of attack ! and dffenae. , Ftort Bragg Is well equipped with J •ports grounds and entertainment f facilities, several large and aUractlvo swimming pools, tennis oourte. baaa hntl diamonds aad a polo fteM *re available for the men of the Battery A large and aUractir# moving slo tww house la opotr l il IR II lllllg sßjl *h# mtert a lament office of tb* Mart provides varied sad wholesome at tractions far the men each evening. AJ the last annual lnspe«ttog hold In MArch of this year. Battery A. Waa rated above average hr flto regular army Inspector A splendid group of yonng men compone th* battery and 4|* high rating which they have earn ed will he reflected by (he field wprtf of the Buttery this hummer- both by the Mlßtfcry work and In tha field of sports. ■'i'M Autognobhrs won’t make people for get th* art ft running—not while man < ontlnu* to WMr straw hats. -i ■ rnm.wmm.jfm p..i- ■■ i Mi ■■ ■ i ' s 1— “CYCUINE MACK” IN ACTION 1 I '• 4 . '• t . ■* * r luk W;|, .^f^* jPBf % La* tl ~ ijl •• . -' Jb ■ V \ :..., A • • ; 7«|Kpf|p * . j' , , - »-' "*< !?$/ i ij< 'f 1 . . nod mm cam ■ i ■■ i ..1 EVANGELIST FAILED TO ARRIVE YESTERDAY BBT BE IS EXPECTED THIS RHUHG Governor Will Chop Some Trees \ Raleigh. J^ly Jrorn twelve months close attention to th* affnlre of the state. Governor A W. MoLaoa wUI leave her* to morrow on a vacation The «a**u tive will go to Wisconsin where he has apsat previous vsoationa and sill remain Irani l«B te three weeks. Ho plans te chop .tree*, build roads aad l*h moat of lb# time b* is away. Mr. McLean will b# eepompaatod by two of hta ohlldre*. Mr*. Mo- Lean aad the other child will go u x vacation shortly. R to uuder stood. • Urniberton Men ; [ AiVfarst Baptist j Judge L r; vgraar. us (Bo Lam berton Bur, reoontly resigned tram the Btut* Supreme Court, will gellvw an address at th# First Baptlat church this morning at II fltelook. Judge Ydroor to one of the out- toymen of hto degfilaeUea, snMM rmmtn.m Hi urt* •iMenl ||a ttltPillNAPt u Two oonioio-; jit MUK«i m Dm o*o—idfgaa to| *+■ a i i ■> ■ 11 1a Aik aaMwk, w Mil ir o**r wam —aa*. WttmVtm wm n|MM M t«Mlf «—■* BBT'" w*tr ut iHnAiM tor • atolktoMtou aftrnooo u 4 tor t a’olsafc —i—U Tko am unto to -***•*«& the .Mil, WM ftt I oota* M«» , ol»« whoa J. H/|omm,«M«BBMP (or th. rartrai, toot -*-g toHK aurpooo o( got— «i«aM MfH tor*, A nator ton «fe for om I—hime. tod Mr. toe— tMMjji uutjb— jjf » toit.r ilnwi got to* of Ufa aaatkto I k— Ptotof folka oaa do l« *a «* - atoftoi,. W« kin tke rota— Mi II to* fltoN—K of all ilaoatot—«ta— —II *B-~ twf out w# will kora —a atopic *** «U1 Nk« toto mmmr to-" 4-toraV . mJ aw atofiMiL '•kkk la Ml.k f ato Mto'Ml * raaarm tor ah*** —4 -M* earr, a to- ara itolfial to toka to a. ._**«» a^g ao— M-mi a Mac* to. *Aa Mti Win* ark— Utah ia —tag to praaatf akaat, k— l— aka depend ii|qq |t f|g| H HO'OUVtfM mm tko sfctojhliar a—l tk— it w* Mart tko folk* to tklaktoc tofckt *tof Mid Mr. Badaa. i Afur —# aarrta— to— into* bo held only la tko n—a| tb« bu— tabon—rto to arktok —a. Ma ine will ka hold. All— tko wot—toil om moo—Mod, tod a toe— a—a Mcurod, tko work ara— abac Ik to— fa—a. . •* i r ladlcat— woratk— —a Me kail* fag would bo crowd— tor k—k aatw* io— —tog. Pooato tom Ohtototo to bo la attaatoaco - , k New Y ork See *- V -* *i Barra—Of PI— «SW Tome. Jab V m Wtok mid auaa-or btowfef k- bf—a— avia* tit m c —jto I • aroma', plat aka —and—'* Hk # -ciorful pall aa a boat-toaadaMto) okp. Plak btaoma Ilka »lli llPli — ■ aa la Iho pic taro kata ta*OT tad feta that a— ao— wtto a—told —atok* ma *l(k frocks. #tak aaak— 'atok Mal raw berry to— a— tko d— plaot— opoto drawl* tk— orwwd to mi polo ao to ko IttUra—M to* to* breath of (Ho cal—. glt-a— to— A pearl la the took talk—a rak— * •tyloa that awko tko a—— Clank* of all oroalat tollottoo. Ptak *r*a oltppora too to— tka i.i—a. < kooofaa aaUa tor ad— aa*. »»(. and llaaa or straw tor aaaa-da—l „ ? ... eJRI •. ' : OAdL