WBUt'-P. :t'i ' '-V I H I THE WKATtiEK ■ .^gyyj; By*--'- r ” - L1 l,i " - r..-rr,:i. »■■■ ':ir-:.- y. '-t, . . . -.-a. ;... J. 1 ■ ■ '■■■-- = VOLUMK FIVE—NUMBER IJ4. * GOLDSBORO, N. Q. TUESDAY -MORNING, AUGUST, 3, 1926 PUC* FIVB (Hm v . ’ • _ _ . _ _' » 3S- - ■ . l TiE- .. i m —— PRESIDENT CALLES REJECTS TRUCE MOVEMENT jMEMORKVIVtL SETS RHHIK START AT MOUNT AUK MEXICAN SITUATION STILL TENSE AS RESULT CLOSING CATHOLIC OfIJRCH SERVICES But Associated Press Hears That Gestures for Peace" Are Being Carried On ‘ mxtco rrtT. am. »—wn-rn«i- Mat Celle* ku rejected the proposal for a into* la the reHtiou# nnjr mad* by the Mexican epluoo la a aUtemant to (he Aeeoetatol fwa lira President any*.: TWa axeoatlre baa already made feMrva Ita optaloa regarding the r*- Ugtoes sltuptloa. Replying to the *pi»« opeie'a statement, I will any that •be Federal (orernmeat wtl lonly llm- I* Itself to ael with the repaired ener- . sty to enforce the law* of the coun try." Although Prealdent Callei baa re jected the true* odor of the apteeo »aie which wet made In a statement to the Aeaoclated Preee gestures for Ptoe* are atlU uaderway. Teatatlee etepa It la learned au thoritatively. are Mil takrn which arh expected to result la lafonail poaelhh negotiations between Alter • ooy-OeuCfil Ortogn and’ a hlrng* dlgaltary at the Mexlren eptaoopate whereby a eettl—unt of the • tuattoa may ho raatheg. Overtures are ajae understood to hire been made for a promlaeat lay auta who Is close to the eptaepete aad also parsoaa graU with Prealdent Calls* to attempt as lotrrmediary to brtag about aa exchange of rlewa ta a conciliatory spirit. WILLING T® SIGN TRUCE Mexico City, Aug. 2.—(AN—An an nouncement that the Catholic Kplsco pato Is filling to eater upon n truce with the Mexican ~ov*rnin?nt until the Mexlcaa people are able to Mr pro** themaeleee hy pleMarlte on the religious controversy and the discov er of k plot to meanest note Prealdent Caflea. were the outafeudlng feature* as Mexico's I ret pries Mesa Sunday - Notwithstanding the great pa redo of she Regional Confederation of Ldhor which repaired two hour* to pass a given point, the day was aa peaceful ad tba capital ever ha* known. Whits the marcher* paKae-i the pal ace. where President t ulle*, surround ed by hla ministers, stood waving hi* handkarchtof la answer to the cheor lag. members of the faithful were bear Hag la various churches, beseech lag an amelioration of the situation brought about by the government put ting Into force its new religious regu lations. All the Catholic churcbei, without 4f > priests on the altars, wars open for prayer aad tapditallon except the > greet cathedral aad sever*l of the downtown places of worship peat which the parade made It* way. The 4 door* of the** were closed In the soar ’ that aom* aatoward event might oe • V . K ’ .. cur. Dispatches from ell pert* of the re public Indicate that |raaqulllty pre vailed BueJay everywhere. Although ». 'Ommmr ikw *vtw» ■ * **#e «» i go actuat (faptae drvvtiipod. The gwv erameet had made strong military preparation* la advance to suppress disorder promptly. The expression of wtlllnanead to arrang* a true# wltb the government waa made exclusively to The Adoclutl Prlfyp, by the copate. It wen suggested that It ehuuld run for a reasonable time In give the people a chance fa vote on the eltuailou growing oat of the religious controversy Meanwhile the Kplscopote woald have the new religion* Regulations and the "gate rullgloua |pragfutl«n* n eu*peneded. •‘On Its a pgfg." nays the statement, “the Episcopate la willing to glvo a solution to the conflict that may save cumrihl * f * ' ■ . '■ ' . 9 ■» LOCATED AT NO. lid SOUTH JAMES STREET—I N THE HEART OF THE BUSINESS SECTION • f » • - * ' -o',' * / ,*• : . ,1. . . . « ' ■ T ’ * I 7~~ ■« r -a „,iI , ----- ■ _ I EPIGRAMS l - 1 never have gay trouble reach ing Mm bMMigfr aad pekoe players aad gambler*. It b the hack* lid lag rharchmember who I am preach lag the eM, barb weed* gee pel, aad hrdiilag ea lee—. Jest ilk* the saleeaaa brag* an' tba goad* ho aellm I preach hell hot, *h» block. We abort, death rertala aad stereßy 1 am going to amhe every bach etMer fort Mbs a hag aoder a ImJerwoega. W# an going to hake a revival la It Olive la spit* of boll aad hot weather. aih b aa age es chaago aad sf new thing*, hot salvation add God an the «ame yeatorday, aad „ today, aad Moyer, ■aay es yea people who go to cbaieb *M •* qntat that y#o*d gho a snail nerves* preetralleo. rMuwerirae* aad Hvtog a molt hlllltto. •erne folk* profew men nil. gtoa la two mtaete* than they eaa live eat la two yean. If yoa think yoa have a ticket straight throagh to the Eternal 111, Ja*i heraaeo yea hetoag to a part Ire tar rharch, yen’® get - then all night, for Ged prov Idee _ for the people who have reef tree hie. If yea vrsat the Lord to hear yoa when yea are ea year kaeea, then live oat God ea year feet } fONT .L RECKIfTH INCRF.|VRB ORFMcNSHORO, Aug. 1 -(dV-duly t Mtal receipt* for th* Greensboro offlc* w*n 129.713.4*. Thl* I* nn la crenae of about 12,000 over <fuly, 1926 The first seven month* this year show about 11 A.OOO Increase over the sail** period la 1926. . 1 rrt* killed nr AiKPLunt ceirh BEtltitN. Aug. 2. ( __ Five per son* wer? kl led and »<>vcraTfpUu red today wh’n an airplan# while mak ing a landing suddenly crashed Into the spectators at yea air meet at Heldeahelm. near fttuttgart. Wuert l»mberg. Th* pilot wee only slightly ! Injured. I Charged With Driving Car Which Struck Three Men John Hggans. colored. was jwttr day morning placed under arreal chaiged with operating the automobile which atrurk. and Injured Carey Jer vis. of Mara Hill;., William Owen, ot the Barden Brick and Tile Company, ! jrr+ '*»* <rf ♦**«. 1 iMMiara Jritoy 7. Officers raid that the negro coo - loaned that be waa the driver of the car. the ronfeaaton coming following bla arreat. A charge of aaaault with a deadly weapon waa preferred agalnat Mon gone. He Been red release under s>.• 0041 giving a mortgage on bla home. The arrest of Hoggans -followa prac tirally a month of deter sleuthing on the part of Deputy Hhertff L O. Rhodes, and Officers J. H. Howard and J. C. Hdwarda. Rhodes had • Up which proved to be a good one and called In the two police mew. Through the co-operative eCorts of the three, Hoggans waa arrested. UN fWem learned that WlUh ■i» ‘"<m JLi' I. - ■■■7 i .‘ln I, .i it hi, i, ii 'ii .. MSSSSSBy i i>n.' ■■■ . ■*"' I-.—-.- —: Radio “Bootleg Detector” Is latent in War on Rum Runners mmm\ : t* 1 ' '’ in 'W Tn * r i ;i ,.'-’ i^' '• ' "" .. _ _ Now tt’e ilic radio Root leg Detector* Here’* Lleot. B. M. Wcbeter, eommouleattoas oMrot the U. S. Coast Guard, with an "Improved short watt radio compass developed aa aa aid to koato *pdaa» |m la t|e Rum Petrol. Cid ter* in the prohibition patrol an now equipped with wtrutoas Mophoag* _ I with which they can estshUsb instant commumcaUoa with their shorn stations. Whea a eaaptotous erefl 4 1|MMNnI oi ctrrrtßi w#lrabiml ip thihted the ibow Ip •! omm mMm iMim P*®* l jTheatattoo, hy memos the "Bootleg Detector," then aetabUeboe the exact divoettoo aad peetttoa es Wa 1 roporttog boot aad by radiophone orders other eervtoe boot* to. Mm vicinity ta "rally toad*. 4 Trtdy, ftfagetMag la ha a hard Ilia for the ram emaggtovl , <r, ■ • WOI«MTORYIS STILL COMING IN SchaoMiß Liwp to Harbor Bear i»f R*fuirow { j • <. Vi, NASSAU, Bahamas, Aug. 2.— (By Wtretoaal—Crippled pchooaera India with refugees from the outlying Is lands of' the Bahamas, slowly com ing on# by one Into Jh* harbor here. ' are biiagtag the atory of more toe* of life and property as the result of tba tropical hurricane lest w*ek. Th* death toll th'* morning had mounted overnight to 14* known dead while 499 are listed still aa missing. Reports that the storm had missed th* sponge fleet, where a great loss of life was feared, were aot con firmed and the sponge boat* are yet aeerd from. Th* sloop Dorris, Itself showing the *ff*< t of the terrific gale it w«ather*d when the full fury of the hurricane ■wept down on the bxhamaa crept Into the pßrt today with 22 refugees from Eitm Key where 600 houe a ' were destroyed and more than 1W ID< mon« surrendered homel***. Ricks waa supposed to k««w some thing of theorise, tipon’hla being questioned It turned out Hoggana had been the driver of the car which Injured the three white citizens and 1 j aped on Its way. In the car | time were alao Rlrhs. Hudle .Sampson l ! W? 4 prH. V • ‘tug V *'»W a«groe's sattl that rtiVy did n T realiae what was happening until the crash <ame. Th.-jr told officers Dial they were making* about thirty n ll<• an hour, and It la said, admitted they were «a the wrong side of the road The accident occured near the place of B 0, Thompson on the Wilming ton road on the night of July 7. Mr. Jervla suffered a compound tincture of the right thigh and IR still confined to the hospital with Injuries. Mr. Owni was painfully Injured, and Mr Amnions slightly. , Tha car which atrurk (ha men— Misers Jervis and Owen were riding the same mntorcyda and Mr. Aaamoae another- did not atop, hat left the Hi Jured men to car* Aw the—Nlvea as tkai Maid REV MR. WATKINS) TO KIWANIANS Pastor of St. John's Diacunea ‘ Question of Right * The KlWenlao* were accorded a rare treat at their regular meeting last night when Klwanian & A. Grtf- , Ha Introduced the speaker of the evs alag. Rev. W. P. Watkins. Jr. Mr* Watkins, pastor of Bt. John's Methodist church, has lived In Oolds boro since November flret last year, and he baa created a large following among the member* of hie own church *a well aa among peoplea of other organisation* He ohoserfor hla ser mon. for It wna even that, the ques tion of right, regardless. Few speak ers have appeared before the club who 1' »**. have been so favorably received and arouaed such friendly responee a« did rM. Watklan. Klwanian Bdgar Bain delivered th* oral boost, end he did emphasis* In a very l*W minutes the value of hu man Ilf*, life Insurance ta hi* buel nee*. Klwanian [Taylor, newly elected PggkMant. repressed hla appreciation r» bamag been chosen to rouud out tae uaexptred term of Klwanian "Jim" VaPßt'ory. resigned, because of busi ness Interests. It waa moved and unalmouaty adopt ed. that the dub should meet on next Mouday evening at tb* new country Hub. at half peat six. for the purpose of partaking of elthrr a bprbncue or a chicken fry; which H shall be ta to be determined later In the week. The | ladles of thr K|waqUn* art to be the apeclel guests of the club on thl* oc casion Before (he auppvr many will doubtless avail themselves of the op portunity of a swim In tilt club lake. I thjp water of which ha. been accorded ! very fine, • W 6 ' S »-Tlf •-**.«■ - f EIT TAINTKD ItHllt, tn DX C'HK'AGO, Aug. 2. ■ Twenty right persona wne 111 her' today »» tli< i< rult of eatlag tainted food. A score werr rxilsoni-d supposdly after rul ing a cake at a wedding crleltrahou i.tglit others two women and six « I»jM dren wer# t>olso«cd when their cu riosity tempted them to taste s cu rious b' uu found In tbdr Lome. #^s Pbysiclans-said all would recover. br idle™ horhk winb Homewood, 111., July 31.—0 P) - Hoot to Boot, tbs little Iron horse from (H II Mweed U. Bradley a stable, won the eight enoth rnonwol of the Amerioen ] Derby ben today while 37,(K»u spent a ton itoinl their U9ho|i, : ' - 'l. v ' * ' CRIPPLES TO GET FREE TREATMENT - 0 i' Orthopaedic Clinic bC Wiko® on PrUny o Indlgncnt cripples of Wayne coun tv will be able (o secure free treat m«nl under experts at the Wilson Or thopaedic clinic to he held at the courthoue* In ‘Wilson on Friday, Aug ust 4. “There are a number of erlp-y, pies la the county who need thin treatment,” said Dr. 1* W Corbett. County Health Officer yesterday. -And it ts to be hoped that they wttt be present foj the clinic.'' Announc«ment that Wayne erlpples will be treated In the clinic wan made tn a letter to Tb* N*wa' by H. L Btantop. supervisor of voeetlonal re habilitation under tha department of publie Instruction .* /' "The -result* which have been ob tained In dr mapy ertp ples In your county ere moat gratify ing." wrod* Mr. Blanton, "and we are tnxlou* that all theelndlguent crip ples avail themselves of thl* excel lent opportunity of receiving free Ireatm'nt." - = Read Wife’s Letters To Another Man In Court Here l-p* through the roofing, , Ix>wn .JhrdhKh the raftera You are ihe.tooy That I am after. And after that, try thla og your nadi- * ' Bure bn a ben nl< hr a bug •. } -■ »>- 4,, f - tracta from letter# aubmltted In tha caar oft Hate again*! Roland Hollo- j man In County court yeatrrday morn ing. They are extract* from latter* which hie wife. Mary Holloman, wrote to tyl‘. r » "■weed#." ona Willie Hoaklna. ’ Tha charge waa abandonment and non 1 * up port. Mra. Holloman waa In court and 4< mrd areally ain u Bed at the rllracV from her letter* t., Hoakln* which ! were read In court. Coun««l for tha defendant Introduced tha lettara— I thera wija a greet alack of them to j ahow that Holloman ahould not he ad Judged guilty of abnndonment and non-auppitl. Ha waa datlarad not guilty. for one* tha dignity of Judge CROWDS FILLTABEHUfIE AT OPENING SERVICES ON SUNDAY P. (LAND MOT U. S. Consul Protests Hex Ire CKy, Aag. L-ls) —It wag learned today that repreeeo tattoo* which are tol*rpge4ed - ban m egulraleot «n « tfflp* have beeo mM to fto B*»nrtoieo> es Stole hy l olled (Unto* i enaul ; Geo ml Weddell ns th* neoM e» the Brel hdMO •* tar os M known of 'the taking ever es the ehureh property of e l ulled Sfotoe Mr. Wedd.il tafeneed lb* St* portmeot es Mtoto toot 9*** of 800 iaed de «MM«n MM® sight as to rued Hover to n am mMtoo agpolotod by the mayor. Men ad tb* Episcopal chore® IB Th* Maxima iOiHMh toy that tht'Chan* wne toboo^arto . register aad MM to «Ko ** 0 * 1 ■■■ 11 ~ ypMWpwt mMmmMm MmmMi . o ----- hot Recefvod In WaaMogtoo Washlngtan, Aog. —Mtoto , Department effMnls *aU today they hod received an remmnl rut lea* from Ceusal Binil Weddell of Mtolto CMy nod koto nothing of the iipniinßoHini wbtob see sippeeed to boro bom sept to WMhtagtoa. MOMS RBCOfIUMS BATHE. M*.. Aag W. More* waa recovering today from what wax deacribed by hi* family eg x slight shock Buffered at hie sum mer home lor*. Th* agto financier was stricken darlkg th* middle of the forenoon and wne unconscious ell day- \ ■ V * 1 tf* > TO DECIBB FONII CASS AUSTIN, Texan. Aug. I—Af tsr hearing an hour# vigorous argu ment Oovemor Miriam A Ferguson today took.under advie*m*nt th# quo*- Mon of extraditing Chart*# Pongl, Boston wlsard. to MaseacbueeU* to serv* a theft eeatenc* of mvri to nin* yearn. Bh* Is exported to aaoouaco her 4m rlelon lata today. *. mmmmmmmmmrn Rland’a court waa threatened when I aome of the laftara ware rand. Tha rf-owd In attendance roared with laughter. The following page from oge of tha lettara 'written la pencil, on cheap paper-mod In I’ncle Waif Mwauo fa ah lon—la a fair aample of the -other# ' *?;y *1 fovjl ytHl'aM win for erwr. yuu may changa but 1 will nerar rhaag. niy heart. "Tlmee may changa and wa may part, but time# will navar change’ my heart. I "But If aeparation be our lot. Dur-' , Hug. forget, me not " When you get married and lira on the hill ' , , Bend me a Idea by the whlpporwllt. 1 had rather ha la aome dark val ley ’ - "■here the aun may never ahlna Than to think you are aome other glrl’a ‘huabon* - O And not mine. : *■ ———"Mm— DIBPATCHBB fe Mick in Ffcae fMn and Schedules i Special Service for Friday . I «M I* CMt Mm 4 a«M» oihe. "Tka (MMmP. Tha Me Undo. wIM got a rw»M me Mart at tdoaat Ottaa aa 4HNMR** with tka haps t.M« MM filled for tIM MHW Ml Pa MW* nooa nt nat. t» »^>>>l»l that mila« Uni totoaanaU was «ait« an aiiinMallaiMWH. .iLif lig I* hMI a ntvMal M aMpt'Ottra in .pit. of Kell aad hot WpaPii *•* Um folk, had jMt aa Mil gal Mu ter It bow." aaM Cyeteae IM wkMßr,. run tag rriwd la omtmff liMir II d»r on Moadgyt ' w|pf •armont wilt kepraaPMiDMw aa M day at • oWefc MmSm* f* myerv Pi m of Mr. Mi day evening at wklsk Dai Pa dBBMA 1 gellst will nddreat Pa dMM Ma «T Mount Oliva on Tfce * 4 “Wa null aaad aaaa mm* Hat—.* aaM i. M. lease ywitiXay. and HD . M | a i aa-.a A || x|ain mi Hapmi eipjaii “ forward aai aaatat la Du walk. Tka afttrlt wUfk UM MW ti Making to cavar tka reataal MMflatdi Iv Ia aaotiac wttk general favor, aai. already a aaaMar at naps katpa a* da rad tknt tka paper ta Mat la Papt lor tka parted as tka Haaftlg A MM* ctal prtoa of TI oaata kaa kMk MN raaaad tor tka tarn of tka ppaNat. Acta su. -No iwtar aai Mu waa» n» tfcatkar lata Pa taapla at Pa fitopr of arajrar- waa Pa aanaaa which Bar. Mr. MdLaafba aaad Pan ky attoraaaa. -Tk. aaad at Pa hoar la aoim-Wtod. klrnil waakad. flra burn lag la thatr aaala la aaatoafc thaaa daviaaa of tka davtl aai la Mar down tka atraagkaMa al Pafaa. wkatk *p la tka kick placaa ar Pa law.** • ■houtad Mark. Had daHvar pa fraan tkaaa dliU •nata. three-hnrst, ptn-wkMptrpd. Mk muted guaatloa awfka. gfßdlpd BP B ■ heir pa Iplts aad ooap Maw, apto* ting oat Oraak dlpkthnafg aad IMBP* log an air of hleroglyphtoa, aad J«W- Pounding plows plstttsdM. apMHap halra aad wWttlkMl notktag adl ta a Joint, and dealing oat eeaatad IMP watar bouquets wklla daaaa katto aai low-dawn. Ood-firaaksa. tieqattona. roggapllva lac chows that paMfar U lust ara crowded grip BBT fpWPi people. Ustra! lawyers, dot tort, mm* th4 «JpJ|t'Mtl|a fll mM( jfci&PrHS* • ••••*■* mm+pM* and said, “Tkaaa m aid oevpfafcr lrunk." Peter's seniority la raMgkkMd P fcls leadership. comptoapaalsd the fir* uohpal aanaaa aa Pal WBB derful occasion., a Pat MiaM, «t v hlch I Aka gives hat a Mat pit Mt ) !l was a master ptaaa of ooadaaood < ipreeainn without Pa Biarlta 0 1 pP* idHy. It waa a clap al Ifcnaiw kp beginning to and. ghat Hpktalap Maad* •d with dynamite, cowardlaa kaa kaaal horned up with tka flra at Pa Pi boat m p So the Itinerate IWMNMB Pap# kings and potentate#. Pa BMPPHI iUthorlly of church aad Spfch dap panoplied by all Pi paaßMWilMpi pn»er of earth aad PH, aadjMMi

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