- \£?£3!L. * :" 11 lii,- •• t.m— ■■■■■ mf.i n i , . . * V VOLUME FIVE—NUMBER ISS. ' * ip.ji..; l .WML' "' . > EVANGELIST AND SINGER ARE ,KILLED IN PULPIT MttMW Ml WIVES GET SOME PLAIi TtLSM FIOU MMS *'*■ •m. m . m --. ~ . "' ...~ *IL Lay Murder To Moonshiners Whose Ire Preacher Had Aroused By Whiskey Fight Anwriw Fired Through Window Juot •■ Serv ices Started in School MOROANTON. Ky., All «.-3n>- Aa sraagettat ui a chair •*»*•»■ art Ami, alata aa they mm the open lag byaMt at revival service# by an uaMoatltlsd aaaaasln who flrod through th# window of tha ooamy acboof houao where ibc mating wm !• progrc** Tka Rot. W A. Mona. 83, toppled from Aim pulpit, dead, and Mrs Mr om# RoMuaon. M, died two konra al tar tka aboottng laat nlgkt at the Eary deboat 13 miles from here. J. D Young, 19, nattered a altcht ycatp woaad. aad otbara ta the mooting nar rowly aacnpad. Mm. Robinson's four .'hi hi ran nw their mother tall. Oae ata waa under arrant early toalght and Sheriff lather Turk o( Rntler County waa at the head 61 a VMM searching for another. . o OlfTord Wllaon. 30, a fugitive, slqct hla aacape from JgU hare a year ago waa arreated at hla borne oa tba ntate atml of a fourteen year aid girl that ho had fired th* sfeots. The girl falat loa. Who waa muted aa w bnetisg flag chars#, denied the shooting The (laying created each *xc«s aent among (ha audience that none wm able ta say how many shots ware fired. Conaty officials said tba trouble to . mooaahia'ri whose Ira tba evangelist bad aronaad by hla campaign against j Illicit whiskey gpd hi* activity la aid -1 lag enforcement officers. ■ ' It wm learned today that the meet ing yas disturbed Sunday night by rowdyism oa tbs outside. Two m«n dispersed the trouble maker* some of whom wore said to hayp threatened to fUsoms back aad clean out the whole crowd.” My. Mom came to this section a boat s week ago. fettchfleld. Kentucky, said that Mr. Mom came there from Feaasylvanla In of 1934 and proaeh«d (or several months Hla whereabouts sines then are not known at this point k-'“S GOOD PRICES FDR CEORCIAfKEED Opening Sales Yesterday Ad vance Over Laat War Manger reports reaching Qold*boro yoAcrday afternoon were to the ef fect that la the opening of the Qor gta tobacco aiarkat yesterday, prices paid ware la sscom of artcee paid oa the opeaiag day of last rear's mar ket At (he tlnM the ns i (gap i ware dta oetcbsd' idfl&rgta the sales were Will la progress aad the figure* war* largely eettmates. Oa* message said iba tobacco wm In bad condition pad wm averaging ■bo tit twenty cents la Ttfton. Oa.. reporta wore tfcai the price WM *3 cents so compared * ,v Vlf ► from Nasuvtlie. oa* of (ho impsu rant markets, oataa of 750.060 pounfy of priming* of goad guality ware reported at about twenty cents On the basis of these scattered re ports, coming from representative markets In the Georgia bait. Initial prices kre thought lo be good, lineal tobacco m-n elated that the figure* mentioned la the early reports were !a eseaae of those on teal year’s open ing sales and ware Inclined to he op tlmlallc. over the Rnaiarn Carolina outlook la the face of these Georgia prices. tallowing In the wake of the Geor gia markets Ike South Caroline mor keta wilt open neit Tuesday, while Lb* afMtern CarohaJan market* will mm me ism ma» ». . i Tur rni MiifiM nn n xiru/c LOCATED AT NO. 110 SOUTH JAMES STREET li’ THE HEART OF THE BUSINESS SECTION -«• - - ,v .' r • ■ t ■' : & •POSSUM CAUGHT IN BONEY HOME ' b Second Time ta~T*r« Months This Has Occurred Far the second Ham hi lam than ~ twa months aa oppusam has bgga ' - eapfarod la the beam as B. i Raney, as 114 Berth Geucgu streat. The »oca ad catch sms mods Mon day night by Howard Rash, el the Wayne national Bank, a rooms? la 4lr. Raaay*u Isas The Brat retch wa* made abeat oavea Weeks age by Mr. Essay him salt Monday night. Ilka, Abou Ban Ad hem. Hr. Bush woks from u sweat dream of panca, hut unlike Baa Ad hem he did not see an angol writing In a hook of gold. Thorn on the foot of hla bad ware two yellow eyes staring fixedly in hla direction. A cold chill shot doWn hla spina, aad ta the fashion of a drown ing man clutching at a straw, Mr. Bush hurled Ms pWew at ths Wwtn hade Mr allow Sr# an the foot of hla Hj-w a '** ” The aim wastrue aad the intrudsr proved floab. for (bar* wad-a thud aa eomplhlng struck the floor. Leaping out of hod, Mr. Bush switched on (ho light, aad discovered g nice, fut 'pda sum. The animal made u dlvp for tba opaa door tad Mr. Bush pursusd M with oka of his shoes which he had picked fyom the floor. | The animal was overtaken In tbs I ball aad Mr. Bush wan" pommelling I Its life awdy whan Mr. Roney arrived la time to be In op tba kill. "tar the love of heaves,” Mid Mr. Bonoy, "what’o all this racket out kero.” Then ho recognised what had happened. tar Mr. Bosey bad bean the captor when the Bret ’possum Halted the bouse several weeks ago. The men are at a lose to explain why all the ’poaaums that atray Into Goldsboro call at 114 North George street. I ■— !■ *• -VII. II II ■ ■<!.. ■—■—linn .1 1.1 111 Say Ben Rollins Can 'Talk : The Fire Oof Os Any Barn” » 7 Nancy. Frano*. had it* Emile Coue.' by Wayne county ba* Ita Ben Rollins. In Wayn* county today ttfty people yr more can br found who will tell you In all truth that Mr. Rolllna can “talk the Are out of a burn.'* Iheea W I ftfty people will not only tell you that be can “talk ths Ore out of a burn” but they will jftve name* and lnfortua-1 lion Concerning peupls pn whom n* baa practiced the art. ’'l gueaf I hare cured hundred* of fulka.” Mr Rolllna. aqpd aevenly-**»- ei\. told The New* reporter who call ed upon him at bla home near Ham. Bprlnga yeaterday afternoon. “it ain’t been morg'n week* I lat * Wvajh 4L- • Wttm* la gll me to talk Ire out of a burn be hal. Ha bad fell Into some hot stuff-waa workln' with the Vel vet Ice Cream Company In end It looked like be wna done for. Tnon one of the boy* who need to know me told klm to come here. Wall,; I cured him and ba Is all right now.” j Mr. Rolllna le not the only one who testifies to thf efficiency of his treat ments. “Did you ever hear of a Ben Roll lna who Is said to be able to talk the Are out of a burn?” I asked J. Floyd Barden, stopping first to ask the way to Rolfth*' home. ”Ebre. I have beard about h!m. Now ( don't bailers la nanta and I am not i wiuuai gm it* GOLDSBORO, N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING. AUGUST 4, 1926 ■»" . -.'~-,,i. . I -4. ~ -I ji ■. H CELEBRATES STH ANNIVERSARY CkrMiRR Federation Met Foe Joint Program . y _ * Oa Moaday night as the Christian church, wm celebrated the fifth ea aivenary of the Chris tin n tad«ra- tloa qf Goldsboro This wm a Joint meeting of the Men's and Woman’s Federation, aad wm a home-coming, a* all who bad ever be*a members I* war* expected to he present. There waa a large attendance, aad a very planning program. Mra. Anaaatroat announced the different numbers op the program, and lad the Psalms. The program lagan with the hymn “Onward Chris tian Ho Id I* re.” Thru the congrega tion repeated la ualeoa the ltlsl Psalm, which wm adopted as the mot to of the taderstion. five yeorm ago. Mr.; Healy former President of the Federation, lad la prayer. M lease Beulah. Maltha, aad Anal* sang a trio attar which Rev. Roh*rt Jerome made, the |ddreM of the evening. Hla subject was "Ac cording lo your faith, he it unto you.” Mr. Pats. President of the Federa tion. led la prayer, aad Misses Mar tha aad Aaale Westmoreland sang a duet. The cloned with the Benediction. ’mlapah" A vary plan—t social hour follow ed. and Ice cream aad cake ware artved. During the social hour. Mlau Eleanor Cobh's orchestra rendered sav m .during the aaatal hoPu. several 'in formal talks ware made pr different members of the Federatiba, Family Os Three Found Dead ADMAN, Mich * Aug. 3.—(AV-The bodies of John Vogar. M, bis daugh ter, Agnes, 31, aad the latter's daugh ter. Amrita, I, were found la their 'arm home jal Bllssflled. near here today. The tether’s body waa dang-* flag from n rope fa the kitchen. The woman bad apparently b««n clubbed to death aid the child poisoned. Po lina were unable to determln* If the thru# were stein or figarod la n sat* elds pact. r , Yon can find a cheap room at a re sort If you don’t mind native fauna. ' One of my children got a bund badly' burned—the akin peeled ass when sqyna hot menlhnlatum got and wag In sur% enough agony when Ben came and talked to It. Pretty soon the baby Mi asleep and the band-'got ell right.” Mr Barden alav aald that bla broth er. Howard Barden, of New Bern, *’*£ d ... b tace bad a badly burned Ifg pnd tlulJl Mr. Rolllna lalkad taa Dr* out of th# burn. “And you can see the near on bla tog till yet," aald Mr- Barden. Mr. Rolllna explained that he was abl* to take Jha Are out through faith. "If I didn't believe that I could ' % ' % r ” to try.” * He Inal-m. bewevai au.t her* la where big formula differ* from Cone's formula—that It la not neces sary for the patient to-bellevc In what he la doing. . As The News understand* the for mula Mr. Rolllna bends very close to the affected part and goes through a arrle* of myatieal movement* and In cantations. “But you couldn’t under stand tbs words I h«e even If tb* burn was on your face,” A* told tbo re porter. ’’Where did you . leant to do this mystery” I asked th* old man. grit-' ■la-haired and beat with dim weight, «f MW “I was learned to da Ba ratted.. • v ... ; , ' . OFFKERSTOY TO SOLVE RIYSTERY Invent ifata Ddßtha at FauHcr, Dnihtir and Child MHmttald, Aug. 3.—(F —A number of Isadu today can fronted of Balsl* attempting u> unravel the mys tery cantering about Ike deaths of John Bogar. M, aad BU daughter Ag nes. 3S, and the tetter’s Bva-yoar-old laughter. Aipelte. whose bodies ware found In their term home near bora yesterday. A . Sonar's body wpd found hanging hy the neck tram a rape la thr kltckeu and that of at* wdmaa and child la a bad room The child had bean poisoned. There ware marks on tka woman*3 body Indicating ska had baea beaten, flha ateo had boon poteoSMSd Tka theory that tba wpasaa aad her tether had entered Ipto a aufrtda pact aad had ad m Inlet trad to the child was investigated m the result as the find ing of notes apparently t« Bog*r e handwriting, to the o«»ct that Me daughter had commhtad sulride aad that he had decided !• mad hi* llte ta the same - manner. Ae mother bad oot*ooed the child, MMpotaa said, bat felled to reveal a motive. An examination of the woman's body, which "‘Mm marked as though She had been heatea, tpßMhar with the abaanoa of • aodva, tended to refute this theory, eetd. Another lsqdl fotioumd was 'N)| ttf o *. Bkr m«y have Wilted Mu' daughter and granddaughter aad than committed suicide. Bogar and the daughter had been at odds been use she refused to break wtfb bar fiance. Joo Bmltka. to whom ha objected, neighbors told (to nes. Bmltka and tka woman planned to bo marriad shortly, p >llOO learned snd Bocar bocam* ’ rnranged when ho beard of their-plon* Wlday, threaten ing ten kill his iIS '«hter rather than have her become Bmttka'a wife. Until ka visited the Bogar home Krldiy In company wttk throe other men and wav' eJecteJ hr the tether. Ihe Incident of hla visit Ik also W lag looked Into by poll*— . Neighbor* said shortly after the arrival of Sqgft ka and hla companions, there was 1 sounds of s violent quarrel. Neither the child were seen alive ofterwhjs. A neigh bor of the Bogars found nhnra-oa-frtr doorstep yesterday morning signed with Bogart name, asking him to come to the tetter’s homo at unco ’’or It will be'too lata." The neighbor. Frank Androvltch, went to the farm house aad d lonov orad Bofstfll body. B* oummoned police, whp found the other bodies. A coroelta Inquest wa* scheduled •or tomorrow. • __ I 5 YR. OLD CHILD HIT BY FATHER S George Bans SligHtly Kractaren Son’s Skull (Jeme* Bass, flv* year old son of George Ban*, who operate* a store on N. William* HI. in th« Cotton mill aortion, waa struck in the hnad hy a bottle In the haiuln of hla father tad badly hurt y*at«rday afternoon Hava, said to have Ix-en drunk, wa* lodged U jail by Hherlff Grant who » a**--* eell for aid ' f TkJ Willie MAI .*> Ml eye of the child open for about an Inch, and ■ apaed a, alight fracture, according to Dr. D. J Ro*e, who at tended, thr Injury. Dr. lion* carried the child to a local hospital where nil operation waa performed. According to th*' atory told by Mr* Ha a*, her t>u»oand* one legged man who formerly np»rai*d,a» atore In Toldaboro wa* violently drunk and •n a frrnsy. Th* M«w which at ruck the child had been aim'd at Mra. Haaa, a'.* said. The affair created ronaltferable .commotion In lb* aovtlon. Two Uriah Bart of knap's had ta pgsvt main i otrqpgth I* «Ptet Mm ptadlag the ar ijjMi m Mm Mmyia. ' - *vo- ijPRES. COOUDGE i IN RADIO SPEECHt 1 , DiuciMPpp Stale Sovereignly for Dtovtr Celebration k PAUJ, SMITH'S N. Y„ Aug 3.-0 F) ' —The sovereignty of th* otat*a which go to make up th* nation, waa held up aa a source of groat strength I 16 Ike Federal government by |>ronl ( dent I’oolldg* today In an address by | radio at Denver celobret ’ lag th* Mral-ccateaalal of Colorado’s ( admission to utatohood. Bpeaking Into a tejophoa* at hte I vacation office. Mr. Goolldg* had hla I words carried by long distance wires , to Denver for bmaorM ting through . the ether, th* add rasa being the first , of asy kind ho has mads slae« b* cam* to th* Adirondack* nearly four r weeks ago. I Mr. f'oolldge halted Colorado, aa a • state that "always has Men progros . *tve:‘‘ declared that "iht stands out i like a hoaroa la the history of wo i man suftraga.” and praised "th# am- I Any of her *eea*ry" aad ”tha waa , dorful halm dd bar climate," yet Bo | fsoortad her "chief Treasure wm th* t principle of local self government,” "This celebration la oxc#*dinfix » appropriate at this lima.” ho added. 1 "The nation Ui Inclined to disregard » altogether too much both the fane i >mu aad the duties of the Half, th*) are upick move than lub-dirfsioee of * «*• Federal government- TBag am k M 3WTMM rfi* tm ■w VM9WMC wnW NHWllimy VI I th*lr own right. Os eepree .on# of I 'heir chief glories. Use la the fact > that they are all partakers of th* » American aplrit, all a pari Os Ik* Ap - rrtesa nation, bat a great deal of I the strength of th* Federal govern- I uent lies la the fact that tka states » hav* the “power to function locally . -nd Independently, subject only ta i the restriction* which they thrmoei . res have favokod hy adoptiug the aa- I tional constitution. 1 "Thiu fiftieth anniversary Is la cel ebration of that priuetpte. It waa ftf ' ty years ago that .('olarado put off 1 the garb of. a, territory almost sg - clnsivaly under the dominion of Ike -national government and put on the rtbe* of d sovarnign American b**n I lIJ no small pan du* u> th* appltea - judp of th# principle of local self gov r smment O fall the wealth ang *m -1 Inearo that tela state has achieved, > this la Its chief trTksure i I ' - ■' - " r ~ -T 1 j 4kMMl■ u ■,wMp. 1 ,.m.. l^ lll Js l Commissioners Draw Jury r *» . „ ’ * for Superior Coort Term The appointment of cotton wetgfere #» r the proneat year and the draw lon of a Jury were the outstanding Heine of buelneaa traaeacind by the Board of County t'ommleetonere In their rag uiar monthly session. Os the all man who will serve ae welghera. only one repreaante a law appointment. He la Mr. A- P. Howell, named H a one of recelvera for Goldsboro. Othera for Coldaboro ate J. A. Howell and J. K Rmltb. 11. D. Hooke wee named for Fre mont: Devld Reeree for Mount Olive, and J. K .Overman for Piker Ilia Forty-eight 1 jurors were named fpr the brut week of Huperior court end {hlrty-sl* for the second week. The , ... f V Named for the Aral week are: Q. P. Hail. Buck Hwamp; Jerk 4 * Howell, Sent at on; J. L. Harwich. goideboro; Jerry P. Blmore, Btoney Creek; J. H. liughea. Broaden: A. J. Smith, Plhr rtlle; A. L. Jeckann, Uoldahoro; Jun. Robdrt Hooka. Pork: A. C. H.«t*h, Hi ogden; H T. Davla. Broaden; \V, (!. Hood, floldaboro; Waller H. Jamea, Goldsboro: A. A. Outlaw, Breeden; E. C Cobh, Nahunfa; H I.- Beat. Htoney Creek; Charlie A. Daniel. New Hope; J. T. Gardner. Btoney Creek; Willie A. Aitdefem: Money Creek: Harpy I Hhlpp. Oolds horo; W. B. Smith. Indian Hprtaus; Major Smith. Btoney Creek; J. A, J After. ’ Brogden; JC. ,C- ftftlnaoa, J Denounces Those Who Are One Thing On Street hi Another In Their Hones EPIGRAMS i’orefo—MS la (ka MlfkMaf sia of th* Twedfcoth Uatary. Th# slavery #4 money la Jasf a* complete aad dstrndlat as Iks ala vary gs oteeag drink. I had ratkte a adertake Is save ten aa* *U erne •l kag- A mah la eased te Ms sjfe effete l#m An pmwtf 1 ■■ Av* M they an ealy p teasers far a Mk * a I ama ttM ksmekMkeJßMa Tka auan wke lavs* sin Is a sfete tea aha rah. J ■ -a. vl'Vml* J", ■ ■■ ■■■'. , , •* tba data MM he MMMpiir 1 sr celd aer hes. MEfeimMfim u * ’ If rn tevo ear >a*mtee II k certate that Km devil bate* as. Capture Druf Peddler In AaheYiOe AMHMVrIAA Am- 1 f» Hammond, sites Tammy Rjraa. kaowa to the patle* of all a*ctloas of (fee country as a drug pfddter and who recently forfeited a |IMO cash bead when be failed te appear la United Matos district court bat te oaawer to of violating the Harrison ua rootle set. wm captured te Mte dewatowe business district of Asheville this af tenwon, by a deputy marshall Ho had born trailed here frees Now York whotr* he faces Indictments. i Grant Swamp; A. Or Baas, Ptkevtlle; Oeorse W. Crone. Ooideboro; m. 1.. lewis. Nabunte; George M. Warrick, <Jr ant ham; H. A. West. NehunU; W. D. Whitley. Nahunte, J. p. Darts, Big Hwamp; Beanie D. Howell, Stowe* -Creek; Walter L. Summerlin, Oold*- horo; T. A. Best, Htoney Creek; Dortch P. Ptetde. Broaden; W p. Til vert on, NahluUa: David Collin. Ptkevtlle; P. W Holmes; Indian Mprlnaa: J T. Kills. Nahunte; J. B. Waddell. - Nnbnnta; Willie M. Craw ford. Creek; D. M. Best. Na huataj. Boas *l. Qfddans. Ootdehoroj k til Wren, Neknnta; H PHI. Ptkevtlle; W. K Snipes, But*k I Hwamp; 0 J. Bandy, Brag den; J. W. o*4 Q A w.r^ UoiuAtoro. - K *. -> - Thy following were drawn for the second week; P. B. Hales, Btg Swamp; A. 0. Thompson. Pork; J H. Hill. Indian Springe: Willie p. Pender. Plhevllle; H. P Better. Broa den. H. L. Graham. Goideboro; C.*U Spivey. Indian Springe; J. O Wilson. Fork; G. B. Gardner, Broaden; Jeeae fTornegsy, Brogden; R. P. Smith. Broaden; J B, Petr, Jr.. Goldsboro; Johnnie Hilliard, Greet Swamp; Rd: C. Venn. Oreotham; B H. lewis. In dian KpHags: Talbot Parker. Golds boro; H. L. Ward. Htoney Creek; B S. Btssell, Brogden; William Handley. Goideboro, J Brant I y Pate. Stoney ‘ ? r jj DISPATCHES [ HUC* Fivi uawii -—. ■■ -- - * - B®r * MAjMi AM HDgNilfAl^ ITlOfl Oil s tjp*, *HM> r«UOI OMt N^fj »*»r tb« pmyw m y MMb hM. m b—m. git «M "H*. •Mpttoui m ‘MMMt nninnn* s< Th. Wtf. wbo HmMif •# r.!r»nfjys| MNdit Tb. kip MM**** *» Mb# for tb. HTWH tt#M K»PV«I«># (AM «b»t tb* mM| MM m4A • '4MP IbblMH. P|#«ml f KP »f f * no an whim •* *• K **•#- vttb B. D. imi ! j -tu OH of lb* QWt*u«qMlN»| 'Of*. ■ ** , r • »*»••■ r—n w «m* im MB- I vwtbAi I 4M m kaotr bbt *■» MM , or Miiptar., »tt jr* I** Mb |M my oonMMndfttnnfifcn*** I ihk WiA iMMPnr hou # • "“*• ■*«•; • ' blur *i» aurk nma ml writ*aMatP nwawaa f uad -—— da. SB P»wf"l • 1 off• iMVv m J9T UMVH Idea. 7:14: *lf my people. Wkleh aid I i ice. «»«l tarn from thalr wkhft ways, then wll, t Mir ffom kaasMl end will forUpr their Ms, mi ’ heal their lan|.- I alga read whf •'.od aaM through Jemgtfsh. •**ll od * me add I wilt ■nne'if tkee sad aksw tkoe great aad mighty BBftpp wthah' ‘ 'Mn knowent ml ’ I rHd wbeff ' David eeM. “DaNght thymtt Mgs IB the I-ord and He *.ll theeth. desires Os tky heart,’' Aad awe es the Drat mam M * • Jveee said when Me left haftven and 1 mm. to earth. « H ’ukndfe Bkhtt reeetvnt seek end ye ekntl Bad; teach and tke door stall he epftmd nM 1 W P**7 koiWe Oftt JB aksß ronpM end yen aboil knee It* If yp nklld 1 In me. and my wo*d abide kl yew. pp •hell ask what ye wttl and B shelf lib? eewwCTw»»> ** 4 .eft tjggj mjAmad 1 Paul to Dm Phliiipten denk. "H • areful for nothing hat la nesaydMM with prever end suppltcattew IH ydd* Tke. f rand whore Mend •"re “Vi rerelee eat ‘-ranee h *Bf not ” Up to that time I tkengßS off that a fellow had to da tPBI tp pd to aad my I want this aad that end the lard would shall R ewt |d him Rut aftar a wBBa 1 1 SMBS Id this r-rnr “To ask Sad rssMtakSt ' becjiuM ye eak aadkn tksd ft IBM! consume H upon xjwr ImS or. plpdm ure " -Aad I saw fen lied tkaww are

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