. ■ V ■" "" k 1 Mostly Mr Thmmday u 4 Friday ' .Mwu aoutbweat vlads. a Jiff . -Jr , s- 'yj -. t n ■ ■an. m __ . TOLUMK FIVE—NUMBER ltt. CHANCE TO SECURE 3 NEW ENTERPRISES FOR Off MACK SAYS PREACHERS ARE EUCCEKT TC'WOCI ARIMRMSH CAN BE LOCATED HERE BY SEPTEMBER 1 IF BUSINESS MEN MANIFEST INTEREST ,v . * , V ' ™ I To Be Considered at Chamber of Com mence Meeting at 10 A. M. ■mmMr* d Um Cktslwr si Fammirr* w«l meat la the Mines d Um trfTirfm* 1 — this morning st !• a’clack to fire roa*W|rra ttoa to t|ufMM mw antogprla** whirh Mrs toi Mstormtod .»• flsMMksra. ”We srs not prepared to fire n*m»» and specific Information for puhttca ilon Just now,* - said Secretary W C yesterday aftarsoom. “But If tho budMH men of tioldeboro are inter sated all three of Iks saw en tar prise* can b» secured for tha city.” J “Whsn css thay be Th* Nsws naked Mr. Danmark. J . "If tka bualnsay men ars Interested, Iks tkre* saw activities fur th» city ess bs located hare ky September 1" ba replied Two of Iks proposed new enlar nrtaaa for the -city are spokra of *a bated sinsufat-tu rent sad one a larg> dtstrfkuttdf uaewdraMsa. -Haw sassy, paopla Would the saw TtnM offer employment too.- the Nawa naked Iks B»cr*tarr -Ttira* hundred. I should My.” wan hla reply. -And what wapld the pay roll amount to.” Thy Newa then wanted to know. 1 *WM laaat $7,500 s week, and ydu cas figure out tbs yearly total from .hat.- was th* answer. Secretary Danmark, returned’ Sun day from a four day trip to points in ■ Pnd around Now York City, and It i* I understand that th« possibility At I landtag the paw companies for Quid* boK> were "headed up'* on this trip All three of tho concerns which ft fa proposed to bring to Goldsboro JSIY* - b*m Investigated -carefully bv tba Industrial Committee of the Cham ber of Commerce and bare been re ported aa entirety reliable. Secretary Denmark yesterday mail ed the following letter* concerning th* proposal. Colilsh.ro N. C. August 4. 1928 To the Board Os Directors of the Goldsboro Chamber of Commerce Gentlemen: I hare been Instructed to call a P-eetlng of tbe Board of Director* and Indusria) Committee for Thursday mornlng. August 6 at 10 oVioeg. aha * object of thla-meeting la to glee con sideration to three n*W enterprises •bat we have succeeded In Interest In Ooldaboto. Two of these are factoring plants and the third u a targe dlatrlbutlng corporation 1 might state for your Information Alhat nil three of these concerns hare ,V**n carefully Investigat'd by the In y **a ditatrial Committee aid ars found tu m reliable. - Thla la an Important meeting and I sincerely hope erery member of thr Hoard will be preaent. Bi j beta; Goldsboro, t'. C'„ August 5. 1925. t'enr Member: Tba Industrial Committee and the toerd of Director* of the Chamber law authorised-the writer to call a membership meeting of our organlx* Hon to be held la the Chamber’s As sembly Hoorn Thursday morning. Aug. 6th at 10 o’clock. The purpose of tilt* meeting la to give aonslderatlon to three near en terprises that are tateroeted hi Golds boro, two of those being manufa«;tur «ra and the other a targe distributing < orporatioa. c ’ prevent you 'lttMidlnfi fkia mealing, spin tot • gr*«er QiMWwit THECOCDWORO NEWS LOCATED AT NO. DO SOUTH JAMES STREET I N THE HEART OP THE BUSINESS SECTION Girl Rolls Her Hose On Busy Street New York, Aag, 4. (>P) EJ»- Ing her 'sleeklag on loarleenik HI roe). Just off Fifth Arcane, cost ■las Prance* KatkowHa three months la tho wacakanaa. The ar resting pallceman laid Ike raort that Ike Nls* kad mused Ike rrawd la roller! by her wllsa aad that when he remonstrated w|h her she railed him various names. “Women -henld not rail their ■ stackings In paklie” Ike ronrt rat ed. “The senplj apparel lh«y wear nowadays Is safftrleat l« attract i alien!ion wlthoal Ihrlr doing any- j thing else-. tso The warkhaaac verdict was Im | posed after finger print records skewed she had b*ea twice eqa v tried on other charge*. a SINK PLANS AN INVESTIGATION WIH Look Over Camp Situation InStotd ■B '■ A*hevt|le. Aug. f —Tho convict camp aitiiation In Western- North Carolina I* being “looked Intvj." by H. Hoyle Blnk, state pardon commission a er. The pardon cctnmlaaloner said here that hr Intended to Inspect the convict camps In this aectlcyi. Includ ing state Institutions. Tho fact 'hat the Buncombe coun- I ty grand jury Is now wojlilng under ' tbe Instruction of Judge A. -W stack j In c nlui tlng a thorough probe of al-t legations of flogging In the convict camps probably will cause the par don Commissioner to confine his ac tivity to an Inspection of eondltlona In the camps. It is believed. "I shall be glad to see the flogging law tested,” Blnk declared. In com menting on the charges of I .re J. Cody, a South Carolina prisoner, that he was brutallv treated while In the Buncombe camp. ”W* have a group of able-bodied men In the state penitentiary who ■imply aay they are tired and refuse to work,” he said. The prison board will not let them he whipped, and apparently there Is a<> way to make them work. They would rather be confined than to work so the result la a group of convicts who rest In the j .shade.- I Catholic Boycott Bothers Mexican Business Circles • 1 * MEXIOO (MTV. Auk 4 --(/PI The movement amour- Human Catholli * te* AIiJV * 4 * <> * trv *V,’» 1 hk.iliihl ihf nttitude ofthe Mei fcan government In enforcing the* nrw religious regulation* plainly I* wor rying biialnraa circles. Although th»re has bran no mMi«« outward evl dcnce* of an economic boycott. In Mexico Olty. rrporta from cl»ewlwr* <n thr flcimbllc atate that 4h<avolume of business haa bran notably reduc 'd In aoma placra. Meanwhile both tha govarnmanl with Ita supporters In Ita praaant . I Stole mi tha rallgloua lawa and tha Homan Catholic episcopate, an wall ap Catholic Hadara ara standing rtrm In thotr respective positions. Uncertainty over what actually la |M| on hi Meslco with reference u> * V j~~ '■ » lil'ii" pi '«g iU' I *' omli* i ■■■—. ■ “ ' ■ ■■■ ," • GOLDS BORO, N. C„ THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUBT 5, 1926 ]*. . .. - . -A.; a * i ; • *?>/ ■ BATTERY a does GUARD DUTY Im hußn, Colored Mahcdl, Gets Big AppUtwe - Battery A, the Goldsboro unit of the !17lh Field Artillery encamped at rtri Bragg, wus ordered to guard duty Itnmadiaiely upon arriving, and remained on duty Tuesday and Wed nesday. according lo report made by First Sergeant W. A. Tudor, who came to Goldsboro yesterday to M eur* some supplies for, the battery. "You sea we are Battery A, and the ' hatter las ara aaaitned to guard duty 1 In alpkabatlcgl order," rxpUlned Ser i geant Tudor. "But now we are free ' aad are going to get a little recreation along with tha military life.'* All of tbe Ofty-fivr njon are well and enjoying th* cakip. life, said Sergeant Tudor. , “Excepting that a few of th* fel lows are getting a little blue to aec | their girl*." j Lae Darden, the colored maaoot of ■ the battery, brought the entire regl | ment down In npplaune In a concert which ha rendered following supper Tuesday evening. -Yen,” said Sergeant Tudor, “when Lea pat tuned In on hie tenor banjo and got fairly launched out on some of those jassy tunes, you ought to have aeeu tha way the boy* began to flock around. It wasn’t no Um* until there "wna a groat crowd, aad the lit tle negro got plenty of apptauaa.” TO HOLD FUNTRAL AT 5 P. M. TODAY •' •: Mrs. Martha Barnen Harrison, 72, Died Yesterday Afternoon Funeral service* for Mrs. Martha Barnes ’ Harrison, who died at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, will be held from the home of Mt. and Mrs. D. W. Davla on North Virginia atreel at 6 o’clock thla afternoon. Rev. J. M Daniel, paster of St. Paul Methodist church, trill conduct th* aerrlcaa. Pallbearers will be: Psul Yelver ton, N. B. Bradford. J. W. Winslow, J 11. Howell. C. G, Smith. K. M Davis, George 8. Dewey and D. C. Cogdell. Mr*. Harrlaon waa seventy-two year* Old, having been born August SO, 1854. ai|d had been In declining health tor some Um*. She was a faithful member of the Methodist church and a woman ,OT “ <1 She la aurvlyed by ber husband. W. T Harrlaon. am) by her foster daugh ter. Mrs. D. W. Davis, with' whom she made her home. NEW 1 tilth IOTTON New York, Aug. 4.—Cotton future* closed steady at a net decline of 42 to 49 points. October 17 28, Decem j ber 17 to: January 17.24; March 17 42; I May 17.67. 'he economic bon oit hi** caused a 1 flood of_ nimomtejii' li usually prove ; W these rumor* was fftllk «J*b?U ' ® ing' because of tha withdrawal of naposita of large sums of money |»v many Catholics, goyprnmrnt official* deny this. Officials of other hank* state that ihua far their builnaaa haa hot Irani affected and that no withdrawals have occurred. Three official* do not ex pect fund* will ha wlthdrawnl because • hey feel there im\ lie uo polnl In Injuring uon-gove rnment institution. Want Approi r I prMag MEXICO CITY. Aug 4. CPI The archblahoprlc Os tjie Homan Catho lic chnrch never will approve of arnt >-d uprising but thg chnrch will “go to Calvary" if necessary' in Use pree- (Continued On Pane Tvnl J • ' ! - i- DUPLIN MAN IS FOUND DEAD - -■v*’' - ('aimed by AkfiMit Puiuoning In Verdict That death roanHed from at celtalic peLaalag was the verdlet which a <sra»er*s Jary yesterday utornlnv prsaanarad ' aver Wli llau Harrell. 46, farmer, who waa (as ad dead aa M I amber J road aewr Hwwdaas. tw* aad a kail miles from salsa a. at naaa. , Thl* Informal lea waa gtv*n Tbe Nawa la laag dlstaace toto pkaae raavervatiaaa wMh Taw a Clarh fiaaM as »aiaaa and Ike f'hlaf as Pallea as Warsaw tost kigkL ""A aegro storting la pick kvriM saw BarraU lying be* aid# tike rand Tneaday mare tag, the Jfarsaw afftoar t*jd Tha thaagkt that be waa Alrogl and did nad tagftt the In* r ideal. Whan she was aa bar way hark to h*r bomb, aha again noticed tka man 17 lag be* Id a tbe rand, reported than fart, aad aa tavestlgnllaa disclosed Ik* dead man. A (jaarl as whlalmf waa faaad by tka «M* of Ike body and aa ‘ amply flask wag lyiag near, Ik* Warsaw vaffWr told Tka Nawa Inal atoht f vide are wns that H anvil had bean dead seam M er M bear* wkaa fag id, Tba laggato waa told under tba ■apart iaton as M.1% Hrtlgiii. (eraaer tor DapKa faanty, and there waa no ladtratiaa that then had torn teal play. WANTFULLTIME POULTRY EXPERT Committee Will Meet County Karmen* on Friday The Agricultural Commit!** of the Goldsboro Chamber of Commerce will on Friday of thla week appear before a special committee from th* Wayne County Board of Comnrtaaliiaei a with a request that the commissioners ‘mploy a poultry expert to give hla ■nllie lime to the poultry Industry s In Wayne County. The Chamber of Commerce will em phasise the money value of poultry raising and will bring to the at tention of (he Hoard of Commission-' srs The fact that more than g2L.ooo.iM> waa paid lo Wsyno Coquly Farmers frr poultry during December of 1926 January. February and March of 1986 They will also Inform th* Board «kkt a fT.iMiO egg capacity Incubator ’* Is'lng installed In GoldstMiro to provide baby chicks for Wayne Coun ty farmer*. Thla large commercial hatchery will provide 2t,MMi baby rhirkena each week from November !. 1928 to May i, 1927 and the ag ricultural eomijttee of l£W chamber of Commerce fe*ls that an experlenc •d poultry expert is n«*<l d In our County to nsslsi our farmers lu pro viding sanitary pbuifry housed and lu pievsntlug diseases among Chickens Th* poultry Industry In rapidly I growing in Wayne and the adjoining liountles and those wntchlnu this d*- velopment within ■ per | '«• 4k 7F' -m . -i-a yjf tff W -ft rtry IndnstTy will nf gg I iuuon and lohsreo Arrested Wlu»n Boy Is Burned * New Orleans, Aug, 4—Joseph Tre psgiiier. 26. Is under arrest here, chhkprd with setting fire to the cloth ing of Morrl Martiall, Jr., 10, negro.. Trepagnlar, a trainman employed by the Texas and Pa«4flc railroad, sild ■tbe burning was an accident and de nied be placed oil on the boy’s cloth tag Ha was Meallfiad by Mgroksll at a hospital where Um bay It hit g arttl •[ RECORD PRICES PAID FOR WEED Mill ion PtMandg Sold it Goorgla Opening Day Atlanta. Oa, Aug. 4, (AV-pn# mil* llou pound* of tobacco ware sold all auction in south Georgia yesterday at prices averaging 20 per real greater than Ike grower* received last year.] The quality of the wed waa considered superior to crop* of former years. Growers ware pleased with th* re sults of tba opening day salsa at tka twenty-two towns where auctions took place. Batimatas of th* 10t *l valve of tha crop thru year run from s»#,* 000,000 to $12,000,000. Thr average price at Haaalhurot waa 20 rants a pound, Wajrcroaa abov* M cents and S$.M at Dougina. Tift on averaged 16 casta aad ap prqxlmatsly 960.000 pound* of lugs and wrappers war* offered for ante ’, Nash villa. Ga.. ara raged $0 canto; Ca milla avaracad 9$ coats, tka hlfbaat at Thomaavllla waa 89 caata, Alma 11, and ntsgerald H caata. • • • w At Yaldoatp. On., throe warehouses wera filled to capaalty and coaaarva tlvv estimate* plarod tka amount of tobacco on tba floor* at 400,000 pounds. Tka average price for the grot day waa $ll.BO per hundred pounds. Prices at Bflabrldg*. Oa. avrragad tkrae times mpre than last year. Wart hum# figures showed 4s.lff pounds *» Mm tool toiwib mrtjm- NEGRO BOY IS DROWNED NECSE Ckarlty RkyaU, H-Year-OW Am mi Cornelia Royal! i | » Charley James Hoyall, I yaar-old negro boy. son of Cornells Royall, was drowned about noon yesterday while swimming In tkh Neus* river between th* County bridge and thr railroad F Becton and Eddie Newsome, Several negro boys were swimming at the tip* Among them Wefb E. Lee, F. Beclba and Kddlu Newsome, when the Royall negro got laid wa ter which was too deep for him, and drowned before be could be rescued. The body sank to the bottom aad divers tried unsuccessfully for more than an hour to locate It. It was fi* nally brought' to the surfae* by Ed Jenette. an employ of th* Borden Brick and Tils Company. It was said that lb* body waa some 160 feat from tbe spot where the lad had goat dews POINCABB TO AAK LOAN * Paris, Aug. 4 (A*|—Premier Poin care announced to th« finance com mittee of the Chamber of Deputies today that aa soon a* tha situation permits probably at tbe end of B*g temt*er the government will launch n groat Internal loan with the object of consolidating tha Internal debts and ■ublllxlng the franc. ’*’•*— " Expects Manufacturers Will Sekct Goldsboro •I am quit* *u r a that before Vary lon* manufacture™ dealrthg to looata V * *•' *+< '♦ £i9 ' {’Pattern North Carotin* trill, «. ha»r, Delect Goldsboro," wrltea J. O. < allughen, Atlanta district manager of lhr AJiui Rubber Company, to W. C. Poumark, aacratary Cbambar of Commerce. Mr ! ('ulltt*hau point* out l n bta lat ter that hla company select nd Golds* boro after a rarwftil Inrre«tlgaUqa aa to beat tblpplug polm fo r Kust ern Carolina. The latter In part la a* fullowa: “It haa been my Intention for ht* ertil Weeks to write you and thank you for the 00-otperatkiti ■lu>«u ua In our Inveat IgaJlon of the poahlbllitlea at Goldsboro from a shipping aland |fewlnt, bat 1 bevy bean away from tha ~ nji f ~~wwpyy^' l L _ ir ~ - I ' l 1 * Plica nvi cm ' • > fr ■ CIVILIZATION TAINTED WITH DEVOURING GREED » FOR RICHES AND PLEASURE I EPIGRAMS • • • . s • One today Is worth Iwg lamer' raw* - . O' Fine .ease and *xalt“d hom at* gal kgff aw naeOfii fig wgfgfififilte— -1 r W* have man to ovary ram mug* Hi who ara legally h*w**t, bal maiwlly rattoa. A maa wkr daaa Mg tktoga b |§| |||| In fi)! |i||4 year jaws need exarc Isa, chaw gam. > 1 karaa‘B mack aw to kb raid.plated yedtoim. The CMy aadtoalftod |M I know as b leafing. Nt aggro yaa were bora «M a •liver agafa to ywf fiMtufh, deal Jewelry store. 1 » Auto Aocidenta Show Decrease RiALHkiH. Aug, 4 -GPV—Too mack apaad waa th* principal ease* of th* gavsaty-flva deaths aad CM Injuria* on th* North enrolls* highway aya legi during the first half of t$N. ac notdlng to the highway semi annual summary of accidents Issued today hr Ik* State highway department. Th# seventy-five dead and fifk In jured wera killed or hurt ta aftoe of th' 70S motor vehicle accidents that occurred on the highways daring the first six month* of !•s€. Th« death and Injury traffic toil of the pant six months showed a mark'd end Improvement over the last six months Bf l»sfi. During that period there war* l#7T accidents, with re sulting death* to 74 person aad in jury to 884. PGHBJS KlU.fi NK4JIO fthrevrport, la. Aug 4 porta received from Lacbut*. LA., said that John Norris, 24, negro, waa sur rounded ta a cotton field and shot to death early today by a poas* seeking him for aa attack »b a lft-y#ar-old girl at Lac hula yesterday. The aegro waa reported killed while attempUag tu aacap*. p "*.'"** -——*" -w'Hums i office »o muck lately that l bare nr . ■le< tad to writ# thla' letter uatll the \ ff*i« K % * "A* you probably know we bare al ready eatabllabed our warebouaa In floldaboro tq aerva the Eastern North Carolina larrltory. Wa established thla warahouae after giving rery care ful ronslderatlon to aereral potata In RasterwOilorth Carol aa and Goldsboro J waa »rle)ytisl after we ware thorough'' ly ronrlnryl that your city, la our opinion, ram aerva Haatern North Carolina aa a ehlpplag point better I than any other point In that section of the atata. "I am quite aure that before vary 1 l»ng manufacturers deetrlng to locate In a city In which they caa aerre Eastern North Carolina will, aa we 1 hare, select Goldsboro." I *• w »»»r* ea ■ - .»£.L .j*. m. .1 W • -nw-/‘ * t PRBSS^f DISPATCHES • I “The Lost ChiW Wa« Topic and Heard hgr A Grert Crowd , Ml ""roCrii r t" a. n ' la ireel diet ropy, paid n flTTurtod >4 ha eloquent to woodpni. aaraMt while place* *f UfqmK*[ hp^ worldloFvt, OCMMI Thou hattdh etrtUaftMi wl thouthi AMtrorv IW will aot (mh kbUI mm, M • paw 1 not Os thought* The a*ly aoteitte* for thk world her* UM Htnyftn to ' !h * of Chidflt ‘tto aata othora •».,« Are thorw t# |a m pra> phna la oar load to toap ha. ItoO 1 P«»PU of ceaalac toto«i&j£p» toore la oaa mlcr “eryla* ant la OH DM* •ra—thrrp *aald ho J*to|ll » The lost la tdtoo from <etoi I, L • aad <th vetoes us tho i*rwa to Mo lowla*. to .nbot.ooe I hard road th* BlMa fnMh Ooaaoto , (o Revelations. I haro hoaa a alodrat | «f tho aertptaroa tar Id fapm, aad I an quite sore tbet tMa to eas ed th» moot rears rhabl« atarM Hal I have read la tho ho tfl of boots. too aro told that Jnaa wont ip to lore Now ieaai wae aot a atraapar to thia city. Ho had haap lamd) add Hla worda wore eapto p froat deal tar Bt|r and wore altrodda# a ltd us attention Then why aphpaat that rwol with Jeoua. Thla waa aot Hla rirot rtott ta thto ' " rmut c “ y »Bd Whoa I reollnthat aad 1 'lrish about thla atory. thtfc nnrtliß * !■ «■> Mad. why IjH a« to ' ►•op'* «* tho City lotoroof thaaaasivaa a Mttje la thla pool, rad tho oaa«te«- cratlon of suffering that ajowdsil nrotnd tt,h> flur«ly they know iiimUhlkl of tha pain, mlaary, agony and squalor. fheoo people who want to churutf and woe ahlpped. bell. vara m tha at* ulytw pie tha' held nipoadMt mMaai| the mayor., police. , baa MM, aprebe »■«* and Bociaty folks; MM* they knew; they had earn It; ttwnp a Jr shay anew oil Shoot *kj|» vat there: they wpra not tghofpp «f thS Whjl You c«3ft have Walked tho at ree.ta of Joruaolam sad taqalrff of I*ny of tt‘a ritlsona wh*ra Up goal Waa and they would kora IpMadtatilJ told you that It woo dow* MOT tho "heep gat#. Now why did not they tgtttirt themaalv*a In thla nags cf potty, then* broken bodlue. weafjr Mnaho, emaciated physiques and tiiytag eyraT Surely they knew MMlthlna about thla throng of nligi mI thay did not. thay o U «V to known and not to few* f|» tPj hloodadnaaa and harborttf, and oaf u> f zz “TgrjJluTfl

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