pjrtnwn • *Mti Min; s*t I t W*l te*. (Mli nitiMt wteda. I —Wjp— — VOLUME nVB-MuiUß 1«. ' * NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN HALL-MILLS MURDER CASE Kli. MR. McLEMON ATTACKS REUGIOIS $«0IS Th SEMMOH “BES BEEN lURDERED,” MID SAYS COOK DECLARED BEFORE BODY WAS FOUND One Witness Wanted for Questioning Has Disappeared, Troop* ers Stele SOMteRVrLUB. N. 1.. Auk 6.-UP) —Me*. Louise Octet Rlehl. • maid in The k«N of Ik* Her. Edward W. Ball *t the Una Im aad#Mrs. Elmumt Mill*, choir stager, were murder Ml. taM special prowrutor Simpson lo iter that before tb* Rector'* body *m tent Marie Oildee. cook la the home, had declared: M He‘a been murdered." Mn. Rtehl. whqee husband's annul ment aalt precipitated the present’ta roetlgsUoa. told the Mate Senator to day of two convene!lona ahe had overheard between the Urn* the Rec tor dtanppeared from hi* hodae aad the the* hi* body Was toned beetde that of Mrs. Mills under aa apple tree oa the ontahlrta of New Bruns wick. Caeator Blmpeoa announced today teat hr experts In Mention Marla Guild** aa to her knowledge at tie night—sf m to Mm. Rtehl’t account. WltH* Korean. Mrp Unit* brother said to Mn. Hall: ° “Yea. I'm going to hod 1 knew he host come home tonight” Kate trooper* reported te Senator 9tei peon today that Mn. Minnie Clarke, aa acqualateao* of the Holla, ''wanted for questioning hy the prone caton, had diaappaared. j Other Warrant* Itaaed BOMERVILLB. N. J.. Aug. I,_<*)- Warrant* for two more arrest* In connection with the murder four yenn ago of the Rev. Edward W. Mali and. Mn. EHanor Mills wan today In the haada of Assistant Attorney General Htmpeon ns a result of what h* de •crlbed M "amazing story” hy a new wltaeee. One war net charge* ua man fr». quently mentioned la the case with being aa accessory to the murder. Mr. ‘ Htmpeon said he would recommend that this man he held mtehont hell when arrested. j*7 Negrete NamAd Thr other namee Nellie Kueecll, a begreas, as a material /witness. In formed of the warraof aha waited night on «r front porch. • three-quarters of e. mils from the chkhepple, tree under \hlch the bodies wen found, to be Her hue band spent most of the night Playing cards with newspaper men on •be ground under the headlights of bait n doaen automobiles. Newspaper men also watched the home of tb* man named In tb# war rant. • The Russell woman’s tsstlmony In the pnvlons Investigation did much to discredit that of Mn. sane Gibson, who swore that she saw Mn. Hall handing over the two bodies. The wo man. after a conversation with at torneys for the slain man's widow, now on ball charged with the murder mad* affidavit* that the time In ■; - onealion .Mr*. Glbsen was at the Rus '**#*'%>-****l** * < V * ndtechlag Kaiemeat. Daiactlvss today wrr* checking the statement made to Mr. Rlmpaon yes terday, by the newly discovered wit ness, a middle-aged married woman who called at his office after betas „ advised by her huabead to tell what 'aha knew. Mr. Rlmten refused to dlacloa* her name, but- declared there would bo lour arrdhu'Britain 41 hours If her ■ antimony was verified. "She told me.” be said, '‘that aha knew two men who were present when Or. Hail and Mrs. Mills wan ■lain. 8h« gave me' an accurate da eciiptloa of what happened oa the THE COLDgORONEWS LOCATED AT NO. 11* SOUTH JAMBS STREET—4 N THE HRART OF THE BUSINESS SECTION ‘ _ —r .tj ■j.-jategga: aui. . ■■ ■ « >-■ • ■ | Frenchman Buys \ Self A Coffin Parts. Ang. 6-<AP) Meek with everything yea are ever Iteely te need, Including a eeffla, Is 41* gelding peltry es ene Krenehaua far farm era nothing hat higher price* ah*ad es him. “Yea are feed far another M lean,” a deeter laid the aged test well preserved man and tb* veteran united eff Is the andevtaker I* make a detl at pres ent ndn “At Ike price that even the simplest fa serai will have reach ed In W yean,” be said. *1 bav* Hens a good stroke es hastate s.” OUTLOOK DARK IN MEXICO NOW CfttMic Rem —k Boycott In croaoos to Prcoottra MEXICO cm, Aug. 6.—CP)—Pne atmlsm regarding the religious con-'* Gict between lbs goverameat and the f"atholies was more prononaerd to day. Business depression, born of ths •conomlc boycott declared by Catho lics la protes against Kft govern ment's religious regulations. Is grip ping portions of thr republic and causing apprehension In other parts Including the capital. Peace feelers have proved futile aud then Is a lessening of hope even among the numerous volunteers who 1 Lavs been making efforts to psv* the wav for an understanding. Newspaper , diapatchas from outly ing point* give belated reports of greater disturbances than have been recorded thus far. In a serious clash ut Guadalajara, one of th* strongest Catholic centers n the country? six persons are reported to be dead and fourteen wounded. At Torrson the newspapers report, one 1a dead and eight are wounded: cn* person was killed at 'baernavaca sad at Impuato a woman, believed to have teen a protectant. la said to have teen beheaded by a crowd fran tically excited Aver the suspension of Catholic services.*l # *" 'I ■■ " ■— ■ '■ -• Lifeboats are now being fitted with -mall cabins. In Which are Installed wireless transmitting and rscelvtng seta. Wire City Will Furnish Space: Meeting This A. M. V. ' The instruction of Secretary Dan mark to wlra the distributing corpora* Hon that Uoldaboro would provide the necessary floor apace to haodla their business and would erect a building rtKrfaf ***' VTV aai>. -and. UU» appointment o< a special roromlitaa 'to negotiate with the two manufacturing proepectj for jbe pur poae of closing contracts with them— thaae two Itema featured the meeting In the Chamber of Commerre yester [id«y. The meeting had been railed fo r the purpoae of laying before the buat neaa man of Oold'hore Information concerning the opportunity of bring' new enterprises jgetlle city. The matter of bringing tj»a three new con<-erna to (iolAboro had been thoroughly investigated by the Indua trlal committee of the Chamber of Commerce. The report of thla com mlttae to the meeting yeeterday waa ua almanily Indorsed, and the beard GOLDBBOBU, K. Oe FRIDAY HORNING, AUGUST i. lift ■ 1 taxiin' 111 ' ... -SCSZtt i BROOKS WILL TEACH BIBLE Second Baptist Pastor to Go to Mountain Park iMtituta * I fcev. C. J. Brooks, pastor of the ' Second Baptist church, yesterday . wired his acceptance of the position > of teacher es BtMs end chaplain of Mountain Park Institute. a BapUgt Institution In Surry county: Rev. Mr. Smith will eater upon hie ' new duties with the beginning of the 1 next school year In September! but be plans to ieavs Goldsboro In about, two weeks. ™ r " T ‘ Goldsboro people will regret to see this popular pastor go. but they will wish him wall la his n#w/*ork. For four years now he ha/ served tb* Second church here, aad for several mouths he was acting pastor of th* First Baptist church. Mr. Brooks Is a graduate of Wake Forest college and well prepared for the new duties whieb he easy met. On Bunday ha goes to Klsston where ha will All the pulpit of the First Baptist church for th* day's services POX CHASES DOG ON WAYNE FARM OM FurKsMlMjsg Sailtk la New Fox hunter* of Wayne county, here 1a th* Information that you have been looking far. . Reynards la th* section of country near Bfoadus Bridge In New Hop* \ownahlp have grown so numerous that oaa day recently one of them chased a *mjU dog. out of a tobacco patch oa the farm M Major Grant. Th* story was brought to Goldsboro last night by D. G Smith, who oall *d upon th* homes In the Broadug i section yesterday. a "Mr. Grant was sway from horns at the time/' said Mr. Smith, “hut there wore several wbq saw th* oc currence. Th* lltttf*dog ham* yeiptag to th* house just scared Ont of his wi|s. Th* fox trotted unconcernedly out to the road In f ont of the house and stopped for a moment. Mn. Grant could not nse a gun aad then waa no one at the house who coaid. put they are willing to give affidavit to the affedi thaj_tal* actually happen ed.'* Th* young taxes In th* section, as* 'cording to Mr. Smith, have made fre ducHy Inroads on the hen roosts of th* cltixens. ' . ORDERED t'I.OHF.D (XiMBTANTINOTIJ:. Ang. —The American Chamber of Com merce has been ordered closed by the government at Angora. In conjunction with the Induatrlal committee In bringing the projects to a bend. Kurther pinna toward “heading up” the mgttpr of locating the two menu* t 4. < r ■ h n meertng of the IndueUiai cuiuruluui i at ll;JO this jQornlng •The’ coMbiltee," said Secretary Danmark laat night "la vary anxious ; to hare every business and profession al man who la Interested In our city's progress to attend thla meeting, let’s make Ooldaboro a great maaufactur i Ing and jobbing canter.’' *'W#,” continued Mr. Denmark, every facility for doing thla— I > adequate transportation service, cheap i hydro-electric'"’ power, an unlimited supply of labor and an abundance of ! raw material. “Business Puadsaaiaaal men at i tend the call aseettag thla moralag. I place your eboaMaM la the whaal, aag / \ ' O THIS BEATS THE •POSSUM STORY Fish Hawk Ckasas Sparrow lato House and la Killed Mare la a Mary flat haste th* Maun femsßui all bellsw. It was kroaght la tteldshsr* ysslarday by E. B. Vteewat, fan*, ar whs Mm ass sHn anal at A large Bek hawk chased aa “ Kngtlah sparne thnmgh the a pea deer es Mr. YtaoeaPs bam* WoA aeaday sflwiiaa Into In hail and aa Into jr . th* sparrow wMh ths Bsh hawk la hat panatt. tank refuge enter a bed. Had 1 knew yen went believe Ik* Mr. Ylneent laid The Newm “bet tent hawk IM an th* (Ml at the had la the reem and tat there ante I aarne In and kKed B. By wMn ar any sf tea Mbs amend th* plnee' will tsß yen th* saw •xtetpy. ...-i *- •Aad after I had klOad the hawk I killed te* sparrow and fed khn U tks family oaf.” 1 MAY REQUEST OFFICIAL COUNT -» -,.w • • Wets Win ia Missouri and tlw ■ Kluckrm Lea*, is Khunss Kansas Ofty, A|ig. 6.- (A*) - Interest in Tuesday's primary election center ad tonight on several closely contest ed races In Oklahoma and Kansas with Indications that an official count may be necsssary in some Case* to de termine the winners. Incoming return, accentuated the victory of th* wetv In Missouri and th* detent of ib* Ku Klux Ktan In Kansan. „ Th* contest between former Gover nor Jonathan M. Da via and Do«ald Muir, young lawyer of Anthony, for the Democratic gubernatorial nomi nation held the spotlight In Kanaaa. Davla bald a lead of >7l vote* on re turns from 2.433 precincts out of 1,- 642 In tb* state. The winner will op poee Governor Ben 8. Paulen. Repub lican. In the Ntpremter election. Charles. Stephen*, of. Columbia, maintained a lead of 21.000 ever George McGill, of Wichita, for the Democratic senatorial nomi nation as the count neared completion and It appeared that be will oppose Chart** Curtta. majority leader fn the Senate In November. All of the autl-Klan candidates In the Republican contest* for Mate of, fleers In Kansas siemcd assured of nomination by good nomination. In Oklahoma.) Congressman Kinder Thoma* was leading J C (Jack! Wat* ton. deposed governor, 1»y 13,000 votes for tba Democratic sanatoria! nomina tion with the count two-third complete and Henry 8 Johneton. of Ferry, re puted to have the *upport of the Ku Klux Klan. held a lead of mor* than 4.000 rote* over W. M I». Darnell, former candidate. In the race for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination In the return* front 3.200 precincts out of 3.178 In thr state » > ( Tolea poet trie at-. ar. JA •' « tJW Utt* Atfe 2.000 vote* over State Benator W. J. Harr Id, dAs re-nonVttlat ed. Cnltrd Rtatea Senator George ff. t Williams, of Bt. lionl*. and Congress man Harry H. Hawny. of Br. I»uls, will be the Missouri senatorial can didates on th* Republican and Demo cratic ticket* respectively In the election te'l, wwuneasily over their avowed dry opponents. Moat of tha tacumhant rnnteetants for congrasalonal birth* had a safe majority tar re-nomtaatlon. although Charles Carter. Democratic fncumh |SW te iba third Oklahoma dltlrlct waa ImaaMus Wkh aktft gggoalilon from 1 YfShur «| flMßtetar. AT ROCKY MOUNT RtyrumUtlTu From Baalim CaroHna Is Hssr PrssL 4Mi<owml Rocky Meuat, Aug- 6 Approxi mately 26b prominent woman of Bast- arn Carolina ar* aspected te attend the joint meeting of t]G fourth and flfth districts of the Daughter* of the Amer'can Revolution which couyeite at Rotky Mount. Wednesday, Au«» 36, la l' * pariah house of tha Ctuicbl of ihr Good Shspherd. Mr*. Alfred Hron-nsu. of New Yorlt C;&. pr*»*«lvnt gehvrtl of the D. A. R. will He the special honor guest. The fourth aad flfth districts cam prise all of Bastsrn Nvth 'atolls*. Mr*, rdwta Gregory, »Uls Head, will be prevent for th* laaettag with other promlaant members aad oStctala o l tha organisation. Complefe prepara tion* following the Msstteg *f tha Mjcajah Potway chapter this moralag a#s being tend* te eatertaia tb* visi tor* and at tha aaae time prawn th* areata for tha menKtg and awHoaa. Mrs. R. p. Holt, regent of the local ehaptar. Is te charge of all plans which ar* being formulated at present. Member* of the local ergaalgattae ar* enthusiastic over lb* fast that Mrs Broaawu will ha oa hand- Thin I* th* trat tiam that ths aatlakal head hw attended a district meeting in Ah* state, it In declared. Me will attend a celebration at Moon's oml kattie ground ,tm August >4 and ksttefflag tk* nlebrallon will o*m* ilfitit to Rocky Mount. Complete arrangements have OCWIII he mad* to car* for all tha gnasta that attend the gathering which Is reAlfß ed aa oa* of the most Important held ' la th* list* tar a long tlw. , All so cial court**!** will be expected te these attending the coavcatloa. Final plaax will be anaennrsd noon. It was said. :, -..i- ‘ Ponzi Loses Second Round it HOUSTON, T»t.. Aug. ».-(#>— 4 harles Fnnsl. former Boston "finan cial wltard.” lost the teeond round te his legal fight a*»h.at return to Maas rrbusetts today, but aucoteded In de laying a final abow down. Judgr Charles Asba, In district court here refused Ponsl'a plra for his re lease on a writ of habeas corpus, "vherauppn attorneys for the fugitive gave notice of an appeal which will serve to keep Pnnxl la Texas at least until October when th* state court of Criminal appeals will hear the case. Attorneys for Ponal announced Hint the rase would be taken to United Htate* Supreme court If necessary. Josephus Daniels Speaks At Kenansville Reunion „ ~ * Kenan* l lie, R, C,. Aik. #•- There *« nut mi much difference In the peo 1 rlt nf one generation from another «■ the presence of electric lights anrteau tomoblle* and Ilyina ntjlpa would Inill ms&sm,aߣ-£Lt that him been held In this place <>n iba first Thu unlay In Auguat since the War HUrn the Staten, "That tart Impressed upon me strong ly a* 1 perused the early history of Duplin county aa set forth admir ably In an address by la A. IDaalep. "There were two Incident* having {elation to the building of the first courthouse tfiat carry aptesaon to the nreaem gonei atinn. On* la an Incen ’lve to unselfish public service. The other D a warning not lo follow cer tain waya of the father*. “I wl*h to read the namea of tha tnuM who aelected lb* alt* for tha county seat of-Duplin and hold them ■P Hr «veriae«ta* emulation. They BEING CHURCH MEMBEE IS I NOT ANALOGOUS TO BEING A CHRISTIAN, HE ASSESS EPIGRAMS There Is plenty sf reem at MM tap, bat there Is net ant* any where olse. Ham* pwßffi toaland sf call- V*B« word* that wBI make • Greek prefeemP* jaw* ip*ak sass ' a wash Is te pleaching •» i iiiisr Be many CkrtsUaw ar* MB* river* teat, flew kite Uw Mite I tea brtri-ksts a* larger teday Uma they warn yesterday, meaagr hiveetad- A preask.r eagbt I* he aaternl had usNiMtetel v 1 ‘f* 1 tip itekw if itetei pla tear pasgte tea see yem Thar* la sack a thing aa teflk. teg amd set sayteg aaytelag, SHIP HOOCH IN CORSETS} -- - - - V Make Slayn Pgr Ccmta ft Plat (Containers as Wktekay • Atlanta, Oa., Aug. 6.— i/f) -CoregU with pint bottles of corn liquor aa •lays, constitute ths latent boote smuggling wrlnkl* ancouatersd by prohibition enforcement agents. informal I 'll to this effect has been brought to Atlanta by l>oula H. Craw fyd. (Tnited Htatea .marshal tor tha north ecu district of Ueorgta. followiag his return from Savannah, wksrw b* conferred ,wlth M. O Duanina, prohi bition co-ordiaator for lha southeast Tb* unique liquor carriers were discovered at a picnic given by Ba vannah negroes. Crawford said. The Barest*. «a< h of rirhirb contained 12 pint bottles, were worn by women merrymaker* at the festival. were Thotnaa Hooka. John White head. William Hubbard. Robert South erlaari, Daniel Tcacbey, John Ualrr. Edward I tick eon ahd Daniel Hick. They liar* descendants Helnr. Mar wzric?.:a?k-z> ed to the^d Debar s« ft nubile Intel !f auch truai la used even Indirectly 1 so bring profit, la auch a person not at leant receiving what the lltlcago alderman would call honest graft T "There Is on* mor* action by ih - •arl/ nuihorttlea of t&plln which M not In be an highly commended. W - ■! "I bars noi gone heck to see the wage" of that dap, but I opine that Ilia burden wan proportionately much larger upon the man. who lad noth ing vgeept dts hands, and who rs ■•aired email pay for hli vork, I aay. waa larger than ;npon what Gala worthy would call "The Man of Prop. my.‘ If so, that dteorhataatluu I**"********. T « MB *■ ' ■ ■ HUCi PM CBMIB * .—" ijj JLT ritlay, n» r. «. liß ' i* B> I ‘‘Scribe mi PluripMjp Wm Title of fIBM at Moiat OHvi .«. u.t —.l ~ mu p2| church U not • traa arc ndtarttoM OM It *tß radar and Phartpaoa y atpl! J* f» MM* B> tar Uta HUM at pmii, Rarlour u 4 thar pf| ’Mr far tour tn (his MHt. la (ML M .jhi M * —.— - -* a - *—■ - *• rtß*dl pi Mpinllß Ot Ood." ' Nov tho Phartapa wm Mm Ml uta llatou. poraoo anmall* Ifcat Mka vorM iui «var kaafta H«ri la all • ■»»•» O' wow* who walk, tho MM* dirt of thta phuM| tan oomM tafa u> lira up to imp h*har ataatfwi of moral* Iha a tha Mlarhao attaftMf in tha dar of Jaaaa Chrt* Mow. m %ra how much r.llptaa P MUov & hara and ant h**a AST I MO*, M think that tka PkartohM vara a kai l. hara uta of hm# thaaaciaUaa ••f (ham Ha poor* MM tho rial* M Hla mlchtr coatamd * wMeh ha kai mliad auch antlra. Mil paaldtag MP> doolclam. auch crakal nhalP. *Mh wtthcrlna ioatafli|t- Omnlmp rrrhal damaatloaa pad hpt aMtagMpp vara . mbodlad la ChriaTh pn Ml to tha Phartaaaa. ,1 tad raa vftpa Ha miked m than, Ha Pfrar daalt ta pllttartad paaarntlMaa laaaa #HH Mdabo«nd aana of Htplwt paßta <iarma of Hla dar. Tha Pharlaaa wap ataUppai M*Mp I that affa. ia.i plat? asp trior ta ’tho irat of tho people* TMa aipjap aa ■«' protao acalaat hap*an p*B|ho • which had crMM \€ iaapp tha Im. Aftar a Umt laapaai at. r«9pp| naparaiad aad para thap boaoMS ; f|ta rapt " Irina on thrtr ppM *««PMh»' 'of. Thta haa t.aap fhp MhßpjM m. chnrchaa aad hllplww ppplM elder thafr dar Tha pkartaaM VHN ■* <Ol their Plkr’a Paak pritiipfig p» tha worst foaa M ran! paantaa MM nodltnaaa that wath Oajb graph M||ih taamn Abbott aorta “ft h «£*■? too murk to aar Mtat tho aplrtt as f Tf-gHM ■‘\ r ~ rran fr

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