* W |lm«mr' ktwti} cool ,« “ •W'h ««M MM m MC I' • ‘• ¥ ™r ■'- *' ]l " - 1 *■■' > 1 ■ VOiAJMK n ltt. FIND NEGRO IN HOBBS’ HOME AND IN FARLEY’S STORE CYCLONE MACK DEMIES LESSENING OF PARENTAL AITNMTY - —-— t. ! r - ; , ‘ i * ‘v# •■■■■ .—„i. ~ .1 •• - .. .... - - - t . i HOBBS INCIDENT ABOUT 4:30 AND FARLEY AFFAIR AFTER SUPPER LAST NIGHT Mrs. Hobbs Was Alone in House; Mr. gaooer and Intruder in Chase « At <:M yesterday afternoon ifr*. H. H. HoMm of Via* street tlicoYorod a negro la bar bona, and at t o'clock laat evening O. 8. Sasser. manager at PATky’i department at or*, who had ratnraad to tha atorv h do somr extra work, fouad aa unidentified negro coacaalad la tba atora. Tin detertp tloa which Mr* Hold* give* of the aagro who tatara.l bar horn > la toat respects tallied with tha description of tha negro tha* Air. Ila.-t f. uml in tha. Parlay Mora. THE FAMI.IT IMCIBKHT « Mr. Baeeer had ‘cooe hack to tba atofa after supper. aad. tons ad on a light aaar tha front aa ha entered Ha thought ha hoard something aad start ad la tha dAractloa of tha noiaa to In vestigate. About tha mlddl* of tba atora ha aaw tha fork fora of a man stoop Hjitli I a countar. Betsing a dlaplay ataad ha made la tha foreettoa of tha Ma, aad' jhm.-tMti.tiMM to dodga about Hi tha atora. According to the atory told by Mr Banner, th* man «u colored, “yellow," ha waa described, sad wor* a cap a* had the aagro aaaa by Mr*. Hohba. „ Ha had a hatebat and a piatol ac cording to Mr. Bsasar. In tha pursuit around the at .re th* magro darted upatalrs leading to the second floor. About this tine D. E. Spall' and Enoch Malpaaa. who bad bean stand ing on tie opposite aide of tha atraat. rushed over, attracted by tha aolae* mada 'la (he rhea* which bad been ' going oa. Tha three could - hear tha negro asortmg abound upstair*, raising a window It sounded Ilka. "Ha cant gat out if he gets on the root,” said Mr. Reiser. "for there la Bo way of getting down. A call for the police waa put la and offlcera raine tn a moment. | Upon going to th* aerond story they f und an open window to the roof, but the negro had made good hi* eacape.. Crossing over th* building of th* Handley Stalling* Hardware storr h“ had Ist himself down by acme wire* which are on tha *td* of the buildln*. Officer* ware Hat night searching for a negro mam who was discovered In th* home of H. H. Hob be, at 3111 East Via* street at 4:30 yesterday , afternoon. Mr*. Hobb* w** alone In I th* bout* at the time th* negro .eh-j fared tt. Officer* held one negro suspect, but 'MrS. Hol)b* declared that the man ar rested waa not tlu on* who had en tered be waa allowed to go free. The negro la described pa being about 5 foot and S lache* tall. Tattler slender, -and aa wearing ha striped shirt, gray trousers, had an old cap. , Mrs. Hobb* had Just dressed after V hath aad gone Into th* sluing room lotah* UP her work again, Mr. Hobbe * . yi a a vary diatlact odor in the r.xftii and even. Mr. Mobba said, looked out the door aad wfmdow to aa* If abe could glpoover a magro passing. Returwtmg to bar work, the was again Impressed with the* odor and started to Investigate. Aa aha looked up Mr. Hohba told Tha News, she saw the magro standing la tha bathroom door. Toe Mach devil, what are you do tp* 'n hare." Mr. Hobbs pooled hi* / M Ifftag to th* Intruder, and at V Bad out *c th* back door of Mrs. Hohtg gave the alarm aad the ‘ officer* guhekjy ippapd.t but thgla.- trudar bag aiada Ida sacape. Mr. MiMn van at ktowark ami tba ebll i J LOCATED AT NO. 110 SOUTH JAMES STREET-*-!* K THE HEART OF THE BUSINESS SECTION « f » f ' ! FUNERAL OF DR. i MANLEY HELD n Mount Olive Man DM Ttuiraddy With Bright’s Disease 1 Funeral aerytcaa ov«r tba remains of Dr. P. P: Manley, who died Thursday avenlng at 8:30, were held , from th* botae of Mrs. Mordecal'Ben nett of Mount Olive at 4:30 yesterday . afternoon. Rev. Mr. Baker of the Presbyterian church and ’ Rev. Mr. Pittman of the Methodist church wer* In charge of services. Interment waa In the cemetery at Mount Olive. Death waa caaaed by Bright's dis ease. Dr. Manley return'd from Flor Ida, where he had been practicing, about ten days ago, and wia .at tha home of Mrs. B*nn*t wb*n death came. —— „ • The deceased la aurvlyod by hi* wife, by one brother, and by two sta tors. Tha brother la John Manley of the Jfoumt Oliva section, and tha sister* are Mrs Montana! Bennett of Mount OUgg and Mr*. Betti* Bar field of Manat OR**. Dr. Manley was forty-eight years old, a member of the Presbyterian church, aad a member of the Masonic order. ' . The active pallb*arrrs were: Hep man !Jmg. M. y>. Summer lln, A. Vlchatt, L A Bird, Jr .J. J. White burst, H R. Southerland. • The honorary pallbearers were: Y. H Knowles. W K Martin, L. A. Bird. Sr. p. W Coatellr, Hr. O. F Herring,' >.V. P. Jennette, A. 8 Crady, M C. H. Cherry, A. J. Davw and Col. J. D. Langston. ! | Lightweights Fight J To Draw Decision New York. Aug. I^—Ac* Hud gins, of Nebraska, and Btanialauß Loayaa, of Chile, fought to a draw de clalon tonight in a spectacular twelve round lightweight battle before a 'crowd of 24,000 at the Coary Island atadium. Most of tba spectators ap peared to believe tha westerner had ‘ a decided margin. NAME HTKWAkT D*s Moines, lows. Aug. I.— (A*) David W. Mtewirt, Sioux City lawyer, was today nominated by lowa Repub lorana a* their candidate for the un explred term of Senator Albert B. 1 Cummins, who died a week ago today. Expect 100,000 Tourists Through City This Winter Goldsboro will age Ktt.OAO'sAomV Mlt* tourists pass Jthroilgh. the city on iho Coastal iHkliway going South Ibis winter. Hurh Is tb» prrdction of Harden Allen, representative o{ »b« American Auloibobtle Association. [ IfwMerdav 1s t toUUboru in l .l» Interest ot (lip *u>M' A4» ; WSjr. “The Florida bound traffic Is go ing to be greater this year than ever,** sad Mr. Harden, “and the Coastal Highway la yulnf to be one of the lavoHtr routes. Goldsitorn ran get lirrpared to hare at Iraat loo.immi south bound tourlsta pass through the ! rltjr." / Mr. Allen, reprasentatlrs of the Am erican Automobile Association, spent yesterday In the city gathering data for a special Atlantic Coastal high gray section la tha October number of The American Motorist. W. H Kv sag. representing the Carolina Motor ■ t tub. who la srcompaaylag hint on in trip across tha state ta log sad - . 1 } . r ' GOLDSBORO, N. C. BATIIRDA YMORNING, AUGUST 7. I §26 - ■ - * -- - - : ii__ . 2 JicJ !/< M’BRAYEH WILL SUCCEED SMITH Local Man Resigned Aa Grand Secretary of OM Fellows The position of grand secretary of th* North Carolina <*raud lodge of Independent Order of Odd Pallowa, left vacant through the resignation cf Charles (1. Hmlth, Ooldaboro man.’ las bean filled through the appoint ment of Dr, L. B. Mcßrayar, of Southern Pines. It la learned. Dr. Mc , Brayar will carry on the duties of tn* office from Southern Pin's and In connection With the position which he now holds. The appointment waa I made by Majdr R. U Spaulding, grand master. At tha recent grand lodge meeting of Odd FVllowa, Mr. Smith waa select i ad secretary succeeding John D. Bar ry, of Raleigh, who had acted as tha grand lodge secretary for over 80 years. Shortly jfter his election Mr. Smith announced Ms reaigaatioa. Mr. Mcßrayar. It waa learned, will devote only 1 a part of hts time to the office as he has other duties which he will continue to perform. It waa also learned that Dr. Mcßrayar agreed to accept tb« appointment for the remainder of the year because of the emergency that existed, and In no case will he accept the ofrice after tba ngxt aaaslon of the grand lodge, tt waa declared. , Dr. Mcßrayer’a appointment. It waa uadarataml baa* today, will «» mm K tlteon August 10 and on and after that having to do with the socretaHCs office will'be conduct ed from his Southern Pines office. - Col. Hester Estimates 15,600,000 Bales New Orleans. Aug. <*>—Compe tition with .the United States la the prodaotloa of cotton which Is bamm ing more marked la cafthin foreign countries haa not yet proved “serious 1y successful,** Coli HJ (0. Hester, j secretary of the New Orleans Cotton Exchange declared today In his aaaual report of the 19ZS-26 commercial crop. Col. Heater estimated the commaV elal crop for 1935-26 at 15,614.707 bales, an Increase over last year of 916.351. Many Die From Cholera In Chinn Shanghai, Aug <—(ff’Y-lt la unof ficially estimated that 1,000 Chinese are dying nally from cholera and the excessive heat. With the epidemic at Its peak, today was the hottest day here In thirty years. The temperature raeched 192.3, Few are affected. Aa Canton the army la auf faring from the discs** n sp out the North t andina link of, the highway, concurred hi this pre lection. • Under the ausplcea of the A, A. A- Mr. Allen la maklug a log and taking ■u Jbui remrd of ,'h- »*i»rm Jss>u *ilr>*3kiiw. fWii< ta I Highway, he declares, la lust com- Ing into Its own. Previously there baa (men a bad atretch of the route be tween I‘eteraburg and Kmporla. Vs. but thia particularly objectlouabls link Is now under construction, and by early fall the entire route will be ' an all-thw-yeer-yound highway. Tha two automobile association rep resentative* conferred wth the cham ber of comm»ree yesterday M that lime Sloldsboro decided to lake a page atfveitlsemeat In the feature edition of The American Muiwslat aad the log hook which la to be prepared for the Coastal highway, aad a pegs In the 4- A. A- guide. It Is adapted ■ - «.*Mad|jammmsgß i 1 -n-- -i i - The Sunday News i . Th* Sunday edition of The News will cafry a special section con- 1 i gratulatlag Coaart aad Son on the I ocaukin of opening for buai- I neaa In their new plant. A number of feature stories will be run In f this sect ion. v f j In addition to t)>* spaclal section there will be tha usual complete ; reports of lh« happening* In Wayne county, timely editorials and a special story concerning prospects for this tobacco aaaaon The Aaao clated Press diapgtches will give tha latest nawa of the world and nation, and. the four pages of com lea will supply a dtol of tua. - Call 513 and arrange tR. java a copy of The Sunday News sent to your home before break fast -MANIAC SON SLAYS MOTHER Officers Find Gibbering Mist Bangle Mutilated Body Sprtaggald, Maas., Aug. «.-<*»>- | Richard C. Hearse. « 16-year-old ma •-hanlcal engineer, alew kla mother by >tortuous mutilations today during a maniac attack that left him apparent ly a gibbering Idiot, sluing beside the mutilated body of lie parent with whom he had lived alone for 14 years sine# aha was divnreag. The police have been unable to learn what started the mutilations that brought death from shock, hut Ike young man muttered rambling phras es atjpiit taking out his motbsr's ays because they did not look right and of rending bar body to purify her soul. Hears*, who waa a graduate at Northwestern University and had been a star ItaakatbajJ player In high school, had previously showed signs of mental lapse. He had called on a young womnh laat evening, re turning home after midnight. Whether he became enraged at hts amt her over * personal affair or was mentally unbalanced through worry over her health has not been learned. The police have not found tha Imple ment with which he tortured bis moth er. but they believe that he hardly could have used only hia hand, even though a mad ‘Man. The murderous attach waa disclosed , this morning when a neighbor report ad that she had beard acraaaia of an gulsh- A plea of not guilty to a charge of murder was entered for him la court> today. Attentat# will report oa Me condition. , * a A neighbor hearing screams from , the Bears* houae called the police ( <;«rly this morning, the police found j the house dark and slleat. Aa kour later the neighbor reported again that she had beard screams. Tha poltr* hastened back to the house and broke In. iiearae sat on tber kitchen floor beside the body. Y y.i'.ir . .. .. , WAFTS ft) IW.FM.F. FROM HOPE HKyrriAC. Wash., Aug. 6 4 A*> - , Ybnmh* Aohiison. ciW*s*«d murderer of fou’rteeiF persons. Insists on being ( hanged. *nd Ue< lure* he will resist < fforts to lajie him hark to Minnesota h*’.i DEFER ACTION ON POULTRY EXPERT Matter Referred Bark To Ceuaty CoreailaaliNMra Yeaterday The vmatter of employing a full time poultry espert for Way a* Com tv waa referrvd hack to ty Hoard of County Commissioners f«r furth er coaalderatloa at a meeting called for August U. This actio* waa tak en yeaterday morning at a meeting between representatives of the Cham her of Commerce and between U A. Haney th* board of commissioners Two othsr members of | committee named to represent the era for the meeting were unavoid ably detained front attending th* meeting. County Agent A p. Robertson waa to discuss the need tor a full time specialist for the poultry raisers of th* fotsuty. Bee rotary > Denmark aad Thomas Norwood were to repre sent ths Chamber of Oemmero*. County Agent Hobart eoa la of the opinion that the employment of a spe cialist to devote hia whole tUa* to the poultry Industry la th* County would be th* making of the under taking la th* County. “It could real <.y b* brought to th* standing of an industry If we' had a wbol* time ta per!. said Mr. Robertson. D. W. Lowia, of the Stato Division of Marksta. aad E. W. Fisksi* of the etal* Dapartassat of ’ Agrtoultpre, were pr*e*at to apeak la favor at forse* a great devilopaMat of th* poultry industry la tkta aecUda If It :a bached as u should ha. Many Farmers In ° Saskatchewan Reglas, Baah, Aug. 6—Uff)—ffaa katchewsn Is th* biggest, farm la th* world la tha belief of Hon. J O. Oardlaer, “farmer premier.“ feveaty- Ave- per cent of the province’s popu lation Hvea la rural arena while th* othkr tweaty-Pv* per eept. com posed of city dwellers. Is dependent oa farm lag tor Its prosperity. “There are 111,436 farms la Sas katchewan with aa aggregate acroege of 37,696,320 acres." said Mr. Otrrdl-1 aer. “Average atae farms la 220 acres, aad average under crop la -200 acres per farm. tiroes agricul tural wealth of the province Ist sl,- 662.473,0#*. While Baehatchvwaa W ducee about eper ceauof Canada’* wheat crop, tfiergratfreateo go la extensively for diversified agri culture." BOTTOM MABKKT ADYAXCM New York, Aag. f —Cotta* rutare* closed barely steady at a net advance of 12 to 16 potato October 17.68; December 17.86; January 17,85; March 17.6 g; Mky IT.TL ‘ ’ /' . Niss Ederle Completes Swim Ot EjigiisltCbanne. - - - ik 'tiff Klnradowa, Knglaod. Aug. •. Oerfeude Kldorla. American swlm mlng marvel, tonight -won tha proud * ■ ' distinction of b-|ng the Drat of her sen to conquer the Ireacberoua waters of the Kngllah Channel. Not only dldj ’ * W* • a eennational flnl'ii tn bccoutpftahlns thla feat hut aha did It In (meter Ume than any of the prevlotia airceaaful men performera. Hi art lug from the beach at Orla-Nea, France, at 7:o* o'clock thla tytornlag. •he lauded on the beach at Klugsdown near Oral at 9:40 o'clock tonight Hav ing taken hut 14 huura and II mlnutea lu make .the difficult paaeage aa j agilnat flh- former record of Id hoars. apd-ZJ minute* made bjr the Italli- Argentlae swimmer. Tlraboochl. when he swam the channel from Calate to (lover three years ago. "lint proud woman." nan aN Mlaa Kderle would My a* aha pauaed Just for a mo moat on Kugtlsh soli. alter = .zr,L'*ytmmt i *‘ , V. PBItJB nv* GINIf GIVES DRAMATIC STORY OF ms OWN LIFE IN esntSE OF VERY GRIPPING SQHON TO LAY CORNER STONE TUESDAY 9- ■ " k ‘ . W. A. D**a Wttl Deliver AMreaa far Hick SdMrel Carere—ire The corner jDs* of Ooidaboro s aow 1*60,0*0 high aehoal building will he told at public sendee* to b* held at I o’clock seat Tuesday af ternoon. according to announcement mad* by Oearg* ■■ Dewey, to charge of arrangements for the ally school heard. Featuring the ceremonies will he aa luMtees by W. A. D* aa. hmal hlr ter nay Mr. Dung will dlscuga the history of the public school gya> tem la OoMahre aad expiate the ste nincaac* ot certain Hams which will he ettclosed to th* oeraer atoaa. Those ta charge of arraaiemsats plan that materials wkfcdi are *fM)ga*d in the stone shall glv* la tlrmrelT** a history of ths school ayetoto *f Ik* ‘My * * *.!?**' want to tavtto every eUtoaa es Oofff*- bero to be preomit at the laying 16 is th* -'*r‘* aekaai that to hatog kadi isug aad every clttoea should he In terested lo th* services." Progress on th* building Ip gulag torwsrd satisfactorily. It was said yesterday by HupertaUadsat Rons* of the Stout t ou*i ruction Company, coo tractors. It wilt ha ready by January I. Mr. Rous* said. o «*T AO. §. New York. Aug. 6.—Th* naval commaatoaUoaa bureau tonight re ported th* receipt of aa ■. O. f. calA from the eteaasor Antonio, somewhere off Bermuda. All broadcasting * rowed out atdld acclimations by the large crowd which hud come out (row Deal aad otter nearly waterlog pieces to witness (he clltpag «f the momentuoaa (eat la channel awlm mlng history. The awlm came to aa end In what might be described an a blase of glory (or to guide the swimmers aa aha | neared the boadree ware , kept burning along the beech, light ing up the watera so that score* could *ee the strong atrndy strokes whieh Mlm Merle kept np until ate waa able to loach bottom and walk aatera. Tha glare of the torches oa the ac uumpaaylng *»o«t and ttelr at rung searchlight added to their — r .. ———j«-w-_- .a., yj . My——— — "*' *** 1 ANSMMnpi .s£%f| DISPATCHES > of «m oat wrotdMd boy la. Ma dtfMa M* Nothlag bat Mtaary. a anal at Inti Vnd a boa of atraw. aM VO* IhMn 9lacM In all that* WriihtjawTS the hum. of r ' Tb#y la atm mtmur '"m/m m bow. that hay bobber aaMMy Or rbhy. abar. pan. aa4 Jay «*MM rat Balloted ton 004 ooatahttMbt twa«. Wbari tnboatry. fnnltlT nil at tba board at Bat wbaCbOV the atmciara b* a palm or gorMt, H la honia. Tbep*'s halts • dlffsrsasi hstausa ■ boats had a bonne. Lana WUt a home, gold builds banana. Tha teten has a car dog whieh Utey call imT •ad all ths family lanaa Mm Tfeh bonne has a pedigreed alMtote and ha !• kept la tha bara. la haaaaa , Had broken hearte. ham. oroetration, tdlonenn. irllfte>>lM(. af|b f’owera growtag, vim hearte, h%- plaeaa. love. Tha haaaa h aaM. Jte cratlnr. cutting. clnabiag H—uffca a*d •( not that, yon dad a abate of hahf t||d| Has tea Km mm m edit W k*d satisfaction aad aaaaMtehMM •nd t boughtfnlaeae aad Inna la Mb a eat to-gether party of ihhlag, —ll lug. loving (neat. la.the ten** <*• breakfast table la Jnaf a Htedlk kite factory ( have gone la haaaaa aad i.av* been ronveatteswl faiaharn. nag vent tonal minis fnissd —Had. |lh dike looks. coM Mas— Icily, N«ty, lanauid band shakes aad eaav*g|—» • Ham > 1 In the hatea thd drtfb to sHfa— Ihe children are playing, aad yoa A • hood old time wtkteaate 'wrttfp gW ter car tetters all over ted team #n L