JBliWUi riTifH'liiiiiiidiirUlßini'inmill!i -- «. . $ M«MUir wmtf ZiT f " •;■ E, ■** .-- -. ~ , »t. „ —im-iiuii, - n j- | - iginii|iiinii__MiLr._. ir -■■: - -A' 11.. , , - -wj- ,AgriAMg^'.'^mLL LJL —i7" , iMi3i'i TIPI Tl‘ T r — - in- t? .' i *:■H : s''VSh *~B i Et"l"li■ m*iPi YJkf \/VlVljf iTOVir* wwjr^pttri •&* ; ,.l s iw s&*ss? Cl Jk *Mm jSJBSRL kv H VL ■» B m B m Bl *B m. ■ B B M B B «k B*B ■ * B B B B# # B BB B. B Bfl B _ _ Bv <' 4o* *f| 1# §-'* I BB WM IB Bf IB I|C IM m IIBI■/ I b W I MIB B ■§■■ B ■ #ML b B .| I ,11 ■ |M 111 mmmßmis meat business of ommor buck tars _.. i Mfii !■ ,1 ~,*- 45FT- l 1 .! " i\ ~ : v ■ 4 ' s »••■ ' »«|| K Ik* ih^ : IIUBI.AM BflßßSw f« ■ - ■irrr*'- vffmmri %&/ To Third Btory rfiSl ?? ’ Wjfilhjßrf «-i amgioo *r All «tI«MM Aol»t. to I** f«c‘ th*t Ito Ml a< iroaM* la gw tat* a W«tai u* ti*a win c BU.J WtowU with • Paw gM - pttr-Tharaday ni*hL H. H. HoMa H*taa— Trlday attar aooa Wtajr'a Dapartwwit Store Friday Bight . Qrtn Porter Raaldanco- S*tarday aftaraoon. Ilia Pai+oucraeoh atora waa et> land by aaoana o( artciag opea the baofc door. The prowler la aald to fcafg pried opan the raah drawer and aot fladiitg any change to have left without taking a*y marehaadlaa. tTha moat apoclkaeular entry waa that made Into the Smith Hardware Store oa Tueadag and Thnraday night (■ thle InatMea aa Mtrance ta the atar* waa oftartad by cllmhlag \ a wStor *pa«t aa the borh of the ► i dan to the thIH Wary window, rah lug the window and cllmbte* la. laaahem *1 the firm lhaagh« that the prowler go! between W 1 aad CM worth of bbmll hardware BMrtJy porkat hnlrae. On Thuraday alght the prowler al so entered the store of the Handley fttalllng* Hardware Store Firm mem bsra here were not able to any wheth er or dot any goods were taken. A Secood attempt wg* made to enter thl* store on a eubsoqaeat night, but the mease employed for getting Into • building the Oral ttma had been cloe ad. Friday afternoon came Mrs. H H Hobbs. dtat;o»ered a negro In her borne , about «:M o’clock, and F’rlday . alght O 8 Beaaor. rotnmln* -to work jtn the Farley’i atora lor some night 'tasks fouad a negra concealed In the building. Tba negro wai armed with a pistol and hate hat. aad attar aecap tag to th# upstairs walked acrosi the Hendley-Suillnga building end escape jfd down some wires on the building Within the last* iwn weeks the whotawait grocary firm of Jeffraya and son. *A anew w~h* * r < > JT r ’ , '’."'C forced hla way into the hulldlag by it bach entrance and pried open the oath drawar. securing a little change It wilt also ha recalled that the firm of A. A. Joseph wag entered aee eral weeks ego. IIIHM OK IMJI HIF.H ASHfn iMdC. Aug. g.-t^n—James W Redmond.>M year old. well known resident of Madison Oonnty. died h«re n day In a hospital which be entered neeeml day* ago tor treatment of injuries he sustained when struck by a Rout hern Hallway train at Marshal The body will he carried to Mr. Red mood's former home la Madison coaa- Uh hWWH Mid *Brt«k*B< BT Mdt, . /a.-V ' ffefc J. Ml V. ’ r y _ T H . m " liß IT h wm ' Ls.- m KJr I v * n «IBh M,ne PAM I'M toartghi la rtf »hal pornSh^m^m^ lag*tews county ThafßHjMH enlowiMag fHe aMnen.™ \ jl fWjr hfß wort erfppßl hrteaf drill tipoogh th# j p At aJE WMkf AWI NIIMIO wln^NcMT the air Hne can ho aaWpfetad la •*rtn IhJM «f any mMmjmß M tin Cfpth as MOrt has maM j r? 7® VkjH l '■ V*" * !|) 1 '." . " " ■■-» iSIY? INHABITANTS la Oo«-Tn«th Above Averagen For 8(0(0 As o Whole Wayna county—ln thirty-ninth place Id tha Hat of ton alia* of tha elate—has* *Oa for evary e.l Inhabitant la accord ing to statistics printed In thr lTnl e*rally New* Latter This la ona tenth above the average for the State aa a whole, which ta one car for ev ery 6.5 Inhabitants. Tha atatlattes give 7.076 automobiles tor Wayne, and acre taken from the state Depart ment of Revenue flgurea, Statistics as to Inhabitant* wars baaed on 1923 counts, Uullford leads all other counties In the Stats with < a r a. which Is one motor cap for every 3-6 Inhabit tntg. while Yahcey county stands al the bottom of the list with 6*7 au nmobllea for every 26J inhabltanta. The average for th* State la one car for every 6.5 pemctns, but at the pres, ■ nt rate of purchasing cars, the State will average one to the family by another 13 month*, say* the bulletin, tnktng five ae tha number of the av erage (amity In the State. e According to this average. Oullford ha* considerably more motor cam than she ha* famlllr*. The entlr* population of Guilford could go lo ride aj once and leave enough car* al home lo carry th* population of any on- of the smaller rountfe* of the State. Mecklenburg la second In motor car* with 6<>.Ml2. and al*o rim-oik! In per car with one i'ar for erarv four Inhabitants. Make county aland* fifth In both count* with Ro wan holding third place and IJ *UNk> fourth Wage ha* 16.44$ earn l» one car to e**ry 4.6 person*. Th' b-» vwAu. tx.Vw-p w I'Tr'WT.-'t of the l|*t which Include* In addition to those named Bhovr, .Buncombe, 4 aid well, I>ee and H«nder*on aventge a motor car or belter to a family. Eight mountain and .(wu_ tidewater counties comprlae the ID counties that fool the tabulated Hat. Yancey tanka la*l with apprbximafly ftvn famllle* to tl)c motor car. but Yancey averages almost aa welt aa the State tveraged *t the end of the prosper cus year 1916 when 100.00* cars were •Isted in the Btate. —..1. 1. ■ ■ ..' a. -X t Doacrlptlon: “it’s a on# courae-nlaa hola town “ Queer people! They will send to Qmvm A HMk«l hire IP iQHk hllnr (kMr ohiwnU aMnlrn r J P PUP OyWgdfr V*"****' ,f.i ■■ •'■ J. >l.l* J JP» Y ' ■■" " - —■•• =.- rjates t*. .%jp7Bßyfc; f,. >’’>■ QOUMBMMI Jft'Oa SUNDAY HKWtNiNt! jbiniiar s1 um *. tllfry ■ f L ...., 1« About th# burgUriw which are wro. * • at breAkiog tad entering Hi A« are anti roly too many \ ach auccaama on‘Abe part of % good women of 4mklßb«ro will^P jwh of this «i*r U iniufflcient, ah in a proviouß it»u*. * iw tha small mattagM tba aalarifa Bit stand betwaan tßurttisena aad hkh h* la entitled Iwlia KoniC^ B DONE. d>fcr..3fc WOMAN KILLED ACTO CRASH Ib. 0-' * ’' ~ .. jt*- ■Bh c. P**t*r D«k| and flcflopfely HlVt in I n«P(U(' AO* 8 <** Th# RdMißlp tljlll Pearl Peeler 06 driving an auto >r*riKw*W > oing when it was I 'toh\r S ißtlntl reeulUng In the dwipLif IMF Mtra. H. 0. Pester; kafM)6 MB Bonaldered very gprloas fkAU fpßerkK f r< ** n • on- McMkakon orWMM*I *«• shoc k aad J lour hoar* la ear w7*9mS 1y agrt. Alt' ware alightly IbJupsKl Funeral aorvicas for Min. will ha held nt Morgan ton toMVfwwl afternoon. TOBACCO MEN TO LEAVE FOR SC 1 . •_•*'■.. 0 Markc( Will be Opened on Tnea day; Short Crop Thin Year mad Good Prtee*. Expected Tobacco men from Goldsboro and other Kastern North Carolina points will leave tomorrow and Monday for points In Booth Carolina where the tobacco market opens Tuesday Many or tbo tobacco markets on the border of Houtb Carolina and located wltbin thr atat* of North Carolina open Tuesday. A number of the men who went from this city and vicinity to the opening of the Georgia markets will travel Northward to the South Carolina trnd llna markets are: Fairmont, ■•Vhlle- Tlie murk'U In Royjh Carolina belt which win open tomorrow art-: . Andrew*. Conway. Darlington. Dil lon. Florence, Jobnsonvllle. Klngatree a I.ske City. Ijimar, Loris, lake View. Manning, Marion. Mullins, Nichols. Olauta. PumpllfO,, Humtcr and Tim monaville. The border mafketa, lo cated In North Carolina but opening on the same dl& a* the Mouth Caro lina markets aFlrmont, Whlte vllle, Uluff. Clark ton, Chad bourne Tabor. lebprco •r'e expeited to be sold o n the Mouth Cerollna mjtrket* thl* year There la approximately 72 per ceqt of last year’* production available In VolNh Carolina thin year, and prices are expected to be somewhat higher 1 "Vi w V avafioble lo choose from lost yegr a production of 70,803,713 ponnda Os thl* amount 19.721,07 J waa pool'd. Thl* year Ihe “p last year Activity of the*local market will be. gin Jour weeks after the opening 01J, the Hout ’arollna market or Septem- Iter 7. Preparations for the local op. 'nlng ark being made now. Womvn live longer than m'n be* raua* of the sheltered Uvea they toad, a latadol). apa< lallst .1-. lagwa. M* 1 polota out that of a total of M 8 I Aaatha of parantu over M yaaga B, m wi wmm i - •—b^B BsiS r 2-m Church 4. Garreti, m. wIN ha r aad the ». this %t» »nw*i. wwer ( One at w'liame aMt ha fn chmrag’llWp sarrtce. Va Mrs. Oarroit WBo 66 -Years aIT dfc a faithful at maker As tha BrhaHiv* WtpUat churdb - Bh# waa fwartg Hr*. W A. Ofiaipn of Ooidskoko, ' , Surviving y h»r ar* bgr httakaad, r J. i ««frrt(, c* DdYtaam two kfßkwt <* Allan tm, MA ifr* MNggle "'HHama of PortSlhoutß, Va ; las by flv«i* aooa A J. Gits son of P**e“ w f Olisson. of Durham; C on. of Portamouth. Va.; K ■B of Durham; O V. GHaaoa *Bm SUNDAY SCHOOL ASSN TO MEET Al Wraartkaai Hitch School Au ggfd 88 and 29 Says An nouncement Plan* have been made for folding the annual Wayne County Hiiuduy School Convention «t rH7 Grantham '.flxh H< hool Huttding, on Katurday and Hunday. August 28 and 28. 1926. Arrangement* for the convention are lu the hand* of Mr. J. I) Hines, and Mrs Grace fy arrlc k Poindexter, presi dent slid secretary of the County Sun day School Association *' These offlcrre have artftounceil that they have secured as outside speak, cr* for thr (onvegtion, Mias Dairy Ma gee. Rnleigh, Children'* Division Hu pcrintendetU. North Carolina Hunday School Association and Mr. D. W. Him# Raleigh. General' Muperlntendenl ! North Carolina Hunday School Aaeo- 1 tin t ion. Il< sides these outside apeak era. h number of prominent pastor* and Hunday school workers, of county will take part on the pruftram.j The program for the convention wilt include addresse* und diacua*iiius of various pha«ea of modern Hunday Hchool work, the object being to make It possible for woiker* in Hi depart- ! meats of the Hunday Hcho«l to get help from the convention. A request I is being niude l 0 the Sunday school ‘ workers 'of the county to. present to; thr convention any *pci lal Hunday School problem thUt 'should be ill* cu«*ed. *lc> mn|> , J V J5'' officer* uj (barge of the 1 oltv< nTtmi , that foil -wing a custom starte• murder iK veetigation. State Senator Hgigfer Him i>*oit tg charge of th* tartnyfllaa Jar say City mad* ao — l —irwgglMl of the BAUum of the o««A «tv*» hr th# witg>bn. * ¥ra Raapail 0A IRw- ItflCb. OAokf the wHneaaw, URM*! la the rifrt InYMtlgatloti that ak« waa walking NffT BreaewQß etreet about Hm tlm«. of the arordeF of (he lUv tWkfl W>##lor gall »a4 Uta. Meaner Mils ta Bontember l|H aad ms picked o» la the sntomoMlo o( RsTpii U. OoresUa# an« taken ta her hanxe. ' f- Seae|or INmpaoa tbd Capt. 3 Lamb of the Btote police eald yeaterWu that A warrant fair ooaar¥g«l!|' crrtU ae aooeemrry altar the fact M 4 hew He |y|J| •ugart ». -ConkHß. former akeyMf •f Sotaermn county, was gtieeUaaK ebtbf tin finding of the .NBagJgM of the "Jove nous fonW AevUe bodise were pleM mm Ay f%kUa, *r wadm- a • fjJUmi to- greu ’iaM#iSi|l th had beoA*4n aoeeoaalea of vvidwc* ¥ the room Mmp •oa aliened yeoterday that Important. papers And Dr. Hell’a caff Hake bad been given lo thr warden of the tom •••At c unty Jail. Ifto. Hall, out tra iler ball on charges of the murder of her husband, spent the day quietly la her New Bunewlck apartment. MEMORY GONE FROM EXPLOSN Two Men Who Were at A mens I Fire Turn up in TOWO f» rone and hla nerves unstrung.-Oliver lllla* 28, or VAV tervillr, Ohio, was at home today trying to peace togeth *r events since July In grhen light 1 •ng struck tha llckatlnny army ar 1 marat lienmark. N J With him. blta|llv groping through the lisxe ( f a loat memory Raul Morey of Rrllaln. Conn., waa hospi tality of the tains bome. The two id. l elites both shell shock -< d were foimd al th Inlerurhsn efa j :!on by Bliss’ fulher. First lodlra t on* that- the mm w«re in Toledo came when a cousin reported he had e'en Oliver on the «trout i When found Hliaa d« nlrd hi* tden ! rty and threatcnVd to arrest hla fath < r If he continued to molest him. *1 was an hour before he Veiognlxed 1 t»y of hi* relatives. NetlAei of tba j men wro Id say how ibey Trtle i’o, Ini*the father said they walked. I DHv r had II 75 In hla pmbet. DiscuNseH Journalimm A* Power for Peace W |l.I JAM HI OWN. Mass Aug 6 ’ tf>> . y ; < XficPir, . sml its powei tor-Inter national peace H»(l for the- spread of public welfare pw*i>- described lo *ll addrass Oujsy Kent lumper, General Manager of II *he A. F. el th# ln*tltut>- of Politic# He said Ihe hlatnry of today la found In newtpapees and that it is upon the f*uf» presented by new* dispatches that tba Judgment of 8u.000.008 poopl# i# sprayed towaid indtvtduats and ng. Ilona, H# related how Ihe lmprenatw# pic ture of the silted troop* a* they marcbeAln pari* |n 1819 Inspired the Idea of 8k all Inclusive Journalism which. «• the faith that something muld he done to bring to tha giaople of this 1 ouiitfy g hatter iindarefsnd “*» Hi tWHUMOA# «f Ule akfoqd. ■"■ i idt'iiina a i ', ii tiuilL. L. ii.-vM . tfmt Seeking MSavni is In MR- - VwKdLi ’T R* Mi “dfe »yF r .JBBni flMfc ;;•» r" Hi l RmftfM 111 Spm ■ li ni . j At to_.^Sa^—£ . Wisdom w aMBn tPIIRAUC Ivl lI.WI /» 1 W ■ki - - ------ ■ U y#U wgut U Utah* I.WNN^ li Ms r««*ai hta* to lit a (to# • ■“ '. ; s^t I fWMI M—tlV if -7? R| nVTMZIM [ T.*M^ f p£m ™ • 1 TV hah* ml —il| to anayto . mini few* * r*to«. — » ■*■« .■" II I* id what a mop kawws, bat what V think. ha htowi that ha town toML ■vary rarraatloa (hat h aat dla.lpallea h ( krhtlia. Mrs. Langley Leading In Congress Race *• \■' ‘v'» '' »■; j.oriMviu.K kr. Au*. i—oPy **ra John W. Langlay, wlf# of |b« formar representative from the tenth district took an early load la the rare of unofficial returaa from tbrrt Os the ten counties (a today's rrptib llcan congressional (primary Thao* Rave her a land of (St yotan over hai two mate opponenta. irtSara. la ', nr democratic candidate la thla district and the repibllran nomination li tm (aideil at the election. In the firth dlatrtet W, O ’Gregory held a lead off ltill rotea on Inoom pleta return* from 10 out of 13 count* over Ula two opponent* for the demo cratic nomination for < flares* Thla I* retarded a* tantamount to election aIP AItAIt li ( ORTRUT > L< *-« • / ATLANTA, On.. Aug •.-■Oh Cow tract haa been awarded the hton* Mountain Granite Corporation for re. llevlng. outlining., and pointing th. nnueatriau figure* of Darts. bee. Jack aon and a color bearer In the weftrai group of **• Htone Mountain *#m '•tonl nad work will begin at oamMM wtaa .uvalaht by iMtiAa)i • Hotting N. the Htowe Mouat«lit V»w«|)tiefkfh a atatement . aptalned >hat we* awarded rHAßkdtrrK mam kihking \r CKARLOTTK. Aug I (#> f>ol|rr today Joined in a aenrch for Jame* C. Set an. 33. whu disappeared from hie home bare Tuesday morning "Hurry and get the baby-ready. I’ll be back at 11 o'clock war* hie parting word* aa he left the home. It wae 10 o'clock It* walked to hi* uutomo bile, entered and he drove off wafted a ktaa to his wlf* Who atood In the doorway holding their (tva mmihi old adopted baby tn bar arm*. •Inc. t bat tnomcpl ha hay n»> t(f,p mu <* (third (fo*. :,dLnA^.dhXa I % AovUiiWIWP I r a. - V pmrJltxm ' f .tßtt "w. » A 4 A 4i*“ ' Xgmfi* ■ * a, *Vg Is It ttu ARMMRMi gg gji^Hp^H, B>|ME if! ■! * Jf mk mmmt ths i*(o»d W«#i Os tto afript'3ff£ two ssrriess will kt MM. •wMBpI" o'clock In Iks sftcroooo o*i oßp|r|t - s;s&* "He That WlMiath Iwh li JSItoJf >* wen th* suhjact of tho So*. Si*t«t McLendon last night tot hit Mtili at tho tnhenwcl*. The for—a toto loiro.: If I ahouid go op ud leai th* street* of Monnt OU«# OtMtil dlftwrcnt m'a gad WO— Oil IAC "whom do yoWYaaird M * wtoo to**r I would gat a v*b grawt mtoty a anawera if | war* ta uk a wUHtT man that (naoUoa be ml— gr«atant aoldlar b ha. D I to— <• inquire of tho. ml)) toM, fei tot—* apeak of boom man who had r—i to, , 'hehlgheat poolUoo in UmU I two to— a doffar hfL thru his hlwok —l—' erg, If I ahouid go t* —f f£j .nea and women. I would f*t *|to ferewt owntoop alSIj vary llhol/ toMHf •ay I regard tho mm* who «—ito moot plenanr* oat of Mle. who flhfe th* moot tog ud thr to— imtoi ment in th*. wight. toS to— I tor* away from moo with tfl kh ■ cordaot nag war* and I— np to MN - ft co and any Ha* rawly r—*r. wtoto fleet thou regard aa * wtoo to— * There com** tkaad' rlng ton Ifeto i bat world of Hf* thla naawar: *Sto ft.at wtaaoth aoul* la wtom M I*M hi net win* money, not h* that Wtohjf** nown on th* riolda of bottle, Mi h* ! mens a Hf*. hat ttoa «Mt SM^nhMf the most aoul* for Jaawa Ohrtto When Jeawo Christ I aft h*w*di Ml J c«m* tn earth, aid wo* hwto J l* * D Hteble, cradled la n mao— Bad With- . . < d up aad down thla land, and prsaoh* { eg the grraivat sermons, and talhnd \ ■the greatoat truths, cleansed legato, qpeaetl the aya* Os th* hi— nad .topped funeral prooaaatooo. o*4 tolfl * *« the dead: and to to* o—d tot , ,J lh Wr iw, ¥**•' Vr . • • la** t<> gravttit— aad «*M hash to the right Side n| tho Fhlhar, So —• the church inerchtwg ardnit, aad yo« will had them la Ifati. J|>lft. .tto »c toto all tin aad «afea dto cipie* of an wtimm." Th* oartjr Christ lowa made U their gR Win Boaia. Thla comtoaadMitoC,WNP aot me roly for the —t t«*H* dV •lpt*a, it wae tor every ftdtowW t 0 -'reus fit rtat, la ovary t* •lurch'* history. 1— t* tho <>f Acta and yoa will am that ■h* (fii ccrty church, avary Chiiotiga o—MU er»d that it was his |wta : *a la totol souls Tor eiampta. It will « u> Acta i t yaw «*i toad th— words The. Ibni wen g—" iUnHui* Oi d— «3 ■■