THE WKATHRtt ***** Wr Tuesday and Wedae^ mMBmM 4.’ » . ■■, VOLUME FIVE— NUMBER 140 HOLD GRADY AND NEALY IN AUTO WRECK (M : ! ~ ;■. — rpr : - ~ 1 ; • » ’■ .* 1 - t ' •" ,/ 6000 PEOPLE HEM REV. MR. M’LENDON IN SUNDAY SERMON . , ’*> Grady Out Under $5,000 Bond; Dossie P. Traylor Was Killed In Turn-Over Miss Lena Williams Was Not Seriously Injured, Hospital Authorities Say K-- { -.I i H. J. Nr»lf, 23 y*ara old. of Sum mertown T#nn . la la Mil and Harold Grady. local youth, la under $5,000 bond aq a result of the death of Dos *i* P. "fray lor, U yeara old. In an automobile accident near the old ewuntrr club oa the Klnaton highway about 10:20 Sunday night. Crady suff*TrA a broken arm and 14lae l/rna William* wa* badly cut about one I*l. Nenly waa driving the ear at the time It turned over and pinned young Traylor underneath. Cradv waa atandlna on the running board on the right hand will. N*«ly ii e> , ♦ cecaped without a acratch. Manly and Grady were held for the grand Jhrv at the next eeealon of Mperlar court under Inatructlona „ from the adron*r a jury which consld avad Ifee caae under the direction of dkganer T. B. Robinson yesterday' Morning. tale yesterday Nealy, a vfell mannered young man. waa wir ing frioada In Tenneaaar In an effort to ralee bond. Evidence Introduced before the cor oners Inqueet waa to the effect that the accident In which Young Traylor waa killed and tlrady ami Ml** Wil liam* Injured waa the culmination of a wild aulo ride. Flour wltnesae* ' testified that the car. a Kurd roadster. ,we» glelng chase to a Hudaou s<«luu and making a rate of estimated at between 35 and 45 miles an hour. It waa arid that tlrady waa drlnklux and that he waa loudly cursing dr* the party driving the Hudson Evidence as to who was driving the Hudson car was nor given in the cor oruer's Inquest. accordlnx to Ibe story /told by Nealy happened when.he slow / <ed up. because he waa tdtnded by an npproachtng ear, and the right rear wheel dropped off _tj»e pavement. ' r raylor lived about an hour after he was carried to the hospital «> Death must have - nternal Injuries, for there only • small bruise Visible on the body— y small circular black spot near the tight shoulder blade. HoapltaL au thorities say that Mlaa Williams will Jbe out In a short time. . The following made np the Jury which Investigated the case: C. K. Cl riff In. K. C. Denmark, Her man Brewer, C. H. Martin, Sam Laaon. and B. A. Grant. s The verdict waa as follows; " I hat Paul - Traylor came to his death from an accident from a Ford roadster recklessly and dangerously driven by H. J. Neqly.Aalded and abetted by Harold Grady. We think Urndy as guilty as Neely and recommend that both 11. J. Neely whd Harold Grady, br held under suf ftcenl bond for the Grand Jury of the V>est Superior Court, and that Sheriff t Grant be Instructed to hold these plr - “*«• '• - •. the solicitor ui the tflsTftdr hMry VJ- 'i quire. _____________ PBEHIIIKNT LBAVKH FOK WHITE Plj(E CAMP VX.. Aug. Av-OPY-Th# President sad Mr*. ( oolldge left here' t»day for White Pipe camp, at Paul i Smiths. N. T. Concluding g four daya visit to the boyhood home of the President they leparted by auto toon after II o'clock In the morning dor Ludlow to board i a special train which will take them again to thedtkdlronda: ka. For the rest of the summer the nation's executive headquarters will 1 1 tim M«t PWU Smiths. * _ THE GOLDSBORO NEWS LOCATED AT NO. 110 SOUTH JAMBS STREET—IN THE HEART OP THE BUSINESS SECTION 9 9 P . * ** - ; - v . -I ' , * SI —_ 9 , u . _ Georgia Tobacco “ Averages 25 Cents ATLATCTP.. Oh, lag. «. - (AP) Tebarcu sates fnr the fear eprnlng daya es the new *nn»ea tut week . fa Neath lltenrh «e*» eellnintnd I at *.too Add pound* Inst night by I K. C. Wiwtbroeh, lobarro sperlal -I*l es Ike Georgia Stale College i es ’Agriculture. The p redact I I Itronghi » average «f 34 rent* | per peaad. Mr. Wewtkrooh estimated the re lam fa grower* b*t w**k wa* H,- Hf.OOO Only *I.OOO peaad* had IdM ••Id le dale Inal year, althengh this year's crop waa estimated smaller I has that es IMtt. KIWANIS CLUB HAD CttICKTV FRY Met at New Coant ry Club u 4 Featured Song Feet The Klwanlaaa entertained th*lr ladles at an old fashioned chicken fry Ir*l night at the Nrw Country club. It ha* been the custom of the club tj to entertain ladle* ouce each year at .-•Mie tui 10 of outdoor u»*rung, anu *ln this Instance the club took advan tage of au Invitation to uae the club arouuda. and lake to stage their pic nic -outing. Many of the members and gueata gathered at the club in time to rn * jv/ a swim In the lose before tno ««ok. ‘‘Adam Scott”, Hounded the gang to gather around the specially pre pared tables where the delicious vl ■«ud* wre arrayed. After every one had “doue themselves proud" the ’’resident Klwanian Taylor who hud previously extended a welcome to all present. ping ram over to Miller chairman for 'the evening, and ’•t.’has”, after taking one rood look at the gathering (hat fac ed him, decided that everybody want 'd to sing: accordingly he called the •wo newest Kiwanlettrs to the imag inary Mage und the song feast waa on. We might say right here that the Kiwanlettrs abovfe referred to have on previous occasions demonstrated their delightful talents, before the Kl wnpians of this city, and we might al so say--hut Ihat's another story. Klwanian Cba*. B. “Sousa’ Miller, himself Ulr-cted the singers during their hour of aong. The meeting broke up. only after It became to dark to continue the program longer. POI EN 01 T HTOj'K OF Nt:m-:it i.iqi or f'bhego, Aug. .Thousands of gallons of liquor confiscated by pounty police in roadhouse raids the last few months, were poured down : -t!w <wi ”* • h'u •v* - Nuud-JT. mom mg' jtm v* l -mrreh spr* . Ices began across the streets at the Methodist Temple. First Hherlff Peter Hoffman and hia assistants ainaNlird seven hundred slot machines and gambllug wheels and carted them away tor Junk. Fifteen policemen kept the crowd from edging too cloae. 41 ARRFNTH AT fHARLOTTK Charlotte, Aug. City and coun ty police were active her# yesterday and 43 arrests were made during day. A number of prominent cltlsene were Included In those caught bnt their namea were Withheld at thel pi-j Um station. iUf fflT N. C, TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 10, 1926 - ct CONFESSES TO 3 BURGLARIES Deputy Rhodes and Officer Lan caster Clear up Caseu * ..Three out of the seven Instance* In [ which hoinea or Arms were entered laet week were solved with the con fession Sunday morning of Alfred Harris, colored. Harris Implicated Colemun Smith, colored, In hla con fession Both Harris and Smith were hound over to Superior court under charges of store breaking and larceny ia city court yesterday morning. Deputy Sheriff "Chink" Rhodes learned that Harris had changed a 110 bill at a store In Webtftown. Depu ty Rhodes knew that Harris was not raster, he wmt to Harris' home early caster, he went to Harris, home early Sunday morning. Upon questioning Harris, according to officers, confessed to entering the Smith Hardware Company on Auguat J, to Mitering Handley-Stalllngs on Auguat 4. and to entering Parley'* department store o B August 5. Several Dash light*, a quantity of cartridges and a thirty-two rlfla were recovered by the officers and Identi fied by tbs hardware people. The question of who the negro was who catered M}e home of Mrs R H. r Hobbs lank Friday sfternqon. of who entered the home of Griff Porter ehd sfbie soma small change, a pistol and a dinner rjag Saturday, and the jques- I tlen trf who entered the Parrott sad. Cr««nfffW Store remain unsolved, j Officers pre working on these cases. NAME GURLEY AS DELEGATE Will Reprtgcnf Loral Firemen , v at Annual State Convention A. W. flurlay h..» been named a« official delegate to represent , the Uddxboro Are department In fth«> an. uual meeting of the North Carolina Mremrn'a Association ip Morfheud City beginning August^,l6. An alter nate will be named for the local com pany. and Fire Chief JLealle Yeltrer will probably attend eotne of the bualnciie session* of the Association. Fully 2.004 firennn are expected, xlnca (he alutc law require that evary fire company In the state must be rep resented. Th" address of welcome will be hr llvered by Mayor Luther Hamilton, of Morehead Cl?y, and therp will bo an address by Charles g Wallace, also of Morehead .City, former the legislature. An gram of Instruction and cjpmalnmrnt bas been prepared. Hfiticey W. Wude. state commlssloi}prof Insurance, will be one of the speakers. Rum Runner Killed In Fight St. Augustine. Fls., Aug. 9 6P)—- Two members of J he'crew of the Haxel I<ee|frltityah rum running schooner, were bounded today In a gun 'ri}* with the hi jacker* about twcnty-»X en mllea aaat of Anastasia Ught •* Capl. Rants of the schoon<£. gnd one of the no acto r* of his crew wera brought to Ht Augustine late today on a light skiff manned by other mem. ; - ’ r b» »*?*•** at t.b*ir 'mfwrtPS waw-wns luma U*. ports reanhlng thr thief of poilce her# were that s skiff bearing six men approached the schooner and the gui! battle ensued. An Investigation Is under way. i MFXHAXM IMF NT EJHFF. WOrifllN Mexico Clty.f Aug. l.—OPl The De' partment of Agricultnre haa Informs,, tlon that two of Its engineers, Ray mont Vlolants and Joe Almeida, were | stabbed and killed by unknown per sons at Acambo state of Juana ju do lasi Monday night. Tha belief la held by the department fthat tha two anglneera wars suspected \ ot blag govrantal rligtoua agtals, Start Fund For i Mather Os Dead Boy Frank Barne*, Kddle (lusaibtee ! sad William Hama, young Gelds here men, yrslerday aflrraeen started a sakarriptjea faad fer Mr*. Nadir Tnjler, es SIS Easts Ftae street, met her es IlMah F. Trailer, who was killed la the an lemebll* acrldeal Naaday aighl. The yeaag men reperl that the rill sen* of tieldahere were geaerwas la their reepense sad that a rs apertaM* sam was eettect*d. Pari' at the meaey was aipesded I,la purr ha* lag a faaeral design far On dead hey. Tae yeaag men will ,re at lane fhrir efferl* today, aad tksw whe wish la deaale bet raaael see the relleclar* may trlepbeae The New* at 311 k had the*- aasae* win be fl*oa la the yeaag mew T%« New* regrets that K reald ni Jkh men*lag give the aaate* es these whe reatrlhaled yvsler. day, spare fecblddlag. AUTO VICTIM T FUNERAL 4 P. M. From Homo on East Pine Stroot - In Cluuiu of Rov. ’■ • J. W. Baffler ? . Faaeral ssrvtwe ter PoesU P. Traytar, IN, whe was in*f la an automobile arcldeat near the eld t l eaatry elak Nuaday ahrhl, will he held from the home es Ibe mother es the dead yealh, Mrs. Nudlr Tailor, at ill East Pfae Htrwt, Ihl* atlemoea at 4 o'clock, e rt jck. , The detd yealh waa a sea es the tale II K Trailer. HR moth- - er married a Mr. Tayler. The reread baskgad dH *eme tlm* ago. and bar saa was the head > of the beaseheld. la gddltlea to Ibe mat her, i Tra-lnr Is tanked l»y a half I skier, Mildred Tiylor. Rev. J. W Nadßr al the Raptlsf rnurrh will be la charge . of the services thh afleraetta. i latenasat will be la Willow l»ale _ cemetery. NEW MURpMTTASE HuStain Woman and IS , Others Examined Summerville, N. J„ Aug. 9.- -OF) - ■rtur maru letters containing Infor mation relating the mysterloua murder of Rev. Dr. Kdward W. Hall ‘ and Mrs. Kloanor K Mills, four years «,o. were received today tiy mate Senator Simpson, special prosecutor. ’ i n«- Mt'-rs bearug the names ana addresses of Otic senders were tut lieu over to Patrick J. Hays, chlrf inves tigator. Benutor Hlmpson refused to make public the senders name or to tall tbe nature of the Information they offered. Hut he aald an Important •'break” was expected tonight. 'James Mill, husband of the slain woman and thirteen other witnesses questioned by stale police for live hours. Other witnesses of the day were examined today. Mjll* wa> wi ua.Vl.fc adkk 1} W. ’ In tbic direction of (tm IKiflltlth'TktVrt*' where the bodies were found under a crab apple tree, of tbe discovers of Ihe bodies, of shots heard on the tugm'l of the slaying and also gave other I Information which the police wanted Among those questioned was a re- j | |Mcfc-r iwr a hew rork newspaper which today printed a story to the I bifiut thnet Mrs. Mills had expresseo fear of Mrs. Hall. *. HUIfIHH l-IMIAT BUMS I/ohdon. Aug. 9.—(d*i —The Hridah Admiralty announced Uuu lha aw lima ‘ riy'JUt Nik to«b, to tha DiSM-l srtlrw koala aadsrgalag repairs. it was faarsfl that ftaa Uva# wera last. ! * isi_i___i UGHT DOCKET COUNTY COURT Seven Caeea Diapoaed of and Ducket Cleared Before End of Day A light docket fared Judge Bland >a County court yesterday and the scheduled rases were cleared befors the dav waa over. Sewn cases were dlsouoed of. Ruth Price, colored was srnlonoed to M days In jail when she waa foqad guilty of a charge of larceny fWartev Stafford, was found guilty of trespass I ug, and taxed with the «oata of th. rase; prayer for judg meat was rout Intird upon good be haviour for two years. George Bass, white, was found gull ty of having whiskey for sale, and sentenc'd lo four months on the roads. He drew #0 days for violating rhapter 215, a rear In which Judgment bad been withheld In a previous «ourt. Kloaaa Well, colored, waa fined *6O aud coats (or carrying a coac*alad weapon, the < nurolvar waa ordered enuflseatad. H. J. Lynch waa bound to Buparlor Court on a charge of false pretense. Hoad waa fixed at ftO«. Emm*U Troubludrld waa convict ed of having whiskey for sale and lined IT6 and costs, and sentenced to rlx months on the roads, capias not lo Issue during continued good be huvtodr. * STONEATTACKS ! GOV M’LEAN IN ADDRE3S Says Gtfverner and Grist Unfair to BUte lAbor Fart ion < - “ A "~~ Ballsbury. Aug. It. —An attack mi Governor Mel/-an and Krsnk Urtat] commissioner or labor and printing «* beijig unfriendly to labor fentuSd (be annual addrda* of C. J». Bar r lunar, President of (be North Caro lina KadeMdton of Labor lata today. TbsMweraor baa been "eminently fgjr^d>l» remarks/' the speaker aald >ujn\ut from Pie Governors add reed To (be legislature. "But when we re view th»- aHL« fHih —dflmintetrailon we Dud Lkf» boasted falrneb* weight iiKHvr nalauce and found wnuGug? Tb« Uoter nor, Mr. has eliminated- T*bF7romthe directorate of a number of state Institutions on which they appointed by former Oortrnor Morrison tbelr Ume expired. Me also criticised the action of tbs governor In the recent surrey of Su nni In Industry eeylng there was no reason why the state ebould got hare the agencies set up the federal gov. r*?ment to make the survey. '*Norffe Carolina tax payers itun tribute to the support of those cap able and officials and are* entitled tis- their service. "There are only two Itwi relating to w. ,111.11 in Industry on the statute hooks of our state,'* ha said. "And this lack >of protection for our work lag women makes all tb* more vivid Ike need of laws regulating such mat tore and the collection of Impartial data.*’ 1 The present commissioner of labor V Hit* .')*%■ •' . ’ V Vr k •'openTy t|ita«<)rtt%trc t»y tup moo*. moveaient" by publlablng misleading articles in the slate press In regard to wages Ip the dominant^industries *KW VOKK COtTOM New York, Aug. Cotton futures closed firm at a ne (decline of M to j <lO points. . October 17.17; December ifiilfi; January 1*.71; March IMS; May 17.07, I"■ 1 V " An aerial torpedo carrying I,MO pound* of TNT and traveling at a opted ad too hour has been developed by the United States Army. Fired from an airplane It can hit a Urge! 20 miles away. It Society Tells Womei To Wear llieir Collars lUer The Arms They Do It He Sirs Commerce Body Smoker Tonighl V A matter which Is of vital Im portance to the future of Golds boro will be taken up at a smoker given by the Industrial committee of the (number of Commerce la the main dining room of the Hotel Goldsboro this tvenlng at • o'clock. Chamber of Commerce officials hope that there will he a good at tendance Invitations to bnohtoM men ai*d Arms were loosed v ester lay. EPIGRAMS One treable wßh ear f beams taday is thhf wo have too many eewa < . 'Jtm *Cm " >rtll <l> * the We-Meed of tdsorteaalem. try oa the basis sf thetr damMl Ry. The hamaa seal la tmmminl. Broken lives aad broken Ran , rt>l Jfft »h» rvprelaettoa of yoar own > MlriMM., 1* ? ’ m idlsokAM * Ml they do, sad mis #MP9<jilol they don’t das - -Hh. > JKBP the anpah dakfd A bra r '\\^rfe ril> mwm ***• L "** * **** • "* S| - ..%* S- tßrSiv* Kh. la the heme. t s> a k y«M lio mil be en«e to talk too nth. ) N. C HU. MAKE MILLION BALES >; JulfPUinH Saved Cotton Crop in W SUte Say. Report Rololgb. Aug. I.— While leas than a month and a half ago North Carolina's cotton crop appeared to fall nothing gjtort of complete failure t(Mlay with m per cent conditional report for Auguat Indications are tba; ibe etale will product more than r million bale*. This prediction la baa-’ •d on a study of the fields of l 000 . worst la. the MAio wndg, by throaty reporting service of the United Outer. Department of Agriculture. Desalt' e ragged stand ths reins of lata JuD cam# Just as the crop- wise beginning to bloom, points oul the service, an. slm-e that time the pleat -has poo witffe growing ead blooming. Tbla year’s crop will be appreciate, ly later than those of other seasons, however. It la eatlmated that the flra; gtown boll would be on an August • and will open shout September 1. The best stands are too ad la the northeastern areas of the state while I the poorest conditions exist along the 'Houth Caroline border extending up Into Cumberland county. 1 11 ; || AffSOGUTEH p * bi PBMffB . %; DISPATCHES '* - ■"f irt; mcm nvi cm 'i 0 Preached on N Bdritisl BaptknT fa After, noon and ‘•Ten Com mandntente’* at NifM Full, six 1 pn||| fapM| » P'v. H. r MrUodoa la tfea tofelfeZ-'J Mount Ottru feua**. fill two fpowtrfui mil mm*, C*» ' rlnn« Mack tato Mu Will «a* JEt •ha ararhy town. # In the aftaraaua aarrtM M|k i«raach«d ou Thu feaytlaai a*®r H Hoi, SMrlt." and afcaWad wtoM K •rtca naada today M a rail 1 uhlrtfa „f tb* aid lima rcltgton jtt •owing iha aaraou tfea ‘|pH mad* a call to, all thaaa wfefeM -d lo m.h. a aaw *,*. tu fe*B nprrt.n. a <.r in* haptlaaa at iB arlrlt In that, Hum to adpfejHjgfe ona woman cam. all tfea wfl Mfniphli, Ten* iifa wrote 'to Mack, la aria, ta ha JLy# non Halalgh, and ‘ auaatad In tha attarmma ngßprit Mon ;i9H * H ioa«a, In <-harya of hi - m» announced • "boontaif aatS • b« glean h, ih. rhildraa featafl *«" «*l « aad M yaan at aa«J| Jato. Ha rxaaalal p#uato to «aS| tfea cMMraa ta catfea, tftta m 3 at » M for a yrarttoa yarfaiL ru&HntoT** *****; —if villa. South Camttna. gfIS to Mount (Mice thin II 1 1— Pi ‘ as follows: | The 9fM« Is startling mMjM» detlon of gMb !• the fifth Chapter of Yhutfalla aa account of the fenM at MahdMMMb •(ory of that feast tTldllf B prophet Daniel, la oad of Me «M V wonderful pleeeu of MMfaal ggpre in the enUro —d TMggaidh ijtf' I I want to any no yon here » | night, you men aad y—gm-ei WL , Olive, that I have the aadM ssMnilM to stand here ead any da yea f£g| yoa have been weighed la lie hotadMd of God ea Daniel had to Maud (Mfl that night at the feaat of Mnlehaaßr ar. I ii.av* the' i lauieijon la hM gudleaa king I dual cam If m ■'Ta a leading citlaen. aad* hava.gfr | wived Ike approval at the subtle. that doesn't weigh aa Igla la Ua vlac balance i don't aaro If yaa 1 are a nodal leader. Ood carunfbMhr lag about the folblee aad fund*. U 4 •®*l*ly. | deal care If yaa Aid I 1 scholar, if you have taken dfeldlMf from a doaea colleges, the MMUL ’ and the only question la. ana yofj ' m»edhre up to the standard Mad |g| etaollahedT I 'know a preacher* tg rldlouigd . V beneter be aeanelte old Him I. M du you suppose I car* anything Mgr roar rutteui.. i, u Ood*« •«iu anoc.. ant tnr egaranM .pA Mh ' public What did public eplalaa h4f daya of Dr JeaaecT Dr. JamJFvm the man who dleooverpd the MUdli Pie of raectae rime, aad hp the aa* <d van tuatioa they have reddest tha number of suenflpaa fits 111 Me fldft c*ght la IU to |Nr la 1* 1 would rather have smallpox thaa typdmld • £*WJ»r poeumonM. It |l worn not. leaner or public oplwkenMFher waS» "d at Jenncr end sold *o wdi but vaccination dM the wniM, add thfd •ra not prepaved to build asoaumeafh

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