■ ■'■-111 . 111 cloudy vHk iMrikit tkawan: w)4*r ito to Irani mlfewi winds. • , ■ ■ rr.» ■ ■ ■" . " B..iT 11 VOLUME FIVB—NUMBER 141 GALA OPENING SOUTH CAROLINA WEED MARKET Hour Has Come For Plainess Os Speech In Preaching 1 ' .JW Prices Recorded Were Generally Above Amounts Paid In Previous Years - - «*■ Average Price Wag Be tween 25 end 30 Cent* in Leading Centers VtoMMS, i. C, AO*. If—— Tabasco pt««i as Kuton Heath h( W Us liAim SUM Mi; wMi emr NMN pauads altered fsr Mis Is Its trading ranters. With safes nf nvsr MMM peaads rwirAil prions' m nbeTr thSM ~ generally expected and nvrknged Skisl MUM Mto Is Plnraasa. Malllas. Itaillnf ■> lUlkw aad Erie* st ths two wafeheu«e* hm iktwMl pries* rosining frem SM.te 4* coals la tbs int knar. OMrUle «C tbs Warshsa*J hM tMs was abesl a third Marker tkaa ike —pAtdsf pririh Tws kntnt tsiaeu nßlliil their Prices NcorM st tear warehouses Is Darlington when 75 000 pounds or tohseco were oßsred run from 10 to M casts, mrulsi shout 25‘casts. Prices on the cbeapefet «*s4es were anld to he dsshle these «t last peer. Isles of the weed et 'two Manning warehouses showed prtcee from 12 to M cents with much of the heet grade withheld from the market. Fifty tbouesnd pounds were sold In the two SuroUr wsrehouses. The prtcee averaging about 21 cents while the tlx great prepared to take advantage ot what cfflctsls termed the free test season In the history of the msrket. The general tone was most opto mlsttc v 1 „ . - * Early Reports Fsverahle (els si his. N. Cw Aag. !• (AP) - Tehicee market* la Neath t Or el laa epened teds; with geed pries* and pres pact* fer a ter ras as si srneeh screrdlsg to re perta received here. At Meaning, apprexlmatel; ISO JN pesnds were es the fleers es the two ware be a see st epesfag hear. Praw ranged frem M to H mil with U tirnfi •( about I It mala. IcrrJMwU Iwtrl hr I • go*d i*iw, • T Nalhlirlhi prevailed at Her- , •Mr «lwa bqtk mnkniM wrrr wall ptlrwlMl at llm prim ranged tram 8 h 41 eaata •at laaat oao-tlOrd Utter thaa war* iipirild. A beat MS tekwr. n (tram had kraagkt their prodart U aarini Faar warekoases tprard at IlarUagtaa with 7MM paiidi m tha flaanu Early aalaa ranged fraai IS U M Mata, ladleatlag aa average at tt real* a paaad far tka day. Eanaan wan la high spirits dad tha tawa had a hall, day ataiaaghm. Tha agaalag at 'Vallla* forecast tha hugest Ini day peeadagw la tha hlahary at tha autrt there, p Hti warehouse* with aaaarra rat* adafcjw area ad Eve aad • |all 3Pj%.a,/ l rW m*4*v*, *M** 1 we. 4. CAPTAJN STILL MIHMINO Jacksonville. Fla.. Aug. 18. (4*) - Mystery aUll aurrouudad tha a 1 leged roast guard -and hi -jack Ini activities oft the north ooaat of Florida yeatar •lay. Tha 101 United States Patrol boat la In tha harbor her# without Ita commander. member* of tha craw aay ha left tha boat yesterday on board a naaal plana at tha time tha cutter waa aald to be at aaa. Tha aaa plan* tlw northward and haa not bean aaan alec*. Tonight coast guard boat* war* aald to be patrolling lh* northern Florida water* to prevent any further LOCATED AT NO. 116 SOUTH JAMES STREET 1X THE UK Mn h'THE BUSINESS SECTION ' ''fr.' ***• ‘ -• ‘ ■' "*i , yWn . * » «■■=■-■■■ • - ■ - .. -■ . » - GOIDBBORO, N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING, AUGUBT 11, IMC y - V- 1-' 1 I.*' - . - . i North Caroling Chaps Good Washington Auk 1U -Oeo eral Improvement* In July In pro duction hpoepecu of nearly all crops except corn, oats and hay was aahounerd by she Department or Agriculture In Its* monthly crop rsport* tonight. The Improvement was attributed to better moisture conditions during the lattrr part of the monU. The condition on August 1 Indi cated production of important (pops lu North Carolina shows an Cl per cent condition with a yield es 44J*67.m»0 bushels of corn, a 76 per cent condition nod 7,541,0*0 bushel* of sweet potatoes, a 71 pm cent condition and 323,7(1,000 -t ° u. • 'S. pounds of TOBncco. o' ■* PLANS TO AID J. FRANK NORRLS '' 'i )' -» to* "Cydbas Mack” Says He WUI Sni Ijswyer to Texas Rev. B. F. McLendon, or “Cyclone • Mack** as he Is better known, of Ben- I nettsvllle. 8. plana to send n law yer to Fort Worth. Texas, to aid In the defense of Rev. J. Frank Norris fundaments Hat leader, when the cnee charging Norrla with the murder of D. J. Chlpp* wealthy lumber man Is called. It le learned. . Cole nieaae. a close friend of Mr. McLendon, was mentioned as n possi bility of making the trip to Texas to defend Norris on behalf of the evan gellst. Rev. Mr. McLendori* revealed his tent lon* te friends visiting him In Mount Olive yesterday. “Yee. I have written Frank that I 'will send him a lawyer to nppest In his behalf, and 1 may get » 4- . . „ >■ «,i ..1,. Don Juan, the Immortal Lover \ 'iwto"-"- ■" l .. i "*' .. . . .j.aJT- _ * . ' Mdg < ■ i Dm Jsan." the novel by last Snbesttsn which wlAwpear la thu newspaper Is serial form. Is lbs story of ths greatest lover of all agea, John Barrymore, star of Warner Bros.' pteturtaatiow es this Story, amS Phy the Haver posed tor Uti» scout froto tbs aoyol, , V • MEXICAN AFFAIR MORE TENSE American Mission Says Cnllee Mexico City. Aug. 10.—(AP) —'The sit uation arising from the government'* religious regulations and their re jections by the Catholic* today became more tense and more complicated. President Calles ' Issued his bitterest broadside against the Catholic clergy In a statement to sn American “good will mission." He charged the clergy ] with seeking wealth end political pow er. reusing revolutions end bloodshed and using their pulpits for seditious t-porches, while keeping the meases of the people Ignorant. The catholic episcopate continued unyielding Jm Us refusal to accept the' government's regulations; there was no move to return the priests to the churches srjd the deadlock was ap parently absolute, with no proapects of reconciliation. One of the chief developments Is s | (Continu'd On l*nge Three) xzzrzr-; I r J ,3 j . Municipal and government offlcfal* ] I continue Ihclr search for eccleslatlc ' veluablM alleged to be missing from i many churches. The authorities re ' port that some of these valuables have been found In the homes of Catholics but there persens aay that many such valuables are private property placed In the. churches by .Individuals who took to their homes for safe keeping. HEAVY YOTK IX A Hit ANNAN Uttle Rock, Ark . Aiig. TO. .(A*. i Optimism was expressed hy all can didates luModgy’s Democratic guber \wm'wm -n-. **»* Arksusaa. aflur IU ~iul uji half hours of balloting. Reports from all aectloua of th« stale Indicated a heavy vote Hme political authorities said the heaviest ever cast wa* recorded. *' mi: IN HALTIMOKK Baltimore. Aug. 10.-~ Residents, were ordered to their homes In the Hanover street action of (Tooth Ualtlmor \ate today when fire safe) * Ing th huge storage plant of the J American Otl Company got beyond control. Knar explosions shook the ■Cfstk'B and scattered flames f u near, by bnlldlnga. Two firemen were In jured In one of the blasts and were takes to a hospital. . * e MUST AC? NOW TO tJET PLANT 1 ltd upi rial Com mil Uc WIH To day CmtlMk Effort n for R«sairod Solo o-- - - If Goldsboro Is to secure sn under, wear factory employing 100 to 160 op erative* and with annual payroll of 150,<*00, It must be done within the next few days. Some 113.000 yet must Ibe pledged by Goldsboro cltlsene If 1 the enterprise la to come to the city. This was brought out la ths smoker glten by the Industrial committee Os tho chamber of commerce at the Hotel (Jttlceboro Inst evening. The response | to the proposition as outlined by Her. man Weil, a chairman of (he lu -1 dust rial romnrtlUee, last evening was gratifying and several tbouaand dol lars were subscribed In a tew mo ments. The committee. will (his morning uautlnue the task of calling upon bual. ness men, outlining the proportion. , end asking for a pledge to hack the I new Industry. „ < I SL. IL'udur tha proposition aa uullisrd, last evening the manufacturing com , Pan) will Install machinery valued at t Jti.tMMi the valne to be proved to the [ satisfaction of an engineer employed . by OoMaboro citizens and put la ##,- 000. tie Ida boro cltlxens will be given the opportunity of la vetting IZi.IMHt In the business and will receiva Inlerrat at the rate of 7 per *ent. Those In vesting wtj_| bn fully protected by llrel mortgage bonds, or If they prefer they ran have the amount laaued In slock |ln the company. Two directors .on the board named by citi zens would be provided. The Industrial committer or the I < liamber of commerce ha« Investigat ed the firm. Ita reputation, and the man back of It. and are convinced that Ike proponltion la as safe «a the usual buslarsa proposition. Col. Nathan 6’Berry In a speech of s«4o* ftfte-ea minutes at lha meeting #W& dew 1 ..M'tkrfAlJii iii. an'to thu fmuTir of CoHMnw. • PC the city la to make progress, If It la to grow. It must secure enterprises, said Col. O'Berry. He cited Richmond, 'a city which has a number of enter, prlaea. In comparison, with Norfortt, ' which has rrlatlvely few e nterprlaefl .to' prove hla statement that enter prises made any city. He called a long list of rttlea In which he ( aald progress was entirely explained Iby thefr enterprises I ‘lf pkople are coming lo floldsboro. j they must bava something to do.” ha j said. : _ ’ * j me um. » » a*. I Dempsey-Tunney Fight September 16 Mew York, Aug 10. H>**)-Jaok I»emt*«e> will defend tits title against Gene Tuuney In a 16 round match a! the Yankee stadium on September IS, Just ns Rickard planned, providing tbs champion survives one more round with the state boxing authorities There was every Indication to night that Dempsey would go the ' remaining distance successfully after the licensing committee and the State Athletic t'ommlttaa reach. *d the legal stage and •'deferred" he champion a action for a license but also left the way clear Ihr him to secure the neceeenry permit by complying with oertalA regula tions CORNER STONE LAID TUESDAY Attorney Daw Rwul Abalracta From Items Plmwl in g|—a The corner atone of OeMahore's 1300,000 high school building waa laid with si tapir and appropriate cere monies at I o'clock yesterday after noon and aa Attorney W. A.*Dean rend' extracts frem the various Items which were deposited In the stone, one woe apparent to Umm assembled. Ssm ol the brightest U*hU » E|» educational work he the WMk Were early In tbslr lives connected with the Goldebero public schools. Dr. K. A Alderfdan, president of the tJa|. varsity of Virginia and nom« time, mentioned as « posable the Democra tic nominee for president, was the Oral superintendent es th* city schools. Hie report to the trustees of the schools was yealsrday afternoon .aid on the stone of ths new building. Governor C. B Ay cock was ckalr mao -of ths board which regretfully Dr. Alderman’s resignation, , and spoke with approval of one Mr. ,Ims. D. McKlver who was to follow Dr. Alderman. This was ths same McKlver who was instrumental la the founding of North Carolina College for woiben and became Its first, president. Lnfr J. Y. Joyner and Dr. ■. C Krooks, former supertntendenta of nublc Instruction, were lutad of the city schools. 1 V— (Continued On Page Three) .=-==3", -=r=iJL.am.)jL ■■ ■ -rr Hopilals Will Be Operated Like Schools, Says Dr. Rankin Tli* Utrie will com* when hospitals In Wayne County and throughout the ('tilled Htales will be operated In a (million almllar to the schools of to day. Dr. W. 8 Rankin' hand of th* Duka Hoapltallyatlou Kudownment Wund, told members of th* board of directors of tha Goldsboro hoapltal ind members of tha Wayna County | Medical Aaaoclation at a banquet lu j the Hotel (ktldsboro laat evening. Dr. Rankin rongratuUted Golds ooro on tha atari which aba had made in that direction and rharscterlsed a community hoepltal ha on* of the , roblaat expr*NNlon* .of civic Intareat The! th-Ut* if*, Duke recognised. llftta when'etoi''' pftalH wotilif b* operated hi pußfk'W f .Mtutloos and daalrad to contrlbul* in that movement, Dr. Itanhln aald. In 1 saving th* gr*at#r part of his for- ’ ‘■ine to tha hosgltgllxatloa protect. Dr. j said. the philanthropist pick Iftd V field which had bean relatively I untouched In Its opportunities for e*rvtng humanity. The matter of endoernment on be half of rellgtoua protects and on be naif of education had been well cov -1 «- %•».'..s• TiSi - •» iP**-' r-t* ••*»' - EPIGRAMS » ashed yen In shew am the MMn yen ase at half prayer, weald ynn he embarrassed. Isr Jeans "Srist thraugh^Uw Inve hulMe Issto—stlds MnMs hpneeu. fWFh a let es differ ma between s heme end a >pHHPPRb> tUT mJTJX m]SS* eara Uml wfll Mrs when time M a s4mt aad Ibis eM wertd Is a aSa drat; /♦ iA hk torn wflb a* weHttOßn ~ \ —r-B-JBHJ -..;i «^ Mfl *** j6sL+- 'The an w%n bathes Ip w*M» ‘ If inii nrfße M a OwM as This is an a*w es ratraggraalra IPII4PBrb4. Gen Ins Is ns sisenly nkln in All TAXI BIALm ■t Paul, Mian. Aag IS—(fPt—A new era In nlr tranaporUUoa, with la sts) Istlon of Uxl. freight aad peseee gar service between man Id phi air ports In the principal cities Is la More for the northwest an a result at the Ford-. relisbl Iky airplane tour Ade. eisioa to link (he northwest by aa nlr chain was reached at a conference here Inst night as representatives of the tour sad delegations Mam Sadr states and Winnipeg. MaaMatba .i! ■ Dr. Rankin dlacuaaed the vnrlou ! warn in which the Duke fund could be employed In aiding community noaplUla. Hirst, aald Dr. Rankin, th jtnnd will contribute ft per day for ceery charity patl*nt given the trent mont In the hospital (the : he n bed patient.) That amount of the fund left niter | ible pro rata of |l per day la allowed he used In aiding In the bulldlni of new boapiuia. and In tha third j l lace the Fund caa act aa a Hearing bqnac for Information aa In coat, which will enable tha vartona com mnnlty hospitals to mhke ebangaa la t?Utr own organisation so m to ap» The matter of cO operative buyiui lOf boepitale supplies through the Hoe rltallaatlon. project wae only on* method mentioned that * would eav* the hospitals much money. , Imat yaar the Fund distributed •otne ttoo.ooo to hospitals In North and * btotith fhrollna. next year It will dlatrlbuta around tMt.MB. aald Dr. lunkia and turn yearn hence It Will here tome $700,000 at lu dtepo • eel. Dr. Rankin was latodaced by at | (oraey W. A. Dees, and spoke tor IT minutes Hla speech wan wall rsceiv id by th* fifty-odd cttlefa present. . sFmm A GNCU^A fMflßfm AJwKMJUHA. A1 1 ; I DISPATCHES * I ■ Ljl, - - |— i- - , - -- —-.in- 1,, -The Hour fie. Ce«e~ SytjJg Al tka M|MM k» IfMat 01* «»• 'Mt atfkt aaa at 0* wm* mm, to a iirfl' i* r. aaraaat Mi MMa** aImmIM who haa HIM torn hm a*** !<• coaat aa "Qreialht Mack” aa thfl WlUla ». «»jy UM aiMa UMMaUu aa*«m m| rr th* ft ret <4oM| > .'fl||pl WMI wee mart 1 Ckhkhna fhMpaal. aIMMMHi .it ix.rf.4tac a cmlWw whh* ‘Mack hart, th* briaalaa la M» atMawa. "»»• not «mm> kata T!£Jl Saif! XJT h.**)!** „sS9H Hvin. aa* th# dead. w. «ho.i4 raaltaa ** «jl '«■ tun aa4 til>,toJ "• aw.pt lata tka IfecA I ' laht and dacaaey aai.f|fl| '"•r« .fill ba ouch a —/tTrfll born ' r***a#raUao haaa ...nr eaaq bCer hapi 14. katotaai* I ** * • ***?. » pity “-t >iMh ** |g| OB tka rkatM— u aa m* toatoMl of tba naaaaa la m aat tfea okaMk. •a ara aat droayad 4awa aa tka mm* aar« ta «*••*■» myl May am aa« Clal *** l!^.. H .- J *• * •*»* in the cherub to bb% n uttle apnea the church In hall 11 Mr’dnMl «*»<> if too are not dotag that ynn ato ' «»rne Instead of n htomtog* Fourteen yearn apo I what tp Abba. Tills. «. c.. and lapltri tar •**. non. and tha firm gaeatlaa Mat lhay •eked me la the — irfhnllen nag what •as the diffnrmme ft|im dnnlrlMi < nd dogma. And that r ntlnn rntoad me clear oat. that I pbnaad tbn tomb and took Urn cotsht i danT -Tfiin there has ever knsn a fellow bk Bhn Of tha world that mhmad it as far as I after mb* amai pulatton end «r> p-****!! tbdr ena desceaded to suitor my pr«MMn an a herd-scrambled Urea*. The pm > idlng alder or my tor "• w field told me It was m» pmkwt proposition In the •tmt they bn* never hatoiaMa to l.sudle the -situation. SPMh I arrive# l found It wasn’t a preacher they vented; It w M an infirfhto they _ ..t daraLeoA. rtuid. buck hearse grartpMi ncop onliiods I hare erer sees or ma e*- pect to »e*. | found U tbato. My fwk .*rvke was a fnaeral eermea ami % >oM some beaaUful Httla pathetic stories. ■ and we all pat ag the aab stuff and shad coniaaa rfftli teat*, cad the next mors tag they ton gown the road lo the irnltlai aldar toll* la* him that they bad at Ifcrt toamtfc the pruachar that ttoap |g| haam| |< oatag for Remember tbam wag Mb. s aiagle solitary human hg|ht la 0M - liurch that prntosaed i lß|Mt 88l no one jeer thought Os aarnMhg Ibgil of ha. lag It. All that week I 4m