Ja wSM**’ I Mr la mt Local thunder showers In want Thursday and Friday. i ■ ♦' ; • V - VOLUME FIVE-NUMBER 142 MRS. W. A. WESTBROOK KILLED IN AUTO ACCIDENT AVID STORY OF HIS f AST LIFE KLATED IT CYCLNE mM BORAH ATTACKS FRENCH LETTER Bays ClcMMCcau’a Open Uattar la Unfair and Approaches the Absurd Boise. Idaho. Aug ll <*>>- Senator William K Borah, of Idaho, rbalrman of the foreign affairs commutes, hat prepared a statement In response -U> Questions regarding hia oplnldn of the open letter from Georges Clmenceau. war-time premier of France to Presi dent Cooildgs. The letter. Issued Sunday In Parla. contained an appeal not to treat the settlement of the French as a com mercial affair. Clemenceau declared the propoeed Bsrenger-Mellon debt agreement to he Impossible of fulflll men! and that it threatened the inde pendence of France. In hie statement Senator Borah said In part: * "Olemenosau’s lettay la so cruelly iq Is Leading as bis Intimation that we are uudermlalag the Independence of France. aatKeo deliberately unjust where he refers to waiting for A mer les to enter the war. and where he ertt tclsea the United State# fpr mak ing a sparale treaty ot. peace with GeriuAy. and yet so pathetic In maai test tors of his country that I- prater not to comment at lengtl|i Ha is one whose unfounded wrath me can afford to Ignore, and whabe malicious In sinuation* vs can afford to pass by. |f they have anything to say of a people whom they ones hailed as their unselfish deliverer they could at least speak Ibe language of truth and gra ciouanesa. The statement that we ero trying to undermine the Independence of France or that soembody wants to buy Frsnce approaches the absurd.'' FUNERAL OF MR. WOOTEN AT 4:30 Di*d at Home In LaGrattße at 12:30 YenUrdav After Very firlef lUneaa Funeral acrflcs* tor Shade Wool en. f- rty-etgbt years old. 6t tetGrange. will be held at that place this after noon at 4:30 o'clock. Mr. Wooten died at 12:30 yesterday morning after a abort tllne^. Mr Wooten la sacvitod by hla wlf;*, who wae Mlae AnnlF Edwards. of Blri | mlngfram. Ala. Mra. Woolen wae visit ing relatives In Alabama yvhen h *' r husband became 111 and be died be fore she reached home. , Two slaters and one brother also survive. The slstaera are Mrs. M K _| Rtisell. of Ooldsbpro. and Mrs' Ada Carter, of I-aOrmnige. The brother la Ramuel Wooten, es Mount Olive. Mr. Wooten had ‘tor many years been connected with the tobacco Indus try In Eastern North Carolina and waa widely known. For the past tew years he had been employed hy the Co-operative Association and last year waa In charge of the warehouse of the co ops at Warsaw. He waa a mem. t>« r of the Pretbyterlau cliurih of l.a- Grange. (jEN. ANDREWS RKTI'RNH ■ New York. Aug. 11—(AP) -Oen. Un ' t -.dc-are, Vw*i *>t 'V (i mi r aforeensent dfvmas asst Ist. day on the French liner IVance ex pressing' great satisfaction aa to the agreement reached - with the British government. Oeneral Andrews aatd he will laave for Washington tomorrow and begin is once setting up machinery for the operation of tba new agreement made during the recent visit In I/mdon. Ha denied that tba government had adopted ruthless tactlca In Its cam paign to enforce prohibition by poison Ing commercial alcohol, as was «-harg ed In New York papers today. The lasy. haay warmth of the late cummer, afternoons la In evidence ‘ - ■ THE'COtPmmJ NEWS LOCATED AT NO. 110 SOUTH JAMES STREET Ifc THE HEART OF THE BUSINESS SECTION .. < » _ JRfff * % Skull Was Crushed In Turn Over of Car at Falling Creek at 4:30 Yesterday Reports Attempt To Enter Home E G. Godwin, of 3t)B East Cent er Street, an employee of the lib erty Warehouse, called The News -mt 11 o'clock Isst night to report that on at least two occasions Isst evening someone made an effort to enter bis home. "I have Just come In.’’ Mr. God win said, "and And my wife and mother nervous over the faet that someone has been shaking eur doty for about thirty minute*. My wife went down to see who it wan and found no on* there.” MA FERGUSON STARTS CAMPA’GN Says She I* Not Bound to Quit as Challenge Unaccepted Austin. Texas. Aeg. 11,— Grounded on the proposition that the acceptance of a challenge meSe by • Jim" Is not' acceptance of n chal lenge made by Miriam and to defeat of the Ku Klux Klan, the campaign or Governor Miram A. Fer guson for the governorship of Texas was rechristened today In the gar ments It were two years ago. After two jreare of silence a * to her plans following certification of her name on the run-off primary ballot by the state Democratlve Executive Com mittee Monday, she plunged full tilt today Into all the turmoil of .political affray. With the battle cry of antl- Klanlsm uppermost and her ’Womlae to null thrown overboard by a contin gent that Attorney General Dan Moody, her opponent, never really ac. cepted her challenge. Declaring she wag In the race with all her heart, she Issued a statement arguing herself free of all promises to quit and laying the gage of battle to Moody, which she charged la support |*4 by the Kii Klux Klan Politicians I remarked that tho statement smacks iof the old-time Ferguson faction and the fighting method that has thrown the stalo Into heated fights on many an occasion before hi*. a The reaction to tha announcement began to appear In the form of re- I piles from Moody’s followers and from I members of the Ku Klux Klan Friend Arrives Here To Aid Young Tennessee Man More encouragement came yester day to young H. X N c »ly. of Summer-’ town, Tenn., held in u>« Wayne Coun tv lull for responsibility for the ac cident Sunday night In which IkMtsle t*. Traylor lost hts life and Harold 'Grady and Mies Williams pain iWftt.i», r lor whom young Neely Is working, ar-' ‘ivrii |:i Goldsboro as «n emissary of Ms son nml announced that h« Is here to look after Neely's-iatcrest until the younger Utvtjwrp arrives. Mr. |g>w thorp suit! that his son wired him Alabama that he would come t > Coldslioro as smut as possible, late 1 yesterday afternoon Mr.* l/>wthorp. was already Investigating the case and at rangltiK for counsel, tl • said •be matter of making bond would wait until hla son arrives. • The visitor was emphatic In endors •ng the character df the beleagured Nw*|y. He has known hltn for some time, he stated, and has visited the youth's parents la Sumtt*rtown, ■«* GOLDSBORO, N. C. THURSO*Y HORNING. AUGUST 11. 1926 Wan Miss Madie Duvall, of Whiteville, Before Marriage to Mr. West brook. of <£oldsborp Mrs. Vjf. A. Westbrook, of Oreen- Yflls, was killed and her husband slightly Injured In an automobile ac cident at Falling Creek, seven miles west of Kinston at 4:3$ yesterday aft ernoon. ... Mr. and Mr* Westbrook were on their w*y to Goldsboro. Mr. West brook's Old home. In I t*hr)Md*r road ster, and according bo Paul Taylor, of Kinston, and Judge McCullom, of loGrange? who witnessed the accident, w,re traveling at a high rate of speed. Mr. Weatbruok was at the wheel and In dodging some highway signs which had been placed on tho road by construction forces, the car left the bard surface. Mr. Westbrook iwerv sd th% wbset to an effort to get back on the pavement, eye wltneaass aald, and when he did the car turned com pletely over and landed on Its wheels MRiffo- ■ ~- Mr. Taylor and Judge McCullom hurried to the scene of the accident and they found both occupants of the car still tn their seals. Mrs. West brook was unconscious but still alive. When the car made Its complete turn over. the iron stay In the top had been brought tnt > violent contact with the top of Mrs. Westbrook’s head, knocking a h«,le through the skull. Mrs. Westbrook and Mr. Westbrook were placed In Judge McCullum's car and speeded to the General Memorial, hnaptlai In Kinston, but Mrs West brook died before the hospital was regched. Mr. Westbrook. 1t was said, suffered a cut on the arm and la auf ferlng from ahock. Hla condlilofi Is not regarded ae serious. News of tbs accident came as a great shook to Goldsboro people, for 6oth Mr. and.-Mrs. Westbrook sre well known here. Mr.. West brook moved 'o Greenville eome time ago to engage «rr the automobile business with his brother. Jack V.'estbnok. Mr. Westbrook 4a a aon of Mrs. J. V. Westbrook, of 315 West Wslnut street The dead woman was before mar riage Miss Madie Duvall, of Wbue vtlle, a daughter of Mr. and Mr*. O L. Duvall, who survive her. In ad (Continued on Page Four) Tenn, 'Had company" was the cryp tic explanation be had for the fatal accident. _ Incidentally. Mr. lowthorp is worth * news story himself, lie last visited Holdeboro (S years ago. It wag' «|jur >ng the War Between the States, and * "bewggfmg « vlMO'ie* w.w* mm ' wmsmhm, ptte-uf cannonballs. He was greatly impressed at the changes that burs taken place here since then. Mr. Isrwthorp's grft belie the 4-yenr eld dsngh ter es Nr. and liw E. t. Denmark, suffered ibe breaking of both , bones Is her right leg Mss Ibe kef* sad braises akeHlthe bead sad right arm when • truck by an aaiemahll* driven by W. V. Park -- -I 1L..1L JaU L t|-,.|-t 1 _ aoea yesterday. Tbe are Meal eo. rurred near tbe Deaausrk heme „ •a Hosth William street The little girl wka croeelng the street and toddled in front of the Dodge car driven by Mr. Parker be fore he could come to a halt. The npcldewt la regarded as unavoidable and no blame pas attached to Mr. Paiker. It win aald that the bones were Protruding through the 'flesh after the child bad been hit by the car. Mr Parker rushed her to Dr D<>nsleen led by the notorious Until Rogers crossed the city line and escaped with 113,000 lu cash from the Hewlotte.Woodmere National bank at Woodmere, L. I. This crime, however, was unmarked by bloodshed. • The first shooting occurred a few minutes after detective John M. Wing er had brought Jene Fierce, a giant negro from Hummonton, N. J.. where he had been arrested In connection with an automobile theft. It waa hot ayid Winger took tiff bis coat. The prisoner usk.-d If be might get a drink of water. “Hcl|i yourself" Winger told him and motlooed to a cooler. Fierce moved irthrord Ihe corner and then suddenly turned to snatch Singer’s revolver, exposed hy tht> removal of his coat, from Hs holster He bred live times. Only, one bullet took effect but that severed the jugular vein. several hours later. flrummitt Favors State Police «•» Oxf rd. N r . Aug II C4.*) A Mato constabulary or police force as a sup plement to county and cltv officers In the enforcement of the law was advo rmvyt hv ArffTTpex fWyernl f>rrplsv lit m aOdtve- ." HtUdi t#w • Nnrth Carolina Sheriffs * Association which opened Its annual convention hern tonight. In advocating a state pollen force, he called attention to the police au thority Imposed In the special agents c.f the Slate Insurance Department and the Auto I.lcenae Moreau declar ing that Ihe slals waa tfrp* concen trating on the minor violations of law and Ignoring the greater crimes. Mr. Brummllt told the sheriffs that their office waa one of. the most lm p.rtaff In the county and that It ought t# be tally sylppsd with a ut- I h'iewt fare# to tqIMM the tow Me tided that the oAtoa had jjot reedtv | sd the atteatkaa R y j Had Lived Wild, Riotous Criminal Ue Before He Surrendered To ftrist Sermon Greatly Stirred Congregation By Its Power and Gave All Hope t-". - Dual evening st the McLendon re vival services In Mount Oliva, Cycloae Meek told the story of his life, sad told It, In', a* dramatic a fashion as one could Imagine. The great crowd of people assembled for the service wes hMd spell bound by the power of the story, the realism which Moak protraycd. and there wda net a man In the Uheraam who was not awarr that If Mack had bsen saved {rom the life he once led, there la hope for all. He took his text from Psalms C6:l6—"Come and hear, nil'that faar Cod. and I will declare what He hath dene for my soul.” V The story of "Mack's” life as given ov him*last night follows la part: 1 think one of the first things that nade me think was this: Brown wfcff managed mv shop, panned n>y father's home and my rnothbr called him In and naked him bow I was celling along. I hadn't beaa home j ter some time and Brawn told her | that I was getting along at th* same old gall, and he aald ahe looked at !.im and ibe tears ran down her face and she sobbed and said, "Dexter, 1 believe he Is gone. We have just about slveu him up. We have held on In God for him for yearn, and It seems now that he has passed redemption.” Phe said s revival was going to b*- eln In BonnellsvlJle In a few day* and If It didn't reach me I was rone. •» * ■ That night I closed my shop at I o'clock and none of tbe local ’talent being on hand for tb* ggmr 1 weat over to the hotel to see if there were any travelng men that I could coral and bring In, but they wer* conspicu ous by their absence. I said. "Wall, that meeting la tbe blggeat thing In town and I'll over and round them up.” I went over to th« tent and took a seat war hack In ihe rear. I don’t ihink I heard a word the preacher •aid. I was oo busy taking an tnven ti ry of the < ougregalton to see If lh«re was ugh of my kind to have * game after tb* service. After the ■< rmon. they made the altar call, and Hud Robinson. the cowboy preacher G'ontlr usd On Pace Two) Archbishop Reports Two Pfiests, 27 Citizens Killed M* xlco f'lly, A"g. >1 tj Af-nbJJnv tV u "*- lA* «' 3iM . ut* ijis ' rails k«s ’ uatlou Tbs Archbishop said that his people refused to deliver the Catholic church, i* to the municipal coniiiiltteea ap : pointed to take them over after tha j prissta had cessed to function on July 31. Soldiers were fired’on by the people who tooh up)b'ppoaltlon* In the church towers and roofs and engaged In s day's exchange of ahota. The neat day Federal reinforce, ments arrived and subdued the Catho lics. The soldleft then executed two prtooto will the leaders of the ciU. The Ar< ht>i*hoi> said that the peo ple at Arunibaro also refuaed . to Mr* over their churches. Two visit-; .EPIGRAMS * •* Whenever the devil eanwet ffo Ip Hbnreh hbaseM, ha. always ’ Yaw will ast ha MU gpspiugl hb far what year parents did, hat far what yaa 4M. If yaa are aat a ffaad muu, faur wHa*s ha*hand h la Mupa. Taa say yaa won ham wriu> Wall, yaa 'ana he bora again aui Ins rjffcl» . ~ tigs. _ tn Taa 4a aat fa la had h«maa« yea ite« yaa pa la had hsaauaa yea da aat mpsaft. ■' yea aaa trust with yaur MMy hat adpßty law «Nh yaar >«pa* The will la Uke ptvat apiawhlsh all Ystttieaal aattoup mere. Gar wills enaMe We da miauls ear rkeleo, HI II.DINU KKCOBM IHVTEHntD Washington, Aag. 11—All reoords far volume of eoastnicUoo In th* United Bute* war* shattered la Jaly. Never before was so much asoaey ex p* nd'd in a (lasts month for labor, material* and other elamaat* uW mg Into building costs, according |« statistics compiled by the Associated ■•coral Contractors of America. Th* volume of construction handled •sal month was will shove that re cords* lor August, lias, when th* pvt v ous "peak” was ran shad. Tha In dex on const ructoa operations, based on (he 1823 »wraps, shows a Jump from th* March level at ISP potato Mallet The conference will last a wash, after | which Mr. Comer wills return to Oup -1 si Hill. PRfiSB . I DISPATCHES 1 MMfWU MWUI |UMk : nuta yivw-idimm URGES BETTER h BOOKKEEPING Sul* AaOUr Mr* VMM Plw t * ' IMMM M—UdV-Ad counting la tha wwtili fcitum «fl gaaarai aa4 ** *'S""®» wpara uuu#| aMMH aw. tojdad that careful htoteato^ThoadiK broacht la larga aaouTuat #AmM km bMB eollaetad th tha rfilial coaraa of huataeaa. had tha hudheee a parallel between a** aaMl hi ib# l ountla# aad tha aae od dhkflar method# la #r#rydoy baatooaaMb aad a bualaaa# Bum that niirlnrtti tta aaaata aad aojlaatod to aaHaat lid •aavalif Ha cloaad with a ilnlaraitoa that , •ha atata cam# to th» nna—ll# aot to •aha away from tha authority lodcad in coauty officiate hat to'aid la tha •terclae of this authority aa tor,a* •t#cal attain vara iialnaH Ha arid (bat an audit of tha eoaaty wga aot oaly im, check "up tt)« actual flcurwe on tha book* hat to taka tola aaaaaai ♦*ary alamaat of lataraat to (ha eetm* tr aad that la thia caaaardaa tha •tat# atood raady fa#o#aua as aapdtl anc# galaed to aid tha oooaty officiate U In i-hackiac up oa what tha/iad *■ "♦ their oooattaa aad rlghttp clutefrlag •arh lt#m. to tha ultijpb haaadt ot - - sc+f AVI.tTOM KILLS* Dartoo. 0.. Aug. 11. UH ttoptaa "■t A E Harkadala. MoCaOh told oilot. today waa hillad atop hto pa**” hut# tailed to opaa ad ha Jaapeff from hi# falling ahtp aaar tha hriff. Harkadala# Jump waa «i||a haa , * haicht of ahoat Bdt fact* aad h t# bril#r#d th# dlataaoa «M aot glre hi# parmchut# time to opa* Oh two iiravlou# ormloßa ha had ihlpa. Tha ahlp wad wPtohad, " r ,** x ! It la oaatar to tear tow* fftop to build up. hat aoam paoptt# aaaato to 1 .Ti%Sw? SST-&