.. • v „ ItoldkMta,- * *■ M*G— Friday u 4 probably Saturday gentle to moderate south '-. - ... t 1 nVn - : y" ■ . —*■■.* ~a, 1,1, a, 1 . ~ .. VOIiUMK FIVE—NUMBER 143 i ■ > ■ '■ ■"■■■■ '■-= WHITTEMORE WAS HANGED AT 12:16 HUS MONK NOOSE SNIPS LIFE THREAD OF l YOUNG BANDIT ‘That’s AU Right’’ He Said When Told of the Failure of Last Effort to Save Life HIS LAST REQUEST AN ITALIAN DINNER Maryland Penitentiary. Baltimore. >l4 . Aug. IS. AH\^ Richard. Rooae Whittamora. head at a bow ahattarad "million dollar crime trust” was hang rd at 13:It this morning forth# mur der It months ago of Robert H. Holt man. a Maryland Penitentiary guard. Whittemore was coo etc tod of first degree Murder on May SI aad sen tepced to death after a*ring escaped conviction by a Jury disagreement tn Buffalo. N. T. where he waa tried for murder la connection with the killing of a bank meairnger daring a W.3uo hold-ay. An hour before midnight a crowd waa gathering In knots near the pris on entrance. It was for the most pet t shirt-al«ev*d one and good-net - need and police were having «U> dif ficulty In controlling It. Mothers with children la their arms abd cling •r.g to th*lr v skirts'.were scattered about There waa no chance for the won’.U be spectators to ohaarve anything, the death chamber being located wait la aide the penitentiary walls out of eight end hearing. 4 police datdll al lowed no one officiale. wit nesses. and' newspapermen to ap proach the prison entrance. The crowds ware orderly. Mra Margaret Whlttemore, the con demnnl man’s wlfa. bade him sere well early In the evening, entering »*«# penitentiary through the hospl *tl door from which Whlttemore es taped on February 30. 1925 after fat ally beating H. Holtman. tbs guard. Mre. Whlttemore was not allowed to kiss her husband. A heavy fine meabe screen separated them. Rawlings V. Whlttemore. the slay er’s. father, feccbfhpanled hla daugh ler-ln-law to the death cell lor the last visit. He waa not to b> allowed * by Warden to witaesa the death of hla son. * • #/-» The Case la Review Baltimore, Aug. —Although at outs with the law Trom the age of short trousers. Richard Reese Whitts more’s criminal career left him cast in a petty rote until, at the age of kS aud with a noose dangling above l>la head, he crowded Into the apace of a few months moat'of the hlglu lights of a fiction bandit’s \ W"WUff|Wimd|^|toem*mßmmamss**samawwm LOCATED AT NO. HO SOUTH JAMES STREET IN THE HEART OF THE BUSINESS '' —■. ■ ■■ ' ■ ; 1 --V* _l± MACK TELLS WHY SOME PEOPLE InTnOToAIBR . ——— * - u —t-!~ . —----- - MISS GOATS DIED YESTERDAY DmU ai 11 OVlnck Yeatcrday Foliowing Illncmi mud Major Operation Mias Rath Lee OosU. eeventeen year-old daughter of ftw and Mrs. \y. R. Coats, of west Walnut street, bled at 10:44 yesterday morning fol lowing an lllneas of six weeks. Hhc was removed lo n local hospital sev eral dayc ago and a major operation performed but ak« did not poeeema aat flclent strength to rally from the shock. Rev. and Mrs. Costa moved to I Goldsboro from Hmitbfteld several I months ago. and hava been operating I the RufTln’a hotel. The deceased girl 1 waa a beautiful and attractive young I woman end a member of the Free Will Baptist church. 1 At I o’clock today the body will rm taken lo St. Mary’s Grove cbiKH 'a Johnston county and here the fu neral service* will be held aod in terment mad* under the direction of 1 Rev. 8. H. Styron of Pine Level. Miss Coats is survived by h*r falh und mother, one brother and three eister*. The brother Is Hhufbrd Coale of Denson, and the sisters are Mrs. W. IWtoodell. of Lumborton; and , Mrs. W 3. Beasley, of Garner. Young Negro Confesses Crime Arrested last night at 1(l o’clock and charged with robbing the borne of Marvin Sherrard. of Ksat Walnut filrSet, during the lasi week H» July Waddell Dortch. 15. years old. colored ’-onf eased to the crime. It waa as Id bv officers. » The capture waa made by police men Nick Gwaltuey and Joe Howell, and Deputy "Chink” Rhodes. Dortch , waa taken at hia hetu at Sprues and s Denmark streets. Webbtown. About 127 waa taken from the Bher ranl borne-two SlO bills, n>s bill, n |l-bill and some change. , v ' * i.. Wholesale Dynamite Plot Discovered Miami. Aug 12 —(/P)— A wholesale dynamite plot In which THTbom* of H. A Hamp. president of.the Hialeah chamber of commerce and the office of the Hialeah Herald ware to be blown up wee revealed this aUwnoon In a confession of W. A. WWe and the arrest of Hampton Green, director "f the Hlleah Independence Day pag eant on a charge of conspiring In the plotting. It was charged by Mr. Hamp that on June' 1 Green conspired with a number of unnamed persons to de stroy hla property Think 500 Will Attend Sunday School Convention Five hundred member* of the Wayne County Sunday School Association »rq expected to be In attendanca for the annual convention of the Associa tion at Orantham's blah achool, Au. trust 2* und 29. accordlnc to Mia* spr* • Mt Mm ‘_A»autiAliOn i The Sunday achool Aaabclallon num. her* members In every aectlon of Wayne county and a food percent age of the memberahlp la expected to attend the two-day convention. I j The principal addreaa la acheduled ■ to be delivered by Dr. A.,J. Smith, paator of the First Baptist church j hare and now In Franklin as manager ' of the Truett McConnell meeting be ing held In the mountain city. Sun day achool lender* look with Interest to the addreaa by Dr. Smith. . Other local paator who will appear ■on the program are Rev. R. R. Pitt. man, r of Mount Oltve: W M Howell, ot Goldsboro, and N. Q. Dnncnn, of Failing Croak. D. J. Mm, U ,' ' J ■iq nam. ■■ ma "i wsaaaiie.i inn &Wi '■ *■■ . .a. .'man ■M»i i «»■ ■■* '■ ■■ " — lll ' * "" ,l ~V~ T -am , . -j. J, ' i"L GOLDSBORO, N. C. FBI PAY MORNING, AUGUST 13, 1»W r 1 r ' I '".cum I ■■ ■■ * "" . '' :1 ~~ ' 1 ‘ ' 'Tatsmalm '' * . .HuJi" smhJi BRING AUTO VICTIM HERE Funeral at York Home on Her man Street at 4 O’clock Thio Afternoon - The body ol Mrs. W. A. Weet brook. of GrSebvilla, who was killed la an automobile accident at KaJlhu Creek, seven miles west of Kinetoo Wednesday afternoon, waa on yaater. day afternoon brought to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert York at 7M Norik Herman street. “ Funeral services for Mre. West brook will be conductyd from the home of Mr. end Mrs York at 4 o'clock this afternoon by Her. C. V. Brooks pastor of the Second Baptist church Interment will be In Willow Dale cemetery. Mr* Westbrook was before her mar riage Mias Madia Dusall. daughter of Mr. and Mre. 6. !,. Duvall, of wbUe vtlle, and her parents, husband and oae and four staters survive. She was twenty-five years old end n mem ber of the Christian church. Acting ppllbearer* at the funeral this afternoon will be. the (allowing: J. H. Kirk man. John Motingo, E L Womack. L. L Wlgglna and W. F Ttutoa. o''j ■ . - t ■ Give AttenLioii To fluxion rromems Waahtagfon. Aug. 12 —<#)—Thro de valopmenta turned (ha attention of th* Stale Department toward Mexico as Secretary tCellog was preparing to laav# for White Pine Camp to talk uver u dvßarUnenlal problems with Frealdenf ‘ CooUdg . Ambassador Sheffield reported that he had intercede i with the Mexican Foreign office on I rbalf of another Im prisoned AAerlcj). H. J. Grand, ol Los Angeles, who was arrested a week ago and bald wl bout hearing on an unspecified ohari>. Whfl* official* vere aaaeising the possible conscquacra of that Incident gfr. Kallog made an appoint for to morrow Which f >1 give the American government ttn rat official contact 1 with the coniro' tray In Mexico. «He arranged to seel. Flaherty. Hupreme Knight of the Inlghte of Columbus, and receive froh him e resolution adopted at therecentaconventluMlM the order oißl i king Alt the United States laterven to protect Catholic clergymen from President < alien reg ulations. BI BT PIONKR PAPER MAKER Jefferson, fli, Aug. 12. -(A*)— How ard l-and. 24. he first manufacturer of paper In thcßoutb, was burled lata today near bli home at Austell, Oa. charge of th J Kuiiday School Aaeocla tlon .work toj tbe entire state la ached uled to glvWthe delegates some prac tical Informllon concerning tbe ao. lutlon of pbblemn which every Sun day sctwnlU uallad H.*** » - * *;j y . program ah endeavoring to schedule numbers fj>m which those In attend ance may lain Ideaa and Inspiration that they may take back and apply In their <1 n Sunday schools. , i. D. 1 tea, of Orantham's, la pres ident of t i Association inn u*n romuM chii ftri r « ampo Tallf., Aug 11—The body of Don Mel ae. former chauffeur of tha family « Jackie Coogsn, child film afar, am who was aought In connec tion wilt the shooting' of a watchman at the f pgan home In Los Angeles Tuesday was found shot through the head at le Coogaa ranch near here today b Loa Angeles police detec um. ~ ; [will Outwit Wiley Bootlegger Washington. Aug. 12. -W ieurteO aO warranto rhargiag tteee wNk Ike ward Wheeler HaR aad Mrs, Uaaaar BUI*, chair elager. Beik murder la lMf *f (ka Bev Id. plaadod set golttf M ’ Tk* warranto were (apued this aft ernoon by Judge PrapgjfteTy M com plain) a Captain jjg Lgnih atato pottos, ImmVW the home of hie sMer tn Now Bruns wick and Carpenter accompanied by Timothy Pelffar, New York attorney* aurrended tn the state police here. In addition to the two arrested today Mrs. Hall to at llbdrty in «1M<»0 ball on' the asms charge. All the arrests were made following the Investlga lions recently ordered by slate authorl tie*. Carpenter end Stevens, after being questioned, were taken to the office of Judge Cleary, their .entrance was prea-J aged by the *»ploaiun r of numerous camera flashlight* Carpenter ot>- >vlou*ly nervous entered Aral He stor ed uncertainly about him and then lock a seat. Ha waq followed by Steven# who dabbed excitedly at hla Up* with a handkerchief. "I notice that Mr. Carpenter to rharg ed with the murder of Mrs: Hall,” said Attorney Felffer In examining the warrant. ‘‘l also notice that Mr. Ste ven* is charged only with the mur n der of Rev. Mr. Hall.” Judge Cleary explained that while •wo complaints charging Steven* and Carpenter with both murdrrs were mad* by Captgln Laitib. warrant* had only been' Issued on one of the two samßlalnt* against each to their feet and entered pleas of not guilty, (■ raven In ‘Ahead In Alabama Race • Birmingham, Aug. 12.—(A*>— Bibb OraVes. wht lie the tall of the Tammany Tiger.** waa leading hla nearest opponent, f'harlec K. McDowell. Jr., by 3.377 va*e. to night. A count of second choice rote* will be necessary by McDowell's friend* concede that Oruve** second choice vote* Will exceed McDowell's.. First and second choice vote are tyr wvrh of Uj«t two higher h«"*> ' man fall* to receive a clear .majority of all vote* caat.’ , - Grave*' campaign was featured by an attack upon tbe larger newspapers cf the state which he said were seed ing to dominate not only elate poli tics but also supported Hal Smith for president. Hs waa believed to have received the vote of the Ku Klux Klun i ottor mri RK* New York. Aug It.—Cotton futures closed steady at a net decline of 17 to 29 points October .16:21; Decem ber 18:13; January 18:18; March 111:31; May 18 M * e T 11 11 | SsaMngt— ceuldnt bni did h. nm nmttm fttUasr *•* ■ M h ... ‘ . , . 'Via ... -w.. _ . .■■ m . * SERVICES FOR MR. PEARSALL 3 P. M. Herman Struct Iferdpt DM Suddenly Early Tknradny 1 fIHMIMF 1— * ‘ ■i Funeral aervloeg for D. ft. paanalL ffiar alght ywars ajd.' of Og Aah street, will be be I* from the Bus Will Baptist chutak oa Sluuaoag •tract this afternoon at I oc)oek by Bev. k. P. Parka. Mr "nrmll M suddenly Thursday morning at *:*•. , He retired night In mraai health, so tor aa Is known. About 3:10 bto wlfa wy* awakened by groans, called tk her husband and gut no reply. InvesUgating-pke Pound bar huabaod dead. Mr. Pearsall bad tor a number of year* operated a grocery store on Her men aubec waa a member of the I*. aat Junior Order and Mine* and f*n trlotic Boas of America and nf the Free Will Baptist church. tto to survived bp hto wife, three brothers and one eister Th# broth ers are Mbert and 1. Pearsall, of Richmond Tha sister to Mrs. K. J. Britt, of Rlchcaood Members of the Jeelor Order will be to charge of feg services at d| grave this afternoon, and laternMK wui bo m willow Dnle oometerr, Tito following members, of Um Junior Or- W H Hlnee, J. M.'uoutherlkodrad .• Pearce. .... .... Htotor Died In Lfte Mnaner 1-ee* than n minfh egw ibi Betty Pearsall, aged «, a stator es lb* mu who died yeetorday meralng. waa feead dead to bad aadar rfnrnmetaacaa math shat tor to those at the death es Mr brother. Mb# retired feel lag well. A beat two e’etoch she sailed Hto neighbor la whoa# home she into L * pending the night nnd mid Mto wa* 111. Later she safii sM weald be nil right The meralng she was feead dead when called to breakfast. TRIBKNMEN MAC HTRAIN Constantinople. Aug. 12.—(IP)—Man. sages received her* ff<>9l Aleppo say that ‘ Druses bavy ijuUrrd a train he tween Aldppo and Dnmaacus, kill ing all the Armenian passengers, In cluding a former chief of police o? the latter City*. - “ HRIIHJE FAI.LHi m dead Tokyo. Aug. 12—UP)—A bridge oa the NoJlromachl* oae of the male thoroughfare* of Akita, In Ngo pro. vine*, collapsed lale yesterday Thlr-. tees bodies have been recovotod and I nrty person* still are m|a*iog. : Expects That Neely Will Give Bond Early Today H. J. Neelj. 83, of ftammattaw. Teen.. will probably glm hewd , *wjr t*mr lee NMMtiM with *»»«* nulomehlle wreck la which l»«*«l«> |*. Trayler mu killed la*l Hu»a«r Ithrhh That Nealy will earl? !•<•; wan ladl • Skit# Wr 'lfr*-* *•* ■VM hr hat* N«e»y and Hamid (Ira4r. held Ja the earn*'arridewt, ha* been redwert la HJMI The •.hrlaal to aaalat Naaly. j When iha two Ralalgh man left , (iwldab >ro y eater day afternoon they ••M thar +ouM |o as toon aa peaal-j •. t • ' . .rPr -m . 'A4f • £ * fcfSg ]Jm- J /v* ■ At l:M toot evening a aatoemor i drove hi* Ford coupe up to Mto ItoMg > "»**■« •* ototor-iM m i Btroeto aad ardarai the tank fMlod fervioe gtoa fall to thetr took aad Dig waa tomnrtod la toa teak., toaaad th* flaming match out th* epoa , wladahltod. There was n sharp “pair . as th* famoo arteiag from IM gaan lias took fire, and the gag was lara- I tog merrily. Almost at Ih# emag instant the lire . xlnrm was inroad la aad to reomd ime th* firemen were oa hand with i their cheadcal apparatus. Bdtii ana •toe had leaped u> cut off the Hew Under the «fttoaal work «f the flre ! the fleams apoattag from the t '«nk of the coupe were aoog ax- I tlagulehed, hat the supply of choml- I la round the fllliag task had bom #a- OMAMEETAL lUitPKBDRBfI I imadok. Aug. 11—Oraemaatal aus peodere ere the latest lanevaUoaa of Ue beau brummel* of . Bond stroet. The saw fad takes tha form at atag rtld or wovoa pictures oa tha shoul der straps of the braces aad already ha* become popular. Boats moa'e braces carry pictures of beating oceans Others have bone's heads. Rv«m cricket aad amatoe are repr* •Anted. - -- i ' v,,? WATTS GUI Will „V -. r - __ Aehevtllt. Any 12 -HP)—mutts Ouna. of Atlanta, Oa., walker cop teem member today eliminated Marry Eble. yoaag Asheville golfer, eae up at the Ifth hoklla the championship flight of the IwVAatioa geM- iearaa meal ai tha BUtmore ltoreat coaairy club. Failure to sink a short put coot Ehle hla match agalaat tk* Oeorgia. “G. M.» (Hf» MUM New York, Aug. If —<«V-ptreetero of the General Motors corporation to day declare* a Mock dividend of M per cent In addition to ih* rogalar payment of 11.76 _ oa the common I otock. regular quarterly dlvtdeat to leloe payable on tk* new atari. [hla to tha rlark of ronrt of Wake conn. ,ty and arrnapa far thy U.eoo hoad nereaaary to let young Naaly so free l until tha maatlag of the grand Jury on Auguat 88. 3 W Ixiwthrop. of Durham, wag OH hehaft of FVt I* Mr. Uwthrop faal. that aa apon ,-e bu.lnaaa will permit, hla eod. (or whom Naaly worka, will come to hia aid. f | *( will certainly ha glad u» ( -t out of here- .aid Naaly yaeterday. ‘’for I want to tall the people of i Ooldaboro how 1 appreciate tha ktn.U | j neaaaa which they hare done for at. Couple ham haaa tending me cigar- , ette. and tha Ilka and calling to aeo I Nyaly aaJd that ha would not return | |to Ttaneaaee la eaaa bond waa ar- i t mngfd thla morning, hut would re- 1 main in Wayne county pending the ac i tkn of tha grand Jury lor which ha \ 1U held. I **> 8 ,’i^ v n »• *wV kj t * It p ——— t M TimMbir altfl^fE^ **Aa4 Qm Um* o« .w. '"* «U«i at; tart M oatotoM^H^ mrhk!* *** ." I««t. in ■ pit* at tta toafei of IM "**" Pft»r* —I m -*jp, air Mrrlo*. Tboaa pMMtofftoga. OTtol tors and cultured TUfUirtltoai. tos£ -d on Patti aa a >l»», fk«a3 I thr otter n 4 y-— nnin 1# tTrf • iroat foaadaMoa KMW Os tttotoMMdlrS'' a SOM bmvm ngl» -nf to ~r ‘rj-Titr ) eat that %t goto to Wm mj' "Hf la not opttoaak JaoM, tltot'MM tow of tta toflaltotria aM> walk* ft* l»tt Os humaa Mo oald. “Moo* y< r.M«t y ahall UhMf* poUM." W* Kttuw to a ia«r T-rriir siW In tta haart of a stottll pmmi #*. World and Writ of Qod. «£% rroa a aoaaa of Ma ala as tttttwfn Gw M« hto ova aaal aad froto aa nunrta *>*• of tto NPrejr of Ood to Chri*. hd «ltt «Hos. aad MUM Os afl Mo kaowa aiaa. taraa « m» ttoai to M as bia Sarlor aad Lot*. la «tt* hSiIJi 7— r * «*«•*-■; ofOod. h’tottT! S'U ttTftoJ 4 ‘ Th. word ‘WyaTta tto tost toMa jjjj* "*■* wroas habits; aad wto^MiaMtolh* character gives aa a wrong dtotlajf Omnipotence la not HU only lllrtilln and Hlnai la aot Rjg eat? toaatttoto> “oo Now whoa wo haws tto daot wattad o«t of tor ep*g wtth wa.ee ttat make* glad tto ottf of Ood. aM look Ur* Qod*a trltampt at tto loa4 •lala and let . riatoa of Mo lorotol mercy, tola brings a oaaaoiaatMM that i is a otaaor. aad aa a toagH of this coaocloaaaega ttat I atoll r'nnar. contrition la theaeat atop, ' ►'or o«dlr Tnrbilb repeal-. -< anca lo aalvaltoa MM to bo rtoOMtol "I but (hr Borrow pf tto warldl Uh and fonakott ttoai mrrer ” bad thto briaga toraaklag of •in “Lot tto wlcbod toraako hto Wax. ■VI and thp unrtgktoaaa OMM kla Lkooghto; aad retarg Mto Uw Jantlr pardaa." to g rtagiMr*«