UiMffrhni* j Fair la pant; local (knl*nko««n la wot portion Saturday tad Sunday. , s«4*mu Boat* aad southwest winds. i •" * ." * ; VOLUME FIVE—NUMBER 144 Jury Awards $3,000 To Dr. Mandelos In Case Against W. C. Murphy Finds Former SchAol Man Gnilty of' Alienating Mrs. Mandelos* Affections l, - '*■ ■■% AikMlUa An* dollar* as pualtlrs and com. Htniilorir damagss lata this a Its moon «H awarded Df. NlehoUs A. Manda tes by a Jury la Runoombs Superior cyurt la a 150.000 suit against Wallace C. Murphy, former county superigxen daat at oducattoa. (or the alienation of lira. Mandeloa* affections. The Jury reoehred the case at 1:46 o'clock and returned Ita verdict at ♦: 40. Tha verdict brought to a cloaa oae at tha moat aenaatlonal cum to ha tried la this auction ol tha aUta (h a USES BABIES SCREEN SELF FROM BULLETS > __. • Crated by Drink. Farmer Stays Wife and Taunta Poaaa of One Hundred Cincinnati. Aug. ll.—M*) —With the body of his wile at hia /set. MH Workman 48. n farmer, paced back > and forth before the window of hit little farm hanse near New Richmond. Ohio, today defying Sheriff Fred « rose well, of Clermont conuty. and a poaaa of 100 man surrounding ths. housa to Ora at him and two babies, youngest of nine children which' he held In his arast. Molding up his children, ont In such arm. s girl of three and a boy of seven monthi. the former, believed to be erased with drlak, taunted the mem bers of ths posse, posted behind trees and other rentage poinU about (he house, to shoot St ahead. Mtoot 'em .alioJt ’em.” he cried, as he teeaed the waiting children up and. down la hla arms In view of the dis tracted poesemen. "Sure I killed my . wife. I’ll kill these here. too. If you shoot- One markamsn who had ecu led the Workofyan house lay on the eaves of the roof with his. revolver ready to shoot down tbs mad man If he appear ed without the threshold. Othera were ready with rifles and pistols to pour s volley Into the be once let out of hla arms the babies which formed hla shield This situation confronted ofTlcera and tbalr poaaa# at uoon after two of effort to capture the erased principal la the tragedy Workman had Bred several shots from hla automatic platol at members of the posse, but Ute sight of the ter. ror stricken Infants, clinging to the father who at any mouieut might crash out their lives, silenced any re turn of ths firs SEE METEOR DISPLAY HERE Gold aboro Citisenn Reluming; Thursday Night See Nil urml Phenomenon Goldsboro clUsena returning to their home# late Thursday night re port having seen a meteorld display ,u the southeast heavens. -There was a coming and going of e lurid light, shooting with light- In swiftness," said one clllsen who saw tha phlkoinenon. Arleaflets had reported that be r mF / / ' al motoric showers would be visible in this section. j Occasions! meteors. It la Mid. will | now be seen until November when they will be most frequent’ about the twelfth of lhat month Scientists have net as yet hern able to find the rea son for ths meteors appearing at Intervals though many theories have been offered. The most popular of these Is.that the meteors era part of the tall Os an unknown rom*t. now estlnct. which lie la the path of the earth'd j orbit about the sun. It Is known however, that H thry are rompoeed mainly of gagas sad this accounts I for their bum tag oat before reachlag , MM. - t j THE GOCP9BORO NEWS LOCATED AT NOV 110 SOUTH JAMES STREET IN THE HEART OF THE BUSINESS SECTION ' “I ' ~ . ' number of years. The fact that pub lic trust and public office ware direct- j |y concerned In circumstance# of the; cnee had aroused wide public Intereet, end attention In U»ls county. The cnee bad Its gynests Inst March when Dr'. Mandelos through counsel filed the hUI of comptelnt after which Dr. Murphy resigned bis position. . In rendering It# vardlct ths Jury found that the defendant was guilty of the alleuletlou of affections of the wife of the plaintiff and that the de fendant was guilty of Immoral rela-i Hons plaintiffs wife. j COMPLIMENTS am SPIRIT Editorial in Greenviße Paper Points to New High School Building na Example __ Goldsboro Is highly complimented on U\g progress ahe Is making os evt denecu in ths erection of the n*w high school building la on editorial In yesterday's Green villa Deflector. The 'editorial In-part is as follows: Goldsboro has raid the corncrstons of s SiM.eoo high school building. The people of that progreaaiva city are to be congratulated. The condition of city schools Is a kind of an lades to tha charactsr .#t the - people. It has not always been the case Bu. It will always be the cose la the future. It is gratifying Indeed to note that North Carolina la Uklng so mneb Interest In an education. It has not l ean ro very long since we occupied un unenviable position in the educa tional field. But she has awakened at last, und-th* future holds out great | things for us. It used to be that the proposal of a bond dssur for educational pur poses brought forth a storm of criti cism from those not educated enough .hemaelvea to appreciate what it meant to the country. -Whet has be- . come of those people today? All of , them cannot poaalbl) be dead. That Is not the reason for tbe lack of dls- j venting voles when funds for educa lunal purposes are needed. There Is only reason. They linve been ashamed into silence. fOTTOJf FITTSES New York. Aug 13 Cotton futures closed Arm at a net advance of 12 to 17 points. October 16.33; December 15 27; January 16 30; March 16.47: ! May 1667. i ’ V o' Select Routes Permanent u v Roads To Sampson-Lenoir I.orations far pfruunl roads front truss road* h; (■«»• (ham's alar* la Ike .lampxon count) liar and Iran kar» U Hev rn Spring* bf Hroadda* lirldrr toward Ihr l.anofr count) liar a*l» pro tided far yesterd*) at ■M Joiat meeting between Ika coun ty Hoard a( I na»«l«*lonei> aid tkr Initial) llhrhwa) Hoard. It la expected I Hat Ika choosing of tkr locstlaa far Ika runt** will hr followed up within Ik* aril fan m»atk Seven Hprlnga by way-of Broaddua i bridge | "This will open up to ua a coun j try,** Mid oaa "that kaa previously . GOLDSBORO, N. C„ SATURDAY MOjtNING, AUGUST 14, 1926 “WHAT MUST I DO TO BE SAVED” MACK’S TEXT ' nr- ‘«• I 4 * ' t • > • API i"*g t mm m——te—nnlmmsswWw —' The Sunday News If R happens In Wayne reeatj yew ran depend apen H being la Tie lews. Severn! spec lot fee tares are being prepared fer Ike Saaday Issue, and there will be the is eel leer pages es the beet re mice. Associated I'res* dispatch es, and a digest us tbe Hlale’s s.w«. j Call ill gad bare a cepy left i In time tor* knukfssfc' ■ NAME DATES EXPOSITION Eastern Carolina Exposition at | Rocky Mount April 4 and 8 * A * Rocky Mqunt, Aug. 13 —April 4 to I 1, Inclusive, have been Used as the l dates for the 11*47 Haatern Carolina i «■x posit lon, Nr hlch will be held In this city. / Announcement of the dates was g+ren In a telegram rgprived here to day from N. G. Bartlett, of Kinston, secretary of the Eastern Carolina Chamber of Commerce, which spon sors tbr exposition. Rocky Mount was nelectrd next year’s exposition city several weeks ago, but today's an nuuncemenl represented the first r.tatrmsnt as to the dates for ths annual event. In addition ta setting forth the dates of the exposition, today’s tele gram declsrss that "we hr« planning r great program " At least two na tionally known speakers will be on the program, U Is understood, while noted musical and vaudeville attrac tions will provide the entertainment bill. Tbs exhibits are to com# In fer considerable attention, with special emphasis paid to products of Butern Carolina. _—. - * RKFISEM TO STOP VOTE a a New York, Aug. 13. —OP)—Supreme Court Justice Crain today denied the application of Helen M. Albert, why i sued as g cttHen to enjoin the board of elections and mayor from submitt ing the state prohibition, rcfeitndum to the voters next fall DECLARES DIVIDEND . ChlcaffH. Aug. 13.—(/ff’l-The esse Threshing .Machine Company today a ; Karine, Wig , declared a seven per | cent dividend on referred stock to ap ply on arrears* and also declared .i , regular quarterly.,dirh'en 1 at tt.75 on preferred, l'he dividends'will be paid f to stockholders of record September IS. * * Tbe advocacy of the division of tha v*ar Into thirteen months of 3* days would ktlll Rave an odd day to r'ose of. and two In.ls-ap Years The i kind of chauge most people desire barn arndlDK all Ita produce and buy ing alt ita goodr In Klnaton. I have had on* merchant In that section aay that hr would like Jo trade with Goldsboro folka but Hurt hr could pot get In here In wlntrr on account of th» ronda." Under the resolutions adopted yea ’«rday the road to the Sampaon coun ty line will begin at Genoa croaa rrada on tba .nuraecUoh oi -IK ■ i. ..•*) I leg from (he Woodland school to the present Grantham a tor* road. Upon the suggestion of en | timer a change In veiiT or- j 1 derad Investigated between (ha filling citation near Mt Mltchilta hamr and ma Parker place. Concerning the location between tha Grantham'a atom and thr Hamp ton county lllfe. It wua agreed that tha road be kjllt along the road In tha main. Tb« other ro d. leading to the l*- notr count: /, will, It la planned be ■ •-located between Pin Gulley and Van Harrlag*a place, t.i»u«e to Broad dna bridge at pr*aanl alia folluwlug I old road aa mack aa poastble. LOCAL MEN AREICHOSEN ♦ 1 Made Officer* in New Branch of Mooae Orfferf Organized in Kaßiffh Two Goldsboro Aen were named idflcers In tbe new Knocar Branch number three of th| Order of Moca* which was orgsplsdp In Raleigh re. ceutly. M. K. Ilikwell was tamed Great Rauth Moose, bud W. 11. Hines was nam'd xulder | Having a drgreO team of Mooae from Greensboro an I Winston Salem, headed by Great No th Mooae ft. M. Varnon. a large nun b«r of candidates 1 1 am the Mooae loffges of Kalelgh. Wflson, Goldsboro, and Fayetteville, were granted the Legionnaire Degree, in the lodge hall of [the Blka Tempi# at Raleigh Thursday! night. After the a branch; to be known as the Kumar Branch Number Three, was organised with base at Raleigh. Officer* of the Aew branch are- Great North Mooae C. C. - Rich. Ra il igh; Great 'Mouth Mooae M. W Howell, Ooldsboro; Orest Bast Mooas lonnls Strickland. WHson; Great West Moos*. C. K. Brown, FWyette rills; Guldtr. W. H Hlnea, Golds bero; Herder. C. N. -Wlnstod. Rsl tgh; Treasurer. FMgsr Wlomble, Ral eigh; Argus, J. L». Stanrilt; Cnsto dlsn, J. W Byrd, raykttevllle. A barbecue was served Ihuredsy afternoon at (:3U to the candldstee and visitors, which won much en joyed, HOLD MANLEY FOR FELONY Warrant Chargm He Allowed Honk to Become Fraudu lently Insolvent Atlanta. Aug. 13.—(JP) —An Indict ment charging felony was returned late today against W. D. Manley, president of the Farmers and Traders Hank of Atlanta by the Fulton county grand Jury which Investigated tha re cent closing of the bank. Manley is slso president tit ths Bankers' Trust Company of Atlanta now l D receivership. This Institution was fiscal agent for S 3 banka In Gror. «l*. whose closing followed the clos ing of tbe parent Institution hare. Ths Indictment today charged that Manley allowed the Farmers and Traders Rank to become "fraudulent ly Insolvent" on July 13 last. Tbe official accusation was srgned by So licitor General Boykin. A hearing on a petition asking tbbt a gusrdlan be appointed to administer Manley's affairs li scheduled for to- morrow. * ' * Manley fares further litigation aa a result of tha banka closing. * . TO CONTINUE HANDS OFF l« 1 mprennion Gained From Con ference With KeHog on Mexican Cane Washington, Aog. 13 (AV—Drle gatff of the Knights of Columbus who called t .duy on Secretary Kel log are believed to have gained definite Im pression that the hands-off policy- of the government regarding Mi-xbo'd domestic difficulties to stand un ..Xt\th.e aims Itma. property | ed whenever tbcKe la ■KuWhtoP'td p vaalon of rights rrante Karl culbreth. of the GoidnlMM • garage, was passing aad helped' by another passer pieced the Injured man In bin car and carried him to the hos pital. Mr. Henry woe unconscious ami blood running from hla oars. it woe said that an sSamtnattea re veu led no fractal ea hod resulted from the accident, hm. tie young mao cjo unced in a state of coma Mr, M~#ry lives In Georgetown, la married aad baa one child la Critical t endßten bine# (kg aba vs w«s written, g 1 seeand ersmluntlen of the Injared «a di alupd g frnrtnred shall l and of —1 tMlsch Into «**tong EJriSJSE EtgMtoms MMrMjMiMat k. Jant me ugh to ramguton hk wHe and baby wbe eniled sd tko bag. pHaL The*# fa« Blur with the earn am •f the eplalen tent Mr. Rear/ matt hove suffered a san-streke er attack of Blumb which aansed ' - him U ride bis kicyeto lata the sstonmklln. Plan Publishers Meet In Athuita i Atlanta. Aug. 13 —Tentative plans i for the twenty-flfth annual convention -of tbr Southern Newspaper PublMiera Association, whlcty may be held here neat y«*r were diet uned here today t In a i-onfernce between John A. Park, I of Raleigh, N. <’. publisher of tbe - Tim*#, and publlihere of local ndws- j > papers. At the lost meeting of the A asocial loit- In Ashevlllr the suggest ion wn# made that the twenty-fifth an- | • nlversiry be celebrated Ik Atlanta. ' the birthplace of tb« body. ... ..... la ■ ~ . ■ - - -- - - 1 .■ : 1 8 Hurt lo Auto Accident; Mrs. Rhodes Seriously Mr*. I ni); KMti waa Mrkll ly l«Jir*4 aad mvhi iltfn ill- ItrH mlmt raU u 4 bruises la aa aeivmeblle relllsten ea Um Raleigh klilwaj wtM aillaa *nl as U«W»k«f» at Ini jm> Ufitf. Mm. Pearl RrMff*. of Prtnre twa, ial*r*t samaras* ruts,%ad bar mi. Ralph HrMfr*. ailaar bruts*.., and Rr. aad Hr*. W. I. , Karris aad fcwr o baa been living at pU2 alfect. araa moving to tltk .TTJTniiryPjfnd hla daughtar, Mrs. lirldtces win assisting The laat load of furniture had been placed on tha. truths and, Mra. Urldgea. driving a Xflarff. wangpntl.ng the loaded truck. iuhr •■other vflrs' occupying tha front I seat With her add tha boy Ralph wta *M MM rear seat. Corp. Explodes “13" Idea Lawton. Ok la.. Ang. 13.—Cucp. George W Wehllag. of Poet Field. Uiutgbt believed he' has exploded forever the auperetltllon about Fri day tbr thtfftentb At 1:13 today hr Iraped 3.000 feet In a parachute labeled number 11 end landed IJM feat from his starting point. Wnb* ling was scheduled to sooke hie oeruplane ascension anrrylng s ret early today No cat waa slang however and the oaly axplansttoa was (bat non# sou Id ha found. EPIGRAMS •> -,T (evetnsness In Ike kMgkllat eta of the Twentieth CtMsi). Many an risk In Ike wealth that peris beta, bat penaltaes M . the wtaMh th “* nbidsth. „ _ k bm kited ta hk ewn «p|a* tan In beyond Iks paw* •* 4*4 Religion, pars aad nndsfftod has Ms sb sis wrMtan an Ita ha* Tkeri am ylaaanwa la ala. bat they an saly ' ptaasnroa far a The Bata that hauahs tha BMa « hi parading bis Igaannas Tan say yaa tart baton Mm Mihin, to yaa town ” msofSsod •• mi.m* , ■mi an naaaatoMtoNMfaagt Atrj Younf Neely Gives Bond And Is Free H. J. Nealy. M yearn old of torn mvrtown, Tens., held In tha Wayne county Jell since loot Sunday night In rooneotton with the sutnoMblle no c'drnt In Whtah Doeele P. Traylor was killed, gnvn bond ta the earn of (3.000 at 10 o'clock yesterday morn ing. Actiob on hla cage will bn taken by lb* grand Jury meeting tor tbe next term of Superior court Bond was posted by Charles Owen, of Mal - tgh, aad other frtanda al ywnaff Jmaa. , Noely left yeat«rday afternoon for Raleigh to spend n few darn. "I ex pect to stay In 'HMelgh only a abort time and then coma back her*. I | think 1 can quite my n*rvea quicker In a place away from whore the : accident took place." Near Bbeaaaar Mra. Brldgaa atartad to paaa tha track. Mr. Rhodaa aakl, Mr. Harris approaching from thV 'di rection of Kalalgk. waa attempting to paaa tha truck at tha aame time and Ilia twiagpaa met la a head-on collls ton. rWf wrra badly da mag ad Mra. Hhodaa waa ruabed to tba Hpicer Hanltortom for treatmaat aad Mr. Ilarrla and family con salted phy alclana Iq the city. Mrs. Urldgsa waa able to proceed to her home at Prince ton after her Injuries ware treated, aud at g: 40 laat night It wna aald she Waa able to alt up. 1 Hr hawptonshfp standing , tor 1124. hava made entry tor the' World Hprlnt Hare Classic to ha bald here on August 23. Two «atrl«e, Jack < Coley and John Huff, tba foramr bill- J rd at HaPm and tba lattar Injured at i. Atlantic City, made the laraeet entry i list evsr scheduled for board track In America. Race followers account 1 lor the Interest among pilots by point-' i lag out - the taster, shorter aprlat; meats. P nmM| r riuam DISPATCHES .< o •# * —_ , , L % y WHAT SAVES w a' auvwni&r lmS llNtwiJlfTAlDji «wram !Ss"' ***** BAYS DEVILAS VERY ORTHODOX "• •** »« toftt >l T " "•mans om itM MP| tMpgpM|r WVPi M dp*. in Ml |MM|-.#*llil • lain that | |gn* |4rMi kM iher* i* to laars Agi#l*a*aJf mwnUon Bom on H|| £Zm •nd allow row Min Mtt n Hi nan* longing tor a «Mr *m mi living u o*4a tui isi' to h* aald to tha )all*r'." m Li b wh*r* we g*( oqr wllw eragggA I B condition* w«r* tlnC^M^El «» fWlput like a factory roll* gift Mg r a-jf y m. y* *jf jypijjdW dral .pacifically. Thai had baa* tp n«ra. If you will rap' you will aaa that la |MI wfit <:id Ha weal to tha t*p r#o«. he «*t to tbe bottom ad lb* MfoMtfC A Jeeno Then P*g| top thtojSt|f\ heroin* a captain of ladadPT Ml H How to enter eorietyT No. Ha Ntollß hi a tbe wMd ad tbe bar*. MtotoMh j thlag that Paul dHM «S to to»)2i|b