P t9'mF - W 111 'M ■!'■'■' ■■ i in jllillt^rijii fan amt .... - -■»-.*■ ;- ■ * ■*■ “•“ -"- -*“ -»- -*g “• « -»- -—-, -°- -®- -«- -*—®- -*~ -- -®- -®“ -<*- -»- _ T»» MMB JURY MUSES ENLARfiM JAIL TO RELIEVE CROWMM STORM DID MfijJON DAMAGE, FOUR ARE KMEi ■» . . ■■-■ *r— ■ ■ — l ■ ■ . - wnrr-Viir i , —i-nll into-—■«• t mv- : ifig T* Vthtfttr Rescnen Tine And Again Driven Back From Gas-FiUd Slopes -l ■ iff” ■*■ ~ marnmmmmmmrn Wtef and Children .HlftPt Huahasdn and Fathers Are Entomb ed Wait on Bilk, Frantic With Anxiety dyrtm, Pwwi., Aug. 16.— *Af) 'A- * , /^^amn^XjdMihAdMta ‘•a nirfii»c oxpiOiion iwepi tiroogfc Um Clyter Number One ■rife of tbs Cfearfteld Bitumu •Apt Cori Corporation kin this ribnwe etekuteg the lives of at teat te MMt*. causing adM om temrim to four others, sari entombing 40, whom fate had VohititEflf mioiitfi who *vt / ®vt ad the ga# lUM stops to bank 1 man. were driven back thne and again. But before the deadly gaaee became bmry In the dark vitiMi•. the rticuern succeed ad to bringtog out four bodies. Two ottef wore located un ite pßaa of rock and dirt. Pourl men. near the mouth of 'the 1 mM, ftea found to be alive, fter Wire brought out end ru*h- Oj to the Dixouville hoepiUl najpaatee and * critical con- bald little hope tor tiia entombed men, A. J. Mu—r, viee-preeident and gen eral —lager of 'he company. -MrijP teted hopes that some had aoaaoadid ki abating themselves '• Into I'ceriw bo.' Ia to We ABkfcay PffArted late today. TM aesanWasa. da a uaenlamua verdict faeea that' Healey *« m sponalhle fir Mr ncto Ms "an «M head of a AM 4 SNtl Mto Ml Georgia aa4 aW Mi Pedi. WMB tM Baakara Tragi AnA SPUMta of —BsrroC Soars today felled to dtacoaraged ths crowds from ssthortas st tko Broad *»er fnaerni porlor whors tko body of I Rudolph Veloatleo lion peadter toe (uiml Mire Sir Tkors wore. however, eo trampling Uwessads sock es bcarigbd ton sstab yratsrdsy and Tuesday wktls Itts'Ws wsrs opsaod to prelt tits public to view (he sctor'i body » ft fay la sum 1 ■;* Tbs oaly setowaid svsat today was when a few dosoa persons trtsd to rush tbroegh the doors while as I eight-foot funeral wreath seat by the 1 United States Artist Corporation w«s being carried through ths eatrance. | Police quickly dispersed ths onrush es group * s. , t ■ lrrpir ian Mia ran turn « wiu * '■ • ftaleich Aug. IS.—'Weds H. Jobss, of Leeolr cousty. whs ueU ss ds fendnnt In a salt for IU.MS twtftnt •d In Wake superior court today by n. fl. Hodgln. of Wsko county Ths plSlstlV allsgss that ks was sertoua- Iv In)ure4 when Wrack by *n auto nsobllc driven by ths defsadnnt In the Lite of Rat’lgfc last Dscnsber ss n result of defendants caraises nod iscklsns driving. mm da. ■■■-, ■ , ■ ■—— -■ ■ , ■■ ■ —:■■■,aniasj.—- , . ■ .oe 1 Fioggers Draw Heavy Fines Superior Court Yesterday ; TM In mb tM anrly Taw. | 4ay warning teak Isaac Sant, aa«. nh*f«aMM Basra, fraa tM Mm as L. ApraiM, retorod. la tM MarraN 1 ) Irens Bands secttoa aa4 mealy Mel Mb haaanst It was tall Beat waa a conjure doc tar. won yesterday aaatlaM la .pay Me* aa4 rests lataMae ap- . pvoxSaatoty IMSk TMy wufle afta ragafcod ta pay ASM ta tM Baat aaffa aa« |M to tM BpraM rSeeN. ' TM miMt* of the roort pfn ■;rt t'j * jtl t> r]xi : v.' a coosly roads moatba ta earn the/ 414 aH per the Aaea and roots. faad owaera on hhose farms! the defendaata. worked ram* to tkrtrj I rescue an! paid tM court aseestmenia 1 The chare# waa hnusehrsaklng and kidnapping and etaht of the tea de. tohdaaaa auhmllted to the charge TMy are: Ben Artta, George Brown tMSnm MH lumb Aagoa McLean. Jor 4pa Sherard. William Wright. Ipßoy Artie tad Andrew Sharerd TMy were BgdereA to pay Abn of 91AA each and Aa Mar tM roata ta tM action. Jhn Moagrara aad Mlroa Boyett ■Mill '1 plaaa of gwllty of aaaaaU «ad wen load AM gad ooata. TM flogglag raaoa wart tM Me MRS. ALBRITTON : A SUICIDE | OrddiiviUd Wofluui fibugßs la Heaw and la Pawad by Daaghter OtfUtilft Aag M.—Mrs. Bert 0. Albritton. 41. ownmUtod suicide by i haagtng bstostf. at her bnme es fevsas street, this morning. Me motive for the rank net In known. Paaeml nrmng«»ent» have net rot toon snaounoed. TWo tratody wen dlncovorod short ly whdp JM|W Bsorte At hrfttoa. dneghter of. the deed woman Arrived home tor laneb. .The house was loctod sad she found tb« toy hi ths melt ton sad entered Upon ending tbs term of her mother dang Man from the eod of a rope anspeod «d from the door fnuoo > between two ocanootlng rooms; the girl fell so the Oner la n fatal. Upea recov ering ooaaetoasaess she rash ad to the »*Si«S*SL£.“E bogy was Hastens whoa It was remov ed to the bad. Apparently Mrs. Albritton hod se • owoHahsd the dot by fsotenlng one •ad ot the reps to nails above tbs door, the other end around tor neck, sad stopping from a high chair In which she had stood. Mrs. Albritton was a native of thin county, sad before her marriage was Miss Resale Keel. She was aa se rve member of St Paul’* Optooopal anurob hero, won s'good Wife sad. mother, sad s good neighbor, sad bor sway friend* arv at s loss as to the motive that prompted bor gsed. ■he IS earvtved hy her httshaad. two daaghter*. Mrs. Unbar Noble*, sad Mtss Bessie Albritton; n son. Mr James Albritton sad several bro ther* and sister* * : —r The latent reports are to the ef fect that a desire for ths prsoldnoy 4r Hoovering over the head of lb* s t .< r< i*ry of Commerce. | greet*r thao at Say previous day ot 1 the weak. The eaaa egataat Tom I Pierce. charged with having whlakey I for tM purpose of sale, attracted eoa. xUtrrahle attention. «ad win It waa being argued by the lawyera. tM Mia auditorium of the court roora aad the gallerias won Ailed, while many war* ataadlng trauad the walla Pierce Wee found guilty, but aen-~ tence had Sot hern paaaad when court adjourned for the day. Estelle Ora‘'t| Alfred Harris submitted to Muse hraakiag aad brawny au two counts WP«• m** IWU QOI.WHHL N. CL. FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 17. 1»M * £ ■. Graphic Tales Os Havoc Done Now Coming ti —— Milfg Flattened Crops, Splintered Polos Re late Porjr -fiv rsaehsd low Orioons'hom ontlj le^Tfellons swept by thy •« »bleh tamed tend hwt nlfbt from ths BnM of Into . 1 man was electrocuted If New Or leans while attempting to topalr a high voiuge time, and? 4 sailor was- MUod id tfulfport wife, he same Uto cos tact With a live w»re. Another torn was drownad at Proalbr, when his store was flooded by the water. An unidentified woman was drowned hi the Mississippi river above convent By lor the greater property damage was doas to the tics, sagar cane. cat. toa and bora crops The Now Or leans States placed this damage at ap> proslmateiy fl.O4fi.soe. but au definite estimate could be nwds. Hraphtc stories of the sweeping force of the storm were rotated as saws same la today tram the outlytog district. Plato .glaal windows pars crashed, houses swept sway sad many more unroofed. 'Milos and mtles of flattened sugar can* and other milea of splintered telegraph and telephone poles gave testimony to the fury of ths storm. * Seventy passengers who spent the night aboard a ferry in tbsMisolaalpp river when It founded on a mod hank and I tugs lost control of,lt In Us ■torm. reached shore today'whoa the tua* loosened Ue vuasel. IIIBA luuavasu Mir tsAsaa At Poatchatoula the gate reached a velocity of lAO miles aa hoar. re-, porta said. TBOUSAJTDA PLKK New Orleaaa. Aug M—UP)—Sever al thousand persona who yesterday fled their homes near the Onlf of Mexico in liouleiaae aad Texas pre pared *to return today aa wealtMr bu reau odtctala predicted that the tropi cal hurricane which came roaring out of tM Oulf yesterday would apehd Its fore* about one hundred miles Is land. l/MiUtana res Meats today ware basy checking the damage caused by the storm. Accural# totals wars hard to I obtain because wir* communication waa severely curtailed. Houses war* unroofed In some sections and many tree* were uprooted, Barometers along lbs const which bad boea falling steadily for more UWJ # dwivJxr™* mu AthM Ir Jujr gdtfttroy tpaV in* N/Df.rW.i storm bad paaaal. Wind velocity also continued to dscraaaa in Moot sec tions. >v A alaty-mlla gale waa raging at Morgan City, and Ave Inch** of rata bad fallen there when communication with tbdt town from New Orleans be came Impossible last night. Several Muses had Men damaged, the .foots (Continued On Page Pour) ear..Twc .4c. —v— • uxz rj Mam fllnnmiiim Dm I 11 Pgto#|Myj| \f % UNGER PRINTS i MAY GIVE CLUE 0 /'- _J fI.U Am flha Dmlmi - A | to |k- nn l a limU RUm Beet or Btori Bh|ff Somerville, N, J* Aug. h card which was aa the tody at tto Rev. Bdward W. Mali whan It was found with that of Mi cfefllr stager, Mrs. BHaaor Mills .Bsptotoher 14. IfiSS. Is to the posaosaton of the stoto and fingerprint* on ft sitosspun* to thaw s 4 sne of tks thro* people told for tlh murder. ankt«< *M—* *«M HI M i Ii nanMik, W« nw«Mil tkkt toW 1* |*to> '< »* tk. wttoDfVtol JM iMMto cffik*. "to M »I1 Ito «MtoM 4»* iuirt».at. of um omMt toaawtol te «M Uraety to Igaotoaoo efSt to— f • h«* ie oa. of dm eottoty** dapuvO meat, which I. mm Igfwf fto eent *. We boro totototoTlht JNI **« Mud the jail in gm>d —mm hd Maid he under protest |a«M||M Wn • inter eniargod or |M» 'til(» t» provided to uaMtop t|t 4f»t«R toto dittos 'which wm ItoSd «ft dip «Jp • pert ton. jr« and that n nriNiiiili «• ••nT to toe aanetot amapt watfMp to work aad wMhont aat pro to— It >y Jail for these prhhltf 4 toperl en CostM * 1 fhmt Ht i—l n. tohtot, majutm ‘ emp Clo 1 -tom tost, Mtoto* tend an | udewf v w* have tuapettod a#Wto» to** and tad them in tmildHT ptmT^m We most to ntototoft.T^ la Mr. toto todtodtoP ut cadent Os ronda to* t(p «ftoW «£ r izrjaaSa. ■ non • »•* .m ivenm-T and and tt la MflplVit^llto*