'1 • § I gjhtag . ksaaperutwru AiMMMK' 1 V I* • , •* . .«'*■’' £ _| IT *. .^ w ,,'.“ * ‘ f ( __. ■. fe; BER lilf ' ‘V,’ I . iii»y wo i p g\ I mum Win Wnrlr l«nr I Ima ** **?IPWL ' wB|B ' HE, *3*u WWrtf* * -At ~ ':*£■ .„_ x ' jf-T?* - ' 8 » sPiKS.:! S 9a| n • • wWwwm mwl mUV VviHHlßiiilj v M> : •■'H# ' - j,_ r Imi , Vm - IB iLpSHj#H 1 Cfll m 11 of lid 9 W VVtKI I ww “** *. * w^py tQjgp j _ jl **.. v f,’ _ tPPRpIv JRMPVMNRMI Mtti Hfi lß|Bj ■m y illliilllllß v ■/ Wtrafr mmm wla —» t a ‘ |. init li l | Mini W^T t» ii* llllLU ntUvittoi *«tt Dartck. eomMladar of thr *NI tatrgdnrM <M. George nwm «*• HW * WM IMMM of tit fa «"* »•<•■•*• COM TMI loti la Phils M»W» Mi urged the Legion km to +** most Interest to the cMc Itfr ■•f **• MHy He told es wioi •(jfcor pasta of fit Legion la North niton* had la th« aoltan u a whale •to iota*. • Approval of Uko Moo of a fife sad ♦rata Mf* tar the root cam* tol tavtoc the aiirooo by Col rr-mn. r. C. Mrtm. • member of the ♦*Nio« band. arW |e secured to aM ta tataraettag coaiMotao for tbo •“COO, K«M Otatci. A iitaJactlro waltano *lll |w oroaarod aaarn laortawat which will h* tar (ho i«N latrrooU of tie com mutiny U wio ioolioi. taiat awooaioat tic lyOgtoo wtaht aaiortaM for iblo roar Aa aot docidod upon at loo* ntcht'i Btatatai. bat thr m|lv of taaachlog a eaatgalga in hohalf o| W tbo pcogooid tuhorru loots aaaotortan for thla iobUm was d'araoaod. This ■ oaggootloa ootaiod to aioot with m <|*al approval. rtatarf of Wayao m*n who poM tbo aopremc.sacrifice haro’beoa inag •t tio Ooaaulltii' Building, bat •boy aro aot pioportr tairbod \w*jNi nomo pfatoa, tt oiytalfk *jMr Coot totod taAnr tbo ocpogdv of ooaartag kwnm ptalra Offlvort of tbo Coot osprooood (hr ‘ ptoooori with tbo tatoroot manlfonl lt U« aioottac and doclafOtl (hat li weald aM>% a aow ora hr tbo taarlo olag of a life of tbo oncaalaat'oih Hero, ftagb Dortch la coaaaiaadot... Coal Rdmaadson. Tlco-oommandcr' C. r. Dora. Jr., ajdtaat aad E. H Bala, chaptala. SUIN WITH HISOWNHSTOL Think Braaoaaero Takoa Young Ythrartbn'a 6n and Killed Hlm WHk It ■ tc=- " * ataNtaMßtaaiV That yoaag (Jordon Yolvorton. son of J. B. Talvortoa of Proatoat. who Wad aiardorad and a trues load 01 tobacco takaa from him aovwral days ago aaar Vtaratrllle. waa with * a piatal ho bod carried waa thr op •aloa oxpiooood yaotsrday la Kromoai murder of tbo Dftooa-yodr- j r M hoy roatlaaoa to ho much discus sed la the nearby lowa. Slttaoaa eocm roavlacod that <l«w. Hrrsemorc. WMiiaatatoa aagro nndrr rrroal for tha hHHag, 'la guilty of tbo erhao. a ptatot which yowag Yel vertoa bad bad tor oalf-protoctlon as ho drove tobacco trucks from Wll haaMtoa to Mlsoa waa found la tha pooaoaaloa of Breseasors. Tbo Now* waa told la Ptaaoat yesterday 9 Brageaaors bad started from I'aaastoa wKh the lad oa lb* track of tobacco, it waa aaM. but the mem bora of tbo family bad aot kaowa that ho waa going with tbo body. That ■no Beam borrowed tha ptetol from Oordoa aa some pretext sat then aaad N la Mawlag oat tbo brains of tbo youth after he had booa soloed mss* dlstare from tbo road waa thr theory advanced by Nromont iltlaena j^iatapv* M '" , i, «»•«,,.* i jy *“‘ r r"' • m 1 H 4 ml I I v Jta ?;T T ' Ms - iff 1 '• 'ijf MW W ‘ TUB umne Diem t '^2??. - --I - 'T y ■- Ira A UAJWaKII **■ £ Washington, ft «oil kaowa ‘R Mn. William Ham Mon Bayie of taMhbor aad philasthroplc worker of J ‘ba CapttoJ will addreea tha Cboh •*«•«« CMgfagattaa tonight, dpr* r - vtca* aflor lira, ftarto la a town ‘ “baarrar aad latarpretar of bwatai b |! t *^ m ** 'mSm**** imt,kMr * <> H* pb«taalbrapic work, oitmmive travel * abroad aad tkltaiab UHs coaniry. aad * ** r lllr ** »«lw*itaaco with maa atod * Nbo fa aow Haaorary Prrsldont “ Os tbo Washington T. W C. A. of which laotltatloa abr was Ptaaldaat tar taartoop years, bat thr last sow yaart aha baa apoat largely ia travel •broad. Staa I* tbo gaoat of Hra. Sol Wall, qf tbta eßy. her frtoads of maay years standlag ' bra Bayie will apeak oa her ba* " preealon of Bgypt aad faloaltao ’ whore abo vlaltrd Hi I**l aad agala '* la INI. a aabjact abr Is w*Hfpfd* " oaf to disease with authority The service preceding Mrs. Boyle's ' oddraaa will begin at T:*g. Tbo pub lic In welcomr both to tbo oorvtato * aad addraaa. ’ QUEEN MARIE ; ABANDONS TOUR . r j.. ' B WU Harry Hmm to Ba WIIK Huabbtal Wka>4g IH t UJVUfTILL*. )dr. lA-((AV i— r Quooa Marta 0 Ruawala vurtually completed bar American tour tonight aad mads ready to burry home ' DlsprOsaed by private advice from U<M*«raat. concerning the condition ■* King KVrdlaa»4 she aammoaod members ofjmr mOtf aad AmWicau 1 dtWtedT tint ' be Ugob aa fdon-mr to ibh ' bodaldo of her from abroad ha hIJNm iftnosa aa lanammatlon of thm^w^?* | Intestine and as cancer. A Some confusion attended effort/ ' of train officials to oatllao a revised Itinerary run to Now York. ly «lMbad f wljl go direct to Now Verb, wbflo Nicholas pays brief visit to rWott sad/Clevaland. m ere antomobtfe plants and lj> #ByeT Bonmanlna* residents “ tn *4 on tbo Borongorla. I* a Neither la tbo Doulsvllle to Now Yotk route definitely settled The In 'decision hinging oa a possible stop at Harper's Perry to enable Mario *S view the historic battle alghU. The tentative schedule calls for a 10 minute atop at Claclnnattl tomorrow morning, and skirting of. Washing j ton at a point outside the city. H la definitely announced that pinna lo have the children ace the Army-Navy football game tn Chicago * are cancelled, aa are trips to Atlan tic City, Labs Wood. N. J . White Sulphur ftprtax«. West Virginia and Richmond. Va Although she bad waited In vain for further advices from Bucharest Queen Marie showed ao traces of her anxiety today ad she tallowed I»uis • tie's reception program. Bhe vtailed the birthplace of Abraham Lincoln. and “My Old Kentucky Home" and lindtatown, bnt decided to omit a civic banquet and bnlt tonight. Auto Smash At , William and Mulberry An ante collision occurred at the corner of Mulberry and Wllllan streets yesterday afternoon about t o'clock, in which one rar waa badly smashed pp aad another damaged An Kasex Brlven by L H. Hart col- I ltded with a “Ford roadster, over turning the roadster and almost com pletely wrecking 11. , Henry Johnson and John Harman, two negroes from Wilson crawled out unhurt A Mord touring car i harked by the coring waa struck, one wheel broken up and Ike fender bant. II has not been derided' who waa In fault nr tbr extent of the damages, but It la to be sealed thla ' mormlag ia city con ft. 1 <aid'llWir ,r city C< ur* awaatann P. a pbidav mobniPo. Ndvatmca o. ou t- - il tVs t i II- 1 ' ; .-. 4 ». - - _ i *1 1. . ' vali 1 - 1 1* , Will Discuss NaAsssi PtitiukMHn PuMthu ’ f mßgm % m ■ W A T h|HH; i fc ? ?. -*r* ipimmmmr v m# it \ ( o* * C nw. K,M * NP WALTyTCYf ABl* v*® >L ._ TBt annual aoavatUlon of tba Amartcan Patrwtaam Institute at Tulsa, December 7. $ and *. will kdu (p --gather tha largaat and moat reprqgaaUtlva gathedag of laadara in the patratowm tadatary Utat has iwf kam yVo * t U ttalafa of corporatlona, t-chnlcaJ spirts, scientific authorities state and MtlMal.e*' hears, smaumlsta sad wUI ooastdsg la tbs broadest way lk« questions that ratals to pavamneatly suw jflylag tael to Amerlta'a *«.**•,••• motor cars, and meat lag the mutttiude of other fliitlntaa on petroleum Of fleara aad directors of The laatttdte are shown la the Uloatratlra. All rank nmeag the leaders' of thp Indtmtry. Rev. Mr. Daniel Delivers Address At Service Held By Juniors Honoring Dead Brothers "*t* measure awn not by what tb* aehlava but by tbs way la Wtfak they nil the spbwre ta which Ikay taalk" B*»- J- M. imalele -*e d B.' Phnl Methodist church, da olarad beat evening In delivering the memorial addraaa ta Honor of the seventy-eight members of the Junior Order have died since the local lodge wail formed. .Two hundred members of the Jun ior Order ta Goldsboro and friends of tha order attended the service. “Life's greatest pleasura la just ; that wa are not forgotten," Rev. Mr. ttafflALtold the audience. "There are JJjW sides around which the broth yjfrv lathered There are handclasps j M*| ever th/y touched. ROURTH ARREST • FOR PURNELL 3 — 1 —; . ■•#--, «r--> |.|— - A Rot her WontHn Prefer* ' Ckßinea uni HoiwJp Now Total $125,000 Wup hen by Illness, aftqr his BiSNTON HARBOR. Nov. II—((AM fourth arrest -tn two days "King” Benjamin Purnell rested gi Shiloh while State authorities wM<hed ev ents at tha colpny. i Pumell Waa carried to court late today by alx of his aides for ar-. ft ratgtmeut dp • dhargea of assault brought by jgpprgier woman member of the wuji. Eta tarfilslted yn.iteo bond and waa returned to Shiloh Bonds for tbe leader now total MJC.inmi Official- took precautions to guard •tale witnesses after Mrs Bessie Woodworth, leader of the raid by state'troopers. In which Purnell was taken find appealed to prosecuttag attorney Geo H. Ilookwaltar » for protection. Mrs. Woodworth, (orjner colony member, had Even summoned to the eult beadquerters to see her mother reported "dying." When rul< learned Mrs. Woodworth was to be accompanied by en officer, they refused bar admittance "lf the hone# of llevid does*! stop trying to pull fakC stuff. I'll arrest, everybody In the colony for obstruct ing Justice," said Mr. Rrookwalter « Tbe move to bring Mrs Woodworth to Shllafe was an attempt lo monkey with atale witnesses It was said. PATM4B4 N DTI Jit. r k GRJiMNVILIJB. Oa.. Nov 11. <4*l "Itacla Billy" Collins. lit ytara old. said lo ba tha oldest white person In deorgla. I a dying He In the father' of IT ebtldren. the youngest being M 4 yaaAr old. and mora than 390 grand children, grant grandchildren, - and great-groat grMdchUdr'u. ,"I*# U t r f ; - W*- ' ■ '■■ “The seal where they sat In the Lodge ta vacant, the fas* Is soar, but tbs brothers not aside this nigbl *bn*- a- hollowed meuMfrr tnlgßr bl. revered, that tbe departed may live agpln in onr hearts and minds. "As wa pause tonight" wont on Rev Mr. DeaM. " aa we pause tonight to honor the memory of our frlenffa. we , ran but think of Iba atanu they took Vows of 4o God In aAI h'a majesty and mercy, they took. They pledged loyalty to their great country end protection of its people and fid elity to the grand old flag They vow ed to stand by those In airknesa and Itonitw." * "The galea of tbe garden of God awing wide and tbe tired .servant 1 IS BROUGHT TO COURT ON BED Hr Woman Stay* Ska Saw Do fendanta Near Spot Where Bodle* Were Pound HOMKHVILLK. N. J., Nov. IA, ((4M—Brought init) mart oh a hoa- I Hal bed after a thirty-mile trip In an ambulance. Mrs. Jane Oitmoa. ill , with a Kidney dlaemae. testified at the Hall Mills trial today for there hours and at the end of her (estituotfy ( raised herself and partly Arranmad. “I told the truth so ta-lp roc Ood. sad you know It,** with a wlvp of her hand toward the three defend ants The throe on trlnl for murder ro mnlnedunruffeled ns the now famous raiser W pigs testified that she had reen Mrs Hall and brothers. Hen ry a...l Wlllje ttteven* at and near the Jita. Ihe Oodles of the Rev , ward W IfiTLgjvd Mr* Kl.mnor *llll* Yore fonnd on the night they wPTv'aia'n more than four </enra ego. Prom her bed Mrs Gibson said . she saw Mrs. Ilall and Willie Mtfvena -landing In front of an automobile - n Iteßusseya, Lens near Brunswick •Ik tore KTie heard allots later saw Henry Stevens Just before elir heard shot, and Hit later observed Mrs Hall kneeling n-ar the pine# • here th<- *lt ness hn.l heard voices uttering oaths She pointed to'' the defendants In the courtroom and said'they were th» iiersons she saw. The dramatic appearance of the wltnsas followed A r 'd» In an ambu lance from Jersey City where she has been a patient for ten days She apparently suffered .no 111 effects from the trip and court sppearsace Princeton's aot going tn play with Harvard any more The football wasn’t so had, but tbs words, you • should havs read them! f j enters into walk amongst tha baau . | Ittui th'aga ta tbe woaAarfM garden." W. W. Andrew a. (Ikaptaln of M* > J Ooldsh..m council, .haracteriaed Rev. i Mr. Dan tol aa ‘ man of god" ta pra ses ling him to the lodge j H. A. Ht rick Is ad, counnMtar of ’ tbe chapter, presided at the miitlng 1 j Invocation waa pronaanoad by Bov. i W. P. Watkins. Jr„ aad brnksd'ettoa i hy Rev. J.' M. Carroll. V. M KUUkin acted aa autatar of ceremoniea and stated the purpose of tbs meeting Tbe qaartatt of Ike Council, com posed of J. R. Raper, T, J. Casey. R. H. Hpence, and J. 0. Mpenoe. sattg a number of songs appropriate tar tba ' occasion. CONVENTION COMES TO CLOSE BgpOiUd Adept HdgototioM of Protect To Be 8u troth tad . Tig Queen BrHe WIIAIINOTON. Nov. t» tion of members of various boards of trustees, the membera of a gen eral board and tbe puaaagc of a roan luMon of protest s* ta t rest mant aa cdNad- Baptlnls of Ronrmanlw to b> I aqnt to Queen Marie, featurod Ike tensions of Iks Baptist Stale conven tion which came to a dose hero today. Tba resolution* follow: "tbe North Carolina Baptist State ouuvMntlou, representing more than >»«.*•*, Baptist* ta North Carolina, la session at Wilmington. -N. C.. Nnv. i Ik DU wish to convey to her maps. ty, Queen Marie through yon tha fol , lowing message "l| la with deop regret that Wa bare I'Hrned that «Hit brethem ta the Bap ' ta your country are taCf out of the Hat of recognised con , Iraatotfs and are aot given tbe priv ileges given other religions. I We respectively beseech you lo k yr*n> '•»* Baptist along with others, , religion* freedom, that they be al lowed u, purchase property for edji rational and philanthropic purposes did that their minister* end other church officials he assured freedom to earry out their fuactlena. We ala • erely hope that your visit to our country may be moat pleasant and profitable." The report to be signed hy the president and s*rretary of the roavea l tlon H W. Hpllman, B. T. V«nu. J. IM. Keatler. _ MUM TORE rf»TT«S NKW YORK. Nov l|. <*»)-gpwt cotlou quiet Middling It. Cotton fill urea rbrnsd barely steady at a net decline of three to six points Decem ber It; January It; March Tib May Jl; July It. m •* Wry in ■ b '""Vm 1 "m*"**!*®® I S jt ■ ■ MM :■ «M i % g ■: a, <«■ n n if n m mm f I V maall Km -Jk M;■ Ig, IHM| ■ ■ M jgaiA : ■ „ uiimii a vi HiHv Hi llMfii ■ «- ** / '■ Lj..£ i, And Cash Fur Tiij& WWI * MSlv WIMW' * mmm m WmS&mrK, PIP WW X ! » V • *, • \*" •- Jfcji'i *?_' 4PIHHI , I % 1 . . jpTAp -. ntg Muk w v*to •vwm P« BmmnKKfP -B,r*h* of Tat» Mwoßay Night 4«Uf*j kSdftgrii^ ” •* v n *»*aw Hurf | mw>t M is™. ■ ' i YiMmfflEjLjjß I HU ~ |k flilfMa In * ymj /MTMVyKIma gp * AW |M • conflict of ibo «rt! opirtta ta the Rwp rmMN of tho Mrth Us CNN ««««tty Im too ahanod tho park it nU lltun within the eorlteat kMf •*•<*« of tho wootera white ploaoor. The Kaolern lour lot who. UfMtlf M «wMm wootera mi—photo with An wonderland t Mtm m 4to appolnted during lb* iuumt if he •*•***! to Ml nay rodnbtea **rh MMM* roawdod unlx iU ladteaa rl*ltor» for the m*h^^ Iteriaa lb* tarty dayo ofoapovtat In Uw Wool, tho whtio Ml oocoiit •ted ft <«HNplete lock of know lodge of tho PWI among t*o Indiana Throo trttioo tho Bhoebonaa, tho Orowo osd tho Htaekfoat - Hood on retry oMo of tho pork, according » Iholr looondory hlotory, hot teoldod entering tho ftoydot totted. IndloM wool with tho wtkc oaptor oro "dr mlliury force* through tfe» pork, thoy offered tip oocrMeoo bo foro catering tho geyaar tegtoa uo uolly throo*h tho “calunaot of peace" tho peace pipo. “ 3 1 Tho Yellowetnn* geynera wort do- ItNltolr oooootetod hr tho IhdNoo with Iholr Moo of boll, onmrdln to tho iMoodo of Uo WyoNiln* owl Mon Uni trlhoo. Tho mtrihlf wMhio tho north thst hormW fk« Nflrr om ptioao, tho rodohlt rofsrdod *■ tho ferctM of «*tyw* woo poo* hr th«< ■plrtt* md Mch oropflon hdopofco t victory or dofoot of oo< hoad of •plrtti A Hrlo* Ahoohooo rhlofuin us moro than Id yodtii. >Vo-ion ootuMh* tho opinion of the ladlao ibaol H» Koyoori oo h*op, hrop bod " CADILLAC CAR IS RBCOVERED . Rfrrl* UftlM uMI Juki Hsyd Boand to Sftartor Cdart mi Clmti* *f Larcaay * * > f -* .' a “ - Murrto iUfdoa noth Jmnoo Hard. tho lottor Jm to ho Inna ittchmoo** Yo.. woro Mupd to Nupcrlor ooor rharffo ol torroo of Uo'iTadlllac (’noh ol Hoary Hlsaall Mr Brlttrll loft * thootwo on Toa toi otroot M'otfncndoy hteht to d*c Mo ('odlllot- Wta* drl«/n< off. It" t»*n ocrnpylna Uo trt»n{ n*mt. Hall Ilf J I. Dnaoy In Jfln Unroln. Mr Wmooll harried to tMr ptUh* oiotluo * fflror J. T. Thoaioo jjoltiod the party »nd <-ha*e of tli.- dUbppoorlng radii 100 wa« boaua. / "There were npfr 0 few gallonn of two In Iho t jAU" mIH Mr Hrtsaoll ■‘ond It will hL> beat for ua to troll alone and wo|t for the ror to ran out nf jolct- 7 Hlaty ml lee « n hoar wo* oaM to ho the a peed whlr-h the ('adlllac WOO making In the dlroctfoo of ftalolgh Hoeoad Princeton the gaa gore oat. Meoara Roney Hlaaell and Thoaaaa wore only o few mile* behind oaJ Rladon nad Royd wore ploood under arrant and returned to tho city. Probable canoe woo found li o hearing before Mayor I’ tier yeoitf day moraine. * " I I __ . I B® m 1- iMmminiriWlWdlpWiAl gjlMlil ‘-WWWWi *} ~ '■*"tWrL A*m . ih**v -1 T pvL : ■ «H»irkt on m - mm A ffeftM* to wmk i|p p lhm tMI it is ,4,.M % mm I Ikon it hao eror ka« > truly anybody* nM|R'' M» aRp Mk|S * ' w thTfia « < «w«i to f# <pi t * ho* whom hard . cat ora the ndOO Wild ’,'«ba«’wttlMh ndtoa .round la (tod Ms » bitaa. f: ■?*! yieiwor- • l of U. htjh fi-j|}§ W'.ll bo radurod. Thoy «iris»«|S • he laoroaaod. RaharHpdlM aM mors vo(m riglit wiv Will ho aaaM. H *HI toho op to nght**n imbMjrtptloiii tir JMw parted to oouai oao tmwmW'Wmm Moadar RWi .. • a The odd* if# Ptm yraoter bur A a pdMt moat nad eaadftatetoo OateMdMlß - Hour aU tborounhly MPdaoMpßfl thj| ouodamcatal rpiia *HMk Ms in mind, ttetao akWiAf MaM*dhM» -rer with e«poXfe«» in aUMf *W I--ate «re of thd •VNMPIW'IB rotaa will he altewad |W '!»*•" of Ihr emputatu TMa I* Mtffi 1 fact aa ha* beam repeated!* fluA The high vote daya an# rl«IR MW *M (here will be no aMMN IrMw «•. M I If n paana bod to bo MMb MM|& 000 would bo on vaadl* dMMIMR T|p ictdln* roadtdatea Ms Ml I r nrbed. Thore are flea an If •aal. priaeo ll||Jh lhf| more than oae cay fWflVf dte > trtet A eaadidato etoadtof aoeahj n hla Ik her MotHbt MP H> Ml MR >wr wlnala* cIMO. Twa tRRa-VMMp N Hi mm dtotrtet aafl ■ ran MRim* uinnl hoeo % cat. VAKV VRI MtLP A VMRBR Aar rtwtehdor aaa nalM IR* fhrat period blah ap Hi tho da* übiioh himaolf la paoMla! to aaaara hlmoolf oae of tho flao em. R. aH (tepoada upda the oawaaA .M MR* done Malordov fad Mtadff M* A* m-rompllnhawat ha a roMR df R..- r . 4 ; Tho work*** wtH aot ~*—trT TR* in—wrap will foil tofetoi* way catch up by hard work later to tbooa Who fail la tato aßraatepa or the prooaat M* vote art aw* to te> trot It No opportaaßy to aaooro aatoaeto# tioao *houid ho .daaftoalMi Rmnp rtnll days Now oahaaplMlMßaßM especially valuable The h*M !*«• t übacriptteaa hova porUoalMty o# m< la* vote ladurawtatß, Mh|L educed euhecriptlaa pefo* *RMpI B ff~rt permitting »ukai |RWOo kPkB their H.iher rtptioan at IM RMIMIW rear for nil thoy l*|»

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