*• « WEATHER 0 ,. Cioidy followed V rM* Haturday * . 1* . rata, slowly rtatai irapmur*. J -• 4 "’ ' S, ■ ■ —»-»*■ — 1 - ‘ ' ■'— i—W *inJioJ{s**mow~s i |T !*■'■■ VOLUME BIX; NUMBER SS V ’ • wk>t* '' * *U A * ' , -■ :i:. ■ --t v vv-v.srsr ■.: ~ ■ . :■■'■■■ u ',. •■ ■■ .... „- -j> 7 •■ . .- •■ ■ ■ WHOLESALERS AND MANUFACTURERS HERE TODAY DEMONSTRA TE ELECTRICAL TRANSMISSION OF SIGHT Got. McLean Scheduled To Make Principal Address At Convention This Afternoon l ” ' t- ..."■■.n i'41 1 .!. rrs-.... [ ,5 I ( Expect 200 Members of East Carolina Whole salers and Manufac turers Association to Be in Attendance; at Morning and After- t* , \3LTill noon Dfoßitm ” 1 »* Elect Officers ■ -- • Front every town of Eastern N-f h fer.wlaa member* of the Wbol Dealers aid Manufacturers’ Aaeoca lion of RMCinr mw«* *m com* * to Ootyaboro today to att* nd tho ■ * mod* up hy th* address *en; Al lowing tho talk By the Qovernor: John W. Hou*e. of Wilson, president of ’fh* Association will mtkt bh an nual r*port. Then will follow th* ad dr**#- By Mr. Bailey. The appearance «r Governor Mr- I emu Bare will B* tßa first public sp paaraace b* baa made »lnr« a visit to N*w York where be want to Han state bonds, A report to the treaaurrr. M. fl. Cojd*. sf Wllsoa. and of th* secretary Mr. Tboratoa, of Wllaaa, will ba made At the afternoon aaaaton Th* election of officers I* scheduled w* the eoarludlng Item of business. I*trend Goldsboro men are anion; ♦he present officer* <>( the Asaoclatlou G. 8- hi on* of the directors. Hr. L. Rawlings a member of to' iraoaportatien committee, and 1.. A. ftaosy a memb r of the legislative ___ V HAYES IS NAMED , FEDERAL JUDGE Win Prwldb Over Middle Dta trtet Onrt Crete* by Uat COTfTMS I. «A#«IWiTON April : <4-> John R -** I HUM a* Meet* • WWvmtM** Z jptbMfti iuV newly created mI(UU> dlatrlit . N«nh Car*llna today*!* J»r *td*ut l oot Id** William C_Tal«man. of Maryland Vi- «| l^pKjU .|** # 1,. Ilf* THIiI.iI «4vT3*"*» dLtOdtY by P»*«M*n'l nuaubn w iff* m recently rraa ted by Conerei* Appointment of Johaaon 1. Hay*’ ad J dtatrtct aft ora *y lor thr old weat era dlatriet *f North Parol na Da- to fhilnrt of (hr deficiency ifyMirlatlon blit to paaa it h«d)!bm 't peeled that thr nppolnment ml*h hr drlayrd aa nmle'tlea of court a-r raped'd to b* aoaar what rurtalnrd h the torb of faada. Mr flay** who la ahoat II rear* rid la a Republican national com adttarwha far tha Mala and I*l THE GOLDSBORO NEWS 3 , j jA . * 0 . HEAD IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE ERE SH—READ BY BUYERS, BEFORE THEY BUY The Governor 0 _ mm I Ai;«fN w. nn,kA?i Scheduled u> deliver the prfnc pal nddrssii b -fore ' Ktalern t'er.»laa Wholeeaior* and Muuu furtur, r« \* korlattoa here this afturn«»o ROBBED HOME OF LARGE SUM TSSoorfbounSi rottow Trail Tv Horn* of Reed Nncroea N«f* Far Trail Frrnoat Two negroes by the name pf Ke«d. of the Kureka section, were lodged |» Wayne county -jail yesterday charaed with Imvluk bjtwn Ibe parties' wh> Hiiini Um ■ tlu I*lllß Wednesday night en tered the hguir of a Mr. Mum ford about three an les nerth-east of FV«- tuoat and stole $l4O Deputy Sheriffs I. C. Rorwegsy iuul Uoorfee < tw, summened He the Mimfurd bom* yrrgenlsy morning. ! secured blood bounds aud the dois followed a tra‘l to the bom* of lh • Heed negroes sVhh t too yard from lb* Mumford liouty The non were pier •■d under arrest, the house having [_ !•”«■ surrounded * * As the rl f the ledlii* pail VntH.th# luui .Jt*. •ihrsf-' dT'Pbh* hitremi *>ll (bail-MC— *-»►• * ■*♦<•«* -U-e-h-** (>«ld*boro at an early dal*. Till* plav m a ('hlnrao tlraift* adopted from “M ure-lent le* nd. and ha* rnJoy *d aur r n«ful run* In New York. M inlrli. Uindon, Vienna. Mwacow and llud’t P«ath. Itirrrtt H. Hark, thr dl*lla* nl-lied New York dramatic critic, dnr n* hla recent vleli in Duke unlver* 1 - ■ v roiutnend’d tli* play a* on* repre ntlna Mte very boat net hod of BO* < nrln* *reuU effeyla Mr i'lark pral*emoved document * for esaotlh* lion French police took no part lit ■the raid hut maintained order outaldi ■' , % Warships at Hank'dw •WASHINGTON (*)—OffWrfal Ft rarts conflrmlns to** violation of K it nian dtrtoamtic Immunity In Peklnt 'by soldiery sad police vied for atten tion with dUcloeyre that a fle d of $1 foreign warship has mobil sed at Han kow, nationalistic political capltob at for tbs Naaklag outrages are being drafted for praeoatation at Hankow Minister Mac Murray tabled that, the •'uss'sn embassy raid bad followed fe rmliWltSif given the t'hlnesc aiilhofl tles by the sen or diplomatic of tb* Boxers powers, th* Dutch minister. - lor a vwHl"v( tkv pi 1 1 ately swsetl land end the bulldlec of the Restern rhtn» rurtwny tut to th* em bassy coiniMiund for eve deuce of sub vt ralvc soviet- agitation. Anderson Ordered To Leave State YABTBYVII.Ut, N C , April 7 Ufl-J. H Anderaon. Schooifleld. Va m-ti found guttty of shnpl- gysuttlt by a.raswtll jury today was eiilled trHni ibe state In sentence imposed by Judge Harding He was fined gtoii aud given a seelswee of two y*sr» on lh* road*, but the latter suspended on rendition that the l«uvv the s.at*. to which he agreed. The Judge n Im posing judgement also required him Fo slay Ml ton** atfay from DantrH’e. Va.. the retaalad-r of hi* HR I * ' -T-1 ' ■*' TII NIKU AT Hit II HOh It WINBTON-BALK.M.-April 7 UP About slsty boys and girls of the city high school left today for Hlrli tnoud, Wg , t» slug at the tkui'berr Cons fence of Musical, Kd 11 rw|lon ehlch baa been In aegslon In that city since Monday OMy two other routhera cities will be. representedj by groups of boys and girl*. HjmhHsl biuei w*r* chartered for lhe trip Th* group wII return hers Katur -1 day. - . ’ Mr % fir,,., tjje TamJ^ I ’fit *ic*e4tn*ly fort-mat* In dlaccerr l kij V'v Dp add* fee tit- 'T-MwMeey, > t hod+y \n pt 4 4hr new dadlnr lady - ' ’ viDa Jeanette play *th - part of Moy < P*h t-oy, the beautiful f'hlneae prln ie#» whom Wo# Hoo Oil played by * Mr Jama*. lore*. Hhe l* ;i m 'mto»r i the Alpha Doltaa PI Bority. Mr. Jamea D a a-ulor at Duke. and made hla dehut In tbe realm of dram atlca at the unlvaralty four ye*r* a** »\yjn he played tha lead u one of th * Tat rtan pn>durtl*na, H.are that Urn* > h* haa lta«a ope of the moet prnniln f ent and taltaahl# m of the r Taurlaa orgaalaallon. It wa* through Hla uallrla* efforta that Theta Alpha ’ Phi/a natlosal ‘dramatic fraieynlly * of aoaei f fly ohapterw. *raalad a (Harter t* Duka university. "The V*'- ( low Jacket” win he bl* Uat play and 1 ba give# pratlae to aurpaa* all of °* iL'L-iaL'—: -7 rs=^==rr==x=r~~--~ —-n-. 1-••■ ■ OOLD6BORO, N. C. FRIDAY MORNING. APRIL 8. 19237 _ A ‘ 0 j) - % ° ' •- ' k v’ Presiding, Officer ■ JOHX W. HOI 8E —* WHsaa -—. Mr. House, ,1a prc-idt-nl of . the Eastern Carolina WboletMler* Imd Manvfactut rs AssncUtlnn mm| wl l creator at thr second gmunrt t lyirvnn . lon her* today. • e - SAPIRO BORROWING SUM Got $2500 From Pwtmto Buyer cr-wad Loaned M to Farmers Form Co-op Body DETROIT. April 7 UP—. $2,880 ioen fn»m a number of.the firm of potato buyers and ntwrrttmront ww* traced through Aaron Nsplro to n group of growers In th* process of organ aat Inn bg JiUu_to,A cnnparatlve selling ; 'oiny ip aptr«'s lid*} #u4 H -teey 4®oed . Hnp'n. uml-- p Weyl, not through hit*, geptra tsstirted hut further testimony on the point wist ett off by adjournment of court, a Tit* $2,600 wss placed In the namu M fbrplro wt- tlrr requm of a prest ••nt of a Potato association at Idaho Foil*, or some other m *wibef mt the group. Saplro teatfled and f not mn* made payable to him. MANY FLEE FROM RISING WATERS Score* Fa mi lien in Section of Mbwimippi Have Houjfht Higher Ground rLARK*BDAr.ft. Mlaa., April 7 14*1 Hcoreg of fa ml I le* almae home m*Mh • llurkc* I iiiUluk *ria, ll ft ran j-mlled no.iifliiaat of Clarkadalc, .«rr KS'danaer from flimd wat«ra of the MlaalWihMd rlror aa a rinult at _ u tbreati-ni’d leyee Hr uk had been re moved ton ithi to otli r mllea dlalant where rhi-y nre m lup Tifr Hr ♦4re rt>«m*tmt *e-e* -ty wmttwti m-wtr «fWl»•frmnititnt'if fArfoWWh apiir ni old lev a, hntak at Tin thr au-ne ’ le.lnl where ..eavln* (1 f the natural Hunk of the river Haa tlireate'wd It. r •»»»••>'►’ih 1 'b" tin nut iji jirtSii Uaajjr.'jjf tbdiw ware fe-dihr up- 1 t lb> levee iir orhortrlevaittn. BASEBALL At tiullfnrd-l«hki> Pt>re«t C, ’lull ford ft At lllrbnry UnolrKhyno *. High Ihillit i. At Ihirham Pledniolit It r#mlio«i 2, At Hpartaubur* WoffJrd t. David m.a | > \ ‘ i YMt YOHk t «»TTtl> i —... , NMW YOIIK. April 7 (JPI-jd ottoa future* rloa d eteady $ to I pointy I tower. Bpot qa at, mlddlia* 14.40 I May 14 tti, July It 27; OrtotPr 14.1 t, December 14. *4, January 14 7| L. . N . *1 .A PRESENT BOARD i IS UNOPPOSED Only Contest Will He Be tween Mayor Porter anil Hill, Primary ArtU J 4 They won't hhve to mil out the I 'nfflp’ xun to j&ewat? otur m Ooltltboro primary. They won't ~v,»p nerd a corpora"* guard t* keep 0.- oer. * ' With tht> primary scheduled to Ik held on Tliurwtlay, April 14. the only prencnt Incumbent .who l« opixwe.l U yiajor K U. Porter. Jack Hill la' maklna a hid for the place he hold* Whin Mr HII f'mt M»h _ N might be counted In the ewint at rome future date. 'I Jual don’t care to raa now,* b» told The Wegrn 'yeetef "I day. y AH the members of the meant beard hare announced their Ihtnn tioa op -landing for re-clectbio. Th tleket will b.» aa fnllowat . • Mayor—.K, <> Porter and Jack HIM . Alderman ftrat ward-Prank B Dun Ida and W P. Koee. Alderman aeeond waird—J~ n. Rtp rr. IT. M. 011 l kin. and W H A life riiietv lhrr«r w ard -Bum Rrfd gcr* and P. Iloliey A idem* n fourth ward—Emmett .rr 1 I*ost Diamod Found in Chicken's Gizzard A V ORBENVIMJC. N. C., April I* OPi -A uhleken. tcratrlilng fa the dirt on the farm of H L. Smith. near her® drpoe ted In IN craw a diamond val- * ced at « ver*i hundred dollart. which hid been loot by Mrs. Smith about ~tFr*e ~peam ~iiVT; ! ■ ' 21, I we* gnuo.inct-d on yi-Hirrilu) by Mina llrbu Wlleon, *up ervigor of rural acboola for Warn • 1 count/. 'llia peat-ant will afford a new dg- Iritriure In count/ caMtiww m« far 1 Moyne and will be vubetluted for the 1 llrltjg ronteata of oilier year* iTIW fair irounda will be nil dolladj up fur the or, union. On one aid' of! the around* n huge tower will he erected and on Ih • otiier able of the around* a almllur lower. A bntb | around of ebrabhery will b- arranged i i and between the towera nod In front j i of the green background ibi Waynei (hlldren will gtretch tbelr lege In lh ■ ■ ILAKIME Mlyot lid* A. OW*c lg e produced by the Tewrtan* la kloldahaeii -at **» »«r4y data. „ , GILMORE MAKES GOOD WITNESS •• Turner Cum Jury CoapUtml Yeutenlay Morning From Harnett Venire w - BANKORD. April 7- OP)—"1 am avoriaatba truth or trying MT’dwT crareit TTatt-r (imunre, «yi wiOwr l'» 'he gun Mittle that reaalUMl In th* »i»siKr^i««2tna----*rr.x;; *is*»;rr rt-;!.-n..aamr.^JCr»r'.•^.■yeru'«■ 1 ■.■.■.■nrjaai iL u| It ul Klta-l'f f 1— »>- T,»wm*w MAhmUfa t»tturney Douglaaa of the defenai •ought to confute him at to what hta dlrei t teatlmony had been.. The croa* exauitnatlon of Ollmor*. who wwa on the »tano about >wo hours thla aftdr r'-on, will be conclud 'd In the morn :ng. (HI more a good wltnee* mula ’flnlug «lm«i»j a> nia.-t hi* account of •‘f affair In the hi* of dlecoacertlng mirage of queetton, an there wen* •Imi* wh-n lil'’ready repartee rrewt-, ed a ripple of umuaemeut la the courtroom and Judge Hlnclalr rapped l iiirr h for order tillmore's accouat of the affair waa colorfully told The July tu try the Turner auirder waa completed I hit oinm'ng after ; early half of the a«c»nd tpdal re n ‘h N \ m 3*} I j 1 “w* own. kt*ry. Il li-j»r John. Old Father feta*, principal acldr la ■ «i ranch of. Ihr world'* goiuga on. . will he given a reaerv» aea| na tap , of one of the lowers. surrounded with , a flitch of balloon Idglna continually at Ida weight . Moat of the thousand klda take part will nlmply dr an up to represent win ■ particular c.laaa o* ! Old Curo| m noctety and go »' roll in. hv while aorfiet lar. .sm. ■ . f*et jfor the depntlee. Pnrtlrlpetnig la the raid »*ro ite- - po*let J. 0 ' Korwegwy Much Dard ner. Part Smith and tieorge Caber. Sampson Man CHnmd Breaking and Entenng Dtv'd Hargrove, engro, offi arrant ed >1 tterday by J. C. Koraegny gad t«dg A la jail bare charged with bar Ina -Obbad Urn b»me of a togro by the name nf temheto la Fork t*wa ahlp and w'th hevtag eoaogad from the Saatrpua county ebalb OMg. A putui aad other articles dar'ered tu be atoleo. from the Haxbdtg hfto wore recovered, M -. . f: ii