■Mgii HI H|Rlpnpinß *:... .-.yfw.. JiT. ■&-' •ffw' ***+*"' -te. ■■»■■: Mtosimm . f *''*'•'• iVr ; C- . WEATHER BT- • _ *• iwi iSIBMVs ir - 7 -- - « V L n ."-_J^ r^ , 'tgg!L l ■"?’ "■* ' 'f *"- — ll .'""i I' L ■ mm SS«E.iuje.. -a; ~,,l J.;.:a :■ ...■■— DEATH TOTAL FROM MIDDLE WEST STORMS IS 219 t—--. * im m u a a. _ A ! m ‘ihm ' • n > - . . i- _ ’ . FRANCE AND AMERICA JOIN IN SEARCH FOR MISSING FLIERS ; Poplar Bluff, Mo., Is Hardest p Hit Where 77 People Are Killed J Abd JOO Are Seriously Injured Tithfiiirftr Torrential fSSMjjMt ftoto* I / Statel From'; Rocky Moon tain Region to East: DmmsgV Amount! to , KANSAS CITY. 111? 1* - <*) - Scourged Rr tornadoes, torrsatis I worn* ud Miuinli mr t thme <»r peried, tto mtedleat meat oanafqd “• at rnlnto today. With pro Mi r .lUN|M M .ta«iN, fcun-T dred* Wml*m ia< groparty di«m« in itomllHon* In atght <itn. from tb# Rocky MonUli reglnaa to tb* Bari ud W gantheaalward, Um fury of Um wenth •r brought *e»th ud nattering • ftrtt destruction vm wrought to Kuiii wboro • twister roared la fro* th» southwest POHWAM BUFF. Um., May »•- <*% aa the wind 'ora dstotegd-tomlpr Blairs bo.it «w MHBttaa yteld more bodies. toe , »♦ tl, whfla aUr Injured fought rata to Jar Ufa... ... - -^-1 Hoarly warn revealed to «<to M tiro teas worter# centod the brick* aad timber* Mr missing par ° Md Wars Ihjttrad, asors tXs* l%» ser iously. * UTTUp *oc£-4P»-triih to* partial rsaisraMoa of communication* during too day. Arhaasas had a claaP hr ripw tonight mt tha path of death -aad dwtitudlaa nwapt through the . Phut Coatral Bhathara portion* of the > atat* hy a aoadoo of toraadoott tote T WiM MMb n - whdlo tto rlua pairty added wow thaaa *r»m tamaiaalM.. ftoaam bar ad tmfurad waa aaaaawhere around Mi, while tha too praporty lo*a wa re t lad eg as prohahiy one million gol toifi- # Belated n*wa toalght told at mar Alaaater la Ota • astrom* aorthaaat roraar of tha atat*. The wind fr«r- P«g to earth to that aartioa. ktllla* fear per ana* and catting a path •' daatraettoa lii yard* wtda and aarar al alien to length Mora than S' hoaaaa war* wracked la on* cerfatj and a acora of parooaa war* lajarai •retral of tha tojured war* report ed aear death toalght EXTRA TERMS X ARE REQUESTED Sir AarntmHm Ahk» Far Bpe *4 ' r ;/ 3SSB rtoj mm I* *m* and UMT"? m mmsi Members of the Whyne ooeaty bar maattog yaatarday la the offto* of cterh of ooart J. -tt, IM*ti draw g Hty-T-- 1: i •rtoadMiaw' tor towanto..! amm to to* roan bora Ud dooldad tb paflttoa tor two extra tana of elrtl court during tha fear. The lawyer* aak~th*t * apaetai term ha held her* la iaa* aad another to Ooleher Thee* two antra tern*. It waa aaid. might he ' held under the emergency fudge art , an created hr the Uat lagMlature aad woald aid la ataartog ap the congest ad ayataga to the Ways** docket.. The nest ruga tor term *f court will ho held hagtaalag May M The ftrat wood will bo glean t* tha trial of atrll cases aad tha aacoad week to the trial of rrlaadaal aaaaa. Jadge Harria of Raleigh wtll proslde. It waa for the f ret wood to thin lona of conn that the tor draw tha la that yaatarday. ► * ' 'to, '4. - ■ THE GOLDSBORO NEWS BEAD IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ABE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS, BEFORE THEY BUY - ■■■■ _■ -u■ ■■ ■ '.'r • . m ' ASHEVILLE Badly of Mr*. A. g, Caspar Found fu Vacua! Lot Not Far j Froa Hunt O •moMsunn I—AHBQHULJtaL H—iAfl— Tha hady to torn, A. *, t'aapar, Mi tto can* g myatan I# tto atoo. waa faand early thin aura fag amaag tto waada as a ta onto tod adHadag tor haaatlard Ini A i« tto paWaa. had ah* waa add ads sad aatM this ataratog Hhe too Iliad adaao tto datoh as tor hnabaad a moadh apu . Since blood waa fead on both eld** of the barbed-wire fence aap arttag Mri. Cooper's hone from .JSris§ess* mfifto as B*jS clldad ta acoopt the aufcid* ihaory that waa ftrat advanced Th iroeoa to htaad. acoototog to jtolca. indi cate that MT* Ooepei ’a throat waa cm aad tha atop* leadiag lata tow Cooper bom* old* yard, s.ime tea yard* dietaac* th- faacf' from where tto tody wai found Mrs Cooper waa a native of It* land aad tod maided la thla country •lace girlhood. Her only relative* la this country an oouelaa living In Bav ■" -■ ■•••«-:-- WALTER MASER |AR» ETRRWOOn WIRVEMS RICHMOND, May I*-UT>—Utaltar Hogan aad Jo* Kirkwood. defeated' 1 Georg* Voigt North aad Soath ta* i *441 c|mtii|>iofi and Jimuiv TUompaoo, local pro. four and three bora ia aa cghlbtttoa match Hagan aad Kirkwood each took o 71 on the par 71 Olaowaod course with Hagan taking to aad Thompaoa :.T ■iRiSMifR tam wm» TRNMON SR “tiKOßfllt MtrM" CHICAGO. May M-TreeMant MSa Johaaon of th* Amarieaa I>agw* to day lifted the suapeaatoa of Ty Cobb and Al Simmon* ranking stars of th* Philadelphia Athletics. Cd*b waa reinstated *o"£o could hr pour la Detroit today, p'aylag with iha Athalatlc* It will be hi* ftrat ap pearanee la Detroit la the uniform of -t visiting learnt A mammoth c-lehrs tfon sa> srrsnged ta hla h*aor. Protection Levee Breaks At town Os Natchez, Mississippi NATTHEi, Mae., liay h niteteii MIBVWtIIdHMMMdNBMMMU*4Ntmo' >« .>M>M»aduaiMCtgrimdhMgU«dMVtk«Btte|Mbte The protection levee opposite this city j rtpMtv ilaw MFoam, Tk* l break occurred when sandbags rilling n bridge on th# Mlaourri PaHf.r rail roadnembaakmenl were blown out. ReeUteWt say that lb* town probably i. nrffte H i wtoM drJ> A**» hy moralna. Practically all .woaaoa had rblldreu dt tto lllite town of 7M fled two weeks ago wUea the Mississippi river m*4# * menacing drive eg sleet tha! levees Is front NDW OKIJBANH—tdV-Two flood cfeata were approaching Bayou Dot dialed*# and th* OM Blvev toalght a* hundreds of realdeat of the threaten ed district beat every often to the task of relafoaelag emhaaksaent* hold tag hack tto aKHtntlag waters On# of tto create la Leoeisaa with a aarraw ridge e#perating R from th* other was that ad tto waters released hy breaks ta th* Arkansas river lav- GOLDBMOT HL C. WEDNMXIAY MQBMIM& MAY O*llX7 ' -'-T- —~.t ft i. HiAit'LtoliißSafeacaaißß NEf MEMBERS ROTARY aUB RakU Freund and ( outnaclor Ed Thykur latrodurad Last Evsulng nnnift W JOT wtfn Tit XlUto dub at > folßt meat lag for the pur pan* to' dhlaH|ialag the Tobacco j Beard to Trad* to OdMahoro oa next J Monday tpoalagfeaauafcd tto G4‘% j maaaa to? lagmaalgg eaiea na tto Goldsboro lobecro market will pc cap/ tto Mdat meeMhg of (he Rotary tobacco hoard aa gaaata J«M I waanaamd «• tto data for th* **mi aaaaal "wire* apsaiag” of the dab aad Retartea* Jaohtna, Wat er*, aad Rawlings ware named as a coaaMlto* to arrange a program The dub approved a motion to donate BtAr i ttlE Hr WHmlaaloa tor a number of boys and girla of th* otty Captain Young, of th* Salvetloß army. Is to have chart* *f th* trip. Approval waa voted of th# proposi i ioa of foialag with tb* K! wants club la entertaining top gradual** of th* Wayn* county elementary schools at dinner Saturdav at noon memm»» b ns msmesa* Now member* I a trod need at tto ■aaMag- warn. JLnbbl I. L Fraaad and Md Taylor. Bock gave abort talko. . «a Dr. W. H Smith traeod, la a Ova adnata pmtoaatoaal talk, tto pro gram to madlclue dace th# dawn of t higtary Modern medicine he aaid, may aaid to have had It* beginning * sen#ratio* or *o ago Dr. Smith took one time “ahull powder” waa a fav orite remedy for «i»ny forma of 111 aaaa Th# pewdar. h* aatd waa mad hy grtodito up tto ikull of people Who tod died of certain dir ease, a llt- U* water was added to make It affac tlve, ha reported Hare ay* not abough general prac tlcioonara, Dr Rmlth reported. Twenty year* ako *om# 0 16.000 doctor' were graduated each year. Now on ly a boat 4,000 are turaad out anßwallV The railing of the standards in adw catlan required of a physician waa mid to bo tha rasa* for the decree** . .. fUTpp |*>wo wf-toF* SAN DIBQO, May v IO—OO-Capt. (karlea Uadkergh hopped off far* at l:M o’clock this afternoon on a a*a •top ntght u Ri LoaM th fto ptaaa which ha plan* to fly from New York to Faria ■, - . WUHAN SMOKEBN CHICAGO. May Id—oT»~The wo gjan who aaMhaa waa hfamad for in craaatag tto Ora kaaard la America In a report made to th* convention of the National Fire Protection aaeo clattoa, ' Z' I *#* Moving southward to meet wat- I era fiom the Mississippi, (reed by 5 eetetem tear hpwa rougee, bat at most place* ta* water has failed Indicating the" crest Usd passed, ' 6 The second crest entering the basin 4 itasatfhA|pMK4kate*nr matermlng 'dram j I reaches ta the ms hi levee system i atill was la Madison. Parish sad wsa ' das at tb* mouth of Old Riser be I ween May 11‘ i*f ,11. >! Already then* water* bad covered ! several Louts leas parish's Thosy j rvleaHd hy the cracks la th* two I levee systems bed covered or threat t reed t.OM.fMHI acres la northeastern • I AiuisUaa • Th* New Orleans weather bureau t said that th* waters In tto basin 1 were deeper than whew the water ea • tergd there la former years aad that i they were moving ala greater rate of • speed. A flood warning Issued today I estimated that tto fteod craft war taavtag at the rad* of 11 miles a day. No information Been Received PuiralM auidP t 'ouatanl Radio Swoop AUaulk For Froudi BMumu WASHIMenm May Hb- Three coast guard deatroyar* aad two cutters have been aaat to sea la an ef fort to locate tha pissing Fraboh tUara NEW YOfL-(iP)—Mkval and mar Bill* pat roles aad McMstsat radio fpilwaf today to bring the slimmest late of tb* Preach Uteri. (By th* Associated Press) Tha seventh hour of tto Traaa- AtUntie flight attempt arrived last theutic information to batatar a bop* that they had not crashed somewhere at sea. Prom b«th aides of tto Atlantic. fast ahlpg already war* quartering be neath tb* 'air route taken kg tto Preach plan*. Tha searcher* will ha augment ad rapidly aqhr orders of th* Amarieaa and Pfhnch Nary da* American aad Canadian fishermen were alert oa tbovahaaoa that tto eytrh buoyancy of th* Preach plan* may th* tww pilots afloat llsaawhll# aehqoa of th* erroneous reports of tto flight's success con tinued to reverberate In Faria and to a leas degree ia Wadhlugteu AAridU -irHiliitolipd fur thA ar • TWMI fl W WWw ■ ror with ysrloua explauatioaa and th* stop department mode public the aug- of jLtttoMftiter Hedrick <bgt n tllghi hy Americana gat thia tla>* might be "mDlnterpretad “ rOCVJiif • ■ *"• IfEW' YORK, May Id—(At—Th# Pel lane* monoplane, which had plan ned to take off for Faria, Thursday morning will defer It a depart tra ua til Saturday morning. It wg» an nounced tonight. MRS. SNYDER ' TSTHJTTEL -: ; < Quean's Aulhoritien Bar Htr State b Not See loan; Hlffk- IT Norvoua NEW PORK. May U -VF|—Aa ap perently concerted effort was launch ed teday by Queen’* Goiaty official* to overtake detailed reporta that Mrq Ruth Brown Snydar. facing death for tb* murder of her husband, waa ta a atat* of collapse la her call. Th* eslrame affect of auch collaped might bav* been to aaod Mra. Sny der to an asylum and to Indefinitely i.aluS. h-r , Stories of tha |™»w g" WI WW» - alleged break down of th* ‘*ir*a aarv .ed blonde” aa aha baa beam t-rated, appeared ta virtually every moraiag and afternoon paper today, - Mr* Harder “la la to good health av she haw toe* stwee tea woo admit- A physician said he had fouud her la th* oerthue stale usual to worn •vi who had uadergou* a aavera ner vous strata, and district atlor brief t|«ell of wespWg, Mte Sayder had shown no emotion *••• (he ver dict. Heary Judd Orev who waa-'fojad guilty with Mr* Snydsr of the mur der, Jail attache** reported. <1 a g<Gd breakfatCwrot* letter*, *tretched aa arm out between the bar of hla cell so feel th* air aad read hla Bible They described him as on* resigned to fat# Mra. Snyder and Gray aro to to aen ••need Monday. Death arateace I* mandatory with first degree murder rardlets. No aaaoaacemeata of tto usual ap w mad* fey co W> ■x ONLY SIX VETS ANSWER TO ROLL I Got Jiim E. Kobinaofi fa Nagged \ Honorary Member of Thomaa Ruffin Camp i ' > Commandant B. E. Urtffte presid as Mumn camp of Coated*rata V" erase of Wayne ctuyaty i waa told at tha Mtmutlal Comaiuaity Building ysatorday adklihg at elev eaVclfnk- AdWfh Wtop Horiowsll pastor’ i|i Bt. Pent Methodist church, th. At tto lest meeting of the Comp whteh waa told >wa yeate age tkevi ware thirty members to sn*w*r tb* roll call There are sow only fifteen of th* thirty Uviag and of tto fifteen living only six were able to attend tto meeting yesterday aad answer “pra . .Rahil* .Xhoagjg.anu.JMaL. fir (us Horn. Ersatus smith, Ed Holmes Ryaam Putrell, and H. H. door Those who are now living hut whs were 100 feebte to attend yesterday’* meeting are: W. J, Merritt. J. R. > Rauls, D, H. Taylor, N. B. Outlaw, T. J. Norris. A. P, Pollock. B. H Tyson, Erastua Edward* aad Jaa. R. Dali. The*# who bar# passed away • 4to- last wssle* aeei Ji-A» i Ptoara, Wm Hotarn, Jao. B. Over i mas, Col. V. B. Fo«. Monro* for > rail, Haywood Uyack, Barnes Aycock Jo* Bass, W. F WhHl.y, Capt J. i B. Edgertoo. N. W. Muagrava, W T Anderson. Levy Mew bora, aad J I B. Grantham B B."Griffis wsa ro-alectad Com Daalela, Chaplain, hy mmahnou* vote, Col. Joa. H, Robla eon waa u aantmouslf elected SB han t] orary amber of tto Than. toMKa j Caiip Coloaal Robinson waa prsatnl sad expressed his appreciation tor tha high'honor conferred apoa him. When th* meeting adjourned tto 'Veteran* proceeded to th* Hetel OoMsborb where they were amter tslaed at s delightful dinner hy tto Thomas Ruffin Chapter Daughters of th* Confederacy. After th* dinner th* Vet-rans ware invited by tto Argut aad Mr. Ken neth -Finlay, proprietor of the Opara ltou*.te attend Ike Flaming Prop Her. L • picture showing the campaign of •'Uriel 'he n.dfiims 1 and the massacre of the entire Brig ,;dlb. If wm* i wonderful ftotura aad I «r*aUy enjoyed YEW YORK rami V ■ _NBW YO4MC. May 10 — (JPi —Tottan 1 future* closed atesdy. flpota . middling U 71. January M il; May „ It dl, Octetor 11.07, December 1d.16 -Raleigh Pastor Disapproves ' Ihmlafto LJ With Word UIWIAI UH> O f f ifll U V|«H L Tam mato-toUgaMUaddA fikalattoiJt i j bombard God with siere words, B*v ' -I V. A Rtanhory dmlaaad at BL j „ a ■ meal wßlitflvral rBwFrM tEw* WvlIIlMiK *B r continuing tto aerte* ut reriral atf jNOee at Ike church. Prayer, aaid Her , Mr Htnnhury. Is te two meay people; - nothing In tto world hut nehiag Got, i'Nt'SbteraA. eXmerihfhg •*. *.wu ninttar «d * mKlnh nltiu (IJBvvrt WW 'w«j3iT iiFlfi out of Uin ttiffx wo jiil b• UHlir ••If without I The eloquent Raleigh pastor baa . I >*l ae lime In getting down Urbittf I In hi* reriral, aad he did addri' ■ *U Igbl talkiug Inst evening. ) * Tto greatest battles of life are t foueht out n> the flelde ’H prayer It a is u the qutet hour of rommunioi! with God by I bo** who truly know • mm that the beat of thought* come to • ua. the true*! and sweetest of visions r ir*ak up<>o*ua aad tto a~ul Is repea ttahmt end rebuilt aad fitted far the K tank* of another day,” said Bav. Mv, H.uuhury. « The music under the direction of W. ||) J 15-Year OM Ml. OKre lay, Bmwdl Hawkins, Sim His 13-Yr.OU Pal Fren Drownin* MUCH IPfFEREST IN JUBILEE DAY P • « f , • M«rrka|i(s DbMl* LHwreOy t« Capa* uM T«UI Paamm HH Through yesterdOy M merchaatt sad firm, of Ooktehora aM otitor' tqwaa of Wayi e county bad agraed to ««* to smm n igifyy *tt. Wayne County JaMlae, ta h> bald tor* Jqa# I. la a fine fashloa Th* coatrihutloas included money aad mere handle#. merabaadlH totaling y«00. me will have secured dnastlona tram 1M people add’tbe total will to asore ‘hsn twice what I# la paw” Stated W. C. Denmark, secretary of tto Warn* county Psjr Association. 'JU dsr wkose susplcse tto day Is hatag speasored A list of the. Ooastloas to date ap pear elsewhere ig thla lagan * Tto -N*»*. and the Kali list will to print ed Friday. Mt mire amoeban* sad nrma wet# particularly generous In making eqa tributionx Solicitors widTS%' tto aaerchaais of tto Neritova gad as th* county,-OYsmont. Burska, Ftto vllle—ioday aad tomorrow Bom* of tto novel teatgpq^actodal popmUr imajtaaGaa and tto jppflee i« Vlng widely thltoi Ig tto to^a chicken, a maiaamh ptsatc daaqr will be spread aad a number of novel stunt* and coates#serried out Pro ceeds realised from tto areal will to used iu repairing tha Fhir Orouads ' •—«— HTTLI GIRL BFEKDi *MWT ALGER Os mm WINSTON BAUM. May 10— Euatee, four year old daughter of John Freeman, farmer residing gear <c*f rann% who wgggirad gwr from borne veeierj|ay -*»— mmA, after an aH ntght search by th* father 7 o’eelck this moraiag la tto woeda, a mil* sad a half from tor tom* The girl when awakened. JR not seem to be the least excited She expiate •d to her father that ato had had a good night’s mat. Bto showed no Hi effects from sleeptsg on the ground WMa~a|h*d why she did not retara Jmas. Eunice stated that she gfot teat aad cam* sh* to cam* slsppy and laid down under a tree p*i 11|| p 7,-,, laapligrtg?'Kggp | have mors# tto dmttnmantlcm tor gag ersfluii* ar* being used and a sfrotti chair I* assisting k “Truly our ilellewsblp is gilh tb. 1 Father end with bis Mo m - Jem ' Gtotototo-tto v-wda. trggp • Fig* John oa wbicb the Raleigh man bath * -ton- -aarrnan. x. -J “Frarsr 1* a human cxercte*.’’ sakt ,! R»v Mr gtanbury. “Ir to a moat vai I*4 thing And it It te to do any good I»it must effect #v*ry coarern of our ilvse No oa* phase of prayer ia ail 0* , It. however, if yoa practlaa law. pros fleeing law te only one phase of It. “There 1s a klnT of prayer tha cries Ood he merciful to me * sla a*r end on* that cries Thy wtll he done, hut there come* s time who# man may comm pa* with' God. ae; ' merely In asktdg for something. Tut to give prate* or as oa* talking pRh a friend ta«* to tee*. Bat wa mast (Continued On Pago Two) , * “ •*& mm * Urn =t-.-t=sF-. J i.p, i ' ■ i=a pgii u an vi a uni *li|w m WfPr 1 Wek ♦•port r«Mfet# much tilktsu w Kj) 9v w inn itt ||^|' TW Mt. on* tor •» ftopto « r; •gjaias^r- HICK S WRcMa 3 FAREWELL NOTE v '' HMker ms Sfcte ApjWf 1. •f tow*, aw >»-■«»>.» *D wall wrtnea bf ttltol RUdl n. .bln , »Wo* J*. Mi Trutli Hal SIL:. hour* *ftar th« MNWHAh of tto jMM* M/tHtOti), m jjjjfi TV* tartlet that tto tom oaatoW hla 4«atb at Ua* ku* at p—Mto to) know a al*o kali WHllui' Dtotk to „«!» *0« raturaakla Nt| M to «to| V,- **r-h la hi. not to kta widow Hlwka aafl hia lif* tod toto Urnf—*f tkraa tlmaa Ha alto Mt towtralUiptoa Id a took' rraaldato atofl tow actodtoto UTTLB ROCK. Alii., Mar Mil ■ -- - toaa * —t« all ,fl#f tm# ifMpk U of a to*ro bar* lap Wtollllt *ad aakaaaaaat aaak lliniKa ■■till kt coart lata ttoar to to totolail. '"FT ' Tlf \ W*. TT\ ' f |*

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