WEATHER " , jp*r Whnwigfi ms Mijr min < In aaatral portlnnu Thnra * f -S*- ' . Mi ■e • * .4. . ~ * 11 m,mm ~ ■ y *' l ii' ll .W l W.L’ "?-■■■■" 1 VOLUME SIX; NUMBER IS J , V T ftwjrww s I ■ 9 9 H M ]b M■ ■ I ■ - H m 9Hk ■ 9 Jnf paa. 9 B JHk Jr Iff § JB |Hk f§ SB 9 m B 8818 IB JB ■ Jkl ' Jlf|& 11 f|pililli ■ ■ ■ if ini ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 9ji gmi ■ ■ n ■ n ■ ■ ■ n mi ■ m■ ml j» ■ m nn 91 mi S ■%& *& »'&sfß 9 ■ 9 ■■ w ivii ■ ■ 9 spy n n awfft 9 bpw. ibi 9 n Mj9 mwm n 9 s 9n 9 ib 9jp iui _ — f ■ —: t** — * , ' ■ . ~ . .. U. S. Coast Goad Practically Timed To Task Os Searching For Lost French Fliers From Whome Nobglng Os News Has Yet Come Giant Dirigible Ldb An i*fes Will Make Long Wight Down jCoast Keeping Sharp Watch Oat for Birdmen; lin ers Carry Special Lookouts: White Bird Was Specially Built and May Be Afloat 7- ■ , "»-'Mft* • iv *" - WARRINGTON, May lt^an-rip - Jmamm . Tjiwsya • »rlr tomorrow w4«r navy depart ment orders to knp a sharp lookout oo a flight up the Atlantic anucoaut for tku attaint French aviatori. WipaS TOOK. Mur 11, —t/P) —No tries Ki w«t aoou; nor' motaago* roeoMM oonooruing the mlestag French - Mara, tku akip boom lino* r’NM In wtrelsea messages ra oelvfll kora tonight. Nft York tku «r*a of the mrlf warn a till turn ad upon the north At lantic tonight nag hopes refused to •Jta thgt Faaooe’a -White B'iH" would la found agpirwkura hi thoae watery •(ruifiiM wtti lti two airmen MV nipn ••;.• . -f-r ‘ ,j , tw days ago the ciouda ahoiir apt tartars during Frenchmen win «ought la wruat for tertr country the hong# of the ttrat nou-Mop fl gkt from P-rIU to New Yok ■nl the ciouda rolled solidly acros f h* aky tfcu eurtaiu ahloldlng all from Woourtodga es wkaterer grim adveu turf hsd bafiflfm the* rite*-. 1 "*• unwun uuwiiuii tan Illf'l k, TnSka iinnAnk inw nV— ■ %4, fu'ty organtsud akrf the United Suta toaat gaaff waa practically turned urer to the task of finding the two men. Beside* that, all ak'pa la th< . Nortfc Atlantic wore regueated t» ke cam ■- down la too. that ground It to blt» elradk saw no reason today why the I renckaea might not aUll ke allvn CALLEDMEET COUNTY BOARD u C—iwlgri— trg 04 Yn L&fftlur IHicwwihnn to Comly vBMBHB Tke Wayne county commissioner* - >”•' Hi ckllhd aaaeiaa yeotorda/. talk - rd finance, lletenod to W. r. Taylor preeonf the indi'far • rodwetloa la the ~«'Kceai corporation tax of tke Pro|>ie» - Baah-fnd Tenet, Company, and rated lo buy a Prigtdatre plant for tbe > d ban ao uatkoritv to redare tke rtcufu yarpunmon tni of th* rattan tank, but Oouunlasteuer of Revenue ! >mi * htonhed suggested that the board be nphruutbed Its attlfude *«« m mo *,.'m *m --N»I»TSSW. ic was iimT ~ . l>lecn*elona of school sad highway fleaner ocgaplad tha board at groat * •• J ~ V ml* ' % HEAD IN THE MORNING-WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS, BEFORE THEY BUY HOPE FADING cab Dmnuc&i rim tfmtjiVtfin As Hnnra Pus u 4 No Wort Coho. Cowtetioa of Fatal wmm crown HA VMS, May 11.-UTi-The liner Vi ante, leavtag tonight for Now Voi k, has bees ordered by the Frepch •*"♦ I© (ellfis the routs CaptnlA Nna genaur'a tranv Atlantic plpaa t» anile pnaud to havu takaa la the hope of rescuing the aviator* * " ‘f 1 PAHIB. May 11.—(A*)—At neon to dpy no asws of agy kiad had bona received about the missing Preach aviator*. Captain Charles Njngoser and Captain Francois Coll, and the' hope that they might be found alive was rapidly waning Failure of a|urcblag ships to find ‘Atcir plane of tbe loot airmen and (be “White Bird", Intensified tha gloom which is griping the nation ov er the failure of the flight But there urns one French avia "omredea of the alr—Captala U..Pate tlor IFOiay. “tr they are atill Foatiog op the Atlantic today they will bold nut. Imp ,'hey are men of iror.“ derlaßF D’Olay. “Tiere I* no reason >af* w give up hope entirely.** News that the American srfdMfJ >*»o>d Bel ti «' U a( .U berlan might attempt a ""Hiß light from New York to Paris dRB the proved diiugere of the trip *a ««i»|i** h*iisg« _ There is sentiment la some gnar tars that the French people will show the'r resentment If the Arneric n /Her* undertake the tnßm-AUantie air voyage and succeeed where Nan a newer and Coll fatted. It waa fear of each resentment and the possibility that It might be translated into action which lad the American ambassador Herrick o send hi* message Tuesday warning , *g«ln»i any attempt tar make tha Now TWr-PW» mikl kt Ihio Oma. tn -the Chamber of Beputiea e do maad has been made for an official which warn dr, ula tod off thi^iiTtval of Naagasaer. and which. It ia alleg ed came from government sources . Minister of Commerce Bokanowaki declar'd that the government did net announce tke arrival of Nttngooaer t ad declare* that the twenty-one can ron salute wh*ck waa prepared was never fired and stated that tk- aria-, ter who flaw over Faria signalling Nungesser’a arrival Ha New York wga acting without authority. Mme Nnngevser. mother of the av* still hopes. “Charles did not ssccumb to seron teen war wonadrof the Gorman*, sad I doubt *f be will bo oouguorod by ibr Atlariic,” Mme Nuugeucr I. uoyw,! Ptietown rut»oß Ripe At Home Yesterday >.M f> Imucaster, died nt big- JE io Patctowama* 1 o'clock yeriet|H •♦WImTIw,' 0/ »A,V An. Rfl fjniek*t*r wa* uioo m while ill tm barber ebog> as Ptkerilln last day and grew steadily Wapae until the * end came. Doatk mOMlnaad by par* FUaeral will bo 3 o'clock •bis afternoon and iriß* iu ebargo of Rev. Chrt.topber Hooka, asaloted Hr Rgv I. nr Gardner B-irriag oro the widow and eight • hlldres Tbe cb'ldrea are: Lee. W A and D. R tmneauter of Patetowa: Mrs Mtnnlv Rdnnndaon Pikovl l». r. * 4.; Mr. Pearce Pate. Ptkevftle: ”ra. Rtla Bogae, Fremont and Mrs. Henry Jalru. of Pat town -R It I. Imaeaster of Patetowa otpg Aeoree f inrsater of Duplin cncMM are brothers at tbe deceased iffl Hffle Douace* of Heaton Harbor. Mick -ad Mra Naaer Pate, as May*ri.»e.j atro at at era <0 r * NEW ORLEANS L uAin r Lltclo ntILD I Tracks MMI B|mm R«sk Ea hßßlßHinl Maturinl In Sense r NEW ORLEANS. May 11-UPi r The nsabating waters of tho Misaias i Ippl flood, roaaaembltng from North mties |ool«l*m« (at' Ihalf > charge upon tho south cuntral por t- tkma of tho Mate, tonight nt'll Md failed to find a spot in the lore** alkag the Bayou sector. authorities have declared a bfHk along that sector. 17* mllua short New riuasa, on tho west aids of tbe river tuuritubla and rescue fleets era uaobiiiiedtutlM aoctlou Already reports said. MO.MO acre* of farm land bare bona submerged with tlran satire northeastern Louis lama paHsbea entirely under water bad ueverul*"others pertly flooded. Tweuty-flre tboisand farms havs been euvrrad. The wanther bureau renewed its wanting that every precautionary muuaure should be taken to protect agalant the stagea prov'ously fore cast AdCMMaMhlr number of tupek Ttite scene of jaWfNDIE As f BUfUgNG^LS HrH TVvaiw PaHte Kttr Tkmi NssirtOhor Bodies Yet liAl.LA^Rteyir— »r him You Bto^ u > v In "reel -oriow. and you a«k yimr »«EWw this ia done. You probably « » W» »• does It lad the answer la. Cod. Naturally you wish that you bud thla power. Hornet Inc man ar aalek and don't know what to wrffhfty Ih m Thyy 17 to treat often tlma* they feed tke disease ratbgr than core R. ThL ia true ll our own spir itual n ad. Map and women are «k:k pirituall) They have tried ao of ten to be better sad bars failed. Lot «'* l«* around and sue if th'u la got tbe trouble with u*. We. too. have tried to euro ogf elvuu and hr.vo turned to tho merles , and all kinds of amuaemeate. staid ! sway from church and loot ourselves j ytrrrirr rxßft "WV 1 BMB MK WWW; in j thing there to we aoed to learn. There is nothing we do mom msaniugtoo than oar praying Not many prayers lift, the, bearwrs Up aad few draw us closer to Oog, W||| wapevor know how to j pray without learning Would any ;nc riart out on a professional ca- ( rear of any type without training? Tha highest thing that we ran do hg l o.r. IHi la In talk will, the Almighty r To wait before Him and bag too te*. '.og»l«« of Urn lf l-r* U*n mu RAtote * Prgf * f 71,111111 ' "*w Rvuywd In umvtto we ebmeCmv* to* bow meaalngteM they are. Thera j are of prayer. No homo pray You will never know what 45a Chrlatian religtea is until you team *^»rny Those disciples came to tbs Mae ter toacbor Ha realised the'r grunt; need and'gave to thorn tbe waster prayer, the Lord’s prayer. Thla la not the prayer that we should) pray, bui all tra* prayer la. built, srounddMe Lard * prayer Oo to all j tbe booha, that have been written on prayed afndy then,, but you will bars to rotara to the mategr Teacher, Jaaus Chrtet. to learn how to pray May we all cones aad sit at Mia feet aad tenra es him Dr. Btanbury will pyaach Thursday mom*n« on “1 believe on the Holy Spirit." On Thuioday night at 7:4k he will preach oa tha “Maaaarn of a Han " On Friday sight than will ha. h apodal aarvtoa tor young people. | TWO AUCTION SALES TODAY VUw Rdlg mn Marking art OM Mwl BsMlng This Afliim Two auctioo sates will ha bald la Ike otty today by the Htaadard lam ttoa Company, too Parker, mane gar. At !f:M thta morning the feho dnled sale of building iota la Cky 1 m cNmu In rvuldontiui mint, will be run off and at I a’oloek thla afternoon tea middle building ff the William at root school property will bu add to Uka highest b ddur. Devutopawat us City View waa un dertaken eevaral mantes ago ky Col. John D. Lsageton and thoueaada of cnWc foot of fartk added to a rolljlag formation to ntke ft level as a floor. The property Ufi oo ai ttliigih of t beet ant aired between William aad Chesteut etred through tku prea nrty las been improved Curbing hue already heen'pteeed, anti cement •idswalks will ha laid, la a abort time, thle having already boon agreed tioa* to each lot ham been pinned Terms will ho offered at tea unit and checks on tke Wayne Neternal Bank against deposit* la the People* B*%k aad Trust Cteepeay wtH k| ac cepted and fculd as agalhat each Uma f* announcement la made by tea Wayne national that dota l work In connection kith assuming the hnul n* f or (be niteg UdtlteUiu has bean completed: Tbe OM Bohol building an WttUam J|f,_„ L, n-ld.k^-ri^lmEl^lmm PRII"# UEHIWFO 191 VS PI SSP of tee older citlaone es Qddehorn got teufr Brat training, it vw originally used aa tbe Male Academy- Built ta a day whan lumbar and artaptni* warn of tliv n *wtr** sßßrffcrtgpv tan nth •toad the iaat us Bam admirably The bultdlgg only will be uttered fur •"■•■•i'i. 'in —*- FLOOD NEARS LEPERCOLONY It Wslcrg Croak Lcvcaa, Hmpi' v JSL.W Dsrmssrl MBMPing, Tuna, May !teu national tepmaorium at Carville. t b IMS# RmIEMI Rnuga molob m4|K * * "" 11 " *""•** " ■ Fly w eooe UanSMtlM tea menace as load [waters beating against the temec es | the lower Mississippi river. Headquarters of tea American Bad Crone announced today teat the colony was fearfal aad that tea pleat was doomed la the lames below Baton Rouge should crumple before thf good. Senior surgeon John McCul -1 ten. detailed by the United Mates Public Health department I# tee Red Cross disaster retell headquarters Washington to consider tha plana to 'here, ha* wired his dupartment at avacaate the leper colony if it b*- conaea necessary.** ; i>r McMullen said-tha lepers would bu ‘tahusr to sou.# nearby lame, If, I evacuated and abeltomd in u teat eoL *Atadi>-ikhiAl --- —■ - m .. wHMTmrtRVu‘HERr g|EPMRr foa* member* of 'tec colony Jove •pool years there. Ufßlrtrt br the •tele of l.ouisiana more than 40 years ago, tha roloay wax mad 1 tha **,i«««i ! Wake Forest Takes " OVUM AM. May 11.—(if- Wake Forest kit bard aad timely to taka a nine lo fuar victory from the Duke I I'aMteralty Blue Devils la a weird contest today W'ake Forest gato d | II hita to Duke's I, including two , boms runs by fUley and Dowtln. j Three Daks burlert warn igsf In hB effort to stop the Deacons. The Bin* Devils were off form and sadly lacking m baas running and handy baseball. OOTTOS BABBIT SKW YOBK. May ll.lri#)-Cotton tutor** claaad steady. 17 to M tewar. Spot qutet, middling IMA Janaary , Mey UM; July lAM; Onto- I her 11.77, lAMmbsr U.M. • l ,'L / ... . .'r ''tir rniiifflUff iitfl if l ImBM 400 Blue Jackets Quantico, Virginia, And 400 1 ; Others Stand By Reidr tojOJ ; FINAL PLANS ; COMMENCEMENT •t Fair Op>— m Trtay ' All day today aad tomorrow Warm 1 coonty school children who wit! par | OM Carolina." whteh will feature tha (.AMity cOmutMinikkl Hiturdiv will be at tea Pair ground practietag tkglr parts. Approximately I.UM eh'Mrua ham , play and tear wltl esmas I « mettoaa from ft various aubooU fftdatr art pultiaw to a.a_^ Wxde Domett la directing tea gtaf. ( Twe huge towers ham bami emsti I ed as a uart of the H propartloa“ tor , use ta pmsoattag Trtny • - » [ POPLAR MLUFF. Mo, May - (#)— After two days of mtfoFag aad •tome eauuad by a wWuk 1 '■•riuallr demollebed tbs bat—* ■aa, t Hon and lOob shout UK) lire*. tkk» cif . U.-I,b. begs. .0 bury mSITBB l HR#JI he 1/1 ks U h HAM ■ k tke mam M tht «fit Tht number of known dtntf toniglit h*A inrr«MMl lo IT whll# ill# ootfewp toPtorf* rtf m <#., r dT to «e. atmff im I** tee merit Aa exhaustive march todva of the rulue of tho one favorite Riverside betel die covered two bod iee The ho tel. one of the first tel. one of tee finest la tka Middle W'eet. No estimate of the number of miss ing waa in'lsbl* tonight But about 1 doaen persons bad am boon board from since tee toranod at rick # Mil ruins remained to ho searched. n*M PL AT MU mona. making players of the Phils CHICAGO. May 11.—W) Baa J John eon. president of tee Americas 1-segue, feed Ty Oebb and AJ «ua mooa. ranking players of the Phils delpkia Athletics ISM each aa forth* punish mant for tketr eeaduct ta tht ggnm § weak ... ..... ...... 1......- -.ll*. " '■> > ' f - - HP T WJ 7 , v ;in ■ B m m m Th« AaaoetaM mm - .---T.-rssa . weripjl .• j tjhi to Effaft *****&* ‘‘WrtPßto ■ AMUt Mmf 1 Four hundred mqalseeM&d.tart f ru«u Qn entice EE •ral • \ | The minii iruffgrWrtMwß? y Iteertmeut eelnMdM T»h mJ <•( edvlcue 1 > that' totaltty 'lll -.Mtttti « •e UMlJggaC to; of ruthloau MmSSC hft • vJpaiujii *"‘ f ; c “‘ ' Wo«IM( «gd responding secretary aad Mra.JH W Whiteley of Ocigahw i, tmtartHl Prof. J K. -»y*g MAydtakH «»,r ieetiiDK "peeker, duftmrtag J epl,ndld lecture of ‘OvwwtlF* EJ Vdoch oib-r .peakoeU wuru lfl i■* pt—e Mm -(L - Hoc let tee fnam rtanair!^fl|d reports «hpw that tea woenen ucC'l rre, will Baptfat cfcuvuh Mg tgM ■a ever ty>a slaj Statarmti : vn* rin*m*al runortu dlHfl milllag ghffif Wanter uatind(l^ -- • *nv prrvwnto period t» Ika hM| or ihe women’s werg for the ttpHß 1 r. u ...s ot tbe in uiimlnaHih Indian Bprtaas nmttlp fa Hoard J Kduowtkm* feMMW hS^I Ft*RftoT