• > 'v WEATHER * *•’ * ' - .— ,Wf Ip IHPVt !*rU* cknrfjr m. ~ ? ‘ • ' , * J > . .>. .» a • . > VOLUMJB SIX; NUMBER i 3 FBERS MAY BE WANDERING IN LABRADOR WILDS Scotland Yard Wen Swoop Down Or Soviet House In Financial * Part London And Take Charge Russian Trade Dele iL- I tody} Detective** At ; tempt Gaia Control of 1 All Papers and Veto »ble» Within Building LONDON, May of tbo toogt sftoctacular retd* in London's ftnancUU district took pUc today whtp «S «4it from Scotland Yard In Moorgata and took charge, not only of lit office*. but, the qurton occn 9**i by tMaß»»aton Trade detogstton. whose official* art *appo« ►non hr kha Ml apsalal com mitt*, on May M, la San Pranctoco and will bt rroposod for bcflon by lift General 1 **? State Announce* i -New Mail Courses *t'.ofOH. May |»~0N A oerrea . pcndnieo room* Is drawing for tbe >ow*« man wbo dooinea to bocooie a draft-man. lor tho carpenter, maebt r tot or doctrletga who wleh*a to aubc hto own drawings, to now beta* of fared hr tbs Bhtoaalon Division of I'tala Codes*. tV oooraa la * dlvtdod into four porta. Tho first, practical drawing, 1* the beginners soars*, and toacli a tbr nao of tho tariraatoatfl, how to totter, nod to ash* working draw ram Wbea this oooraa la completed th<' * Indent a«y stool either of the fallow t >og ccatfwoo: etoetriral drawing, arcbl foctaral drawing, or mocbaakral drawing, ' THE GOLDSBORO NEWS . • . ° ’ ~ A : \ \ READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS, BEFORE THEY BUY * ... da. . ... ■ ' ’ Z , | Get More Men Then Stills During April l>. Grant yesterday, ‘'oar fordo 1 did aumutbiug Utat douau i happen of too. Wo captured four stills, aad we captared Era men. I Thee* fellows wbo operate wbrf ’ ktlMtoat* keep such a sharp fj> J 4t tor ra'dera that (bay Ara aa II ually gone before the deputies get II within a half mile of the place. I month ” ’jg=asar FISH RECORD BELONGS HERE Five GoMoboro Mon Tnk« 3SS mM Him Truck Bring Catch Homo la '• Mere's the latest ebamploo flab story of tV season. five Goldsboro men yesterday spent the day flahtog at Vaadamgrt—with Msk Md **it—fed “wr '•vght SO many Ml that they had to bre a spoalsl trash to oaad them buck to tho dljf Is. Tha wen In It* jpWF ty look W*» flue earn, tbi cpt» b lug over tss pound* Memhera of- tho party worn M H. Jenkins. 8. H Mltrbell. E C. Howell. 8. T. Honks, aad Jonathan iirtHiM. . _ _ -v fhoy wera shown to the ftohlna grounds by tbo McCottsrs of Vaado mere, and the latter reported that the catch by thv Goldsboro people was dWring the *oaaon. * The catch sxcoads by IN the num ber taken by other parties at this season Some other record catches mads at the po'at follow: Mr. aad Roost. Mrs Ptelgher Biscell. Mr. and Mrs Hubert Oray. J. T. Skinner. Roger* autton and H P. Lotted who caught l» fish; rharira Saaders aad Dup ran McKeaay, ISC all of Kiostoa; R P Raabcrry aad J. N Williams, of “WHapa. TU ; Aldeo ffobV lad J.*.- nia Hand si Iftastim; XL T—Braun, of Chanottr; Marios Octtfnger, of Klaatoa; and (rasa Rocky Mount. John Pell, L. Porsatl aad J. Persall «>o la four hourr. csaght 2M. DUDLEY MAN'S" FINE RECORD - - T 0 l.ivoa on Farm and Boorda at Ham* Platt; What Hr Han Don* J. D. Crawford, of Dudley route 1 I* s hog and hominy farmer from wav I'M* as th< -Id raying goes. Out on Ms farm arc two stacks of fodder which wor* made alsocaara ago. n*ar r y*u two atagfca whteh wars mal* 'bre* years ago. aod not far away It “ ■‘ark mod* _laat jenr Aud for tblrty-seven years. Mr v mad* «*a£yiiia» < hnv arad fa taed'ag mooh on hi* p!« f)n«y r uc* 4a tww|ty-flvr years has i-s '•ought corn, sad that one Instance la. an traceptHmaf osw. Tho roar ha,mads « dtw - ■dra-** -t? v v -rw«w- wrtjy w- k ri-lds. Is Convicted of Fake Advertising W (NUTON'-aALCII. May -J. L. Yeung, local Jeweler, was • nuTicted la elty roari today 00 a 1 harge of fraadaleat advorttolng and vs» H»*tf in H* gar* aotlcc of ap prill to Superior Coart Th* caa* reatered arouad circulars «a'd ttr bare h**n dtoiributad by the defendant la shirk b* adrerttaed . rttolon at reduced pricoo. Judge Wat arm la rgnd*riag ludgmeat aald up doubt the pur oka a*ra' got tbefr meaty'* worth, but did not got th articloo advertised■ * *'WW-**'s t - ... » , used ■ Loretta Palcher. negro, woe declared not gtdllty of a similar. Th eaad was a haag-over from a ahootlag affray at a negro daoce aev eral weeks ago. Thooe apoosoring the dance. It ap peered frera evidence *ubm tted yss Tsidhf . Rcira nu tna i«r add. te the toae tis Utf mat and voted they would ask her to call at Mum MfW» coanntaai occagtM. Percy Aahforth played, rvldene* In dlcatod. tha port of s gallant knight tad to*k the part of lantu The affair finally ended with I • rite Pop# and Emily Moore I The statement* of the wltaooeoe to IMs ueaal act will be priftptad to ' National Oouaril for thotr action be fora tha award will.ho made. ■'- r , • , OOLDBBOICUI, 0. FRIDAY MOHNINgT MAY 18. IM7 " LA. IS THREATENED '-4- raewuweaeaaa O ; Levee System b Crumbling *i — 'fiKsahm, — v« riuw in *—a^agfor, Hay SkUwritlM NMJY ORLBANS. May Maod wAUra kanlght wore atraamtng through th# Brut natural brook lu tbs tore* system gaardlag caatwU aad aoathora Loutotaaa after aa ambaak meal along Bayou Roug*' had crum bled roleuaiag a pair of tho laload 00a Which baa swept over th* soith mm it The ojßspt ft the brook won proh-. leatatical. Tho Now Ortoaaa weather haraaa renewed its wanting* that svaryNguuotMiifyMrawffir noon h* taken along the Mleatealppi la th* lowor valley to guard against atagss previously forecast Tho crast of tha food still to la the teaaas basis aad moving slowly BoMhwara. hut rtsm* sr vnnancbore sad fhrrlday aa H moved upon th* ramparts protodlag th* sooth coa tral portion of th* state below Bayou. Authorities atgd that th* break probably would net stect a lar** arpa aad that there would ho little danger si act Moat of the iahabKant* aad livestock had boon removed front the section. % More Iks a S.MtjNl acre* fa tevsn stats bars ham agkmargod by th* graatast food to At history of th* MlmlaolMM rsliey 0 Ahndor another ikN4on sores woto covered to loatolans ss th* Mlsslsslp pj fed ift Us watsre draining from tha lowlaada of other aUte* hurst through tovosa to moot th* flood wator* of th« AiWhana rfvar to aorUsaatorn Louis- - toap. covering the greater pari of eleven paiisbea RHH other aero* wore flooded la Missisrippl and llUaoto. . *0 MISS MACKAYE TO TAKE STAND To Defend Own Narae at Trl*l Pr«l Kelly for Killing Raymond LOS ANOEUCa. May l*orOfhy MacKay*. atoga aatr—■ . widow ow Ray Raymond, for who** wrnrier Pag! XVTty fT» actor U o« trial, took tka wltneie stand tor tha prrawcutton thto afternoon am* dew tod that aho waa aware of the defendant's intention to visit th* day th* two men engaged la a Bat light. The state contend* th* tght result ed In lojortwf i-a using Raymond'* death and that It was waged by Kelly aver the at Set Ip n* of the actcpaa. Mhw MacKay* a* ah* to known op tha stage faces trial barealfTlft chargee of attempting to cover up toct* snrrowadlpg Raymond * death and being aa Mbceasory after the fact. Mrs. Rayfcufe t-•rifled that she mar ried her huobaad la Maryland la mt and that ska lad no knowledge of Kelly telephoning to her htmbund wtoto oh* wno *♦ the foi msrto letoo tot* Haturday afternoon April If, the day tho prooecutloo Kelly goat Ray •Mto*. oauslag if* iaJnHoia whilitft re "V f "d !■ the totter 1 death- ... T _ Tf* wßasas 4autor«4 that Knkbr did not tell her where or why be wa# going whra ho left bis apartment about A: lit Hhe admitted that 1 •%* porty am l~ier>s| ttMUu wagnor.T had about two driaka as gin apiece | which war* aorvsd by Kslly.' Paroled to Visit His Near-Death Son RAI.MIGH May II —UP)—A. W. George, ai-teacher ead hash em ployee. serving from Mv* to eight y«ar* la Mate prison followlag coa vtottoa la April IM4. of rioUUen of tbe banking tows In Burry County, tonight, had bis term commuted to 1 years aad eight bwoath* by Governor McLean The chief elocutiv* a too granted ' W. P, Taylor, sowing oto month* on Meek leu berg county road* for receiv ing stolon goods, a ton day parol* that ha might vtott h|a dying non. BLAtOCK TALKS" CALL SELLING C#Op Mapagnr Dodurnu Tiul. II U CiMtoMry Prwdfi With Cotton Doolnro 8 i RALbIUH. Mar la-vn stalling | cotton on call la an e*tabliaho4 oii-l too arttou trada. soya &jO Blalock, arc rotary-i raaanrar and gsn-T urn mni|tr or tut iwtui dmiiniT Cotton Urowtrs Oooparative Ann—la-1 '"HI He la at a loan to nadaratfoO the motive -that prompted. Or the Indue* '] manta that warn offnrad, lor th# bringing of Col. WllUa Person's fourth suit against tha aaaociattoa. Three autta hnra brm hnaveoaaafut. Col. Canon alleges tnismnnogameat. i ti 4 t,t< ■ plttlfib < I h l ' HJfiMQL UttIOU ha* ao'd cotton on call. "Margin* an not nocsaarly involv ed in aalaa of cotton an call," aajra tha nsaorlntlaa manager. "Seventy lira percent of tha American cotton else 1* JMtt^ht-— <- MU nu nail " The farm 'on calf (Imply maana that either tha atllar or tha hirer raaaraaa tha right to Bx tha actual •ala price on or baton a spngifle day eta tad ia tha "contract of sal* ' • "la raea of A. cotton that tha] reaoc atlan hat aold a* call, H has wad- a net gala of 94SMH 41 ahora tha amount It Would have received for «i« eaH cotton had It ooHogtad for tha cotton on tho bools of «H market price oo the data tha aalaa Coot net. far U* gala of eotton opacity that the cotton M to N Ohlr pad out on or before a tpbcMlc tap "toted In tha contract; It tha eotteo ia aid pt) call and If Ika pr'oe haa tha cotton la Invoiced tooths pur rknaar. when •hipped by tha aasoels tton. at tjm marhot price dn tim data "If. between tha data oi ahtpmant t>m& th- • fan-’ when tha cotton Hi call ed or tha price la fixed, tha market price of cotton fluctuate* mote than one par cant par pound above or bh low tba price at which the cation map Jadifcpd wbon »hipped* tba amount of tha Runet los ia paid over to tha party la whoa# favor the fiue tnatlon happaat to ha. "If tha pr ee ha* advanced, the parchnaer would make tha nnutout to tha aaaoclalloa; If tka prtca baa da "imed the association would mnka * refund to tha pnrchnaor " CAR OVERTURNS IN AN ACCIDENT -w u Occupant* Escape Injury Whoa "• Fttrtbi frul nl Mulberry and Charted John Williamson. negro.* and two womea friend* who ware riding with him aacaped Injury yesterday after noon when the nurd coupe William - eon waa driving collided with a Ford tmirlng driven by L H Parker at Mulberry and Charlo* etroeia. Tha automobfle occupied by the «•- CtoO was overt n read and apltlod tha 'YSUWWto khog* 'he ylcihttl JEI-jE i suaomn mo* tan omth- wanmsmao no boo they apnapod iojory Two Uioa on the car Maw out whan th* creak came H" ‘Tha arddant to rcbedutad to be ■flftf- wmmt+mm a«t nmtmr * Iwa* eald **• Aranv Aviator to Know His Fate This Morning MONTGOMERY. Ala . May 12—4#) —A J l| Saturday morning boenuaa oi nqual I ly weather to tha north Atlantic. STATE LEADS IN RACE PROGRESS U. Oxley JMnmm Yo4rty Mtct nSiliSJpiiSk d> ** PHILADELPHIA, Pa.. May If—hf) —North Carauaa, more than any oth er southern Mat*, ho* progreeaed to tka matter of racial ratattons, U. Uwreace A Oxley, dlraetay of tha division of Negro work orth# North Caroltaa state board of charities aft public welfare, told the Philadelphia Taarly Meeting of Friends here to *u' Oxley, who boa wad acclaim Mr hi* work uawnt H» ntf < W North Carolina, waa on* df th* prtn nigtUai Interracial eadMvora the method of approach ia th* mlfact tt moat importer)*, our «'JlHagnoaa It Tidfui'ii d • »hiindl y ~wiHHi parallax together, each migdful o the full Interest* of the other. "In times each aa those In which mi Uve. when all around ia wo aaa eoa dlt'oem pointing to a world gone mod An ore than evor ia a trained, cooso • rated leadsrshlp needed nmopg - peepltOi : "On the apward path tha Nogro eon •Imw; aa ha can do far hla Own por umitost godd anly that lor ohtoh ha. •*a datotop self raaponatMllty. "North Carolina perhaps more than spy other atota In the south ha* mad# rrooter progress la the matter M race relation#—and this bosooar North Carolina haa bean fortaaato '| bar Isadora—among bath I radars." Merchants Complain About Business STATMSVtLUi May 12—(#) -«#va m*rrhsais rallea Into tha habit of rnmptatntag shoot koalnaait Somebody la having good bnnlnraa 1 Fnul Ltonud, sacratory of the North Carat'aa Merrh.au Anaocin- Hoo. says, remarking 'hat ha fin# traawlad new# a need port of ttoyffi rarollna tka last fan months and. nSk tow- «nr*pittoMv nMWaMMHBII'PiMSP 1 uiamad *K#s»sf liusinaas rralihiMi • W to' ■* m ”wa*waw « "It i« true that the complaint of Ihe majority (watered around collon rions. rather »han sales, In the •d'ttis *iM-m »*■ "mall profits' rather than aalaa. In ib* rasa of eaeh store* "And y*4 ia tha face at all this, the hueloaaa coadiMow* may *arb month ha ehown the Bled moat eectlona of North and Booth rarollna to hove toon **pacially (arorad the last two month* "In fact tbs only whH* space—ln •nesting good business-on tha mag the last two months south of Moh mond skrf esst of th* Mlaalaslppl to In Ike Carol Into VNgpd the bulk of IhU in Jn North Carolina ’’ TEW TOES CUTTER , NBW YORK, May 12—UPV-t’attao future* closed steady II tp If higher. Spot steady, middling 11.71; January U. if. May 11.44, July ls -U. Ootohot II M, Daoombar 14.14 . w . „ i'd/Ailiriii' i 'ii'[ • ttoi* > mu..-. •g> ,t f ’- ■ ■ I— *■' Mamboa m* ‘ ' M The Associated I" Press I . • ■ ■ 1 ■ lll 1 *' * ’■> ' " '■ '■ w .* * *» ■ *.. I . ..If. ■ pnics Ft vs nuns V „ -eawi.e J ■ ■■ i inppßhp 1 9 Inhabitants of Dispsirs But War UpHops toCllTe hmiwi i*»nSm/^*** resabad Eta l^htfßpgEßiiNßl ° 9 4 WPMpI fiieff a tmm fbhlf a^J^xh^M ' *llifinds fhg% g -- —n ms—- . . i m. •'. M. . - * *©us m ssppHSFUMII Bg Bflf BMMB would he fomkd Wm hi ItoYpdn that th* msMr as |» oiyptono ftai basa MSN aaatp URlg^ If the ap wbara to labradm ImeMs atolM •eiumpfoo that jdr tiTtohßm failure on the part df 4hP ghflsns that th* wind vrtMlt* jgjlf gn of Kafoendtaa* sMIMIRr mSSm elflntotar, baenpsad # khMpad aondt ttoos. did not anusa thfm In gMdh against loabragt or MrtS* tend Ug " A report ffeoh addfMigjfVEpipr Into emphasised (hit f|| wtoda tic nt tto ttoll *f £ miii mib BAHHBAIX. New Yarh 4. M. tmpia f . ■ "P 1 Fltt abort h BeMgn 7. •roohlyn 4. nuhrtMgH. I ChtoM# 4. FhllMMihto 4. New York ». ft. babla Ml tow FbrWwEl rgjh I. Rocky Manat «. Wtnaton Edfam t~