* ' o ' 9 WEATHER Mostly cloudy, irttaki; shows— M urday Hunter Mir not much ekMft in teptrU m VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 44 { 0 tJP- •"■ if*. T*rJ, --■■vs" , ■• -.nr. .--.r r; dik ■l. g\. g\ d\ 0\ £\ A\. -R- - - w -- - f k - -'- 1 .. '‘a _ s 0 a.—. * a. “. " ■ * - T * l '.*s * *' "* * M ii\iu4>.u. O- , O'* '-“"O' ■■ . «*4>s— O “■®"W SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL COUNTY COMMENCEMENT TODAY .dnnkerlu And Bcrtand Had Planned To Make Efort Far Fame And Fortune This Mm Hangar Doors Are Shut and P*r*H Plight Defi nitely Abandoned Un til Sunday After Weather Warning; Comntitider Byrd’s Planit Vmiv Sawpivinur ■ VHIItr *HvLX’ITniJI Pinal Factory Testa NPW TORN. *4l l« ft* ueatkar nun raked • nam ing kud tonight end (Mr tasert- ran or r*a waftth* to hop mlf •n • ram to Park Mr Mite and fsitane lands kh s'-ga*l - team warn ate— 4 m 4 »b# intent far tha HMN prise «h dwflaltelj p—tfawad antll >’ tenter ■ Mntar. teffcow. anti J prfkaUf mM Inter 'text weak. *4 raninto ad tew ate. M Mte- ; ad an lhante N ■Wat ha mine ta %e PURrr MM tte Rtetter mm -ted tew **» rawtar wane nH ike tfna. It MRU bn laaHall tn rxpete n ten Mr Me hatter or— --■** n m «£ iheS n—nanlnaM —t'alnMhla— wanM wad stiff area te aae— In Ika n-rtteg, nn hsi Wan thair tha twaatafinna Itetarten- M which CmnwMter Byrtf will at tdnpt tha tenteg hi ate ye t —plated Ba faitfqry te>. R* hte not Ntemtfetf ta lea*e f— aav* • rat teya. w ha was nat nffaetatf ana wny qr tha athar hy tha wewdhar iwparC * J WORLD NEEDS GOSPEL CHRIST Ktf. 1L A. aUahßty Bmsekm Powerful Rermon at St. PaH RcTlml ' 11. “*** wa btpd I* a re*;ml of Uu> I plain knowltdffe «*t Jesns aa he llraa. walk*, teaches. and rotfeem* In th< Gospels," waa the darlaration of Re* W A. Htanbary. of Edsatom Mr—l rhnreh. Ralelpb. *Mt aranlag an be continued the —ylvsl —rvic— at Bt. rnul Met hod tat church. Back ta th* Christ of the gospels waa the gran 1 need which Her. Mr. Htanbary taw the world today The eermon wan a cry frtei the soul rs n Man who la g ring hie Ufa to rerrice for a philosophy of llring * which, it was quite apparent, h • Ih convinced the peopi— of the world nerd above everything el—. It waa the eermon of n thinker, clear, forceful, and attnim- There are three way* to know Christ, Re*. Mr. Btaabury /te«e,la red and ha outlined them (D 'JPa* he in portrayed fa the no*pel. AM hr in ygiirt— In hdaiaag and tT|4* IreMT of tie qSiitatW iTH ‘ln —r •He would hare aa know Him u ha la wrltian la the Teutagneqi Some . fiMw thrloafy braloud"- him *>. "•* 'ad Mt , Wdhf c%riei Jhn mala |a know Wa rnnld read about him nnttl Our mind* are,-atwoida* with R»m #e need to lead ahowt Mm aalll o«r aoule art eon bed throigfc aad tbrrncb with thr rhrlat of tha Ooaprla. 11. la rary •traav* that wa are Inaltaed to lot the Ooaprla alone — much about him la the writing el—where How many coni rover* Ire could be , *wrpi aside If we turned to the O—- pels aa tha eeonree as authority "ft'cond This world la bad eaough Ihi 1 conditions are Mr better than they were In the days of Christ la Hl* day purity among men was ua l-nowa and waa A— pMed. They took fhelr' earplue children owt and 1a« them die on the MllfMee Tha > /e’Wrton as that day wna a religion which would make your fleah crawl * tCtettpaad oa flf* Two] ■ 'ait*. ■_ *.. . .4 , \ ...... THE GOLDSBORO. NEWS READ IN THB MORNING WHILE MINDS ARK FRB’SH—READ BY HtTYEKW, maWlwq [pmirv BUT WAYNE BOYS IM NEW FRATERNITY Haywood l.yotlt of (MBtero if .TiMteuaUr aL E)nl Banquet May It—Pal Della Sig ma, *s new local fraternity, formally campus w.th s banquet, which was announced Ua existence on the Duka held last ulghi at the Washlagtoa Duke hotel. Tb« lountala room wae beauilfully decorated with nw—t peas, th# train ally Bower. A inoat de lightful menu was served: The luta quet was a great sue— in every o’’ , way. . : - , Haywood E. Lynch, of- N. f!j., was th* toastmaster of the eve ning. and mad* the opening speech 1 He waa responded to by Dean W H . Waawnmeker. who welcomed the new campus. Itr. R. t» nowars gev* a «1 *Bwo tewarniap tRa alma and Idaaa of Sir ftjilcrrtfT> Hla jktftfrrsa w— fnUowwd. hm~*. twu* bp. ■ Dean H. J. Herring. Prof R. W. Viltete As tlui fmpiUlv teObths-Lk -wimtea* t«iw tut til uu , nirniin 1. gam qaits an interesting talk. The banquet was closed with aa i pproprl ate speech by the Umatmaaiar. The members of ths fraternity a* taking part la eludent activities oa ! Ihe camowa A chapter room ha# i already been secured end the lit tern tty has made a good atari toward* achieving ta succ*—. Th* faculty members of Pail Delta j Sigma ara Professors C. Vollmar aad E. W. Nelson. The member* of the fraternity are B. F. Nicks. Jr., HUls teio; H Marvin Bh«r«rd. (ioldshoro, W. Nelson Ireland. Jr. Wlaston-Ba inghsm; Haywood K. Lynch. Golds- | lem; Jordan Jam— Bull Ivan Rock- 1 boro; Chari— Grayson Biggs, LUUe 1 toaj Donald R. l-umpkin. Durhamj I Hurl H Liti. llolby; Wade H My o*e. Ddented 1 . *' W. Lmr.m. wrnaoti: C. Bryan, Ayeock, Kremeut 1 O 1 Asheville Woman Was Clubbed Death ASHKVIU.t. May U—<4V-Aa autopsy conducted today on the body of Mm .Mary Cooper, II -y—r-old wi dow. found (Mad la a vacant lot near her heme Tuesday morning with her throat cut revealed that th# woman** skull wna fractured fust abort bar left eye. definitely proving, police say. that Mrs. Cooper was murdered by a heavy blow .tibek hy human bands Th« autopsy was conducted by Coton- John L. Tarrofl. Dr.fDkn E. favter, city health officer, aad Dr. Gradr L Morgan, county health officer, under the direction of Solicitor R. M. Wells, aad Sheriff Brown, of Bun ■combe Cotrary. anff ctry pom-e The (I*iif‘*Tw at ihia lemeiue* *■»— Mrmt. altngerttt fltallhdUs the .u»- 1 ly after noon. 1 Horst In Negro Pulled Cotton-EowhTo Gin I ■ * Bill Oram. Jfr, ;hi«Ni|t nominal i *1 Jill* Baker. uegro of N*w Hop* t township II lb* strongaM m*a In i Wayne counts. He told • number ol moil** in vouch (or lb* Sampson lan i power*** of Baker, Homed. modest end dlPldrm to oa* aide of lb* room. Hok*r iki'l'd 10 Ibo truth of lb* i Htorlra wb>ch young Oram told, j I 'Thcr* wok one llm*." hM Mr i (iront -Jule wm driving a n.ule . «%!>— ■' ■ . >—X »■■■—,. - ■* ■ . n. —4—« s —— —■■■■ ' ■ ■■ ' " yi—q.jnjii f i .Total of Homeless ia Mississippi Valley Floods I Shatters All Pretrious pilaster Records —r . ’ "r" - 1 fir . """ ' 11 ..• r ‘"'“"I mSSHSw , /gVr ‘mw - v :b' ■ ■■ 1 ■ • ■* t 0 ' r>’V,' "' " L« «"i > - "“ f > /■/' ••■" . m. ... ~„(i in Q| HP iu«h plae— are h—alng nearly- 9o#,> ' ' To# nature —Tha— amati wards - M*e Red 6—. tem— . ' ,oO€, C,0, ‘ ,,n « *** daily —wed free* the hood, ar* wsltinq patently for the dinner b*M to' °' hCr BBwU ** fr<> ® lU * ** Cro— ahtf Hng Lot—r "*•" ■ '■> « <«. «.« cm. i m Th.,.. t, c.„ „„ With appoxtmately UO.OOO home- j flooded Mlaslsalppi river valley, ibe .“there being built in anticlpatioa i Icq* peraons under Itq care In the American R»d fro— ia engaged today of nt» lu southern Louisiana. ";•'., ——-- -J *■ ■ ■ Turbulent Mississippi Moving On South Central Louisina Alter Wrecking Levees ——■————qstete— 1 in ■ *, '1 . . , ... . •• ■> CLEAN GLTTERS SWAT MOSQUITO Dr. Corbott Bays Now In The I Unto Begin Fight Against Pent -T As a safeguard aga'nat mosquito breeding, th* city health department 1 (yvsterday sugg—ted that resident* have their house gttters cleaned out •o that no standing water vrttl ba avallabl* to br**ding mostqulUMS Many of tit* ffuttert are cluttered with dead aad thl* stagnant water offer j * —tlsfactory breed ng spot With warm wkather a'l stand ing watar now ha* Usd time to become warm and tha m—quite breeding » son le-aidtnnd, according to Dr L W. Torteit, city health officer It ulc nt slh.i are wurned to dralu any standing water about the prera ' res and to report to the health tic tiurtuieai any other plqo— on vacant imAm iHmv 11 tier draining, filling ..r oiling with h 1 rew»w» wtf» smp*r.c*,, H > »ly -t rr* gt ■: safeguard sgtepat breading ' **- ■■"■' ' 1 ' '" WSI Ml— ■ 111 I'll fl."S— ■ f * Bui «Mr Oraat," Interrupt*! the I negro with a modern laugh, "that waa Ju*t a *»aH*®ule f An rbop Baker told one on himself, i Ho waa aarrylag a load of cotton II to the gin, nad in rrotslug a shaCkly . hrldga over a crark. tha hotwa fall 'through tha hrldga and was so iajurad that ho bad to ba taken from the shaft a la a hurry to grt hla cotton on o tha gin. Baker simply, h* said.! i took tha placa of tha horaa and pulled the wagoo on In I "And Jam laat spring," broke In I young Oraat ngala. “when I was put-, ' ting la my gin wa war* trying lo gat II tha pomp baad la tha compressor 11 fCoaUauod On Papa Twoj a i dkabklan mi in . J Turbeiianl Was.. ....... NEW (IHU ANa. May IS—(AfV-The UfrUilem Mlsalatlppi flood waters tonight were ahlftng. th Jr attach from the cotton lands An estimated amoral e of 1, 19K.720 .'«*vj-wanuid» fly a** rM* itJkCrff k W-wrnm» , Wrtf“m.w» **» (»iM ci.it to bo ass u* JkJroai* 4ft, -an t.»ii «pt.wt» '-Mb- Mississippi tha -f rht to bold tha rlp tng water* continued with unrat mt ing energy A weakness develop d in the laves at Moppanta. but quick work rbecked th* wnturu Still fnrtker north In eleven parish * only house top*, church uteep’ea itud Ir« top* protudiua above th* surface of tha In* lend tape marked the lorwtou us which had keen towns nnd riling as hnt VOHh fOTTOiI L • —• ‘; J NEW YOIIK. May lit— {#) -Cotton . fuigre* closed steady 2 to 6 points hlaher SpuJ qulbl; Middling 16.71; January 16 YS. May 16.66, July II 6*. October U.Mt, December 16.1 k. f (' * OASIS HOLDS x CEREMONIAL p— —r" •. - v 5 Shrincyr.M of VV-fcrn P»rt of S*»‘t Gather in Urwm boro A OREENJCORO. May 13->OI>)-Oul mhuilhg tonight in tha prottn‘,ata'a ball at the King Ootton> Hotel, the am nual spring festivities of lit* Hhr nets of Oania temp'e Imid tha elite,- of tha slag* in Orsteatforo Thursday aft*r nosn an*Toaiy C os* to four thou—nd nobles from the western section of the state war# on hand for th* great I —tehrat'W. ■ Th* drill of th* Arab patrol, ' "~a J hand contort, by th v Oada Temple , l aril, a b< uitlful parade thr«wjq th* , tenter of tba city and ihe annual • teftfmobUl* at| whifi Off large ua— -1 of “fresh meat'* rroaasd the burning ' sands war* th# high liahta of today's ! ‘ ,r L'L l %» D“r'»K ‘b warn *t tha— . . Ml a bn vincas' meting and the af tßMfflr yt? JSLtenasjuiik .gig- Mm-.. rialnment of the rli 1 <,r - and iw- Wf«.vj| »y vaKous (iresuS . clubs and Individual*. j Three Young Men Suffering From Shoe# After Accident Thru. youag me*. ui4 U ike (rvai *ew Hero. tt«n brought I* !* a local hoeptial tail areola* >■ I “■ bad elate of ehech" a* • mull I •I aa aalomoMl* irtMtal re | ported. la haia nrrirml between b«i> «ad l-al-tuage ahoal tiW la«l rtealag. The acrldeat bad ■ol beea reported to Iba (oral P< lire aor to Iba effcc as Hbartff W. I*. I.raal. No ntyaoeteo of tha n.Uhap roald ka re»« be.L Ai the hoepltal it waa Mid that tv- I»rjr ifTml bad been made lo (it tlim ! iim-a "quiet" In order to alia* i r'aie the effect* of fha ahock. Hence, |lt waa at Id. |tealr namaa bad not beep •muted, aud would not bn mtftd 1,000 Children Will Take Part In Historic Pageant To Feature Day’s, Prutum ■ -—m.-r-s ti-rrai^racaUKS, HOME COMING IS SCHEDULED Ebeneacr Church Moaabcmhip AnikipaUm Mg Itav on - “ All have hesn mad* for aa old ohurch horn* coming on tha fifth K inday as this month, tba 2ltb <*f May, at Bhmi—ar church oat th* Ooldaboro Methodist circuit Tha “v/T tttT. now*l ». Drown « lu tha ntlre membership ara worlfiltg list'd towards making this n vent rneclat day (n the churafc hlgtory of fb a, on* of the oldaat M*thodl|t tburch— In thi* faction of th* —• try. - „ ,*, •' . • Rev. J M Wright of Carthago, N. C.. a former pastor of tha ebureh will bn prt*«m and dajtv*r th* Horn* Comititv —rmnn Official ho«t«is*s for the day: Mr*. WiM n. .Crnvrtord gad Mm. f. Q. Cf dwratf, Tba mnttf- ewmwdtt—l By Chaa. Cow and Mr*. I. C, Tlfßßtpfon Deco ration*. Ur*. O. K Fttefth. Miama Hlltte and Hnr dti Neal and Alnfa 3as***r Tha Dtotxr rommlUee Mrs. John Baa—r and WTM 'mfim. WalcomTate^ will be made by .Mr. F. C. Caldwqll A history of the church’ will ha rapd by Dr tMilllani r—wfo*vl. Aa appro ves will ho rood hy Mr. Chat N—l. The rommlften on Invitte'ofis Marled Nall and R. P) Brown. Obminltt— op coavayano— tor'tha a god aad Ant .1—: Mr J c. Thom poor Caban for the occasion Harman Bill*, Hdr »« Rte*. *nd Harrison Baaaqr. The official* es Rbcna—r church sr» aa fellows: Bnpt. of Rnatey school:" P. C. Taldwtll. stewards: O K. tenl|h. C L. W— I. Hannon Ellis and P 0. x ‘ ‘‘ - vwvnwwir • ; Tmitet. W. IL Crawford. C. U~. Pmtth. and J. c. Thompson All for mar mambora arc pcclally urged t* Wake Forest Again Defeats State College VTA.KE PORJEBT. May 14— (te - qpHigtete Playing superior bau—ball t,oi, -,» Ralph Jam—. W*|m For—t today (onclpdf i the IM7 hem* —on hr tooting for th* third Urn* thl* jro ,r North Carolina Btat- ft to 1. "nk* Foreat l —v>m h!a from ths delivery of Baa** aad All rood. It was tha fourth time Ih two ra Jam— aad BeaJa —ft on th mound anil It WAs Jam—’ fourth ,v’c lory. 4 I—.1 —. ROOSTER ATTAfKN CHILD r ORANGE, N. J.—While lltUa Fn *tr Ft 'll w»s dmrtwrrng vgga tu g itoctm te*u—, * late* —tar —• 'tetusatf utr -nnoiiwt/ A ipuf *T tb* I"a operation wa* necc—ary for it* I RNteWkl. . , - - .. ’ bafora tbla morning Tiro nuikoa wart to taka charge of tha caana. I 'Hoapitai attar baa aatd that lha man (had not auffar«d brokaa llmha Shock Iran tha accident waa apokati of aa being tha moat aarloua after affect flitt informal 100 of the accident reached The N*we when two youag women of tioldaboro reported that ,*l»Un driving on the Kiniton highway, thay hod neen no overturned auto mobile. and three men being lorried* to • hoepltal here. They ha* not In quired an lo detalla of tha wreck. One report which could not ha veri fied waa that the young men were ‘ on their woy to » daaoe when the . .41 *«***►*■,JbM* ■ ’ . Member of r w 4. j-y- 1 •- The A node ted - T Pnm | 1 1 wßnapecrwgw- PRICK FIVE CKtv L. C. Brogden, fttete Su perintendent es Kfe menUry Education, Deliver* Addrern This Morning; 187 Out of Clue Os 247 Wfll de ceive Certttenteet Day • In Detefl. Ww'M Mr W rural MfcMtin es thta ratratr pr*ri ♦he hi.tarteal mm«i flhOd of • arellna. Thi* ’• a part of the Optra Vr Oo«uaMM«nNe( tar •hiA It %*»«' • r*h Mtr ta Ortdahapa taitaf «h< month of Mur All tar yraUrtar dta WddtaMP '"ere bray At the Mr gftaMfc PTt p»Hnp the fcu«d itt|t efaetndtmM er the grand itaad, tag pladw *H Atrataa»-iettl’Hr»« VlHtm m I («*r tv itaitaiOk lifta tarn# tt> ' i minli wuraJuM IT mi Braiigr ””■•l s*Tril' l 1 . 0 * 1 * . wl 11 .-- me loitowtag tatata, JNNMt Nahunte, Mkevtlle. ■«***, ttaMta, Chapel end geyed dpttafP- It fd gh> before will attend the cepigp , now m price mm t thi* rata. Ifaar paM* from Cold*boro u wpl! id the rgml »pct lone will eae the html at th* ‘ Fair Oroande All ehtMraa will be admitted fata but oa account of the hdgVT >*HH involved thta year, a ohtagp. ft Ha into fair Grenada. MaraNr txm*m The roaaeMtata dptltet «Q fra Til fftatl* pal addreaa anti ha Mta |* L. 0. Broaden. atate apperlpaMdmt at Elementary edaeattdh, add a pa IIT t as Waraa romtv , no* hurdryd end eighty taV a hdvn «*nd ylrte of the county wgo have torn nletPd (he eeeaath feta* doth will ha pre. • oted a* ooftelaafan ad the ° "roe- aia. Thla »apr»adKd ta ltwaa»t ■t Mr «w a*r tawrwwd intuitu Clara AltUlikrSSdM ard e’emeafary taata. tad the .Ilf --prreent the ■ jglft apta » peaMtui grade «l«tn are cooperation ta girUg f*g ilpn r to the grgtaatdd. Sol lews. tiww 3ta?*g. Y-fpj Jrwla. •tat I. The rhttdtta *f the Uat ftelaar— fAa Kngltob tag the tar *#»« tta filing at the Adtaral * A»r t. IWf) • -H-ifaai aahoot; DaaMMpt PgrtH- Blr Walter Raleigh. *. ta*R ffeh. Pm u Vhe Children as BrtMl §e»*~ fAg Indian Be eae) hiraeaend dtafall TWalaaot Hglrtt Dili ST A. H Veaaey. The Children es old OokNtat OMp. Dnptnent Rpirh—Mr SdWMtf Mtan ley. Mr. Char Watrg|i- Bceira I —ChOdata as flhßH*| Mta I enlace Hautetaa achaaiT* taita t—Qnarker ritljhta i|tal>