9 ' V 7 t SB WEATHER lt» - ‘' ’ ~ f ’**' Fair g«B<»r u 4 MoMu UuU i > kuii in uapitan. ’ . • %■ ■■■■ ■—i■■ «■ ■■■■ ■■■ ««" - 7>angSiten. w w T' n .MeSiwumt— VOLUME SIX; NUMBER U TWELVE PAORB TODAY * GOLDSBORO, N. C. SUNDAY .MORNING, MAY IS. IM7 1 WLIA K i AUKS iSdAY PRB K FIVE \ :MM%# ' lw ■* »*— * - W* i ■■ 1 . - - ■■■ ■« ■ .» ■ "T-- < ■ . I. ■X. , , 4,000 Witness Wayne County School ChudreQ netnt A - Well-Acted Historical Play ••*=»- —■ «> ■■■.»» »i a —mmii ■». ■■ - - Presentation of Children of OM ; Carolina Cli maxed Seventeenth * Annual Commence ment; Speaker Urges 1 187 Graduates to Con | toß^E<^M ( tion ■* , * Four thousand people yecicrday nr leraoon wltaearad tho produ.tlon of *•< hildraa of Old Cardins’ - by school children of Wayne eouaty. Th a fea ture cllnaiM tho seventeenth annual Wayne county commences** ut. and closed one of the mmt successful The day dawned windy but delight luUr cool for Jtu occasion. and Mb fore t o'clock thousand* were pouring Into Goldsboro In every conceivable conveyance for the day. By idbaol v4 n buy, by automobile, by buggy. by Wagon, and 0 few by foot they came. Opening surf h **w ln n»° . Commno ! ty Building beginning at 9:44 la the morning. L. C. Brogdea of naleigb, atato superintendent of ala mentary rbaaerion. urge*) the child ren not U atop with their present sc cotnpMahriMU hut to rowtlaue their -d icatkm until they had fnlabed col lege Mr. Brogdea la a native of Way ne county and rang in a number of bta childhood experience** lo the * ponty fa the luum of hi* add ret* Mr. Bpavtmi ao hi* topic -The Growth of a Coaaty school.- sad told tho largo andlcaoo that while Wayne and other opnptiee In th* atom have made nurked progreat educationally, that there ip atilt, much pragma to be made Wl abould aot rare mire tram vb*f*whtr*_h»i from whsre we ought to* be. Mo point'd out that • evoa la Wayae there are many child rop who do aot have advantage* of the beet school* o*i declared that we, should opt volt uaOI every child Ha* feU opportunity nt a standard elabt month* school Presentation of th# IST boy* end g rU who ere completing the seventh •rade marked the end of the morn tng program. ■ From the Community Building the A rowd adjourned to the High school building where the graduate* were ea leftalned at dinner. The KlwaJMs club. the Rotary clnh, the Chamber of and 14a Mm-hanta' As :u elation cooperated la serving th* TiHKSRM UIR MB «M ITHk ' " * County Baperiatendeot J. T Jer ffrttd 4m tnuHniislur at ihr diu aer and Introduced A. A. Joseph, president of the Rotary club; C. B Miller, ropreoenOof the Klwaais clnlt aad W A Hoyall, representing th* Chamber of Commerce These mad • short talks. But It was the paaegnt to wh’cb everyone looked forward and It was carried out in a fashion which re fleeted credit upon the director Mr Wads Domett and the other Bayne ei aob*-r* aad tho thousand boys and girls Who took pari. Portraying as It does, the high spots of North Caro lln* li story from the colonial days to the present. It took a deal of stage directing to keep the various char ‘ ertelf INMa tdUlhgitT mIYM h|> and •h* pageant going off In an unvriyM*. fashion But there was bardly a *w»pi W *■»'•' '•» , i*wi**riW ilwiHhai«r*-'"ee» **.■,-••-« ,4 - r hitch. tba author of th* pageant ha ■ super i iniended Ha production In *ome 18 coant lea of the state, and was pre 'e* nt to wtincaa the performance here Her vedlot was t ( hat the Wayne chU drra ejially a M Interpretation of the * play yet giv-a f. .."■..■■lff. ,■■ ~.«J..*W~ ".1 PITT4BORO TO 10I.P VI ftF.fOXD F.1.E1 TIOT ' j- MTTRI9ORO, May 14- (A*) -Pitts boro must hold anotb r town elec t on aad the Issue will tnvolve the natter of le*uiag IM.Mo bond* for a eater system. W F Bland, favoring the bond. i*dar had only one more vote thair F. A. Farrell, repreeentlagvjlie fa, Mon opposing the bonds later ated voters did wot tears aalil It wa* too late that they had to register this >egr ao the old regfetrat on books were barged some tin* ago The a<*w Ht oMotioa wIU be THE GOLDSBORO NEWS •' • ( C P ~ • ' • ' > ’ . HEAD IN THRMCRNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY BU YERS. BIT*" t „ey BUY" I "■■■■■ l " ' '■ ■■ l Striped Goat and * Jackass Are Wanted o •*■ ' j Tbe News boa carried want ads j for loot dogs, lost mules, found clothing, and tbouaand and oac I other Items, bnt today we carry the strangest want ad* we have ever carried. An official of (he wrecking crew In charge of tbe tor-' ;; lo tha mm vlc*a at tbe Shrine Ceremonial Thursday declares be must have a Htrtped goat of a particular color *od that he muat have a iackaaa 1 aot over 4.4 hands high, i .Tha want ad follows: STRIPED GOAT WANTED—We L »«•« have a striped goat of the * proper color for delivery not Ist \ or than Wadnoaday S:So F M 1 fo r use In Ceremonial. Apply | |p cam- I The Newa. ' • i IACKAHS 'WANTBD We have a fine jackass aot oritr 4.5 1 hands high, well broken and any , color Jar aa* Jo Cnfemowtsl Ap , i ply General Chairman. Bo* W Care The Newa. PLAN 2 TEMPLE CEREMONIAL r RuSan and Ownia Temple* May 4 Mb Ib Mmubolli Under taking in Fall GRBFKBBORO. Ray 14c the blg f«e* Shrtwo evtht 10 the North Carolloa la planned In the joint fall ceremonial of Osaiu ami Sudau (Mpm. —- A meeting will be held m a few' day* between C. M Vaaatory. thm city, and K. B. < rownou, Goldaboit. Gael* and Sudau tmapMO. for the pur tmperiai poteataie* respectively. atf pose Os setting the date for a Joint, meeting of the two temples to be held a Chapel Hill sooeMtae la Septem ber, probably tbe Bth and 9th „ Potentate ■ Vsnstory, aft or confer ring with tb« Oasis Divan here to- . day, expressed bla approbation of the suggest ton for tbe joint meeting on tbe campus of the University of North Carolina and said It was a particular ly good idea because *o many of the j nuMsa wxgisd'-nn tout the ttntterniiy ; 514. Jb«L 1L lb beautiful con dltioa on the dales suggested The two potentate* have the authority to IhTThe tttne m price ot tie Ml cere- - moo la I (Vremonlaj Ends As for' the flprlng ceremonial «f Oasis It became a thing or history with the conclusion of the big dance bere tonight In which tbe attendants 4J/re so miny there w%a nn overflow on the street. » j NU .RI M FOR noimn , V. lijNDON. May 14- -lAP) —It was gen '••ally report,d Inday that tbe raid on the R<>v-et Mouse In h»ad ptrrwi or nu itaealan trade det*- j gallon and Arco*. Lid., Soviet com-j OHWelal erganisasl**. saws made *« dfstiver whether a certain docu-' Hunt tvf importance to the stale, that j “TlTVliit'liaHlng ror several mdudlsj .!2LiIA- toHUt Final Ceremonial Ptanß Made By Goldsboro Club U'Vtii ibA sjuumJ Sbdor rsniiw&r Thurhdny, Coldtbnro yrttlrrday began l<> show hliiim on *v«ry band of t|i -|i|> oarbliiß event «hub u »aptrte 1 tu eclipse pH previous Sudan cpre monlalN and to mike history. IxM-ai shrine Hub committees r*- P'trt that from every point In tb* domains coma word that the vobloii bjr ihr tbouaanda aia going |o h#»«l the murrain rail and conn- ire*. ■ Ulna here for the day. Ttir band »taad on which Untidy Prk# had h venlog. It was learned yesterday f j Hospital authorities had said that th£ names of tbe boya had not been secured when they were entered for treiftment following the acchtggt ! A fourth boy by the name of j was also said to have been one of tbe j parly JEW guarteti was dlsebaeged from “ tlw kosp ial ysaVeAlay morntng, their la juries baring ben proved to be of a serioua nature At the hospt tal the night previous, It bad been ■fated that they w»r# suffering will; ••abock.'* According t«i Wbltty. an aniomo bile wh ch carried no tall light was responsible for the accident ; Ttc f light* of au appnno hint ma hiou . blinded young Kafer be said and their 1 =B*«hh>» waa dlnae Vhiaj tha Hghl less car wh n "fhey discovered t V Kafer SWeavtd out lo avoid crashing , into the rear of It When he ttThmd i back after passing the car. bU raa chine went over, lauding ou dug side young Whlity staled Pola Neyri Taken Her Another Count BiBRA IN COURT, iYaure, May 14 (4*l—Pola Negri, whom* fliwt trip to the altar coaverte,! her Into w-coun tess, acqulied another title this af ternoon When ah* was married to the drains Runtm petneo Md.va.yt This time she dki not go to the AlMir lor the ooromony was merely « ctrtY °*o performed la a little room in the tumble-down town ball of this pipe* abnft B rifles from ■ Part*. ***ll>—a aot prewent was Pels'* new aiat*r>ln-law, Mae Murray, who "I*o bee*me a princess recently when who waririd a brother of today's bridegroom. 0 ’ "They were aot invited". Pola'a rep resentatlve said “lat It go at that/' She wmrtA aof trif w t, y BIG GAINS BY THE EQUITABLE Animal KMrttment Hevcab, (,alnn of HcYMly MUlioß Iji«t Year The sixty seventh annual statement ' ' rTYJtTTT IT "TI •' r TT "*l* frTTT r L ■ t ' ,r th# Hlat.-s puhlribed •©•lay; ghow* gain* u, all important Item* The assets nn December 3t«t . auLmuUS- IHO.iat.B7i; w» lae—aia of 177,200JMh) over IM6 which U tbe large*! (kill ever made by the com pauy During the year the ouiatgjMtynit Insurance passed the five billion mark nud now totals }6.M7.!iCr*.ooo Thy* new Insurance paid tor aegrr gated |1;91T.045,wm ririudin* |194, ■ 233.000 of Group Insurance Th * «*» 1 the largest in«uM of new business I In any year in th** history of the ! company and»represent* au incise** ■ of t191.000,i>00 over the amount paid in 1931, | During the yrgr the company paid , $11*1.114.000 ta it* policyholders and i iiehcficlar'eaT - fiver |34,000.000 wa* 1 s*l aside for paym nt on Annual IMvi dwnd pot anew along dtjrtng WT Nlnety-■ wpi. limmmmymrnttmt 111* Tarheeiia Adopts ~ [ | - * jdjl^y yll *V , J rin C *OTO mA IT Ift THE MolorUri after mum ob. serve tbe standard band signals Illustrated above, the recent Noitb Carolina l.'‘gialat»n baa decreed. Maud and arm esC*od«d horl roptsL 'with founngcr potuting, indicate* left m i, e . lieu i ar.d arm ci.*ol .■ | at elbow, pouted upward, indicates right turn Hand and arm eifnijcd down ward at an auglc, imheataa atop. DAYTON MAN TO DELIVER TALK 11. CSuisfli Will Address (ToTdla lioro MerchnnlH’ Atssocialion ~. . -MbbiUv- W««k A membership mcetiiig of tbe Golds boro Mercbairt* Assodtatlon will be held on Monday afternoon. May 23rd, Wtb if. L, Bulscb, speaker. Mr. Dulacb is secure I f£oui the Merchants Her vlce Bureau of tbe National Caah Register Company, of Dayton, Ohio and his addyiv, wilt deal with metb ■Mia of bettering store service. Im proving salesmanship, increasing stock-turn, and plenuuig ahead for better business tn Goldsborg. \ Hen !,ewi*. piawident of the M* r ebanta Association said, that fat order to arcomiuodate all of tlie merchants and ibel> clerks two meetings would ’hi, TTofel Goldsboro of forty-dve mtnutoi .each, 2 p. in. nntll un'gj J> !»> , All merchants wh'tber member* of -«ri MBrivM wt vdt m «44* out of tjown tnercb*nt« an*l their ctbrts an* lordurty farttetf to he rtx’ guest of tbe Merchants Asm iation at thea* m* clings. , BEPimr.OE HEARING PLfNE France Now Tunvs lo ThouKhlM of Memorial for Hrite T”, l/HfIHVII.U:. iky,. XL - UPh Whiskey Whitney's hors* wun tbe •>.'» Kentucky derby today Just a* be had been ejpected to win. by hedtlng (>e msnd and J*■, kln a xenektional drive down the w till Ills lime for tbe and nTTaarter »*s 8 CKt. uhrw Itflhs av * unit lowtur iloyu tip* old Rosebnd's r,*ord of 3:03. The Wh tney entry and Boston la were fnvoilt*K and showed.the sur prisingly rood odds of 94 10 on *acb« |2 ticket. ORDER TO HOLD 4 ANNUALANMEET i- ■ w„ . eww.... —-■ -r*'ll-f ■ - m* liocml Odd Fellows Expect to • Send lane Delegation to mirttnctofi 5 3 An Inter *ttng program has been Arranged Mr the annual meeting at < tty* Orend loidrc of Independent Or der of Odd FVTlbw*. which tx to ha hdd at Burlington May 14, 17, II and ! 19 Official copies of the program have be n reetdvod bv members of th* loc al 'odee amt Indicate a most enjoyable ••sther ng sf BorUnKton , Goldsboro it U expected, will have a large r#p rte*crita#ion nt the OrmA l/.lf m- ctl«T. : ... J . eiuKttiaJßMJbcJkC Aa'-i ’ session na received berg fol-. low*: • • > ' M*>ndav, tlav I4»h, l*t7 2 no p. m —Orsnd Fncampment 6 8 p. m - Grand Fncamoment. Tuesday Mar 17th j n e m -Grand FncamnmenJ • 2 noon Adlonrn Sine Dt*. c 2 p m.—Grand loxlge—Ffrat Bes ' -T uev * n ?n.— Briwkah Asaambty * *ril «l BMStWir"-'-—-Wl ■ " ■"*■"' ll' "|| 4 n_ m -<*-Grand Ixtdffe Berand Ke«« on. U n it* Reh»V(,h Aaemblv—bee rc-g Osssipti (Joint Bea-lbn nt Andl-J »ori*m» lion IV H. Bryan pr**k uirlr r 1 J u -" - - > Mner la becomine mor** fra-j 1 uuctti \n American destroyer and. u Hrtiish steamer also Were targets for 1 Chine fire while at anchor heveral i ni n**,m/llnp deirifu ill*, ri wear tin ' der convoy were fired on near Sank t ; at* .. i -——* - 1 »’*■*■ II ■■ - IPi "" '*» - l»*W II II II ■—S * - —-% ... • e . —.l- in ■■ ■— ■ iium.*. .■■■*■—*l* mat iissm Tobacco Board Os Trade To Be Guests At Joint Meeting 1 * wgk i&tilfSjEm. ■iijjir horn ToMmyi Hoard of Inli l M ir*Mt», the KimiU rlah aad lb* Molar f rlnh will moot Monday erealag ta a |olnt eata I— hi the lintel (Void* bore Ihr purpose es •hr Hireling I* la Ihrait «■)! and mean* of making l.old-horii’v a bit 4W and halier' lohacce war bet 11 With Iho propownd location of a; lirilmli tobacco com puny Herr this, lull. Minie boost r* of tbr I- cal >t»ar ; he* believe Uiai they ace a lew oppor-* t unity for (lolduboro In route to ilia j J «*nl na a . market stir the b< tr»r i grarir* of* the weed. Thla company. , II la r ported. deale largely la tWp 1 bl«ber priced variellea of the meed. | and iberam |»oa a chance of lUNebi V ■ r. ” = ~-u. =rr-yr; JJaM Hope OfSaving “Sugar Bowl” Section Os Louisiana Fal^ : —As Dykes Break At 5 Points Want Next Eastern * Expoirition In City Goldsboro has an eiceilanT op tOrtualty to laud Uyc Eastern Caro lina Eipoaitlon tor next y*ar if the rititeue are Interested tn the <~Hl „| IH io r.c held wm retch-' ‘kd at a meet lug ot tho hoard Os dl iwrtoti W- Th* uprl* Ing by Mor Intrcucberoda, Ibaane V I Iplno who has proclaimed blmaelf era peror <*f the Philippines ■ a used crtAsing concern to tbe contatmlnry today when report* were received tbat he and b's followers, bad at tarkr« with tk,< tobacco meat aa gne«ta. There will be no *> >*itulaa Tocaday neaampof the Ilotar)< dub, l > re*ident A. A. Joavpb an l nounced. - • ( Irsjir-SA : .' **• y&UUlam — a t » :.' v , v . - ° Member of The Associated l i Over 250 Miles of F«r tile Fanning Land Covered by Btebiff' Waters; 200,000 sons WUI be Affected , by Newest Turn of (overs Number Par limes. •r 77* _ ■ g* QKLjLursmr tEsxTmH 21 essaalUag «,."££!* Ci*E Hop* Os saving tbs TTrrn unite. a part of the “Sugar Start" and tie Kvnngolhj country iHteinartd «Mi tbs telling of the ICeinwood>tsate ( on lev»e before tba aitaak «f ng. caging nteaa Three ~t^ T r kanaka -«= ■till bad left officiate wttb tfea hepe 'bat they wight be abte ta aawe a i«rl of tba rich diteHal. ta addition to tba ftea male. bttehi •><»( tba Bayou Beet on. avtatarp fly '« oy#r tba dtetrlct reported S tiff ■ I minor crcreeeea tbraaffh djlth •he water la Uartaff. ' « - er tba crape and theWr ffffaalalif - ectloil. otfaciad by ttmflipod Htm acre, win r» added to OU ott miilioua already covered hr tba Mea-- 1 rtf era bha reached tba Oalf at Mteftp H will have cat a devaaUMfaff path (Mm the northern ta* «he southern, ehoree of Louiatea aMM the gulf. OTYsaiOOLS CLOBEJUNk3 Dp. W. C. Jickwp of OritMkffpi Iff Mffka Affff—l . nr w. q. jffciMis. nm spam*— Os North Carolina Collaga far Stetean. Grasaabece, h«» aa tested dr*aa for tba "Tllrlfri CHy S' hoofs this yaar, tt waa aaaaaaaed •erterdar by BuperlpfStet 0. A. Hamilton. Tbo school, will «M» iff Jaffa »- Tb> add rasa hr tba draanaim men w 1 be made at tba Mam '•rial Building oa tba evaataff of hat 3 Class day oxerctaae Will ba ba)d «* **• of tmm % Mr. ***- iit-naate, r*r. Jackson la vtea praaidaat of tk# tut* rot toga for weaaoa and waa formerly head of tba department of s ths author of several Commencement Invite Spat will he u«oed m the next R ins i» wo iSm * uttk Why tMfr rtcr Prsnresco He Pineda. UnTtn foe* (outineut flyer, who left Maw Or *>**»’>* .today, cancelled plank far n *3mM. nUMcM..',. ii il non stop trip ta St. Lnatte Mffn * consul here. He headed north wttb n heavy cross wind Mowing at M miles on hour which Bt. Loaie dr mer believed would cases bhff M pate pone bis bopa from boro to Cbieapo SKXICO TO DEPOST ’ . otis mm msm * ‘ o P *, ’• - MRXICO, May Id.—jdP> Mtel than two thousnod »eraooa la fall o« the charge of eedUioui and rrvOtatleaaiy, activities. Kl Sol said today, are Mpn io be (irpoi4*d to Troe butte Mate* ro*s tropical Island penal antteff Iff . the I’s.lßc The Island te aaMI llteaa Hb-nci to rraoce'e r*y| fMafePt Diliil’e It land. w