- -■--- wi v|h 1 ■?»grf ■ J^*»’ j'ff affl l . ■■■My i.—t-—vt~~- r— T zc K Veatheb i; Mr IMr&ntkMg. VOLUME SIX; NUMBER M PLANS FOR SILK MILL HERE NEAR COMPLETION LOCAL TOBACCO MART TO BID FOR BETTER GRADEsIvEED fwmmmamamMnwwwmwdndO While Small Amount Stock Remains To Be SoU Locally, Work To Start On Building g^gp*ldmireus*nifredtotodftreumomßWto*mdtereMiß4WtoßßßmP* i U*ae | eausE , __________ Company Will be Incor .. poralad for Appraxl< maWy $100,000; Will Manufacture Silk Noveltiea; Firm For Yeara Haa Operated Two Plants in New England: Building on Nltrih HpAPfirp riWfWI \ltUI §v. mr WUMM UN* 4» NMtM s,j be ut 'writ on loca'ly. work wul start h Uh naxt tow day* upon tb* constnrtttaa *f a building which will boas* Dm Aithho Narrow Web coot pur. amnafaM-.irer* of allk noveltl**. to* Chamfer of Commerce announced yeutevday. Cunmn of thn latter orpaalaattot will thla morning and tamoryaw call upon business men of tha city for the raaialalaa aubacrlp tlqp* aaaaaaarr to ureter* rtt* the pleat. < Tha Company to local* bare bare hr twaaty r*ara bean operettas two ailk Wlja ta Now Baxlaod. The iNhjMi/ so locate boro ha* tor dMiMto tt' wis ».n, aud ' will ba tha third plant direct** hr Nwyi- I—ha of Saw 111 am Hhm. Thar ipaat several dajrt hero la AOtttoo Ww-indto the Chiaihor of CommWl'aad wore favorably Im pfeaaei *Wh to* paaaiMitiaa tor a blhht taththf aot their product bare. Tha poOhtbT mire to* of the firm ta < xcogtod tt oonte ta tha city to make bia boats aod to hare direct charge of lb* plant. Tho*. H. Norwood will met a building for the pint on the property user the Wayne loadad Warehouse, front log Ooorge etreet. The billdng will bo 71 by tdd feet, one etory high aod ot deal gad brick construction "’orb oa tha NlMlnx ia expected to start thla week aad will be completed In sixty days. laatallation of mac hi nary wHI begin With tke completion of lb* butldlag aad the rJent should be la operation by tke fall. • The local Chamber of Commerce learned of the Intention of tbs New Hetapebirs firm to locate a mill In - the ,wrath throack the promotion de " parlment of the Carolina Power and l-lgbt < ntirpaay. A r*pre*»i*tatlve of fhla comfCfy ehvr Investigating the firm, rn nlpnahded It to tha local or gaptaattorf.' The Indtttflal committee of' the < hamber Vr'CoVamerc* made a tbor ough inresftgeifoa Os th • reliability of ibe people backlog the project aad of tbelr financial rating, and reported that H was a chance that Goldsboro should get behind ot once All that remain* now for the final tod of Mm matter ia the underwi' thm of the needed ISPM of stock locally + ..mrnmmmmmi "Wii* -*aw* »• GARDEN MTS WASHINGTON A A Moore, of 'WhakUstoo. rout* rl. tn Beaufort county kas sold to2l 15 worn, of garden rroduct* an, the to <al curb market th'e aprtna 4. r aairation ydwn ll tha aamaiy Aad i* also entetad ta (he atar- wide gar-' den contest. •ft*' wank her sale* of y reaMdh i alltotoi iwdtot pane And ... ad nr««,f aeMtoatod th IIS 00 Ac to ,*»• k««i Alngflhf.' home agent. Ufa tfoneo e»i MMytelrt on th* enrh torMM ale# fiira'eh e* Um local hbkdl awd an/e with v**v tables and flow ere from her garden. WITDf DIET WINgTON-SALMM. -(A”) -The ef fect of too mnah moat In the diet is t alug studied by all home demoaalra tloa club* la fVreytb county Dr. Iloy Hag*, county health officer. Is giving lecture* on thla aahjeot aad Is * stressing as# pf ins* meat awd aiore vreguhfw for prett*, . Jt, THE GOLDSBORO NEWS 1 " •' 6. V. - . I ■ READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARB FRESH—READ BY BUYERS. BKKtHtI THEY BUY INTER-CITY : PICNIC HELD i ~nr *■ 250 Jewish Folks of Klnaton. CI-IJ-V BwilbkaU mmd " ■vrlllNeNJa lr, ti doe 11 an IWW EME Other Cities Attend The latey City Mcutc called to gether by the (lotdubore B’nal B’rlth 1-odg'; tu bald successfully Sunday al the J. H. Carrpl Woodlands on tbo No 10 highway, half-way be tween Goldsboro aad Wilnttngton Over I*4 Jewish folk a of the vicini ties Including Kinston. Goldsboro. Wn.on. Bmlthfeld. Wnraaw. and other eoawrjultlta. gathered to break bread together aad talk things over together la the bright Runty open Basket lunches lavtahly ire pared were laid out on the improvised tab les aad dene juatjr-e to at 11* K* At I o'clock the assembled were called together to discuss " How to Promote Better Jewish AvtJvties and Coopera tion In thia Vicinity nnd Thro' about the State .* The speakers were. IMbUn Tty pin and Volkeaon and Mr. Marcus . Jacobi, of HHtojpgton, .Mias Gertrud, Well, Rabbi Freund. Mr. Leslie Well aud J P. Rhradp Os Goldsboro aIH , ■Man Joe Davis, of Pmfehftoid Mr H. M. Kadi,, arvoldeut of tlgw, lodge, prestood over the program . I Mr* A. A. Jneepb fire dad t«* atuat aad gaaaaa tor the adalte and Mis* Qortrade Weil (Os 'be children. BASEBALL National St. Louta 2. Ph'ladelphta 1, FMtabarg A. Btoofcya f. qi£*r» rain Aaa-etcan Boston 2. Cbirago A N*w York I. Detroit 2. Philadelphia Id it. Loaia I. Cleveland > Washington —* wet ground*. Virginia W'lapn I. Richmond 2. Pvterekurg 12. Norfolk T. Klnaton I, Portsmouth 4. „„ Piedmont Raleigh 7. High Point I. Rock) M'miii i 6. BaTlabrnry 4 Durham T, Wknaton-Salem 10 Collage Guilford jl. Quantlco Marine, 10. A ■ LABOR WALKS Ot T LOGON. May Id—(4V—All th* la bor members walked out of the House of Commons thia aftarnoon In protest when I’reraW Baldwin moved a re solution limbing debate on the gover nment's trades union Mil to sixteen day*. The bill would outlaw strikes of n eooerelve nature New Threat-As Mieeiesippi Spreads Over Five Parishes w * - NEW oniiKANB. Mar W—Ofl-AI IMTlMlft-b*d alto* IWtght m* \§* f Mtsatastpr i flood water* rojled down [ wp... stv*n*»'.u fne.r tafn In the Ool( of Me*leo With hundred* of person« reported dinging to house tad 1 ifae top* hi tha water ridden pnr- Hm» to. the weet, eaglneen received nforamilba that lereea along ■ the Mat bank of uU Atehatelaya ware teeing before the tremcadtiotpt pree anre eserted hr ih« flood swplN® dreams. At Woodaida, abojt 1 10 miles north weat of New Orlenna. emhankmenta were aald to Im> afllug and effort# wane being made to get levee mach ine* nod pile drivers to the scene A break there won Id loose tbs water a id# severat pariahs# fn heart of ltd* lokstnw tfuaar bowl section. i t r r**v 'i M '■■■*" ■ w ■■■ GOLDSBORO, N. C. TUESDAY MORNING. MAY 17. mi Can Wow WALTER GRAY PASSES AWAY . > j «e •; • n awwwMM Wm on* «f Most Ftaritm of WajM Co«iiU Daputy . Deputy Sheriff Walter Gray was buried at hja bom* In Kwh township reaterday aftcraooa. Three weeks ago be waa alive aai oaa at th* moat de peadaMe gad fea/leua of th* depu tiea to the office of Ehertft W. D. Great Paraietoua anamta placed IU beads oa hta» aad thro* weeks later the maa who kad raided at many wiwwmim Bviitw Ei ftny 0(11 vs warn or th* county urea dead. The end came "He was . one of the beat deputies relat v* with whom he made his home lira HI aow. Five children, the oldest fifteen, gurvire. A year ago Mrs. Oray died, and a 1 had,” said Bbariff Grant yesterday. Rev. R. L. Atkina, pastor ot the First Christian church conducted th* funeral uewic* at the home yesterday Sheriff Great and his deputtp, at tat dad to* funeral and th* d«p«Ue* acted as pall bearer, They are': J. C. Koraegay, W. P. Grant, Roy Peruiai, Carl Bmßh. H B Oardaer aad John Thomas** The latter is now dtp speed agp hut was formerly a pal oa to*toßNhytorv* with Gray. I%t body was burled tn the yard in front of to* bom* and returned to **ar«h by the etoe of I* wtf# burled a r sag. ago MORE TROUBLE iNuttlerock o Hoik* Dtohmt Voiwntovr Potmcc WWlch Gather* Aft«r Ntgr® Attacked Woman - l.lA'U# ROCK. Ark . May U— —A ,qupd of police tonight wore Mlvtd'hg thuir time between disarming, volunteer poneee aad searching for tke negro who Ibis morning attacked Mr* Baa Thompson. 12 in her home here Th* negro, who Mr* Thomp ,o* Mid appeared demented, had not been located tonight, although an all day alareh had bean conducted • "hen the volunteer* began to as oume air*mlog proportion*, police wet* ordered to keep them disarmed and ao gun* wem permitted except where the benre bad a badge abow <ng he was a r-qllco or county officer or wkeru he bad a spefial permit ;rom nuthoNtie, Mrs. Tbomptou. who waa removed io 'a hospital aft r the attack, said lb* negro came jo her hojee for ’mmetblag to eat and when ab* lold him that she bad nothing he tried to force la way Into the house catch ing hold of her clothe,; He (ben hurled a m'lk bottle through lb* glas, of the kitchta door, she told polto* md she sagtaiaed sever cute from firing glass. Her condition tonight ,v reported good., I Rescue werk was proceeding ram-1 rtlr wttb adtf pom piyikg Vrfrwafch tha rnptda to motor.- person* strhnd , t« »«W «igo epdetr Afuntatt) tha w ala re had moved n tulle* south ward. fllllag lato an aver spreading It-ka which ellaatd slowly up to the lop of tiantlonai) objects - Wth the river threatened lo rip • hrwnghl the levee unite eastern hank and flood the major portion of eight partaha4 decretory of Commerce Hoover and Rad Crona official# laid I fans to raUMtab a sub-headquarters la Naw Orlaaaa to haudle the posei hla aatargaacy. Tha auh headquarters would as sume control of the relief work > (trough a atrip of territory south of Magma City and Doaaldaoavtflo, (Mosthuwd from pugs one) Draw On Wayne Bank h Statement WWW y r« wmnm iwhvmmi lim twou Must MUwiWk Trwnaact If you had aasdto in th# People* Rank aad Trust Company which fail ed oa Jaa tary It. pdu own this morn ing bank oa twl-tlrda of thorn through the "hyae National Bank. The liltter I net Hot ton yeatkrday au nounced all liulto Incident to to* transfer of th* bualnera ot toe Wayne Nat I oral Bam RKI vent fotopwttd. The ,tat-,m»n' Issued veeterday by Wayne Nat'oaal Bank follows Hiv ing completed all celarleal d'talle | tu ceaaaetlou with our taking over the buaineaa of Ike People Bank aad Trust Copipear. we desire to inform you -that, at say time after A o’clock, tomorrow. May ITtk. all unamlunod funds set deposit to Re Peer tea Bunk and Trust Company wit be available for payment) to ancordaoce with the terms of the deposit. - If your money waa deponMed there Subject to check, you may now draw check* against account with pi- Hum diaeurg alt People, Bank checks aad-ii,* only W*yw Notional Bank check*. » If your maney was deposited to.t%* ■etiaga PeparlmwM jto- teuw pe* cent Cevflflcat* of DapteK. your book change at any time at yoar oonven tenc. and ttara win be IM d ttoaownt. ThoM who have Safe Depos t Bose, to the vault of th* Peoples Bank , and Trust Comps iy should arrange st, oace to transfer thate valuable paper* J to our vault and tho«* who have left pipiN win m* oiticers of uu Peo ples Bank for safe-keeping should call there at ope* for them. Bvary depositor of the People* Dank and Trust Company has now become a depositor of Th* Way** National D itto and to each one ot you w* extend a hearty welcome, assuring yo 6 that we are glad to have you do basinets with us god want to aow regard yoWreelf as • regular aad permausat customer of oura Charlotte Negro Ia Arraigned for Murder CHARLOTTE. May ld-UP)-*L*ae Johnson. 17. negro, wan arraigned In police court here today on chargee of killing Christine Harris, Negro girl, Saturday. He tlairmed the gun was accidentally discharged while he waa breaking It. Th* bullet pierced the ylrl’e heart The boy's" *i»ter alee taw lift'd the shooting woe accidental. Court decision was wHUibeld 'until lightning hitm holt star NEW CASTLE, County Down. Ire land. May 14—(JPV—Ml** Cecil !-etUh world tan us British woman folger. was struck by llghtirtag while watch 1 log the play In the British women’* open pdf championalilp h»rv *nrt*v ll Is not believed her tajorie, will prow eerm*» , l Howief Opened to Shrinern nitotWl committee u? ta* TtmaT Shrine clubs Is appeatMg to th* housewives of Goldeboro to open their homes tor the convenience of the noble* who will be here Thursday for thu Ceremonial. All available hotel room- were engaged several weeks ago. and If tbs thousands who como to the c'ty on Thursday are U> he given th* hospitality for which the ett) la noted, the homes tmiat he open ed Those who ran arromodate one or more Ehrlnera in their home* are aeked to notify the clerk at tHW Hotel Ooldehorn ■ ■—■a i , .mmmmylmil •l ■ll■■ll mi . L i Deposits Storms holdup OCEAN FLIGHT v T Acoata WIN Pitot Commander Byri’a Plrim, to Aa- MINBOLA. N. T . May Brewing a terms, hath atmospheric aad verbal, kept too tran*-Atlantic plane* to their hanger* today Strong winds awed tha Hy'ag field all day ao that projected local tan* flight* had to he abandoned. C ombination of wind aad dtaaaa »ion prevented another longer flight that had been announced at anon During the morning th* crew* of all tore* plan*, which fanned the Faria hop worked around tke haagera and aa air of peaoo »*tilted over to* camps w th th* report toot dloeod- Mon between filer* aad hachgr* %I th* flights had been smoothed out to the natlefarttoß of all. Bert AUoeta, who wtth Otarogg* Chamberlin brought to* world on durance fHght record to thla ooggtfV. ha* bean selected to pilot commando/ * chard Byrd’s twonoplaa* "Ameri ca" on th* proposed Now Tort to Paris ffght. It w*a aanouaoed to night. Th* four o'clock, wonthov report given the filer* precluded D| reason able chance of their getting t«W to morrow aad Indicated that favorable weather could get be expect ed tor *4 loate too dare. «._■ ■' TENINJUREDIN MINE ACCIDENT , Cgf# oa Which Men Being Ltw •red Drwng 50 Feet In fmOA - ■■ SC ANTON. Fa . May 14—<*>—T#0 men were taju/dil nine of them eor lously at 7 oclock this morning Whop a cage oa whloh to* mog wore Mig) lowered into th* Johaoo* mine si the Scranton 'Goal company at BMIMh City dropped sixty tost to th* titllg of the 404 foot shaft. Four suffered broken lags and the others wore Injur ed Internally. Compaay officials said the udd|4l occurred whan Oeorg* Brownitl, W, engineer, became 111 at bis pant aad CmIA hm a^a■!*ma Aa aw n (Mk _ aitamlwn * tolT WHVtoßwi toy TIB U7 vur 11 wegg EI^NMDB tba cage to run away just as tt Btefgd ■be toot of tb* shaft. Tha cage (track th* bottom wHh great fore* The injured managed to crawl to places of safety just aa the eahU un tb* cage, measuring 7*o feat, foil Into th* abaft and crushed th* oaf* to pieces Had the men boon I* the cage when the cable feel they would have been killed, official* said NEW TORI COTTOP NEW YORK, May 14—(iTV—Cotte* future* cloeed steady 4 to • klghof. Spot* quiet; Middling 11.74; January 14.11. May 14.44. Jaly IS. IT. Ootoh., re l» H, December 1d.14 < Report That Woman Is Toße Initiated As Sudan Membei h * hv-vi,vre»h..B»riigdg : lal here Thoxaday istUale a wemen Into the brotherhood mis <<*, a report wb>< h had'gelaed among the Noble* here but when a»k*d about It they merely emlled knowingly aad directed the report to fi B.Chamber lin of Klnaton. who In th* city, mak Ina last mlnuu prrpart'ons for the* torture rite for th* pleeaore of thn Wrecking Crew. Sought out at to* Hotel Goldsboro. Mr. <*hamberUn re fused to affirm or deny the report. "Sack n thin* has been done," be said "but I am not now at liberty to nay whether or not Sudan will do a* at her next Ceremonial her*-* The city yesterday began to to ha »ot> its Ceremonial look Sudaa sym bol, began to be flown from maSR -1 - ■ 4 * Ardath Tobacco Company To Maintain Headquarters In Gty;:~ And Purchase High Grades BIG NARCOTIC RAID RALEIGH ItslUm Captured WHfc 15,000 Gretas hi PWMMsslog; $lO, 000 n«ud u RALBIOH. May 14—WH-Caught here Friday with more than lljito grains of morphias aad aaaala* la hto . JOBtoSdtoßs. GOdHldd- ,QhBBRIM,,SttMI auiiio Martha, **»“■)-. wga retnat hold ta lIMN tedl far total to Fed eral oourt next week aa ehotpH of violation at ton Harrison antf-war cotlc act H* waa given a praltarin ary hearing hare Maadgy ketore U. 8. Commissioner HotelHoa Jaaao. Are sets of four womea, tkree white aad oa* ootored. la Bapw BaUrday afternoon aa ton rwuß ot Oeaflta Meats. Bach la 4h*rapd with vftda* ttan at to* Harvisag net. Th* warn so erst Peggy Wall*, Irene of to* l)9Drtssi * taftAFftQOßi united Btste* Cnamtealaair wT h. Rattoa ta Ktentoa to* wwaag ware vaok held la UJN head. tacossdad la gaft'ic Joda* I. If Matolas la rodaat the hoade ta ft Jit | Ulk, Ml to* Wdteeg, wha Wto* brought ta Raleigh Saturday, wore re leaned oa kail Bu*day awratog whan they oelloetlvaly pat np I4JOO. Com peto anaa nf»wna>il at the hearted MaHon. Youth Held After Fetal Aoddent OLD FORT, M. 0., May 14-Gto —Chari** Hail, ft of Marlaa. to dadd aad MaJoeim 8188*11?, alaa of Marina slightly hart la arreeted, peed tog aa tnveettgatloa Into the automohfto ao eldest oa rdato aamher 14 out of hare toward AdhretU* which netted Hall's roadster ran Into a dtp Juet ad tod uraahlng late 8 heavy gnard rail. Hall, a telegraph operator waa eruah »d beneath tn* wreekage. BRIBGB TRIM FALLS COHOBB, M. Y.. May 14-GF>-A atoll trass weighing ltd loan broke from a area* aa tt waa being lifted Into poeltloa oa the Mow Mohawk river hrldpe of tb* Delaware and Hudson railroad bora aad fall into the rlrar, tearing away 1 portion of to* scaffold ng but not ea using much doaeag* to toe bridge. I Freak Pangl*. a bridge worker waa •ntoftreML'~;' ; —>■ % ~V ' t liriMip -o4 tew dnaasshMo- - nxm k*»y arranging Bit; window* Tbrfei I |iH*m »r» fnj** *jrj;rJ*4 Jp tfer i*f*l mmbaau ararmgtng tba bast decora Unas, and R E Hi»r»n». tfteUrmaa as th* rommitiaa lo char** <4 tfala phaaa of th* work, agate mntwad h«a ra quaat that Ooldabaro merchant* oaop- «rat haartilr t« tbla faatara. "Wa can't afford la fall down on It”, Ha aald. "Wa, art going to ha on Wplajr before fin thooaaad pa opt a I and w# fear* |dt to mak* good la H." Out at tba Big Brick Warakanga. Iktg atraclura wa« alowlf taking eat a (ran* formal lon. Tba diraa Blag* bad baan araeUd in tba cantor as tba alt at taro and aoaanrr plaoad. "Wa ara Jjat about ah rgady ta taka tba norlcaa aornaa tba barn|M I laada", wag tba ward which wffet ant. —■! 11l . ‘ft r > to ’ - \ Member *f The AsfloeUttd Jf ' . v ■ • ' rTl *V rreiD I ■ •, ♦ - # ’ i. ‘ T*" ■■ ■ —mm»— —1 ■ *■■*■■■ »*■■»*■» —m. m ■ FEtCXh FiVfc uh n»Wgi - lnm im MtaaaM t» •# • "B Ik* O>H»W ) toMm Mfeat tod t« Mkt a «mw Ml •* <kt k#*t*r into «r w**4. Dm toftMMtot to tkta Vtto to' tftojHit titoto teadod *tr wn ul Mto toHM «• tor ■uto tote mr. of j»ito «M)» ttoM* to to«aa*r «m Kt»- •Bi« otakt «t wtoto tot toMMto - » 4 Mto.tMMOnrMMMto tot Aiato oomptar. mmrJ tot '• itoM ass totifcm* OtotoMto to 4« r * |to» phaitsod |||^ toIOOOO oNMp ir: tMi»<id It. ■» ew» tt* t»4 it* ttontr atom aai aptar to*: hM la tttotattoi to# atatoMaa of itr««M aitotk ktrt. Mr-.~tojtotoctoa toto ft* tklt 'TI toat»Mqinrtotof (■it «f tot Otottoatt Dltor Im 5 mm *S£iß&j& tii« Mtofr m|b IM bi* R.rtttot toto tot to* Sr tfitoto *»w Tat itttot a* toto to •* ivirmf vita <mi| aiito Qpnar th« oooitart/ ts tot toto ftaate Mr jow.aiKtottoitotototat tot* r*r«rtl thoooond toOaffpto tO »m naadod to girt toaTftoto kttttt lufflelaot to Ukt Ml} til pttMMt noodo, tt« ttM tot Itoto toto aa MM M Ooltokar* kaa totoaaatoWrt lor a foot tktt oka taktoto ta Wn a i marfcat that tkt MlOl to Uto bald tad bill’d awardWg la *Wr a C <4 -oombmuo wu >anto<d atotr a ata imum kr w. r. Sartor- « /hij 11 q pflonmpgp£ tJHUr .*£»!*ClUZTot«»«*«*#» -- WMI«. raluro (*U )Wr Md toad kt ktd plono to ktlM a bite* fWaaktM with ipooiti ana tagtiawi tor too rurpoM ohoat .Itatto# I- A toitotr of Mntoro ten dtajadr «oWto W horo Mr Oortt* ffatototoMto** tote mr, Mr. **a* N*ar»to. •W t Itoo. woof totkdtlUm «w tc tot tow. waiitot ciiiMt* of ooMaataa to aw ta IpMr tko i raw ora hotter *af If IM tote* Wo. aaa *-l - - w ._ Mi a Mtorwitojr Qaimwtom MflpgwMn the Moody clhofc «f *0 atlat teti ttk roowt ytata *ud hM tot* to* la* ■

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