g * I |lf ... jl jk '*!•' wiatpp k ft " \Z* 1 ’ ’ r, A . 1- ... *g-*n—reremy,*. wunnswd lll ■!_ <BMP- mmm ■ .»wm> y».. ■ J'M 'i 1 ■ s . VOLUME SIX; NUMBKS *7 SH =■■*=«■ ■iM/daaau.xj i;.,*' -,--■;»■=■ CEREMONIAL OPENS TONIGHT WITH BAND CON® — . . . .. . . ... - ■ -■■ =- ■■- - . .. Tit .. . _ Vi; r* yit j Cuu wwanis naygrouiid Marts Ulllk VtAAln* Aospiaousiy vviin muks Displaying Much Interest • u • -V* * . 4)Yai(erdiy , i Attendance w Shows Marked In crease Over That of Mredsy^ Kindergarten Age Children. tv* North laid Playground made lie toml opening at oa k o’clock or of a boat M children under 14 K3wa*‘ns Hub and tte equipment ha* k*t| provided through the efforts of th* Biwaalans and the Otiffin Manu facturing Company. the lumber having haoa f rraMMd bjr tha lattar company. Moat of tha uatpumat haa haaa mad* aad put up by O- O. Lyiee. Tha Ft rabyteriaa church tom given aaa at tha ariaada. which ava haar. tha _ ■w'dtotg ga». It. C. RohfoaoA, director at large of tha city playgrounds, la la charge assisted by members of tha racraatlon ■ t ctara to the fl—ataally Building. who trill aUa ;#k* charg* as al tha play grouad* after tha closing of tha city ThO Miglit which trill probably to umttonnd later, now coaatata as fwHuuL la tiin aaltahla for both aid* .7& you** Jl*. te*#s *nd Ball, aad m-imm mmm. n» i**« aim ail tka l— n a will ham unui in» nosing Os lOBOSI Will from fatur til Ms la tha afteraooa, aad from atm un twolr# aa Saturday. A hallttte hoard ia prnvtdad at tha playfrouad. tor ■aaiaacemeat of aetixttea. Than ia A Aug. poU aad United Statoa flat. //* Tha childroa w#r. enthusiastic oa tha Ogatot day. aad tha amthara who aremapaatad maay of thaw, want »tray satisfied with oara .they found v , i t-ovlded for thalr children. Yantarday’. at tan da an* showed a Im»W growth as tat#mat. With ktrangavtea material yat m -ogre, tha riiaetam entertained tha rhlldran with a.aariaa of natac r»<*>** Tha •triac.a arara la big demand th rough - a-. • oat tliie play period. Tha greoteot aa*d aaw la aonaethfag that Iha people of tha town caa furiask with an advantages to Hate* •alma. If aay of tha roadara of the Hawa ham aay old. partially warn cat toya ia thdr attfea which they wia wlah to gim away, tha aaperrisor of (ha playgroond would to only toe de lighted to aoad around for them. Call the Memorial Coouaualty Bn’lding and get la touch With lira. Robinson “Alto aay null order catalogue* caa to put to a good aoe. Bend along a load of (hem. They'll fare bo ex cell rat ptetnrea for the kindergarten children to cot out.'' said Mr. Robl« a •OB• .q The after-achoal reae’oa* will rou tine# throng the wdefc of May M Then fgtWWW the ttoan or iclmot June 1 the toll time playground will open on the sam* plot to ground on ■nPnjMWr »- r.-rc* rNwmiVitinm' ,-w vkt ——MT-r33OW'-f -Xrn 1 WWWteWWSM<MMBBP , *»i BNMRItj nw mi* HALKIGH. May k> rated: Vlrocer’a Baking Company of Oa. c-“ * 6teto* -«g*Rg»tef. SKt* to•: BHhnhrttod BN w J. Carroll , ... r RJhrroU and J II WelfcA , j,-** i. M. Me Michael, lac., GharietU, sr rhhectnml and anglnaering; author!* ed flt.tto;, autoerttod |4M J M. Me Michael, 0. h- and J! W Me Michael aad other*, Charlotte. r. V. York Company to Durham general court ruction hu.tar**: *u thoriaed 160.000; kuharrtbad 1100. C Mahal A- aad C. V York. Dnrinm xitmicmri MOW YOU. May If-f/ri-Cotimi flare* alonad barely steady l lower to I higher. Pro* gatot. Middling < If .to. Janaary 1«M. May IIP, Jgly • ’11.64. October 16. at; December 16 n. • |yw wewdßte •nm ■ * 11 V>* • * <. 'i 9 ' • . w ‘f' 4 v ' 1 • ‘ taf * ... I#.. . * i: . ' ir - ‘ 1 L . -I—wwju—uiiii imwi t— rtt —7 —* THE GOLDSBORO NE^VS ’ * - '• o. ■ " \»' •'/ 0 ■ a • ’ » J REAP IHE MORNING WHILE MIND« ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS, BEFOIM THEY BUY ! BIDS FOR NEW r ROAD PROJECTS » "TT? i r TMal Amount «f Work la Neigh-1 ■ of Minion xl ’" Quarter RALRIGH/May 17.-(4*|-B»da were ' received today pi the atate highway depnrtompt for award later. The highway eomcnlanton meet* tomorrow, i Big were opened today, i The ietllng waa for paring the weat kLa I'll Qlil lt»f UtAkTtl | nru 2 £ nallma* ‘.■rew rennet* 1 n - w an ¥j | wiw RmTOP we bard Kuifac laid oa the new road ( frtrm Rnlrigk «* Durham, work aenttered in ll connt|M, iudud iag n »»*A bridge over th* Uttla River ia Moatgomery county.’ Th« total amount to work will colt In the neighborhood of a million and g quarter dollar* The projecte tofetkep. with num ber to mllea to he paved end location each: \ Onalow county, near Jackaanrille. .13 mßan; Durham county: new route. Durham toward Raleigh 4.16 mllea Harnett: from Dana to Cumber Had county linn, djl.nlht Dt: Moncure toward Bnnford. 6.61 mtlee. Perron: route 13, Virginia atate line toward IwAain, *M Awpp . Montgomery: route 75. near I,‘ttU River bridge. 116 (nttm; Rowan: rente 68, Saltnbury to Davie county 4teo, 6, ft mllg Tln*te ' mute -Tlt MockwriDe ta jhltlT county line, I M* rOWh IY, Mor. flan Falla to Caldwell county lint, to Catawba county ltxa. m atllan Iredell: route 76, Davie county line to tateruectlon Route 28, 6.64 milee. Bun eomto county: Route 38, atructure at Rlltmore. ■ 1 Italy Reserves Right _ Be Present at Meet u o ROME, Italy. May 17-<ei Tha Ital Uta government haa aent to the Anterican umbamador at Rome a reply irv Proairif t.i fortldt ...i , “w » r| ' ootflines second bet ia wh'eh Italy waa Inritad to to repranentad ”te rente manner” at the rondo* three*power naval conference at Geneva. The Itellnn rover nmnnt rewmt the right to eand naval otoarmn to * thin conference, depending upon tha l*wl*rptate and raaatU gt Otmeva. .1 REFER CHARGES HADE INDIANAPOLIS, lad., May 17.—<A*> -Bemn affldavtu charging perjury, unlawful ele&too practleaa and con »pi racy to commit a felony—the only realduc to *rn* ir.ontto alftlng to po litical corruption gnaalp tonight | •tood opposite th* name* of Mayor! John Dural and hta brother-in-law! Wl I Ham Brtaher. clt| treaaurg on I criminal docket* to the county. - ( Weather Man Yet Holds Up Three Paris Hop Parties I ißdMMMWMnWfweiinmnwaw—BAMMß6BteNiiHnMndri|rvv*anto—datototoito nirntm iiiisre>wmnw>iiMiMtoßßßitorvmM»*nssgprewwto«ew»teswßwwne<totlMMto - i j "tnum n wf>atfc*r infla beaten alno»t »»ilmis kite late today Hi bte fonotdorwttoft te utmoapbarlc coadtitons In (hair r#la -oo*f to tmas-sUaatlc flying, ' Almoai optlmlaile v hit{ flo* oulte - "TbPra Tlf a •tiltD' tufa IMh. direction. " Jut >*l4 rauatiously "bai 1 only * slight on# W* have advised ■■gate*! any bop-off tomorrow morn ing * » ' , “HP* about later la tba day?* b* «aa naked "Wall. th*ra la fust a ehaae#,“ hr replied "Thar* are Indication* of dradual clearing bu> nor hi rone enough yai to auto# any PaflaHa pro ilrdon* * „ \ . 0 Whit* tba weather; man prepared t; ibarta of foa and wla.' for tb*» tba r *l* aviator* wall la* to bop off a* I tba'r great adventure continued toaia r of their piao##. waai visiting, or Jial r rratted tb* ttaa# away at tba Dylan field*. • *; : * • > . ■ . i „ • T: OOLDMQBa N. C. WEDNESDAY MOCKING, MAY 18, 1887 ■amr"ini , r m»i -r: ‘ - ■■ >-:-4vi. rs±: «; ? Sgrrplsrv I. Paul Lewnnrd Makes I Hip Hppirt to SUt« Aa • ppciafipp | DTHHAJI, MSP 17 ~ (JPI- Tha North Carolina Merchant* Aaaociatlon haa 33 looal aaaoclaUon* with a mam l ership. In round figure* to >.6fo J. Paul Laonard, Stntearille, axMntlm I secretary, reported today. I He mag hta annual report At the )2111l annnat eenvaaHlnn of tha aaao rlatlon. In addition In the local anx itCartaa there are VH ind rldual State I mentor* in unorggntcad town* aad villtgan. . , "Wh*n you coMldcr that these member* are I seated in 111 c»tt«*. towns,' village* and commun'ti#* of I thy atate—there giag this number to poetofticaa represented in nr hmlMng Hat—you will anpreolate the fa/il tkal M a .* m mam mr~* - e-t - . ymtr iTFtinßrmn now srnsa lly cover the steta” he said. ogto- 46 yn* wtol c-rider to tU fnct that maty to the*# ox-mtor* are Imßw firms and coporaHona op erating Mp More* whig have person nal* running Into two and three fig urea. tome to them haring as mgny ■■ * doaen executive* who are owners van will realise thin your aaoocint on la now truly representative of the mercantile ’lnterest* of North Caro ling” 4 The principal activity ot tha riste association to th* la« y»ar waa In aa tare to prevention of aalaa taxes and special merchants taxee, he report ed. “Yen will to called upon a* as or fight against the ever-increasing men non to antes usan and siwcUl mar l • ur mMMM torihany governor. Mr •-i an. and the oih#r Icudci* who ire trying to work oat our tax pro . M I ton - ft mllng great things to the new mate fax commlnslon. provid ed the amendment to the constitution per mitting classification to intangibles for taxation. “VRI may gfpect tarsi lon to to a tofamount Inane In North Carolina for Mntt ymr, nod none to you have a greater opportunity for aervtee to your state than ta offered la thia field.” Mr Leonard said a merchant ought te to on the tgg eomrnt*u!on which ia to to aroolated by tie governor. Continued progress and rWT err : (lea and sarings to member* made up the record to the Merchants Mutual I Nice fmnmrorp rompsny •year, he said. -Mcrchaoma are beg'natag to real be (hot (hrir mutant company ™hOJ only offers them actual direct aavtuga in the coat to Are Insurance by tha payment of 3$ percent dividends la the premiums of expiring poßcleg but they are awaking to the fact that mutual Insurance offer* th* only competition In the Inanrnnce field tn the matter to houdiog down rates, or ottering opportunity to avoid tto I eHecta to advances In rates The ten poreent Increase in mer j cantile rate# a year ago la largely reaponalhU tor this, coupled with the I fCoatiaiieg Da Pane rtv*> . nun nn ni w i of the ttwt Uiret-amilbtd Ibbbar ''America” made Hro mriflftt ttata and at noon had luncheon with tbair financial back •»* „ i«nfa qynfaj/iuH, t-'otunitu* mate tto flißbU today >pan4ln* moat of (ha lint# la conferences with tbair law y fa. tba designer of lb# plan* bai’ Iha band of tba cetppsrvy backing tba flight, about contracts aad other roa • derations. f'harlaa Lindbergh. the naan who will sty for Pari* unattaadad la tba spirit of At |*mla" Idled away morin* aad la tba aftaraooa flaw to laap*et tba Weight faclorlaa where lb* emgtnes of all the plaaaa bow waiting to bop off ware mad* Aa Byrd oad Novllt# aad' Acoata I <an»e ram tbair cmfaraara with: tbair backer* (hay aaaouaced that; they would Dy lor France ju»t as roan aa tbair final toata war* rm- V l*t*4 aad tb* weatbor permitted. 'i , Miss New York * m WL fp NBW TffnTP, M«; 1* rlrlrli l ruin over MO entente In on* to th* moot exacting bounty competition* yet held, Dorothy Britten, languor old dresa shop employe*) has wan the title colors ot th* country*# great at city || t | w l Itel-i lifiiAUt > f * A I'A Ji Oalvatoon. Ta«a*> 00 Nu 31M * ?3rd New York has neV r yat won a national beauty competition. , Dorothy Button e'ptreud the con teat with what many believed to he a hantdap in these day* of permanently waved btauty. With over .868 of the rente*tanU wearing bobbed hair, she Insisted upon wearing her bear ta U-ng ringlets, aa she had dona since iilgb school day*. Leslie Storey, beau tlfhl 17 year old office girl who won the file to "Mi*a BCookly" alto stands by long half. Mia* New York ha# aever smoked a cigare’te nor tasted liquor; bnL she ion tease*, aha drinks, three cjpa ot I black ctofe three times a day—and | nrrvr frrhi thr worst- for If: Bh* 4W an eat to doom *trl. awlm* like a mermaid, fences, plays tenuia and riden horeetmek «mr »m«yy» atenraontf health aad .vitality. The winner is ot English French ex traction and live* over in Jtraey City —“The Jersey efeka” to New York rrs. Dally aha commute* to Maahat tan where she ia aoployed in a smart dress-shop. ■«, LOOKR BAB FAR CHARLIE LOB ANOIRI.EB May 17— (4*l Chari#* l harJirv -entry Hi •» verbal thumping and was the iraget of a bale ol rhargea la her* to day la aa haur and a birr Battle of attorney* arguing hit demurrer and moi on to strike oat aome ot the more UJUAiIoUI Mtte At hta . vif&l. dtY ere* complaint. • t y^ At the close of the bout between ylr*l legal haUarlei Judge Hate itv fayed firing htMUpclaton. but indlcat >J lU JO i*ui *1 lee.l, Xilloa lu, adganag Ia *L dian t Roy Parker to F«nii»h i Bears for ( Vremonial [|* K ■ The aecetsery, utMtomr of bear* id h* required in mh'ation of th" sixty novices here tomorrow will be surplied 10 the Sudan A\>»ck lag Crew by Nobl<- Hoy J , Darker,. Director f' 8 Chambarlln, of K noton, last evening Mr. Chamberlin e*pre*aed him self as well pleased with th* fact that a iufflrleut r nnber of bears had been found *o e.relly Merman park specimen 1 will be u«ed Every member of the Wrecking Crew was In the city yesterday and put the f ntehlng touch** on •he tartar* devices ni the Big Brim warahousT), jl 1 1| * ' . * ti- 1 1 =r=s , 1 j,,;;,' REVIVAL WELL CLOSE TONIGHT *■" mutetomtetei R«v. W. A, Stuburv Urcat Con- Krelation to So 4 for \U Pprfrrl PnAjJ * ri Irt t viwHl ' “tent It a pity,” naked Rev. W. A. Rt an bury in his aermongt Bt. Fnnl Methodist church tarn toght. ”thnt so many people are aat «fi*d with char erter that ia Juat good eaonght to do, Inal and of nearchlnx for tha partam thing and never benlg satisfied till U ix funnd?”- If* HYt-d a* a the words- M And the kingdom ot haavea is likened unt 0 s merchantman seeking goodly pearl*, who when he had found n to I «r*a» price, ooid ail he h«4' and I bought It." Mr Rtanbury then guv* a vivid description nf the merchantman ‘m h* want from city to cltjrj s*arqh- Ing for the beat pearl on earth, al- YSr# d> carding those to medium worth At Ihst In a I Pile shop he foqjyi n )fft*(A'lor Je*tl. Nat hax mt enough money to tor tt ks f.nli all that heated, and carefully folding It In hk* w&om hurried away with it. The fret good thing the speaker noted tn Ahl* man wga that h* search cd for the beat thing. Hw then naked tte quostkm, “Have yon g«t for yonr seif a goal to the mark to high call ing? Have you a virion of holineas, risen every whit? Are yon- reaching ojt to the suprane value or are you coat nt w th Jewels, that hare a flaw In them?” * Thu second thing abont the mer chantman.” told Mr. gtaahgcx, "Hi «!» when he raw th* peart of great price, ha recognised it. He know how to rite It In oompnrieew with och er pearls Net only w* wo often not f Had wwh e passion for the Hte6,'toH we do R*i seem to dlecorn Hie differ* rnw between the beet ail Mitei don’t know the differenee w* know th* difference In » pytut pearl ia character, and those that on ly look Ilk* pooris,” Two • torts* war* then told, one to « young man Who cams to tha city with high idaals. After reaching Ba ancUt success, be began to us* plum for getting richer faster, and tlm* attar time used fuada not hi# own to make aorq money. And tto money roiled to. hat finally going awpy more and mor* from hit ideas of tha tost, he Became caught In the tells of * devil In th* form to a beta tlful woman. Hl* home aad family war* ruined, and now, too Ist*, th# man haa learned th* dlfterhnc* be tween the real pearl ot character, and teat which will Jam do. The other story wee of a girl whn <-»<B* to.tha step wit her htm fng cf promt we to her mother te live n Christian llfw. For g whll* she d d tbl* but gradually became lax. ~Tbe moth wa* burned la the flame.” Now th* girl can be bought for a toa|. “Ood iJty all who like her have wasted their substance, and have taken that which merely look* Ike a pearl for a real pearl.” "The third thing about th* max, chart man.” said th* preacher “wag tew whrrn h* found th* pearl to great price ha waa willing to pay for it He did not hath at th* price, (Qotitinurd oa page flvej *~T SSL -«w —7 " '■«■■■ ——nanre—■■ Hip 1.1 re, .rn •> 1 '* River*s Wrath Loosed Upon " —Melodle As-J)yheß Break MBBm mpm wnm mtmm r.T ~»ew oiiuuwywy rt.-imzyE hampered' by fhr oarthvu man mate bttrriara, tba awollaa Mcbafalaya lad by Mississippi flood wat*ra, today .add %i. •-, •bjhten*. J4*w>f I that haxu.MM awapt aa|te id TtiHh for the aaa- (giving urror *liclt*n Inlmblfain* viewing tba r«(B --ruiata of-tbair town from lay#a top* an they awaited roacur boat#, tb# wat er# turned southward and wmtwmrd L« Win th'-se from the .Bayou breaks wllifb already burn »pfv..d aoma 40 Dilloa down the valley of Palmetto, about ISO nnlen nortbwaat of New Orleans z. No lira# war# bellved lost al M'-l villa, la spite of lb# Ut* that the I rtvnr’a wrath waa locoed upon tb* tvwn in Iba t-arly morning hour* while many of the reatdeata MUI war* alreping Placing before tba water*, they sought refuge no the Invcea and in upper floor* of buildings until boats £ could roach than., ? * us -..r .MhgmmUm - - - ; ■ v - v ' Advance Hosts Os Great Trek Arrived In Gly Yesterdaj Aad , Hade Ready For Thurs.Evests ! 0. A. HAMILTON OFFEREDPLACE 1 Wilmington Want. Lmcd ScM Mar; Haa N*t Given | Answer 1 WILMINGTON. May 17—Oscar A. 1 Hamilton, former prtcipel to the Hem -1 cuway school, and present euperta teadent* to th* echsol* nt Goldsboro, was yesterday afternoon fleeted nap ‘ i rtmendant of New Hihoter eouaty ' school*, by th* hoard «f odhonUon, *w«eh ww ibw setetbii' sKoHly nHef ‘ 1 noon. Mb IfMsUttni wtH meeftto Major 3 w a. Graham, tree** term to off e* expire* in July. He wm gte an the alactlon by n vote of Awe tn f on*, . 0. Carr, chairman, aad C. I Van Leaven voting for hia alactlon I and Herbert McClnmmy, votag la tto ragatlv*. Following tea flection, Mr. BamH t ton waa notf ied by ntemtom of th* I board over long distance telephone, 1 rod although ttnabl* to ranch' a 4e clalon, the board that ha would taka the matter under careful advlaemeto H* *tetad that to ap t urpn him. H* wan not aa applicant , tor th* office however. Only twn op* , plications ware nn hand, thasn ot t Major Orsha uv aad W. a NiehnMan. - Major Ate*ham was tor re-dtentten by Herbert MsCtemn* I fhd wss lamadiaialy wHh tea nomtnatloo to Mr. Hamilton by nation, noted upon waa loot and a majority vote cast by Mirers flaw tad VsnLajv.n, mod* Mr. Bam'lttm’s Uaofton par*. 'f! ' Liquor Ruling Mfufe ; By U. S. Circuit Court , KANBAB CITY, Mo.. May 17H*» I —Th# manu f act ur* and ppgpgpMl of 1 liquor for personal ua* Ip tha horns ta 1 Si* n fslony and oonnpt serve an A ground for dHtoroteat of an attorney r te# United State* Clrendt to Aprmtl* ' held tn effect here la vacating n tem pornry disbarment order against I Frank Bartoe * Uahraeka Inwynr. - - Bartoa appealed from n three mr I ; *!T Uu NthraMM „ l Federal court so rmoral turpitude and 1 vtoiotton of bis oeUi, after he hml 1 pleaded guilty to lb* manufacture and 1 hr- Ws «Hd not apfosl tore# th* ’ noa##6'aon of TOO quarts of home I <*r>nvlctlon l , " ‘ HTOISOH SAILi FOR RARE ’ WABHTNOTON. May 17— - ’ tery L. Rtlmaon, personal repreraa ' tatlra of Preeident Ceeildge In Ntca l| ragna, haa retied from Oe Into, on r board th* cru'aer Trenton for Hamp rf ten KoartH, Ya., Me Navy Department I *•* advised today. '■ waar.a*duuora»!.»>i-traww.jssojwr» ■ t dKarctbf through a l.ooti foot ertvnaa* , and spreading-’to join tb* lake from Dayou MU) another break occurred fewjaftsfiws tnnsify tba situation. ~ - Tba waaiHar bureau said tbU tbc , water was running 1 foot deep ovor tba Tasas and IViflc road tracks at I Palmetto and at #< rrjhsr ft waa rls i by at tba rat* of $ foot s day, Th» Mississippi rlrar below Old , river will not chant# materially la th# r ne*l lew days, lb# weather bureau said, bat precaution* war* urged . against stages previously predicted * NBW OHI.BANH, May M*l * villa fall before lbs onslaught of tb« * Mtaa'sslppl flood today. •* btrlklng swiftly la (be sarly hours f of tb* wmrulag, tb* gorged Atchafal » *ya tor* aside leva* barriers huU (Contlnaad os png* rival * % • * *• - • . * 0 •» '7T . ' The A**» dated 1 Brea# | piupr nn ci iim • Wiw# ▼ R. RJHWFjhI' #1 Hotel (iSSm rationß^° n<^Sy^^^ The ad vans* giasß-gl RM RpMtowf Sudan ’ Ancient Avoid* RMM Hi* ed la the elty end by tfttetnmdhre Rre W*ri I’l'W'H Rf iNRN dred«, Tto eoaontoa In M|> mi nfl annual Spring CeremnnMl 81 Rm tempi#. Th* nareAMMlil MUth 6M> e eUy opened Rto am** WM * A " banqnri to th* mat inTiUMre re m. Hotel Goldsboro WgLfflFlpiWA roocert by Bn«Mi mWmm titt to i» o'clock. Ooldshnro yeeterdny rptr yoeterinF partook iaaolleflidßtoWA* pber# of an Raetera twWh. MMMMb r* • ponding to final ObpmtfP Ml 'V pert of 8. B. Rteecna, s||ligi» Jl the local Bhrioe club toiiWtofsi adto miu.ee, continued UntfkMiMk' ’ oc their wtetoref. Oesavt agSAsg ungf jrfnr.. Tp l h#lf Wfly AnftMMl mM| wKEm'' •’Wm* were used in rlatotm MMMtT A M been arranged tm ,«# toilflii '- fronts on the principal AiMp R|d from hundred dfkdojfa’ (Rg * were flaunted. Members of tte OMdshato • club were everywtete at into MfeMR after lost minute pt|BN|MINV th. .vent. Tto Mstto com*** a«Aia mad# on appeal to mtoikTM togto (erta’n Ahrinera la diMr HpAM tote Here the oongeetloa to telsto • Wte reported that many tm OH MR nsr ed to. do this. As lento tea womtoflu cMrJgM|e tailom uik4 church raking last mtteto mS9mB i? rang ng tn torn tnagtek atoftfnßWß * 'Hw H •ImRIJ MIR lunch counter* nr* nhtenlftg to tote' .iW» "mtUv tot. tot. & MMk3i .. open tomormW. Official retototoUte Dlfto||pi 0 win be Ofmnd today to GW Odfk ' ( ompaay on ftoRW ARM ddltfq this point that tte Nnhtap w«t ttond tha r way an they arrive In gjp mm. ■ Here R Is that UWy mto WRtA «jT •ur make their glhni Mr tofcfto* the rsant nf pn< mom that the Bike Club nw Otentote sigpot bad tendered te tern* to MR flßMte for the Ceremonial waft top ton R koaquiq clnh would tetoftetoWtoea. "" Th* 6 rat mm Mtor nf 1 rimary interegl t* to* MriMk toto ..tm ta tte, ritAMit Mr Iflit. iMto- and hit tend from ite rntofifniMte in front of tto Hotel CtoMßte .RRo * ?” p| . n A i‘ ymi imS k i e’etcek and n wwH lialteaMf ptogyaga Horner In Tentt 6hrm HUI Win Or# WafcM • •.orm.ra 4R ’g IMrt •« tut M'V CHAPEL KILL, May IT gl| fi) Coxa's homer into rigto *6toaf tB the lari of the tenth toatog gtosflhto 1 Dos 1 3 to 3 Victory ore, WIRgS jfW ebt her* today. Wate Fereet hrsQf to reach boom Ur MAIw N Ite and tied the count, tat We* Ngto' •xtra frame. Cogs, And to to to •rath, broke the IradMMl, ffVtoft OR w olios th# third win of ti* MMMI onto ih* Uwptteis. “Sewre W AHHJNOTON, Mar ir.-A/VV-th* a«e ot medlrel pkensertng te nte* At an *nd and aa art Os raoo*als«toM. tMJtod wpmm thi IniotMti dMii from th* post irirtoßM dlaad, 14 -

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