WEATHER L_ ...~ : "v ' - - ciaimt vmit ' s “ 1 3 J . 'r , *•<;» ’ ",.'T W ,~ ' • " •■' *s• **mm# »■ ■■— ■ i K ■- ■ « ■ VOLUME SIX; NUMBER St L # T.* . ■ 'J~ 38 DIE AS MANIAC FARMER DYNAMITES SCHOOL PAST POTEN TA TES HONOR F. B. CRO WSON, Sr., A TBANQUET 'uniwv Children Are vtiiiiti vn fire Crusted Death Z ’ Stored 500 Pounds Ex < iiic ind Touched It Sff; PmrmerWas Col ton Graduate: Re garded as Expert ! Electrician; Had Had Trouble With Author ities : BATH. lOck.. Mat li-UPi-Toucb' —JOURSJMStSH'Ir who fell victim to hi* own 4f«icn two dmiMltt explosions it the COB aotldated school kfr* todsy brought death to at feast M persons, thirty thra* of the pupil* Moat of them were children, few of wheat war* more than 11 fNM old. Forty otkara, In jured war* la boupltala. Search at tka rata* eogtlnoed until , darkness gvsrtoeh tka workara attar Statu polioa M estimated that from a fewa la IS botflua remained to bo located. Tka tamar waa Andrew Kakoa. graduate of Mlchlgaa But* Collage who waa cowgldakad an »xp*rt alee ti titti His Tka aaplaolMi at tka kakaol follow ad kjr only a abort Mom a blast at tka naaftqr ter an kooaa of K*hoa. Tka Mast aaAikSifei hat Ire d earn baked : nrs nome m »tn. Tito eutltd ROHh tola* of the school . sited ks sea Matt which caught all tka pupils ladoara. aagaged In reclta ttoa periods la thair room*. fenhafl-af tka ilaaater describee tka eiplgaten aa aa awful craak. fol lowed aa laataat later by tka craak lag of walla and WHlng of. callings Many of tka papfla were cranked at tkelr daaka aa taaa of h rich a an< beam* cranked doW« » Mhta police, pVoblug Ih the tangled wreckage of tka achool, found that elaborate preparation* had been road. 5~ for wracking-th* Wilding. Tka bear stmt waa orlaa ctoatl with a ae work of wtrao wkiok were connecter to nor* than 500 pound* of dynanlt scattered la vsrlon* place* Search wf tka rates we# Interrupted tar « tHne while unexploded dynamite we removed. State police aaid the far - ewe ippartUp bod unrated the Span - mite Into tka bulMlkg during th. night and arranged kla wiring. He waa aeon to drfet up la kla au tolndbile la front of the building toot after clnaaan convened ("ompfetlnj this plana, ka la kollaoad lo hare rut a wire from kla automobile in which other explosives were atored, t< • hargm in tin basement Rifle shell* aereml of which war# found near th* battered automobile served aa fuaea A partial Tfta of tbs daada retnli that fir# children of oaa family, and two tut tn two otkara warn kitted Recounting tka faraaera character!* tic today, nalgbboro recalled that hr _ had appeared Utelttgept, buc-wrlt| e tendeacy toward balag pagnarloue Several coat rovertea with xwmber* of “i tkn Mpkool board and thf iwripir#- deat, they continued, appeared Ut hav. V I ’-iifr Um Mtewn fllTSt uaau tide. . Tka mortgadag us of pie farm an tka aabaoguwwt feivctesur* added to the condition .It la believed aw • * * levee ■-•■VM. •»»* iwUk.N*'! jnttr iM: to Ike ranee of two asploeioae which wracked a consolidated district school bar* this morning with an loan of Ufa of IS or more revealed that the cellar of tka building was wired aad eagtgtaed mare than tor . pounds of dynamite , The Investigation alao revealed, th. state police paid. that Andrew Kekoe t’llatoa bounty termer who wartklllo in the egptnetou. bad touch off th# charge by brtag a rib# Into a bat «>f the 'iptoeivee la tbo rear aaat of his automoMfe. I'p until tiM o'alock this after noon the bodies of U children bad keen I smavad from the wrecked build ing. Mato police aatlmated probably II or 11 rnara wav# pat to bo located About M children ware In the eac (Continued Ob Susa Mva) r . * . , „ f THE GOLDSBORO NEWS • V _ ; ~J» *• * • READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS, BERTH! V THEY BUY —~ ______ • «. * y •* . . Os • 88 PAGES TODAY 1 l" ■ 1 wwee—eeieweapeweM , iid swm» K L '"- ‘ II HONORED AT CEREMONIAL TODAY 11 ' ' ~ 1 *■■■■■■■■■■■ ——" . ■ f W kAM BBE BL - a> H«. * ' S mm Ss. T *ii PiTWflBHrrT . ■&' .J- B V im*- W H Mnßnm Sudan Temple today stages Ha «l<*r#otb annual Hprlng Cert-moolal la (ioldNtMiro to do honor to HotT i.tate l r<-d h ( rowaoo, rtc., of thki clip ratantate t'rowsou fa Thwirtog member of thr hudan divan and q be of the ieadlug Mason* in North Oarollna- 11 • haa just con.plated g term as Grand Com mander of tka Kolkhl Templar bodiau of Ysorth Carolina Wb*i The News, the people of Goldsboro aad the nobles of Sudan think of iWiuaie Crow aw. wa bars attempted to reflect In au editorial w'hlcli will be found on an otkor papa. * City Plays Important Part iln Odd Fellows Convention - - - Ooktiboro. om of thestronghold* of the Odd FWIow order In' North Carolina, la playing an Important part la meeting of Odd Fel lowa and Rebajiah* in Burlington. The Odd FV» Hows' hand from thl* city; twenty-two etron'g, la furnlsh . lug m.iali fur put JUCAXtOA. .B*l JBP. . nouncrment waa made at one of the •ration* that the Koine here would be provided with a swimming pool thin Hummer. The varloua lodge* of ,the mate were recently aak make donation* for the pool fund, and ac cord inp to report* made at Burlington re*p>ndod imcrouily, v Hob. T. D Cooper welcomed the visiting men and women on liebnlf of Burlington. and after briefly air in* Into their keaptng everythin* which the c tj po*ue**ea, declared “If with nil the*e thing* yow cannot foal welcome and happy during,,your »l»tt here, may the Ivml hare uferry npon you." __ Ml** Jeiuilo ~¥errjr, of Friendship Kebekah l»ds*, B irllncton welcomed ..tte. victor* on behalf of h r altler* J In word* that conveyed admirably to: .<*&*. mmrnm > which this gathering of men and worn ew confrr* 7~- The rvoponae* were madt hy Orand Master K L Spaulding , for the Odd rafe«%..efi* hgJlnr: rreeldeat of the Rehekah "Aaaembly. for Krtekabs. (irami* Menter Rpnuiii Jog gave howm lntere*t,ing •fatidical Information oh "the primary work of the Odd Fellow* to care for the wld owe and orphan*.” Major 8. L. Whitmore, of Charlotte Introduced the. dtUigulwhed rle'tor 9* the evening, and veteran Odd Pelloaf. Mr. Oalllher. with an appropriate ex pression of appreciation of him and ■he lore for him In the fttate. wh*re lie has had occasion to visit of inn Mr. Oalllber *pok* of The great work that ia to he done In th« world, urcordlng to the trading of tfte Ideal* of the fraternity expressed In love friendship and truth, the mission held la big and wide, an there nut be osnllf amP faith la the work for human'ty H* decUrcd hi* brother* ard stater* mast not he MapaUMt. * • • _ j VA GOLDSBORO, N. C.niUKBDAY MORNING, MAY 18. 1827 =rr».Tygarv Tw.!-. and f rot fill; that the records show lirovreax twang a people by nature energetic and hard-working for the Mcccmpllahment of thing* they set a '; • 1 Ive to do, ] • - ihi first Orand ttncnmpm "nt sea- Vrn was held at the Alaidance Hotri atomtir sfMcriMRL Irel tore. puty .tbs ivnifiaanne of rout no matter* for the second day* *eealon* when the full * • mplemmt of delegate* h.vl arrived lo rit lu on the proceedings. Hetlrlng tit unit Pntrlhrch I H. piirii, .f risle'gh presided The election of officer* for the nc* year took place a* follows: Oradd Patriarch. W E, Barbour. Wtlaon, Orand High J»rle*i. J. R. Young. High Point, Brand Senior Warden. M P Jennlngt, HUbelh City. n r and Junior Senior Wbrden. Dr. J. F. Picken* Adhevllle, Orand Scribe, L. W. jearmeret, A*h< v lie; Orand Treasurer. John E Wood. Wllming ton; Orand Marshal, S M. Flaming. < ‘harlot te; Orand Sentinel It W. Coodwrn. Raleigh: Orand Outtdoor Sentinel. Cicero Price, Tar boro (Irani re present aft Vei to The Bom »egn Mnßtw,ct. » mnmill waueiu* Salem ami retiring (lr»nd Patriarch I H Part**, at Kpletgh t bet roil «.%t4ih>nkiin ir; ’* , At. Louis 8, Boston « Others—rain d* ■r* RATIOS AL Pitt "burg 11, New Turk S. Chicago 7, Brooklyn \, I. Ht Lonl* I. VIRGINIA Peh»r*hmr It, Norfolk 11 l*»outh IP, Kinston 14. Wilson I. Richmond I. PI RUNOUT Rnlctgh H. Rocky Mount 4.1. Durham A High Point t. COLLCBR Virginia 4. Oeorg'a 1 State Fresh 7. Catawba 1. ' i V*-- Y v 4 4 v - , ~ GOOD SHEPHERD IS FINAL TOPIC Rev. W. A. S!anbury tie sub JBM.AUM RBrmpo Bum RIiHU wWcb wae the last In a series of powerful sermons preached by Rev W,* A. Hi anbury of Kaletgh at 3t Paul Methodist church “Bomei me ago.’’ said Mr Siaabury "A Scottish pr a. bed anuuneatl that he would preach tht Gospel accord ing to ChrUt enemies Ha said ' that the very things that Cbriet enotnlas accbaed Him of We WV‘things that cUrpw ns to Him The scribes and Tnrws ctTfWT»rrnm» hgnrTi«p trer waa a fr land -of sinners We are drawn to him for that very reason and ao the Gospel of Christ* enemies "becomto the Gospel of Hl* friends. Christ who waa a roaster at the art of story telling i*dtf a story of «■ man who had DM) sheep II thought a great deal of his sheep, and fcaew each oge by' One evening when he rountr-d them, there were SMI and Si. <>Of waa mtsa'D*. He I'toked care fully to see which one It 9 waa. Yaa it was the IMtle wild and reckless one! I He hurrttd to a place where he last saw this she«-p, and called him by name, but no lamb was found Pattnvan came, nw» th» alwifeurd went back to kla tent, but there waa no sleep for h'm. Aa aoOn aa tka gray of (be morning touched amb Iteft'enlng, he found the lamb grntou v nneeded, from a fall ov er the n'g* of the precl|d«v laying D rtler, he *eot la k t.i Vs friends enylng **l have S un! nr" vl.- h'aft.- tort hw wr| teeep- ***** ***** cfeevlhg #H* saivoG wi. WAu the -lo*t • sheep allow m*n*e|f to be carried bark? .1 dost Imow what you think . ahtr^f. yunrgtilf.. tail v,.ij %nr wovVfr vwvßy -TH ihsitomsF' gats'* wosrn srf. '-amd 'rnMpsdg 'm*W ! you on his ahoulder and carry you IlOß* "• Durham CapitaliHt Ih Seriously 111 There DURHAM. May It—-Richard H Wright, locnl ciipltsltst, show hold'nr* arc located lu varlou* »w tlon* of the ..Minify and In foreign 'and* la critically 111 in a local ho pi tal as tbe re««M of an attack the n* tur-« of which hn* not been determin 'd He wag stricken th * afternoon as be sat In hi* chair in hie office, fils ege Is aho it aevetttyfwo. VMr Wrirht is one of Ih# state's mutlrn lllonsires He mhde much of hi* money from royalties on smoking tobacco pasklag machines. .. i Wayne Sends Largest Delegation Wlßlffi AMu »l*ty Wayim CouMy citl xeua. largely darymeu and (ar mor*, aitended, the Dairy Plold Day at the Coastal Plalu* Experi ment Station at Wl)lard. yester day A splendid program was prtsea- Ud be {Ac. Chea Pesitsg aal Ob« meeting was voted the moat bene ficial ever atteuded by a majority of those pres-ai." Ttie Wayne county iWeget'en J was larger than that of aay other comity.’ .1 There wer* about fifteen rount lee r presented. County Agent A- K. Ilohqrtsen And Dr. A. H. Kerr of the County Health de partment. avttjstad la the rrogram. DEFER LETTING OF EXPOSITION Goldsboro Yet Hm Opportunity To Land Eastern Carolina EtjHMUion If Goldsboro takes immediate action, «he may still land the next Eaatera Carolina Expoaitlon, according to V. 0. Bartlett, of ICaaton, secretary of the Eastern Carolina Chamber <~arnm«rce. who wit sh ONMiNTHi terdny My. Bartlett reported that let ting of (he contract for (he Eapoei- Ml ton of uMLbc'atlon trill be held 1* fwMfel^Hi-ISar«»7’ "It asdfrt to me that People here are tmMKsted tn bartog the Expoat -Hon oem* to Goldsboro, bat no one has taken the lead in tbs matter. I had a half dosea people ask jae today If ike exposition was coming Store. Moat of the member* of (be association sem to/hlnk that Ooide- j bora' Js the logical place Mr the I • rent to he held next year. The second annual Eastern Carolina and Tidewater Peanut Ex pot HI on will be held in Ahoakle, Mr. Bartlett re ported while In the city. AhoekJe wae named at a recent meeting oMhadlr eelhrs of the naeociation The YUM ■gill, hgk UeieMaakSa . n.f ** * Trr ~~ T ~TI T“TT, rr f t{j an" December 16, Mp Bartlett sa d Home twelve individual county exhlblte nre expected tbr the Peanut show Announce Winners of Decoration Prfayg The Th-unas Office Hupply Company waa last night declared winner of the first prise sl6 In window-dressing contest* sponsor <1 by the Ixscel Shrine club* In connect'on wilh 'Oder's i «romonlsl. The Wayne Tire Company woo second prise of $lO and M. N. Ej stein third prise of $6. Honorable men'loir was given Chari's Ktoren, Hat Shop, George l-'arfour and Broe, Nell Joseph,, H Weil and Bro , and Hmttt Hardware Company. Judges were Past Potentate* Wil liam French, John Anderson sod Alex Andrews. The ftttuwtng rpectal window trim* pertaining to ftbrtne dom Thooma Office Hupply Co., •TTgynrTiiwTw* r*t it niwnTVYttT.'' vUwam I'afHilger A PhmmbaA* -Gp.* A O CTBrnsat, niArt-'a Btom. TOT shop On; aarttwr sad Bran . Matt Joseph, II < Bros , Hmltb Hardware Co , Jewelry Co.. : HCWK IHuMLpV ■ ■ BfctWThrtt *sr&fa, 'ffvfrrrc mw* e« HMka-Qm —dßMnu M.’««a 7 Lgn» I>-rt Store. Audrewe Drug Co" Young Mens Hhop, Co* end Co Maytag Co . A A Joseph, Way ne Hh<>e Co J NEW TOUK COTTON NEW VOHK, May I* club are requested to nwet in front I of the Mason theatre at 11: BO for fhr .nirpoac ,«f lining up for the Cprn mouinl| parade. SJ- i ' - .£&: Li Y.t'w- 88 PAGES TODAY Men Who At One Time Gakfed Destinies Os Sudan Temple Deliver Number Addresses - -- --- . TV Heads Committees 7 ,Pb s for the Rawer oouptes long cxprrlaadirwißrXWP activities to • great lav* for tbe work end put the Ceremonial ovac tn Mg MoMan. Umumbai papis TELLS or nUSDT ill I nr simple htoivl I SHANGHAI. China—Tka follow- H I tag cone i*« aoootug of a trag-1| I cdy in Chapei, where fighting oc j| curred when tka o|atoaa»* eap - *j A earpentor pfebad up a bomb ]| It) Chapel yesterday. if* showed It to soma curio eol 'l lectori. I Ha won’t pick up nay more . . .. ■ .-..... ,n I They wotvi collect any mor# | curio* ■ v ► CLOSING rc\NS FOR ROSEWOOD T. E. Brown of Raleigh Will De liver Annual Commence ment Addrmw Elaborate pinna for the closing of Roaewood High school next weak arc be'ng mad* br tha erhool principal*, and na'roaa. "Wof John ' “Sam hit! aF r - a cWool dialrfeT t » t The commencement will gat under ' war Tuaadajr nlfht with a recital by ' a*n(|*ni* In manta, Graduating oxer * ■' mx*m worm# *. rn Friday morplngrT C. Brown, n( | ItipWOlPSftefcr of (ik UtLa *Oot ! l**a axt*nalon aerrice, will d*Heer the annual aridrtxa* Mr Biiwn will ’ apeak at JO M In the morning* Following ih* addrana, a ptenlc dinner win be apread on tha achool grounds. In lb* a f tarn non a baa# ball gam* 1 will probably b* played mriHiox uitiw R A Licit! H. May It-OPl—Plftaan opinion* warn banded down hr tha. » Miprema court bara today, non# of I them ogg aland In*, t / Oplgjan* Included: SUIa ra Ball!- - ran. tianolr. new tr'nl{ Wallar ra 1 Dudley. Lenoir, remanded. > > | k^4UAaiHMmß6^MiaaaiMßMtta«- Mem Her es 1 The Associated ' Pree4 j a an i sir pbicr mr« aam - - - - -±..... - - ■- ■ I', v 1 ; “ AU P»y Tribute son: Latter OuNlmi Budget Syaten Wliob He Hm Inaugurated In Sudan ProcedM; Hip the local Bhrtaa club uTlttSag feMbi* p. r part lone for today** dvygjMWl have been ea trusted, ggflßMgO Jfe it* opening banquet at the I—|gf BgMU boro last evealag to t§ bmiie M IMA I note Fred B CrowgUa, sf., «f Goldsboro. In a BtuttWr if dj^brtS^ told of the progress whMh'4* flC* ■to -By exiled this Raleigh. Billy fVMdyjgtt^^yUd atr - mrat to tho Meal dttsea A. Raney. Mob. Frank DSOOg pad R R fhevM. alsa aaade ah*et MM. Hreorder 0. D. Mradbam at Jttew Pern rongratolwted the Magii do - MU i. a Potentate as Ciwwaaß. sppreciatloa for tho Mad «spfo*|goo snd outlined hie plan of bßilog (Me temple opera** under a bqfgot «o --t.-m Thi* is the ffrar Ume Mat 00« b a «v»t«eß baa bea tried. flf coucludlag the -Migul ■ rootn Past Poteaaid nMMhfggt sh« - Howtng: . ¥xu of wprlh. till ¥HM »4 ttMfc Z;-mm ttaAium ad ■ - --———. _ - "in nr fTnrttre, *wnt cnC tilTB, .“TTr ” l ** of osmli?, nnnsv sm ttYyt l« I ha. fallow i4b MMsfe hie r i- I*** a Jmt- rough. Know* the rttaal, dode MB «Mfe, > Never s duty wad kJMWa t# thhrblt ! Who is the fellow Wd ail adM* r.ovc him bettor dd wo Bmw Mas , - »ora: Know be’a faithful, kwow Mi MWa. Who 1s the fellow we*e all prowl of, 'N hose ('raises staging w«Pxd