! f WEATHER i I towl m—rnt W» L WMSSSS3SSBSBBCS —. 55553 ■ ZH - - A « -■—■■■■ , i ■ - VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 7f . V iE- ■ •-• —■' 1 , 1T • ' " """" " ■ -■■■■—■ ..■ — - n " lth SUDAN CERHIONIAL COMES TO TERMINATION mT*Z “O" Tf*» *-V~* -a- -a.. _o_ -O- -4V CONSIDER BRINGING EAST CAROLINA EXPOSITION TO CITY NaUtiTlirMg UU t n ~ , . * Blty NorkM EarorUd Tram- Hwy Arrow Hurning SWMhi ■SMsrn-w. [/ ' *• A< Hi* Nko from th* la»t strain ol "Hon S«M| Homo" »< th* I ' Potentate's ball, air at 2 o’clock thl< [ morale*, ik* el'vaath annual spring Cwtenonial of 8-idan Tempi* Ancient Ankle Order of Mystic Shrttt* tu history. ’ Mod of th* thousand* who bad mill* L ad about th* cit>\ during ih* dap. thdr itarlt red tvun gpHUMfi TM - > color tn a groat throng, had long l>* far* fouad tholr map homeward, tut * few faithful, youthful souls there war* who r*mala*d for U* laat daaoe And her ng fouad an Oaal* th* aom of th* d***rt turned one* more f\ aertma th* aaada to await th* ro* rolrlag year which shall again call A »mmd*o*Wti*Tt hr Madam band aad th* hwataaaa session at th* Ma son theatre occupied th* Nobles dur L Jht the early part at the wwralag Oalp routine huattmaa was transact «d at th* bualn**s aeaaiofe U was said tag, th* MoMaa adjewraed to 11 a* up for th* panda. Th* parade was the a east of the l » for which th* throwffa bid waited ». „ and they lined th* rant* of march la tlblrtat then aaada aa the Bad** toad led the war MMwaph th* ptinci pal strast*. SudOa haad. the drum petlag for attaadapea r/ls*s. Vote* to - tate Orowsoa. siting "Tilth aad lifted «f* o* h'a throne and dad in regal apleador. Nohl* Rop .1. Parker on with a prancing monkey held np for the admiration of the notices. And th* novfcaa, poor thing*, were prodded along teeth* fun of th» thousands, Jack Denials was "given a aeat of bdaor oa a Jackass especially provided for tke occasion Gherman f'dtb aad Lean C*hb pr** ded at the .. Os w 90fTtf IBMUI. In th* afternoon tha novices, about b-- ***** «f them, war* lad across th* burning sand* ta the accompaniment at mack torture Inflicted by th* "wrecklag crew." The Nobles banked the grand elands ng either aid* of the . v jM» Br'rk warehouse aad shouted *a o**r*g*m»vw «o th* wrtlhlag soul*. Jemt ervutng mere WM another coa kgf.- -HoteN by lam* of 4*h4e th* w*u .' ** watoy rpiMUMS Itt the breaking of th* alld* dam. spread out * Over' th/’Bnake River delta lands to day aad spent Its force after virtually wiping th* llttla hairnet ,of Kelly, ■vvT'>i»mg. in* WMPi aad caua, tV r teg. wtow Macs* ; ' ~ fXr>« Wdftb wu»» feebvad sear Rellp todapTNo tree* had been few as th* fo+ others mlatlag slac* th* to foot wall of wafer poured —to th# village t miles below th* sweeping everything hefnr It, the wafer piled up a raft *f timber and d*hrfe too feet loss as this jimimil up against ridg** along tha rtveru, the wafer spread out ov*r th* lowunde. wertug some as th* rteM*t pouto feud* la th* slat*, Although damage t® bridges, live* vtach aad athw property ha# apt ba*u checked It will amo.it to feu as toouaapd# of AoUva. 4 ,»■-*, «p.« k r g —k -t-—-- —fc-.--- 1 —j-- ... _ r . T-Uii,! t J m M , Jjll, r - • READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS, UEPnr:r: r|>EV BUY - 1 ‘ -■ ■ ' —-- «;■ . •—L— * ; L_l - REV. MR. GRIFnN AGAIN CALLED : ' Free Will Baptist Church Holds SpirlUd Church Com ■ fcrcnco of a deacon, naming of dulagatee to attend a union meettnp and d*ci«lou us give the pastor a 'hr** urceks vacation marked a busi nee* aeaalon of th* Pr** Will Baptlat church Wednesday qfght Tha prearat pastor. Rev J. C. i Griffin, waa called to the second year of the church as paytor. Mr Ortffln cam* to the congregation tight months ago. aine* which tlm< •he church has grown in every de pertinent, (here be ng sbout thirty Lddltlons to the church for the past il*ht months, The c*lt first came through me otn.iei bo.ni o| JS5‘ church then as read in-the minute' bp the clerlftast n'ght and voted un animously bp those present last eve ning Mr. Ortffln hat two mdnihs to enswer the call however he can ans wer earlier The congregation vbrfii to give sir Griffin three weeks vacation la order that he may attend th? Camp meeting at Camp Ttew near A«b*vtl!e during Jnlf. "■ u Mr. Leslie W. Whltlry was elected Deacon last sight also and will ha ordained Sunday night in regular form Meaera. Walter Pssrce and Charley Matpaaa were elected ■« delegates ta the Vafeg meat lag which la to be I eld with St. John's th n county the I* and M o» May 1 . ■»■ ■ • « ARMSTRONG TO DELIVER TALK - r - V AddreHM«M Wayne County foul try AHMoHutkm Al Njsxl e, Meeling ' Th# Wayne Opuaty Poultry Assocla tlou will met KYtday. May 27tls. al the Ptewn* Mill Pavtlltou prlth Mr and Mr*. G M Warrick. A picnic lunch w II be spread at 12 o’clock bp those Attending and to* program wilt to I low al on* Vetock. Prof Wm Armatron# of tha I’ouliry Departmeut of State f’olleg* win he her* far tola wewtlag sad artu glee a eewtlssiim I t-tttre and dem onhlrstlon, dealing chiefly w th cull Mng for egg production, lie will use :i number of henv In Un J'mwistra tlon sad will show plainly the pointu to cots* d*r wb*w ewMtog pmtv flock. Prof. Armstrong »iti alm> have trtlh him charts that bear on general management of tb ettorlt. mch as th* l.ropec ilin* U> hatcli, feeding. >lc. Prof. Aj-m«tron* I* well qualified to handle tbs problem of culling as waa demonstrated last January when the student judging team from R'alr ' ollege coached by bin. won first hop •rs at the Med'son Square Garden Contest, N-w York, over all the of th* Kawtern United Rtsu-a In , hiding the ic»,m. from th* speclalls *d poultry Males of New Knglaml It le antlripetnd that this will be ope of Ih* b st meeting* of th* yesr man. was an- as the priuicpul witiuuiat. N« made n formal statement In bIUbIi Ini tikiirfihril ituniii-f lu whlch llrs Clay Is alleged to have l>en Injure,! while the party wne on ■gn AUiatHODne tins Mm Mitchell is held wlihout bond and l*Hid of Is asked of M itr and Hr)an English, allegt-d to have been compan.ons Os the women on the tr*p ~ ----- i !-«■ —-■■ ■» .ii. Kneiny Ir Repulsed In Mimic Warfare NKW PORT, It. L. May 19 (Al The war Is over and the euemy hae Iteeu repulsed. The sweeping. victory won by the defenders of the m mtto cuset from tv*pe l «*d to tl.e rm>utb of th* ronuectlcut river he proved that to«s ****** th*. to m to tmprwgn shle If sufficient nmhlle Airccs art auiWRWr 'giVitnw itWn Jmi) i'.k ; r, day Me la ewamusnter of th* First TUp* ilea and wee lumiuauijer l»i| chief of fee defenders. lu th* greatest war gnute ever worked out In this part |,f the conn . Ufeviu -.ktonV » usteda » letii* w*p ms. strives" I rVitw Utowte) iaS a force pf 76,000 men on t|mt part of th* coast to cipture the rich Indus trial elites of th* are* * r.tIWON (iIIRL MOTOR! It PHIIwIDIT,PHIA. May I'l Mla» Elltahrth Gibson of Kainoit. North Carolina, a student la tot- Library Science flcbool of Ores*! IlMltate, took part of |#dy lierby In the Kng :isb Festival presented by Ih* Hill* college More than two (jun ur*d men and women students partici pated la tb* three day May rets which waa built ground tju*en Ell sstoth and h*r opart. Little Village Had Planned Entertain Its Children At A Picnic, But It Buried Them ■£*,' • f '* r 3t ■ if t : . i May Form ('ompaiiy j Build I'ri/D Ilou#o» PoasibltMy of the >n as s flit util) rainpiiny for the pur pu.ve uC iuai.liu.tuiH a cot,.t». r pi lx* liot-m* tor tile tipidehoi i) tobacco luiik.i lonqlvd u( u put hihility yc terdAy. Many bcTKcvc j that orsac list tun es it#- somprtn nnd i dnxtruri(.in of ill, ! pr»" . Illiliei»e». wwl«l toe I||» luiqi|»| - pOfltJ&b- l<» tloAltie fit - sale* oft-the mark'd her# tihw year Tb* couitaiitac appomf d > by It R Rtevene, prtrmdeift Os th ’ ('hniuber of Commerco, wwl ift* et toi!ay-tu coll aider I lie prop** Hop west uses air MAIL SERVICE -—•- . ~~—"p — 7~-| Ittkinr on tu Inf amt ion Better Thau F.a*t4rn " • J4, ’ atPß ' TT''" " wahiiincion, May it. hv> - WenteCw dMa«#-s ofvpsur fee Govi rpnicdt s n'splaiu- mull serviev »f more value that) Risteru States da, I In proportion to population,-and In j sonic cases us s mailer Os actna 1 bulk. 1 the Wesle w air uull c*rrt*r3 ur» t-g --• Mliig Ihe koulm rcpurUM by tje- I lassieru hum' BclWcCI til I n/etc th* air tMsi|.|m4.cnri ( <’U pound;- • •it ,1 I I I - lU| |i II , I ,11 Cl 1,. 1 tiiohlh nc» i iii- -unds .of ii nil for each ; 1.4W0 fit p- in, Ist fun :iti,n.. the tfMite In the beat month el the New YoTk- I Host on sir BvrrtCt! the vuliuut. wtut pounds which was leas than n rrnrd of u fbithd pir J.OdS us yopu-' biKm. ..., 4 . IjtL llu. Ifell nil-Dalias loutu to* - t>on was 2*o poundH to each I.Oiio' of populaluxui Sdttle luw Angeles. iO<; Uhtyenti—Rueblo, 7 AtfeMe- • Miami, I>.SO; Detroit-t'hicsgo, least than one pound. DaweH Optus Woman's 1 World Kxposition I CHIt'AGO. May 19 (xpn*ttiun. showing moti tloMi 126 actlvitiim of wo»nm ihrnujh wul th- *-m W, -mi b-ißin--*. tntiu-t, y« and th* home % The man so honor'd wa- vie* prmi ) dam Chari** O, Itawiw ami ivlicn h<- etcp|M>d front th" rostrum man's jiurt In the op- ntng of 4.110 1 xpo'jit'on *nd al : ± : fhuept for three lyther • ive-wk *»-> later in 11*« *»•, y . , u' onl TWTfTU'rt. n I»< ouiy that of s spectatm rile vie .fwfifiisaeqb .jh_. »t\ •«. Jill lino nt -of women II II I In n J- ■ linltoitrg. hut suitl ihnl the.l gii.-iU t service tu n aakind. wrll'lm't- h I i ii tn the home smww*s«ju»«si*sw*' I, v '. w rig ' snenosnisi *t«r« WM- ‘ •"\tKi i .f r.nm« Nl \V YttttKi. Miv n - t/Y) tivl of a sent on Ui *. New York rto-g *x has Ih rln arnmeed at f?IS,- o IN WII.NfjY J HURLING TON, May l«t IIP) Wil 'OM will Ih- the norst m'cling p!*C* ot th» Grand of ttdd Fellows. II will he held the third Tuesday of May till. I X lr : . , IVfnrn+cd F'armer WHO Set Off Blast Wreck in«: SVhm»l aiui killing j It, Was Tn»asurer of »School Itoard; finan cial Worries Thought j Have Brought Insan ity. ~ min, huh.. “ tat* at Michigan today tooi stepa for iii« 'r> 111 f of ttjs» stricken village, kitto who * liomcH a iteojcTit'd farbp tS;*fcriln>- rent deni ir and desolation | !• nun i i>V it* school and blow nt to. denib m*n limn 1.3,0 scorP |»r««»ii* til ihi. 4-1 tlrsU l-mlght. 3V v-« ■(• ihnil " children, pupils in ih* li ,we J* j-rmten of Ibo school Aldrca. f *K*'ho4b yuar old tn-nmir-' r-f tjf the school rlldrtet hts mind ~<< rani-4 by finanr nl n'serseH- a lon.’ | - .1 ■ 4H»d eseeut-d M»- dymemH - ( in«, l« Iho opinion of Investigating of t fears They gave Op nn »srl or thocry t **SUte. HiidsiM'* Tttto in jlaittw Cyaamtta in the bulging nod wiring ti lo an off flu* blast of ud i* in the b*# tale wide -ebf -Hr prorldinK^fllian' I f to Hsth'n stricken eitisoni J find Utah. poesble the rclmllUtn, of T IU school, - - Until U>nli;hl rein- inhered that la dov v. , < tn have In n dl> date f th A'limnl nrbnol picnic. Ntghtfsll ion not huppi k»oup* ut oivUdren rvt rn- I Inn fioni a day of piny, hut nearly a ' -core of homo* nhscrv nr the hu*li of i doatb with funeral wreaths on the door , ** < oatj, sine , mrtt-d ttrr -nmnsr If “yi*j ipiuiTilf asked roiicnm'nir m-r u, •••ui'iit 1 for the use of a plot on hi* farm for the | i i' lilc tile'. “When nr# you .ni -f tis *n» 1 L’l 'V'r.t? lvu'idJt.„»uaUr*d .. ... ■ Tfursday. - ' Ilia* Hurling r piled I ‘Well, if >ou arc going to liavc a pi«’ntc, ySiT TiaiTTwllcrTiavi' UrTgliF hhay,” wao lh« tr-usurer's answer »«■ j hr rruh-d ;h* rrtltTi’lsattoo t, • „ Huir.', ; 'w* hocr Inter the «tti'oa)o*ta rock , ni the school till lup lie • NEGRO ISGFVEN DEATH VERDICT • i Krillwirrti so liir for AMiickiap I utir Year tj m „ Frank thi Count) lIiNWCHMON. Muy |S /4*i J« wMtffmpk »*«• tiiMilfUilaft .yin irunklln county m perl or ci>nrt trtday • m- Vn»wm ■> milhia wn ia—inka—r mmm old » . —*> ni ~r **— -i, u . rf-.)»v Amt < to itu to I). t ie- IrJeut-d n» Htdte prison on Kndky Jidy I ■ • a * m. fce ♦ *■ ■* •ni luf 'it. - ■b:»' ae» CB&'fhuMSr! verdict was m-> ders'l Andn w.i w*v nroo.iti i. U ini in |iii . i, i, V -I*'! • V •fffnv voi. i Mayll un fottmi futures Ho«ert firm 32' to ■!l hlaher Spot- a’cudv Mhldlluß K. 20, .fatiu ' ary Isl 7«, May 14 Bit. July 111. OK, Oc * tuber li.ih, Dm.tailor 16.6 J. a .-a. , f i W INHABITANTS H GET W ARjStINC 1 louhl Will Filler Twaii of KJ. Marliii.iillc Helwfcn May* 25 and 30 y-"| fkir extent ut the fluid wutur* uwitypitin •tuow»w -u|t of M"A"m Wua deemed uu Hiuat tonight taut the weather-bureau ut New Ofieaii* laatted a hulmtn vraru tHk the tnhahitnnis of Muitlusviil* that thu l»k- probably would outer that town b.-lwevn May 26 and Mi. the overflo* (rum the cravassug nl6ng ltu> ou at d nt Uu wnrun tliout d at btW.ttu# cuhtc. fa t of wutur p r aecoud, which the wvutlter bureau *wtd, wpuid enrry the water ta an iwiism -sraigTO*gffnS i ..rt» of UtVi Southern Pacific branch lin« between the ImCaymtc Hlghlunda pnd the rlyer and overflow t)te low {ituds behind uud around St, Martino vtllc . * * tinady Ho flood haa epremt fnr down the valley for the crevnaues, uhith am b-tw tn ISO and 170 isitme uorlhweaf of New Orleans and oppw *»no tliu. otter aide of the Mi»»U»ippi rlvar. < Ihoauand' alroady had left their hoa*ea 4pU%re rbe flood, irony rttme i.fi degperatcly to their Utile faciiMl xiittU the water drove th»ui from the ,D.ids ttfc«a..*pnu«»*, l\mr r«rue-c ld rata whd r-fns-d to dmert thnrr ’-pit* of 4hc warntnaa. Two hundred persona remained on Ut-n levoaa 'at Melvtlhr, refuatag to tear* th" place to which they fled mveral day* ago, when HtT arnbank menft gave way before the rdsh of waf-r*. Arraun giante were made fry the Red tiros* tu 4>'utl ihcut food re guiarty Tka, 'feraa and Pacific raUroad necesarr to discontinue all trtfin eervici- fit bin k the flixulVlorti ar. a tp|*y, rutthUut itflly load, tram* from New Mrleah* )t» h-' d Croea, La., -nii tiwr edg- of -thr iiira ~ _—njnrr —. ,r ,. „ ... , .._:r _ 1 DR. CAMPBELL —'""Wf ' m VfilufYillt* Mim Kt'ktied hy I’rtuo bvlerittiiH in (ieneml Awtemhly * Ark , May l‘t (A*) Dr. If. F. Campbell, Ilf Asheville, N. C- T sw *4wLul n,.-l-tot«>r df'the c-neral assembly of the Presbyterian . cJmcnh In fl«- L- -h. bere-4*4«- +ad*»y cn the f rst bail'd QHwi% iwimina'c, 1 •i HkhUatore of Wo if Virginia dtiueeouri, end Virginia . . TSe d7th auinjal uum-ilu. tS "liU'i h Isiia h re this tnarnlag when the sorniou by I)r. J v W 8k tiner .n-tirma -nntan>t&f r w-irs delbrtnidr l'ti," sp. ,ke- prilled sclentlals u • roip of n est who here don* great Tiitiii t.*i aTv iTp« tii, i,. .Ai.fu';,?T llaaiciil change* lu the nuvi blurry. I niiiiißi Iffimrm irr 'nifWfi«r n A t- “ i>t»ri of th rnnihl'tfee or survey,' I# •ril'd as otic of ike most important i"t«iu-** iff to come before Up n.truihli. whsli 1* ixpe'-ted to t>« •smes'stuißt'SieMsiwiun*' HitM tic. of foryt four, Including 1,1 Woni'-n 101 YU I II KM II 01 R|. MIYH BlflTfHII OPEN MIW CA.KfI.K, t ouply liovru, Ire lend M.iy I'l - I4’i Mile, Simone Tholn dels < lumuws, IV year «dri Freueb eolir-r non the Hrltish Worn • r'» <>v p golf champ oushlp today de frit tiny V Isi o'h> I'eurspa of Tunbeldc Wells, l. mi, Knftlind, f, in "ud 1 tu plav final. | s *■' * » • • * ■ • .iW -V—— •* -r-*- I : . 7.V jy ts ~ r Member of i The Associated ! Pree* | - * PRICK Five CBNTD f • V i 0 r- , : * sue U_lJ M. d- - now meeting This Mormg .9 • Mm Arr \sk«d Ia At* fend and Express Thwidlgg # iinrm iiine ska , e-| jy . Whether or not tioldekayiMWlll «»• ' • lire the next Eaatern CiwKll ■>- potaion will be decided kiaslly at -■ meeting to l>e held at 10 o'clock Ihle morning at the Ciiamhor of Coomwreo rooms. The local Chkaiber of Qbea 'fieri'.' has Invited f.fty of the kul- , utiu, njun of Um city to atfesd Ut* if the meeting rexanto the rtoloot Uvoraidy, It I* expatued that an or run'uHon will at > bWQg tar-: Snnn Chelln 7 * Q oSw n*to» stai d to *-*m*m- * •lay tftat the city would be r«|iMii tu xuaraotne fl.AOd to brltf Aflp 4 . position here. The Kaatern Carolina *lßlpoghlon Jm head Jn wiiiim. kkn»t. Sitftthfhld, OreewefHe, and Bdohtr Mount. The only time that OoMMnm ■ ver made a hid for reply wau What local lintgf fgflWthm -cie not a tunic. Thai wke tbo report tefore the Hotel (Joldsboro wan ptik. DEIEGATES ARE N AMED BY CUJBS I‘ian in Bo ReprwwiiUl gl Stole iß> Mlaa Ruby FVik-rt, Agegl > i ;| . ll'* - • a uiiing Mas Idth, cIkM mc**lng» were h«M «Kk kLll.. ,Id* e I *U