, PleM ■_ ■ ff| s ,■ * READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINOS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS. BEFORE THEY BUY . I ■ : j -»■- ■ = ■■■■■■— r="~~ 'M-.:arw ■ ■ i =-■■ „ .: 4 .-~ ... - ---- VOLUMB Sill NUMBER ft -•* GOLDSBORO, N. C. TUESDAY MORNING, MAY S 4, I»I7 PRICK FIVK CHflto IpAergh teams Modesty " If hris Showers Countless Honors Upon Him; Makes Talk sajrß Nungesser mud CoU np«d Much More Dis • ftcult Featto Perform ? Thßa He; Ho Private Citiien So Welcomed « Before; Given Legion of Honor Deoormtioii by French President • PAJUE, «« H - if) -CagUla OirtM k. iisiwtsk making w« flret la oratory oa this side of Um AtlaaUc. today modestly ignored hta v«« tftnal to uprai profound re klK far too loo# of Cspta'ns Nangef oor aad CoH ■ Who undertook mme thiag far greater than too flight from Now York to Part*." Hl# I ltd# speech. last thraoo «a taaeoa, was made whoa too Aaro dab taro bias tt» croat gold modal sad saaeaaea* tost Madam La MseSfek widow of tba Comer president of tha dob, had soat a chock for lto.ooo fraacaa, shoot NAM to tho clob with loriruci'cag toot a cop ho proooatod to Mai. mm .1 mm pm>—i ' PAID m dkoworm with sack honors u praam la all bar history aoror aaoatoaoooaly ho* bestowal oa naottar gpteato ettiam, Capt Und borch rotorod at tha American am baasy umtfht aa easpoiled as whan bo arrived ia Ms mdaoptaao a boors botoro. M to* coot iopal tattoo bott of tho horyowod salt as clothes bo worn at Mforal rOMfttrai tendered h*m hr too rriato gwroramoat sad to* Preach fiifli today waa too rod ribhoa of too Legtom ol honor, ptna ed oo hta chaat by tho pre«~ rentral machtaary tor admUnlet railon of major (flair* at tta Fmbytarlaa . < harch la tta VatttA States was *f • facted lata today whoa tta atott>» «to*- maatilalNl) «» Tta fill f*M slightly revhed Vote oa tta MHflfea of tta report aa a whole «MtotW t«a toars whaa Dr. 1. W. ttlaaar. Mttrtag modara l ' * tar. UaC /aa# *#»*htad HORTON. Aaoroa. May a*.—— t'oaimaader Da Ptaedo. the l r taltaa flier, had not arrived % lit Aaorea at a Into hoar tonight. Ho waa considerably overdue. Thera waa grant aaatery hare over hia fat* THEIR STORES * ARE DIFFERENT K Site Says Ha tM Knife on Leg; , He Bays Sira Kicked Out Ginas Indications are now that Judge Bland la going to hare a vary Solo mon Ilka tangle to unraaol whoa he pros Idea at a special aoaaion of county coart bora Friday. Starling Lane. Ooldsboro youth, charges that Louise Plggoti, you a* whit# g'rl of Rockingham, klckad tba gist* out of bis automobile while ander tba ln rtjeaca of wbtokoy fa kick (at too (lots out aho sot her tog. I-ore Is •anted go soring. Tie Plggoti girt rlalmt. officers, state that I-ana erode 14 ttogroggr proposal to bar during aa automoMle rtds sad that wb»n rka resented U ha became aagrv and tut bar log wtth his kn'fa Officer < »ald yesterday afternoon that they found a bloody knife la Laos's pock et. Tha affair hi said to have taken place nee the Raleigh highway tome time Baaday, 4 Deputies are searching for aa oat cf town young man who Is said te have been a third caMiber of tba par ty Lane la ebargsd with engaging la aa affray la which a deadly weapon was used. The wounds of the Ptggott girl were dressed by a physician, who was called to toe fall. ANOTHER GIFT FOR DI RE I NITKRNITT DURHAM, May 2J W. P. Shew of Duke university for] establishment of toe Mery N'wby Toms ecbolarehlp fund la memory of the Mrs Toma e# Durham who died la im. Her widower, c. W. Tome, board of trustees member, made the gift Economist Urges Better * Business Methods Here Thar# U ao raaaoa why a local marc bant caanat nail aa coaaUtaat a aaccaaa with k'a ha tta chain atorc marchaat hi*, pro* Tided ha oparaU* nadar systematic basins** prlntcpie* declared, L H. Balaob. econoattit. who twlaa yaa terday nddr»***d grasp* .of OoMtoaro marchaat* aadar the aaagfc** of tb* OoM*horo Merafcwgd A|Mocli||laa, ettaata and watwp»*n>f' «t teHrs Her. H t—u. iixHWrril t)f the local awaclattoa. eaprawed hhn ielf a* wall pi a* tad with the In which people responded to the talk*. 4tj|tea> la tlia \lttla word that wrfaa success for a by el JmHMW’u naeer iw a chain etore sen mall order *oeee -that doeafl bare It* bvaloaa* reduced to cloak like prarisloa., tta Daytoa man d*- clarad. 'Both tha chala atora and tha mall order howao ara leclilmaU. but tha loaal marrhawl aaaat adopt mar* boalaaaa-IM* amthods to iaaat Ihle , competition A hlMw-od* scheme of 4o4ac bastnaae aloaa law rltably maaaa bankruptcy". ■■ Merchandising la a r T tar of arlth ***«*.’• daclarad Mr. mb. Mii'ihaadltlßd counselor of th< Me reheat*' daretoa totraa* of The Natlatdl Coat Register Company BLOCK AND FORD IN CITY COURT Furring Uoif ui Proprietor Vtn Hitting to Fast aN It.|logta Block's Ford hat again got hkn la Double. The famous piece of mach •MMWirkniM' iuj aa— laery wmea cat so onea piayeo xae part of a hero ns In hta well-known eruption a win allaged to have aided and abetted him ia epeedlag hkn at midnight Saturday lUght TM# 4e tb« second offense and Mayor Hill de c dad tout be abould par ftt-H sad coats. Speeders festered too ease ton J. r. Worrell, white, wooding, $5 sad costa; Hoary Hart, negro, drunk. IS.M and costa; David Brown negro, speeding. IIO.M and costa; T. H. Godfrey naero drunk, costa: Joe costa; Aim Disoa, n*gro. disorderly eoaduct. If .to and ooets; Bandy Al pbeae, speeding. 15 to and costa; Robert Morris, negro. Calling to' ob serve atop alga, costs; M. L. mock', speeding- fld-N nod coat*;' Monroe Hmith, negro, drunk, coots; Henry Newkirk, and Jim Potts way. disorder If. costa: Bathm Carter agjl Minnie Kralagtoa d’eorderly conduct, M day* tn Mil. Peggy Wyatt tnrt Margaret Itearn voaag white girls, were before tie court oa toe charge of vagrancy. One of the girls oaM she was from Flori da They had been taken at a local betel, aaf Mayor Hill ordered them turned over to the Wayne county Welfare Departoaent. IBANBE SECURE* MAJORITY OP TOTEM SANTIAGO, May i*— ((P>—lacom-. plate raturae from rsrtoua parts of tCMIe ladtrtoe today that Colonel Osrtes laab Ibaabt. candidate for tho praoldducy or Chile, was accorded a grant majority of the rote# cast at yesterday's election NUMBER CASES COUNTY COURT Ainy end Carrying Concealed Weapon rkarweg Feature Docket Affray aad eeeeult chargee featured tha tret aeastoa of county cou|t yes terday morntag with Judge D ft. Bland praeldlag. Jodah HlghemUh. aaoaalt with a deadly weapon, to days on the roads; Margaret ftulltvan. ne gro, affray aad public aulaaact not guilty; Josh Mitchell, assault with a deadly Coart under 1500.00 bond fttchell. It Is altoged. to toe nan who aertoua ty cat Waiter Lane, painter, eeveral week* ago. MUchell waa eeld by po lice to have had trouble with Lane because he thought the latter Inform ed ©fftoore that he h»d whptkey la ■hta poaaeaaton | Bddte Moetugo havlag whiskey In hto poeueeekm for toe purpose of sale 1 fOanHknad an Paco Twut Daytoa. Oh la., and widely knows a* aa akl* eoorantlon speaker, Mr Bal*ch a* Id “Too many merchants plead they cna't did down Into their Mtataa lo rad tk* araak apoU aad f«mody them They aay they daal waat lo ha Mthpoi wttt tot ail aad rad tape. Tat too many of then, do bar* enough detail of their bwal r«p* |p know what la jdtof on la *ta*r at pro* * Tka adANdl. Shall Uminilghß with 'DlplvVlnl nifinidiihiiTp, is»t i • stock-tarn, add planning ahead for battar bwetaaa* la Soldaboro At adrocata of' co* stalest edrar tatwt, trr MpMnt air* IW mwreto;! aata aaad to fallow wp thalr ad vaMlatom artth wood'' CtaMawt attracted to a otara by pood advert tataa eaa ha *aa|ly ditwaa away by poor atora •arrtce and dtacoartaoa* traatmaat from aalaa people, ha tty* Oa* as tta totaraattaa features of iha addrm waa' the large llluatra tlaaa aad ebarta a sad by tha spanker ' fa aiplatatag It* point* he bronchi oat la hi* dlaciiasloa Thll method of lllaatraMac a haalaaaa talk, ao that It j* certain to ka clear to every paraoa ,lo the nadlaWce, I* * algae ' hat has proved a aaccaaa whan aaad i before soma of tta ooaatry** largaai • frada noavaatloa* by Mr. Malach*. RAINS ADD NEW FLOOD pANGER lection. NPW ORLEANS, lay Torrential raise wbl A hake added to ton hagard hf tl * torn* tlskl along 4 the east hank of tha tipper Atchafalaya. were Ittoertltßc live* leas than a hunMredWtlee away te the lower west ef toe mat| r;ver today I ■: Madden rises of the Vermillion Rtv er and Bayou Tecbe. Mpoughi by five to eight Inch rata% augmoat lag ihe flood walara already pouring late the at ream*, carried! (bam out 01 tho'r banka laat nlglft Into tba low land* between aad Breaui lirldga. i^ro.. o-5.- - V -ywtoii-;’iyri*r' Between 100 aad 2to persons ia tbs bottom lands along toe Vermil ion were bellved trapped by the end den rise of the etrsam and boat# were being dispatched to their reaeoe The die of the etrsdtes came with startling ruddmnee* Hartdreda of persoas who had delayed abandon meal of tbe'r home* fgt a leisurely departure after a nearer approach of the flood waters rolling down toe Atahafalapa haste «UU mm te to# lUatrict. Late yeHerdaf afternoon the lowland* w*-re dry add toe streams wl'ltln their hank* Htgßt hour* later they had broken from their bade ahd were overspreading tha lowlsada, btaaketlug them t# a depth of from two Mb Hto fast- The water was rtolag at the rate of a foot an hour • Breaux Bridge waa cut off from rommnnlcafioa wtth rest of the world except by buhl Southern Pacific branch Hne t*ack> 1t the town were a half feet un der water ihieytowg of Vermilion also vanished under Up surging flood 80 swift waa the current sweeping through the eectlou that one man Who waa canght in tba waters had moat of bla cloth ng torn away ey the glream before be wUuM straggle back to lead ♦ The oil field* and the salt mines of Anaela Butte were reported covered. Por the first time tn toe htotory of Bt, MartteaPtWe, (bp ffjff ttwiir ihj with trad ttona of Acadlaaa aad claua !ly woven iato the stories of Nvanget las. waa disappearing beaeath the flood. Water already was lapping about Ihe 4ar> of the (Grange!ter oak and waa •I'yctel to eater the' IM year old rbueeb _ All women aad children ware re ported safely oat of gt. Marttaartlle havlag departed dur'ag top lam few days on motor tracks. Many had to flee to a refuge* -ramp established at Oroenrilte, tat tba drlvlsg raise flooded the sit* those* for tbelr quartern ther* and they were forced to a*A on to tot cboceatrantm camp at Lafayoilo Th population of tha calip thor* already had been swollen to lljtol The fight along the east haul levee of the ti&er Atchafalaya dll waa aaccemful aad clUsaas wart hopeful of saving tha rich fprishea « the "*urv bowl” from the flood The erret of tbo flood bad paeeo* oa the lower Mlssls*lppi. Dr I M f'llae, eteorologlet at the New Or leans Weather Burma, believed ab* the river will cootlauo to tall hetwnet the mouth of Old River end Has Orleans. Sampson Oil Man Is Drowned at Wilmingtoi (Hpectal to The Newel rLTWTON. May IJ Martin L Trumpler. 13. wa of Mr * sad Mra R. L. Cruaapler. wa* bn tied In th family a rave yard a tew miles true here tote sfteraoon Young Crampto lost hie life at Wilmington Baterda « wbsff h» WW tram a dock where h ■idmlPAaßmdMßtgffwdhdMhlmWliPgMdßi 'Hw wta «tnek«n win goas ma* white prevented him from being abt r to Yelp hVtaweif aift«r he fell into th r water A large crowd of earrowla friend* attended the funeral :[Lind bergh ‘ Arcwpent. Causes Death of M& (r r RRW TORI. Ray PS—(API— i arnamt ever the aatleual lif of l aptale Bbartae A. Uhd bergli today reraltog la Mm f death of one man aad tbo arraef es a aether oa a teatffu es hem r Irlda ,* it Joeoph Had, U, Brwohlya, fl waa ■ tabbed lu the heart when O the an earns 1 - became kulil. y! aad died whHe beteg takee e| from aa* Baa* MMs case to a d besptfaL Hia aUaged awAaai it j IMuey Leveae, m. waa arrested 1 • start time brier. te ~ «te> tem REV. MR. SMITH < LEADS PROGRAM 1 rapillßSMl HE"" MfW by Bffuim at Reg ular Meeting ('tub With Rev. A. J Smith ih charge of the program, the Goldsboro Klwaula : etob at Its Tugutar gHMtlhf at to* Hotol Goldsboro last evening lMt»a ed to an oultlae of toe pbllaath route work sponsored by Klwanls latoriM -temeK -heard Ttadmaa Norwood gjg oua* the need far tocklag toe luenl tobacco market aad Initiated Bruce Bills, manager of Edrd's department (tore Into membership The Klwaa aae voted the program one of the uoot Inspiring held iwcenUy.. la brief torn.. Rev. Mr. Smith, oat taed the eeveg-fold service which Kl < lnte us th. vurlogp' •be world are carrying out. The ae-t tlvlttea Include: camps far hoy* aad rirta. big brother movements tor boys *b h need a friendly rnatiselisr. plax ground* la cltiee. open atr achoola •onp.tal treatment for cripplod boys I aad glrla. free cllakh. farm elube 4 or boys, buildings for sanatorium*. Rev. Mr. Bmtth showed grant u mount of prectlcal religion la haiag I applied by Ktwanlans In carrying aa j fiolf program* of aervlco Thomas H. Norwood rsoouatad for ihe Klwanlgat tha preeeat rnovemewt which la launched with the purpose , of making Ooldsboro a Un million pound tobacco market tkte year. Mr. Norwood believe* that with the Im petus to the local market should coma through tbo looatlpu of the Ardath Tobacco Company tare, sad toe laumtaa which would oomJb from the providing of faclHttea for all huyera that the ten mltllou potted tool ran enaUr ho reached. H* urged all Kiwantena to cooperate ig the •nova. 1 > ndance prise at tha in* at tag. m UNJJSUAL SCENE IN BROWN CASE ltfldldM tl g~m ji _ 4 ’nml w aAlaif ai te-.** •■■ls wmrr * oiiiriirto array of motion picture, vaudo .Mle *4»eril*lntf testimoalff. writtgg .ad other contracts But what the youag captain will do Is not koown. Os toe 30AM v.hlch the fllgbi coot, lAndhergh com tribal-d hie own savings of 13.000 Ht I-mil* business men made up the hatswee 4 N polls Te Ylrtor He I* free to do' what he chooses about the flittering proposals. Harry 11. Kn'gkt and other epoueore Os the flight an Id la announcing that Lindbergh faay keep the 134 Ate Ortotg prise aad (ill ether nwmer white may accrue to tho venters Lieutenant O L Htumpr. rapre Sampson County Divided kip Two Camps Over Question (H Well-Experiment Being Made Sinful Hollywood Is Given Blame Loq anghlbb, May 31-W-1 The slaying of Tom Kerrick. film I actor, wa* pictured today a* acct- I dental and aa oatgrowth nf cob- I dHfloas la ,4 tMn(ul Hotly wood." Ig kls closing argument* to the I jaif la the tr’al. of the widow aad four others on a charge of mur dor (a eoaaeottou .Ilk KerrlchY death. W. 0. May cock, attorney for Mra. Kerrick, declared tool abut that ktllad the Dim cowboy I waa fired daring a scuffle tor poo aesalon of a gua at a wild drink ing party attended by the detoPdr aa't at the Kerrick hams. FUNERALFOR f MRS. WOOTEN •» V *■■ I- WeN-Knowii man Had Number Rcta lives la GeMstam Mrs. Mollis Bpalght Wootaa, W.l died at her home at Mtaatoaahjrg at-1 ter aa eateaded (lines* The funmrglj waa held yesterday afternoon at I o'clock, aad tha eenrieaa coed acted I bp toe Rev. 1. T. Poole, pastor of) the Stanton burg Methodist BriKMl church, of which she waa consecrated! » member. r ■■ •- .' -1 WPHIMYR.- - >• --'-.x* 3* —— ■ —•.■ ' ij (mj Mr*. Wboiea was weil-hacwal throughout Bagtara North Qhfpltfpj aad waa the widow of W t Weotoa ] m to ia survived hr 4 stator. Mra. j tarn Daniel* of WUto*. «i the followlag ch'ldrah: Mra. H. O. Tay-I lor, er BteatoaahNflg; Dh. W. I I Wootaa. of Greenville, aad Miss Mary -totetau: of Btoutotaatg- •* e»«*J waa the *tapuMHher of' the Rev. J I €. Wfcoten. presiding older of tta New Bern district es Uw Mstoedlrtl church. Himeoti A Wooten aad Mra D. W Byaum, all of SUMtoMbwg. Mra. Wootaa had a number of rota tive# la Goldstar#. She was aa axat of Um. M. 1. Htmell and of Mtai Imogens Barrett aad a groat aunt of Mra A. C Spruill aad Mr*. W. W. Minton. Mr*. Spruill aad Miss Bar rett attended the funeral to BUar] Umatarg yesterday aftorateo. i ii ■ ...... INHftiRRM RIBAL > " V ■ . MINNKAPOIJB. Mian.. May 31.—t*) . —A*hUI will be introduced' la tta asst i eeeaiop of eoagraa* by Senator Thom ; as D He ball to award Ghartoa A. uadbergh With toe <*mgnMmh| ■ dal to honor, the senator said tars today# ” reatlng Uadbergh'a *poa*ora te Itewl York said ail offera would to heir | pending the fliers* return lo Ameriaa I Lie At. end B. f Mahoney. I president of tb« Ryan, Air Linos Com | pauy. builder* of the moaoplsn* 1" which Undbergh Won hto victory ee ry the Atlantic, ptaa so rwmata to Mew York to await hto rotera. (to* frtrnde nf the aviator feto YL ggf«r*t mAttesty “ will cause ta, i- aAateal*el eateiH gtetatewHm 1 fvt wwfwf TfilrSinClU tietraaP _ lht iaut t'wu msxsul. allv was unprepared to diacloee hta fell plan* be waa tenphaUr la de «taring that ha tateaded to cantina* wHHb.j/miwiefy * 41 _>** *‘ - America To to# Ptaae Wbat will to dene with "The Bplrtt of Bt I grata" I* still a gaaoUmi. A via tioa eathustasta hare sags sated hav lag M placed la the Hmlthsoataa or some similar place -If I know SUM as well aa I think I do.” list— eat Htumpr said "I ana sara that he will want to By tha ptaae ia eafetbftiou la this routery, aad I think that 1 tot pruto* wtll want to nee both toe pleas and the pilot. “ LINBRRMI TO PLY TO BRt BSBLN BAT. PAS I It. May 34. UP) Oaptala Uadbergh ptaaa te Ay to toaaeeta oa Saturday aad then to Lenina Moa day. It wa* saaouaeed tola afternoon. One Crowd buds* That Down; Oihr> jy “Bunk”;* No kg 000 Aoti viD ti BMias «MRNilii miSL jm - Hemgaea dirt Is ****-* , ~ tug aboat ever too itotalHKteMtag rddltloaal opttaae aid Mtete ah another S.4M aerpe afJtal wtoth [ itoa not far fraaa tta ••poo which toe i lri>jrtiillM 1* nw straddled la prwetee # Wj|pf I a well. I Those who flak Hew aw ssisdMX I meek. If the TtaH'taMßta R^dißta* I (tvvers are going to to MO UOb whto I soct'oa of Daetara Mortfl AmH|B to I going to to ahto ta wtoH g» I jutoe aad say *1 taM Idr TpiiTiXtif* I drpth es ttd tm. tta MMLfeteMtoto I .Old wa. that tta I ere to to gltetoily tadtoiMtaiiKta I e stride is made, was Bit iMtaff-tri ■ I danth of Jam stove WS IK to I story, that tt mga dteMei * ftofey I h jatoeos to go aa will it* ArOtaf I witheat caring tta tta tab Wta- I 80. tta story east Mat a, tie ftofl Waa I set to revohrteff Jart easagl to tate I the well from filling tot aad * hflrr I sail seat tor tta Madid fH| 4 I casing lor g tea late well «•* o*ff- I ed today. I Driller On when MEMtefli I that the gas waa "HmS teKtetaF I tt bad boew struck ri.lWOta Rri. I • nd even tho awa IMM M te* t IW 4 Hipt from eoluiac- Tto cant— Wflill *»- day akMld to ton wtftlfc 4 WMto and than drflllac will «ft 4—»l for dapMl a«ala _ f' TWO AM Bmtmwm WEBTniLO, H. T., M« Two man torn of tto orptr (< * «W» .