I % V \ ; • •* \ ; ~* 1 i l *- • ii!iii !i BBHN- • 1 ' WEATHER Ptojfrjtoudy dhow- Wm. r ' ’ l } *, ' v « ■ft *■»■»'■».■ < 11 " " S* '$ -- ------ - - - ■ ■ ■ "—- CMa:. - ~- fc voUJmnX; number 74 Ikilerfh Gets Hsmß I For First Time In Paris 4. AIm Num berod Amon* Ac . flEEfatoncOi Now, But Down’! Swaltow Any t a of It; French Continue Pw to Foto Him; New fork Plane Mammoth Celebration of Wel come. jr* -fep«. wan % •*- on. c**4*ta I . Chart** iMtolli from trl ■jmpb to irtnmgh In Pari' today. Ha * was ballad mrywhar* u tlw great est aria tor la tlw world and aa trua 1 a4 ft*# m American aa avor cam* - Batts* tlw oooao. 1,. for Uw first ttrue sac* his arrival • aaawa la biasing him, aad for that Ural Uaa* In hK-,H(*. champagne touched h o itpa. although hr did not drink a drop of It JUa grat jntMlr iMWlltt u t tka dap waa adaai kl* own rowntryanan • -444 fortunate (oiks who pot bold of seats (or Fhlcb tan t'awa aa many r.ppUed at a luwchon at tb# Amari ran club Than he railed: oa tba m staler of marina to' thank bias (or hl» c—grattfaHaao £ Utor bo want one# mora to tlw prtat nptac flaw *km on BatuNny Habt ba dr op pa I oat of the aky In hi* Mortal flight from Amartoa ahelterwd from du pnbl r that dpaa ant aaaaa to lataroot R**tf In anything aUe. bo dtaad at tko aw kaaay aa tkn gaast of Mn. Pnrmnly f Harrlck. srko had Invited only a low iatfMta fritadi to ko witk knr and, rntyla Itodhsrgh at tba »•**. F' - lindkarfi la a little wnary, but ‘"• a - far (ram irtta—Sad kr tka activities ki _ ‘ I and lac. Ha fthowa wotklac of tka nl«kt NSk of hrk aad ko lb «wt Ifka ly to kaaa pa opportaalty to leara shout It, otroa It ko aarod too. for kb ip> Hi tpara an fHtod tor tka re mainder of Ms stay kora wftb aarh 0 saoranaioo of functions nad recap tion* that ka will aadookudly bs knppy to pat kia kand npoa hit pit ta action , daw fork Rakos Ptaas } NEW YORK-GE) —Th* shouting and tka tnaralt which has not died -•- slare Cnpt Lindbergh departed from Paris will roaek Ita tall roar whan ka return* kora. A roeaptlon la plan ; s>' nad (or hlat on kl* morn. It will pa< m aka aw wotaoawa flvoa kings quaaan and hero*# of otkar day* Although “Slim” has not darldad whoa bo will ooaaa Wk preparations are now katac made la many quarter, to lot him know that tka folks al boas* war. wlib blm la be winged bis war to Paris. Evid-nr*> that as'llloaa glory with klaa la the sane ho baa brought to kla country will ant ba looking la the reception N. G EXPERTS GO [ TO FLOOD AREAS tk. LdtfUailmw An noun CM Smuiinf •# Additional Honkb Wnrttnra ’ RALEIOH. May 14— (if) —Dr Laagklagbouoa. ntate bealVk officer ttfl) said additional Tar Hart naal rM iary aaparta dm ba aabt to the HI a* tsrtppl flood araa Haqjaals for gddlllonal keif, ram* to tka offloa kera, Cli doctors and naoftgry wafboyn ore WtPa * aka ana < - Or e. TP. AiWWteaag. U*»«hu* county healS nfftrer. who voluataar ad Mo aaretcaa, last today. W .C. fti alllngs, aaaiiary aoglaaar tor • -otMtord coapfy and pc ba»4U < aoeord. aoottary eoalaaar, plannad ro Naiy later Ik tka wash t>r. J ■. Hedge of Fanytt county kit pre vented from leaving by. work la kle county ' WI H. Wnlr, North Carottan sani tary engine v In tka flood area, wrote back that tka Missouri Pacific rail mod baa provided empty cart for « homeless negroes. Dr. r. J. DadnrwoOd, aaaretary of Ike Mississippi state hoard of health, wrote Dr. Lovfhiagbooas that '‘Your sanitary tnapsetora are doing waa- Oerfat work They am tko hart I over aaw. The Mississippi aPak- board of health aad tko people of the flood aroaa are doanfy gratefal to yoa aad font boafd tor this gaatouaoa .•* k L.;, -- ... ~ ..jr. ■ - zz ~ * ■- •. ... ~t -.r - z THE GOLDSBORO NEWS - , I fpK READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS, BEWIItF THEY BUY 0 o , a- I ' i'll'- * ' ■ I- -L '-LF ■■■ ■' - £ - PituuHo Fails]ln Azores ■' ~l M KVIVtRr M ndrwawj* 99 rtdPV wmV * Effort But Is Uninjured | l/)NDON, May *4 -iO—H'» "Horn* , to Room" light Interrupted by aaotk lor stroke of Ul-toitaae. coiun.aadei I Franc*# De Ptaado waa eafaly at 01 near the Aaorea tonight I>*toils still ware lafttag or tbi anlskap which brought him down aapi tka aad of bis I.MO mile Jutnp (rod Mow PwiaOtaad. Pat dfgorrbea (eon Lisbon said tlw tier waa not Injur ad la tba landtag aad bia boat w*t being towed into port. Tka dense fog which compelled tbs Hera to abandon their lung bop aftei they bad digressed considerably ofl their course, continued to shroud tbs Islands all of today had atmospheric conditions made radio communication! difficult. ■■ wRw mK mr u m ** drat <i> flalte word Urn ftancawco IN Pined.) four rontlwaigl viator, waa ap pareatly safe, waa raportad this after noon by the radio Corporation of Am erica to the Associated Press in a radios iam picked up by the Radk Corporatloa's coastal station at Chat ham. Maas. reporting 'all wall," with kla plane Santa Marta t Tka Radio Corporation said the message, originating with tka steams ( Cabo Tor Fee. waa rHeyed through the l evtatbaa aad ropd: NOT TO QUIT COUNCIL WORK - Dotal# tl Pnwbvlei ikß Opawral Aasoatbly FUMRkhDO. Ark . May 24 (fl*> - The Padefkt of churches, of Ckrl»t In America and Dr Parks Cadmaa, Its ckainmanti' Mere assailed a# model a lat'c" by a minority In tba Uanaral Assembly of die Presbyterian church ta America In a naaurceaaful at tempt lo have the church withdraw lit representation ta tba council. The assembly defeated the propos al 1.0 withdraw from the Federal rotiar'l by t vote of 134 to ill oa toll call after standing votes bad fail 'lH'lo determine tbs Mbity contested tasja. "u. , Modernism was characterised by critics of the council.aa a “poison’’ which waa calcalaied to deetfoy tka sp’rttagl life of the church The mla orlty move waa supported Presbyterians of east aad west Haa- Oir IR Ylrglaia. and lid by Dr, If |l.. Wnaia who has served kla deao mlnatlon as m'aslouary la China ARE GUILTY OF KERRICK DEATH Movie Actor Wan Slain During Wild Drinking Party In Hollywood LOS ANOFJ.ES. May !4 (/P) Mr* Sarah Kerr ck and four Others war* found guilty of manslaughter bars today fur the hilling of Tom Kerrtrk, motion picture actor ai a dHaktng la Hollywood last April. Sentence will be pronounced neat Pr ady The trial of the quin tet i, each member of which'altadapU? la Ska Wtwr fur the stimiitna .’ease t> ‘ , —exuaa cans, 'nation conducted nlmest wholly the prMieciitio.ns Vane When the time came for ■um udag, the yurowecuUou made »w tempt lu umiwe on any owe. hut ashed that all" fire be ronducied Kerrlck was shot to death earl'y or. the maralag of April a la bla Ho'lly wood flat. WTdely varying of how sad who fired the shot were told bv the defendants TWO RIP. 1 SANTA MONICA* Calif . May IF * ID—U hAilier IJgoa. officer re r serve and a student pilot, Ivan Hall. - wars hilled today when their alryJane r crashed directly la front of the I hangers at Clover Held Kye wttaees- I ra said the wlnan of tka plan* rallap- I sad whan It was about a thousand *♦* »»• v, . • GOLDOBOBO. N. a WEDNf!BDAY MORNING, MAY 2ft. 1927 - : L-MS I 2 : L__j . ta , ''Balling vassal lateatu Sasages. » hound toutheaat towing Italian hydro ir airplane Santa Marta Savoie 10014. . »r 1 All wall.” I The Cabo Torres was ah latitude '“ldl.tt north and longitude 1*.l« >r jwhaa the sailing vswael lowing tka * luliap'i plans was iigh*ed at »♦ fl « T. of I E aawom dnyttgfc* - f - rtioa a ' BLIRNOA AIRBS. May 34-VP) M Wlreleaa advices from Uakos Mb La IP *-•- T * Nacton Mid that Cornu.andvr Fraaoo# # co Da Plnedo landed 1W rnHas Worn Ike Aaorea because of fog aad that r kla machine waa being towed to itoi ‘ U 4 . HORTA. t)UAR*.-Uf . , May 24-(P)—(t:40 a, m l—Up to this hour no news, bnd been gocaived kp.' of the whereabouts of ComaaaUder De ] Pmedo aad kla companions lb tba aea „ plane Santa Marls !L which left New 0 Foundland lor this port eorly yvate, [. day morning. h The weather tkfn morainr waa dear aad rls blllty good. Watchers ware « also favoiad last night by moonlight ir Scouring Ike water* to tka northwest a aad toward ITnras, the moot waster ly of tka Aaorea latanda NEW WITNESSES ARE SWORN IN Van* 1 N. C.. Nay 24 0F» —Caveators who are (jryiag to set aside the will as the late Judg • Brown flaitked rehptui tnitittogf. this af toraoon altar having placed numer 1 oua witaataM an tba stand in effort* * to refute or damage Dr David Tey loa’a testimony to effect that h# thought Judge Brown was at no tme J la bia life pogsoad of unbalanced- 1 mind or suffered from deljsion* Completion of rebuttal testimony * waa followed by debate between the counsels on whether or not tbs epurt 1 •bustld limit patting o» addit'oaal wit naases to testify to tba good eparac 1 tar of the doetor Judge Bragaw Mid ( that the trial waa about tu become ' i.ne of Dr Tayloa’s veracity lasuad of Judge Brown’s Malty. The number of witnesses which will ka totrwtuead In the caae Is new a matter as apaculstloa About 40 1 wvra aworn la today and cojnael baa 1 laltmatgß) that they might bars otfc- I era. ' ~ * t PIANS BATTLE TYPHOID FEVER: h - nmpMon, Wayne and Johnaton I To ITnllp In Intgr-Gounty Morrmonl *» I • » A lypboldtcM auiAiiivr for Oold* boro and Wayne cobnty is lb* nlogar which tbs Wayas county health do . pat latent will ba for tka purppm at admlßiatrriug antityphoid yacclnr will be announced p 1 NW4 M ■ sm--Ut|re wow," sratd- We c L %' tUtrkotl paaurdar Thai uu* ta tka time ta begin the o*bi agmuat the , opportunity offgrel Ip the va<Tin< schedule soon to b* announced, tber< * . la no reason why Whyn* can't beet , s clean bill of health from thin <Ut i Annobuoemcnt of datco for tbs Ir pbotd ollnloe la k*ing held up tetii iMxsrily aa the health departments nl r Hsmpson. Johnston and Wayne work r out an inter-county u.ovetnent This will be the Aral lyute when such sr> • Eort has been put on sad Is especter lo reach those cltUcns living on th< border between two rountlm In n t fashion which Rns never bc*n done - before » NSW YttRR I OTTOS » NEW YORK. May 24—U**>—l otion •. future* closed steady II to IS lower. -1 Hpot quiet Middling II IS January I|l4»T| March 17,14; July lAII| Oe I lobar 1444, Pa asm bar 11.11. { THINKS (ML WASWdINDED ' , ‘f'fx I ouiviv Pkvgkilbß ycoulw Idea Hfct Cut UjMjf kicking jjo tlse FUgoD viTsAßwh ts woman glvlag Rockingham sjl' r bom*, did WSA WWHrr COM by kick lag ‘'out the an aulomo hits m *H*g#d by u« Luna Galdoaro youth the esse, In \ fay of Dr- mil Uorbslt. Wavpe count/ ka4Mlfl(oe*r. Dr Corbett, waa called ft dress tko .wounds of tM yuuna tftu when aba waa brought tu tko H. Uea had to|d off|ftrs that the girl cut hers It abowjßjc leg whew tka kicked out lhr wlMsb eld of Ills c*r after tskthg lua ifti drink* T ty. Tk* girl bad said Kt Lana used kla hall.- pp bar. OfiAr* bad re ported tb*v found a (fttnl) butts la Lena* pocket. » “I am prepared to gojpn tba stand aßtf swear that the girl Rid not aur t*r cuts throußli klclaig out ag>y glial/ declared Dr. Orhett y-Mer 4*7 Hr a\prrased thfflbpluion that ORR bad been Inflicted.ft some sharp tidrument f Til 111 am l 111 I III! bft I an fan breast and on her l-tft. Di <or belt said yesterday No M of the cuts are thought to be sar'ft’i. *. ' Tba affair in allegaAo have oc cur-d on tka (Uieigk jfthway ;; u » day afternoon l.ane A lift «-<mtund<-d was cwrrytna the girt Mr a rifle in hi* automobile when tie affair cli maxed In th* In) irles t« the girt. Hbe eli uM he made Ipfl-cmi pro pasal* and bacam* angr# when ska refused bun Officers are looklar (Kr a young, man aaid to have been fr-mi Prince ♦on, who Wgs a third party la the cao*. fa*. * f: ' I-anc Is charged with rui-aglny ln J an affray la which a deadly weapon waa ttaad and I* ackaddftd for a * ioeaV hotel for aev-ral daya, It I* as Id. rniverHalihts At KpnAnuY’ilU in Itins* ■triMutf*' ttir ttt w Unv "On to Eensnsvllle." This will b* lb* cry the I'nlrerssllsts of North C'aroliiuMiext weak, Univ*r*«llsm yr*l "ESDI red la' North Carolina at KenanarlUa on June 3, 1427 At tba an, puce one hundred year* later, the believers In "Tb* EUtrnai OoodneMH" will meat to • ommrmorat* this event It la planned to meet in the court house. There will be several addresses on the tTnlyeraalMt faith Services begin at 11 o'clock. Basket dinner on the ground A large assembly is espeefed ----- - - VIHHOI RI Hi t TION HIT BT ri.AI DHI RHT AMD WIMDBTORM :tT JOSEPH Mo \u v ?t <A>-a MMr* wttoAktofm, iccompaaled by a h**vy rain of aTmont cloudburst pro portions struck tfU Joseph at 5 o'clock this morntnr Tb# sTorni centered on the southern part of the business dis trict. Scores of houses were unroofed sud window, shattered. Early reports | show no Injuries or ions of lit*. Five Additional Parishes Will Be Flooded From Break MfuMPHIH. Teno . May 24 -UP)- TJie ttrd t.tosa flood rvtlcf tieadqnar ter* will be removed lo New Orleaa* tumorrow nirht, It was snnounc-d "tale today , MS.W UIUMNA <A*I Jbe Insi dry . Ls*d kauasut Uu. lexm. at Ike. MJL' nlsslpppl snd tba. rolling Hlah'and oeyoud tb* w St ha ok ■ of A'scb -ifslsya was vunuhed tonl/hl as wat • / atrsa.fw 1 "* tJujSUMk .A MRt In- lb cfkee at Me* reb on iti*'*s*t badlt u’ 'he lats-r, ft* f-rq* a solid attest of i)(ster almost M iiitle* w d*. Before tlx flood .walers have van I bed Into ibe Gulf of Mexico. th*r »lll have cut s path 4lb mile* wld --nd ?(Mi miles lung from the Arban *Ss le-rder 1o the fltilf The new br«ak Is about ll# mil** nordiwest of New Orleaa* on th»- -pposlte a’de of the Ml*si*slppl Five iiddllional farlshe* with an area wf 1.i0v.000 seres and tb* homes of *o iioo people were thrown open lo In ras ton by ibe t-»*lng Inland sea a, Ibe raging “river of death" love aside the protec'ing barriers and charg ed ap the lowlands | Large poruou* of II parishes 1» { CAN HAVE SHIP » COME HOME IN i UffirtaiMl ts L D* •troyur to I.u.uim thii 1... Ho»« ( uMklgtE ■ ' yitjfcnr Al * __ i j Washington; M»y m -vw—a I naval destroygr waa placed today at ♦he command of t>ptn*u t*bartes Undbergh. New York to Farts Her, f for klj raturfi to thin country, i Tlu- wary d«parim*at directed Com - tusnd.f W. m GottersHb of Ifevt.rrrrr Division 34. which Is now located in' ► European waters, to offer tka service* i of the vessel for Lindbergh 1 # return. Accommodations also will be offer * #4, for the icturn here o(. Undbergk’s * plan*. The .spirit of Ht- Louis.’’ •j This dlvlahin sail* from It sEnro r, I'*»k baa* about June 16 sad If the tmrr in •ccrpnw ran wotHO ortYiK I Lindbergh bark to the United States about a track fron that date. 1 Included In the division are the de alt oyer* laberw-ood, Caa*. Hkarkey. 1 Lardon Tougey and Hack. 1h« navy * action waa taken afur a at the Whit* Houm to day b- tw.iru President Coolldg* and Acting Secretary Robinson Pres drat lat*rest*d Fissidrat Coolidge coatlnugs to - xtrow - ttrr knr nest interest- TB-fcixtd h> rgh u B.'bleVemeiu for ling that It ' was oac which grows la the imagtaa tion as It many phases are coatem platid T| 11) yindernloml here thll Undbergh contemplaies.a 'good will’’ Hght over 1 some Kuropesn capltala of big own volition No suggestion Ims r sacked Ihu White House that the government might send him on sack s tour. Tb# difficult to Arrange for any itprrih# of administration (sals that It woaM b« Acial ■•:tloa of thin sort. The destroyer* Case aad Inharwood are now at Hamburg, Germany, the toucey aad Rack at Plymouth aad the Sharkey aad Lardnar are at C*M Blancs, spalu While they hav* nail ing oidara, it waa "pointed out that 4ba*ramd*r* might b* rtiawgsi U It were n<\*ssary to aceosamadata Undbergh REOXTILLE POLICE PHOBI , l • 41 M 111 I Kll'! I SI 4YIYB KNOXVILLE. Tana. May 24 —Bam end Floyd Pluilip* and thalr sister Vf.uise Phillips, were found d*nd today in what police ballavad i’' was a case of double murder tad suicide The finding of the decapitated body of Sam Phillips up the Soutbnn Rati i way I racks Just west of the city re sulted In the discovery of tb* bodies of Floyd and Louise Phillips In the i house the three occupied on Edg#- i water street. Th# latte? two had Uae* ’ Attacked with an axe. the ahull* 01 i both having been crushed NKTERE HTORMR Iff MIHHOrHI REPORTED I 8T LOUIS. May Jd-DF)—A e*u#ra - wlndatorm. by haavy ra n of atmoat cldUdburit prdportfonl, struck Ft Joseph at 4 o’clock Ml i morning The storm centered in th* i outhern parr of the tmstaaau dtu* Irict Bc-.res of houses were unroof- I ed and windows abaiierad. Early i< report* show no injuria* or loss of life ’ . ' ■ norlht a'tern Umsisns still were ua-| drr water a* the down - pou (he fertile south central sugar bowl, nmrlng through a torn lake* rue atSAX B*»ou and M«vtn* gaff YfUkIRE ♦•#* gW tWtteef *W *ha ##**■ vAaatu than 2.00(1, men as th* rlrar tor* al •he nnhankmenfs Th# current, ante leriifv.i by the crevasse, tore, sway hqg# M-wiloue <*f th* »ww»u***s -Sain* <J ts. ihg hassrd k . k< akening tb* •ev*** and dswruk'ag the workers Tli* siruriM wa* eeMtsiM inMea nierailnn however, and ye«terd*y b*. Mes that th* embankment* might lie --held was < xprerr d Host* sltcsdy had asembled In the neighborhood In tntkipalloa of th* break snd the workm a war* taken off promptly fhher boats were ’ ssftsgned to the vfclr>iiy, and the I rt lief work start'd Immediately Ist* today the water had torn a breach more than l.oou feel wld* 1 through Ibe levee line and still was I uralntng at the sides Weather bur ■ esu bulletin* said thst Ik* grantar rmrt ana of four partihos would be • doodad. V~ Captain Young Thinks City neeos wganizeo rnort 10 ; Qeu Up Vice fonfebsi r~> WantAdßriw Too Many Replies •nut. 1. .It oil earing to lb. effect tliet it "MOT to advertise 1 ' end thi» ilitmut found conclu sive proof during yesterday in (be number »f .nswum received to • went ed for carrtosr boys to deliver fAtee rout**, which appeared tn Ttw New. yesterday marbloi The ed. which wee lmerted by ' Hervey ftiag. cicowinUon nrinager, ' eked for only ate boy* to carry routes. end du,*ng tbe dey between twenty end Unity mother* celled The Now• office to eek If tbolr eon might get e Job A long line of box weiUog down el The New* et G o'clock y*Merdny morn lay who* the circulation in.neger urilved II end Ir did not lake him toeg toll Sll hie quote. I RUSSIA MAY BE BLACKLISTED 4 Tw' Premier Baldwin Itortaree Bag Verge Savoring ‘ IUONOSH Mm MrHbPl Premier Baldwin told the Hoeae of Comaeoae today that Greet BrtUen would ter minate her trade agreement with Rat hie on Thu ridgy end m«>Vt with drewel- of th» trade delegation aad bovtet m ssiua froai London galeae th* House should tiprsii diiaj proral of The Premt.r added that Oreat Brit hla If The House approved would alto recall her ntlailoo from Moscow. Premier Baldwin stated that tbe le git met. »*# of accoi wad not aftoci ed by the go. r ament'. decision and that the goverumesl wee prepared, while terwalatlag privilege* confer red by certain articles of tße trade agreement to all the arraagemeat* neooaaary for oridiaarf trade fee'll ilee bptweta the twb < oust r lea Baeelae Pled* Tbe Pre meter, answering a qua* • N>n by J. R CljraOM, Labortta, as to whether he ooutd bow me be a f ill stateaeeat reaerdiug the raid or doe let Hoaee and the result of the anarch, replied: "Tee Hr.** to the arcainpanlmgnt of load ooaoorv ***** teeere. The Premier cold that for raaog months the po)tee, In ooUabocatloo with the military gutharitlto have been tnvretlgatfng th* ecttettlee of a group of secret agents eugefeft la an attempt'to oMoln highly oeofMea tlel dooameoti reletheg to thd armed frfbaa. of Hraat Britflßi Premier Baldwin roaUnued thet those suspicion. wars confirmed when early tble year, a Rrjpish subject. • mployed by the air force, wee con tinted of steeling two such doea inentS, 1 bee* do<-.Mi>ent* were recov *r«d end the individual was now un ne-going imprlionment The IdseWltv of the secret orgaalmUoo on behalf of which thi. man had obtained tbs document* and Its connection with a Blather Ru»l.a organisation bad Ism established The Premier saM further that s document of official Mid highly confident's! .barseter and an me rhird, m**Uy Bad hana .faiuul. la be ml.slßs and from Information nag dnriiH'iaiitory ertdeae* U baoadM Hear ft feud beou sstavsyed u. Maw *vr Ttwrw tfeers ivfinntuiwl br-Tt Photostat pro©-.. Me*raw Behind It The Prem'rr eeld that from lafor lanon rstwl.sd and efidi-.no* übtetavu 'W<’w nenilt of I bees In. .Ilgatiuae It became increasingly difttcun te rs #'at the cuDfllueloa that the agent* were working la behalf of the Hoviri government and h*d obtained their lestr ictloae from member* of the t-l»n trade deleg alios who wars working at Ho.let House who arreag cd ror the conveyaaee to Moscow of photograph* or i-opiee of the doc* manta obte'ncd I hiring tbe raid' oa Soviet House, the Premier «ald. a toefeed room was found coatatafag e man hastily burn Ing papers After • straggle one of these rdpc * were secured It con stated of a list of secret addreeeea fa clndiag som* la (Jailed Stales. « • -t MbbAbß -Bf vy >■ yy? tte o. The AModited J n : • ~m T./l I 1 "" I* = i = , ~ * » ■ prick nn cMi>, , .. “ - TP "IT 1 l IITKC Declares Salvation Army is Called jjfan A Week to Aid Erring Girls* Quotas R#ray Engineer’s Idem to A crested ThkMettt* «■!*■!■ AA M. Tan«.* ;Ar ‘Ofel poet of the Ratvattel Amp Id- Have* that ffeera ought id hf e*fl|P’" ~ clean up campaiga put SR la SMHP* boro The captala, a aatHmmC Kbte .and mud only a tow mtoHjl to « United States, thtnfca of putted *R tbe campaiga htroedtt Ha MtetoaMjfl his Ideas With leader* tath# aRy yesterday -Oa am average as te** girte aA I brought tq the Peat atW declared "Mamas these «*U Vn Wen picked ap hr young nee travni aad than ahsadnaed last week be- was railed apeu la fHi' aid to a yoang wumma whd had fegßi r.ni- ported frm* TaaMMM# , , Tim implkethm «t th* OMAteUBk that Ooldatmro |* 'umping ground tor win Mean ant. Ha h*U*v** Mlpg Wijpa. aehtme •heuM be werhpd «4t Mitegf th* local wetter* tguMhi .te Igp "W* might build a IttM ter MM tnfortaaataa", he v«atdMK , The need toe a via* «VM*gte. te (Joinsboro wad ttnyi •dpMWNfl 4 ' te um, defined OhMtete Toms I* • iallroad man «d mmf MhfWM* mad*. This maa. *aid th* Oaftete. I* la a poaHuhv to ohamu MmtegpM' - Mm ** s?ti ft tim teiTOTO .gC and ha egpf—**f jttj* MHgit uin Young, that Oolddw«« 4i gMMr I* seetag mere vice ouadtttelp teMß at aoy previous thm Is )hMf llftte hi* whit* w*mea, wMFmyi MBp arretted on charge* at padMtejtoMt have bees couflged la the WayM* eouaty Jail this month, It life Ipanm* **■ , • VSK CLEMEICY FOR NEGRO MAS -f- * t’ kalmjgh. Map It Mil tte gap of Charlie John Hew Climtelffllipri, convicted of murder la tig ‘ Wag # gree, baag la the balaMda hms th- Mto "ttdt m'aat ? nlMMtedf #pk tinea, one aide alasMm tor ton Me manded that ha should did. here ran high tor Iba aggro, «£to> count of lack of coaclattv* *AMHMb brought oat la the review of the «Me'. Counsel for the defence >rnpadpf M letter, which tt 1* believed, daMteted ertdeae* to th effect that ted agM« was aot the murderer. * , tr. ' z—* Th* decision la expeptfd toMmSlMl tomorrow, oa ThlfddM, *1 negro la scafaaead to die Mflgdi 1 Eflrd WUI UpM i In AlbsmilWCHl ALMMttViBU,- Wrkb&t* The Jury heaetog tee mm dt : ayaggagfc;- srtwatr Tim win wad attachud Wf W. t. Eflrd, a mg, whaas pmdteh es the estate a# toeami mMHdMP ' a# dettam vaeteft M fttostt tett*? it-q —no- - . - -» a- a.l- flr*inil|lfl B® TO' WNBgPTO) k v aSd teTJSSll^to^SS' Id toy*. Efferti was* mate te prove teal darteg h* topi dtef . wh WAHffIHOTOm, May Id— Gft,- Prestdeat CaOUdga Id d**MPH con.lderatfaa to the Mteeh Htllh, f D . *tt suggested tor a ngaw wh^u

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