r—Tl THE 1 GOLDSBORO NFWS ' 1 rn4*y •* X lij VJVyLiL/iJJLIWIvV/ 1Y ELt YY kj The Amocuted : V «- > > rnmi L— READ IN THE MORNING WHILE BONDS ARE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS, BEFORE THEY BUY ' -IIWLIM JI " • ' • t GOUMBOmX kC. THUfctthAV MORNING. MAY 1(L IM7 : ~ " «fcY ARMSTRONG IS NAMED CITY SUPERINTENDENT POSSIBILITY PLANT LOCATING IN GOLDSBORO T } - . •• .. ti v * His Rend In Ednatm Has Ben One 01 AccomplishmeiU; Once Taught In High School G. c; Komtay offer. » R«fignatioii From laud m Mr. And* f dNBf Is His Son in , Law; Board Commit tee Made Thorough i Canvas, of Outstand ing School glen Avail ah!.* , « t ' . •• -mm Bar Acmhtruag principal of the Wilson High School aad wdl kaowa la OoMahoro. «u elected sugerte tndtil of tha Goldsboro CUy Schools at a tttfUag of *tho board of trmrtoag rMurdnt afternoon. Tho board sol octrd Mr. Ar—otraaa atur a thorough cunts {0 nwihiii oottotaadtag school M of tho State sad after a tboroafh cotsaldoratios of raco—- ■mtnUn from adaoaUos authorities A mmpttfs from the aehool hoard hid he'd a oodforsaoe with Mr. Arm strong ssveral daps ago. sad It I* un dent o*d Odd ha will secern tha ot ter.* . . .- 0 c;. Kcraogsy, for a aiuaher of p«drt chair—aa of the hoard. eras out of the etty whan yesterdays moot toe eel >a the hoard, preAided Col. J. b. Langlt— at ttjrwht road a letter Wayaw CamAy Board of Edocst'oa and t* storing Me roelgaatfoa fro ths chair—aaahtr ad the hoard and (to— —a—harahlh on It. It was a let ter id whloh tha heart of a good mao was ravseled la sahotamaco H sa'd that is view of tho foot tlmt Ray Armstrong, s aon-tn-lsw As Mr. Kornsgay. was heisg coselderod as hand of the city schoole, ha thooght It the proper thing to da to retire Mr. Koraegay expressed t%> gtndnsiiu at having hooo able to sens of Ooldahoro oa a member of the hoard. i The ate—here of tho board heard the tendered Tertgsstton wgh regrets, and to eapreoood themselv** C. B. Wilkins nemlhaßd Mr. Dewey aa huapaenry ahatanaaa of tho hoard, ead tho an—tgsttoa was aocoodcd toy W I. Stroud aad carried neaalmougly %* »r • la tahtdg Opt tho matter of sam- Itg a setoseeor to O. A. HaartltoO. who go—' to Wlhotoatofl on Jsly 1 to toffly •upertotesdent of the WlUnitogtoa end HKr Hanover eye-1 tam, the heard listened to tho report of a committee which had made a ewnu of the srsilabie men. Mr. Armstrong stood oot smong those suggested sad was earned la select lag the Wtleon man they took Into caneldermtlon Ids educetkin. exper Moos. the damp which the State 4c partmeot of edoeatloo department o' of Dnka aahrrrti'y. aad Hi* deportment of dlueation of the Ual varsity of North Carolina placed upon „„ Hr dr—imnf ti so a* b and A., M gretfosie W Nbrth Carotins. ahd he. -me roe sHsrablo wWk fowffd Oe dag-fee TB doctor of pfeftaaapßy. at Colamhto laivarsity. Hla graduate work has Mr. record as a •choc-1 Jfo fold Who oas of eafpad ing.-aa . itPUmM dtmt a jur*** of eervtcrW*Bto' Wtod Stales ar—y dortna tho world war. he taaght la the high eohoois of Greensboro ahd OoMahoro. oad then hecaam prlacl pal of the Gastonia high school, whore he remained two years. He res'goed this place to come to Kins ton as prlAletgal and reasalaod the e far two rher*. — dttiag this place to hinnmt seh.rl—.adaat of tho Moo roe tchooi .yeto—. - Ihf the**post year he has heeo prtntofnl of Urn Wilson high reboot, oo—only regarded as on« of tho boat sags ton In the Mato: Dr. Oooa. .oper—OeadoM es the WHeee < Op pm. two, Crop. Certainly Look Good to Him Some folks may be discouraged at the gear looks of tho Mgpe. hat Malthaw-MKchell. of the Emo eser section, declares that not for years hare they looked so good to him. The exidaaattoa to that Mr. Mitchell is bow able to see for the first tl—e ta oortral rear, l&aiim'itewover the sight of both eyes, sod be became stone Mlad. Through the efforts of the county welfare department be was entered at the Ooldahoro hospital Dr. A. 0. Woodard performed aa operation which was entirely suc eeeafol. And now Mff Mitchell to looking wltk delight upon the world again. Per many months prior to the operation he hod to ro ly epos the pottle alma drop* ped into hto hat aa he sat begg—g at Center and Walnnt street Now ha asipcta to again bo able ta moke o Urtag far b'maelf aad wmmmt AUTO UCENSK blMsmaeed m# era. a— mm ,Bl^ ion nnouto nave imint - La Ur Than Monday. Accord- * lag to lafonaatioo Here , Hare you got your auto license blank yet? If you haven't It should he In your bends not later than Mon « day. according! tic Information dto trthuted from Ralolgh The blanka at# sow being mailed at the rate of so - 000 a day and will go to 475.000 au tomobile owners ia the State. The depart meat will begin on Wed nesday. June 1, ailing applications for the new license plates, which will run only for a hall poor period. The price ’to every motorist will be oae-hslf the amount he has bee a paying for a (nil year plate pipe a quarter to handle extra costs Incident changing the H -Hr,■ nfrt- • I >'■., ■tM —* - * h. a * eVp VCutV mmm ■ wlwTl Hr autng auto licenses qn a decal year busier fro* July 1 to June JO in ac cordance with na enactment of the last legislature, the half year plat*, lowed la January with plate, to be to fto Issued next mouth will he fol- Issued on a calendar year basis A R*w wrinkle lg tha law. recently pointed oat by Revenue t'ommlsalon «r R A. Doughtoa. forbid, the use of the aew platen before Jaly l. Want 15 Young Men Os City Attend Camp At Fort Bragg Fifteen young from Oold*boroi ;etntard "Tb# ott)a«>< of tbeeo camp* la to brlac together young men of high ty ip from all eeel*oaa of the country • a a common heat* of oqaaitty and un der the moot favorable conditions of cutdoor life; to atlmalau aa pro mote eHteeaaklp. patriot lam and Aa- SIIO,OOO FOR HOSPITAL J 1 ■ 1 ■■■ l "'»■■" ■ ■ - PARENTS HEAR I PROF. HAMILTON 1 , fi 1 Endornew I*racticg| Subjwcia in CbvwrfAlAM Bpfort High School Aaoo. • Unqualified hhdoroement of practi cal euhJ.M—l aaih as typawrlUng aad maaual tratnlag—tor high aehool stu dents who do not Inland to go to col lego was gives by 0. A. Hamilton, city superintendent, ia the coarse of oa add res* before the High School P.r*nt Teacher. A.eoclntlou Tuee<|y evening. r The address by Mr. Hamilton woe in tho nature of a farewell appearance before the parents. he la to leave to Joly to become head of the Wi|- —lngton sad Now Hanover system Mrs. W. 8. Leroy was elected Irene urer of the Association at e business session proceeding the folk by Mr. Hamilton sad Mian Margaret Korne gsy rend th« constitution of the as sociation Mrs. Lionel Well presided at tha meeting I Mr. Hamilton —id In part: "What ahull my child take and why? , this la a hard question to answer," —ld Mr. Hamilton, hut If be to plan ning to go to college by all n.*ana have him begin with Latin and take a yea— Letts aad two of French Mr years Latin. No collage will Mg crodto for our year W Latfti | >r French. Have him lake all the science given aad two years of alge bra. Geometry la also a collage re i what he is going to do. give him two years of French tftul is much work la the business department as he can , got If you know he to not going to t collage—now my teechere will prob ably not agree with me. but I wonl't say not to fool with any more Latin, * Preach and higher mathematics than 1 to required, ben take all the business. "1 science sad history that to given. 1 am ‘ a great believer In these practical things I believe In girls Uklng* man * ual training, and all of them taking r typewriting. I almost think typewrtt -1 ing ought to be requited I think 4 1 - aw safe la saying that every men to ’ this room wlih«s he bed learned to I use a typewriter, so a few years, 1 I think every home will have s type ’ writer, and the pen will be ua«d for not much but signatures ' “It SMHi to be harder Tor chfTdran r j to study this year than ever before. -|«u» half of them go home without any hooka. They repon*at home and • off They come home tor supper. • end go off They go to school the -!next day without haring opened a I book and their parents expect them j r to h« educated between the hours of - . • and 3 but they fall, e "The children toll you 'I have study ffeaMeued oa Page Twol I>rlcantsm and thru expert physical' dleeetlew: otbtotfe ctmchfitt and aim tjwx training la »—— ,w - r--~f mm uintr tUld u, Wing tbeui to realise Ihylr obligations* to thel^ • o mtry. "Three camps bar# nothing to do , W -H* the army Toon* men attending fhbbe cbalpd ... bdt fbqoesteu .0 ei. Ilpt Ip the army and will aol be ac raptod at three campa - “The. military training la # tfeea aa r meaaa of deeolqpiag the Individual u sense of Individual reaponslMlta to Ilia country and community. to d*r clop initialise aad self reliance; to -errant nay physical defect and In rimeral. to fll the etudenl for t£e tame of llfe,_ “All eapeases are paid by the Hoy • rnment-Traasporiation to and fronf camp, pood food, teats, bads and bod din*, uniform, medical attention aad laundry "Theae campa were Inaugurated by ■ President Rooeerelt; they knee been (CoaOanod aa Pift Two) Increase Farm t * -* i To Erect N*t ftructurm for Tubcrcolor powtoo ‘ Nofro Agylttw A large Increase la the plantation ay—urn. complete re-wiring of the old buildings, the (Paring away oi two old wooden structures used to hoe is tubercular patients and re placement of them With modern hr’ck structures^these *iV Item-' outline*! yesterday by Dr. W, « Ltnville t» be diecuseed proposed uermanent Im provements at tho negro Insane asy lum here. Dr. Unvflle. Superintend ent of the asylum, eel'mated that about IIIOJMO vgmlrt be vmpended in the Improvemeats. The main purpp-'e of. the Improve monts. Dr. Mavtlld explained. Is to more prorprly care for the pro aeht Inmates, rather than to make additional space for others. He 4* rlared however, that la the construe lion of the new buildings might make It Pb»*'bie to care for a tow addl I • -mmgjsajMSm ' _ ... ws.. T“. . .fK-, . ...... .' . itmni pHTitnii" Tha Improvements were beg in with the lottag of g con tract to re-wire the RaU proslmataly yu.Mfota befog expanded In this work. Aboul 160.000 will ho required to utrex out prnpnaod exfan slim U tha far— syetem. it wan said The plan tattoo worked la the main by rntionte. has been Inroaased by 30C acre* Os tbie amount 210 sores eras pur chased from Paul Rcn-dcit and 116 acres from Marvin Hmlth. The land to being placed under cultivation this year and the necessary barns, slloa and potato house* will he construct ed . The amount of permanent improve ments to buildings. It was axplalned. depends largely upon the coat of f* • tending the farm operations and ol taking hare of the re-wlr’ng work. Plana now call fnr rufng two aarloat wooden etrurtures used to house tub ercular patients. These will be re placed by brick buildings rtanard ir accordance with sanatorium sped ft: dLkIU. ,r ' rnrnmtmmmmmaummmm e—meseuwmsm—lAmn— , -7 N&hunta School Benina Finals This Evening | U jr Commencement fterdee not the Na hunts school atari thMf evening aad J will be concluded Maturday. uccordfog «o E. D Kdgerton prtnclpol, Thin eve ning's exercises will consist In the presentation or 'Toni Thumb's Wed ding" by the children of the primary grades sod the presentation of aa operetta by the grammar grades. Friday night the high school will present a play. "The Deacon's Honey n-oon". A small admission fee will tro tdmrgoM to'thig feature. The comemncemcnt will be climax ed ftoturday Morning when Dr K C Piulsho pf Gullfnrrl foliage, deliver* I’rof tape* that the Sis liuula .natrons «iil turn out L»-tA# hundreds tor the flnala Elaborate pleas have been nisde so prepeiatlon tor the events ,t »*« •• ■ 'A* a - •mi— —■>ieiw i —■"'*■■■ « Abduction of Wife Is Charge, Lodged n. L Jrrnigan to at liberty uadei 1 1600 bond charged wllh sl>du< tins the 1 wife ot George Hlnnsnt of North 1 George street. Mr Jernlgen will tx titan a hearing before Esq W. O Hrltt nest Wednesday morning el It f o'clock - Jernlgen, officer* said H'nnaut con 1 tended, broke up his home Jernlgea officers esld. declared ihat at the re rl quest of Mis. Hlnnsnt he drove hei i ia his automobile to her fatber'i I home VIE TO HONOR YOUNG FLIER d French WHI Strike Medal-Hear-! lug LStencw es Odpt. . Lindbergh WASHINGTON.. May II- Utl Mlth government ageacto* vtotag for 'hr privilege of bringing Captain Charles A- Lindbergh back to the (Jailed States, plaaa wgre started to day for a groat demonstration for him In Urn national capital. Tha city com mfsa'onera fondally cabled Ua dbergh llic congratulation* and luvlt ' Hal'To ‘ eS—e"hmo’la- —i— the people may do honor to their fol low countrymao.Who has so signally exrm.nltried the courage aad spirit of Americas manhood In the remarhahlt feet you' have performed ” President Coolldge's part ta the relrhratioo here might depend upon the time ot Lladberg’s return. The Pres'dent, has bees expected so leave for him summr vnaattoa about (ha middle of Jobs, hut hto definite plans have not been announced ' *- ■ ,1a rrovtous Instance* however, when Amoricaa aviators have ro ll rnrd to Wa*hfogtop after aoUJbltf expio'ts. the prisldsoi hee always been on head to great thorn. PARlS—tfl^ —Medal commeaMwfc flve of Captain Charles DMtoffll New York to Farts flight Will ha struck hy the French mint. The director of the miat kaf) writ ten Ambaaoador Morrirtr. aahfog tor a photograph of the American aviator aa soon aa possible so that tha medal •an he struck before the Captaig leaves Kuropf~ PARlS—(A*) —Captain I Jhdbergh has gone through soother day es great acclaim Hie modesty. his simple d gntty and hi* kind words have won tho boarte of tho Froaoh as completely as his flight across the Atigatic won theft admiration. a Though all Europe to heaping hon ors upon him. the young Am*rieaa to . * gaping hla had Today, he wwwt through tho rigors of mere reeeptloag, aad if taUgure hag *et la. he baa set shown It; hto bofish smile la aa bright as It was when be first arriv ed Hi France - ttfmpf»»ft wttii npponniU'if'i mirrr p to "get rich quick", he hes let them aU pee* (hoe tor. aed ihs prepoM Hons rsmafo uneaawered It to hla inlcntoen his return to Amerkta. he said 'tonight, (o rtunam flying and make aviation hla Ilfs career. "My mind la absolutely made up cbout that.” he remarked w tb deter mination "1 havent any Id 's of ac cepting say offers ht ell at thl* time." - .-1 4 Die, 6 Fatally Hurt, 25 Injured In Norfolk Storm RORFOM. Ts,’ Nay fIL f A Ff- Fsae peroeas deed, efo- OP oighi mftib,. ftfoUz tolorrd awtf between • mi •» fiwi io isrytoe dagMoe was fog Mft «f a seveoly-flte mile sU ead tbuodcrslerm that swept ever Vortotk aad Pertsweatk thl* jf wmsm wßpat d, .ifobfos Uoe man ah Portsmeath was kill ed aad upward* es Id men. wemoo. awd’-rhllfottmoßMi dm rtgh* mtam •wd press mix of Urn Vlnrlnle league baseball park fell so the crowd. T The ether dead are a earns* whe woro hilled when the wlod lifted a seettoa of a waroheoso reef eo tho Serf elk watorfroaf. ranted R Ml feet through the air ood dropped I, eo a gear es serttea heads so the tracks as the kertoih aad Ifovtons rail way amor I'atea statlaa hero. Fetor so her aegrees ago fox panted to dfe Jodga Landis, as baeehall fame woe lg Ihf park with efllrlats of n Ss m«|| /i u si v I nmmitfpp WiILIiA nliirth Ib Confer Wit& Ofedtls Who Bare Asked For hbnafoi Swapping Birds tor Tlckots Hu Started Bring your chlcha asm aad avoid tha rush This was tho word which Walter Denmark. Secretary of the Whyne County Fair A»*o clatton. spread abroad lg yester day's awes ai aa srdl-i day’s News in aa advertisement la which ho called attention that ad mission to the Wayne county Jah-1] flee would he oae chicken or H N cento Before the end Os yogfgg H day, Mr Doomork hod son B c hicken* than ha coaid shake aI! toleh M. ' • I Tha admission hy oas chicken II feature of the JuMlea day. June t II to attracting alteattoa, aad from I] yesterday's record It looks aa W M morally /ihouatoridh of chlckoao M will bo pasted over for the ed- D mlss'on slip |j MR& JOE ADAMS DIES AT HOME Fnnontl 1% Be H«M Frggß FM Raiiifot ( kurrh at t:N Thin Afternoon r Mre, Mary HtrtoxAeld kgtooar, hk wife of Joe Adoaw. died at her boom on Wart Plae street eerty yesterday ««»rolag following aa Utaeaa of otv tral months Doath was caused by heart trouble. Funeral will ho ooadoctod from th« First Baptist church at S:M this as ternooo by Ber. A. J. Smith, pastor latormeot will he made so the Atkin eoa plantation graveyard three mile* east of Goldsboro. Mrs. Adams wan twice married, tlu Brat Dm* to B, W Rogers. One ear hy thto marriage. C. W. Rogers, oi Wruder. OeOrgla, survives. He r hag bowd. Joe Adam, aad two atafofo. aim survlvs . Mrs. Adame was a faithful m*a.het es the First Baptist church. At the fuaeral ibis aftoraon Bft win act aa pall bearers They are Will. Ben. John. Charley aad Jamea 'IHRHBh ~ i •- o I COMMIT** BBRTKJH'E RALEIGH. May m~AMA Goveraor commuted the death ten tone* of Charley JohasoD. Charlotte negro coortotod of mardor of a Charlotte merchaats. to life Imprtsoameat. j The negro bed been doomed to die I so the electric chair here Friday Um toagaa wRm tha item knkd fed hefera tho gaasr htofoaso eehedatod to etort tea. beoirwt • • ■ ee g V M tkttfttt nffMta mI; altar ta* tor '(heir home* after roeolrMg (bwftm*w(L b mo heegftak N was said, aa aeMewUftad man of aheut 46 was exported ta tea. The PerteaMwth bell park la tweeted »wme distance from (he dews town aertfoa of tho rtty oad heeooae of so wlad and haary robe. *ew« nf the d We tor was delayed. AM wae Immediately wto from the Karr Ward ad men fotol a detachment of pottos from Morfote together with every available ambolaaee warn homed' lately fort to tha twas . . , to Dm Sift aadDeSe to Movt Plaml |w City Sum to Oil Manufactory of AHk tic Narrow Web Cm poay, WMk mfm SUk Novottko .. .. . ....... ■ i .. mm a* * flu* sf rn ArtaMte Ram* ml KmM) ■iwpitlre, gy r r 4 ter Ulodetmn. tteM^Pr ber of rnmmmm A wflfci •' w»bo ooa* ItecOtetMllr M tke ««*>■ of o»#M< »«o4 ——f at t» oJSr3W-, Tbo plant te M«aWd l» ■»->! turiM t .* aMt> yfiyy j . | ibtJM SteSl QMIMI iO mmrWw iPPBp* tic and labor iinfjhk|lP* Jift Whiter Denmark Mcrotafy, *lO *«l£ I otaie a plant of tbo” Khm«Sv here It il bnl the flret Os a MOTf «f eneb pre»aeaH rtkfl te relee * There will lip flOlPf** wit >" A plant of Ike Ko*»*» Mte Jfl|| •Hire company, for aoMtlem#*** a certainty. It In nMkWIf A malna to be dlepooadof f learned, and cenraaoero may mtß *§* CO beetnaae men vfth >•*%"*•* beta nporonebed In tin mM «Ms M ' mt tew liyi. i-onatraatod by Tkatepb HWllll ok wnreonee. Tbe kalMtaf *W 0M» •boat 9m.m«. iwfp tmm «0 !• laaUlled by the edkiptefr «•**)* cprn'ag for bnetne**W#. fW OHM to repeated to bof m 10HOR If# fall , " ■ ■ jf&FT A'. Am enewor to tko ooooni Ojte*f ,|VM| Trade AgreenMOt Wttfc BtfIIWMMI llrMPr MADRID. May Tka tkreei . ned imun betWOm tka (MM ( At* tee and Mala baa bona fteotei IT •be etgala* by VIM *«*■> *f • new modal Urea* Spateo •** favored national ttlllhte k» A«arl - prodnote tor a pastes Jt At mootba. * ' f» -a ten* the btof bad eMM* ItO »>'•"' Me afterpefo ate nrarthe petted. mode to coortede n pemhi—n teiM .1 irraty between tbe >’ SupfegM Caart DokeMb » fy.uwjjt 'pn 'ffe-iMAteftowj. Mitcbeii, (Mtea aeanty a»tro, mm* die lyr tbe anrtar of W, U Ite