"#W» ' FUr aad OMkr Wky. Mirtv iNMHIIQrt r "■' m ' —in up— in _ ■ ■ iii P VOL DUB SIX; NUMBER 76 • fO DIE, NUMBER INJURED, AS GAS WELL TAKES EH ...ITV, ---- - ■ ' tfptaKffor ModeraiW Bofling F#r Indian Springs L Awarded By Educatiaa Board E. F, Taylor Will Build Structure to Tjtfce Place Five One-Teach • • ? er Schools; Provide for Addition to Gran < tkapi School; (ioldofc boro Plumbing and Heating Cow Gets Heat Plant Work Ooaioct (or n modern school build in* Cor India# Spring* towartlp and /omtrsct for o four room odd tloo to Oraatkam reboot war# lot by tbo Worn# county board of adoration ta sßnoial ooolon yeeterd*y. P. F. Tcyrtor land contractor, voir t«e tow btddar ovor five contractor* 1* oach Inland*. Both projrate udU ho completed by suit September.. Tbo Indian anKjp building woo contracted to Mr. Taylor for W,- 000 It wtU bo o raven roooa brick fctroctoao van no ooditortom ooolto* 400 aod win ho both along oeoopUd •ohool plan* f Tbo bonding will bo located oo tbo Ml. OMv* and Savon B (Tioga rood add Will take the place of, flvo 000-toaobar acbooia which havo pteviausly served Ike onctioa. One-toachor eehoola to bo ooltod upoa oompioUoo of the oow Indian Ito lW htt!l«Bg or*. Hatmna, Father, India* Springe. Smith and Glendale A hegtho* plant sußtcieat for the pood* Os «bo MW building will be lu *<alto* hr |ho Opldohoro PlnmMog aod Haatto* Oompany The plant will coot MPMStoiHiiy IMM. The fhor rotes odditioo to tho "milbite litrrrT ~~ ~ J ~ sooeooary by iho pUad|r nMr«*e« to oarottomot at thto «M. WflTn It became o consolidated confer the enrollment wo* afFrotesfcltety too. T%# year uet rlooteg tho on roll moot wot M4< Addttioo of tho four additional room* will coat teJW Tho Qsidahoro Plumbing and llaalia* Coeapeay wee awarded con tract tor tho eaten»!<m to the hooting plant at Grantham Thla work will coat IMM. Completion of the Indian Hpiinfe building and tho conaolidatlon project expected to bo approved at Seven Springe next Tuesday wIU lean only one one-teacher school in Wayne county next year. Thle will be locat ed at Boot's Stetfere A few year* age (held WIW twenty-nine onc-teachee •etioote ta the couury FEDERAL MOTRS PLAN CAMPAIGN t*• , ' U Brook* Smith Mid French Ine.. Will Handle Account *g B^^M^oaao » ■* - > • c* Federal .Motor Truck Company on Bounces that eftot've Immediately It ndvertiaia* program will be hsndlo, Jpf Brook*. Smith and French. Inc i'eiroit. Plans at* n»«ady under may for an laUaalve advertising and m;r ’ itrimMl ta hehalf of*the well known Pedernl track* BdliMH S BPOOM, Smith and Preach, lac ~w*n doe Hnrpetr fe to* puuaok pl tele igencY for UTW elve utwrkonfintng ability In brtng ing ahpnl Jhmtsor nnlea control right # »***? to. animat, par ‘■Hkoeppvt; *O4. K«Oe*ed~te th* ihlrd major accoua. -* to cbßßrpH teteTtos of Brodhs. Spate and Preack. Ine.. within the pegt 4* days. It'followed dtos* upon the heels of The •parho-tPfttlilpptoa Company. Jackeeg. mafcoro of Pperton Radio end ■parte* Hsru, nod the Norge Cor poratlap Detroit, mnnaufncterer* of eleotrldal fmrioorflluß analpment. Perenan of the steady as pan d m of Uwir business, Broeka, Smith and I*l cr.ch have recently made eeve- al -d dittoes to their staff, the latest beta* Mean H Heeaick, who Jotoed the copy departgteUt taot wotei. - . • . t ** • '* : »*"rV"V i ' I yV 1 J:* .'5? v m ’ * j : “-.T7- : .... . . ■ * - READ |N THE MORNING JVHILE MINDS ARK FRESH—READ BY BUfIfEKS, BEKORt: THEY BUY COMMENCEMENT TALK IS MADE L. C. Braude* of RaM|k De ll verm Addraus st Ctsulag st •* M*m- -i -Ne V Oft Hpfig*p ■-- etar-ottatai The approaching school election at Seven Springe waa made the theme by L. C. Broaden, cute anpci Intendent of elementary education In an address Which concluded Seven Springe flaala Wednesday evening . To e crowded auditorium, Mr. Brog den reviewed In stliring fashion th* duty which evary eectlon of every county owes to ita children. He de clared that tb* approaching geboot eletlou at Satan Springs would de termine whether or not the people of t*e section wished the beat things tor their children. The election which Mr. Brogden made his theme will take piece neat Tuesday and It la a proposition to consolidate the Berwick and Zion schools with the Berea Spring* schools In e special A school tan over and above the regular county levy would he provided to give sup port for oil eight months term. The Berwick school la a on o teach er school and th* Zion school la a two-teacher aohnot. Much iatereht la being manifest la Urn approaching election and at pr.-a- Ont the sentiment seems to be ta> faror VOTE TO BREAK WITHRUSSIA Hoorn of Couuuomii Approves Mot* by 8 to 1 Vote at Show Down LONDON. May M-4P>~ The Brit ish government’* decision to brook iff diplomat’s and trade relatione with Rnasla waa approved by the House of Commons tonight after an (■citing debate when the l}onse by a vote of 367 ta 111 adopted a motion to thla effect moved by the Coneer vntlvee ' ~ '™ The waa already made certain early In the debate when the foreign secretary snnourxvrt the gor rrament't determination t 0 treat the labor motion, calling th- in'nlstorlal policy In question and demanding an eaai’try by a select committee into all the circumstances before such a grave decision ha* taken, as a vote of censure Further, the secretory Intimated that nales* the ministers i.btslued a vote of confidence la their policy toward Russia It would he their duty to resign and ask Che Country for a verdict. Plant SpecialUt Finds Spud Crop Dying For Rain ft t« tba dry weather which fr catblnu the prodouuced yellowing I ui ariit l us —tote tears* la Ah Ml. Ulilv* secttoil, rather than dl* •ur •• grower* had thought daidßht tag to 0 W rant; or the plant d»« •Mr dlrl»ton oT'BtaleTullaga.’TOiT' ilfb Mr. Kant baa just completed a careful Impactkw of Ibc affected ter >.*»”• OS The plant apeclaliet qgras cal Id!* It) tb# oejaty by County Ageat A. K. Robarlaou at the request of a Mat bar of prominent truck grower* of tb* 4Ji Oliva aactloa. They requested tb# vtek after a proaouacad yellowing and dying of leara* wear wide ftald> of early citato** bad baea reported Advice* from Mt. OIW* yeatarday war# to thy effect that the dry spate la that aactloa ha- ■■•• Led -#r*aw* proportion* aad that ualaa* tbera la a rain ahortly. th# potato aad bean crap will ha a compute fallura Th# follow lag •umßdptloo of the GOLDSBOBO, M. C. FRIDAY* MOHNING, MAY 87. 1887 -• -r~-— ■ ■ 4- ■ - - Social Mervicd Work WUI h* Bm* permea wy ntwiy nncci* m Council ~ • YCStitfthnled) On Thvnday evening. May IHh, * group of ooloed clttwna representnig Ute different negro organlgaUoaa in the city met at the call of the workers In charge of social service al the DUlard high school At thle meeting the eocal worker presented to the group the 'dea of a councils of Negro OvgeaisaUoae There were fifteen person* prentnt at tote atorttog aod ill were h«nrtlly In accent with the movement - Last night the seme group met again an dadopted the consti tution of the organisation and elect ed officer* for the remainder of thto yaar. . it .- The purpose of sthe organisation as nxpraeaed by tAF oonntintipn "shall be for .the factoring of dvic pride, the promotion of health end recreation and nil phases of life that shall tend -W promatg progrnw and better liv ing conditions among ue as a grpuy .” The work of the orgaalsetlon shell by carried on through the committees on health aad sanitation, taw enforce ment. child wftfnra. parks, and play gro-inda education and houa'ng The following officers wars a toe ted Dr. B. T. Gordon, president; Mrs . teereleca MjggtwXV yioe praaldens, Marion 8 Nicholas, secretary ( Prof B. It Bootle, aaat. secretary, and -Mrn. Annie IS. ftort. trenaorer The council meets the first Monday In each month at the DUlard high rebate. * - - -wjygrj; xiv. .^:.u. je ,e.. .... .... FINE SPEAKERS FOREBEMONT RwuMtet of A. C. C. uM Juntkg ClarknOft to Make Addrgwwo —I--. At Fiarnln : kKmMOMT, May 2A Commence nsreiees will begin at the Fremont High School next Sunday morn'ng and end Ttinaday night. Dr. H. 8. Hllley, president of Atlantic Christian college, will deliver the baccalaur eate sermon in the school auditor 1 urn on Sunday morning at 11 o’clock .' Class exercises will be held by the Senior eaten Monday evening al 1:14 tf-cteck. * — Graduation exercises are scheduled lor Tuesday mornlg. The address will be del'vered l»y Hon Harlot Clarkson, associate Justice of Ike Supreme court of North Caroline. Twenty elx Senior will receive diplomat, aeveg boys and nineteen girls. r The Senior play Tuesday evening at *-U o'clock, will bring th* commence meat exercises sad the school year to a clone FOI.'RDBR niBIBTfAN CVBKATOB DEAD NEWTON. Mass. May M-UIV- Dr. Francte B. Clark, founder aad president of tho ’WQorld Christian Endeavor Ltec'ety. died st Ms home here today. ■ condition about M» trttvc waa tas tied lor Mr. raat by t ojnty Agent Rob eytaou yesterday "The potato crop la Wayne aad otb aew 4m g f m f an f" plant# and field* la aoeoral localities Tba pronounced yellowing, and dying < f leavoa, upda making «t» ftipf «p I aaraice. wa»'thoughtgrowers In ereral Instance* ta reeult from dte enaa, because <g tb* uncommon occur reuce of this conditio* at tbt* saaaoa wtfhla tb* past saw day*, bowavar, tha rondlt'on baa bacoate general < a ratal examination of many plant* • homing pronounoad yellowing fail ed to Indicate that tha condition was tha direct raealt of d'ggae* It I* vary pratable that the yellowing and wilt tuu eg plant* ba* rweilted from a Wire aapply Insufficient to prop 'tfrly maintain and aourlah tb* loaVa* gatf-steme formed earl'er In th# eea t*OU." , ■. ' ■ -.tsc. .. 4- D» Diuki-Doul j Big Booze Raid 11 .1# nf ~ Get Twu M*b,% QutentHy of Whllkljt OMrMllth i\nd roor 1- OM 7 HM>. Ita '"S '' ■ Items: one M jkalkw si ill seised. ' 6.1 galloas of 4p°M* )l>B a capturad. | two men placed fuder arikßt, ope , >UII pleat deal rout'd and st ven her , rate of tx'i-i poured out. Banh is enm -1 mu tort* an# net ptu*vd- »(a two whiskey rahfc coaducked Into , Fork tewnnhip jletnrday /afternoon by Deputies KorAgdy. Smith, aad Gardner S While the y ae*c» Aed for a hidden atiil not puray mDen from 1 Coot’s mill n while mna and a regro attempted to etral from the woods. They were hatted m»e whit# :uen. Frank \fWieraon. bad a five gal lon demijohn full es whiskey. George AUtoliU .u, raw tern. iictJ a MUii case to whlrli he had e haJf-gallon In bottle*. Uimn Hi-urcbing An*tin, of j'l'wr* found n pistol t-oucenled upon hi* person. - VV'Hkerson will face trial for having whiskey la bin poeneagton for the purpose of «*)•, god Austin will Cnee trial for Illegal poueetlon of whiskey; and carrylag a cenaeated weapon. . The depul lea brttegbt their prlson (II to the rltjr and netirned te r*- Minu their interniikcd search (or the atilt llut mendtima H had bank *|pr I ted away. They found the site, how ever. end poured <>«l seven barruls of lie’r f Earlier In the nrlkruooii the dhput and nelxad a fifty gallon still on th* N*u*e river InlpMl* not far from flaw j*— ,■ ' MORE ACXIAIM FOR LINMERGH Mifkly and IxnrKr of Park* Mr In Public rviebralioa lu ■saw t ■ •• ______ ' PAWIB. May M -DPI-GteriDed by ell Paris today. Capta’n Charles Lind bergh wae hailed by the entire popu lace of the capital, the mighty end the lowly, as the greatest hero that ha* art sea since the war. Nevsr has a private rltiaen of alien lead received •nch a demonstration affection and adimvntion a* the yonag American aviator wan accorded as he rode throjgh the street* of Paris thla af ternoon to receive the rity'a homage Item* tvllAlh wjul fseisser flaee tinfa mwmJt ■•■gk wtiui j ■1 ni wwvTrVR vfmp*h wars - ***** handerchlefs by the tens of thouasada and tneaing flowers In hla noth, ae cialmed the youth as tb*y have no other individual since WoOdrow Wil son came to Europe with the promise of e fetter world. . Pour day* alresdv bad passed since the young American brought his monoplane dhwn on the noil of Franc*, but todnv waa Ttov. Gret oc ■ salon the people of irnnee were elvwn to see the wnirtd’d hero pwag in formal parade All of hi* other days had been occupied le official re ceptions arranued hr fore remenl of ficials and other of Influential post r tteun. jl_ : As It this was a nubile holl My-—the Feast of the Ascenalon and the panpLi td Pari* at inn* were free to me thr man wlutet name Km been on eVerr iffUo MtUNH* l *,,. fc. .. _ ' .... , vTTUWT 18* n "InT^r" TWvY ► Tlned tlfi. •broad'and RWlWnn PHA«»f Klysna* god crowded )nlo Jh# epee ’ ions place De \A COijcnrd# and all the ’ •p#c»* «l'—r -.ihcr *sstots as 1 tor as the JAreei Manure tn (rout > the prnlclpal hotel, where the maul ctpellt* bestowed Its fnll«s« honors on 1 the -g-tnicfipi of fIW flight The procession passed in m’d afternoon hennath a bright sun and , cloudless shy with the soft br*a*«» of Mav In the' nlr. It was a perfect day tjo hall a conquering hero ' 1 He dined tonight with one of pis ' own countrymen, the councillor of (he -embassy, to wlione tably on'v ten * others had beep bidden for the fsk ' Mi hern t<>u fatiguing te permit more 1 then e quiet evening for the youth I whom France as taka a to r sprees at the spirit es Amertea at tto fleset -j~- „ ,i-> , ■ A, GRAWTRESim" ALUMNI OFFICE Wl'il G* te New York te Ceu tiuue stuuy te Atanrt Re tetieenklen CHAiPEL MULTIBay ft-fteniat L Amt, Rxei niln Rm uliii j of the General Alumni AtsoclaUoa and Bdi Not o the Alumni Review of the Uni versity of Norih • *rollna for th* last fivw yean, today teaderad hi* rate*- nunoo to Alfred M Beales, president <»f the General Alumai Association, I to take effect in October:. J Mr OnuH go*# to New York, When he-will devote the aegt ” twi vear* to a specialised study In the field of alumai re la tome made poeei ble through a grant of the Carnegie Coroporatloa to the University. 4 committee ta administer the fund to comp<mad of President Chase ( chair man: L R. Wilson, H. W. Oduax and R. M House, secretary Tto saccessor to Mr. Grant has aot/bem named, hut th* appMMm*at am baht y stUkHMUtiUthhi la* of th« hoard- of director* at 'k>mmenc*meni A committee com poaod of Clem Wrighl. chnlrniM; /. W I'mat-ad, Arthur Ana ugh. George Watts Hill, and R. B Hone*, ha* town appointed by President Seale* tn recommend a SUccaesor and to ang geel the future policy of die Mined t lon regarding Its exnontivn ataff. The committee held Its Drat met ing hen today aad planned a» open session for 1 o'clock Friday afteranoß, Jnae ». at which time rscommenda tloaa aa to a possible succesaor may U made. 1 MAROONED BY FLOOD WATERS A I Hail Refuted to Bnltevn Thtlr Hm«i would B« mum j J by Rtelae Bm ' ROUGE. La., May M~ f (d’l—Reconstruction of the Bgod de vastated area of Louisian* will cote 6-1,000,000 aad will not he completed antll neat year. Col. w. H ■alllvan. chalrntpa jbf-. the 9*6F fieconatrno tlon committee, said hem today after a tour of Arkanaa* with Bodretery Hoover 6 “We intend to Uk* case of every Rood tafferer until he to q>a hla feat and producing again," said Cte. Bte llvan “and In that way keep anr ter mer* aad laborer* la th*, stats'* •*'' 1 NEW ORLEANS. May M._OTi-j Hnadredn es pnrenn* 4n th* upper tip, Os potm Coup.., t-srmh win maroon ed tonight by back water* from th* 1 Mr< rru 'T'-rn-'.i n"vrrptng tor. rente streamed over a railroad **y hank men t upon which they had relied for protec lion. JI Failure to flee at flood warnings 1 bad, kept tha residents to the dflrtrlct < until the beak waters roo* «afftel«at ly high to become threetinlug 1 City School Enrollment This Year Totaled 4,678 fCiHiilJuuui iu tUi: (juidiiboro f*ii i vhoolt will la all probability raach v*®° Best year.. Total taintl—lt l»r WuEMtUSE.fttt reach** 4,«T». sumt'cs’ IW»m tWV rhe OfHrr of cownty aapot'lßisadeW "73r~3r to rwiotdi for tki part -».<hool-year from the nfflcs of, A. 0 M » m * * * - -ts M rt ■« -- « —* / Ui^ " j f wi ” »i Tii~— inj’ ~ '«f7 ; ictimU thr MU MMMB for white cblldreu In the clip la, 9 All of jtbne or* two story brlch building* modern %c»iool hWMI N.imber of white children rnmlN IMV t o4or*d 1T92 Nunktr of wh't* children In lb* city Os school ur <• <o 21) IMS. Colored 2119. l»H|th of »ebool term for both while- i«d lolorod. » month* Number of whit* teachers 94 Numlmr of colored laach rre 42 Arena* salary per a non in. while 11200 Oolorod 1920 Valuation •i all school proparty | B the ally 2750.000 / HiatlatlcaMor TVhyo* County schools ' *•" ' ; • , ’ - .* fj* An Explosiii, Aid Ring Pinnacle Flame Is Leatmt i=2oo FUnAi; Earth Mi* LINER DAMAGED IN COLLISION pw, si aSSh*** ImW NMW YORK. MV te—(lP)—The |7^ •H.fltM Matson User Matoio. mm* prince of tha Anterteaa Merchant Ma rine. with lid persons aboard, today was anchored at sen IM ml lea from New York awaiting a tow to this part after being crippled tea ctelteton on the Aral day ff her trial crate*. The Matoio, tie largest and (aat*et United Staten and Jpat completed tor •passenger ear vice between Ran Fraa Mace and Honolulu, ypaterdxy after noon wm rammed amld-ebipe In e heavy fog and disabled fifteen mite* southwest of Naalecket lightship, by tk* Norwegian freighter Jacob Cfcrle tennou. With tor fir* room# flooded with four feet of water, tto Matoio. flaah ed call* by radio and Immediately a dosra ship* started Is tor ted. Tto Jacob Christensen ateatood an , d*r tor awn power towaida New York when other vnaxxli arrivad, ~ tto •tonamr rtefaad. ap* tto dtedfltor Btetor atood -V tto Matelo Two tre.roenm and Ute eagtoe mow of Ute jffltolo * ere flooded and tkc tow of tto Jacob Christensen, bound from Ftorty. Eng. ta New tdfk. was crushed No on* waa reparted tu tored. EVERGLADES » J BURNED OVER Flrg Which Thraatnand Miami Covered 188 Mile Stretch FcrtUc Lgmi^- •c* mapqpmmm '■ r " < : '- 8 MIAMI, n*.. May te.~<#>-Tto BieVgladee fires that have tour sweeptafl.along a six mil* fragt fc» ararly a week |ay* laW full t< shoot !M square nllrn of fertito tend Ytooll Watson, county oomnJnnteunr estimated tonight after an aerial ur- W of tto burning district He Re* tat l* tettps «« tto tra* and th* n» “‘v*riTt4*fi mu fur f*fi nr (tjtirt» Bf* from a lAM foot etevatioa. slow If creeping Same*, beadtar their efforts toward digging tranche* te break tto apvead A Sett of true tors was seat Into tto Brargladea te candy dolls as favors while th* hoy* were In ao danger as they fought «R natural tra hranke a t upenU from the Cly of Qaida boro arhooia aa goiten from iba offic* «f J. T. Jernam. eugertalsadeat « rownty reboots show Wombat w hiifii school# far «nitt dhiMrta 1* JK M&LtJhtL wrJ* A- 1 9A Ollrn N amber of white i.achara 149 Colored ?V Nambar of white cbM drtia ia school 4125. Colored |OM. aa* ia to IX4 9192. Calaradl IXO9 Length of »chool t*rm ia Wayni <««Mr far whit# child re*. » lafnb ban • nmntha, all 4b*r* bar* ( month* Colored sc Moot* bar* f tioniba (arm. Nambar as baa llaa* for school abfldrea M. Th* year bo for* tht* there w*re M. There la on* baa line far eofore* children, of Um high xbool of Ml Oltf* Value as white school property MtUtt, Val ue of colored school property |T»,- oaa. * Os the tea high schools tor while children, 4 aft JUatord aibnh, (Conti*nod aa Fa«s Twol .>i,4 *mirn« I The Associated J - -■ -■ - - - rmcamacmwe * »T n riSnf^!o*r!f?S - Gas AArs i HAN row, Tw* toftr •in A uw«r aTltowa ta SbM*w Nr tfcnwpi mp |fe» jmm| •£ g|j mml f«K •( !*• an SpPlMn whtoh Aw* mm wore kSM )|B at m* mtm s|m»* Stop ml »«••• *r i—< pissaaipO h« dead and ••nff tMVIA h -n rewwad aa< •*»? 4. - 4 ' *■ -* - 1 ■ -Jit v*ent wwifui on HTtlf CM M MP refOVCrllf tilt lUi. The tenth «*Ut|lMnMh i Partite worato* ft -, t« |.|4 ra ■>,. -Ua * NMI^W ’ lAsorswion * anfls hb «i«n whoa th# MaiMmi Dies. iw IMIpA Min MMN *M Oth tint atruetan wnted 'ihfNpiflbtjNMto fife H Vfw « ikm • • ’V*HJ r shook ao^l •dd'ac to the < »rnf as tfca WMMS Mi children haotUjr Nnodi (h*W *«A tha mhi of inc forward tor tootofcf Mho hwi the aarlleet it will bo alBMMdj •no hoc* of blaw Much empltofea *4 'HI te repaired to WMt NfedNl md failure wttT adhft tlMf ptoMfc «aa aspect ad ~^P ' vtewiiiHh jifwpM SF ‘ Fatal SWe won Wiled. two ttoto «MMtoWMiU». ’ tteicht. and a*M otMra iiitol jjlfcfr la p fell a« a MW WlioH-a tot > nloaloo in a natae taN Mto?v awed late tafejr. iS# *F «• 1 there had tola* * MW 4* to* '*• The atco NartoLMBF df toad turned, won tnhah to'd laaptoai. the mm mt-- teot uadercroiMd aad ftTlttni *£ . -rreh'i. effort to •m il tht foot n i bate aad t WM|B|f«d9lto a** The .ttMlAll Hr uador a flaod Ihdto tttto end min era wfco aaato (tot tke afcdl heaN ruaMtafa to* IBM Sto *4 occurred, . bound* or «M aafttoatodNidbhi the anrfaoo and ahaafc Hm%m *S looi or a bridge batot odMtftotoi “VJSSItgU .iRDWBMOtoO. HtF Mn fear eeeki aw> aM^MI hor had hat Mat tt|Sl |MMdM' 1 nrt.orv verity iphnSß*■* r" *-• — w r~ tophi Hm toMBS waa orttioal vhaa dha mm Imo.cc ~i . .n"^ 1 a • 1 mW ' ’ - - meittmr, H. c. ut*a after It todar hjjjjg ‘" l -or

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