WEATHER ItctMuH&f clwMwhb tootothp MmS StmmSmf ®k( VOMIWUt NUMB 77 Wf.o - i. ' ti '— —MU .1--- PLANHTORTPUTOUT2OO FT. GEYSER f FLA® LffIDBERGH WILL LEA VE PARIS FOR BRUSSELS ABOUT NOON Wfarina FirP Pmnf W iwm rue rreoi dun, ESfc* Will Place Explore z «• h fata Aid TmA It M Into Viointto Roaring y r Hm ttmdfeto Toot ? ,; Mil DuNi Lilt From ' *TK£to to^Srht and Other. Injured; Eemovtnr Building* ttANNNfIk Timm, E.y j: |4T)-A M 1"- . Amb® •# lllWi|ll< * i'lni nan 4f , M***t m «t * v MMW ■* Me fort ga. watt which ■ ary^rrair t ttaßn toadgfct ter arntai the chant* tU umtewite te W Mm of te* hug* taffor of hr, a»d hatting It off. | P*M» vwm made te touch o* the «ta«Ua tote MUM so that spark* •■4 iMfUM It titer threat egad «4tete teipaa ritoht easily he am Y** «tert teatad oat hta ftre-pr.H.fl mM. vhtah ha «U1 araar in approach-! tev tea burning watt with tea charge! * etpterivee «r right racuratou* 1«U < —Rcarch for the Ideality of a Cheapo girt— “a devH with gjfeaby face"—whom W. O. Martin aald ha kilted hare bc fern ha endia hi. awn Ufa yaatetday ’ * MTlwahee hotel proved Du'llea -■]»'!» Martin left a not* bsalde hl» which aald h* killed tea girt tawagaa as bar fnitSteaanaaa>»iln own wr*k* old baby aald she kuaW of no «tker‘woman lad Man In. afters ant* haltered the not waa a reoaN of hal- Iwlaatlon.. ,r> ban* AWyJW tea ®|| wiuf *• i “haby face* mWsi ha DvelyYt * Le* ~ Utehda. Mid •.* too< WuiM .* ~T ■* tpdrdhkhi Tj dn unt^nfftteia. ■ .allant MM. week. waa .hands* ad today bhen police and friend, leartw ad tat they had not known earh other. "I hare boon trying U> feel eorry for her. hot 1 am noOMartln* not* reod **tho waa a dertl with o baby face. Rhe aware by all the aalata Id heavea aha would aorer laar*. me If | loft my wife I gar* bar ll.oao cash.*. MarUa’e wit* aald Iter huahnad el nay. had baaa attentive gad taMhfil v • i . } % t ;• • 2* • % _ Ik! ..-ii. - ■ .i. " „1 ■■■ w ■ —rr« » Tur rni hcdada 1 rlUd bULUbDijRU NEWS e • |k , I M-. 1 : . 'S . READ m THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ABE PBESH-READ BY BUYERS, BEBORI THEY BUY * - -1 a a. 1 _ iJH •BOTTLERS HOLD ij MEETING HERE I' ,jW. L. BdwUaga and P. G. Mid-1 l flel«i HddU td Eastern ‘( Caroliaa Proprietora > la Kaatara North C'aroltad met her* feat.; day. named office re. mapped oat plona lor lacrooslna their aarrtc* te the people of tfU Mctton. u«h| were . tneU «»* i~—‘ - .haehoaao. et oooa. W U Kawllaga- menegar 11. Middleton manager of The Raleigh *f Baimaa-Harrel I- Row I Inge end Pepel Cola Company In the city, were boat, te Ilia group hare yesterday. , While the eoda water maantnetar •n of the last do aot hare what thqy term na oragaleatteo. they meet pe riodically la dttoreet cities of tea sec -1 tion gad keep up a clone boat a*.. ' communication. £. |. Pleateag of I Hooky Mount waa narne.i pr. -n.tent lof tka troop yteterday and B K. Thy* 1 lor of Thrboro, .aoreteiy. \ mt. . . The bueiaeoa ooaetea yeatord y woe koid at tea Bara*o>Rawltapa plant te I tea morning. At noon tke delcgot*. —twenty-three .troaw odjoortiMj to Crraceat lake Where the boetn Uxd prepared aa excellent borbreu. t'a | Cle Arnold Raaadr. negro. I. the » tlat who. bad been gfil Odh maHlug tke barbecue gad the rannlt proved the trust wag merited. Tlteau pi agent Included A A. Me> Cdp «sd W P. Tyndall, of L. J. Taylor and C.. O Seifert of New Bern; Z. V. Murphykad M. O. Mina, of Oreeavllle; K f. Hem lug of Rocky Mount; M 8. Brown, of Tnrboro: W. o. Rtcb.rdsoa. of Ra leltrti; John Iteiko, P. fl Middleton. Bptcrr Holmes. O H Parker aud W L. Raw]log. of Ooldaboro: a M. Woodard. Warsaw; d. B wiiH#, Morehead City; » J Lou*. Head*r •ddß J. H. Reeves. Mt Olive; snd W. o. Ooy. Parn.villa. "■„<* - _. r rnrKRAL hkld for mkm. RPBiit i i Mormir j, MORBHKAI) CITY. May J7.-Tha I I funeral of the l.t* Mrs. Hebacca' Morton wife of Rrtdgcrs Morton) waa r reiSdpctrd Trom the rrae Win Baptist ( rhu.Ch si 10 o'clock Tueolay morn- i teg and Interment waa te the amity j ] tinrvuic ~i'.mill .1 Newport gh* d'tedj month, old Bh* was born al Newport of apoplexy and waa *•» years and 7 OcV’ber ji, ISSX Before her marriage .he wa. Ml.. Jlrb*<-ca Garner, daugb- j Jter of Mr. and Mr.. Jam*. Garner i i " '•> • • 1 Kill 1H NTRHItEX jt HAT BEFORE Fl.tY I. •»* I I PORT!*ANU. 0r... May J7.—t4V ' John Draw, actor, waa ordered by bl»'> phy»l<"au. to abendon a theatrkal *o-! .agomeat here last night aa the r*.uh of an attack of ll|n»aa. ' ' ■ 1 -■ ■ i i iii,i , ~ .—— , - - Wayne Woman’s Tears Saves • • W MW m • m* m M L Marik fl R> tUlt.ll.ll. ha, *» -(AP) - Wi;M roeßl, DNMl'l IMT< ta- Aay la federal r»*rt km aateA *m Mm* Jail ih|nM aetil lit- mat tana a* mart after «he teld fafi* tatta that the dldat thiak hr «aa rallty. The eeUawee aaala*t hlai «a> fwilaHic feet >k* *aM that ha* as bima|. auia Bad that fee bad a rr*y la raltl >* rale. ItlatrVt atlaraey Tarferr *aM , H ha* ae aM atari as thr altrH haatl««far aaA that if b* kax. Fork township and ■ far a nutnher of wepka the njearber’ .hip of tka chnrch aa It te today, a f-hdrMt «ft rhe nwldehara Matkodiat Ctrcnlt. bav* been working f|te a I .ala day that 1a to -hh known a. th. Bbeaeser Horn* coating day. Sunday May n. One. again old friend, will meet .round the little church house to .in. Hings of long Mo and to tell or the year* that have stood In he tw*eu. Uio.e who have moved lg oth er part, and those who have remained near the old ground* „ In these year, teal havtf tone like • tale that In told or "like a wgteh In •he night mtght of the old members have crossed ove* the river, To '.heir memdty there win he read ah tttlogv In each one of them giving all ihat-e«n he found on their InM day*. TUa will be read by Mr. Neal, stew ard nf Kb*noser church. A apoc al Interest will b. taken la the, history of Hit- old church that has been prepared by Dr W B Crawfgrd and wMI be reAd gt tee af tsnsem meeting by Dr. Crawford ns esteemed and greatly lowed mem ber nsd traetee of Biaaii.r cherub AA S chnrch meeting fame time back 'be vote for n .peaks? on Home-Cam- Ing Day waa naomimlou* for n former pastor. Rev. I. M Wright, now paa ter at Carthage. K. C., Mr. Wright will urr've In Ooldsbero ftetbrday sight Robert K**Brwwn, at the OoWs"! boro CHvgtt parsonage 71t Bast Ash street. Mr Wrtrht will preach at it MiMirr pinner will ba served op ike ground and all former members and friends of the church are Invited, special In vitation Is given In all former mtnls- Ur* and officers of the church Turn urate towards the I'ttle church by great highway, where lit* rare, of men go hy. and listen .to the call to wor-hlp and how ggpln (He kns* to Him stir whom all churches have been built and dedicated 1 NlllCH DELEDATEK RALEIGH, May Xk~ UP) Appotnt- Tn»at ur detngAtgg tb T?pris«rer TBl* " rial* at the meeting of the United State, good roads association at Sa vannah. June 7 to It ate R. O EvereU. Durham; K mn« It Tliißiir'Yfiiißiiiff' •bm n*. ». n*w. Fayettevlll*; T. J. Murphy. Ureeu*- bora; R, H Burua. 'H'hlterille|_Guy Newby, U.rttei IS ■ 1 *3®"* Ilf •11 fjl ll # J Own Airship Still Kecsivsd of Acs Bvsr Mown In l*siisl ■ : • FAEIH. Mo MAPI Cap tats Charles LlsßbeeA 'MI *che 4miU tm sm ti In A tesighl waa elased the graatdht u-eeh of hen. H.rshtp that m|S«si« oi.n of L|. matelP Mia ■»" Sr* ” * win MR 1 temn wnnu Tomorrow young Mmert. an avl at or. who left New Yorjl lam PVlday and arrtvod in Carte lit Huturdur night, will Inave the Mten» h captml after having reca ved tecii prate*, aa almost te defy lonipateoa. Heaped with all the jLoHfc teat tho French pcotie and flair guvefu w.issaMwaesiisifais»smaiavhwm» *■■■ suwasaMfl^ Amte-m tnent could lie.tow upon like, the slim wHi of the middle v**t ‘ wilt climb into hi* h slorie inenoplanV to, fly |o Braaael* where another Itovut welcome na been pr,‘pared by Klnt; Albert bte opmtple Onpt. Idndbcrgh will l*aiv kYance a ItMlc after neon from thf ficid on which He brought “The Spirit of Hi. Loote" \g r«at last KoMtfdny ntgbt at the end of his triumphant non-Mop flight (rota New York and ko te leav ing Parte great a bias* of glory aa ha entered It. Today, the last ful) day nf his pre sent stay in France. Capt Uudlaruk waa ogt of bad , h fore daws and fram then until mttfiitcht hte • \ tlflf Pff I- Mt Kml that her .on. Capt. charts* Lindbergh’ 'taaa-atlantlc flier, ha. accepted Preaid nt Cnolidge's tnvttutlqp to mtrrtrTmiu? m u aurtiiip sud would' U't for horn*' about Jr nr ’«->,H* an in-' forjnrd her by cable, ahe said. BROWN SPE AKS AT ROSEWOOD • o Telit* Gntduslct* Not to Sf'ty on Karat Unlem They Have Rscn Trained for life T. K Drown, director of vncetlonal edm-ation la N*.rth Caroliaa. y,est«r '•■ ?•' 1 •*' DHJ H R III! 1(11 IB w» lUtew' wood High Bchool not to stay on tho farm ante** th*y were Interested te farming a. a vocation and Interested In It above everything eta* The Ra Jflgh matt fpokc nt Ro.*»o»h1 tu Ui - inorblug before n crowded iiouee md in connection with the closing uxrr ctsar of-flnr selroor A pray Tiy mem her. of the high school last evening brought the gnkls to a «tos* North CamlMia need* leadership, and leadership developed tn the htatc. Mr. Brown declared The time hau coma, he said, when w» .bootd* de pend more upon developing our lerfit era rather tban In getting them from the outside. The Btst*, he said, hag n.udc pro gress rapidly the past few yncr. .nd will now mark time until gradtly In creased revenues are set lo operating tn the state Increased efficiency better education will brlus lnccsa**d efficiency Mr. Brow a advised' the memb*ni as IDB3B&MiltdttiHS-«3aaa-uZ2ia£Qawa-lliii|w! eduettmn .md to take iHjalttoga of Inadcrshtp tn the .rwar fireword move ment In North Carolina. "Olve ot Ih«- hopeful signs of today,'' tier la red Mr Hro* n "Is tlwl farmers ‘♦•UrMROoZ. «WA. leriwlv hteWßyVn *4' roivr ktstrurtiMM IH'I.. 1t... prinettluA. of agrkuU t • '»h wsi sc* teefw •d for jN'i'vnilnu a fc io i cm nhoaid not stay na the term should be made a bualnese, and operated on n buitlnr.Rs plan Htt-or-mtes method* are one of the greatest druwbs«k. lo the farm today." , * . ■' V s'- ■ H NR ALL I RAFT B IKMMI May 27 '4N- The weather hurv.u's general forecast to day nay. that "small craft warnings" are displayed from t'npe Hatters, to Hast port. Minn ' v.> L#, t'i 1 ,? i n DILIARD HIGH 1 GRADUATES .14 t . '■ ' } Dr. E. E. Mlk Daikvcnv Annual \tldtera nt Sctond Annual Commencvarnl of School I £L___ Last night marked the close of prtsmoutb. Va. da uvttted Um» sonant sriow. «>g» iatnr D. latiiHsion on behalf of the board of edncatlon awardt'd the diplomas Long before the hour for tha open Ing exercises the i spacious auditor urn was rtllcd to capacity and stand - 1 ' lax room at a premium. .Propmtly I at 1:00 o'clock igUuit etna-* I 1 in processional imfflFd the piattornt' and invocation was made by Hay A.! I W j IRC. salutolorv Wp aiM*^- • son und the valydtctery hy l. Die Kor-i t tiegtiy showed much painstaking ear*] \ **d war* wall dal Ivo rod. Th. siaglgg i of the gi«- club and the quartett were well above tb* average " Dr Smith in his address in pari, raid Jbat the student of today faced th« challenge of v ndlcatlag tha via dm> of those whe have made this opportunity possible. He stressed tho ln> ortunce of not being trained away from our eternal heritage IV* must wlgfom of our paroau, church, leader* who aye making great vac "fire, and th* broad krir|pd phll-' qnthroplos who are nontrib ittng to ihte great make a llviag bat a life, as no nmn cun Uv untpJtffladK, t^dd'A* 'j "«l*l promote •* to every rag* urd nation Dr. Btnltb concluded hi. (KMrdfl by urging the class to .re member their creator on thrir youAff days, the years of Imprt’adloaf Col. I .angst on la presenting the diplomas expressed himself as balpg pi used with everything ha saw. com mentlng on th* class motto “Rtrtvlng soy Ihv goal*' lie lold thein tha' why was the limit, but to succeed their mot re -must be purq^ Attorney Does of th* hoard of edu cation made a few remarks at tha closing of the program. Arthur H. c 'asavr and Lilli* Kornegay chosen by the stadeat body. aa. tee mitstand , dig students of the yenr were award' cd iriga* by Principal H V. lirowa,. —v~ ~w—— Brsnthei of Church May Consolidate I , ——-—7— WAR HI NOTON. May *7-(AV-Ad! Inritatkm to ggJtad urm tjt ¥ ferian cftUirb of the Bnnth was ag-f. t**ndcl today lo th* General Assembly «•» tee United Preabyteflgn of North America. Jt came from tb* 1 Rev Dr S. L. Morris of Atlanta, 1, aent here for the purpose from the 1 annual conference of the Southern I‘reab) terlaas. j I Th* qu*atlou o. union tuu bs«« un> 1 d«r consideration by ladh 'denomtea tbins for 17 years.. i>*legate* of th* United Preabyterlau t hurch aald test Wo substantial dlfferemw in drutrln** or pollclsg aalated. although Ihm# ware different us In detail* of admlnla- i tratlon and organisation. They rec ommended that be car - -rfull lo *nm* ffeffnlte mmcluslwu: - 1 Counties Required Prepare •a- - May 3* -Preparalioal of a budget that will take car* of the j lu-eda of *a« b county departmmt and 1 ac Uiniy 'imf IttaJUf (teldjaf is She e««ft Rfose nod 's the r.flv imtm •* 'Ha piMMOO'kMft of the • ouuty rfflclals throjglioitt the HUnc , tinder the new < ounty Fiscal r ontrol r Art Pr»!lmlnnry budget estimates ar? * 1 now Itslng prepared pn forma already < ii* nut from the office of tb* coun ty GoveiMmani Advt. Dry < PmmL • loh lt» the department brads and of- j Crete In rhara* of fanctloe* In each, county. These estimate, mutt |t» - comriAed and presented to each ', ' county accountant by June 1. > These pralljataary budgets will; ■how in detail what it}* departmant j iMwne Case Atlegef To Party Until This Morni CULLING TALK IS DELIVERED Poultry Aaaociatiou Moots Non! With Mr. rml Mrs. J. R. Boot to*—~ —|p dir who attend#* Urn poultry meat 1 lag gt Steven'. Mill yesterday aaam ; nd to on joy It frogg atrat to finish | Mr. and Mr*. 0, l( Warrick, wltl Uarbanu* and tg addition a table wgr vpraad by those presant with fri* thicken aud dogega of other goor Ihigga to eal _ The cnlllng eryone feeling grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Wgrrfck for tholr kind hospital , ' Back to Bible Is Speakers CtttCAfiO. M*y 37 mi m Wl Testament evangelism tn praoebing the subject before t* fifth annual conference of tho iwpttnt Rtots t'ntoa with Dr. W J. 11. lirown and Itev K T Krichem tha speakmw. Both pastors dcu-rtbed the spread of motforal.m and urged a return to the Bible teaching* gs the chief wea pon against Idberaltot.. • There la - »jgelr a need for new emphasis on the abqd blood of Jeon* t hrtxt." l>r Brown said "The Iplrit of flod function, on n foundation hf Mood attonrmeiit on Jesus, the world ird'cmer anti not n moral i.former" I spent (net Fear.'an estimate of what I " w UJ-fl>euil this veay, and what It #S ?nLv Jui7 l i f Rariri nrt the figure* suhmjftid'tu <|>|M by the daps (intent ii*#da. jls cdnnty accountant will pflpsroNa budget estimate for the entire oonqty uni submit It lo tb* couuty comaMth 'rlonaro not Inter than the first Mon day tg July, whan th* budget* wilt he Dually fixed tor the year on the hast* »f the.county's Income ' Under the new law alt coaaU*. will use the uniform budgeting •ystoih After th* budget* have been Dng|ly nrt«d <>o. pt* will kaww exactly what thgy mag . -r*nd nest year Mach tin. of aottv-i « ontlnuad oa Pag# Two) I ■—— Member * :* ■ ' ■ v **Wy sW !•»: M ,Hffi ..?.> » tfcy ' - PUCR fits cum . White MuTilatf *§** key Chart* 210^ gw vSm cessful Effort to OW tain “Dope"; YeeuM Princeton Man la Ahe Charged With Affrgfc ■ ¥'<**> of the rwi mm Hllfj HT iquor ■ Thla cue grow out gs wa—rt «g|rt She aaW Lane eat her wtth a 'hto% when aha dnLtoN If ’ hi* awtoawhUe out alter "tan ffMffr drink, daring a wild party. Hrulue Holt, yetohg ~ill||Bl||, g|p. «• •»" ***•*•< a. Iha <*»* 2 to faro trtst trtat alaffff «dMl~fc|M and the Ptffffott * The girt. U wm laarwad pmrtfirt, mad. tn uoeuccewafal MM iJU •lope (Or beroell. CoaftolTZ the fanea to tho girl aad teM ffpr M tale It to "tho Qotdhhoro Draff Ort*- pany. The aaffraaa oorrtad asst *« Inm ructions. art «t Uh Drug Mm* the pb.ramaclat found the arte g ta quest far a certain ktol 0 Mfdfflf. Ho at oaco got la —niliillgto «Mh the Wayne County Health Daptip* merit to aagertalh If tho drffff fed been authorised for flm pffttaM. f|a reply wan la the aawattee aad MM request went unfuliMod- ■ —■ ■■■■ ». *• RAILWAY dICIKAL mnCBI KALBIOH. May 27 -fJTt—fhg *•*» log of the regional rnmiMtaa «a the * “wcobijbb** or r.TTway W9Kmmm 7 tilt TOi dfWXMrksa R.l»** r - i : t'~~ ‘too W«a Mia Marti wrth ji tion lour of the near H»«i[>o*rthjflHfr eyetem from Ml. hmond to I he pai tjr left Raleigh br mMsm/M HU birttai'i ' Jblthp ia- Artrw ra w"hr there it. He mid by train and rwtadlß in «te aoHrt |o -mm. Pl.ANff nfia TO IIM m j rLMrr im vax abcik KAIhfiAXKJt. Alaaha. May 91~4k Captain Osorgo H Wtarte* artdd uled hop off yeatorday far Part* feah raw was pdatpgned whop th* piaffe iff. fuaeg ta rlee odT the grouad wHh w l.m pound load. Ha kmi f» hi Off today Proa* Patot Bartow the art I piorer plaffa U By earwaa tho Jmm I to Oraft’t Uff4 iff Ofwgffliii