-yt: i-.-'v- v v i I—7-7 - ■ f WEATHIUc t» wazxm^wrrr— wt/T! < JP®® ■*®® l ®®y WMM* - trtil- irtrauv. &*wrt*t ta the m*> *mMRMM»WMM*mte «g m,u gnm uimr 11 11 11 11. VOLUME fiUX; NUMBER 78 JORY SETS ASIDE WILL LATE JUDGE GEO. BROWN Wim Tudor Badl; Hut h An Automobile Accident r— ’•<*■’! * r -•■ -p- ~ lfffi.£L..*~,.-a..~. Early Yesterday Mornins - Srr r —r~r - 1, ’niiifrmuaas?' r, CkrjfdirDHvefttqrDe!- -Q . not Cole Struck Fort L Coupe Pferfaed on Slo i ctuub Street; Cole On ly SHfkUy Hurt; Hoe nitil Rfnnrta Tudor 1 -v'-ffipumpu -mtffßHM ff Better Last Kj Evening- Will tea Tudor, young uklti au of OCtfUbora, la ik a local hospital with imn lajarieg; Delmoa Cola, young «MU Mm of Goldsboro hu minor bmp; a rhryeler roadster la badly «ndM lid a Ford conte damaged aa the toaoit of tho Obr/u»r. driven - • d*i 1 0 ’■ * ** «; _j __ tho right tide of th* road early yes terday morning, Tha accident took M’ssr* Tv lor fad Colo vara re turning to Ooldahaco (roam Qrtftoo 54 whan tho aeoMaat oeoorrad. Tk« Food coop* woo knocked upon tka sidewalk At thd’point hy the Chryalor which waa traretliar south. A te# hand w%M of tha Ford, tho tMMO compartment and tho roar foodor vara smashed Tha aoadiait took place Ji front of the bate ofttMhard MnMl. Tha Chryalor fa reported to hvtfo t a road am twice. The from right jiff • ----- --*-*■•»-.. W Mei conyififiy arnioilMinv, aad tha sMte of the ea* dameged, -Badly wracked” woo tha tons aoad In • &***'.-**** + '*’■ : T,«inl‘Tafc ran tint nit ' m. ranackma la tho craah and continued /th that atsta aaul ahoat 1 o'clock jraa- Vma aath, that ha could not bo moved to tha operating moan for aa X-ray and a thorough axamlaatton All morning It waa fodrad tha bd might 0 die at any htaaaaot. Aboit 00a o’clock howoror, ho lo reported to hare tak en a tarn for tha hatter and to haw At tka hoap’tal last evening It vaa •aid that ha WXA? reefing "eomewhn' better*'. Young Cola waa not badly injured, aaffarlac atfor eats ahoat an arm. Aa tha driver. Mr. Cola wag for -1 hea< awoy from tho Ford whoa the hgjipt eamo. Mir. Tador waa occupy lag tha atda of tha right alda of the cor and waa ta aach a poattlon an to catch much of tho force of tha Impact Woman May Hare Been Main by Rltte Ballet i; .: ■ "■■ -■ MAN AQUA, NIC.. May II. — UP) —Al- t'. \ tkoueh ( apt William Richards of the 0 0. 8. kfartae Corpe ahot and killed th* Nicaraguan bandit ladder ('abul ia la aalf dafaaaa, it haa not been de termined whether another ballet from hh pistol killed § woman who at tacked him with a match# or Whether At foil from 0 bullet from aa auto matic rife Brad by another member of tha Marina patrol. F 4 ' Capt. Richards had undertaken ta rtmaaatral* with Cgbullg again at hl( cruelty to the nattvea Cabal la with F j/8% members of bia hand, and tho woman imaf .I Y ts ImlbluS kji.m AI. ma«d at aoaa CohaUa coached ter his ■jUL . quirk Bring three sham and MHfW* hi*. *. The WOMB sprang forward and a rifemaa. Brad almost almnltaneoualy ted the wow* dropped V Ur ** • •• • . ' ur .. n • p l ' " "ir'T* 1 BEieev •».ao.i *sa'<y «» 1 . * m • p...-- r • ■ BPMK® Twit" "* * ♦ * tn MMI ACTIO* . ~— r ntTKorr. nay iMfi nn l Know lion Dodge yesterday waa treat ed a dtvoree from Horace Dodge. Jr. manufacturer la eftaalt court hare. The decree however win oot become 1 ftaol oatll wtt weak whea PraoMkna l Judge Tladoat M. Braaaaa will ou ter It ta the coart records Mrs. Dodge charged cruelty. THE GOLDSBORO NEWS .., t , '• - . ’ r . READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS, BEFORE TIIEY BUY '.-I— 1 — 11 * n■■ -r- 2 . . ■■■ I" 1 | w Genml Rain Worth Thousands Dollars A general rain ove r Wayne coaaty and this sectloa of Nastern North Caroline late yesterday as teraooa broke the beck of the (drought which has gripped the country for woaks. “its worth a thou sands of dollars to the far mers of the county," an ( one fatal llgr with conditions throughout the country. The long drought, with a hot dry winds which blew for several daya. materially cat short tbd truck erops in the Mt Olive sec tion. ilia said. Yesterday’s rain ~»JuU *w the potate cron m graa larger but It Is thought thkt no new tubers vll develop s ifh was th# edtremlty of the dry spell before broken I Yesterday's tala waa general over the aactlU. New Bern re ported a good downfall. Kinston Information waa that It rained alt I; day, anY reports from Wallace and Warsaw were that these sections benefttted. Wilm’ngtoa. hovever, waa not touched. It was said, in it ~ HOOVER ASKS ' NORTH TO AID . bk 4# Htatt— Hook-up BroaJ- I cants AMwal for Flood Ravhgnd Statdo —! 1 « j NEW ORUCANB. May tt-ijf) Herbert Hoover tonight called upon the fojrth to come to the n ( d of the ftyrth in her tremeWdous teak of giv ing 4MOJWO vlcitlma of the- greateat Miaaiaalppl volley flood In h’atory a new start in life. ~ • ”* The appeal of the commerce sec ce lery, who has directed the great re lief machine of the (food, broadcast by 40 radio ktat os tato eyery state la the union, asked the nation to contri bute f 2.000.000 more to the Red i Cross and tha Northern baakkrs and Industries to subscribe f1.M0.000 to t Ihe tiueclng agencies of the three I hardest hit states wh'ch will supply funds for the rscOastructioß of the territory. . _ Mr reviewed the entire de~ 1 vaatatkm of tho ffood and dssevthsd how the greatest machlns to aavs t lives and cars for the homeless In the oaltoaa h story waa organised la the Houijt. He also outlined the great . lath of reconstructloa of the people. t driven from their homes by the *wat- I era which coaforau Arkansas, Louls . lans and Miaataslrpt after the wat-. era reread, b'i hundred thousand of , the 700.000 UTomelesa are destitute be said. o r The raeonatructloa should be the . task of a. generous North to a resolute r and courageous south, he sold and we , of the north have the right and duty » lo Ml> * lhtlr Nfopig. , 9 - f - --- ■ - .. ~ ~.7~ : _7 i -.iS-^rr 1 '"L *• n ~ry : ~ ~' ir "~ : Mt. Olive Or Fremont Will Get Next Year’a Jubilee r 4 - * -e... r Hi line with a suggestion tret made la aa editorial of The N»ws. directors 1 of* the Wayne County ‘(Fair Aaao< ia -1 lion have decided to make the Wayne I- --tiauafo* .WkMnn ran*■ mm}••*»ma -gyp event fff. tke Asaut'lstiou. It wna an ' nasMßte'iainMfgg*4t3U|^T>-uC . - Tamms ift,' - e>*4d*|tg4r T*y--*e~jn*i.«A r with n suggestion Brat mode In an' editorial In The News, the Jubilee will : be staged during successive years at lllTereat towns In the county. Whether Fremont or Mt. Olive shall have the Jabliee for next year will ' be determined by vote taken at tb*j • fair Grounds here upon the oorseion, • 'of the epprosrhlag Jubilee. It was I statetf 4 The taatter of whir* the - next Jubilee shall be held will be | pat directly to those th attendance at ■ the ocean Loa. -Jf/is.. ‘..1, _yl 1. / rT1 *' rr^' | ' r n **7’^* k ‘ I | , ' '-f l '"'.l "■ J *~- '” ** vY' ...e-—->■ M. C. SUNDAY MORNING, MAY M, \%tl - -i.l ■ i i-—i. ....'y. 1 ..:.... 'i. :'i,g?apr=ri BELGIUM ADOPTS LINDY I IIS mil ■ irr— -inn- i-n rrr ». n ? f. a jpi puyam rrr »r>-jgry---. «ar * up. COMMITTEE HAS TWEETING HERE ' - «■ ” J ri 1 ■ 11 — Tkllf Wajf« »P 4 Mcann of AjHtflr ing Imnd for Waterway Right-Of-Way Further courN* of proc>dure to h»* taken towird the acqflrhi* of land for the r ght of why for the ialand waterway from Beaufort to WlYmiug •toa la hetag considered here yeater day by the sub-coiunillfoe of th I gtgts Tvanspiwalaa -. Astvtaet v tium* mltsloiN. composed of J. Aflen Taylor, Wilm’agtoo, chairman; K K BAahop of New Bent and 1. W. House of Waahlagtcm. The commutes ta faced with t«u. problems la the acquisition of the necessary lead for the right of way »Ftr«t, It must ”sell" the state ou the imrortance of the camel to the en tire Bute, aa well aa the---eastern OAOilAm cooperation of alt the ’ laadawtiara whose lards are so be travernat) by the canal a u that the right of vay may be obtained aa cheaply as poa aible "Since the Federal Government la gang to spend approximately 11t.444 POO to digging and developljag the canal, we feel that the lan dew sen involved should be willing to pro vMe the necessary (and at very rea aoaable priors" add a spokesman wide tor the ImMtth of the caaal hence considerable iaiad will Jm required HoFever, since moat of the land traversed is aaarsb land not under . calriutlam. cojjiiiMilQn '.'la'~lßE Hdeat tharika'difti< ulty will be exper ienced la ohfoiniog the seeded land. FIND BODY OF SLAIN WOMAN ■ o r ... B Bupp«iMd B« Girl Referred to u “Devil With Baby Fore” By Suicide . CHICAGO. May SB—(AV-Two hul Itta, fired at clode range ended the life of Sarah Rapp, de*orlb*h by U C. Martin In a su'clde not pn "a devil with a baby toce" The body of the woman, Mart : a declared, lured him from hie wife t sad then flaunted hla affections, waa found today as be said tr would be found Beside It was a note written by Martin deta’lfng the faithlessness be hful charged against her. The girl, the note toand today said, was Barak Rapp. It outlined that he had m—ain* bar "because she had gotlek into trouble and wanted a cartifeate to show her mother and sister It related msrrtage to her on March 21 and records lo tha county building substantiated the elate. He said he bad met the girl at a downtown hotel last January. la Feb ruary. employee* of the hotel said a man And the girl bad taken quar ters there. He signed'the register as W W Milton and wife. The wife, whom be confessed hav ing been unfaithful to, now la in Cedar Rapids. lowa, where she went three mouths ago to be with her mother, when her baby was born. j "All Hums peeferrlar that the neat Jubilee shall be be|d In Fremont In It be known by aaylng Aye” will be the proposition put, Jubilee shall be held In Mt. Olive, *»>wsjtiaßiaKoSl 1 |4m- lh» wn ggqpiimiiiiu pan The loudest chorus of ayes will de- Kvrmlne which city shall h»Ve the next ev#»t |f there seems to be a tie as . revealed In this method, a number of keefetarWw may Yw asked to count bands on the Issue Many latereatlng contests have bceu j worked out and prises will be award 1 ed In each. Borne of the contests which will he b*ld ore as follows: » I®* yard dash liblb Class. 1 10# yard dash—Op*u (ConUaned On Fags Three) » Brussels Gives Roval Welcome iivjcii vv vtvvtiiv Will lake Off About 1:30 For ixxidon Today If Plana Not Changed KRIHMKLN, Mai Utw—(AF) * royal wetengm swatted t aptata ( hartes Lindbergh, who Hew Ifom ■ «te4»-tr;iingi UNHy. w«wn ■ tve beuis alter he broagkt the of **. l oeiv- down open Melglaa sotb king -Überl had re ’ Ni»t4 him at the pals so. shower •d cengralulatlon* h|u.b him for »<'»que»i as the Atlantic and planed' npen Ms coat the Insignia of Oydfr of l.rope:d. A Llite later In- was p »s*ated will the highly coveted gold medal of the Huyal Aroc A»-rq Club, an honor that only flve Airmen, ail Beßrtitn cllixens have Thd Delgians asy that Uadhergh ha» became a Hi ed member of thM little famU/ urn! thus hen so.i of bdopteif son of H»ii gium.” Today the Belg nns showed they loved h*ro.£ prowean snd w* the Beet proof ,of thin OP-y emphasised the fact that fapiaid Lindbergh i. Ui»’ ouly foreigner Ihua f»r almlttcd to the family of Urlgisn In ova Os Itie air. \ * , The American airman waa eacorte# SM lhe way from Paris by a. grown of Ftoitcb aii plane* «wd was aset. at the border by two squadrona of Delgiaa army planes. Everywhere he weM through the streets, t*H> - pophlacV him heartily. He met uiembers of the Am ertcaa colony at his country’s-*bi basay and vtalted the tomb of the mi known - soid:v xmt ~ tltr vnt TO' the BeJaiau xuiuau who have died u> battle. ‘ A week ago ih»- very moment,” hr said Y waa over the AtlSuUc." war. tyro des res lq mind .first to reach Leßoiirri-t the aenMid, to visit n.usaels | landed at Lr- Rourgt and now I am in ilrurm-ls Both of my wishes have coma true. *'t'afortunately ! ren.aln long with yog, but I oball n»ver for get Delgium and France and aome day I Sbfll retUk a”. Uudbergh la certain to bop off for IyOttdon tomorrow, but the. exact hour remains in dmitot ffe wnnta to iruow Just when hla erflval would be most conveulenL and It looks tonight an If he would take the air at the hour originally fixed -1 tt p m. lowa Youth Sets New Vault Record i. • ' PHILADELPHIA. May U-(JF)~ A sms ll but powerful band of twvlve athletes swept l.eland Htnnford to lit first I C C a A track and field championship today but it re nt*! n*-d for a young iuau from lowa to supply the chief thrill-> of one « the most spectacular meals the East haa ever seen. BnMn Carr of Yale, as, well as •owp, lifted h m»clf to International 1 JUMP tj clearim: u lad t» »»«• vault and smashing the world’s re cord , Cummittoe At Montreal On July Si W> V . ■ • 4F CHATTANOOOA, T. uo . May 2K - Wfo .P /kaMp*# ms.Wktw AuA>-. M-dk- tt'fofo , for ih« Bret meeting ~f th«- uevdj ! ’enteMSfr Vrt- • ..W'Wurk ” rtf iwrtm' m'-tuu t’ H In July S at MontrsM, C , l waa snnouncmt today after the in' et i Ing bad been originally wet for June r 7 In Chattanooga t The committee >'dniposed »f it n.eiit h*‘rs -elected from vurious point* with i the rburfhe* 17 synods wai ewlabllsh ■ cd by the Genetsj. Assembly to take i over and ecu t rallied h» work'of form- Sr comniitiees, foreign commissions, home mission*. Christian elucatlon, Huodav school and publication and stewartohkp work. I NOTICE APPEAL crvEN by lane II SlMllfllFFfl |a Uj# ,wrH nrntrmrtl tn rn% Monlha on Hiwklh for Stub bing Whitt Girl ' ■ I MW i . Having been sentenced to serve six ■north* on the Wayne county road* after befog found guilty ot having _ftabbed Louise P'gcmt with a knife, srarttng Laba,”Gold*lio«'u \oulh, y« t tsrday noted su appeal to Bupeilor The case was the outgrowth of all eJU god wild party on last Sunday at t -rtfoou Holt, young man of Priaet c-n turned Males evidence and thf rLarge against him was Holt lesfif ed. it wasuld. Oral he had gone lo tide with I.nna and tha Ptg gat girl, that the car had be*g stopped not far from rhxrfrtemti- pnaanff xntr nmwTWTlte tl.et he went to their car gad en caged them In conversation, that the girl came over »«■ the eae, |«t that He tcld her to go back ga she had not f rcti w cal|cil luu>.-. Holt e” declared to have testified lutne aset the Ptg gotl girl about half way between the, two cars, caught her by tka arm and twist d It. The two went back to line’s car. and Holt said that pra wn j » the screams of the gilt caused Aim ta hurry to It Laoe bad hla hu fe In hie band sm] pad cut tha ytrl In several places. Holt teefiffod, according to officers. " ; This story was la the mala repeated by lUp girl. The laUdr «ga returned to Jail to awjk’t discharge from the county health deportment. 11INI0RR4NDT0 BE ORGANIZED Tlbirly Younimtern Attend Flrnt * MoetißK and Are AMlfßdd Plaren At a meeting held at the memorial cnmmunUy building, plane were laid for the organisation of a Juvenile lend The metntfere of the band were elected from u large group of boye that belong to the fifth. Hxlh and seventh grades in grsmmar school. The meeting waa called by W. H. / Baaden. who la leader of the Orp han Rome band. There was mack ’at rest shown In the meeting by those ft tv hoped tint with in the next few weeks, that things will shape theraaelvee *e that aa early nraepee can be held, There were about th’rty boys who were, assigned to different de : partments of the band Friday night. Mn> Baaden announced that there was *irn TOBffi T»F i hSWIBr WTShySr and urge* ah that are Interested, to m»ft at fog mentortat -tmlT«iargf next Friday night at till or call ’’ m at IHe home, A>ii; if uni n ■ W MpSV9<pHPVI9v NEW YORK, May Z*- -OPI-- The sale of Gatcher Mick y O’Neil by tbei Washington Americana to the Maw York Nationals was announced today hy Manager Harris of the Heustor*. O'Neil has been ordered to report to Manager McGrow**in Brooklyn at. ‘ WSW uMieiwwaniii ■ ■ '■''•»^fo**mmm*neißmtehß|teMmateaMlteteff*tete|P«MwnrfiHßo3H(r" Letter Received Here Says ! A/zjiij Dy/Gnyis h/fssli fir> twwW KSftmZUnW twtufj D€ r (OOtlru ' WMnHaMtemtetenHmmtefo. .. 'fffiiSUCP Uti" WPi iWy;/S!^ There Is a daiiy r that New Or leans may l« flotMled la the statement in a lettrf concerning the flood con dltiona r «••• ve ( | her. by Mrs A t\ ; -F»e*k tfomeoeeHa v»*e.papy • rvevjfa-have *-<-l ij»m the- ttory es. the’ flood, ds* lm«s the Tkiiir _ Mr. Hummcrlln, who la with the Standard Oil Company of lx>ul*ana. ha« semi filing stall),us under wat *r, it ta avered . The latter follows: V First of all -don’t he the Ivaet un easy about us There ta no possible tka flood to reach ua a* there tea high ridge between us end the waters, it le within twenty five mile* of here and of course looks nearer rn the msp. but we aje In no danger • at all. Wo have, 1,000 or more refug i n • .* ' +} • ißJit* .; - 11 1 1 .' • n——• -. •- * ‘ -•'* mmr* ~ ~ Goldsboro Woman Expected Share In Division M Half Million Dollar Estate Now •—■ —j»‘j.Bagg*; ■ 1 1 ORVT N. MAX n . . 1 I 'ml wtt 9 jB ■ m iw INDIANAPOLIS. Ind JMay It—Guy H May. state adjutant « The Ameri tan Idfgion mt Tennaaaee. haa h-en appointed by Howard F. Savage, ha tlonal confmauder of tie to be ab»t('i.a» of Area C. la the na tional cr> so'tat lon's child waltaie nerk. Aina C. (x>mnri*ea twelve Southern vtatea, as fallowei yirglnia, Loulelana. North Caro lina. Baulk Carolina, hlnhama, Alk asaaa Ptnehts Omrats Ut>,lwln*l wftpfMv, fh»* ms, mt Oklahoma, T uneaooe and Texas The format lon of the Hte areas of f%4 Daltad HfviT* just boon earn* plctad. The rive area chairmen, to , fattier wi ll lie aaMonal chairman , of the Legion’s Child Weltye COm -1 mlttee; tke anUoanl vice chairman. sxecutlye committee of th* Nst onal Child Welfare CommlUee. This execs-. live committee haa Jwet bald ttff first uteri’tig. at Nktlnnal Haadgaar tens. It la kite govornthg body u( tha national commute# between conven tion* dates. and probably wilt meet only once a year. The ageenttm com mittee dictate* the child welfare pel ’ey of thy national organlaaUon whan questions corns up betwsen the na tional convention datoa. - —* —■ , Canada Opens Liquor Stores on lune 10 h ** 1 - WINDSOR. Otu , Way 28-C/FV wjadapr and other iforttp- cHMe practically have completed arrange menle for the apegtag of the govera mont liquor voree wSlrh ie olpocidl to bring with it an inst ix of Agberl-' NF'-r ’WWif" 'wow-F— ■arm" 'R.rT.r—'dr-.g*Brg!*"—^-rir* Jnnt* jw mi n*IB Hi tor tho opening date Bald of pvdfotts to Axner cad tourists will begin on •he dafb the storee are npend. Previtma etatwmrnt* that Ameri cane could not mak» a "beer garden” lof Windsor and near towns were reiterated by Archie Gray, la charge of the permits, who ptUnled out that tourists must prove they are booafldo while thaee who go tp Oats Ira for Lthe day only wni he refused hath remits and liquor ■*■■ ■ ■■ ■' -V - oua Ilk camp hero put lb,(too or more In Lafayette Yonr newspaper ,cltpe plugs are mild They don’t exagerate h,> «te* *9h worse than the preas la allowed to put i*t. ■prtp+i’-tynr J»*>b cga't.T'matt’we • the . *>* «»« >*’«♦. for iiqndftet m • quere q.ii« * in Mleeieefppl and Lmtit* ana. The worst part of it ta yet te HUM. You need not he surprised to hoar that New Orleans !» flooded at nay time, which will cauae ( ihouaands of live* Then thar# ore four other ex pected break* that will flood seven partabee Th# flood la ell we,hear or folk shout any more. The sewn Is flashed over radio every two hours Frank has seven station* under ■' water out of jf. Ktqniifo of tile. We -.era safe eu don't nofky. y ‘ ♦ ?■ MU! :——-m - \ I —— As - "•■oif of tit Associated *—— •> • Press ■v. ■ lll,< 1 '“"If" mmmrnmT ——•"•" , |ll,l i prici nvi cum • ” - "■ .ji* • Mrs. Martha B. Crmbtroe of Thin City a SUfcr of Late Jurist; Judge 1 'nnniiirnSfVtti fhrihr 10 Minutes. Sr- MaHba it. *Ol Italf largely a the dMHh* Uoa of Ik* HMyM ttUa wife ye a fit nJJU if. S*hTfe *2" tsoo.qje uttu which (ha Mp m 'MR her. Tho verdict tM f«ll»H alto* a deliberattoa of oaly t» pfauteg MRS niiiinka a# ika wwfe n ** Pyiipif Ol iII WOO MM »udg« Browa's aafctd wfel mow t* nrrordaaca with prtoMfa of few, Notle# of apupU »u ttoa hr .g# rmpotiadava. WASHINGTON, tap w «• ttrtMßbae fNrv to nndiM th. jar* m km Broom will ease that what gaifgrf ta to rtoeed tho argu meats fa KM sMt 0 *«*• —~ ■ %*,■■:■■— "<** knows thage It MWWN • trnnga .boot H. Ood kaowa OMfti eomethlqg wrong .boat It aMjadp haow. it ought aot U ■>—4.*TBFT ‘ Word Mid to the Hoetag saatatag 4f j hi. .peach bafora the JatT.JSo apaWo for roar and a half Haft Judge Dan'ala* charge ta tta Jar* \ wa* delivered thla aftamoaa tag ia tarty verdict waa etgaatf ta ha Mh- • taroad. Mr. Wart la hfa tpaaeh ta th# fitr attached tha widow* Hftlftf fa iho " caae and ee pee < ally h.r batltgaroat .tiit'ide toward those Mi* ara trydag u, m m w<n iUM r** tjc- admitted tha JadgO Wfwwa waa an aWe lawyer art great Jwgge but agid that area hfetotltMit ayy f other., who ha aaid warn Jaal aa daaerrtng of memorial. of atatada ad •' waa the lata Ja#ao Browa, Mr. Whf •-.-jaw. .iighigy -Miaeiuw* .f naMaf^*'« Os I»r. Uartd T. Taylaa. y i IIMiS "iStt run miv? RANrORD, Taaa*. May blackened crater from whtah gaallao- , td *t tha rate of a mllftoa caUa toot a day. waa all that reawfaad l*M us the "PMduufto LMf" atafed a coat of eight lira* wham * hagwjpgtl on aula street hart igatta# hkh- , <w. w »PA • The tM foot ftaaia that r*d«t fit more than 4* hour, to throats <tdl*n t««m tow. wu -aaafM oaf l&t >teht with high eipioaWaalad a t*r> • rage of Moaai . _

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