■■ 4-.-> ......■■-r ..,.y. •*r-W!a(«ui.*r wngffmNmtsg^'. ■ v* t .-ir vr ’ v k ■-• —<■l III' ■ . , -v . i-'-ifl ■ 'Baßv- : ...».« *. ..' WEATHBK * T 7' -_ _ ' » j.l 4, .I*l 4* . « i r muv. ' ' ■ ■■■■■'■ r ~‘- ■ ■ -*-■■■-•■'- : ■ -■'* : ■ III'" I ■■ ■'■■ ; .. ■; -.-' ■■arr— —i —■■■■»" —< -- - - - - ■ - «Ll VOLUME ail; NUMBER 7» UOLIMUOHO, N. C TL'ENUAY MOBNINU, MAY 41,-103? HMOITWW MWr ' 1 • 1 •"• ' ■■" " ■ " "T T II " -■ ■ i . SHOTWELL PROPOSES TREATY OUTLAW ALL WAR v,. - _ * r ■ _ b 1 JT+. . jk. ■■■■--- - ■~~ ** . ~ ~ - . BABY CRITICALLYWJR TWHEN CRUSHED BY FALLING STONE Based Upon Proposal Made VJ*VM a ■ W|»WV»« ITMWWV Br Foreign Muster Briud h Message To IhtoJ States . M^r^sr!r"?rri!r"^rr~ ..... ——* ■ A --B- IA A.I WVJ Bp mp ■ a vni I aam* a a a /irtmrawvH w* , Between Firet Power Nations of World Would Be Provided; Plot SbotwoU Makes Buggpetlon at Meeting Dkmgtilshed Gather-1 ipg at Columbia Uni -OJ. - saw vsss. lay j»-ar>~ * !!hi m Mata* "prop* UM CtM Mta*s te th* MaUMwrv war a* Mmn thorn h th* tools at • toatr s Mu tfcfc hoph ISI WpHklHp n»sosl by Pni Jum ■h*dw»n. ol Coto- Mi WraSi, a u iSwn te- Oa -i • Vh> trail is a aoM (not) ■ aWbaSS ** •* aa (MtmßMMt al ptftay IMau th* eoiadry 111 wortl aal grovlllv Mr ar ' Mhatfop of Jbpatoa. no Mt was gmoaioO Man a dtrtihgnhkwd roterkte wm Uo< «i htoor~da tor M .4 (•tembte Folratk} -a* • teat k« aMMiI ta thro# who lan 4M l«r *afr aaaatrr” . ••> wry sMmsaMnUrol Hurt 110 lalaa Ml terorporalaf lata lor la#t ananas nil aut a dag mad Mf Mmrt la * paMlat rid of the (broal aai ap> ' mMm litrarlTi of.teuna- Udßal«pr." • FUNERAL TODAY FOR MRS. BRYAN DaaU Qum at Raan at Naaatoa Grara FoOawiac Long I Haase TU maay frlaaia^M Mm*» Ja. a. ud Haymojul Bryan will daaply * ajmpathlaa with than ta tha aad bar oowaont that ha* «o cry %hr aat war* foltowur* of L*‘ aat Jorkiol oa Ua MlUaftalta 'o’ viraiaU Tha taoaaaat waa h highly astaaai aifl woman, b* to rot by all Mho haaw har, tha hlfhaat tyyo at Chrtatlaa womanhood Bha was a hoapltablr aalghbor aat tha antlr* aannaaiiy Mir. Sryn ha aas*tvrd t>v h»r hu« baht, nra aem. cat m «B«iSiir : ' Thaaa ara Maaara Sr. C. Bryan, o, Wiatar Park. Via.. Jab «.- aat Bay SMBf-ptna. of th'i city, Rohart Bry aa. at maatoa; aat Norwoad Bry*' > -« Man. P fk Waa,'' l of thta rl*y aat Mtoa Maraarai Bryn* of Nawtaa Qrotra. o»t Nsnriwa liuio or rwu wVtuc*' thta aft ora mb aat tha latarraaa' mat# la tha tanlly harrtaa irwit oa iho aaoootral pteatatfoo. . as* AM TAX IBIMTTIONN WABMINOTOM. May to - (AV-Ba daottoo <>f oorpomttoa Ineom taaaa by tha aaai Coyya Mill ha at by tb# lOnai latarogh rapr#nat •t by tha ChanWr ol flanam i i la v tb* t’nltat Btatao oatd a atotnaaai I* aoat today. ... ) THE GOLDSBbRO NEWS V . - - —^ * ' V ■ V ; BEAD IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS, BEFORE THEY BUY . TBLyi-y ’ GETSFURLOUGH Will Ltara West Paiat for MS* I bean A/Ur Grad aat lag Eg. wdaoa Today Chtat Thocaa* N. Ortffta Clan of ma. Uattat otatas Military Acadasay, ■HU.NS& l imkm Aanth jg. loaded Uolttboro High School, and UhhrarnMy o| Barth Cnrelinn) non of fitro B Qrlffia. 401 Mulberry Bt. Ooldnboro, aßd appointed to tb. Aca domy by Sapraaoßtaliyo Cha*. L. Abarnothy. will laava for bta borne on o two oat a half months- furlough Im mediatoly agon tb# eoaelualoa of tho Ofatuatloa BxorciM* of tho cioa* of lit? thto morning Except for abort Chrtotmoo laws (non#, bowovar, ap#nt at tho Aootorsyi, tbl* furlough gruatod duriaggth# flrot ‘ChrtMmaa ia tpe only long leave of ebeeac# granted to p Cadet tarlat bla lour y**ct. ' The practice of granting furtyngb* M historic ta tha ahhala ol tb* Aca demy. dating from ISIS They ara glean to Jfr» Ca#»ta of oaah olom at ftUn ami.ASMHb H - tor i sirw lUV'ii wrooi ftlf BfTf Ma. king a welcome relief fron the •trict diaclpiute aat the difficult academic work of the preceding two yeara. tkM furlough affarda a ehanc* to vlalt family aat frioata who. in many oaaen. have not been m#b nlacw entering tha Academy It u #ag*rly looked so. wnrd: to by **#ry maa from tk* toy ko la trot enrolled oa o cadet at tb# Military Academy. Aaron* big accomplishment# and ciedita may be mentioned- the follow lag: a member of the “B" nee lion in football la 1 ?02*t; a member of tb# Cadet chapel choir ia |»3i and IBM; Cadet Orlffln quallg'd aa a »econd clgaa machine gunnar, and a piatol and rile marksman. FINE PROGRAM IS ARRANGED For CoMratloa - CB» Pr day the ttaireranllMa Will march tipoa JUhSKiylll*. At tk* DapMn county caplUl on June S, 1127 Unlveraaltato aaet from bll over the Mat* to organise, to bear wHSms to tha fklth that waatjj-Ciem. At (he some placVoik TrMrf '•27. the bclteven ib-ths e.ru) eoodness will moot to commemsaor ato i hi. event 7, * There will be several addroa*#* on the CaivenaUat faith, the or'gknal covenant, algned one hundred year* ago will be read Among the addreae oa scheduled *f#r A Hlatortcal Ad draaa. by Rae M. if Caafletd: lib rrty Requis't* to Pro*re*a, by Rav leha T PTigerald. Bomlhlacoacoa. by Bob Maxwell. * The- I Aw JW -s*» -- Seven Springe Junior a To - * Plan Nevt Hall-At Meeting # . -to* ■ n ■* . timber* raff the Junior Order of the 'A » * IM | J I . A wiw ■wy “ yP*’TJrr' ’prim* tomorrow Tbla will bo (ha 'bird dll trie I meeting held durfoi tha r**r. 0. M UllNkln, LMilrici Itopot) ’in* Cpnotllor, of Ooldaboro ha* rill td ihl* meeting on th* Invitation ui ’he Rt»n Mpalng* Junior* in in *>f fort to noal* them In laying plain for building a now bom# The boon of tbid lodge wa» burnod jtomen runfn ago. Oongwaaman, Cbaa L. Abornaib] vlll dallroT tbo addriti of tbi occa KT,H. STORMS TAKE TOLL JUDGE HARRIS j T JTALKSTOCLUB Believes Civic C lubs C ouM Ac w. Juvenile Defendants I Outspoken approval of the work! wbtcb the KltfanU club hi do ug for the lean fortunate children -of Amerl p ca waa *lf*a by Fudge “W. C. Har rU before -the local Kiwanlana ai their regular Weakly banquet la*t *r> n'ag aft r B. C. Robinson, djrecto 1 of the Community building, bad re ’ ported on tM» nativßlca at the Kiw 1 Judge Harris saw a better dqy lr r America when the K wahla club boy’- • committee, and tb* boy* wot com " mltteee of other civic cluba, cooperat • ed more effectively with the jcronlli. 1 courts of the couwtry. Rev pete ' Mclntyre, a member of the Klwani 1 club, waa roundly pra se,! by Judge I Harris for the work he (loos with th* I t onager defendants who are hafore . tla courts here ”f haven’t yet met on » my olrcuit a minister, other than Mr. i Mclntyre, vfho ia doing such effective • work outside tk* pulpit- one who t comes Into the courts lo aid—aa be does, - was In effect the declaration o' I Judge Harris. Since the Klwaale playground *** • tpoaod, R. C. Robta«on reported, the i sverago daily attendance baa boon f MBhMr iwty fiv# ta pHMT lw I • ouod* are opeti only a few hours I each afternoon, but beglnn'ng June , I. tboy will be open all day Mr. i Robinson expects that tha dally at I tendance will r»»a Into tb# hundreds, » There I* ore fxm'ly of ten children r —all red headed—aald Mr. Robinson i that vtatts the playground dally The t 'youngest youngster b ought In arms and “tb* others make | figuratively speaking— In algo up t« - cl g f OMI li »• hWKBIIiBBB M • Vlt ttl m —i, . i The propos tloa of tha dub paying » a deficit iacurred * by the Parent . Teacher AaeodaUon la eisrvln* mitk I ta th. under prvtlleged school chll l nren was referred to th* comm'ttoe on children with authority to net. In this connection Pr. A. H Ker reported that wh.n ha. eyne to Colds luuo several year* ago that not ’ a plat df mUk waa aervod in the school. | This year he declared, 2,60 u gallon- | _h*yo be#B conaumod by the school f rhl^reh. . Th** dtltffhtw will r*prs»*al Goldsboro’, dub ot th. meeUag of Klwaals fgerulhaal ta Memphis I it waa reported. They are*: T. B .nupvraro, Charles B, Miller, and A' i T Orlffln: President VTaak Taylor i reported that It would be unable for r hon to attend th* aaoitlng aa a dele . gat#. _ ■ | The local dob will observe tho ( gathering of tutaraaitoaal by keep • lag all-Klwanl* night next Monday I WASBINGTON WIIN 1 A IHHBI.IHIAPIN ■ ■■■ WASHINGTON,. Ray XU UP) - Washington won both games of to - 'Aiy-a doubleheoder with the Red Ho*. . Walter John soil** slitting oi|t the |.. »■»"“' “' n Hi- Urn tdiu*. 3iu u stiii, j Hadley u ruiu,i piUhtd u> a U lo =±|r-v,rtnr j,o tbr indgwamacwr,: :rr . ,as HvAf«U "(rtWra lg-boah., J|>V , peaffhl-ytt 1 rirttl m cr ou this ncca.ion'to bear Mr Ah ernatby. This part of the’ program will h« public aad all are invited. * • , * . 1 l-arge delrgsdons will attend from I the entire d strict including Wnr- I- raw, Goldsboro, Clinton, Kinston nnd •* Mount Olive. This will be tha last I- meeting of th* dlntrlct daring this i* vekr A p'ewic dinner will be spread j ie at noon . . II j • Members of tiro local Joklor Order! will gather at their ball si I o'clock Y tVedaeedny morning to Journey la a v- . group to ffeven Springe, > j v m uy Fwenly Missing; Twelve lead - rr 'Tv-‘?a«e«jjfawajJaw!Si--T ■ Bali muted Damage From Rain, Wlod, Hull St or put Will v Heath Million Hlt INTO t, rm, Teag.. hfj so (IF)-TawTf perse ag ar* knew a U hate heoa killed p.i* than a tore are ari. lag aad maay la- Jared aad kroperty dawg/cd to the eileat es about a million del aad elerlrlf storms that swept pan* of Keaiurky, Teaars.ee, had rinrlala laic Inst night and early today. Houses were wnabetl away nud eeriona d-ma-e from hail. Ind and min. w I **rn n'IVWBVf, Wuffg rains ok’cloadbnrst laoponloua last mg eleven hours, cokvegted mountain streams County mperior Court yesterday ended Ha krai day of a twoi week* mixed I mu. Judge W. C. Har-' of kaleixh fa prvsidlqg. Tb a Is th# last session Judge Ha.rtt wilt hold b*r« before vxt-keag'QX circuit#. mifct ifik tr com riieicheduledi lor the trial es criminal cases lb the Coker Insurance Company pi— ltd plaintiff yeuuceu |j.(MP Jyr . a honxe arhli h ia u, (nata kgia •4 While UMtfled. by Use dpfeadhptg. Th* ItMlef resist payment uu ihs ground that tip, plain)in did not have a clear this to the property. Ayqpck. Zeno Dixon, i, B. Ayrork.. jch u» expected to ab tract stale wide att-mioa to to b# argued before Judge Hmrui ud June 10 Iu this mas (ol Wiley Person will for the fourth time bring so tloa seeking lo yflsoolve the North « arotina Cooperative Cotton Assorts "on. Thtee prevtotui cases have been ! thrown out of court. The order Ja lbs culmination of a ] nail brought by W. H W Ho|d*r, of Harnei conalr. who want* tk* ae | toe lotion dlaaolvsd. # LINDBERGH IS . HOMESICK BOY Gbml at Amerhaa Cofraap—id eßtk al Ranquet ip lammlbb ' ’srewasw-w Hkf ff— LONDON, klgy Jd—UW—Ogpioln Charles Lindbergh'* de»tr« to return home at the'otrilset post)his nom«n> bar brought tutu -nDs deyatio* bis eailtug on tbs Georg* W'nshiagtou June 2. although final arrangement, are atilt held iu nbtyance. p is sobt that th* gyiatoy may reach n doflu t* concluilou tomorrow. , Xb» yooipful Ammilena hoe* whtec of epiertnlnmsot come* to an #n< fVedneaday wtth a banquet by eon, blued Am rlcnn organisations and It I* reported that he may begin pock ing hi* monoplane at once, so that It can be taken along with him oa th* George Wngh nxton Jn tha svsat thai lie decided to r tarn on that boat. Rocndlng out one of tk* busies’ dam of hi* career alntse he flew hlm aelf into world fame, Lindbergh MU down at a banquet tonight, gag cop fronting him on h a pinto was g pile of five ham sandwiches with g Jug Os water nearby, as g gentle reminder cf hie Iran* atlantic menu In the food *»*IB WfU of 81, Lou I *," Tho birdman was the guest ot hon or at the asoocig'ton of American oor ree pop dents banquet. I indy, when he eow the aaadwfoh «■. Wushed Hko * school boy aad *a ioyed the heartiest laugh he has bod since be reached England. Th# sand w chc* were hastily r moved hy lha lead waiter of which IJndy good hu mored ly ronvplalnted because he hod not had n change to get g hit* ot >%en on* of them. The water was Iced- the first real hrmeet to-good ncas real Ice water »inc* he left Now York—he explained. HOTk/xl fihlt a rkitkg from Lka fT—l ted State* wished him all the good luck la the world and assured him that when h* arrive* at th* Battery some 117.000,600 American# «r at feast a good part of that namber would be at the pier to greet Mm^ An inetdeat which amused and nine rreotly pleased Lindbergh p recced id th* banquet. Aa pe —i i through 1b- hot-l. two pax# boys approach*^ I htm shyly sad offered a -norkage It j was a typ cal boy's, gift Scout’s knife with numeroiM device# aad 7wTfh Him-—yfeß dwssrtpkiaa. • • ’’From 24 rage boy# wishing you the best lurk, and w# bop# som# day «a# of ns may follow your stamp)#.* IJady w#at ", bed srly preparatory to »bc busiest day arrangsd for kHa e'ac# he landed In Part*. His day (Tuesday) will bsgln with a sight moo ing trip Overcome An Pipe Spout* Poison Gm j CHARLOTTE. May lo (AV-Thr#* girls sad two n»cn #«* oVercoMM swd more- th in tt>o guests of ths HoteJ Charlotte were forced to ll#* tb* 51 if>4oy wk>n an smmnnls pips rbnnco» ”* j rrr car Hundreds At Home-Coming ■ Historic- Ebenezof Church -*4*i KlWe'eanr -1% Writ i*traa«Hp‘ wma MBttf to contain tha hundred* who flocked (p II Monday for Mom* fomlny Celebration which (all be* a aehodul •-4 under th* dlrectlaon of th* pa*tor Her H K Brown. A t*rnion In th* toornlun hr H r. J. M Wright. of i artbntn, n picnic n* noon. an# In th* afternoon a Malory of the chprch pre- i pared and d*llr*r*d hr Mr. W. B Crawford with an eulogy to tha da i r*a**d mgnibere of tha church hr C. . 1. Naat n adj up tha program of tha ■| tur. / I liar. llr. Wright la a former pnator .-.JU-,. '"' '''"'"‘•"'y 1 "" In Unconscious Cowfctwn 4Jn Since Saturday And life Is Pnifeally Dispaired flf PEACE BEGINS (COMMENCEMENT ' Ornmmrn * Rtv. Pdtdr Mclntyre Piwbclmb Dacca la iw«kle Kor moo In B.UIsL B RALEKJH May M—Rav. Petsr Me Intyrs, of Ooldsboro prsachod tbs boesslsaruats- aarmoa bgfoes Ike graduating class of Pome* Institute Sunday morning tt tig Fredkytertai rhurth. and un Tu#*dajr olgbl M l>M Dr Archibald Henderson of tho Uai vwrs'ty of North CaroHaa, will bo tlu commencement speaker” Th# annual alaiama meeting an, luncheon will b# brid Tuesday worn Ing and Monday artemoon at • o’clock the data day sxrrciasa la tk* grove followed at 8 30 by th* ggßqat con cert and art oxhihtfc. Beauty, Its realise lion and roefoa tloa. waa the top's of tk* boccolas reals address by Dr. Jtclntyr* San dky morning Beauty, he charactarlg «d a» an Inlaaglkte, (BffgUc tUaoagi. hers erratad by Ood He applied tk* tana (a bla odmon to pqstty o' thought rod action aa well M to Sp of tb. work) which Ood ha* created. Tkora la Only'oa* ugly thttfg. the pr*arh<-r said, an dthat la ala which comas Ln many forma us hats aaC uubaitof, which can be drlvon out only by felUi. hope aad chArtty. There ia firfft tha physicial beaut’ which on* can *** and boor. Uu beauty of Ood’s bom* tho universe and ikaids of that la the beauty e' the mind and latelleot through wkld amts i umu to know God rod stil further within tb* a—t of beauty, umrallty gad rigbeoxfueas. If the oaw trg'dom of women give* mote opportunity lor avll It Mac gives mors oportunity for good. Dr ■rlntyrs. said nnd be Unde the grnda afe go /orth wtth no fear of sell which’in moral ugliness, looking for Whrd lo eaterng la the odd Ood’. ||x« in Be* nf gUDMIBB KfißutV • r'BPV Vw|rPVIIIF VVVNtJ • y- BASEBALL % k—*BffMßl|» “' , • Boston *-», Wash agtoa Ml. A s'- V AP W a a _ l^mrow—Tß • »##— w at Louis 11-0, Chicago 1-10 vs (tonal Brooklyn 5-4. Boston 2-t. Phil*,leiphls tft-1, New York 14-« CinncinMl 2-1, pt loki* 4-8 . Ch'cago 6, PitPkrg I. VB«Mi Norfolk 11, Portsmouth 2-fi. Petersburg »-2, Rl< hmoud 2-1. •‘Wilson 4-8, Kinston 7-4. Salisbury 4. Winston Salem t. High Point 4, Durham I. " Hal.igh 44, Rocky Mount 0-7. Maron J i.-Columhio 47. * Augusta 8, Charlotte 4. flraonviHe 4-P, Aakeyßte 12ff. Boc-- -.1 nmr ratlett vm durkneiP. - •e** Mwe igeur ijh tw! wjt*r .h'owrd rlMh ■hr h*w w*d hwir rwWlllil Pw aaon' than nn hoar ha La Ik ad upon th# last Bear y* on* aaoth*r* burden* and ao fulfill lha Inw of Christ. Prom all poiata of tha Htate th« former member* returned tw worship at lha old church One family war pfpaant from Coe Anaalea, Calif. Tha hiaiory of tha church sa two pnrad by Dr Crawford adequately reflect >e part which Rbcneaer ha« playad In tha rellglowa upbuilding of tha county and ahowa acbolarly re March on tha part of Dr Crawford (Continued on Pago Pour) y ,f ’ *. \ ~~ ~ r ' 1 :, v :*-■ ■ - •*«**< ■. r«r* *Jm '"'jrxsrrztjr-^rrx’-r.-rarxfl-;;^ ■aanjriawiiiipiyrf r B Meahw ■: Th*Am*&W Preeg • # • ' v : V ■ A/*'*" * I; f ’,<4 k- JH' * ‘ K h ihiitivn - 4, Wm Playing I* Gtrifre When S|.« Toppled Hisvy Switchboard and It Crushed Her Body it Earth; Little NflUb> bor Girl Hurried ?er Mothff ... altar rfatte paaaibltty thhk M|p 00^ i „ U |-hint |4m|mi hMm^!nLSf r to call • «bm ruaaing at Dm aaaai «Tfcdr x'<»mi (•ar which irt»H that*. tha «MI tm r I*4 tha haary ataaa traai MT ski (ort to •aatok Um child OM» W» rr»»a. ear a t»m it la mOI alp" dm o« hraatha. At ta«oft thaPa V«a tupor of “T-m-l * Th* tkall «m aal BfilhJad. || vy mjurad. “ UNIQUE BIBLE ;? CLASS FORHiD Oaaf PaMia «f NMkar as Mi To Oatkir MaalUy far* Hiißiar irlliftd - -ft- Thlrty-f>a dost paopta art M tha rut Rapt tot ehireh at t^MHKjKj «wt hi Ootdaharo one* a ■***. "Til* Mahal Hayaaa MM* Altai, ** haa- ; . "ring Mlaa Mahal Hayaaa at Jtatofk* Mr**r* iiaw eaaanw mml IWBh MUlar of Kalatgh vara praaaat u 4 hripag to oraaalaa tha alaaa. Sg was drtataai hi tltaaai . ttSOjo** have proalaai ta aaoal with tha £*i M d'ftorwat t air*, and to M»f vttt Haraaa Bibl* Claaa fat tha daai la halalgh. #<* %&*** dr flhrtl#*l»hh| t M •Iretad laa4«r. taachrr- ao4 mrtarp Os tha claaa, aad Mr. Bntlar laa* rifdßlii, immmdg,- tha T *»*'%'■-* raaaataa irara Klartaa. Wtlaoa. Ml. Ollra. Warmaw, Twrkay aad SMAa> boro. It la thoagbt that thara vth •Uo ha aaaahara froaa Fronoai. ~ - . T -.. - .... ". - „ ' * FOrB AMR MILLCB lUTD MMSS MJOMtD n lil TOSSASe MOBERLT. Ma . NM M dßj| * F*>nr paraoa war* kjltad Pad %JMMI laJ irad, tvo crlttoafly, fa %-|OdSa •aar Yata* laat alght. MM. 1,7|1. r. Fray vara IriUai vha* UmM haMfa waar daatroyai. _ '*• v .r r ■ f '«■