SQ THE GOLDSBORO NEWS ""SETI I READ IN THH MORNING WHILE MINDS ARK FBBSH-JtEAD BY BUYERS, BfcKOIH- THKY BUY vaunaioi Ninons m ooi.usnono, n. c. Wednesday morninu. junk i. kit ,—- —SL - • " ' r , .. - i— _ —: :... ... . . ' - V 1141, 8 nVB OBlfi Lindbergh las Friendly Chat Wkh King And Queer And k Given Fatherly Pat Prise* es Wales Among NoUbksT&ijUn* Young Here; King Pins Air Force Crow • OB Preset M Captain ! Washington Now Of l fers Paster Vessel to | Bring Y««Bg f ■ rft ~ ) LONDON, May OM II of Ragland SBd Queen Msrr (in tiNct'i young agistor l ilt Uu wntenen* wMb he ri ailed the goverrig** Id Buckinghnm pataca today. The Kh| pinned the Air Fore* Crete on Captain Chsrlet Idndberg’s fereeet, patting him Is s fatherly mi nt eh the thoelder sad tat down aad, oat of the meet''vepuiroinsoni* voy ages la the air that hag ever beta takas. Queen Mary name la apd eat la rapt attest low. wttß »yee of admiration oa the yoath , who has achieved what ae ataa ever achieved before—a straight swift race across the Atlantic from oae great mgtrepgjls to aaother, oat- tags aad wind end storm Later the Prince at Wnlee, like Ltadkevt ktmeslf popular throughout the word, edded hie cheery greeting When Uadhergh called to see him. entered Into the real spirit of ndven to** ***** m W «r| England glories Isa aaopt noted British firing men Ik* htkfcMM tMfc.Ua Ik* ro.ttf.l ocean. Oae at of hi* re cite! was a deserfptlaa of a seeming mirage est the Irish coast. It was evi dent to those who Ustetftd to hie words that the aviator la his fancied vtsuleUoe at lead most here been teeltog ton stfaga MM* «tttla against the iltaneats aad the great strata aster whloh he was fighting his way t« Paris. WASJOHOTON (dV-Romewhat at see heeaati it does got haow tx srtiy how aad whoa Captaia Uad hatch will ratans to the United Ftatea the caktart committee appoint ed by Pveeident Cool Id,, today e«t about piaaniag a aatloaal celebration for the Mfw Terh b Paris fUer. . . The tint sot of the committee was ta sable Ufrdbsrgk aaf offered to ro tars dtxnpt to Waaklagtoo oa tha cruiser MgmphU taetesd of tbe dee traps? Break. wjtlofc prevtooely had been pieced p« bio dtopoeel. The tarnation to was the taster ehtg was extended la the hope that the aviator oeuld raaeh ’Whshlagtoa be fore PTegUeat Ooolldge leaves oa Juae IS. tar Is summer vacation r" BASEBALL AUKITAN New Terh 14-U. Philadelphia S-f. * B> Louis T. Chicago a. ’ Detroit 1. Cleveland •. Banted 4. Whshlagtoa I. ’ RATMVAL . Brooklyn I, Pabiga T. Philadelphia 4, New Terh IS. . Chicago ». PHtshaff jO B. »■ Pataam id, MtoTSta 1. Salisbury M, Wlaetea Belem M UDI'TB ATLANTIC Augusta IS-S* Charlatte B-l.^ r'atop. -* TiiMiifn Petersburg 4, SUehtaoa4 I. Port month S. Norfolk >. WDeoa 14, Klaotea 4. ■ ‘ * 1 ’ ' mi l irnim «o BRCETTK Samir* LOB AMOBJMB, Key SI—DPI--P*sl Kelly rum fomaHe, eoavteted of maa slsagbtow la itaniths with the deata of Stay stu steal cone e m token for a new trial. The law K* mw Sta wmadvaghter, i • ivtif: »V' t Battle fer Bootee 1* Now Looked Per tth a battle between GrtPsboro sad Clinton la proposed addttloau to the mileage of the State high way system. If was teemed from source* considered authoritative yesterday. Smlthftsid wants a paved mad to Clinton. Goldsboro sad Wayne meat a paved road from Goldsboro to Ddbn. Tbe Wayne h'ghway commission Is -making efforts to have (he Dunn reed taken over by the State de partment. The Johoefe£ people pro working tooth and toe nail to get the Bmtthftetd-Cllatoa road adopted. If the latter to agorMd the Goldsboro to Dunn roite will hove to go over for n while. It the Clintoa-Bnlihfield route It taken -ever she UaUaboro-Dunn route will have to go by tbs board for sometime. Members of the Wayne high commlsrion yesterday refused to comment upon the mat It woe learned that glaring at tha proposal to'take over the Goldsboro-Dunn route will be ar ranged before Prank Page, State Commissioner, wfjfhia e few weeks. 0 District Commissioner Claude Wheatley of BeaufoiV 4a Oaot offtclally reported as favoring the Ctlnum-SmHhttotd proposal PEPPY PROGRAM FORROTARUNS Talks DsUvara4 by «•*. I. T. JSVWSM kjr (korf* S. Classification talk by Georg# b v , Dewey, n resume of ednontional rro greaa la the county by I. T. Jerome and pinna tor the entertainment ol wives and sweethearts on nest Tues day evening, scrupled the Goldsboro Rotary Club at lie regular weekly meeting st the Hotel Goldsboro last evening. That Dewey brothers manufacture locomotives tor industrial purposes, that the company operates dally s Mast furnace for tbs purpose at taming out Iren were facto Mr . Dewey gave la the ceurgp of his classification talk. The bustseea was eetabUohed )n lttl by Mr Dewey's father, he reported aad has fosr de partments- -mill supples, machine shops, ffendry sod alee sural dagart taiST * J. T. Jerome, saperlateadent of county schools reported the con solidation progrma launched five year* ego In the county schools was completed, with the eaeeptten of one one teacher school, through n soe resefnl consolidation veto token on Tuesday st Seven Springs. Seven years ago, be said, there were 47 schools Is the county of which ** were one-leacher schools Next year there will be only 33 schools of this number there will >a only oae one teacher school, tha uji. si Beet’s sto- Georg* Waters, Jr., ehairnlm the snmmiiree in chsygs of lh* todies sight program, reported “progrete'’ la plane for tbe occasion This meet ing wW be held at 4 e’eleeh in. the vventan tael end el at 1 si ig .lht ««• usJ cuunm, ItaulHhii i —i „ ..i-;—... Neuun Makt*H Triolt* UnAwisted Triple r. DiWWJXkltal k ■rt gmgw-asme «U»- ■ »•> lottoUT iniu. dtotawwivw t*.«utt tarn ta«eme4*~%' the game with Cleveland #bvr today sad he egecatod on# ol tbe rarest oI base bell plsyesn unae«tsted triple piny. Hie lighting action also won thb game for Detroit In retiring three Cleveland runners tfe tbs ninth who ihreutened to tolly after the Indians had been'held scoreless for • ton lags 11m score was Ito 4. 1 T" w.iF's— ■ — 1 ■ PI’bIBAL TOR EDITOR WELDG.., May II—(BV Fhaeml services were held from the Method let eharch here today tor John W. Biedge. T1 fer H years sdlior-owner of the Rosauk* News, here who died from aagtae pectoris ysetorley ~ • *k s h ... " V' HHtow'Race Elevayi rfMlnwi in BaUooa Run at IB Bnitiinw AKRON, Ohla. liny It-I/Th- With only four starters la lbs national eii sfter more than 24 hours la tki air, aaother night of flying deemed In proepect for the remaining eleven mm* us gark ness cams over the region of tbe Rl. Lawrence river where they apparently are striving m tSptory Oa the bests of reports froni along the Use of flight a balloon sighted over Vermont fo*t across tbe stole line from New York and about 34 mllse from the Canadian border was (MB' ‘ '9 -eto.. Thirt wm n»ry fndAcauou tb»t tii. race was being flown la tbs name bad wanther that marked lu start here Storms wore responsible for two of tbe landings aad tbe absence of rad io reports from say of the balloons iadlcstid All# weather the pilots wait usperteactdf. wmtobaby _ LltUt GM Crushed - Whan Switchboard Fall; Able Thka '• Nourishment Tuan. . Kathleen Moore, four year old daughter of Mr. aad Mrs. Clayton btaor* who was critically inJi red whea a heavy marble swHchbosrd toppled sad crushed her st bar home lets yesterday bad pertly regained con aeteosaeas, it was said tost night She has lean able id tahe a alight bit of aouriahw at, to .open her eyes, 'What to said to her but te have sot mgstaed tha to *•fir flyr, edndNtan to not yet such that an X-ray eaa bs made to determlae the riact eiteut of {>er Injuries The heavy switchboard which *nwßwr~thr Wttla girl ta ttfo was plsy ng ln the garage. at bar horn, near the Rtete Hospital wan tbe prop trty of Mr klMre and bad apyer been the property of the Rifts hospi tal It waa said last evening Tha accident has touched. > the heart of GOldtboro as nothtng In years has touched the city, and amay calls aad sgpressions of aollc'tatioa have been resolved. Mr Moore Mas • mployee of the Slat, hospital. Murder Case Begins In Cumberland Co. K ‘ « . -L--rATWrr*Vn*Ln. -rATWrr*Vn*Ln. N. C . May 14- l/n —Kenneth Rooms and Mary Phil lips were arraigned in criminal court bom this afternoon and formerly ’ cherWrwifß rim murde. «f ftosk McLaurta ton Jsauary. Counsel tar Boone moved that Ibe case against fiat be osmTiasi and asked the court to name a time for argnmtat* oa the matter The lawy ers sold that new evidence had been discovered by -Boone's counsel end that important affidavits would be presented to the court Rpto defendants entered pleas at pA gu'lty. BADIMI CGI'WTT BAB * Pf-NIT BLGtiAN ntoLEIOH. May SI.-iAV-CUadlsofl ttostris Mogaa Ac, aching Uoud Couu; ISO Crocking Good Hens; Prop erijr kept build farms aad beak sc routtti** r- Wsltai al tagj toaghsd al this ilsgau hut now raejnre egoptigrri RBR vAlg (he hahtote hwa ead dMay row to ■ght a tosh of tuady income. Phrmars la lbs Appalachian Moun tola seel lon of Norik Garoltas are tornlpg tlielr attonfiga away from an 'JP***? I fiNawr ttyptow: f« U " Vf . remedy for lack of moeey crop la the Piodnction of poultry and poultry products sad dairy cattle Three algos like this bsv# bees crested through Joint action of th< farmers, represented by County Agent ■arle Rrtntaall end the buslnes* men es Marshall, by th« beakere of the town These signs ap pear oa the mala highways leadiei Into Marshall sad have attracted at toatlaa from ocmmerrlal travelers tour.its aad viewing farmers The elogaa appearing oa the sign heard* 14 oa* adopted by tIM count) •gent ft has appeared la the news paper* of Marshall for aevtral mnptha WILLIAM TBDOR OPERATED CPON *,-. H 0 . O ■ ' Reported That Tw« SecttaM as Verier lu ae Are Removed By SttryeofU . ta . HUiiBM fudap Ualdskern Lae who was" eerfoasly lajared la aa " morutag, the emt to which be aad tel* were rot am tor from nrifToa, crashed tortarg— FuH n«Hg HirM roil wth \iu math • I rest. wa« epetated on al M eelerh al Hptmmr’a Hanatorlam . yoetontoy mraaiag, after It was dearaed by an X-ray token the day bffore, that be had sasfoiaed a fracture of lb* nplagl colama, according te report* reaching the Reas ye«terday. M is eadereteed that twa aectloe- rt the tertobro* ware reasaved la ih* eperotlea. Ha definite aesaiaac ae la tbe ■aeeen es the eperstton could be had ae early acrerdiag le Infer metfoa rrrriisd from thc ho.pi tel They wow Id aft be able le tail with Hi thirty-six heart. TWO STATES ARE HIT BY STORMS »• a Daad From H forma in Kan larky Mountaiiw learhcs Flflee* 's. • My- UIUISVILLB. May Flv. death, reported today Increased tv 14 Hie known dead la tha cloudburs , •'. • J —— ♦ and etorm in the Kenri ckr Mountain Sunday night and Monday. Thre each In T nneaete and Virginia mak the tout 21. A number were reported miMlng lu Kentucky. •wf-ÜBs -.3L, Jk B*4s*4 whose Wife, and sop Mere drowned Bunds? night as they fled from th»lr hom died t,iev to shock ggd in luries . A Kentucky town Jail oa the led fork of Bee rev Crash was washed sWay aad Ra twv prisoners wart diowned Maav other towns along th< creek were cut off from outside coos muaUsilon and the extent of damage could not he learned tonight Train service on the Loutovllle and Nashville rtilrned has Iren dlecoatla ii»d on one dlvlxlon Iteport of heavy dani.ge to the track., ,lue 1* ai tn ead elide* were only partly con s rmed at general offfeha here. „ The Keuiuckv rive* rose. 44 foot, la ?4 hour* aad.still was Jack son Kentucky reported three feet more water In the river than dgjlng the flood of last Dectmber. Teaaeksee I gain IK , NAHHVIU-K. Tenn , May It—Gfl— A violet’wind storm blew down trees sad fence, and damaged wheat shock* over ■ large shout 24 mile! south want of hetp> this sft re noon. Tefouhulu ■ ftwee hefeam tfoattaa 441 U nad Columbia were Blown down and Spring Hill was In darkness tonight because of damage to power tiaea. I’opular Bless Heffert Warms POPULAR BUTFr. Mo., May 31- (A®l—A wifi) keenmlng Uraedo-Hke proportion* swept Popular Bluff and tcWM In this vlrtntty today Halt aad raia accwmranled the »torm and near ly two Inch** ohvuin fell la M min ute* 7\ Damage was e*ttmJl*d at $140,000 One man wa» killed'^) Popular Bluff l» -recovering from the-effort* pf a recent deva*tat!na>tor undo la which more than a score were hilled Bpd gTvlt fimn to property tccarredi. Bbck tub Hradr ( omiiur of Pfßiidcnt er m ua m w C""-" , - RAPID CITY. B. DMay 31 (JFI The BtocUrjtHill* are ready to receive "ffoesOdueC'-r * recorded lu the extreme north ottSe aaafeaa.aOe at Th« eivtnr CLAYTON MAN IS SAID BANKRUPT Ittdgt Mewkiiw Grant* Reqneal . Fan Bankruptcy A4- t udit-H I ttin RAJ AIKJ HT Trry"ai - OP)—Char lee W Horne. Ctaytoa merchant, fanaer tnd manufacturer, late today was ad Indicated bankrupt by Judge M«ek i‘M 4ft FMeUBI rmMri U«re JuißiMßt was rendered after a series to sonfsr aros lasting xevtrnl week*, opmagad h» IBs eU-dey hem-fog today - (fovea rrodltors of Home petitioned #hr HM rtoaatary bankruptcy '- T 0 « la srg-jmeo!. chargee to dlvertlhc to aeroriftae to larger creditart were by former Berne tor Grady for the credttora, while James PotC, for Horne delcared "Mr. Horae had rather die, rather thhn he adjttdicat - The annual election ‘'of officers s% Cupied the attention of th* American Cotton Shipper* seaoclatlon here to day in the Baal *es*io«. The eaaeeta- I'oa by resolution ts onyecord as tgv ortDg a special session of coagreda to give aid to rehabilitation In the flood assailed lailey of th* Mississippi. An agency which will function to dlspu** » ...Mr™ h, s.. Hwetowd mills wan aef up by the shlpeprs. ThU agency Is to be known as "Cotfoa Re jection Bur«su. In,- , : sad will be ret up In Boston. Control of ttaw buroau will rest in the American Cotton Ship pets association If I* expected that the bureau will be la. operation within the b«m M day* and that 11 will handle about tt.- 004‘ hale* annually. James 0. Mur l*hy, broker, of Burton, will manage the bureau. MYSTERY PUNE Is REPORTED AT MEA MY A LINER v ' - - - | V4WK May **.- <#h A mya t«ry-ajrplapc waa sighted by the Can ard liner Trannylvania y'rterday Aaore*. headed oil w ard, eeld ridlff advice* to the liar trxtay from PapT TBRvtir' 1 Botai -If fj* The radio m»f«ag*. received at sM night, said; “Our position latitude 44 47 'norrtH lontitud* 37 2* west, observed alfl 11 wf*'A*dL*3’. -y •y-e— *- ■ No plane* are kdown to he la tha' vicinity The fr*n»-Atlantic fll*r, Com mander De pinedo, 1* still et th* Asores, Where his n.schla* is u*der going repnirt BOl’T POSTPONED * NEW YORK May 11 /4*i Thr.st enlng weather today caused the post ponement of the lUsn>Wßd welter*- w Ight match between Al Hello of Boston and Ac* Ifudktns. of Nebrse ka, scheduled toelehf at ths Queena boro Athletic cltil|.a It will bs bald tesaorrow aighi. ’ American Legation In China * |Mayße Removed From Peking * To A Point Better Defended Seven Springi AdopW Consolidation Move Approval by aa overwkalmflfl . vote of the proposition to roasolt' data to one-teacher school end e three-teacher school with tbe He* an Hprlngs school, carried et s election nt the letterjplsc# yeatorday practically . compltoea the program of conaolidauou adop ted by the Wayw* county board of education fin* year* ago. The favorable vote meeae that neat year therfc will be only oae one teacher iichooi In (be couhty Five years ago there were twenty-nine. BArw ck aad Eton are schools to be, consolidated with Seven Bprlngi under the vote tskea yes terday At 3; 30 yesterday afternoon 118 bad voted for the proposition and only 3# ngsinrt. *■ —u— tSL'ui-:.. , . r- ADDRESS MADE BY CLARKSON Twanty-Blx Raraivc INplonaa Rl Fiwmohl Unidaattoa [ .« ~ T] 1- ■ 0 (Special to Uto Nswsl PREMOMT, May ll meat mere era to Mm Fremont High n-hool ended this morning with tha annul address by . Jnptioe HdriO* tla*iwoc uLttt* lt|ta Rupretao omirt. p**ji im,as4 UllUtt a< £llottitn r%Yth( )a» hnconlau rate sermon Sandy - Tbs twenty sth who will |o gradn nted had a program nil to tboamlvu in tbeli graduating ereretseo yeeter dny cTctlng. Recent .atirtics of the claso shoe th* fellow ng: Nicest Roy .......... George Bentoe Boot; Wirm Francis Dickinson The )*4ios Man Mil Laao Nlsalest ........ Gray Bogus Hooks Moot Boahful iro Dred Dooo MHO! Afhlettd Rudolph Beel Quleteet Boy ........ Henry Baals Happy-go-laoky .... Elmer Ayeoeb Mast D gnlftod Baatee Davis Loudest ...Bute IF. Corbie Meet Attractive Belay La* Most Musical ........ Mildred Cebb \4oki SiudiouK Hohbv RidMiJita Mast Athletic Girl .. Grace Users* Toochers Pat Mtoala B«*t Kin it eat ... ...7.T.7.' . Grace Ayoock Most Innocent , Ctarabslle Warratl Quiet**! Girl Nancy BM* Most Patient Helen Heok- Moet Pfscticnl ...... Besets Darden ;tllß FRet- .... —gfc MaMT.ldtal Midget es Class Eva Itroka Bweeteat jj Dudrey Grady Moat AccumndaftHf .... Hrttto Bell* Yelverton Deepest la Love , .T.. :. . Mm Kitts Hippiest ......, Cornells Btriohlaad Wayne Court Dr an Along Secona Day Wayne” county superior court Judge W C. Harris, presiding. 'y## ; terday dragged th rough an tat* rot in rbly kmg an! hot day with nothing to break to* usaai routine Tb* conri’r attention wt* In 111* main given Jt coaalderatlon to tbs case of Addle Coker aginst to* Concordia Fir* ta ■ »wfaa*> osmganv -to whieh lhe plaia ■4- Printer* from vnriou* eeriidfk mma to Ral eigh today to b«d for W «Ut* of North Carolina Men nisi printing Jeh Four hundred tkojssad dollars was involv'd In tbe two jrenr contracts ay fpr letting. Os the''tbi9aflt. thre* hundred thousand will coma from fund* voted by the |eg<*latire. while the remetod* will he' the da uri from certain depnrttneatol »i>pi opiuuoag. f* 11 _ V 1 ChiniMie Attack Sooth Foots tar SalaW of Americana to In terior; More Marinao Mat Be Senli No Os fldal Conflrmation WASHINGTON. Ifgy 14—(4PV-JWRB anxiety over ton safety to Amerwaa Northern to ths collage* of the Northern OMmho ettack south of to* Yellow Blwk Mm Waahingtoa adwtaietroMwi M coast*, srlag removal to ton ’iri-'rn Mo* tton from Peking tea more deflgMH oolnt Shsughsl end poerthly the PhUlpptoee te Ttantaln aim it tot«*r eeantdoaae Hun nud imrh df v«top*d mt|« igftata “ro today that the MM*«e«.4|M genii Mantldbft tindae ™ w gsdtor Ratter st flM(sMi|g‘liHh WIHI ih* northern CMwaa hftmy >*. ported la Right to Ik* Norik keaK as to* Yellow Rtvor kata** tha onrntol of the Southoro NsttataMta K MFI by President Coolldg* that the CtaMf Itiiiifla boraMMo a t fti mml tea lag AmertoaHa In Na*h China aktapf he concantratod iMpa . ahMmOHßfi 11 wamm iiamm in wnahtagieg tBORw "MW!? dtttioi rtpoHN t* tom toNto YNtoMPI ed by to* Allied - ■MMMB ■* wp yeeledta itte UouWdkn MrteJdW UH*t%'bm tjjj£ returning to hta week In thin oagta — unikrmMßte % philadblprka. May tl to Babe Both diweo ant hie ehNeeiffl borne run of tta seaaan to BtaMß Inning to tha eeeand RPTOP hen»ta4||e lie)ween th* Yaohoee mad Htataßßta Ih* blow saw. r oh roe man am «M* four days. •' r ,