- 0 1 WRATH hue wB -. . ' - I * T- VOLUME SIX; NVMBBk"sT -aa■■',„';■-,. , rv:r:z-,n-;: TROOPERS IN COMMAND AFTER CONFLICT AT JAIL ■Cs r.-i.-.a.z— zjuar-kwi : j^l=s= Qiss Day Exercises Dus Morning And Graduation In Evening To End School Year C*nnun itT'ltju i Id ins t North Carolina Col ? Graduates With the (|M day oi»rci*#» at IA:|0 Oita -morning and tka gradua cetve high Kfeoet diploma* Th# clot* dap everel*** tHU k* fait at l«iM this morning ia the aa dltorirm of th- Commenlty Memorial buildiag instead of at Hormaa Park as originally planned Tka foUpwtag program wiH ba ear- FrosMaat>Oa*ttßg-Oeorge Hood OJaaa HtoUtF-Haaoi Allrad +** x »#m: •>0» BV-rell.W-. - (Mary W**Statr.land. f ‘■‘tT Itiii t Ues Dr. m> C. jftkaan, rtea prvatdeßl ot Nona OarottOi College far Womaa. Ornaxhprs. trill deliver tka address ad tka gHdaailoa doarotaoa at tka namareaßg bolldtag tkU areata* Dr. H ir-r la 049 aC tka kgat known adaeatora <4 tka at*le and to tka au thqr of aoratal bouk* Ha will be presented by fapariatoadaat O. A. Htaallte*. ' lat J. M. Daatol will giro tka la to—H—. Delivery ol diploma* la rrmbor* of tka graduating clans will b* by ttoorgr 8 Dewey. rilelrman of bd aakoai board. W. A. Mahler, principal of tka aekool. will praaaat - prints wtaoer*. Offlcara as tka dlae* ora aa otlowa president, Qeovf* Hood; Vlea Praal drat Harp Bonos Dorr; Secretary Haaat (feUtadj . Treasurer. Virginl; Cffpord. ; Matakan a* tka claa* are aa (a) l«wa Kasai Gwendolyn Allrad. Hachel Virginia Brock. Alkart Clark, Vlr plats Hints Crawford. Doratky Cuth tad. Harp Causa Doer, Oaorge Itaei kawoy. BliaabeU Bdgertoa, Leatbel Mfwws. Parry Bdgerto*. laaa Par r|#r, UrU Fergaaos. Nellie Irani Giddlags. Lppto Haadm, bash Heillg. as Ate faanetu Hlbaa, Bageaa Oriffln Hlaea. Jr,Be rate Hobeoa. Oaorge K Hoad, lr., Addle Kansan. Elate l-e* Nelite Halpaaa, Thoodor* Mcwtogu# Margaret Morrta, Baaktl Moye. Mar garot gle bard son Paaoock. Allan Lee Vibe. Odcdf rtpkK, it.. Bam Pot ' laafc, Margarat Mata Porch, kora Rich ' kartks Lao ftaaa. William Rmitk •—tka Saatfcertoail. Wilma Gardner iHMs i- l-aHIn H«n Ufk • era Tata—, Venal* Laa taylor, Rath I n-aa WoA-m. Urn* 8- Wall. Mary WtataMrolaad. Oladya William* Van Orman Wins Race k " Over Iff Bafldohistir ARRON. Ok to, Jim 1 1 ry~**r* T.*’VaaOrmaa. vet era* balloon pilot sad hto ato*. W. W. Mortoa. eeom lagly kare woa aaotfcer victory with rka rum plot loa today of tka NaUoaal Klim nation rara that Started from hero oa Mowday. Haetag sailed Til ml lee to a—r Rar Harbor. Mo., tka twd ama etaod to night aa asafftetat wlaaara as the aaaaal raw, prelltifcary to tka Inter national raoa vktok Will atari from n—rar la Mytator Tkair victory . was aeaoaptiakad to tka owtrp of tka Oa— Taar lira a— Rabbat Compaay /P', ■ ■? t, • *T ■’ - ... ijlgfirrimi.iya. -I,;, it! «*, THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ ™E MORNING ARE ERESH KEAI) BY BUYERS, BEFOIf !■’ THEY. BUY EXPECT LINDY BACK JUNE 11 , WRBSißtl..i kmm h»| Eatartginiiif Air HddW ak Arrival ’ WASHINGTON. June I—(DV“ The Capital's plana to play the nation’* bo—ago to Cbpt. Ungborgb wer* wot— oat and daf niUty launch ed today with tka %to«ptaaca by Uadbergh of tka offer*f tho crulaer Mathphla far kit rat urn voyage. WashMfefea oa Jana 11 to ba officially receiv'd 8p» President v Coolldge and hto cabiftd aad to receive the pralee of 'Wsshlagtoniam. who el though ac cnatomad to great events, are ex pect— to outdo Haems lives. V Tbtaktap as Isms LONDON—(#I—Aii tbs thought* M Cspt. CkaHe* Madtffrdb mow art ot America, home a— b ■ futupa. Ha will etart back oa one of Dacia Rain’s fast eat cniaars, from Cherbourg oa next Saturday morning a— it Is a pactod ba will reach Waahiagtau the following ttatuntay Cast. I laibsrgk Is Ms—b Wk the idea goias dlnct to W»*hlap tam *— being iwetvet by th« Pmuf. dent. Ha has acquired the haMt of meat the srealdeus aad ruling toot I arch* atace be dropped c«u of the tktae Into the welcoming arm* of fPfKPyK . . let Ts Lo With Fa— DETROIT ——Report* that Ca- Lindbergh bad bean offered a place with tka air W— divlalon ot the Pont Motor ftp—poky wore efcaracter sed aa a bp Heary Ford In S here tonight ‘The report that wa have made an offey Ah Cspt. Lindbergh ts entirely without foundation’ Mr. Ford said “In fact wa hare never coaaidared do Ing anyth eg ar~tki find ' ■HR LOCATED " » MOOREBTILLR . NAIJARI'RY, June I—(AV Mr* “T. ! W -9m. wba an— a tat— Charlotte Monday morning, waa locat ed at Monraaf'lie today by tka Post. Mrs. Raid raid she gsra sp the bike because to bad weather aad would try It again Thureday. Tka Poet received a tip thia yor\ Ing from Chief of Police Chapman of JCannapol's who read y setae day's story of ths dlaarpaaraaca ot the hiker, elating that Mrs. Reid and an unknown man he—ed toward Mporeavill* In * car. Mir*. Reid was cheek'd out officially -at Raliebnry end hiked to Kannapul 1 * where she quit on affount the weather • 4L * t Healtfi Department Issues Its Vaccination Schedule Onrlug the b*xt two months “th. Wayne Cooaty Health Departaseni will carry the battle againat typhoii. fever aad dlptkerla into every section J I>r. L. WL Corbett, county phyal clan, urges that every one whose typ hoid vaccination Is not eftectffO. ar raag* to take tbs doses during the dates scheduled r The points and dates arraaged are aa tallows: Taasdajt. Jsa# B 41« Orsathatn, I 30-I 30 p. m. ... ■ ■ c • V : OOLDBBOKO. N. C. THUKSDAY MORNING, JUNE 2, IWT ITIMBERLAKE IS. MADE CHAIRMAN 7 h —— Will HiU Wilt* Forest Facuhy Unfit rOtfit Surrmor in Naaird WAKK FtiRBST, June I—(JB—Pro tensor Kdgur W. Tlmbcrlsk*. of the la* School facnUy and former dean of the college, wn* tots today appoint Jed by the Trustee* to act a* chair man ot the faculty until definite sc tins to ukan as to Praiidant FoieaPi, i *nccsa*or. Ilka trnntaa* mrt in att day *#«iotr hare to hoar report* of committee* oa# of which announced It had made prog —a* toward securing a new president, but had ho annouasemem for the preeent. President Pats— Speaks ball not walk In dark Tka spanker traced the history of KMMj IltM. »t has dung —dtaaSp to to* ksnaoh of light arkiaß more than once i'Si baan threatened with poverty and oppoaitioa. NEGRO F.IKS TO PARADE TODAY Thrre-Dgy ronvenllon of Lodg« Will Reork ( Umax at 3:30 This Afternoon i,..- , .. , j’’ ’ », Wt»th two h.asa hands providing the nude for the occasion, the vevtMh _s_ nnnnal convention of Ihe Necm. p —. Smiths Chapel, 2.3«n3 So p m Dobbersvllle, «-.AOt 0« p m. Nebunta, 2:30 3:30 p. m Flkevtll#. * 00 R no p m 11# fjwFtB'flfi« Mnnidny to inytailgai* the dlaturh •Men. £ Fnd smayed by atv saful at. : a ntpt Sunday nlrht to remove H A*:. Levins confevoed alayer of fiva, from the 'county jail and another at* •tempt the following night, when f) persons were wounded ia n ln»nb with deputy the |iwb f irm ed again Tuesday night and pars eted in Us purpose until the trappers fire had mowed down 31 persons, four of whom Inter died of their wounds. Whether any of th—killed actual ly ware members of the mob was au- JdMMSfiL __ k / „ j —K to»*t one of the vl-tm* was mi of. mircy wbea*tai suL toM*^ v ". lib i .--m He had' stopped «• minister to a wounded*—pm lying in the street when >r stray bullet struck him. The commander of the 13 coatpenles «f guardsmen her*, served nqttde Todiy mAi "wtr tornea wtit ahuw the - wl d*. ld*U whet* 1 he will locate. BOf lilitm** ■'" , FirprTiwm*iip*-itash * - -A**** William Folly, IS. <4 Itaet rayette «aj» wa* dixiauitu it* ‘'rtWr tile fwdey *i. fed .<1 >WtmßUUxr with | .la) males The-wstor* ws* shallow where the boys were, but It was said that young Folly waded out into drep water and was men lu dla trraa Hid lifeless body whs round un lit# river bed later. a . / fUlltlKH CAM HF. RKIII HATf— hJjIKIK. Ln , June Hum)Sli NIIm are to he seen In the taunch Pol Iran, which was carried out in the flood In Arkassn* April 3t. accordiv»g to a telegiam recelve I l\gre b n'gil hv aglneera In cknri# f-rn tkr,uatlunal Reg Cross at Memp.'ht I PRAYER BRINGS SHOWER B SAID Frank Parkar Kotpdrta,Unusual ItvrMaxH or o«wM|4t --••-i........ Ml. OHn 48p*eiS)**rA Th* *0*0) b ' , By FRANK PARKKH RALKIfiH. Jupc I—Opting a five day tiip I waa paasiap Utrough Mt tUlive. many people wy— tu lb* mid nlc of the street gustof'sfewn thu rartroaa track Win n ilie . *—s jbey said. 'n\hy we ««. (f-aytpg Aw Bnm ehMtd — twin " Aw* ehoigh in a few iniant— the shop-' *r». though light, run It waa the general opinion that unleap much heavier rainfall oceasred tbs track cfwould h* *artf.u*iy damag'd list* was the oplnkm over lbs daet ern counties in general v During a (MW mile trip, passing tta.oiigb tweuiy-itlae rountl**, in-, ilntUng ,th? pnnlcp*) trucking can-' Jnu. Uu. lire xa ill lie mndltlns ere* dpi weathey ’• rtatr ti b ig hatted tka growth of-moat truck crcpi and pr*v«nt*d, lb* fodiuination -of r*f*nflv plants > field C.«p*, F.n ran'* one p*r*oa, ask ed what a good rainfall wduld be worth. The rej’y waa "What to«d health be worth to a sick man?" Now that the good seasons have rotnr. gladness has replaced gloom In many farmer* ratnda It ia tree that the season* may canto A second growth to potatoes which will pro* due- undesirable knot* on them. A month ago th* prospect* tor th* po tato crop were very bright. Last wank if was very rltomy and now It do i; Prtbi* upon ike t —f—l Ifeouth effect* Is lo how mutoJir ■ L|fferMoi, xml uuutltr v ill J, Bt range to say,' moet'ltold eropel were not yet beginning to R«ffer aar-. louvtyT although 4h* plan— wain igi gefV nt a standstill and the soil dry lo con-idem hi# dupth? The conao of *hifj wa* that the conditions ware tillable for the development of deep roof system* Th* raliaiß the end of th* peat week were badly needed aad did untiold Bqo4T. * MASS MARINES FOR EMERGENCY RamTj Id Shift HhauffhAl and Pkllippinr Forres to TknUi » * VARHINOTON. June l (JP)—Mo*e rr* nte v»f between 4.000 and 5,000 Am erican Marine* from HhanghM and the Phil'ppine* to Ttentsieo to me** MT em*rewcy ffi#i Bigy rr— ■he collapse of the Northern "Flq-m Army south of th# Yellow rteea l* ho me carried out, official dispatcher received here today sa d * The force conetltuie* more than 3 5«0 Marine* which Rriradler Osiier a! Ru&r. commander In China tor* field far many w ek» at Hhaanhal *Od about 1.7t)0 which are euro lie from the ptilll'pne* The latter force loft there three or four d-■ m ego, it Woa said, but It waa defhilttly known when General Butler soiled with kl* men from Shanghai. r “""" ’ ■ 1 “ —-— r ~~*f ■ " Bound To Superior Court 11 On Charge Os Abduction s i." yvnuxs. vwxrrm' WStRf mau of the cltr, wa* yeatfrday bound fd Jhrperlor f3v»ri by Beq W. <5 Britt after a preliminary hearing on the charge of abducting the wife of Oeorg*' W lllnnaii* , \fr JemlgOu n iMHeni . Cr » ♦ d/T TT*v under t&ob bond peon ng n trial nt the rs»* in Hupertor Court jUfrjiL *&iun£iL l AeVd-ira Ask ? ggn Aoder the .-barge, .Ur* Hfhl—nt i ■worn out warrdnte againat her hue band charging abandonment and a*, vault. Iltnijai.t waived exam nation god wee bound to Kuperlor codrt ud der bond of |?M. Both earns wer* ■chedulvd to be b*ard In coirt her* belt week. Jerulgsu jittered s plea of not gutl ly to the charge and Insisted that be took Mrs; lilnnast to her father'* al Ftkevlile when requested by her to do *o. ft appeared that Mr« Hn r.ant bad decided to go to her fath er hftef a fulling 6at with her bus- I band. w-.~r - * -■ -- n l, m mm Tobacco Expert Secured As Speaker For Wayne County Jubilee Here On June Btii . •Wfiwv *•»* v W U VIMW win - - - --- -- - . . -. v o ' ■ f *•< «. i , Mm&tST •. . DISTRICT MEET A FINE SUCCESS " ’ • WMI UMf t - Vote at U» Seven Bprtasp lads* to ooßMdidato with the Ooideboro |o4s* yesterday featured the 34th I district' meeting of the Juhlor Order at Seven 8r rings Two hundred Jun •ora wer* Tn attendance and the gath | sring ■ waa 4*clSfs4 oat* of the Stool r T'ouß. tm.f -tr. R ttRIBB preeHrtT i and addressee were mode by 1 Can grossmau Charles L. Abernathy sm by Dr 1 : Atkinses bf Wsohingloo. D C , a native of Jokoston oojnty a Dooieion to eaaiqiMsto with th< Oeldubdro Chepto# was voted by tke Sevas Spring* gronp is th* toe* o i.ppeAl* from Mt. Olive sod Ktaotas that the chapter go with them. Report* mad* nt th* enoroing ass •los of th* convention showed oontin u#d increase and marked activity In sl( of the chapter* whicß make ui the twenty-sixth dtottfet. At som • hags picnic dlnnar wa. wved with the Seven springs Jnn Mwm-qsonwh Vft to have ferret ga I sthgr crowd lUt* wa kis* MM-Mr • Oliltkin in discussing the dinner laa •veatog. Dr‘ Alhinmn. of Waehlaglaa, D C., advised the farmer* pmnst h adopt a program of dlversMtoollaa to get away from too mttoh oottos and thheoco and to Hvq at home and board at tka sub* place. ComdretHknaa Atpraatky foliowed Dr Atkhnoaa aad urged the Jnaion to got behind every forwardenOviag •tot# and of their aeetiap*. "Yon poo plap, * or eat part In tha nphtslldlng of oar adetton it,yon wilt feta tn that end. " duleaped ton Cougreos I MT, A INBTAHTLI KILLED BT fBID UHEICNVILLC, June I—ny't:r ought out is the yto creee of the heart** belwee Km, ft* tended to ehow that Ittir taking Mr* flat.(taut to hot father* Jvruigan late wrote to Ur sewardl times The* “mA nattwr^wrw to a. cook employed by th. I fcwfo 'T.a.i »Bi'« ’ iu,*m tttßßam wort nested and ssdaaad h the envelope addr'esed to the-cooh It waa aim} btouahl out that Jey nlaan had latie« Hj," HfUthot to Oar ham. ridden about with Ur la th Bull r’tf and later returned to bo father’, at Wheville. Jaruicaa h*< l»**n a fioarder In tU Hinuant taanll) t»V aboil len tnomha Mr Hinnant had keen auaptcieui of the relatlonahlp between the board •r aud h'e wife for comet I me. It oaf hrouabt oat. There are no child reel by tb>* Hinnant marriage. Mra. ttya I aaat wae do tcrlbed aa a pretty woman about 40 years old. j -.f.i'vA.Wt... wlaxye,•.>4l #.'• -v./o.*4**%, • 9 . /, , —' II I —iauwamua Member of o v ■ The AflioclaM rrew _ £ ——— l 11. ■■ 11 T«r., nki rtvi'chum * l ■;' * * ' .fyji}- t E.G. Moeeof Depart ment of Agrieumre, Department BNl> learned About Jm* rrminf Qnililjr -of Tobacco Grown £Jj . .Tli* d tree tow of Mb* V«mOp()f Ulr AengwcUtion feat* sacntnfl oTo» Ht* port ltd to wS^l | —?*. hobrla rather thaa •« tap tin fUmt roMoo. "Adrien tut mrjr Malar *«rd mt from tU KM DepaiMiP ts Health after UU4 kai Itm 1 b> the 4oa ni allowed la taUntil the parent! deelArwd tUg WOali Mae «i«» TU chili mm «r S not ofTiiop nyiupMiii, 9NWI ■lpf Hr. bitton by the aaural ' wooka ago completed Ur traaßmm* ofUr hariag tMa Mttom jy •: 2 --*'■• 11 '■"■ 4h • ? 1 indy Knew Too Modi OrlWyht Never FIWHI mirAOo. Juno * l—(Jh-curA t infikoooh (jbiU w --- tuai •iwa* *kt w ftrfilk * -3"' too amk' Acordtag to ijMy »tb v «tuat fitchta o»rlthe rntaSoal NB tract atir it. Lma'a and aitfcup V kn«« aothtof about taalag. & irl.*4* decided he might maU «A» •any money aa a clerk ta tha UP booths., ■■”' , lw.' teuair oho aahed hhh «M k could do to which UWMa n> au COM do." “Then yoa turn* 100 maah ta work here,* - replied tU maßapr M LI ad berth west back aa liliMaik