aWHwiii '■hi. ■ > ; ~i»to fcUwwl kr rtiwri u 4 tkm-' toUNti n I " VOLUME IK; NUMBER M 2 toS-.*.'—'I ■■ . ~1 | f . MSI AND FOG flOU) CAPT. LINDBERGH IN LONDON FORTY-THREE RECEIVE DIPLOMAS AT HIGH SCHOOL FINALS »"*"" 9 . Plms Hop To Paris At Dawn Today For Filial Look About Before Starting For States «*• MUlfßißEift- *— ■ ■ ■■ New York Will Staff* Gr* £ t Celebration, Tbooffh Ace Will Not Go Wat to Metropot ■ ia; Spent Laat Night at Military Air Station —TaVti Committee NRW YORK. Jua* *~(*V-Capt. Iladg4rht» trlwatohal Mtnr Into tbl* city on Asm 14, Will to rfmd Ju« M tlwO to were landing IrM I uaap-utlgatte 1 Inwr" »nd ■■ if Me «4wl tor* actually mark to hi* retnra tom*. la (Act to will have spent * toMt pmtod la. Washington tofora oMrtMt tor* aad N*w York will to MUM hi Uto to "lira him a tort” totot—fl as Bra*, m if had hop ad. i y an D| If Waaikar JLOND+M. Jen* I— (JP> —Adverse wwoUai rafprto today forced Oept. CMHaa Uadtorch to poatpoaa uaUl imdiWiP return u Fart* hy air naa* -hJdAgtotoCUrJ. *U »r*pnra ilaaa far 1* •OUT tvdaa-wlUaUc flight ■Utajlto Hying nc* aat in th* Ut il* IwOjilMaW office of tka Kan lay Military Mr BtaUoo this afternoon, aad aa /tto kdtopa vaathar rapotrta from aoath IhAl dad tha Chan am aad aaaikatß Fraaca arara laid hafora kto dad aa tka ml at aad so« rollto ap away tka adcaa of tka air air path R> Fwia. Iflauta by minuta to waltol m Marty two to«ra to aa* it puadtftoa would Improvj. Aad tkaa d add ad to atdrt from Ragland at dawn tomorrow, Ha tod flfc wttk aw offlear* aad to alcht to alapt at ttoir atatloa among mod who talk h*a language of tka air Md la wim to Ip aa mack a tor* aa to ikto lk* orawda wko hav# - foliowod Mm Ik Franc*. Balcium aad England. Faria Rleapp.latof FARIj. Jaaa. Jrr-Wf-Parla waa dtaanpototoil toa'gkt at tka fattorw of ■ v «kpt- UmHwrdk to top Off from I*l land <kla aftaraooa aa tod toon plan aad tot wanroeoaelled hy tka n#w« that to wo*ld Up at dawa tomorrow. tvoiyoao raalitlnc all day that tka rate aad kaaa aakora aad tk* fog otar tbeChasael mada tha tilers hop Oil bat tmpoaaibla. tka racapttna i nmai'tfYi aad a amaU crowd, kow -o*or, waltod pattanily at the flats togwelatfa him* la *a*e ha ahoald taka off. State Ucenae For • Bos Drivers Ready RALM|OH.\/*a* 1.-OFi— OHH operator* •as for klra vehicle* »a> mao -ear Tier truck* win b* at tto U affetoaa .as ito Carolina Motor I'luh. it waa announced tonight fol low lag aamptattok *of kmactawat* totwaoa a O. to If. «kt*f alark of tha oorporaMaa eomaalaoloa aad C. W. rwa president as tk* aaotor oigaolastlon l’odor tto law* •• art ad by tba legUr to aad initial Uraaa* will to graatod to any driver wba fUla out a form pfffMNi by Ibb cMißitafflon aad on wktcfc applicant meet fir* rafaraaca to hla aaoral akarartar aad dflainf ability : a>—aawi-—■tiwn wmm - im i-< •TATI MJUTM FA If Os RMHT-Or-HAT RAUnOH. Jaaa *.—(RV The atata „ board of sdeaahon toa eutl*>rii*d Oororawr McLean to aawvoy to it* atata rßht-fltoi oatoadfaa i.two loot la aaotom North Carotins Tto proporty was- owaad kp tto atata board . ‘-A'i. . « ... - T-i* . THE GOEDSBORO NEWS _ read in the morning WHILE MINDS are fre SH—read by buyers, refbiik they buy MARKETS MAY T OPEN AUG 30 North Carolina Warehousemen Elort Officers at SUvor Loko Con voot Mai Tto ■iiadtoo Cam Has tatorra bum kata will apaa Aagaal to If flprallaa Waroheaseama’s a***e tattoo at to aaaaal maatiaf to PVtooa Wadaatday ar* approrad ky tka Takaata laaae'dMo* *f Ik* ( T atod Mata* wtoa M roavaaaa at Hawk aad (Tty la tar tkla month. -■ to addition to waking racommottda Mod* for tto opaalni of tka mark*!*, tho aa-ioclatloa aatarod *ato tka alae tioa of offleara and trnnaactod a nun bar of Important huatnaaa matter*. „jF. C- Vaaial, of Rocky Mount was alootad proaidant. Othar offtoars nom ad w*ra:TJja-f-ra*lda*t, I, P. Tapp, of Xlastoa; *aor*UrT-tr***ir*r, V. B Buck*, of OroastTl* Th* folloar ißß war* gam'd to aoawiu«i* tho hoard of iiractorr: W, H Atkina, lif 'ifiiDtoraoarlttg; n H, %nit*r«on, as Mllaoa; W. D. Morttm. -at Ora»i^ * trtlla; J. Y. - Moak. of Farmrlll.*: Hack tooaria. of Rtoky Mount W M Wootan. of Kinaton; Alien Kaioit. of Kinaton; and I* W. Mangum, of Rocky Monnt Important raaotnt'on* adopted by tba aaaoclation prortdad that no pile of tobacco w'tghtng lass than pound* b* aold. that »ala» •u«twnil at j II o'clock on tha morning of Amli- Mwe day sad remain auapanded until attar th* d'nncr hoar laataad of aaa pension for tha antira day aad> that so (tobacco, to jaloadad at tk* wara houaaa dp Rphday Hoar Addra»« Tha mooting today wan bald at 811- t*T lake park nanr WH*e* and wn* . mllad to ordar nt 10 O'clock by Jo# Rngla*. of Wilson, retiring prealdmt Mayor Rllnn fdicna welcomed th* Tla*t ing warehousemen and tobacco Men, numbering nppronlmnUly MO, while -tto ran*—a* won hy Mr. Morton, of ~ Oreenrtlle. Addrannan followed by W. A. Urm, of Wlnaton-Vflam, wko dl*- cwsaad tobacco condition* and tba out look for tka anau'nc year. Th* meeting than wetit Into buti n*»* **aalaa at*which officer* war* named aad th* ouu tan ding calendar cleared With bualnaaa matter* out of the way, thtm* present enjoyed a barbecue aad chicken dinner, at th* ‘coaclva'on of which they repaired lo Wllaon to witness a baseball gam* be tween th* Bug* and th* Kinaton Bag le* of tto VlrgtiMa laagila. No dscl sloa was roaohad ah to th# oeat meat lag place a* this matter la always left to the eiecntlr* commit tea Th* opening data decided upon lo usy la by no mean* final as It will merely be taaf—agdad f tto Tob *iCB **v»d*tioii of th# I’nllad »t*t.s at it* akOfonahtai aaauaTeaaMkripg In Morabimd City . Tkat orgaalsatlon will dafthMely ttM tto Hma fw tha opaa'ng of tba markets la Oeorgta and youth Carolina aa wall aa la th* car ious North. Carolina baits Jua* t—Data* iw tka annual saaunar encampment* of tba tfarloa* units of tba North Caro lina National guard wera anoauacad today by AdJjiaot General J. Van H Matts Tha NMtb apglaaars, Colonel C. C. H<teach, Dubam, commending will be aacampod at Camp iarhaun. 8. C., inly S tbrougb July IT Tba outfit la <emprt**d of one battalllo* of North Carolina troops and one batallloa of Poutb Carol'an troops Tk* llOth Infantry aad tto 117th motor trseaport company with Col ossi Don ■ Boott, Oraham, com mandtng will * scamp at Camp Oleaa, from July l#lh thwack July M. SWEET PARADE BY NEGRO ELKS ■o • Foot Banto and Drum Oorpo in, Heir Milo Lent Procession Yaatorday WUk k ffrad* rturtninttebed In, t - pageantry, tto aovaath annual soaa-on as too any* i North ( atoUba. cam* ta aa and bar* yesterday af|#r-' nooa Four bands aad a drum corps with tea or more marching team* competing for prises offarad by th* 1 local lodge, marched through tha principal streets of th* city Th* par ade wda a hall mil* long. * Wyalt Caum. young Bqgr Scjyut of Ito city, aavtd th* parade trim be- badly broken up at Ck**tm t aad Jama* airasts torn id tka pal : iceman of tto city war* on band lo direct the Muffle a* the pared* passed aad condition* w r# rapidly bycoming congested whea.Remit Exum took the position of a traffic potlca maa la tha Mr net and within a f*w moments had tha -street cleared and the pared moved on unbroken. • dMaailaf iA*la which fall during tto pabl a demonstration did not dull tbmapirit of tk* marchers. Tka Raiaiyh bead was voted th* toot bead of tto four which compet ed for prices offarad by th* local lodge aad Ik* Raleigh marching team -Bias moa flrat place Tit Tarhoro marching team took aacoad place. Kiaetoa won first plat e for U.s decora tad aatomobil* ud Wilmington aac tod. -4Cto (MOftoro Woman** auxiliary »U given honorable mention for It* appoarasc* In th* parkd*. J. K. DarOaa was declared to tow tto boat BMymged aiftomobll* locally. A banner hy Dardan also received attention V. Tto ntoPher In atleudanc* at th* tt aaloa* h*r* war* lare«y than at, nay ptyyjoka *raaloa iFpaa said oy 1 officials of the lodge laat erasing and tto ioea) order was vol*d tttaak* for th* manner of aatayta ament. J Finlay Wllaon, Grand Exalted Baler waa th* gpeat of honor aad made a abort addr*»a at tha Big trteh Warehouse where tba grand state ball closed the caremogda* of tka session. • .A, - idkMilto ■■iwni mi—. sin..,' Ambtasidor to Mexico May Offer Resignation MBXICd tVnr. June 2. -OF) -Am •tdoaa Ambassador James H. Bbef laid la'YUpoAA to pemytVnt new,-j paper Inqulrlaa today Issued a for-| hdU wrhtm Mat* want saying that to ■ has not yet resigned, but aot saying I whether to may or may not resign after reaching th* U. & on his forth com lag vacation —A.; FBIBON NTATIKTII N RALEIGH. June 2 -UF) -Of the •« prisoners racalved at gtat* Prison In I May, 44 ar* lahoiera; 14 farmers; 4 auto mac ban lea; 4' textile workers I printer*, and two clerical workers, Nattv* Nnrth raYoltnlans aunitor •J. KXgbt ram* fr<>in Houth rarohna; 4 from (laorgia, a school teacher Iron /'hill South America; 2 from Califor aie'and Virpiaia. aud odd Trdu Nrw York, Alabsm* aad Kentocfy. GENEVA, Jua* J— UP)~ France to day drpoOHed with tk* league as aa t on* her ratification <4 Ito Washing lop eight hour day convention. | deputy Sheriff Shot by Ntgro Man o • a a»• * • Hallsbury. June 2 UP) Paralysed from Ike shoulder* from th* effects of a bullet from th* gun of an ual d-nll *d negro. IPputy Mhertff L T. Yarborough of this county toulghi lay la a sail leal condition at th* Balia bury ho* pita I. while officer* sad poe na* scoured tk* territory hereabouts believed llkaly to ahelter th* assailant Hfarrlff Kriver sad a posse of offb *ra aad eitlasse concent rat4d their anarch along the Yadkin river tv* miiae from boro tolleving th* negro -to have dad thar* la hi* rac* to aa capa capture. _ OOLOEBOEO, N. C FRIDAY MORNINU. JUNE 5,,t92? ■II ISi ■ Mil II —' ■ -r-.-- 11-, '4Fr 1 ■*— ■■■ -W—T"i "i'Vi " '- ' ' - JAPAN’S NAVAL I HEAD TALKS OF ,] COMING PARLEY i Declares Lave of Peace AH That Prompted HR ( otinlry’a Acrrptanrt •j-. TtMuro. Jaaa a -—W?—Ttiwu'i ac cgptanca of Pi ca dent Cpolldge's In ivltatlpn to tha tripartita confcrsnre , °a tb* limitation of aaval armaments waa inspired by a ksnuiti* lor* of paacs and a sincere wish to co-ops r*t* constructivtly w-.tfa the other pow*it, said Admrial Akada minister of th# uavy. In AM *tc.u»i,« st.t- nuin to fke Assort * tad frees today |L .u t pbaaixad that bin cguatry was ready to ridUi a wey-stu. ih« lr of d*f*n*« ra^uiremsma." If anybody thinks w* amply Jumt>- at th!« oppoitunity to limit arma ments for ftaatfMal 'laaaoaa," b* de clared, he hit* u*M.*r learned to ap# preciate oar true reeling*. Our asval Institution actually tar tolug of aggraaalva proportiuna, was aevar 10- tend*d to rxiaad bsywad tto awaspre justified by Even with out ttala armament parley w* aarar thought of bulMlng beyond, tins Bo w* n a looking forward t,o the forth cog,tag conference eg sopi*thlHg -n tha way of a formal sm-sslon to con Irflit fkla fuadsrn.ntaf tdn. -W* wm reduce opr aaoy to tto minimum of d«f«aao requtienu-nts , w kWJiiK» minlmi|m (oAnutt to gpttg *d ty Japan’s -peculiar geographical and political clreum stances We are going to discuss this point frankly with th* American and Brit lab delegare*. “8e long ao we heap a navy, we must otnints n It efficisatly. Aa wa ar.- dependent 'oj fo.*lgn countries for food and raw m-vtcr als wa must sec thjj ak iuttmerrupud supply from ovtratokt la gHaraatc<d in time- of war. Our auxllleiy. l>to t£oa« us oitor countries ere design* i for t|ia akm The United Stales can stand a blockage of a. boatlle fl**d for any number of years without fueling the least pinch. I think Japan's auxiliary pi "blent must be viewed only Dent this standpoint." „ Admiral Okada stated that be de sir'd to take the opportunity tu shat ter th* “atourd notion" reported in recent dispatches from Ameilca that Japaa waa aot Mtanml with tha per Isoauel of American delegation to Ito conference. nflach Impresaloae." h* sail ‘are | atoolalely erroneous any put anna duly • sqfrsdlied by ibe United Statsa ar* to ua thy United State* persoailled and nothing *l*# " Wayne Superior Court Knds Fourth Day Here Tfi* fourth day of Wdyne county Huperlor Court pass*d yesterday sad brought ao out of th* ordinary de ' velopment*. routine casea being be- I for* the court Wtlilaui Nneud wee granted jsutg.- meat of (log «2 against Dortch Parker un# ffoM J,. W l . farrwt* «tr r ‘ ! YIS ground* of adultery. rtmadddltta yeatavdeplg, samitea. Judge Harris, listened to arguments upon a petlilon that tb* case of Elisa beth Exx*H against th* " "SiffUMHlr'ttF" mvato m iaplla county court Mr*. Eas'd Is aaklag : fog W.oyo dollars dsmage from the railroad in th* death of her l* isband wh/to ito afale hlsbway truck tu 1 which ha waa idling was slruck by i aa Atlantic toast Ua# train several in out ha ago Judy H#rn» tank the argument J~ •* tto etorge «f veau > matter under advi'#mwfb and nave at * Uiraaya for tha raad. wba bad aab#d - the chaaaa. tiase in wbk-b to *•* If tto • caa* could to tapn isllf aat toe Dap - tin court la August. Faison Thomson of OMdetoeo aad r Aitorneya Johnson aad ailU-as* of * Dupl-w r*pr#»**i tto ptaiaT a this > can*. iM.hiasoa aad Frees at - Ooldeboro aad M L «•*»»< Jr., *4 ‘ Warsaw represent the rstuat , tO FOOD SUPPLIES RUSHED TO 300 I FLOOD VICTIMS ij Ttfiu Number at Two Feints Reported Without Food - For Turn Days NEW. OHLFA.NS, June I— (JP) — Supplies wera bring tuah«d today to ' btfwi *o« add 400 people la ttoe I I WoodaMe add Odonburg sections oa t Ida whi bank of the Alt-hafalaya rive, la reepanee |o a report at Baton Rouge flood relief headquarters that they hava been without food tor two d.ys. A boat waa dluptcbed to tb* eeene Isat night with food and enough lead and foragt for I,MO head of ktwaUHJt, Th* ascites wroat | ninety 140 mtleft northwest of New 1 Orleana on tba opposite aid* dt the Mississippi. Hood water* railing more rapidly la the, upper AUhefaleya baata today were lining at tba mouth of the rlv*t at Morgan City. A aaral aviator who flaw over the city reported that only two blocks pare- above water. The f water waa d upping aharply at othar place* however and be retried'that , bridge and »«t. Martlavlllo ware a I moat free of tba flood and that , New Iba : la waa rapidly smerglag. W.tb tba greatest part of tba at rug- * (l« to nan llvea ovar a slow ds*Mb» p lllratkm or r*H*f tore** waa atartad. The NOW Orleana heaiiquirUri Os the i rad rrooa aanoaaaad today that i Urat-Col Oeorge R Hpaldlag. of the I engineers cor pa Whoaa station la at ! laralevllle, bad been relieved flafl , would rftuih to hta atatloa. Colonel Hpald ng had been In rharg# of wat er transportation in thf flood area. Mm], Malcolm Elliott will return from Baton Bouga to hia office at New Otlaaaa, • , ; Colonel Spalding estimated that hlr | return# fleet of Mo boats, not include lag Oam hundreds of amtll row boat# and skiffs bad evacuated ttWt.Mfl ydtli geea and moved between tO.MO aad ; 40.000 tons of loodatuffa. Tba situation oa the lower Miaals ' a'ppl waa unchanged. The,; gauge t nt New Orleana ahowed a further, flrap. \ e— - •*- • - V;2?J v FATAL MISHAP AT PIKEVILLE Negro Mas Dies From Injuring Im |lalh< ( IWintiaotl ipfijitnFfi ifi Hriiiy lireiKK^u 1 Half Mil* -V ‘ - Sam Port, 45. negro, a tenant oa 1 the farm of Jack Smith of PikavlUa, was kill'd In i run-a way accident at Ftkeviil* about 2 o'clock yesterday af ternoon. The negro waa > dragged jdown the cement highway for about Uhlf a mile and died w thlii a few wlnutea after the frrntled animal had been > topped .V’ I The negro waa hitching tap the I mule and In tome manner the animal became frightened aad start* d to rub. -1 A trace wrapped Itnelf about the left , ankle of the negro and the more Ike J mil# ten the tighter th* death kaet I I breamt about the afiiTa ofTKi Ibid Wltnemea who aaw tba mule racing . iH-vtU Hu* highway reported that the hatJA at.. Ihn anltpal rame In contact i with the body of 'the - IMMWnyf SMS . 1 I'-ap and that at time* the body wa» ’ polled under the heel* A halt roll# from the point whir* , thr animal had become frightened. John Heater. P kevllle white man. K»' WflF' WRriflfdbst Hhng l * tb* t toimel to a stop |, nr. pey»<a of fllkeellie wet away J» » call and a burry ce*f for l>r f ! Bunion of Fremont waa put In The ( latter waa on the *ceac within fiva I minute*. It waa aald, hut fifteen min* Ole* Inter Port died. I He waa a mart led man and leave* | ht* wit* and several children. • ~ TO SKTft tiHSIMVKK 4 UKNEVA. Junk J lAV-lt I* report d| ad that Praac*. whldh declined tb* a American invitation to attend the rs f.wihr«mt»u trl-party naval limitation *f| rnafereac* la Geneva, now Intends to n*ad an oh nr ret to tba coateuee. * RIGHT-OF-WAY RULES CLEARER Wluit Yott Want la Know, llaßr Cotl« by IVi Gm. •rml Aaaambly ÜBERNBBORO, Juae 9—Might as way and Ttriea gar*tslug ovartatrihg, pass-ng and meet lag vhhlcies are toangne aad asor* Jgr ranching under tha provisions of .the uniform mptor vehlcl. cod* anected by the recant General Assembly, ft waa pointed out tor# today by p. w. Roberta, vice prteldest of tk* Caroline Motor Ctab. "Heretofore, mack eoatusloa ha* ex'eted aa to th* right of way,” Mr . Roberta said “fa moat la«taso*g II waa conceded that th* vehicle* on th* hight had tto right «P way la to which eirnet waa mere traveled or more importaat than th* ether at an intersection flection It of Ito now ood* says that wkta two veklelo* approach or eater ea iateraectiea ai ftpt roxlmsiKlv tto mama time tk* drtv •r of th* vahlcto on the left shall vield the r jght of way to ti* vekteia oa tto right. "Th* only exception & tto right having fh* right of way Js carried la Beet ion ft which make* l| mandatory for driven of vehicle* entering a pah , He kithway from a private read or drive ehall yi»ld the Hgkt of way to all rrh'clM aggrtmekiag aa flm pakUc highway “Motoiftts wfff «k mm to MM Ttot tkd jmar Os any vehicle travi:' tkg at aa spend shad forfeit aay right of way which he might oth erwise have und*r the e*et*M aMM merafad Driver* of aay vebtoi* atoll - yield this right of way to a- psdaatralii jcrosslpg tha highway wtthla aay clearly marked cross walk or regular p^dretrain lass, except at latereae lions where traffic M regulated ky officers or dflwotloa device* "Sectiod* «, Id-aad II provide tkat whirl** must keep to tto right aad tint alow going Wktglrg must keep near tk* right toad edge or cork, end --that driver* of vehicle* proceeding la oppfett* directions atoll pa** each other to the right, each giving to tie • (her at least on* half of tka ami* graveled portions of tk* roadway aa nearly aa poasthl*. "I* overtaking a vehicle the driver of a car ntoH pan* dt foam two feat to tba left there of aad aot again drtv* to the tight until safely etear of each overtaken vehicles Audible wanting must to given before at tempting te pas* a vehicle. "VahUie* muaC W M OTlrtakfg jpoa tto crest of a SDI ar upon % cur# in o>» rtgktwgy wknro Ik* drtv *r*s view la oketnictod wkl/a a die* lance air tto feet tot the driver of a vchlrtp shall net drive to tto Isft •tdgTef the cantor lias upon th* eipot of a grade or epos a earvl la the U.yhway " AGED FREMONT WOMAN IS DEAD • f Mr*. C. L. Gurlry, Moth tv nf C. C. Gurley of Tllia City, . He Btirisd Today Mrs C X. teW. 74, AmT lit #* Ay cock (a Fremont yeoterday aftor- Ayocock la Fremont yeat'rday after noon at I o'clocS Gurley had keen la fvabla'hosltb with ailment* incident to old use for >onsetHno aad h-r demit Vi#' MT SudffD ktoxftoF ed. Rider J.- 4k- Heeto -mill c aad uni funeral services from th* home of Mrs Ay rock la Fremont at 9 o'clock •totomtil Burial wiU be mad* la the Gurley cemetery la Buck Bwamp township. Th* deceased was one of the h**>- known women of Warn# county and waa the widow of th* lato Galvin Qxr ley. Eh# Will to moneyed hy a wide •Ircl* of friends. •> •la children snrvlve; C. L. Par ley of Prlaoetoa; Mr*. Robert FUgg erald of Fine Level; Mrs. R. J. Ron* *f vvniiac*. C. C. Oerley of Ootdk i boro; Mffe. I. L. Yelvorton aad Mr* W. I. Ay cock. , - -- -i-tw 11 ** •- —— - • 11 ■ > Maafor id 1 The taalihil I •* ' . ’ Bf ' • 'MI I ” " ' *■■ a nfi. .i/. 1 , *? —— ■ ' ' *mmmymwe—mm^ wuci nv* am ■ ’ m>m Address Mule n iv i Jy Dr. Jacksofl Review* ProbkOUi State ip{BteSyt Trend Toward ]ldw» triallam; Prises aad Award* Art Made’ Class Day Euratni Held Yesterday Mam tag , Tba ladbntrtaJ revoluUoa will gala* up W* ' educational vyatom of tb* gkhtd gpuafl ’ «*•#!. daclarvd f, c. Intana. v% president of North Carollga oalftaß for Women, "ruatflaru, la tb* Mfiw of tba afltfram at tb# -iMinmginUft «i*rcte*e of the CbMaaga ’lpifK' '' tw .un w or r mm mm the rnntminmnagug g "*utUR *aat meneem*at R fa ttafl sS«*f|| * a* . graduating claaa aal thaw MS* dufe* ted la ekaretee* way* o«tt*u tfMn hafl ' TtftAntry, relation#, aad texUl* labor arm prj*. ’.an eatlraty agrlealtJm MMtrgS' iH industry au«l Tb* Qrwwrtoro mas fltfl d >mpt to glv* a *oiaH«a for Sg fttA atloa which he dUcagwi bntr#Ml«t ed -I have a aobrttoa, but tl« gMI £ hasn't aeb*d «a* Mr R TuP* flfli ll‘ *mll*d aa be aa'fl.M. The latt*r part «t Dr. JuMm ddrea* dMlt wHb lifM to W fM> nat*a. He dmlarafl that tw* -f»rri >ad always rulafl tb* uuoflt |b> rad tb* tblak*r. Tb* Mint, Or. Sm lk •op charscterlgofl an tb* BHUt Tf* < hara«t*r aad IMM »/ fig «&- named aa aa awm»i flt tblfl V*flT Hchool Board, avrarflufl tSs dfflMdM (* tb* forty-thr— flf W c+*m w a Me hi**, übhMf as •chni*r»h*r waa wdfl by MM* SflMl Allred who mate «*rtag bug fear wear* at htgb nobool tba h’«h averse* of wlg||| ill t*atb* oa all MM. Tba lat Mat grade ever r*e*l**d- by MSB IBrid wad a two plug, Mias virgteta CntwfaN ww award. «d tb* mcead. *cbolai«bi| patM fly having mad* af flfflfty three aad tbflflfl Itgfb* oa all aat tacte. Tba Royal Beany ptfit wa won by Mia# Mary Dorr. Tba Mbl* Os MUs o*rr*s essay waa Tb| *hp* .ttUoaa H Mtea Doflothv CMMUIt* <Hay wo. b^aSllaSHai. A prise of twenty Hollar* WbM U Ject pertalalag to ctumliliy wo„ by Oe**te Roafl. Jr. fbrMP Relation of CbomhUry to Nibml M f#ac*". Tb* **aay baa Mt| M>—d *»e HK MaUomah teatwik. aR|, SR, aPSIf of tb* prtn* may la tbit MBdflM U flptffled »o a taWfc ;■ 1 or Harvard laiveraithM. Tb* Claag Day vuwba vbMR Bflr* I held at tb* C*Sma«lty Mbit** y#* » terday morning w*r* larg*iy aIMBdM and very m«cb enW*d. The (Thaa aasemMad, oa SB fltafd I wblcb bad b*e» beaattfaUg. flflMMflM with MBavr flower* aad iMBB,,** i the member* of tb* Jaalar ChMfl* 0«org« I. Hoad. Jr., pr*oMflßA *f tb* claw pratfldad aaar tba *afl|MM* with grace aad dlgbtty aad I*4 MB nddryga of w*tM*m f*v BMf 4mP* Mlaa lUa*J Allred tba* r*ad Mfl tflflp history which' was Mfkwwfl by *M

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