WWi in ■■ ■ i ■ 1 r#t . V .. * • m r.:, ' WKATHKK M| WMann Ft-,. s r; l" - r-L. T" ! —T— - ~ SIX; NUMBER M mi^—a—ton— mmmrnmmmm—iimmmmmmmmmm mmm !■•■■■■ ■■ CYOONE WRECKED DOVER YESKRDAY MORNING MYSTER Y FLIGHT POS TPONED; LINDBERGH STAR TS liOME . . ■■■ » t-it ass. Raikoad Depot And Three Negro Houses Splintered By Clutching Hands Storm ■idfl'W*.: -■ -ttitaMlU- - » !J ' ~~ Famities Occupying ! Miraculous Escape Homes Asleep When prom Storm Told - (Mn *^! , , oo £ lfdiD . , ?‘ <•—'*«. «... Me Wttl Run Into bbrn. ju* *-i rrmi Thousands; Goldsboro on which two children were sleep- J I.m ka e rnmnunv ln * »** <*• «Dy P-«e* o< tumttnw ■ negro home at Jan per. little . Ptalt : fHtftkf iWffCk- town II milos trom here, which edt Cant. Davis (Slvei "• ** «*♦ » •— b4t> , by the fury at a cyclonic atom Detailß. I which hit the place about US »• * -mi—-- . «.« day. Two howaea la Jaaper were B* jlapal apltalered, throe no- wrecked. fM bonaee dcmouUabed. and the X Tew mnute* after demolishing rod and OMoMdaaho elf the eaw , the two bouaee at Jaaper, the aMH aw tha palhMpal Boms of I storm cut Ita path through Daw. . daadft U»t tothswnks of a eya- | It did not strike h*re. SSS/5 NEWPORT MEET jgygtTSwt WELL ATTENDED B. Bnvfc, aontnatar of tha Mar- - chMi Dabftln Ftwan Local MHhodlst BaeZaM hW train wore dalayad Cllltrchas Return Front SSfiTiTslr ,~ml, DMrkt w theaMOda. Ooldaboro who ere hark (row >b« IlMlfcSilMM acoapled tha three coaterence held at Newport hnutta witah war. Twd.c*d to •»!•- "»** “ «**“•*“**“ —•« “« 11 tan, aeedMtng to Captain Haft., Hoe- *“ ** “* ,,r ** M * ««• ”* oral ainthora of the (am I lie, .after- prby R *’ J. C. Wuo.Q“ ed wlaar UJuriee. it wa. no t Won- JJJ* *£V‘7“‘ 4ißt J* IPIUIMU 3|| OltVt &# tllS USX( nise(i|i| plgfH . ***** mtl their Urea ter the oagroea v.rmu.mta the whirling wind “ y»e. war. JSHSI ’ V*®** - * nd b# anaeually good, ahowlng more ro ***** •H*?' rivals than usual, with aa Many addi Tho Nortolh aad Southern and tloM to church during the lam IWew Sooth bound railroad .tattoo h .„. y#mr „ , v , r tr “ b « ‘•'•* b -' , h . visitors In gre.t myl". loc.l del foots and debris from the wrecks , Bd Un £ L . • ■ 2? SrSwr*. ss % dhoal an hour pleoee the vlellom A ptcak dinasr. V PiMi li ■ -no wdeis iam ssosAh, ■ r Mt* » ro »" 4 ,b « b ““« *•" both days of the conference not all cleared away and when Capt . ®° w * n Deouw We, wm a clear p*B In the midst of the From Bullet Wotltld wrerkaps A telsphono m telegraph RAI.IHRI'RY N O . Jpao >-GB~ Wtre* caaght aae eg oork* l.'ndsey T. Yarborough, deputy .her of the Irotn of Cnpt Dnvl*. cor end iff. died here tonight at a local hae the cock was Jsrkpd off as the train pltal from a wooed Inflicted resterdsv proceeded toward Noa Bara A abort moralar by oa anldeatlfird negro flaw had to ho fafod ts awke repairs Hqnellrd by the police force wh'eh lefare the raa could bo rwoamod "relentlessly dosed shout hit hid Inc B B J' -T ' fdsce sad o volley of bullets'which •ays it Baßdhkpl Wrowhad aaottorod sheet him. Oroat Moore. Lfffff BBRN. lane l-»vrh* Norfolk negro Rlsponted of fatally woaadlag •oothern depot add buildings of the the deputy, meekly surrendered this (OMfltfepad dd Vhßd Twr) oftataaoa and waa*lodged In )aU. i * * •’ c-O* -• r THE GOLDSBORO NEWS - . .• — v- , .... • v •••■ * . ,-^ r —. ~ >•- ~ ■ • READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRE SH-READ BY BUYERS, BEFORE THEY BUY t ... ■ , .few.' ■ : —EBjiuj-g-e-.-- ■C-.M. COTTON CO-OPS TO COT MELLON ' • ■■aniiAsi ■ Approximately $1,560,000 to Go IP Members in Final Settlement \ RALEIGH. June S Appr6xtomt#ty one aad oaVhalt million dollars will hr distributed this A oath in ihe ran) settlement with members of the North Carolina Cotton Growers i noperative Asaociation. according to (JMnsral Mhaater V B Blalock All of the 130,000 bale* del vefed to th« sisoclstton \nafn*a*tm tlltatM haa been told, and the laat shipments are bow going out from tha ware house*. Mr Blaiock. saptalaed m *i report to the Members today, and (he afftas fooos la .new -wochlag day and, night to make tbs necessary calcula tions of the amount due each mem ber . ■ » Th rty-sight peicent of the crar< aa» sold directly to the mHla, SS percent exported and 39 percent to merchants and exporters The nv •rag# aptted members for short sta ple cotton was 13 1-2 to IS cents. Although one fourth leu cotton was delivered to the Association lest year thaa la 1936, the operating ex peate per bhle was Incr as»d only tour cents. Mr, Blalock points out. tho operating cost la 192« be ng fl .hg u compared with 11.94 for 1996 The carrftag charts far abort staple cotton was pedfuced Re per bale ta 1926 to |t.*l la A l»*d. h* ex plalned, so that the total expense see* per kphr ta ttM 'was 94 39 ns compared with It ss la 19M. The total expense Includes the operating cost and th’ carrying charges. '•We have practically expense dost per bale to hats wha< it wu la 1933,' * Mid Mr, Blalock ' In 1913 our total expense was gs J L per hnl* es compered with |4 30 lasi year This t eduction has been made possible by Increased est c- J lency of our personnel end by the reduction of interest rates from I to 4 M par neat. “W* hate been able to borrow moo ey for our members al 4 1-2 ter cent and we have reduced storage end In suranee rates from 69 cents per bale to less than 36 cent*,”,|dr. Blalock said With exception of 1936 when cotton cooper stives were caught oa a *de ctlag market, the average netted mem bers fdr. the fve ysnr period has beet 99 XUIMI or pore thau the out- Md* peic*s after paying all operating Mr Blalock declared, and more filpoftani (tun that baa been the placing of a premium on- quality cotton aad tha eltmlastlou of country damage. ‘Wts Mt ap a f ft'en-slxteeatb Inch pool for the first ttJ.* lasi fall end we are tpylag opr members 99 potm* or uurly u cent per pound more fog 16-U Inch COTton than for 7-9 inch. We are paying a premium of e cent ‘•«d a half for all Inch »Upi?, which Is aa aeh'evemcnt never before at tempted on a systematic, scale" Mr l Hlaleck said today STORM CAPSIZES A LARGE VESSEL nrhoiNNß <«9Wh wmam uj Blown Atihere •A 1 ELIHABBTII CITY. June 3 (ff*| -A rchooiter waa capslsed a power boat , blown ashore, the captain of one wv •Rl* tlfb' > Mlftdßt m wh« ‘eihar-frumj • probably drowning or daatb from , exposure aad a bah house deHftiyed end others unroofed by 'a wind and hall atorm gaheve Newport News foist today. Tha schooner. Lorens, turned ov- I er while at anchor In Alligator rtv - er. Capt Nat Godby. only man shsord, - was rescued by Capt A. B Hurrua of the power hunt Nell, whose draft I > wm blown ashore abd slightly dam aged, lb# lerrlft c etorm also bl<-«4 i down a flak house and a number of, r housoe at D»ep Point ware unroofed ' i Oapt R W. Janes of the power . boat, fait of Barry bad hie craft about I • miles above the other boots, he mid. i aad by running before the wtada un til thy ware spent, be escaped barm. GOLDSBORO, N. C. SATURDAY MORNING. JUNR 4, 1627 - - - ■•- .—: i ; MILLIONAIRE TO SERVE SENTENCE . I ‘ \ —.— —.. ■ - B I - - - - l jc. . taJ ul.- c acesasidmßAA •a, \ m V ; Mto jjj 3 «W •w—iwin T ' -vm*: '■ II"'""I ■."■ww'fi wp Harry K sin.-lair, raUUofeutire Oil Operator, wifi serve ittree moot hr, in jail and pay a Ado of SSOO for uputempt in refusing to answer qHestkrtis ife the Sffhath invwstigation of the Teapotporoe Oil leas*-. • • r-rr-7r-~z==2KLT. V:--. - - - i '—a RELIEF PLANS IN KENTUCKY Fifty Lives Ia»sI and Five Mil- lion in Damage Done in Mountain* LOI/lUVILLE, Ky . Jum- 3-UF)-A disaster of major proportions occur ed for a relief fund of 1100.09(1 of which' $60,000 was to be raised la l.ou'«rille aI«M.. tortest flgus*s indl.-aded that 41 of th- dead bad been identified and >l*l4 semsln«'d uaknusrn. Two per- . som were m'salnx Fostlbillty that an unidentified wolnan victim Was a •ftidiii was vr tonrtst h**unie known rirti i Hi! IM jpi, of a well dn ssed ».>uien who lial •earing a 3 karat diamond r'trfrt hed b en found. • "m’BESBU. a 'f* -*-.*• •-’"--peueu—M * RALF.IOH, June I um - The g#uU at H. H. Williams of Uesufort coun ty was "not caused or hastened by ooglict or mistreatment of state bus i pltal authorltlea or attendants" Attor ney General urumiuiti said lart* today In his report to Governor McJ.eun «k Tl*e situ, u*-y g.-neral found that ' f*h , l‘ , ni had out on the inornlng hf’wae visited h>- his family “received - tbs pruo pt attention which I am con ; vtneed la usual at the institution", but , he pointed out that Williams was an ■ unusual patlsnt and rsqulrsd unusual •ore. •A*. MRS. CHAPLIN MAKES DENIAL Her Attoraryu Preparlflf Rtply To Countercbta C'hargM by Conedian UN9 ANUISLBS, June At torn vya tpr i.lttn Urey chaplla »«• ‘ buay onlay drawing up an afiHNr. burdened mainly with of tha charge* burled yesterday In Cbarlla ithaplln’s complaint for divorce Tbay thevplanued to figbt to tba limit, for her division of c&iuaxiaal pro party and ruNiody of tha two chldreu. Counsel for Mr* chaplain iadlcpt ed lbat tba Him <*uam*dl**» gM*gg Uoii-i would ctmslatttUy hr denied „ These I Deluded sharpen that tba |» J ear am wU*. em lufainaW. sUICj, yoiiup automobile salesman, refused to lire him «j», wa* frequently flwMfc, out until eorty morning boura.j extravagant and neglectful off their children Counsel Indicated, bar ana* gWer to the croaa complaint would ha made up rb'efly of denlala of the charges, but that It mlfht contain m W counter charge* but tbaA would make entertaining rudijjr Whether the namea or aeren *om »eq, four of them prominent motion picture actreeaea would b> made pub tic In the answer baa not been dec'ddd by Mrn Chaplain's attorneys. Tbaae unnamed women hare Ic-en mentioned by her no iboae with whom Chapin ,»t»nt a great part of hla tlgw. * MOTHER SHOOTS HER OWN W tLthr. * ' v^ I'lavfullv Pointed dun at Baby, Thinking il Wan I n loaded —Trailed y ci.MIKftVII.IJO, Tean . Juno t tfl*i Two Martha Kdwarda .dtUPgltt lor in a critical rondllion at the reault of a ballet wound Inflicted by flic mother , The latter believing tba gun to be unloaded pointed It al the chiltf and pulled the trlgg r A bullet wa tered the rhlld'a head a* a recall of the ptank Neighbor* aald tha moth er and child were arcuatnmed to play In if w tb Ibe revolver and 'bat iHay had often aeon Mrn Kdwarda *nap H al the child and hemelf as well. Tow Kdwarda. a garment cutter, father of the child, bad loaded the pia tol recently when be bellered burg lar* were Wring to enter the hotue and bad not unloaded U. Hero To Proceed Directly To Washington To Recehre Greetings From President News Advertising . Turns The Trick Advsrtlalng la Tha haws tuned tha t ick (or fhu chain Mlo* atart «d yr Ike trial of civil caaee wm ended yes terday afternoon, adjournment being token until Monday 'when the trial of criminal case* will be goad lata. Tha Grady-Neely cam. the Dali caM. and the chaig* of murder agattmt Jay Bird Edwards, and two other white men are important criminal cmm which are oa the docket fur a hearing . Mat wtfah. •* ‘ Th* ona* of J R. aad Milford Ay cock against the Baak of Fr**aont *wm dismissed and tha plalnttffa oF dered to pay the defendant |3^N. Min Cum# Bp* ghi won n cbm against Avondale, n meuntaln devel opment. the coart ordering note* giv en the company cancelled and giving Judgment against tha company for 1499. It wm found that contracts M The Fromopt waa give* a verdict of *114.11 against - —an———egaga— L. O. Rhodes, was a Jndg meat of 169 against 8. S- Daft. .' J. R. Wbtklns won a verdict of 9369 against E. D Padgett, IK B Retry and O. -ft. Everett. Bruit h and Rktrard loaf n swfi brought aganst M. _D, Kelly and wife, th* verdict helnc,T. J L Bsdla lord EEkiMX Bnskgwan pptg. ittsmlsoed. Zeb Dean* and wife agalast Win -t'ssell. land ord«r*rohlo fight win go Kith fetal afigN th* ofel, i li* leaven ~~ Cherbourg ho will ho tahgg tho fegort, of Pgrln with hla h woll ga gjagtafe w M w|K*'**wW WOg^^W^W^ U ho ta. hot above nil by tjo BtaOtaOh paafta. __ _^*^^*** . ' - RUZABCTH city, * e„ -#*— to hohalf of North Rarrfttai, fttaofeota -tty today taVitod Gagfcfc* Ofeatfea 1 indhorgh to olka h . flrot ftft 1 era flight ta tfea apat wfeaoa ft* worid'n ftrot ;U»o flrot flaw. Tfea * vitation wao uwntfli to Oof* IM * trrgfe addronood ta ooro at fto Altai an nmhoooodor ta Porto. 10 draw Ml ta It Btgo r NRW YORK. JoM » Oft-eita Mag Pont today anaowoaol ftot th* *lr*t eootooront doflahotv HI (home* ■if th* fl§ ami |i. I*e offered tor a »tta * n Hawaii nro J •nton Writ. and t I * Vetrh Wade. who rootoadOy owwowao *w4 kgla jfltf 1 ■,n iii ulinlrcig IW* wiisK* ■» -»• 1 wwrtwir . ' j r rrt|llll *—AMim—iit it fi ■ " ...oiwftftftM—'■■ ■ ■ IgM ■ - ■ C2T , Negro Shoota Self To A void Capture - irrtL~\ J zchti ■* thotiir b*for# th* funeral at a Btaaa whom ho hod killed. Ham Ml few. negro furtive today ifeot aod tfttai * Mmaelf apparently to iwtt ttQWI. Jofeeo broke Jail last Taaadoy tattow * Ing hla arroot lor tho mayday ft a * >lec# and woaadlag hta motatar dhd 1 olotor » r -|- IWI.IftH WIWIIW LIAYV * MfIoCOMT. Ram la. Juan l-ft*V-*feo A > Rrttlah Miaataa to ’'"feftldt ftml * which waa beaded ft Mr ta. 11. MM ; —• ™ %*«&{» >• of tha Rrttloh g—mouft to gftar I <1 ptometlc rotalfOM with ft* Mfe JL ' ‘ ———* -r ’ gt m rag m r J%C taitagftl *