fc • r "kjr.:-- < 1 Nfr fcllfcf ifcJjjfijjP toMMlfcg I VOLUME SlXt HUMBER M . : - • ~- ' B |B| ■ M B B B mI j| w bB Bp JHBPB BBk BB BBtIB 881 818 S|g || JK &9SL I 1 || % Jj || jf 1| « 9RB gs Jj |§ mm m W B M JB ■ W ■ JJ ■ ■m ■ ■ ■■MM ■BB ■ ■ ■■MMBIBIHHBH ■ B H §ft I % %m W% I I ■ 118 l I _ ■ ■ M M BQk Bb B B B’ B B B fl B B BB A Bbhpbb vhbßi bbhb ■Bbb^^' —AJPi AjHTli As. * |> “~^'-*~•»■»'—■ i -*- - in , _ f. T ,, r _ a <*-bbbk.*..*«..»■ ffr ■ r ..„ Columbia Over North i Atlantic With Goal Be Decided By Gobi Rowe, Berlin, CBußan tlnople and Leningrad Mentioned U Possible Destination of Mye % tin and Ltvine at Con ; trols ol Ship Lind bent Sends Best i*w tew. lU t-ur»- . «e —‘IT ImM «Mt 4ml witli ill hitetai tiiiiwi ptM II • ' «» *M KM «««ft **» .M •» —ciaßum* cuim toltla. Wbalms bofyad iff ay a .’U«W )iUaf b* doao mot asytoi to *ad aatli ba bob gtroo mot. baa way twa alcaa «ttt*rrr:£ fM “ *«t WUfc Bart AMdu aa a ttyta* cow luduraara (V|bt la Ayrtl wbaa thi • am* Bailawca ylaa*. uaad la tb* -Paa lii» inn m—i. . i maria ad , aloft II boura. tl ariaataa aad M ♦rad was ofon tfeko MM mtloa. aad If rhaaibcrtta eaa Strs'ybtaa tbal yqrfarmaaaa oat, aaccaaa la aaaarad fat. tba Too da fa Kftar «bla Abb Cbambav Itn P«w*d tbM i» aa omargaaey ba could dUyaaat with h'a laodlao tor and act down la aafotf ultboat U. nybi with two mu* clrta aad a mrfkaatc as aa S Man* ba waa ad r’oad (Bat Mo laaamp soar bad fallaa r Mrt By plllfal maaouvartac ha Maoltr laadad aa 000 otdo bat aa*V SOotooo MwaaMy right aid# ay with aa lajary to Mo yaaaoagavf aad llttl* damage to tba ptaaa Tba iMbttoaa fl'gbt waa aUrtad L **»»*< ,w »*• •***' ••* •OnL rrte% tu iMM Nri> hal wnN «Mto U to M*4|f nm fk* |M ■* lk» mr at 4aa»'i •Mite* teWk Mr/ Mn ten Ml Im« »fca teMM « tek IMliMl, Ml total yi>n teH* tab ttea teMHyNM |t>N tte*a to all Mi a mwl tor tha Mte ► ' Tte. MIN, MMrtte, to (tea I Mar? toM. NufN tha w**to MW Ml dwtfl aI tea via* baaa hhitei Wwto ara aaM to PH OT IS KNOWN AS DARE DEVIL Owm«I First Motorcycle it Amcu. lowa, and FbSto wits a 9-i NSW YORK. Juu* 4- t^) —Clarence Duncan Chambeila. la trying to Jtolto ill expraea air flight to the farthervat yylbt poistbl. will n> over waters traveled at a much slow •r pa** great gr»af father, who The saamNa, of his *#«fsrtag an cestor did set tarn Chamberlin to the tea, however, for he studied »lec trleal oagloaertog nt lows Mat* Col leg*, st Amos, and during th* world war was a lieutenant in the Army Air Wb nerved an Instructor I la avia> oa ataoveral flying fields. In Mb long service Including mneb commercial HyMto. he has had only one sartous acgldsnt. In Ihtt hit ylaa* anaahad n*gd YiegoMtend, Long Island, during the Intonations! Alt •beta, killing kto >»utsi»r Law. Maas Damns lit. of Nuw York, aao Ineapaeltsttag btm for »wm OlfaUli who to U.yaara m tgk wag ham M OaMmu. lowa i who** h'a parents reside They war* as confidant tout he would remain In DMtlvp of M hours raaautly that tbny uwa-bb »41 tilngrnrn in ndvaue* nad tß* amsssgv nrrvlrr the congrntua tloas of the horn* folk was waithir lor him wbaa ba cams down, after the r* t 3rd braking essdnrsac# Might His parents are edßMnred that | their boy can take'ear* of himself In tba sir but nay that h* Kan "always been eoßMKh’ag of s dare-devil. ** “He bad the first motorcycle here’* to the ward from tba Denison home ! Preside. "**d he teed to worry us ; with his riding," -■.aStswmd ■■■■■ a | UIDSAT WABSBN IB toUm HKIKIK | * H • V' ' " • r-- „ ■ » V - .Hf ■r] ~r ' ‘ * - 4 (/PI An nunl commencement program of E Csrollba Teachers College way propar hare today w to to# alu mhl butineA meeting at ianrbeoa, g r er°rtl abendsne# being expected by night, Wise Ruth Lowder, of Ruther ford ton, tba prootdeat said Tb* Babior normal call will stag« Its clan* processional this evening while toe sermon by Dr J R Lee ter, of Wins too-dalem | 0 the morn tog aad the Y. -WI C A water id th* aveuiog trill feature »uuda>’> sidrclaast reel mas Lindeldi tq take cknrg* of tba relief of th* Kentucky stoiai ares, sa lb* Hbilitual Had Cmaa was mar .balling Ila Juntos lufiixbt «nd pnto toK.to«W*jr *h*«k hut sur-u up tn# valleys of Kentucky aad other rivers, carrying sgccoa and cb**r to hum* less thousands who so recently wart contributing, of their own means It th* suffarer* of Miaslss ppl voile) floods f : ?- : Commu meat ton ttwee brebsn Aur mg to* cloadht rst of Buaday night wart baing rsatablishad to bring into headquarters latest morles of th* damage done by rggiag meuatato siesame that aaaad, ibrangh ngrrgj valley* in the dead of night, sweep tog all befec- tbam. L«t#»t eet mates show that m,«dt icople. out slath the total number who fait th# heavy hand of the father of waters, to ihb Mississippi valley were affacted bjr storut and flood that followed Eightfmlnr known deaths have been reputed and upward of >O,OOO men beye been thrown, out of empioytneat. Many more are hom* less To meet th’s situation, the Red Crons already has sent relief trains imd workers Into th* Oft* and is conductings statewide campaign lot a:“ , r vi I vY' Vt M V A I If \ city iMwibgn |g jfnmti—ry W4E Amount la Over Mitllon , Four lajtgrml MONTOO.MI.ItY. Ala,, June 4 —(A*) —B»r#> wblcb suited in Comm»is< HNak. ~ tbv prineli it! whwlevala abd buiiiH'ss tbioughfar* (Ms afternoon, levrieto a block of bu idiagt, caused damage iu excess to 1 1.000,000 aad ln)ur#d dour il villa as before it waa brought under control, -j Eire iepehnents of five cities *aat detach mem* which kept th* nr* m check Beldters Horn a umrky sta tlan also aided la th* fight Tb* out shortly sftemoou in s p 1« of ngis to a Juuk yard nest to a packPufc company house wu-Oom merce street After destroying com pletely 14 buUdlags in the Immediate yack, the fir* lumped ever on the opposite s d* of the street, lli* weft ern eld*, burned th* Imeprial hotel and continued eastward Other etore* on nearby streets were burned be torr the ftomes were brought under control. Dynamite was exploded in the rear of the Imperial hotel to check ib* spread of ftomee Governor He-Appoints Col. John D. Langston - HALKIOH. Juu* 4 (A*! Oorernor McLean today reappo mod for two year terms a* member«,wf the stair board of HHItoM, r*nt John *ft laanstoa. Qoldoeboro. W E. Dr**S«, Hrevardj T. Huddle Ward, Wliitß k. i V. Herring, Fayetcvtll* aad J. T Raereila, Mißk Buvpqpat *♦*»♦ to to* 1027 laglhlx tax* be appointed un H»- hoeru to directors of si gprm coluay for woutea tor four year ferma Dr. Jam** M Parrott Kiuston. Mrt W. T. Shore, ( bariotte. Col J. sfwrnhv. Orwnshorn Mr* R f Lm7a.*WgffiijSa *nl I T'BiMl -MfW*Bmd.CUf t ... Ji— - . Ford Strikes Train On We«t Ash Street Grady Pbillir and W L. Herring W*r* reported to kav* sustained minor Injuries Shout t o’clock law evening when a Korg roadster they ware riding to struck an A«|Akl<' Coaet Ida* trnto an Weto Ask aUeet The trout of Ik# Peril wn* reported nr badly wr*eh«J. Detail* of Ib* see.dent could not I ba learned lest evening, Tba police bad ne Information of It. j Potatoes Bringing H , >8.50 Per toffirij Ml. Uttve potato grow erg HF*| I jlbiitnt over the price* which tb* I * tuber* haw been Iriaging tb* I | past wtok Tb* past two days the | i lukv ha« Mth about f* SO « bar-I ral aad lips will go far toward! - ew rung up tbe short crop wblcb I sarins to be a possibility ga~ a re-1 ) «f the long dry spell If (bt | ' Drive continue. (b*re wIU b* • I jiundi wi woilev luruto i«o*p I aiuuux the Mi olive im>ul* dur-1 rag the um taw weeks. I I „ L 1 Jl . .iijpJ GAS COMPANIES - CONSOLIDATED —- - —mn—Mtobitol Cbrofiiui Gats and EWelric Cmb &*¥ THI* of Half MUlian ‘ rtm togMu, GreenviU* riito and Goldsboro are merged and SKi2S ! 22i£<£i2* ! h *it* v m iM ■(ririt Cofpm. is 4 cmi fwa lS to laeorpotiattoa tssuew fiuu tbe ofnc* Os w. n. E*4-«r., ,*!- rvto »of statß Tb# coo»*mv bug ov or s half mritlon dollars ta suhnertbad cepiial. II A. Blackoowd, C. I. r.v*sp*t*. .'iieVl i n Braga w and btbers nr j uam -4R ns subscribers fUtf i hods*ad sham jt common ssuit a* pgr valj.'aud &4.04 J >4 pi*. fertW toes* are ailowed to tbs pap •v T- Oo'rte oro Oat company, Maw Mein I'-nu iud Dbaf Mtmpnxqr. rtiuy. Rlbis. raddigtc eompapy. Wa*btogs*m. Oae CrrU*w». OreauvlH On* uempeny, Ktiu n On* eompaay. sad rtiyatt*- K.'jr" 4 *"* "“t i SCHOOL SYSTEM IS HARDEST HIT — _J?V ' Loulbiana Suparlnfandanf Eafl MHfg Damage by Floods 2 Million RATON ROUGH La.. Juaa4-tff -Ocbool buildings and n sesaan, X H. Harris, state fuperia tandeui of educaUon dal.-ared*toady , ‘ aaubet b* aecurattoy es timated uaiil ra# wiigrYagavd!* Mi# .-metal Mid. “bul It will be enoraeoua. I would ptare tt between two aad four ml'tlcn dtoltra to buildings agd eqtilpmrni In Uka Id parish** affected i Ither to whole or part" 0 „ Likewise the ability of cit'seas to 11, y achnol tax*> Iu tb* f *<*4 4*o - hare Been Imraried o t*t# fl.nd Civtrlett. the supt aaadri#^ T do Uv» saa how a number to I puttabev will hard bRy schoak ntxr yt.*i if tl or are son-ad i<> r«cußstruct all hulldiair* M It will lake all of avaUM-'« funds. Th# aolutlor., iu n.y .uoimegl, Is fur tku FVd*r|4 for x. Linent to mnki- food Hi* lota*, vni provide Ur -choc.l melatauear* nest y»trr t# th we* sat our rstax dal caused (hr dame**." rv±aiT"' ~-l_ !..—*^# At Temple This Mttg - - At 7:Wfr toutffht th# confirms 100 • v***m J*Jt I%|h» ,*Jt*=* ft thaOhr fc H**»l*W T-WWpl*. hwim JwA* ul' r»b arm** Tfci* iii»mitii Uah TUI I* and Ida Kadi* ham pr# t»arad thamarlm* for th# confirm* l llrni work hr atundina a elaaa • •hroaah lb* ar'atar wUh RabM Pranpd mrjr rahaaratng for * ’ t *4 .. -i. L^.u, ■ »r TWENTY PAGES TODAY City’s fhjfgnwpds To Be " Wku&s Opened Mwdnj C nr C:_ w«J,, (M » linil.i \ iW uIX fiCCKS In Activity ■ rzra-:r*'g. z^r.zirtP-jmLr^ r~^r~~ r?-rrr’n ■ Y riii j tliW^ .H -Ti r Beauty and Br«ins i T' . ■ 1 "; ■ J 1 J. - " ? vl I ■' f $ - Her I*4 classmateu bar* votad Wt~ lab Mai kto (abort) of ■Miahuth 04ty, tb* pr*(tl**t add most att,active co ed senior else* Ualver . I I 4. - I WssmS ARE SEEN HERE Lark f4r**nir Um to Prlomh Wanuiw, and Wilmington OSH or Orfcrrrz: Tie storm wblcb early FYMgqr iqprwing demottahad tbe mils tow* of Dover ia CQavau oogptiy aad bouaaud on mu &plia K ripjmd a path tor many mil**, 4tf aot pbsu srttbout leaving it* iraeog *q Tiff* boro, long dlataac* llaaa Httlia this ally Fa'soi. d%rfgw, KaagnvSla rad Wllmla*toa were stilt out of *r- Twu houses war# r«po.i#d in Ib* Oosbm *#ctloo of Dbplla, about R%y»# No aao wao seriously Injur dllU-- —..l'.* - ' ' ' * Bborlff Boh Edwards who yesterday had oceastoh to visit the section bit hr M»<- eiorm reported tbal (ba far? to thg wind uprooted all trass In tie path The affected Pdfl. Sheriff Ed turd* wld, was about two Moeka *l4*. IJH. ”***• • firs Dißkni THAfY, LAKE, N, Y . Jnae -JDlr* members of tb* Junior nod Senior cinsee Ip tbe Dannemora high ■ghAul were drownde tonight whoa .• bHlry sqaall an poised tbeir rohK -■ML. Tba ttacbtr is th* boat wbo Jreucaed iha laat ftw waafca for (Ua tpacial . .aaggrica. ' --'A» Tl^S»W*«#wr m»nd» ‘Confirmation' .Halm fran kal; "I Am A HafUg. and Woman la laraal'*—Ua Kadi*. Th* Eaaayt trill ha dalirarad daring th* tarrlo* , , tlha aarrtna trill h* mpforfatf wHh tprropiiat* muaip by a peHtralnad ohotr conaltflag of Mra. Vane* Wall), at Iht organ, Mia* Mar a Bran*, aol Mr*. John Dortch. Ml** Btrdm i ohan, Mra Judith Bdwarda and Mia# ■ Mdaa Wldmm, rtaMalat. Tb# pm*mm trill ha aa follow*: Madltatinn Paaiaa ltd choir; Ihtatl i ml . Rrayar • l’ro<-*«»ional 1 '*o*llr»and. MBpL Pram rl (‘-ontluu^p^g^^r^ .....A, , *. . , • 6 Member »f IfcfAmtadatad ftlWi i l —m T ..,. , ~;. - ---X . •$--> - Bgaw. i , Hdy .* PftlCE fit! CEltfi Judge Harris Will Make Address RrM Cs*M hlklludi DlfttfflMAkn J in* jgm tors Are Wind i pro«r*m lioadai fwMa V?? Harris. of fetftifc ndoMM* inm (bcUUm aro prortfat tt ty|t .| M * -o - O I t oU I t Li-01l SM M4i ttVIBTV tta^k ** I to drawtag • > B|t. All BMrim M «rg*d lo oltoad TM HMM4 «a oceoaioo lu oot fit Mom mwaai Th* mm tor thla ptinmad MP tnm thr* through hwtooa.^Th* . MM awl tor both Iny 'tog boon oporatiag part tiaoa Mr the warm awt > »■ *m* P 4t th* MWt»a» -. IbmL- 3Wi^: Psmiift fY.lofk JHoro tho Jaator ud MMpft toooboll rrstpoo vtll plop thohr I** ImM % nmnahltdopop. lorbiog. hamohooo. captor* tho flag oad o rarlatp of Mh tra wiu bo otogoi lahr tho ftroMtea of Ooorto Moi Tho toaatHob of thp fourth phar rmni baa oot pot boos HllfMal bpt u will bo lognohat la tho TM glolo otroot oolgbborboaf. Tho Mg’ to* fat* wilt ho aoanaiaad laMr. TV* deroetoni who will boro ohafpo of tt« i program oro Harp t.iafahM ui M Howolt. All tho ftroetoro har« hoi «M|l woobt of train log lafap tho flap rroood ooponrtaor aai baro aft Map triad oot «m th* Vwaals aManißwl .