pr THE GOLDSBORO NEWS T=] DISPATCHES - GOLDSBORO IS THE GATE CITY OF EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA PAGESIXOB .... 5 —■ .t -■^■Batssasßsa^ 1 11' 1 r- ■ - yrlumb uxi mhwim :im« I SLM.tfc , i. Expect Thousands Here For Jubilee Wednesday Wb OgMtda we* Biggest Wayne County Crowd To ir— igthii Eftf Aaeentb 7l*r Many Ticket* Bare Already Been 0 ** ** prc * en * lit* putin crowd at Wayne coun ty poopl* arar uwnkM together at CWC Dene to engage la one taativlty. That la the object tor which the H» the Waydto County JuMto* to ha will hag in at eleven "o'clock la the •oralac and will continue ter ahoat throe hoara with M hottr eat for laach Vhlr official* arf optim’attc cog oeyatng the indicated aiteadance at tM aweat. ffcay iUMjia that the Btwahor present will range trow MM tr 10.0 M and that ever* nook and com at at Ue coanty wtll be represent ■ ad. Their eatteaetaa are bated upon the oMairiet efaenamlßg the evuil which have heea raaeived at Pair people hew flawed Ip aad oat at the efnae ter tiehon since the aale waa a*< ,4^/1 “The idea haw gripped tea tougtnu ting of tea people at tea esnfty mom completely thaw aagthtag that haa hem atteaeptad by the Pair Aeeeeia Ilea,” atatad Ml ft. Crawford, preel e»at of tee Aaaoelgttaa. “» look* walr *a if wa are golag to tore a greater crowd, pf Way** coanty peo m together at owe eeewt than wo tg|rp eter had hater# dad that la wwgt we pro hoping to do. -Qwd U>—t Wtte fg * that wa 4aa\ rah elhowa awaagh. The Pra **at oma ta aaa )* a cloee ahough re- with tea Mt. Ollye aad £ WhMehoro now SWd tea Oaldabaro . mm an mat la « alaae enough role rlggahlp with tea Vhaawat aad Mt. Cftwp ana. After «N wa are all mti *edo at Whywo aad ahoald la every- Ihhm endertahoa work tor the op- I glH'if of the county. ft we would •U get together ad * ahlt aad poll tar her, ohe would Is tee aext few years wake every other ceaaty la thie syrtton look ftek la comparison. We hart aa Ideal eteaate, a great ooU. a flat people sad that aU wa lack ta a wHMagaoee ta Work together eaUrely aad at all ttaago* FELDSPAR USE IS INCREASING "MftfeK- Natlaaal Indent ry . . ftdOJEIOM. late —-Worth (ivolta« f« dapar, a toe slay «*ed la thp manufacture at teatel eaaanel. •Metrical enamel* saaltary parcel eta aad a hoot of other products. Is rapidly becemtag anre aad more las portiat la tea ceramic Industry la the United States nad my la than he ana of the lending Industries a/ the state, according to report* from Ppraee Pin*, which at prooeat in te* caster at the ladsstry. ©, Pith the devalopoeeat of mining faattttiou nad the eosetruettoo of new | JRpa modem grinding plant* North < gratia* «iH ha ankhlad to * apply e Hp portion of .tea tomiumtag ta dahtrte* with th* crude product may pwhafeeraror* *ro at proamt ■•tag North OaroMaa fold*per*, which ere inlUfA at lower price* than tepsj/buße ** The modem plant at Spree# Pine, one of the larpoot of it* kind la Am ertea. ip the heavlaet gmdn**» la te* Mpet. aad «* aappllSteated hy asm •rate Haaller plants la the eectioa. The discovery recently of new de posit* will greatly teerea** the val- MM of bnaiaaca in th* state. Several million ton* of tefdepor to at present available la Ike Spruce flu* isettoo ftaeldM betas the copter of th* tetdepar Industry, Prace Plat has loo* bees th* pnswuinr oitbe richest chine rlay mining plant la the the United ■tataa r T~* l«atoewK*ew r «w. <«— To Repair Fair Property : With Money From Jubilee • * W t Contributed) Many of a* axa wondering why the Wayne Couaty Jubiil*, De ng promot ed by th* tehyae County Pair Associa tion ter Wednesday Jan* wh, origin ated Just ht this tint* and In order that out redder*' might he familiar with thto event we have requested a •tatemeat frCm the Fair Aasoctotlon white I* is follows: W# are gted to Inform jour readers . throigh the column* of your paper M to the Object of the Wayne County JubUe* which we are promoting for Wednesday June Ith at th* Pair e round* The dir act on of tea Fair AaeoctattoW In 1922 anw th* nacea ftty of n dtvanlflad program of agrl cnltare Hi ear section Th* director* battovtag that poultry ottered a great opportunity to our fnftaors directed, their effort* toward th* devalopment of thto latentry In Wayne and adjoin-1 lag count lea. W* Save been “ry sjc ooMful ta developing'this Industry as yoa read dr* will aotlca from the fol lowing lljiuii^ la ms oar poultry department had >l* entrlae,with MO birds on ex hibit la ms we had m eatrtee with 7M birds on nte'Mt. In I**t we had Ilf natrla* with 110 birds on ex hibit. Ii mi we had 420 eatrtee with te# birds oq exhibit. In 1*24 we bad 7M entries with 2200 bird! on exhibit Wb quote these figure* to rkow the rapid growth in Wayne gad adjoining countie* and the inter nal teat oar farmer* have ah«wa la tlbtlf Unit jw aU ry house gt the ptolr ground* was over b- • e t t 111 ijijljj't ■ 11 a nquUßiaf ll||| / ‘ n ®ther P a j ' Senior Joint BBS I Hist 0f IJi REMARKABLE NIW SIX I / | by Dodge Brothers £ I H k, Arcwlit»«oiStxjr*bjr LXxlgcbrutlici* The Senior Line n Dodfc Brudtoff 'll & I; i S ll « prevented to the public toddy. amwer to tin* demand and lX>dge 'll |(| |||r*l H jffifi that Duige Brother* would These arc remarkable cars Bril- I MEW “ > , yifj £ ultimately rtoduie aut.h a lint—* luotl/ vital and .alive surpmingly ||[m} - jMI, i«*>tc ielmd au«J, of u June, higher qji« ifjapfeteivMy amasr. And |M in toet (hen tUit pic*ciii tel Lltlll. tike aH -I>ml£c Bnithcr* | fIMB M I ' *'F'~WO. IQH| Dodge Brothers standard product Hi wttli th<»ee refinements whuii greater See «>nr and drive it ajul you wtll I • H 1 i J * «m | ct'% it;w» ftteitpd Abift p**fon»*tue of rhia Ijj ||j| ||H UR I, V conceded, to produce a motor car Jl qualitf and character t’ould be pro- ; I | ** M unupie diafintnoft and flpcneaa. vtded at a pnt© to low. j I||hH [ Spence Motor Co j I ■* » ' .* ’ - " ' **, y if* y^Tjpjfaßki i ■ : f • ' " ’*■ •• ■' * • i CggTT-S ■■ .I'," ""I! -T- 1 , ■ iTHTn" T7T"' TT ZZ? V -Tl-I— --(lOUJHBORO, N. C„ SI N DAY MORNING. JUNK S. 1*27 taxed la lj)2« fur lack of ai«a«a and axfartunalal) sdm* of sur own eoun-' ty far mare could not exidpl teajSt Th* dlrvctora us the Pair Aasoula ttoa at the preeaut time are. [ mined uot to alluw the*# cundinun* le exist at tee 1127 fair, la order to prevent a reoocureac* are ■ meat remodel our poultry house aadi Inatalt e sufficients uumher of eg-! hlblt coops to Uke care of the la 'taw tikibtt We hav* promoted th* Wayne Doughy Jnhfls* for two ptyposea First to bring our Wayne county . farmer* and haalnes* ataa together ter a day* oatidc Second to make *om# money If poxtbir tot 11» • u«> ti»try repair* shave referred to. We believe that tha Wayne County Fatrf I* something more than a week of re , creation aad pleasure ter oar pee pie. We consider it an agficalCitfaT school whore ovary termer la oar esc tlon haa aa opportunity to display hto neighbor* sen *se and gal aa Idea ter a batter production. •*? Phi* has heea .proved by the fact that sh tttf tear* waa entered ta every department n total number of exhibits to th* extant of 274. In 1024 over 21000 Individual •xhib'te were plated ta display- l*n’t this eufft cleut evidence that the Fair la worth while nad that I* I* playing * great pan la tee diversified farm program Tea, we have mndr money on the flair every year (Continued on page 2 Second Bectten) Chicken Admission Idea Is Popular I Adtetealoa to the Wnyne County I Jnbllee hare 'tttodaesday June • ! pill be one chirk** or M cent#. Nig ( biriteh t*6Wf WBr it uußtae' | toe *■« *««» Offf . i f € the Idea* which rec-ointuend ' th* Julies to th* folhe. The .chicken must weigh as i much »» two pound*, and Petr ! of Hr Into *«>w wonder ng tg - they are not going’ to get the Wforet end of the bargain. For 1 etna* annouucemeui of lh* Ihl*h- ' t tlon of exchangelng u. tkiutt Jnr A _ chicken the big poultry market* of [ N*W Vhi k Ph Igdi Ipbie «nd citls* of the n Eastern seaboard haa goo* <o placet. . ’ v •• *■■■■■*—n—.i i ATTENDANCE AT JUBILEE URGED Tans of Thousanda of Notiros Mhilod Put Few Days hy Merchants I * i T«n» of thou*anda of appeal* urg-l i lug th* peorl* of Wayne coanty to 1 back the Jubilee her* Wednesday Juna V have been mailed! Ike paaLfew days. Mauy WBilH HUlf tlf OoM»Bon> have cooperated by enclosing tea fol lowing within letter* and notice*: t«tto all attepd the Wnywe eowwtr Jubilee at tea .Fair Oroqgd* In Golds boro, WedaMday, June Kb. Aa In teresting and attractive amusement program ha* hana arranged Every minute will b* full of fun. Th* aae- of thl* Wayne county J jbllee da pends on *v*ry man, woman, and child ia tha county. If-th* farmer* and th*ir fainllle* are not present It will b* n tellur*. If th* business men •nd tfcei rfamllle* do not attend It will be a tlUappolntment. Ton thou* and of our Wayn* coanty people •ho(Id aaaembl* at th* fair ground* toe. . WEED EXPERT TO MAKE TALK Y f\ E. G. Motto of Drodrimrat of A|f»*4’»»Uwce \m Tw Ml*» -.J L ' Jubilrr AddreHN ■<? ’ K. U Mu>«, of the ttaßed Slat** Department of Agrt< ultura, be* beeu , r-eewr-4 h« epeeher A.r the Jubilee. liere Wedn—day. j The address by Mr U e«p*ct- Kcd i« ttafp tin Jubilee with th* grd-1 rrixt now bettig out by- th* ()«ld*boro bu*lpe»» mtu to bring the sale* mi tbe local week tuarktt to lU.tHnl.titMi pouud* thl* year. (l»lda bang* market will mnh* a special of: fort to reach the a-ller of high grad* weed tin* year, and Mr. Mona’s ad dr*'* la expectad to binge around the •cleiu-e of Intgruylng th* gr*dy of wted. I u»c*Don at Ardhth Tobacco Oom : pany. on* of th£ largest Urlttsh con } '-cow. In Ooldehpro will pUe* Ardute i nycr* on the market her*. Th* j Jath people will bid especially for thi< ! higher grades of weed, and Director | May of Loudon, fug land, la. Mif I n*al l»»u*d here called upon Wayn* 1 farmer* to turn more nttodtlon to Im i proving th* quality of their'tohaggo- Mr Moat, bailor a number of year* beaa rcnnacted with th* afloat re search department of th* United Stmt** Department of Agrlcultur*. nad I* probably a* YhaPl’ar with n*w*at develoifnent* In th* Mlrac* of pleat rulffiMitron aa any maa Tu America. He I* a graduate of a standard agri culture college aad ha* spent hie I f* ta the research for improved method* of plant cultivation. , " On the theory that gentlemen pv* far blondes, ail peroxid* manufactur er* ure gentlemen on WMneeday. June Ith, ter a day rull of fun and pleasure. You are exacted. We are looking for ydh. - ‘ Many Unique Contests Hare Been Arranged For Jubilee Celebration Here Wedmdij I —— T| r |B| Carolina Speaker - ■ "■■■ 1— ~~~—: Rev. William Adrian Jaokina (above) prwaident of Davenport f'trHwfw, witt dettrer ttte baoca iaureate aermon to tba 817 Uni versity of North Carolina grad iiaiea it Chapel Hill TOa mbni- n J 2 , IftDIG JURg FOB lOKI BBKW s RAIjEIUH. June 4 -(!>)—floUera over the state are chackllag over tha* Inerts** la salts of jar* tor making •‘home hr*w" a W,lke*boro. N. 0., potter ruya: w rtifto* at Hickory, Hanford. Wll r*iboro and Aah*vtll» art golag fall ' kla«t and iurrexsatt prodsettoa tha t tori year haa b**n 'i jijfii'n i " i' . ... * •HsTf PRICK me CINTV Those Intending to Far ticipate Should Sand Names to Commvniij i Building at Once; Fin# v Uat of Prizes for Sue- Competitors; A .l<U |miU»| MM «t ulnmtnt hai W»)rn a county Jubilee « tl« ft* crounttt dm, 'Wedioidip jrasi 0,. Contest i such it Set mmm kMt •Ml il Wfejrao roo»tr Mm* km bMD trbeduled and tbe (o))u in «#. »ured more p* uNM* thun they bare bid «Uco M* Waft | Pt»P. All tboM who propoii ti tlko |Ht in the con loot. ibouldpit Mr MUM ltubrrt Ratal aioa ud V. V,

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