I s i y&F ••' 1 " R— yKATHEB 4 . . rt*®M -ft£‘s|"**Tgf ~V~ - '-' : - ;: -'- i - — ~ir- -- -••-- . .. : . . T J VOLUME WX; NUMHII M ■» » 1,1 ‘ 1 •' --L -- "■'■ -- ■ ■—-~ ’ A. H. Edgerton Resigns I , b its wAaiUffi rt ,|l ...... , - Hai Acted la Capacity For P«* Ntec Years During Which Time Expansive Program il the regular BM«i»I «< **• VUya* opBBW MBBi# ot education rMM 4ig tit* real* nation of Mr. A ||- Ulirtot M a mvtebur of tha koord w „ pr***D(*d »f accepted with great rMootaac*. Mr fttgartwo h*a H raf a* a»olri«P of the hoard of N Oducoio (MtilitmlH to MM 4 " m. opWidld *«ltty and «*«»>■»■« effort* in tha cans* ts adacatiaa for the rural auriona of M%jra# coaaty ha* b**a llte gteaten todOr I. SB L- tag up * school *r*t«n ftfr* that l> recognised aa th. *4ual of say In the •tat*, it la *afa to nay that no man la th* county ha* rendered a greatei measure of go Mir **r»lc* ta the aim year, dartag his admlaiatarUon o the public hehrot affair. tea* ha. « That tha *«hoo»* harp made pro grew under hia ga'diag haada-ia at F~ tinted hy tha ttH Oat a fVri J ja* ttomTBiTHMr «»aty tony Mr *••• ggy modern snhnrl buildtna* *o U> earad aa ta gtv* imy child la the rural school dlutHou tha ogportaatty •t ihilin a high school education In a standard High hohool. la accept lag tha rsMyxtlm of Mr. Bdgurtoi. th* Stal'd adoitsid the following res oludao: Whereas: Mr. A. H, Edgertoa ha* teadorad hi* reuigaatio* mi a n»#u» I■. har of tha Boor* of IMaeaUoo oi Wf*H * *T*; Near there tars he It r**olv*d. that wa accent his rsMgastlon with ex traohl reludooee. sad toko thUjgoo ‘ to csll Bttaatioa to the fact that dartag hi*. bAhMIMMIm of the rosatp achoAo • eoaaty wide prognao of cooaolldottgo has h**n Inaagurat •r, sad canto* throogh thgLM ft sacaaoafol eoaclasion The namhei ot aebaols far whttas has been rudne ed from <7 la !»!• to 41 la IMT Nina modem school buildings hart been coasirMldi at a minimum east •• compare* with other buildings ot th* tame type throughout tha slat* Oaring hla admtalstratloa thirty sight school A Strict* bsr* rot*d ■ local tag for schools, sad ninety pm c*nt of th* paplla attend school for e|ght months Paring 'hi. period Iwo staadcr* elementary schools hare bean dereloped. and high standard high school teatractlM has been mndr arsllsble to ermry ohlld la Ways*. $ 4 oaaty.' ~ Rnored farther that these rnnuht Mow be spread aa s« minutes, »•> gertoa with oar best w’shee Ibf ht> roily sod romplsle restoration to hi* trcbsiamed health. A suecssor to Mr. Bdxertos la si probability will be appointed at th< • - ooi* wgnriar modKgg at tha Bcwrd The resignation of Mr. O. C Koraegs) a* a men her at th* board of trustee* at iki Goldsboro public school* wa -1 , also presented at this meeting A successor Mr. Knrnegay wT be appahitsd at an early date. Warsaw Officers Assume Duties •* * —' - ■ . . ■■■■ tl _ ' f _ " Warsaw N. C. - Ma Jaw «th. IMT. :r y / The newly elected officer* of th< town* of whnaw. lacladlag mayoi • fwtw cftlse waft sesemsd thotr or l t claL daitoa Os th* town butt ruwhrht rp. Doris was elected mayor <* May Ird. la one of the clomwt con tests eror held la the town later**- wg*. and a fto* sp'rit of rtti r_ ‘ tsasbie twrrsHed The eWtlos w orderly and friendly h doofp resport Mr Daria has Heed la Warsaw tot th* post screw yea**, during wMe* rime h* Ha* bsga eery acthr# la riri. rad municipal affairs N# la a nat're of Dare eoaaty and was a membei of th* state legislature from that roaaty la HIT. Warsaw's asw may or was loot year Department Ad)* taat of the American lAgtoa for the ••ato. Th* rommlselowers arc: 4. I W'l Item*, B O. Bh*me\d U H. "rows W I. Middleton and 4. Walter Moor* AH member* of th* hoard sra js* < Wttoaa with the sxeepnsw of Mr. Moor*, who sma otor W. W L Hill hy ■ cl*** rotw « /*T ' r a ' ' h ’ w ' ■ ... ■ '.*■*» •* , ... READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH— READ BY BUYERS, BEFORE THEY BUY - .. . - • --- -•* -'B' - - -:jrrtTS zr - ■--■■■=? = TWENTY PAGES TODAY •imilll|MOO | 'f^ 1 " ' , ■WU.j'.M ■! | ■giasgi iLH^UaESSfc* r FIRMS TURN TO ! STATE KAOLIN Cut-Throwt CwmpotiOow IMctlta ' Grohiomt Hindrance la In* I dttslry. Said KALkMMi. Jane • -(«--Th. Amer lean Oeramir Boclety Is showlag con siderale latersst in th* kaolin depo* to of Monk Carolina. Probably the greatest hlyidranre to the laduatry Is the more or lean cut throat oompriltton among the prodnr ers. the state department of coasyr satlop sad development finds Th* largpr producers are trying «o 4ffre eaklßo smaller comfe'tors The i ffect of this throatruttlag was shown bast, officials see. in 1121 when th* trerage prtee par ton of tha finished materials was only 111.66. However, t'hce that lime lie price bit stegdUy advanced until the average price la <946 was *lB 60 or 1.96 more per ton 'han In IMS. TH* moot important d-velo'pmeats n the last few years were the erection of Iwl modem Arashlng plants, one near Burnsville sad th* other at JRMeru from manner of attaiag to staasa drying plant, and to theae two plants, offtcials say, Is due the rale <ag of the standard of the North Carotin* product thaw say other ele ment Owe superintendent of a pottery company a plant with production of t.*oo to 4,000 dosen p'eceu of china a day. says his company la uslag th* Nccth Carolina kaolins exclusively, that formerly his company rsetl th* Canadian and English clays due ho Out fact that he found the North QgP- , olln* mater'sis of a' superior grade he decided to as* them exclusively. forumriy the day wathlag plants <6pr# a*«m|UtPPe< to wtoo.* etowWsad product but with the addition Os uew sad modem equipment the clay j rove to be of the greatest partly/ -The North Carolina days coaid not compete with the foreign materials for.* long* ttese but now they are reptaculg the days of Bngland sad Canada because of the fact that hey are thoroughly washed. Vvery carload shipped from North Carolina U guaranteed jut to vary over two per cent la any on* of the elements. The only thing to be remedied ia the North Carolina kaolin laduatry, officials here say. Is for the producers to form * sort of comparative agree meat, of selling lg order that a reas onable let urn can be had on tha mon •*y Invested Wayn* Deputies , Bav Big Still Deputies H B. Oardaer sad Carl* emitli want on a "still" hunt lata yasterday afternoon, and tb*y didn’t Ms* find ag hists quarry Tha still, a seventy five galloo outfit, was clptrred down in the Seven Springs aaangfc ghiMini a war* abhui a uod ynllcas of beer. The itlaat, when discovered, was In operation, but the "operators" bad ar dently beard the deputies coming and had fled, because ibere wer# .no "stlllers" to be found la th* vicinity of the scene of operation* N. Y. Robber • <?C oan f e s » e e NMW YORK. Jlri* 6—(4V-A con teaslon to implication in the fIOO.OOO robbery committed at the home of is— User mors sti made unAgy by | Mi wga xrrmtsd lust lttgtot with trt woman comp*nton on f/ong Island ahd ins police reported that flihaon aaa carrying 150,000 worth of Jewels Only s port of I base )ew#!s belouaed *o Uverasere. U was slated, and the -eat belonged to sevwral robberies. wu« i th* belief of the officer*. ■Mike mid' that indw* dm warn- «f i Arthur Barry, tilbsou, •soap'd from t Jail In Cowaectlewt wb'l* awaltlne i rial oa a murder charge and that be t also Is wanted as a fugitive from Jus -1 'lce. The robbery was oa* of the sort described as ’‘gentlemanly" Th* rob r her* retaining to Mrs I,'vermora heir* loodls which she stsli<d she told the • robbers she wished to ko*p because of i their sentimental value. They spoke I. la polit* term*, and earwpt toy the dls k play of th* arms wore ml Ihrealantng r. Th* value of th* JeuWvy returned II t* Mr*. Uverasar* wa* eat ! mated to he worth 900,000. STATE SOLVED TftuCK PROBLEM « , . » , "1,1.1 1 i. i, if* ■■ i*» • ,w whK» In Eantorn OurdEil', i i}~ - RAEIOH, Jane 6. -<JFV: When the vsgarUs of huiuau fau,o» derided that the Iceberg variety of leliuc* wgs' sapor tor to rtre Wg Mbwton varieties commonly grown by trucker*'ln the Wilmington section of North Caro lisa. Ik*** truck growers found them salves losing money on their leUdtf deal each yeas The Iceberg variety wa* greets chiefly la California mid seemingly would not head properly in Bast era North Carolina. The trackers, therifdir', turned to the noeticultura! department at State College for a solution of their proh . letiig' • ~ ~~~ ~7 ~ :. v : The pnblera has been solved. Sol ring It, Robert Schmidt, fritrir rrop ree'arch specialist, brought tn all the knows at rains of Iceberg Iritltf* with the idea of testing the ones beat suit ctf to eastern North Carolina sod from that variety to breed a luttuc*" wiuulii hpuA nrui Ull l . lj. I UL 1 ijtwe wwwvw wre-wrw yrw -^| -• • j wwm ve uus*w save the lettuce situation for th* trackers. oDur'ng bis Investigation Mr Schmidt found a strain g ven the prosaic title of Iceberg Number WHIT that would fulfill all needed coudi mAMMhak. J.. '*• ~ .HBHMw a,l ? w ' — e—-.... i „ The Mr ala, h* placed severs' track grrowers under a cooperative dsmMtstrailon aid thls iresr when tli» TMT|H» WM RgarwatmT' and shipped leitetV from comniisslon m*n and marketing' officials began to arrive at the college asking about the flae new lettuce from Ncrth < afoltna > A. M. Mercher, now chief ot the-Ml visloa of markets of Now J, rsey and formerly In North Carol la* under « srraagotnent w th the federal depart swat of agriculture, was one of the first to write Mr. Schmidt <otnplt mratlng him oa bis work and praising tha new lettuce Mr. Mereber states that this new stra n is developing quite a reputation ou the eastern markets da* ta its favorable trade i kg|J|Ste«tmilnr Jla wrote te ask shout the seed -»**d Pr-M- Em luce of the Federated P nit, and Vegetable Growers has hshdioil quke a few shipmeats of the new lettuc* out of ‘WUm'ngtoa and statfo Mint It Is merlin* with a favor able r ccpilou. Prof. C. b> Matthews, head of the department of horticulture ia euthus iastlc about tho work done by Mr ftchm dt and state* that he ha* also received favaroble conmimt frm iSIi " work. I»r. R. Y. Winter*, director of < the expert moat wtation state* that Mr. fichmldt has made button to the agrtrulHfre of 'North 1 CaroK an and that with th* general adoptlou cf this \|HH»ber SOM, the lertuce growing Industry of North "Carolina will once idyr* assume the plsce of importance rtmt It loet,'when Rig Boston went out of style In the lead ng markets of the country. ' $15,000 Prize Awarded Pitot NEW YORJi, Jan* f.— WV- Mr*. Wilder Chsmberlla. wife of the pilot of thf t’elaakU. Clsrenee Chamber na w«» *tYmr« narlr fnr - rarry tq her hu*b«nd in Germany. Mrs. Grace Istvlae, Wife of the f n r.anclal backer at the Columbia was given a gold watch to take to her hu/riud. A S'mp ceremonies In kb< Brooklyn hall at which the presenta tions w re made by the Chamber'-of Co.i.ut*rc» Os which Mr l.cv‘n* Is a u.ember/lhr Glers wives left for their homes to prepare at midnight for Germany to Join the aviators WKSDKLI WHAM HI HIED MERE wiA'wu. Jn«6 A-’ Pa****! ««r r«d«rMr:*to. -Mam. t.mTom died Saturday k\ her mwn* stir Wes itsll, were fcrid Rhftday xtfPMWWI it th* bom* of the d*o*«s*d The burial took place in Oak wood lemctary In' HltJe'ih Mrs le.lftnd i lamam*;** a, *» * ,f de l; saves grandchild len. two gr*al vrandcjtlldren tad two brother*. Bh* was U trirs «I 4 gad had Hteh ill for i*k*tel dap* 4IIMH.R MTDHRT IB Kill HKD RBTKW BT Mtir.lß tMI RT WUMHINGTUGN. June f.-Ben R indsey, formeriy Juvenile Judge at J i Denver, Colo., today was refused a supreme court review ot the Judg- j I atent of tk* Colorado supreme court I hold ag that ho had b**n defeated at: i th* November, 1924. al*ctlun by Hey al B. Graham. QOUMBOEQ, N. C TUESDAY MORNINii. JUNK 7. IM7 . POUCE COURT HAS SESSION - itoct tftUu* - Speeding and disorferfy conduct ft *re the feature chartt* (a regu Uir Monday session hg police coupt -yewterday moral wg UcAsu w»**s wa*» d‘sipOS*d Os. *; “ i Elijah Odom, qhsrgdd with bwlatof disorderly, was Iri gff with the tticni at l he waste- -f- WlUßryaat. also eoNtoed. was steed Hve dollars and the i-if In Itls case t»n « charge of xpc«d m B. Kinnnu, speedlnft five dollars and coat*. Taylor, paid ijjk c<*ts In his -caa* on the charge <1 speeding an ino^iOar: — f : Carrie Brldgvaaa. cflioced. charged with Hwety dmni and 4iort»wrtv, was flood five dollars and the costs. John Smiy. Hard <ash for being iltscrderlv Jon Bridceford. colored.' watt hoes' 4 over m, higher court, ei g charge of h -was gMcy -w -that Rr dgc ford had stolen a fits Mr 000 Bout her land’s auioAinhlP 1 Arkansas Suffers ,v Another *F I o o c? 11 * m - • ; ; o LITTLE JBIM3L-Juj4-G. UR. Aa. other food Is sweeping #vd the priu <-<P*I river la Arkansas sud refining the refuge- rumps inundated from lands In which crop<-, khvs ju-4 been replanted All w»rk Marled since Ite; reci nt floods bad b-*n hslt*<J sad already many famHtse along the vall*ya hsve been rvshAtt from their homes to the camp* wKirh only re •ceatly had b* n closed.^' Relief forces reported to Hoover that frt m 3« A9O fomil spwould jyr»*h ably be mad* homelea# by th* wear flooda th* gravity of tha situation S*cret*r4llawv«r and Uu* Red Croa*- sfMefabrilfceWtoili mi »d their wives here f)f tomorrow *n tbling them to go into further me*s ur*s for relief. Judge Harris Lauds City On Public Play Grounds The Salvmtion of the Nation in Generations te ——Uomr*rDen«uient on The Children of To day; “Playgrounds Are Worth All and More *. Than They Cost” Stated WeU Known Jurist to an lal ere sled crowd of parents and children at the official eat of the ejt? play grounds verierday afternoon, Judgs W. C Harris was loud ia his prals* of tbs steps taken by O'ldAoee ta th* ds veloplag of a th' roicti s/et'-m of eammwalty wurumtiwi arsagaa» "Give a child a place t<»ptey. some thing to’du. and yuu bare gone a/ long may toward keeping him oat of the court room," he declared ia hi* i , teßtewn* - - b+m -rvw- - locae, put him ou the streets and you have *te'ri’»d him on Ih* road that leads straight to th* Jail ” Judge Harris farther enlarged on •he saving to the community in dot tari u 4 ceyt* of a well organised j. system He po nt'd out that, at present, every community pays rut enormous »irrni yearly In an effort to punish the wrong doer, when, If a rovtlon of that amount was expended ia proper training for the rhitn there woptd- he no necessity of such costa ta&r / tte further sold, coudlti ci to o.tr. teWJUI Ahd. III* dlri«TMt BOW . ftriß vrb*»- tea ®a Mfte— . yuiTj* Fpt't Whfir thf iDfff - sf ywwwg «bw*e wwpc pteaty ot plar*a where the youth . »»uid plsr. I Thera wers many open places; lots end so forth where boy* <nnl«l hsve bsnehdl* 4’aw.iote’ o*otball field*, but; such placeT ls not liic/sn" doU l5uT cttla* and towns have grown te the ftgtßM tear ts -a tar# i»m‘*q* te Up#- a place where the youth rsn play, so it is m resary that play yrounds lm provided for them, and that ts the duty of all of th* good c'Uieo* of th* town Just retting th* plav ground* I* not i | ell. That la only a baglnniug These] play grotnds must tte equip ted with.! I ih* accessary apparatus sad lb* play I should be supervised by a person com pet" nt tu that line ■£ work Ij do not hesitate tu any that ual*»a th* play grmiiMta ar* *o «np*rvta*d that they will not scccaod In accomtllsh-' lag much goo£ MANAGER HURT I SUNDAY WRECK • MM HftflffftnteJ Atttpr of FrWndn. Hurt in Acddi^t 1 Houali) lleudsraon, mauagyr of the local Woolworih store suftepd i*" t brnlu.n finger* sad a paftful cut on 1 tu* left S»M». i».. ymi^g. |p||Jy Mast It B«tjrt and Morrnce Royd *#- raped Ihjuryy, when the Ksarx roach in which ibey wore riding was struck apd iu.uu.l uvtd in ite s tk. hy Ute eaadster driv-n by J#t« Bhtee. At the tom r nf James and rhostaat ’•tre-'li. Sinuluy uficrnoiu about 4 *» oclsck Itoiji the c*o were badly damaged in collision, both running hoards and front and roar fenders, ou* ski* or the hotly, and tbr door gifts*, oa the B'sex b> ng atuhah*d Th* radiatova tr#d frrgf friidor* mr the Fw# twsd .ter were qr ish. d In ilfal th* switch key on rfic inrTnimeul board, airuri. hy Me shine's knee when the car* coHitr d was bant over In th* luck *»- Hmm h 'agfU apt- 4m f ftpMj'. \....... • *< » 1 \ Wahlii n k t o n Congratulates WIABUINGTGON, Jau* 1.-Gn Jmm 'nitil as It ts in -rite pans for a tUuu»ter<»u« reception here to rispt r’hss. Undbegr official Wa-ditngli'i. -nrx- -prtmrpt tn pmlsing the -faag-t# t-sy-’- t:Ur**u-e la tiyiiuri ’six plane from New York to Interior ilermnuy without a stop. 4'tt| lain t'hambwUa’s acre npHti- lack'd thr sensational aspect as compared*with the solitary hop of Undbergh, but aviation experts wer* unanimous In declaring that it woold vivo » ei.iendoust Impetus in traas stlsntic flying KKGI.IBH STI JfT FI,TEA hll.I.KIi IH TOf'RHABKIT la*nitNnmoi'TH, Mftg» Jmm 6. H liongtnu. loyal Air Itwoft HquaJron leader and ag* of th* Bhg •ttte m«nr fftona. *tert WTffsd tod*v wheh his ulrplan* collided la luld-sir with another machine, during a com petition a sertai tpu n-mu nt The old and the young, ih* Iwya and girl* must be separated io tht extent that th*/ cap piny wltiteut Interfering with the other. And then the<oaup«rvi«or must bn there so that hr . an not nty do tuts but auo show t *hs. ghßdrww hww h» wter *«*d 'te"*a>»- courage them to piay the regatai kind of game*, and the games whirl. *lll Ire mutt beneficial -to Up-m I’lay grounds will keep boys oft ■■tee nteeutw whftg' they a*r Irpratof thing* which are, not gt-od tor tbutr t They will help slso t< hr ak up tia* gang apirlt whlrk ao often prevails In dlH*ront section of the towns- Get the gangs to be cqtue Interested In the play ground' and they will not want to go back tp their otd haunts- Play grounds are worth all th* trnney tb -y co#t, and a great dual r. or*-. The child of today Is Ih - bibp of temoruw, and th* buffer we" CM i him to take charge of our affairs, th* ; ln*tl-e will trttr town* nod ettfea he Play artwud work |dftpa young boy. : from developing lift- erlatum! ten ; dteiisa which thwy au omdly qctgfir r '‘nlews dlrrc*cd wn# g-rparTtsed -ltol' 1 rirua* the Si»m wifi keep many mm of (he courts und Jails, and la Ihal way bf- a great saving te the oasa munltle*, r«.r courts. Jails, eta, av J all vacs as pan 4*« ."Z.-.-LZZZZ j Wt &U, TfirtSbreTß VhiiUrea * J erder to make- them belter wumer ? Bp#, turn.. Bait the- ptog «tfu.ad nan . nt"nt Is one of (hr I*e*i lliirirf that r*n he started In furlheveac* of the end f congratulate <• olds boro m Hi 1 star! In the work. I ftongratulai* | Ihe Ktwanla flub for having taken t s pari tn th* work here. II la In ■j keeping with the Klwanls (Tib* all ever th* coautry. for all of them | •** *oing things for the hoya and ( glrteyMsv the nlSer clvtc rluh« | churches, and all organisations of the town of Goldsboro not behind 'he ! "rest work tend make II th* groat I tuce*sa which It d*a«rvaa. TWfcNYY I'AOKS TOUA| r^t —i"TT? - l" >u . i_ -i. ■ " 1 *■ Columbia lands In Germany; f Continue Flight Platt CRIMINAL COURT : OFF TO START .% ' c . 0 Criminal Court Convenm For Wnk f t Important Caata Hrre'Wrd.y fb# Java, torn of criminal coart began acre yesterday watt several important cases uo the docket to b Utspoacd of Almost th» eutir* mo> u in* was taken tip with th« selactio* of Ike grand Jury and the dlepoasi es f f«* minor itaoss lit* gra|d ‘ory tar this tana to oogpgoeed of th* following man * JL ft Scott foreman, and Joshua Bata. L E Wilson, I. W D***, J. g. Barfield, A H Qprduer, N. H. Pail, H D. (teaman, E. T. am to*, B«nnl< Howell, W. L, Cobb, J. C. Barden. E. IT nnnriiett, W A Weout. U ft *tkitt». w r, BiiToci. j s Cottlet and J B Park* . : The f rat can# to come up for trial I was State r*. Dare Chadwick bad Robert Wimb isp. If)*** two awn charred with hondodrraakla* ahd Incn «» —■■ -- I J m fag ju&n atkaa, nm»lTy wnf n'gM RUIttJ IN ■V'fMtemr* - wick mgs sentenced to atghtonti ..montii* an <lu road, «Juk WUnhual: pot nix month* j ~ "la"lSa”‘ciii~ ai* , iil'“ CnH "IB 17 arore, colored, charred httb hoa»»- breaklag end larceny, th* defendant waa found guilty and aeuteacad to t weir* mouths on IhA rood* State again ut William H Tucker colored, oar a charge of larceny, at> month* oa the road a. State ageidat Prank Btewart, col ored. charged with larceny of aa an lomobt*. Stewart waa oenUaced to twelre mouth* on the road* to b# .pomUN at M and e£ter mmlto on pood bebavlnar State awelhu Erne* Uai 0. eharg •f wha ha eta* whiahoh ta Me gw. wsslon for tb« rurpoe* of eala, the defendant w«* sentenced to tbo road* for four mouths. HILL CONFERS! 1 HIGH DEGREES a- & Go to Judge J. J, Parker, A. M. Murphy, and Biahop T. C. Etorst CHAPEL. 11114* June « —fir* hon orary degree* wore conferred today ut the University of North Caroliaaa USnd Commencement The dgm* of doctor of laws was oetdimt «B Kcurrai Judge. John J. Parhor, of (lurlottc, AUred M. Scale*, Korns clor. of Orn ashore, and A. T. AlUa 9UW Wuperlnteadeut of Public la ■tricUon The degree of doctor ot *c4«k* «*• conferred n sr, Jilbb* R. Murphy, of the Rockefeller Inett tote, New York and ibe degree oftkie-' tor of divinity an Bishop Thotuoa C Darn of Ihd Boat Carotin* I Hoeoee The raudldatee wen presented by Dr Archibald Hendoram*, chairmar Robert price in HOSPITAL YET , , 13- Man Stabbed by Unknown Negro Saturday Night BeUevad Will Raeover Bihcrt J'i Ice, white man who. WO) liahbrd bl rn unknown jy>gro bat turdny night, ia still In th* hoaptu to which he was carried immrd'ate iy after th* -'ulrhtoa Ketae -teal I*‘‘~ a lot of t loud, bald ri; be wa* rebdrr ICTlfet and b »*ry weal 'mr unless coatpl ration* set lb, ft I bHleved that he will recover Up To lest nlgbt, police bod no hewn able to obtain any claem a* t# fItJW ht *"♦ JE lag known !>y Price, wbo could giv< ""ly a m--acre description of bis aa ,‘dltbai BRLMTf A rUNS OfTOBCR FLIGHT SEW TORK-BOir NEW YORK. Jen# « -Quioapp* M Bellanr*. designer of the monoplane Colombia, which carried riaihaee D Chamberlin aad Chari** A Daria* lo Oeraiany, today announced that a flight to Rmne from New York In * elngle motored plana will bo mad* protmhly In October. The names of tbg pilot, tbe narlaotor aad the backer, he *ald. did not with to dlrlng* at this time. ~ W. , - ■ . -j: ■ ««u,> m - The A Mociatui I Pnn t I —rn a i'ii -fi v j r - • ■ mwat mrq cams ~ ■ . Encountering . Difficult Flying end Shortage For Failure to ISSS Berlin is NouSip - FMfht DBPf tM ml a rmnirtn, vfwißiuO/, JU BO awawrfd^^*em» After one of the moot apaataaalsr nights la the kiatery of orhSto. Captain Ctaronca Chamhartata < barton A lortaoT am waittag paU> ««tyy at Ktlagd, aa boon rtda dp «ierman their plea* Columbia. T«wr r. dusppflgipita N Mp T ‘^ 4 nUtlu 4 4 ** 4 ton to for tbeXplrtTV* After reaching Buror* Km figor* encountorpd. many OiftleulMaa. Timer into fog. ra|a sad trU wta<% Ml their oanrae, 'lylnp; sad with engia* traaßU tocm ~T*jr sp «•» w*m twrorw Mat «- • refuel Thea cam* th* ahdn night fnm Eistebta to Ktiaga whore toss put US for th# dog ohd Eight. i. ' Oaptala CbamboHate heps* to hapw hia plan* suffictontly roaoadtttOMd by noon to oaaM* thorn to ««JM dkdhr leferrod atrial entry into Rortla. Aag uggoation that h* mater tote tews •r fly la oa# of the Oemma fUMA hare boon waived adds hr the f*3n UNDV SENDS* GRETfNGSTO ! CHAMBCRLW " —-i ■ - - , _ Bh,p * Jfe 4 2?J m J*J*** HaJute Warid Pasted u. s. Mingpicn, Jons when mnii I|l>itiT<k ls»i NN the colnmbta had loadai ha Mhk radio coagratulaltaM to th* OlMSll marked to th* oornMMuliita UtaA ‘lt wa* a rary fto* state dt «U1 and another toolbar to Shipn white 'pass ta too tegkt. «S well as Urn day ate jjjpF'tKNM* captain of Iba Hmworelt to tfe «C> feet that bar Mg iiasssagUH SMI* ‘eager to gat a gltmpa* a t Ota thrtd famed aviator. Th*** etogg an «• ; peeled to meet bad th* MorttaSMbi l.lndhergh boa expressed his ißteßtto* to stand oa th* bridge aad aotpaw ledge the tr buiog. i fcjy. Jt _ -#« -w 3m . Madt- Fatalities By Drowntqg June «. -<A*> —Aeroa deaten Mate (iruwolng under uaunaat tettao* a Ibews wt«Uw a< temdfflh total of the past 44 htUMta . „.**?■- 1* not been recoreted. Ha wag dMMS - •d at swiiumtag party white dhrtag of g oUifomi —Mttegd :>'4tod|kMto Ot. M Tno VRth.l jtf. dto# o^V roe* In oa at latent to apro ten IS* of s roung girl who had vteNßMd oaf beqroui bar tegto. TTt* gSn"tota saved by others At Now Orleans tntgody reoed (Mm behind romoao*. whoa tee antoatehO* of a young man. who was (retag with hi* kw#athwart *IM off fh* togh way toto a rami, fa te* ate dty an IS year old youth turned kta car no# up*ld# down, aad was dead Mltea rearuere reached him. At Bateerllto, Ark, aa •**•? !*** ' motor boat Wsat had. aad alt takate eg ft* two ocesgoato u naval!tag, when they attempted to got ate A* liter* their boat weal over a date oa Vhft* i tver. Both mm worn drowned.

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