*“ T-V-tr —: —h ■ - ■—-Vfsp r- —r~frr [ir , t L_ | : -*--~r: - - | j, Winp^, . VOLUME SIX; NUMBBH M f 4 ' ■■ ' ' ■'•" ■ " 150,000 GREET AMERICAN BIRDMEN IN BERLIN THOUSANDS ARE EXPECTED FOR JUBILEE * q NcAfo Urges Support 01 | Eighteenth Amendment In Talk Deberd Tuesday fcr CALLB UPOM POLITICAL IHflMj OF ALL PASTIES TO MAKS KNOWN THEIR STAND UPON PROHIHFTION; i CHARGES CORRUPT MACHINE POLITICS ATTEMPTING OAINCWTROL OF AMERICAN GOVERNMENT QMESKVE4A Tmi , Jan* 7-VH) V —a —...i-,. Umd#rt 0 f itwumu masmm I * 4» to WUUam O MeAdoo cuilteU A* OMoeeratlu presides tUI ioblu u«i la 1»4 with 4, warning that es- M* «• aftlWy th* adgttosath amend toW 1% part t( a movement menaac |;v toe Eta foundations of popular gov ; Addressing the etadeaU at Tuaclum toe termer tressery mcrotary declar ed toe prohibition qnevton presents a tott bane that responsible sUtaemea to» cm Mt If ere aad celled tor ~ d the utoUlhh Uvtf-toe taatltu rtaM ere to he preeonud la America ▼tahltdttea !• g praetloahie taaa* | -rt the meat vital htad to which the whale county U totoreated aad upon » whtoh It to looking eagurty tor covra gpeae leadership," he egld. “The qnee thgi to Interwoven with acme of the dtopato, am moat Challenging tend dec now at wort la American lit* •ad which H to the Imperative duty ot reepoaalhle statesmanship to com kite* "The attack of the IMh amend taaat la hnt n pert ot n greet move tnent wh'eh menaoea ell that to moe* American in onr Institution*. it lr the tight front ot n conflict that to header than the liquor queatton deep aa that mar be. The conflict ia ■hell the cewetltmioa be nullified or ehntt It he enforced* Thla <-pil*ti*g*. •he ropy enletenee ot eentlullonel gov ernment. toil conld be a graver ia ni then that? How can we afford to Ignore KT "Hot the liquor goeetlon Iteett la a Witotou thot poHttedt leadersb'p can not Ignore. The Apaorloeo people hy writing the'toth amendment Into the (' ODaf 11 lit IQII rag |u | gawmei Ik. n . w , *i. ■ iime ineiini rwftwtwrwo lire COOTiawn that tie welfare of the eetioa do L yto that to?y thonld he protect ed from eiploltation by a traffic that taok a heart!#e» toll from mllllona of Innocent peraoae. women and chil dren for the moat pert who were eaer'flod to Ha financial greed. “The liquor interest* naturally restated and their resistance bar grawa to the point where they have vac needed In Inducing certain state* to anility the coaat'tution and now art pressing forward to gain control .v «*f Ihe federal gowernment knelt In | wrder to paralyse i-rofrfl.itiou enforc ‘ ment. "If free govemmeet means any thing tt meaui precist-b •Umi 'mu esas, €Mi *i«. <»* of P* *tld dtu t* If pollt'cal parties are to be more thee a hedge or label to entrap end cowinee the unwary vetoes, alma thie A »*«- fhadW pA- »• w/iM n Parties ell have end declare a poller "tofevowed object of preventing a . ready derlelee upon the prohibtioo qneettoa la te goto would •therwlae he leet. What votes can th—e he hot the votee of opponent? ' aad enemies of the lNk amendment' w to h policy which. If followed would piece the party absolutely a* the mercy of opponents of prohibiten To atteatot to evade the prohibttor a' nation would to to no over hag and baggage to tto wets » bial mot* RALKWTT. Jane 7—uri-Capt '('Rooster* Baal, etate college eHch er, tonight signed n Balelgh Piedmont ian tract and wit! aivMiuytha to- Lae ■ -.. _ j*aM a. eg . -2% • . THE GOLDSBORO NEWS aa! % * ° . ‘ ' ' ~ • -1 r" r» p “ , ». *, v ’ * • * READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE PRESH READ BY BUYERS, BEFORE THEY BUY -..'J.■ .. ,Tar.-:,-aai,„ , Aa::-j l :r."*'. -ir,: ■ ■ ■■■ ■ •s.js-.4b- * —1 -•- ■ tom Aq a. _ _ t j| rotAtoe® soar to ' I *9JS Per Barrel ill Irleh potatoes eoered to 94 46 •II n barrel yesterday, accord ag td -U word received Irdm lit. Olive laai night, but yesterday's ooeklng min left the fields In inch e miry condition that diggng potato*# v« »rt us (be 4U4MU4MI la a number, of Instances poUtoes al ready dug and in barrale la the field could not be brought out as the fields were to muddy to permit • this Grower* In the nearbr town ere now hopful that the price may climb to the 111 a barrel record, of eeveral years ago. La—■■—mm———anew—* WEATHER NEWS .; GAVE SUCCESS . i® nights Made Pomtible hV "M«B Clutrilßß Attonlk ? Wwtther NBW YORK. Jape 7—;jtot ■ agwalalad wkb those from other .i - TL ■— if aaa TIaXTW ITT W l l ' 1111 'll, fT •ww *w right spirit. will promote IB lord ThTa stranger* nam- so. that da) will be Iflater Bingo The fiTWi BW*. **cWßw( Hwlifl •w® ’®w*" 'up to nr. B ago and d*»e tbe follow lag word* will be given tb* f va dot- I are “Howdy do. my name's Jonesfor Smith or what aver It happens to b«) Are yon Mr. Bingo’ .** Therefore. If you eee someone you don't know, go »p*ak to hm Hr • may be Mr. Bingo If be Isn't pick r ont another stranger and (peak to ktm. Keep It up. You can’t tall when yog'll bit the right mgp. If yen do •trike the r'gbi man, keep II a secret nwttl the Jnhtlle la over That'll . keen tbe Interest la th* rwatest going t until the very and - the track events should be dear p enough to aayooe who happen* to be •■MranUt *t •!**< bg jrgU to any MAN LOSES ARM AT COTTON MILL J. T. Mills, Employee at HUB Leaga Arm in “luipfmui Mnrtliße Yesterda> J- T Milts, about forty five years us eg*, an employee nt the Borden tot Kin e local ho»iptai -tght arm amputated tow, as the result oi I occured at the mill shout It o'clock, lu as so badly crushed l tk# hQlptlAl tICWDI •d the ampetatkm necessiry. B was said that Mills, who was o> erating a “»*pp’ng'“ machine at the rime, noticed a piece of trash, which bed become caught Ifc the cogg of thi | ha eh me. got down andemeeth. end .reached ep to, remove th* obeiacle ■ with the mask's* still running- it i was then Ihaf Me arm wea caught'lb ", he wier the email, blunt teeth of th» rollers, and was badly crjftod up to , tlic elioulder according to report* i rrerhlag th* News yeetertoky Milla Is * married men, end both he end h‘* wife worked In tk* mill. ' Hospital eutborltles aUted Inst night that bis oondttton was as good as could be expected, and that be was not Buffering qu't# so much pain a* be did for the first few hours after th* operation. Remove Corn Grain From Child’e Lam» PHILADELPHIA, June 7-(ff)- Phyelctnae at the of Penn sylanvnaln iihhpital today'Wemoved * ‘•ruin of corn from the right brooch la of I easy Hus«, alx year old after ehn had been hurried h«rv frofc a bo«p.t,\l at Ueootatoo. near Chertotte, N. C. Th# child, a daughter of Uaear Uo*4. ci Cherryville. N f., inhaled th* s.ra'u ot corn while playing near her home last Sunday. Report Effort Made Atsassinßte Calles ** \ j NOG ALBS. Art* . Jutiei >- ,**l An unconfirmed report to The Hecrfil today Stated an attempt was made to assassinate President Celle* of Mexi co. June 2. The report said several shesa were fired, all gotok wild, by a women At her hearing it waa assert. . •d’by members of her family that she was dominated by hdlllrunat'oua. prompting her to kllL The report said to* women wka placed In a Mexico otty aaylagg. —— -■ ' -■ - -- - that the tack race be run ovnr a ('lataaee of‘forty yards The news piper throwing contest from a bicycle will ha of talersat to the different “news boy» of the town. 81* barrel, will be set up at an angle and ai* nawapapera will be Riven each con eitant. They will ride In front of thoae barrel* at a distance of twenty fiva feet, making as much spe»d as was'h e. and try to throw a paper In •arh barrel. Just as they throw tbeli _corning and evening d*Hver>** on tha por 'ar*e«t In the opinion of tbe Judges i will win tbe prlae' • Bom# other outstanding events will i h*> the checker and horseshoe touraa • meats, tha tag of war fort equal > weight a the number participating Itm- I Hod to twenty, and the ak'any man's I relay. The,sfclaay men will hare to a«*e the Judges tnspodtlon before r they will ho altowod to oater. Mash > of fifty yards, pane a ; GOLDSBORO, N. CWEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 8, I»X7 Events SbH At 11 O'clock. Soaking Ilajn of Yester day tweaves Fieldn Too Wet for Being Work ed and Hence farmers Will be Free te Attend Event; Moss JSpeaks At Noon Today. if the famous Weather Ki doesn't throw a monkey wrench into the ar rangemipta today will bring Ih greatest crowd of Wayne county peo pie togrtber ever a She mb led for on event They will be tore to stum the first annual -Wayne County Jubi #* staged 6y Aeaeclei 100. The "eonker*’ which fell all yeater day left great pools of. water to ten which for weeks had need Juat. tba> ort of rain and today It will b* »o w*'„ hatkfarmers will not be able to re ume their work Weelker pcrmiu--- -It —......1 ... Ur.oiimm. V r»“ T W TTV IR* vTwMßtotof WT I I U||l Mill and circulars explaining the Wpvn- County Jnbllee wh'eh is to he hell' to the Fair Grounds hen- today can be secured from the Chamber of Com mere* up to 11 o'clock this morning BUY EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH - - • Thin la Wanting to MotortoU ftuuiad Out by Local Tag PH fibtiltn*g Agency Warning that egr owners who wait, until tha last midute to secure license JtfSiS. will face the probability of be- I iag Incouvsnleflced through harms to wait In line #as •onruled here to I day by O. C. Pats, manager of the local Carolna Motor club located s' Joe. It. iWHllameon'lnc . opposite city hall wtych la distributing the lags. “Motorists, not only here but throughout tb« stats" sold Managvi '*nte, 'Appear to be alow to buy new |!late*. poaelbly because of th* ruling that they cannot u*e-th*tn legally un 'll July I. However. Un») mint remeui Iter that they must hare them on that, .‘ate”. A Mtar to the local offh-e from C. W. Roberta, rice president of the .etwllaa Mm or rlmb at ale. that H A - ibmiiiiim. ’ catnßastnscr nr ‘-aannr rebtclaa baa aaenred the motor or tan’nation that there will lie eg , tension of Hm" to procure new plates Heretofore p byep > . u.tppiacy tag* by July 1. several day* grace but this will lie dispensed with this year " Plates are avntluMit at tt'fßiroTffta Motor club offices throughout NortfT rarollna." Mr. Koberte said. “and we have adequate staff* to appply the ruetoraera If they buy,, now If they wit until the latter*part of the rn on I h they may raped to take their turn In line and those who do not se are plates may take th*“con**qusnc«* of whatever penalises the cpmniiaaion ere of motor vehicle* may Inninl.** Htal* drivers llteger few operator* of for hire cars. Including latlcafi* l usee and common rarr'er truck*, which are mandatory under leglata- Hoa poesed by the recent aeneral Assembly and which sell for M each will b* available at tbe Jnoal offlAb tbla week. ft j . adA - Wm PLAYGROUNDS ~ ATTRACT MANY Morning Setmionu at Court houne Ground Dincontinucd for J Prnocnt a Opeping day on Urn o«y ploy j> j- t 4; •jjtl f n m| n|| i rohimatcl) a hundred and elxty fir’ ,tn-i there t.. Item started. The Klwsii •s club vrot-ad drew best, wt’b e'k-r --f ve; ' the WUJlam stiV-et .athletic grounds waa a close second with sla ty, white the court house square play ground ran thirty-five fog Ha ewe eeesloa. The opening waq featured by Judge W. C. Harris who spoke to a group •if Interested parents and children on -tho court house aquasa playground. Due to ths conflict with the morn ing Mbit schools conducted by Uw IlfTii- 1 .n • cliuri'iu**. it liMJk La CU Ua Idrd to discontinue the morning see doa on the cpyrt house playground for the present, and extend lb* after noon period by adding an hour and * half to tit* opening. Heacriorth Ih* iftemoon sessions will toglu nt t'M ns teed of 4 aa formerly announced. The fourth playground which was to have been located in the Virginia st ret t neighborhood,, will to placed somewhere to the Webb Town section Instead. It will be opened Thursday HlMHAhll BEAD IB ATTEMPT .Tft 04MB s . . LIVER Os rtunt-r CHAKI/yrTB, June 7—(lP>—Mr* Will Joimeon, wounded last night by her husband after he bad threatened e kill her. her daughter and himself we* resting comfortably at her home in Plnevllle today. Funeral service* for Johnson who - sldot himself tbfough th* head after running. from ihe hseue* were held today. Johnson la bellved to have suddenly become Insane Hia wife said after tire «tmottng tint he bad been netthg -fueerly for some time. GENERAL MOTOR* 111 vum IB Mir. HITT * I*HILAI»BI.I*HIA. June 7 i>P>—Th* U. 8 circuit court of appeal* today o th> honorary degrees in law, litera ture and philoaophy which college* of »-4f* araacni .to heijs v>U' tag «a «*»•«**., state-w ge attention. . A few of lila Waflie county friend* were **fiT on the eocrtf that the MXipilar ea-ahartfl waa to be given the honor wltiT arere preeent to aee tha degree conferred County Agent A. K Kobertenn. Prof W 1: Nlchola of the Ornntham achool and dCi-Bher iff Bob Hdwarda war* among thoae preaant. In making tha award. President Brooks read a aketch of the life of the Wayne county man and tainted nut the merltortoea service which had antltlad him to the honor from hiate College. Hlity eight yearn ago on Jaaudry 51. Mr. hierem wai horn not one mita , fr;>m the ylace where he now Meet. W hit life hna been one of Inaptrtng through worth and eerrtoe, Convoy Os 15 Planes Fl 'm With Chamberlin And Levine As Honor Escort To The City ( ~~~ ~T | Chief Marshal eaamnmmmnMmßomMßmmsmßmmammmmamßmamßmmmeHwmmmmannßßmmmnnsma* Henry LeonidM (above) of Whraaw, ia served as Chief Aiumni Marshal at the University of North Carolina’* 182nd fVmmsnAeinaal lit TRAFFIC PROBLEM HERE Morifm City Invokes TraFle Laws to Stop Motor Boat Speediog MORGAN CITY, U.. June 7-(FV- Taking her ftret serious cognisance of the flood, Morgan City today la vokod her automobile trnffie lavra to ■top motor boots from speeding np end down the streets lu lb* residen tial sfcttoo*. t. The speeding boats have been stir ring up warm which washed Htd bouses and caused considerable dam age. U al»B was feared that th* waves wash might dtonpt fire pings end cause Ihe city * Water system IS be put out of commission. Water w*« using tor* today eat some fearqd the railroad might b. put bin task. Qut in a tea years, .fata bavin* been aglnst bin la the fight, he loet the land and be came a renter, u Hath three timee within fin year*, freshets advanced front the riv' rr bottom* ami washed away him crop Then he moved away from this 111 toted place, and took up another site llara IhUklu 1l» -■ Lain t»» hml e in.hei '•nr w wivnin v■> - j to T nc nwM J* ♦ ♦ on■ e If* htfi! itf# end w*# igtßßrtw "f Hint! rtr .-l"..:.- —m-_1 T T .TV.. • •'cwdfaetly roitf'rroed More that Wm. he line edited HOP additional acre#. All this hugs plantation la operate! ,i aefOpyei ■b*«l' _ ' tmt V:«. i\.mrj'-u -a sand -.Vua. for hla stock—la ao far aa la poeetbl at on the farm, upon the theory that I term fliould be operated with th< 11 same bus Been principles aa an; i other bualaoea. And in all (ha year of hla farm las. Mr. Btevdlts has rare ly bean without milk and hatter from hla own cows, lard from hla boga ant) i. food for hla stoch. The people of Urn county bar* de II lighted In hooorlag him, and he hat F. ret imed their trnnt with merfrlnnt I i eerrtoe He hna represented the own i fy In the house anl the district la lb* i »< note, hna a number of timee served aa sheriff, as, rounly (Wmlseloaer * and a* a member of tha Ornatham II chord board, la largely raspnooiM* . | for the standard high achool with vn -11 rational agriculture Its feat a red nub . i )o*t jot hit township. , ear~*~ ferr „ . ~ ™ »■ * " ■ US Member <4 X " The Afaodtted ■■ ■ i inainani l -—» i'Mil'K FIVE CKNTi a . ... Citisene of Berlin Spent All Xeeterfay After noon at Airport Bmm nine Sklee for Comtes American*; Touch of Carnival Added by SrSg * BIELIX, Jana I—(AP)—Con r«»ad by U fl«w Urn lIM tafnfev Mr ts wtoe* mßm .. ru«M hardly iMfita with tha ® toaino W of tto IMyW W. ihioMlo tpsoisteffs prikini fei (iMiltrlhi i«4 fluM. Uvtet . i< «u » rant nalnnaaa H IB* da* Inyod airmen. Tha tact that IB *•*- i*lo of Berlin liftorod n grant ONOr ointment Monday morning Whan IB* plan* wno expected, had MgM*g In 4* with tho gr««Ung ntaaM to Mm AmurUwfl whpp (toy In4» lb* gitgrtmngo to Um Onto Op prwotaws dag tort Ml «fto»*frt to I'tcplc lukiN and artrEgtotolagHtai ■ally fur n gltmgan * IB* ColaMßto. to it a raps city and Ha** mImSSt rowa doop along tto to*** oadtotoag tho immonao Hold. Yootordnr'o nastily pi »Bdg to happy confidence. Tto daaway to***- in do of ttoeo who tod ItoPt vigM nil uifht turned to Jnyiaaa***, aad *s-, A touch of comhral wan MBt wßfto f •tout I o’clock n tout b*ad,ta nam ing rod Honour unlßri, Mmrih *a Herman air*. when tto loud oiroa «888 aaaogpM Sho arrival and dupnitar* of thd tof kal (rain* gave (Area Mama, i|gggßß* ins that (to atr for** Bad rtghtod tß* ColamhU. g* *’»> sgor and hi is or ttoy gr*w fafMßr ohtll ovoa tho aalml *r* aagM «MB cm (ho ynttow wtßfod Tho pinto which M^aiijjjiUto i u, hccaavo It crossed IB* oooaa tonal ho (ii rmouvly largo ooiiiai l MV dtoM <(• larger Ooraum hmlh^r^^Tßaa w*t| out 4 r sight again, tor ttoy flw -nor tho city to giro tto tot (Blag thousand thorr a chaao* to an* tho Met**rle rrall. Thr (rf’uun ioagi* la rtMMaa to flvi praenl irnak Unoa baa tto ptr no lino* ono of whMb to aaad agmN •lrvly by tto Anaßßiatol Proa* tor ■ronamitUag n*w* to L*ndaa whße ihr id her waa rigged up tor Obaarttar lln’a talk with his mottos la A****!**.’, rHamliOiHa rofuood to oogmaE Mb -■ wr m portad t<* return to Now T**% hf tout v iua* nang will m es-^gg^- ■ ■■■ " a I • «Mto«to'>* aba. » - Britov - -to «**• Aw at tg.N-n.d. o. to.. yrf*»tW».«toA AtoA- V Vhta W*’ - lohn J- tv rah ins who Is abrsad, to* '•rieptod aa Invttattoa of Howard P. 'torag*. Notional Coanmadar of Ihi tm-riopa Loglou. to ho praaagtjrt Mm ■ gaa*g< fa tto day of tho official isnmagp, < A a peril el flMtemi rw "r- WOW each Os tho (onpor Amcrtoaa oaMtor* who ban u pro party ouoMtod fIBEEM Minolta* to tb* tort that to aggaad In tto Viadun tort or. TB* Mgftt Os verdwn will pruaaat Oamaadi PtoMb •ag with