■■■***-- •- - -*-m—II i 11.. ■+ . toutx tivmr-zazziz-r-u.:u.xa~ <-■■ . rr-.Tz-'T. t- v-”- .r„ -. -»--\ .».*. ** t- aw --a-* r..>. -.♦ - *-* • ■■-•»-••* f 4W '»• - ** (153 THE GOLDSBORO NEWS p^T] 9viiT •! pmi .-J READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS, BEFORE THEY BUY - VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 87 yr, l 1111 "i-■ ■ "- ■“, '"■" I --- —*■—~—— ■- ' =—=? ~ ~ \ i -~r?pa;. 1 ~ ■XlLgait.^.’ GRAND JURY RECOMMENDS NEW JAIL FOR COUNTY FREMONT 'i GETS IjEXTJVA YNE COUNTY JUBILEE EVENT g--.::.|-‘-,.- boott raport ad mamhars of fury had laOaatlgatM campUluta tyf to bo trua. thu ihtrl "~7~ adrlaa tka cootructora that tka Whu sou practicaa too ild ba dfa-«ooUauad Bttto ts tka uvdtttoaa altagrd •watr not ramadlad a warrant ba taaaod Tka raport of tka grand Jury trua ■par* out of tka ordinary routlao than any ragbrt aukaalUad hi raaaat a##- ataua of tfca court. Condition* to and about tka courtkouoa cam* to for a portal attention. Tho Bapovt t Tk* raport to u follows! Wo to» ln»pactad tba courthouse tto find It la Um follow in* cood tlou • rifrfc*! offlot AftU fi| ittor M daads offlc* hi A-om condl >- (tea Tha othar offices should ba bapt aatk —tar Tto aatorsd l«* Eoi»- ■ ■ ■ tmgrarrd Wa dad I bat lb* (bird PPdT Pf tha «MH* kp» to ***? dtrtf ■ad should b* claadsd up m (ba court Imn to b public building ■* I* *W«- 1 *4 bjr MM*bar* daily Wb raooaaaand L,,, r k ttlgfObaa baJbMfllH !• aiall la cars for grlsoaars u tbajr I i|mM ba carad far Tba darortmaoi K far wh'te woman to aattraly too ia*ll I aad Ctoaa Wa rarOoMMßd a aaw aad I awdara Jail far Wayna cojaty. I Wa bara la* gar tad tba baaltb da- I *||mi*l Had ui*lant tarrltoyy.coo tlauad daapita that tb« nav craat- will prolong Inundation over vaM araaa of tka mala kkWna, Baton Huuga today I vllk 3# >*fugaaa who ara wut.utag to tkalr hontaa. Other paraona ara r#ported leaflna the roncantrating caut.ru In two olh.. town* although to ona camp only a handful of rh* original Hat of Ik. r.fugaaa 90* ta laato. - 3 Taatatlv. plana ara uadar wgylor tka damofalllaatlou of ska ynltad stout govaramant* boat* which urv. batn aarriag aa pacb*b* paarlag foOT aad *uapllaa to th. ctu.pa to caatral wid north Lotnalana/ (Tka aarvlca will ba Maintained by prlvata boat* unJ.r l.aaa b)/u* Krd Croa* offlclkl* TOBAcro iyr rater ALL LRAHERH AGAIN c • ■ WINHTON SALEH. Jon* » (S*l—Fra dl< t tug not laaa than M.ooo.otw pound* ts tobacco will ba told on tha floor* of tba aavau warabouaa* lu Wto»toa- Sal.m tba comng naaaon and urging flva aala of buyara and fiaa different tale* tba Winaton-Balam Tobacco A* »n»r“* Jury abo.il two month* ago. ttaltvitor William* announced to tba court that b* ao'uid uut ash tor ’a flrat da*ant rardlct in tba cases a- I gateat lint wi las* . I Thom*- Tbompaoa. for wboaa daatb tha tbraa m*a ara bald, waa myat*r | lously (lain about 9 o’clock on a Bun • day arantng aavaral months »*o A r shot rang out, and Thotnpuan atasyr r rd. dying, to tba strp* laadtag !at« t t a*«ro church on Holly htrsst. L*t a tara of warning, damandiar that b« caaaa at taut Urns to a cartaln woman. » wars found on bis body, i tHbsr Caaaa t A a uni bar of asntancss tor* ha*n I pass ad out hr tbo court thto wash: Major Win. nagro. waa tantaecad 4 a* Pact TW#l •0 Director Moss Hwac Roocnnc uives Reasons e -»*saa ;^xrr=xss!sas Jtollvcru Add rest, at Wayna Coußty Jubilee Celebration Wednesday .' A good price for tb# Utfl-erop at utogeco r» «xpecud~by m G.' Haag, director-of tb* Btata-P'adaral axparl maut atatlon at Oxford. H# toll Wayna County farmers so to tbe course of an addraaa on tobacco cul ture at th* Wayn* County Jub.la* yea tarday. - 'LgULl — li.' Mr, Moaa believa* that tbk* year’s ...,i ... |?» it *n - to 11| w* to tat»tv l IW’ l - *w vwwt» years bacAuaa on April first th# ebun try had on baud only lOI.MMMMM) pounds more of tobacco than U bad ou band at il&*am* lime a year ago He believe* that before July thl* aur plun will have bean used up and tka country will be iff practically tbe anine etatiatlral position aa It waa a year a*6 when tb* markets began t«T open He cites tbe fact that 94 mil lion pound* of weed ware exported during th« brat quarter of tb* year. Wayne county should -be produ. Ing sfoo to die acre for tobacco IntoeaU of. only 1177 Mr. Moaa Inaktad The) araragf par afr* for th# Mat* Id •»?«, | To Increaae the paying power p«r acre, Mr Mqg>i urg*d more attention to tk* quality of the color, of thej burning qutllty and of tbe aroma of i the tobacco He aald he believed that 90 par cent of the tarmeia In tnatern Nut Oj, faroltua planted their tobacco too fir apart In 4k* rowa* and placed tb* rows too far apart Tobacco planted »ie*uti ihrTl'Yff rt wm |>y gip»rl-1 ment at Oaford to pay bettor than' 24 or 30 Inch••«. be -.toMtpb.u* to bacco gittidcH Uic the 'biblNtuf*. lie nuld. A rldga cultivation of>gdiacco to* alead.Of flat cultivation Os th* weed waa declared to have a advantage*. Interchanire liishopH . Ir llrired by Mouzon I CIUCAOO, June g -DF)-- Inter, change of biabopa «f tire Meihodiat - akarto awd toe M»H*t«At»jl Kpiacopal church. South waa urped here todi.y by liietiop Kdwin M-ousAi ts N. t , in on addrea* to tba graduating cla** tis Garrett HI LI t - ■ ■I l««4itufe ntetuily «ft*oo( Unification of two churcnet b»* been poetpotp-d for- wlirfK ou body anpw* by videos till s|uth“ the iftWioi, ear* "Hut that should net heap them front working togatber In mtty atm malty ’’ I)«rt<»r of Ajn'iculture ' \ " * EXOfHKRIFF E A. STEVENh' l, E* Sheriff E. A Stevens of Orap tbnpi toanablp waa one of two North „ t'araltna faruier* prevent'd with car UAc ate, of "Marltorlou* Harvtca" by g State College at tka couuuancemaat oi tk* toataution. « HOODED BAND IS REPORTED IHV*Hllgaiion of Informal lon Rnreivrd Falla to Authcn _ tlcgto Stufy - ~ Did »*v*r*l member* of a hood*d tiand reported dreeevd aa Ku Klux -Kiafliiara.—j sil « j Uaiay atiaei Imi evening? klauamm. wearing whit* booda and rub** hare ju#t turned tb* corner of Haley wtd Beach atraat," wa* th* word telephoned to Tha Naw* at 9:6* laat netting "Who ate you", th# informnnant wa* asked ; ------ { "> rfon'twant to aa y area tßa ro ply. ~ ... w'tthln Hr* minutes representative* of The New* war* at th« point daalff nated No nigh* of hoodad band/or of the diaturbanc* which might have fol lowed such a visit war# to ba aaan. Hare you beard anything about a ' hooded band b* ( lpg iu thia part of tha yity", a man **at»J on,hi* porch road' log a paper waa asked. “1 Juat got back from church," ha re plied 4"bui Aha foika aay hero that thr»a hooded and lobed men juat turn .ad tha corner lh#re v ' "™ T J Tha bona* pointed, out waa dark. No alguj of lifo Ob tha oppaaita aids J «*f tha atraat' ware two man and a I woman—raaldnra or the awtldb— Loldlag a friendly conversation * They dented emphatically that hny hooded men had b»«n aean an tha ate tton. Onu of tba n an said that a I could not up the l without him 'hgviur aaen It. baeauae h* Mill. he had been standing at tha aaratal minute*.' L-.^rzr-. -4 234 Receive Decrees i Dukr-tfniversity I H.|( It .*■ M . .lone «.—Td»l TUgljvfl wyra conferred upon 234 Duke Uni* Vaislty aludeuta today in tommenc*- n'mufurn a* ream red by an addrjg* byllartlii Ultletun. New York at torney. Direct'd and controlled ambition, *» ■ • - W cnii lUctuai honesty, moral courage »fQf4 nwaaalwM »«ek waaw paHMpd salt tha apwaker aa principal factor* r -which niter Into tha ®fj aucvaaa and bapp.n***, Mr Littleton, funner cbagresaruan •rnd one- rrf- the mrtrtamtrwg- niainharg of the American bar. pleaded tar hi# . young l.«-ar*r# to guard tha iotoiaata of the Amertr'iii government, "Our gorarumcnt la a sacrad Arena ury In our haml* Guard Its Interest* at slid by the luntituiki&s of you* country again*! all alien forces wWh] a*ek to undermine It F.var hold up I your rnlud In Its dr tauae." Funeral For F< At 4:30 oval i Ut +r-W M.~4iiMiCphnlatdhy after**** from iojoHaa Muamnad kjlmm.. > inorulng a week a*gu when th.M’brya. I‘T roadsier diivea by Lcimoa t ole crashed i nLi a parked Kurd coup} ifn Nuutti ulaiilt daybreak Funvisi aarrtdfh will 4m- k'ld from thy. h-ii|ie of Hi.drier ’ Os lUe. laat t ibute R»-v A. J Hmith pan tor of the f’.rst li.ptlut church, aa* slated by It** Mi, Harher of lha UapHat church, will couduct ripe** >■ th# /follow mg ha**’ bank named ah - honorary pallbcwrem K, lieu mark, y 11. C. Kalby. J A Sberard. Md kut f lodge. B K. Ward. U M. Prlvatt & ||. Bala and U. W. DaU. t *- 4 ‘ V f *A.A' .Ki tbpy ■ 0.. Spirit Os Geniality Aid Good Fellowship Characterizes Event Staged h The City Yesterday Scouts to Camp at Ot* Country Club Tonight Boy Seoul* fruga ovar Tuacaro ** *H«Hee+l **del IfO -intn camp *T tha ‘tid t out.try ol ib thia altar* noor and will remain ia camp un t l 4 «’clock Friday aßamoon Frapiiet oa* for tha coua'cll c htn.pirnabip rally will ba mad* at lha atuarapmoht- I 30 thia evaafeg ratraat wiU .be aouudtd with apprapria* eh- M-rrnuce ol tb* lowering (4 lha . La*. Urn l, A O. F- hrtaaa win provide mus e (or tha retreat hour. At I so tonight a rubltc camp i fir* program will ba carried out. Visit Ole will be welcomed at tha camp at thia hour. *C * . ' A CITYOF PEKING IS AGAIN QUIET : S|iU||B|L4t AMiiiaa -lah* baaay U Not ter f*r«a«nt PEKING. June I OIV Uat w*ak'« uneaalnesa among forelgaara la this c»ty has abated considerably and It I* not ,Improbable ihat tha Amarleaa ' l .egatlon/ai | AiMrlcaa raaldenta *#a- VanjLVm laava tha city la tka near A majority of AmarloaM raAala fa the city which I* orderly, aud wall ' policed, li la fan that there la £■&!•»> I'muai danger from latenUtuinaLdC ‘ oiUara nhr* tha SBE& aa • ihied In Bouth lAUn hatrtf h«M ; gfctucd a real’foothold jfon. Although i »oma Urttiah raiidettta are mortag | Into lha legal lon quarter add the Jap a near are rending many WOBM tad I children home, tha Amarlaana and j other foratgnrfa generally are fcich leg to lutrmaf Ufa In tha ally A mat Iran military authofltlaa htar removal of tha Peking taggUon to th# coaat wharaaa th* dipktaatle rapru aentaflvan f**| auri, a mov* might he i wtdt-iwr*** HUrtUrm^VaHk. ! ington Indicate it la fall ihat aa a i whoiaaaia avacuatlM of PaiTag would ;ba uaCaaaary Ml? ts tha i should threat an to ant rap foralgnar* . A*. " lb* Btrxcr uprtalnj of J V lUIK omcilfta RALBUIII. Jon* • -(Ht-Albert L Mibbo'd. Aral lieutenant waa commla atoned < nptaut. and oaalgnad BatUry 0 of New Bern, by Adjutant Ueoarnt • Mala today. ,| DI’RHAM. Juu« * -Lf*j—Charier |’W. Porter, privet' waa comuilaalonad ' |l«utaa»nl and faalgnod to Ogaanvllla. oung Tudor * TJiis Afternoon "I |iar>\; ~ 111* following bar. b.«n named a* mttva p.ilhanrer* WMH* i ravfewt. flam Biltt, ,o*i I Ur la wold Jr., Pant HadUr, M. U. flarducr. W. W Hirers KdWia (’ree- b and William t reach ih- Klk*,4uh WWL »' 4 o'ci.«A uau aftarnoon at Hit i Nika ho "Hjcy \lr*atuul Htraat to go : jKlhb- Aafttcml aormata^— . >| Youag Tudor wi* a son of tha lata > Way laud Tudor and I* aurvl«*d by hi* fcj mothar, a brother, a stator, a half I brother and a half aUier John Craw > ford la a half brother, Ilia* Louie# - Crawford, a half alatar, Vila* Ha. hal * Tudor a alatar aad Waller Tudor a • brother, l Tha dmreeaad wan a young mu who poebuaaad tha quallll*a which go for * making friend* aad th* groat number . of aaaloua calla reoalvad at Ih* ho#- - PMnl-oaMa aaklag tor luformaAion at t to hi* coodluoo—aumad bin popu , price mi cam ■" ■■■ ■ ■■ ■ M.*ai—amiwi* * T ‘ A IkUFIiK jtRA A • PeopJe Attend JMIm i * li fi i rovqiCmMp c f r*t annupl JnhOo daM«at. | For an oponing acagM—, Uw MAM 'vpnt off auaptala—Hr and ANN ectariaad by n guial fftrtt a( M> it.* rfn pnaa. Ah ph S. the Jubtla* wmMA Ik mP aa follow*.' A*no* BhofMd 1M yard dhdh-Ud gMlkd oIMA Joseph Mathew*. . 100 yard daah. ofM. Um* fMM Running hruf jiniMU* »d«A daa*. Malt HowoU. Rlcycl* race, Oeorga rdwtdg. ‘ .’ Huniag brand lamp, opon, AmA dycoek. Patman 1 * Milana mum. MMd Si Quarter mil* nA* MaL... clan- O Dewey , 1. BnIMT, I. IMm ttaraon. and J. Hum. Al* MfloJUAf HW AM m.r ’M.a.m, r Howell, s:mmte mF~~ .. Wall. Jr. ' »4MM glrla, tang Death* • Back rasa, aawU (Mat MBMfla Back race open, Hobart Mnlay. Girt a rop* aklpplag (M, fen imvf* ('hanker to U majorat, O, ft. Jmm, Horaaahoa '■■■inaamaot. A, l« flt neb land and IVad Warnm. Moat dalayldntadhnto ntigthf ~M der own power, OGa MoOfU. dr*d Haod#ruc M^ tJI, ** ~^ ;> Oldaai coupla oo gghßaii Mr. Mi Man FM On PeonafeThart* ATHWk. On,. juT W » k Mag. p rota In ant rr'-'g |M|>| tound- not gtMMy By n Fa#ir>l r • court jury tonight of a ahargh g| • peonage. Tha jury daUboiMM MBA • aa hour aad a half. • Although k* mid he had whtßMd * • four negro employ**# *■ th* ptM|Mp. I Hon. h* formerly oparadaA o*. Big to haap laborer* on the MAM or AM o h« kepi aayoas thorn aghlnat Ma «Q. r for nearly two hoar* after am Ag| -i war* juX mlatr**taC TbpAMM MBdi | compl.ud abortly altar » rdM,