.■ ■ ■ mmm m,. ‘ \ a *' heresalag clatudinets roeetbly t*J ' I**** hr ahowtr* and Undir •tom* rriday Saturday fair. j -- - *---'-- * vT^ -«ll. ' - ■■■■ , i VOLUME SIX; NtlM» 88 GRADY-NEELY CASE IS SETTLED IN COURT HERE -- ■ •> " *— • -—** s . s . : ' V . * Four-Year-Old Boy Struck By tar Driven By H. B. Kennedy . And b Critically Injured r 2 —— Little Fellow Stepped From Behind Parked Automobile Into Path es Oncoming Machine Unavoidable; Baby Suffering Convulsions '--HJ Last Evening. «. €. VMM r. it w Oar ynqr eM sea at Mr. and In. O. C. Tmm; •f Aik street, «m erttlenllj h- Jared khonf 1 tWk yaakerday aftaiMM wkaa struct by M aa* tiaiMh Mm by Haary B. Eqn aady M fnat as (k» Dittaa Ba- My HI on Ash street. Cya *U ' Tha ttttli body stepped from behind «. parked aatomobilc. it *ti Mid. and started ta tha parkway la tha caatar of tha Street Tha parked car kid prevented, Mr Keaaady from easing tU child, and the machlaa bad alrack him aad horn* him to tha straet be- If ’t Mr. Ran* djr could brim it ta a halt. Tha autousobfle waa trarelllag alawly aad the driver alert to make a tara. it waa aaid. " Ogg Mr- KMaady picked up tha baby i *bl fIHH Ua tl.Umr Hanltorlum At * O’clock laat evening it waa *tat #4 that the child waa Mill, enfferiag convulsions. If would ha lotßattma hlMra tha exlMit of thar tuJwHp* coaid ha aaaartalatd definitely. ft waa at VfHhhd. ft will be Impossible to take M X-ray of tha little body until It kaa quieted aad la aM« to ha moved Mr. venaey.th* fathor. la owe of tha rwrartataadeata at the mill aad lives oa Aah ttreat. vary tear where tha ee cldant occun Thera ate several wth er children tq tha tgmily. SUICIDE TO BE DEFENSE CLAIM Cwiill Expected Try Show Fayetteville Man Eadad His Own Life ; PATETTTTVIUkH, Jin P_ UPt That tha array of conjutd (or Kenneth * Boone aad Mra. Mae Phillips ow trta. bare lor (laying Prank MeLaurta will attaaapt th abow that McLaurln took fallow era of the trial ta cowcluaiona draws from the trend of orooa nw I nation of whaoeooo placed on the ataad by tha eute. Anar, of olna wltggim heard this • fteraooa gaya testimony regarding the finding of McLarla'i pody on Jaauary M. *outh of r»yettortile with a pcstat ly*ug haoida It These wI la res - aa ware closely cross examtaed In an eflbn by tba dafaaaa to show that a cigarette package aad twa bottles Iy lag aaar by might hpve bean placed or toeaod there hr a man sitting where tha body waa found. MdLaarta'a young widow was the *’ first witness Bhe said tba last saw her hnahaad whoa ha loft home la ■ company with Boone the morning of Jr Jaaaary IS. When he railed to return rts began a search for him aided try ill aad BMBHPSt mSttm fear husband or Boone caatS ha found, ut- Sha Mid Boone told her when she frond fear pns hand he would be dead uc. with a pistol to at* hand. — ' ’ Mr. and Mrs. Coolidge Entertain for Veterans WASHINOTONf Jaaa b—- i THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. T ' ,i 1,, i ■; i i i n■ *" ■'l ■ • - ■■ TRAIN MISHAP KILLS NATIVE Wh«gfe«nd hi ground to Death; Funaral Today 0. W. Oates, >2. aa engineer for an' tcw~ maaofactuTtng concern woe in stantly killed ia Fayetteville Ihun day night, whoa, while iclag refrig erator cam oa a track, he fall from tha top of the car to tbd tracks ha low aad waa decapitated by the wheals of a moving car. The deceased waa a brother of Mrs Ad Hawley of Ooldsbo^-. The body was dragegd nmp dii taxes before the trainman resitting that tha accident had occurred coaid stop tha train. Oates |p survived by * yowng wife. The deceased wu a native of Wayne rouaty and baa many friends In the Motion. .c-V* Tha body will be brought to* Pine Korest rhnrcb this morning at 11 o'clock aad faueral services will be ondtided by Bar. R. E. Brown, pna tor of the Goldsboro Methodist cir cuit- GERMAN ACES GREET FLIER? Celebrations in Honor of Ghnnt beriin and Lcrinc Still Going On BE*LIN. June 9— HP)— Moot of the living r.ern,an wartime acre asaemh led this afternoon In the Germat Aero club to welocme Clarence f'ham berlln aai Charles Levine. A«perlr.in* irsnu- Allan ir fliers at tea. The pa ; accompnn'ed by Anibisaador EWl.'ur man, on I MaJorVou Kehlcr. president of the rluh vers escorted to the Ili lt of Honor. »trt| e thrtr 40A hosts |rep ed to. Mention until the Amerl*4f. '.were reat.d VA giK-fly number of those ae*ewtbl- ‘he fro n Cross of the ft fit rlkwV -n warded for bravery I t ba* tie as thrtr maay scars testified There was ■ fair sprinkling of offic ers still In the service or the re»* r» wonting "*”ld grny uniforms with d"* enrntion' and v large number -J E >'dnn« civniafi ■ via tort, cwnempc>r »r lea of tha Amertean guests LARGE CROWDS HONOR TUDOR o * Brother Elk* and Companion* In BhtUry A Ai Scr- Tiro 4t »' The large erbwds attending, the fuiiersl and the many beautiful floral tribulee received attested to the high regard In which William Tudor who il‘ed t£edne»day afternoon from In 'UriM sustained tn an automobile ar cident about two weeks Ago was h< l'”e' •quad of ilattery A. 117th (Held Ar tillery. attended the fuurral and mtmu usaTiMi^ A *elt|te was fired over the grave and •he ceremony there concluded by the rounding of taps PI4JN PAT HIV HAYWVIIJ.K. June », —(P) One hundred sgd arty dollars ■ month from the sale of nig and right weeks . old pigs Is a "side line Income" en- I Joyed for (he pent ill months by W M. Anderson, farmer of the Mooting P eek community of this conuty. An derson. who has jg brood aewi. Is known tn Ut* county ■■ the "ftboortng ('reek Pig King”. The pigs ere sold In adjoining counties and in Georgia. EXPECTWAYNE. TO JOIN MOVE Combiimaiomr* To ( onaifler Aid i*( in Forest Firs Protec tion Work RALB2OH, June v B— —-FV>reit tire prevention work In expected to he Inaugurated ar extended In , at least eix counties within the ngxl few week*, according town annoitucc .-nut yeuterday by Adletant HUtc k>reeter W C. McCormick. Craven county baa lac reused fu Sj progrlatlon from (KU* to SIOOO lot •be fiscal 'year and Roberson COURT}' from SIOO in SIOOO. Jackson jmuat) I will start cooperating in to,rest fire \ "i -ventloii activities July 1. with s JjUO Monlhly approprtgU'on Thre* new counties which are »g pr.tnd to Mght coopernttpg with the i partmeui of conservation and e'cfmeat and the federal government at the beginning of the riacal year arc Rtrtie. Wayne and Cnmberland. Ber tie will consider an appropriation of $»00 for that pnr pose Jane 11; Wayne will consider a awgg as §IOOO and Cumberland Is ri pened to inaugurate the program with a eum that hat not yet been d«> trrtnlned. New agreements entered into by Craven and Jackson (S»untlc* nail for the counties to par all fire fighting costs np to the amount of the con tracts with the state and federal gov ernments paying prevention costs up to the amount of rounty approprla (tone. SCHOOL BOYS __ HAVE OWN ZOO f d *A* * - M A ■ .1. nd *'Nt» Grip* Interred of YBtfntatdra at Buiimon Achooi - \ HLAL.EIOH. lune » f the Interest problem. Crowing from a email beglnniag •vh « in' 192$ the seboti, with a tiny exhibit won first rl*<* »«d ■ pria* l» a county-wide science content, 'Mia nusrum is complete and well kept. Students. Instructors, patrons and. Mends of Mia schdol hive glv'n murii attention and many eshtidte for the museum since that time The etafq" museum at Raleigh hrerd of Ihe ewterprte- sod gave some •'Bearded exhibit ca'ses% which were I rebuilt by the school boys for their own eahibli* Specimens < «m* from directions, aad now lh' museum tn a meeting pises for parents when they attend any social function at the school, because of Its attractiveness They have gtt contributed wnd Mi show eaceptloual Interest Marine life, plant life, mineral life and.animal life are all Included In tbe m jseuru. wbrlh contains epeci mens ranging from Civil Wer cannon balls to brncMpods and two dotsn voting alligators The tnarlne and ani mal life exhibits are the modi exten sive and comprise the greater j-art of the school's unique miseum Besides being of general Interest to H>uplla and their parents, the mus eum has been Invaluable as an ITT 1 r Co 'v-sehing. Mr y ßaliock decldrss M wil the L first ibteation to-use tbs eptriwkans la MoMfVnuly but now dtatrial and coaußcrcul gcmxisphy and otl»r Madtai A straTlxr >xhmn Y» : reconmended by Mr Bullock for oth er school in the state. a «Mt he bellev i ■ **hwr- re** m,tarer/jMt-yrh qtuwwgm-. .m-a In a worthwhile project for any high < ar graded school t* the state - • as not coat more than ten dollars In actual money. -f FONMFR GOVFRfetltt vn *Tl%r MprAKiK i H AI.IBIUK, Jim# I iff) Robert i Archer fnipet former governor *»f i Houth CsroMns addreaeing the gradu atiag class of North Carolina State college here oa what be conceived [ "to he the duties of ritlsena" ■ sounded a note of warning against i the aurreadar of the sovereign rights i of statm in .police ppwer. educational i policies and suffrage. t« the federwl * govern meat. 1 . . ■ -—-.-i , ■eOUmMMQ, N. Ce FRIDAY MORNING, JUM® 1*27 LINDY GIVES I 1 CREW THRILL C‘ • e Climb* to Ship Yard 140 Fq«i In Air to Take Some Picture* Os Veeael . * U. 8. 8. -MBMPHIB, June » (By wAeleas to the (A^|—A ol Charles Lindbergh today gave the ahlpe crew a thrill by clambering out on a yard r.rm at the aame height aa the crow'a next when It was suddenly realised that the high tension radio had pet been cut off aa la customary when men are in the rigging Tike aviator made l»f» dumb in the face of 3 4* mile wind, ascending to » height of 140 feet without eaying mythlng to anybody. 'hU.object being IP lake chalPgrophe yf the ship from aloft and Ha high speed wake. Aa nopn as (he of fleer of (he wefeh dlacoveretl tile aviator flinging to Ihe rigging and getting his camera In position, orders were Isgued cutting ihe high tension radio off. Th-r aviator waa aloft 20 mlnntrs and greatly enjoyed bis stunt while moat of the ship* officer* and crew marvelled at his calmness. 'Eventually he descended to the deck na cool as a cjrtimb'r.' WAHI(INOTON- t brought by air plane with the aasla tance of army air service and private air lines. After his arrival here Lindbergh will which point h» wants bla mall delivered and tbe poatofflee department will send h there. The Western I'nloa and Postal '•legraph romapnles also have taken up with the committee the problem of 4«U verlo* of tAlagrpwa which have been and will be sent from all sections qf'ibi* country aad from foreign lands.' - v> . RfMorr RiRTK i r rife mix SYLVA, June ».-(AH—Hurgehns At a local hospital recently performed 1 what Is ssid'to be an tinttaital opeia-j thi*. when an lnlliWl' the 1 inrartx -H ' -tpaai-d «**■** * «- trrriay in a ru eat lay called lor ill* wurpo»i U (Umuhhluk tint (Inanrina «1 'Vayne countv aelit m I S"'u cat yaar * ta* the cultnlv ItmlKCt act. The mm-iinu' «.» »* iM i ttut.rv c* the ytilyhil'ailoo ' "nf(Ve*WaY*e x hiXH at « m> -t In* of the coinmlaaloncr# rapected to Ht called (or neat week. J. K Kelly of Ml. Olive praaentod 'he ratine of. ijji' echooia helnre the * hoard ami dlaplayed a [irvt tJatW In* 1 formal! ti o( Ihe detailed rKjv.naca of 1 the rdaiu'lrtti department of the coun ty that war remarkable. Mr Kelly ’ had hi* ftaurc* and he q iot«i| thorn I from meanery The hudaet la e« pecli-d to he adopt* 1 ed at a Medina of the commlaelonera i> neat week anal upon adopt tun win be I filed for examination by the public I until the ftr*t Monday in July. The ennaty coainilaatnfikm alao at : : • I QUEER STORIES FLOOD ARE TOLD Nature Aided in l*ggenhi« Flow From One Huge Crevamee On River • ■ : a • f- NBW OH’I.F.ANH. June * (JIV- Rtortes of tbe erratic tendencies of the devastating Rood which engulfwd more than 10,tint) square wiles es I a’a moat fertile lowlsnda are slowly * coming out of the area. u Few persona been able to vis ualise tbe vast nets of tjif spread Os waters and their terrifying defeel •ipoh tnhiHl«iU r oT fk« 1 watched the waters descend upon their bomaa. “Imagine, If you can.” said Dr. f. M. nine.of the WMther bureau tort _ “a great wars of wateu- ao wida that «* rvqpt was 4 1» visible to the eye and -t from 2«.t0 IP miles sweerJng down the valley. Jt swept from the Penh- I Ing hlthway on the weal to levee* •>n the river and on the east and ewept I Hr uses, trees and embapknienta from its path v 2 "It wee bard for pe. familiar with 1 the vlejtatJon of the (darnge things 1 to Imagine tiill. I know ikat it wd* almrst iniposvlhie for any layman N not in tthe path of the flooA to even 1 euspiwt the rastneas of the dWater" Htijiug ly enough as this gynnl 1 -wars swept down the bot|n nature 1 took care of one of the most serious I breaks in the river levee One lev** On the eeeteru aide went ojs and emptied a torrent eetlmnted at 2M1.000 j cubic fret per eerOnd into the last < dry ground In the valley. After three «**ya with a vast portion of tbe tarn smt . It was notlcad that the flow through tbe break had lessen Ten dura let , rr tjm reared K | dens? ia! - ■ '* 11 \ •iiuu'. nun; fin? nr g j nrrn ju rj '<»' sum n-ni n t*k I b* •«l for vs «i in- Kmaty No (ip('oM«"»T lion w mi Ukci. but It waa Indicate** * hut dome wtlnMon of th piolilrrti t»” arrived \u «fillnT "tK”’O»»T tow ibon(b» . - TWww-.** •eino*a«t»y*-oei f-'Hf -mlt . Hi* with the city lu the rnnsirucilW of « j«ll Thu, It til pointed *M*.f would He perrnlamlile unit r an art I»m«I by Iht laat lerlalature Ytiltrilijr'i mttllni waa Ibt wr «nd of Ihr work for the county fa lb *ra. Tliry inoi In. rvaular aeaeloti on Monday At tlila mwliun a reaututlon authoriclna the borrowing of |l&,oth> cn Iho couutf'ii not* waa approval! 'iTi* nolo a 111 In dated Juno It and will bo duo J.ylytla Money tube bor rowed will b* u*n( ffir currant o«- ponara and l« made nereaaary low auto* •affldani taaaa have not lire a rollat*- lats to moot budget rnqniramanta. ' J , r f Plead Guilt; To Reckless ~ And Careless Driving And Will Pay SSOO Mrs. Taylor •DELMOSCOLE " sg£ EXONERATED . t umnm jurjr F iimui nWiwfii Cauvini Death Wm. Tudor i Unavoidable r a eonmar'a jar;' empanelled by Cor rm»r T. .1. ttohinoop yb# lord tv *n(*p«tßf and aft'ar llitrnlnr lo kmo half doacn wltneeaa* lha jury brought liTiPrrfiTOT TSar yiKißif Tadnf ranatr to hi* u»ath «w * • xamlned war*: Dr. ‘Afe E Boat. J|. D. inalrrloA. B W. New by. K N Daaabtry. Dm Dllon and 1, 11. Harris. The f«»|lnwlna composed lb* |ary which bmnaht in a verdict asnnarat Inc yniina Cola, who waa driving l hr>»l«-r wh»n M crashed Into a c*** r.| r'-upe on Biitth Bloc 4 mb street! C E. Bert, frank Jons*. Paul Y*l rr "fa, L. K RtaUlnc*. %■ !*. Pa* "oSaE" aind W ' MONEY TO GIRL o j " d« Norman’a glory U Differ ent From Thai Told hr Hodge* Girl LAimiNßttoO. N. C.. Jaoa *—<*> fading to braak uyider boura of cm# finnliiatKW, Alva lloim. If year old orphan girl today stuck to bar story la evory dnaH of bow ah* wa| attacked by Merrill JOverett oa •>* ui«lit of May 11., (Hyde Nor 14s jointly n»-cu**d with Brwratt. t aid bar. ah* said Norman took th* wltaaas ataod lata today In his owa dtfaaar and hi* varalou of th* aiitrd titachf Mldtory rarlad from that of th* girl sad he testified that ha gar* bff i Sum of moaey after bta allagad part in tha attach. Indication* wars tonight that th* cat* Would pro* rat a rapidly and to lo i|* Jury Tat# tomorroFTSf ShTUf o*y. Poland Moves to b Punish Envoy Slayer . “ S WAJUUW, Poland Jua* The autborttlea have made further ar raata la five rltte« of mostly member* of WaaMsn monelrhleta oryanlssUon. end former offlcere In th* army It is considered certain that the saalaelna tion of the abvtrt envoy, trill be triad befora a cirtf court, h* declare* that he bad no arcomiJtce He only tried b« aiplained "to do hit aacrad duty a* n Kuaalao patrlrH.** ArroTfitni to M’ot'ow • report* tw ret confirmed, the soviet Is prepsr nr In send lo Poland a second note much sharper than the FlrsT U U uo- MM§pA£JfIHK U*e we** eae* »W "fEthi EucpCpn power I* *•*• to l»» Oelw e? L . dp% ~ a krffe . « «.. m T H*mru n»r miiwinfin* ’ wT- W4lm»« Riftursiiitff-to - Appear a« Witness ' V». * :«?»■"?■" - tfktKfOU. J TH- -m w W «'*d« to- stamina him acuia. The >*»*• If plated am th* doc be! • 111 probably aai b* called (or trial 1 hj'ar* peat month. rvr. zz I. 1 .!"! If. Mil TWIWffHS o ■ i Member '» Tiie Associated Press - ....It. 'Ujf a ;\L ■ wMi^a—■» PRICK FIVI CBMT9 Ends Case RestiHinf From Death of Youag Paul Traylor hi Au*» mobile Aoddosf jbMh hummer; Rifflßl Trial on This Mundag —Thompson Case Be ( ailed After Herrutg Matter. ttfMMtosn Tfca Heady* Haaly *m* maaadA .' Had la Wajnß* taaalj gßgdMMf rout jaatsrday. 4 T Tha court aaaaplad a plai * gaMy H nShii aai mOb,:-. driving and B. JU Nasty aai IB* j eld Brady ayraad la pay MM mi to Nrv ftw Tartar, maMar -gHh — s.-- .■« k* -■- a-- hOL ypiii mi lrayiur wii vnm nw ad la aa aataaurblla aiftiaal M lie two youag maa by JMgB l»rvtß. Tk* saftami will ba coatlauad aw' n partod of two yaar* and IBs yooths r. arlll ha required to report ragolarlff at lo tbalr good behavtoar. .. A chart* eC ouoalaagßbsr MattM ostlv* of TaßiauwONjiMNll^l on uutomoMla rtda. Tbalr Mffil club and Traylor Bos HUM. Neady sad Orody war* fhm * hdßr* la« at a sacceadlug torn «d dMH Mi a mistrial ordarad. Taaldrday's df* rrlopnients sad th* <*osa A jury was lata yaatsrday *MMM to haar th. casa cborgiM ipaat agalaat J. Baapom Maniac. •# aftar that la dlapoaod of Uhl m*a- Jay Bird BdwarAa, William Idttla M Percy Las* la oaaßaaMM wMB the death,s>f Thdmas Thomptao. Waal aar peutdr. f »«»d of OMdUM of nortgacM ftil JVfP H«rt. ,°e a. «*s*aß posing of a stova jpaa whtM 0. 0. ( oadeil bald a mortsafa- •» iMMM waa that hdff .ooa sold MW OMB without bar k4fwlh«B* or «BBMbA Th* old woman H aaQ to BBti ttpi _ _ held In W.yab )*n Us I ilMf Mb <>r th* chart*. Bho bad MB IpMU yullty of tb* chargo la «bbblp «Mrt sod fined 00* cant and- thg a*db>- —.--fr.- t~. -. ' PLAYGROUNDS ALL OPEN NOW - * « Slity AU«imM Dbtbmu Steoßl OpMtng YmlbiAbj; ChhagM , • iMMMgdiJ • ' ' J Birtr chtldrao wot* oat BMC yap isrdojr far Mw oponiac of Oa warn playground oa DwvaMßS attßot. Ml Uowyii tmi Mart - tp _ rharga if UOa BtBBBBMBAJIAMimm, --erts praaoßt WV mw apaaßM .veteeday, It ItU.MJU».f* Hrn ## H iwistlar play places la lb* ally. . OpeiMu ad tbs a round* gtva| MM • • tty four hrasnlisd paygroands aaddr ilie‘geu-Wl super*L»V>p us M CtlwHbl/ 1 laaoa, director at tM aoaamaalty tprtrtfwr ytm trtty to iiUPMlhiiifnf Al i** 1 - riii'am sup (am nr ourgyamMß-M thatr - peo th* ■