- " --- WEATHKK \* mtnVt FAS SATU9BAY HQ }* -T' j Ft4* » -•• / y , c "'. " 7V wntsssw VB A| MMM VHP SB SHMSHI ASM M| 1881 B MHft m 1 - ■ • W W V S V V| ■ VVP w A Vs WM ABk VB B VP AVB VPVk MM VP VP H■ ■ ■ MM V w ■ W M B M■ Me ■B■ Vi V ■ HV ■ MUM ■ MM ■ V MVm M H M ■ W II H|M,H ■ II fp pjpff si I I #1 plf fl I 111 I 11 II I MM M tHj^F BA mV ■■ P mb ■ ■ ■ M M B IB TkM B B Bjlii^^liv v bv^Jqb asksdamagesH W OFMRROYAIi ■» /> - ; . ___, r' \ ,Mmm Mbß ItMM in naked MriM/lirnttk 0. Royall, lm| «• tfNMfJIa ts« glaH mHim bapaa r«- terdaywith the MM* * BMfNlau >|WM«ii «i o»irt «( C«Vt J. 9. ggs£|ra| <W»9 •» »%• tIM 9a »!!•*•» hi* «*9. ■««. W. Uaurtl Mm aat «Ma to work <K ■#*••• mtotoo4 la tki locMaat. *W W OjNllM in tt»# attoraara Mtoftoa 49a oattoa ao kakiU as 19* OtotoWK to 19a can* of toaii ■N» ik«9it Mr Itoratl olloftl «9o» oo Norooibor ft, IMft 19a plotettft §ju rW*« w 'l#9 ’o*9 f «ftoof J w ™ •■>P l w|W wfl Vwl* L^w99iO •fmoT to a earry oa tba Ralatck 91|k wfr. T9a sorry was troyalltaf la t9a Jtrtottoa of OaMmkoro Mr Royatl. trtoo 49a rtoy yofl «ofat to \h« aaasa at «9a aorry at a rata at ■Vftai c9art*<> at ilm tktrty-fITS ■ttos aa 9aor aa4 raakltaa Ha 414 tot kwi a nflWwt looks st. says %«annsl, SI»4 hU ear strock tks M aSSf^ 1 -Mm < !|irSft'to^ 9044: (kat «9a was lajara4 akrat aa ■lftlaM lac. that Oar ‘lmikos* M 99 MQ^iWw : 'Mjak Os roar, kntasl at la son s«4 lUtyOor. was la)ara4 shoot a to* to soak satftat that ho was- aot *hto to work far (too esaaths. sod Ml 190 court to lako Mr. Raysll Mr tor mooth far ihu tlsso or ftftM T9a hoshoai atoa neatoais that aafrtoao of hts wtfo art worth «M far Booth aa4 that atoa has aot haaa •Hs 4* hark for ftos aasotk Tko coart uM to allow IM 4saifo oa this eaatostton. Aa sasooot at tho aeaMaat dm to Tho Nows followlsg tho occur •M tost Nataaihar oootod Mr. Rey all as sartas that ha streak 49s sorry •tot 9a trara araaaf a la* cart la the rood Tho east ha 4 atocorro* tho ri«t of wir sad yrorooUd hi. soo to* to* tarry “Ths sagroii md hor sM ware carried hr Mr Rayall to tho trtfcf**rolstod, and oa (ho toTlowia. WAYNE USES THE statt: form * jb NtottoHr Nmatrad Uka CaoM , t* liLXIOM, Ivm It Twi ownly IQbHI "if** mWW®*®'* irQUww IVVM via to eeatraet tor sooohorm ora |9d eaea*h far thaas. sad that a osatrust nodd la Loootr ood Wayne cosatlo* ......iJL-j9too*.«*t »• >• V«RK% •*■ fsrtatoadoato at ochaslo to Woywo oaf Losotr Ooaattao. raofsattoaly. faaa tholr rtoors oa oaatraata while >*<«d »ktowr to» rfsferoaf w*h Hr A. T. Alloa. Mato ftsfortotoadoat of RaMls tsotroettow . . • Wjkt toto dHtoaa’ oaaacy la’ «aftt> aao fhlnc and that Is tho hoaadary Had", told aaforlotowdeat Jorosio. la datqfldii tho tihtloi at tho toarae oootraato to tho Wtt*oa coa MWh «Mho oar toachars teach sis hairs, a day.** said aafertoteedeat ftoaw whoa ho waa ashed If tho Le noir eoatroft had isj claoooo fiw hlhfttoa Isaahssa tram foil Ins to loro sad ottewdMjc “tarry** aiorlaa fh hahsd for tholr rtowa of tho W||- aoa aaotnet tho two odaootor* ro otled that T. 99a**o Aadraws. High fatal, srosMoat of tho North * A V ..A .I—'i. *.*■#««. ...ii <S . f.i. ,v. ° 1 » - 4 -\ t * - - " ■ • • ,* VI . , . 1 BBAD m THE MOANING WHILE MINDS AM FRESH- READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. 12 TRUE BILLS ARE RETURNED BMaT'WljMa £ y C^hg. -r~ M in m 9AIMHML Jaea 1* (» Lads thaa Stole Cottage odHar-atadaat agfoarod bo tor* the tosstolgaltod body (ollow •I aa aU alcht ride (tob Ashortne, I Wake Coasty *paad lory Friday re lortttos os charged Wllsoo la gg idltortal to “The WaUagsn" college , •..‘-j.vxJ-i T%o iadlctßOat* of tho greed jiTT Jaaaa agatoot fat ChoaMoo, ahargad with tho sola, traaafartattaa aad fStoinlSß of whiskey oa April Id. •to oaatost W. U. Baahs. L. Ms Hhafall a*d *m 9. foaraa, dIMI with Botto>o—oo la offtoa hy Bleep* rroprtotlgg aoart fa ads No warrant hod hoea aortod oa the four pallasßsa tarty Friday gftoraaaa aad aaftakar 9nssnsH had mt jm eawmat as hall to ha rp aairod of tho dsfoodaats. WUseaPwea the oaly wttstoa wkh speared before tho grand Jery Fri day His ridtf to Mm rOoB eras da* toyed boeaaao ha want to hla koto#' la Aaharillo toot Taoeday before Mb. ChaaMoo id charged wMh the ogle as whiskey to J. RjMtriah a former raptors of pallors Floral Compear, No hill as todtotottni waa rafnvasd ntloy. of (bo .gapaHar CJagrt. stated Friday that the seHettar praaarad gMjjMtf’tss The ladtotaant agalo-t Beaks. and Faeroe toratoa op altog H collocttoa as the oasts in's speed, 1 tog case, saoostlar to shoot ftft. wgfoh WUoon stated la his editorial was dirtied sasong the three offther* before “hie eyae.“ WDaon wad srreot sd for speeding Jana leal aad pottos fiats shew he was- Where tod frna MU het no final dUpsyHsn as too cose wag arm Bade. The nest atop la the poHaa eoee to 1 -sported to ease (raa Chief 9ryaa in Ike forts of a isspsaslan at the Indicted officers reading a final and* ombo of the eharpsa. FEDERAL JOBS . ARE NOW OPEN >TM 14 PMttffln . *> 4 Tkt I7IM IMm dhrtl Itntw roMMlnllMi IN IMWIIN opal Mi ►rtitlTt uiabittm M follow*: Ar io<-tali alatlotMtaa; D*Mr»*>«ll B*rrk«. «( IS.MO a r#a*. Bclaattftc aM ht cotton aurhattag Barwaa at Agriculture Bcoaamica. at *1 jm a roar Aaaiataat ißdaaUkl acoaoaatet, Itaraaa of Labor BtaUaClaa. at IMN a yo*r. Joator eagtneer aafl took offloor. Coaat ut Geodetic Saroay, at W,Mf iijfHKfZ,’.. Addrcaaograph oporator. a111.140 act ll.tfa M- roar. aa4 gcapbotppa op Mw—rtat Jfcunhk* rs flint lac, Satan. IMaa to MAM a roar. •tathMtorr fireman. low-proaaaro. at ll.ait a roar. and stationary flre «r?w 'SM# * oaar Department Srrrtoa. , Manor eMlCtt* iSthagangkir «'ta a jr*ar; eentor Naeatire cj«»r. |IAM a roar: eeator copperplate aMp ea gre Tar, II *M a roar; arttatle Hthe prapbn IMW a p«ar; aasatloo cat* tor. fl.lM a r«ar: copperplate aaap engraver. »1/M a aaaiataat ao gatlwe cattrr, 11,100 a Mar: aaaiataat copperplate aaap eagraswr. |IJM a rapr: Meier negative cattrr. lI.SM a roar: and Junior copperplate Map «tf»w. II MS a roar. T># salaries earned ara aatraaaa sal aries. Higher gradaa ara (IlleS t brooch promotion fkll latcrmottea aaar ba obtained frdto M T. la aaar aecfMery « UM bears Os lotted NUtoa civil aarriao examtoera at tba post efflen la UNp f* ooi.Qi» - la laaSMi a-» $ .jit 1 ::, . .a.. . L at'A . =^=rt"- ■ ■■!■■.ii,„U9i.., -ajr-r::.. , .rr^rrr OOLD6BOMO, M, C«ATI»P4T MOKNIMC, JUNI 11. ltW ( BELIEVES WOMEN ERR IN 'vf . ' V —— : S' -• -r.l r * J> ; ' . .' ' _ ‘ 1 . , .1 A . ■.n-o On M * « 1 C _J * • •, • ! * 1 g ' A ( % hV w b .. * 1 . rr* * * j . i •<; ": | l . I nil >| muni I i n iiisbs mißisii-iimiißi < iftiTPiwr* »Wt in spite Os their fragaeat auc cans, tod baatoeee aad prnfeeslanal One dTRrSh Btttag elager * *9tfsfi they had triad It. wernes ware: tods sea do little mor< info •pecalnte about "their chances far oaataatßsat through careers’*, she "Hat aaw they know whereof they apeak Mr they hare gone lata bast aoas and prafmntoae by the thoetoads ’’Boose as Umb Imre fait H aaoas LocalPiople To Take Part , In Lindbergh Celebration ■ —lha wgtooag ealehrattoa which rm ha Stoped la Waahla*tea to day far CeL Chprtte Uadbarpto ”'i«3it 1 A «h plane *The Spirit of SA Lento** ysatsrdtoy sa thd talk as Haifa* bare. Aft Igaot to w i doaoa HaMabftftp pSaftto left yeetotday far Waohtoytoa to fa preaeat «| frea ethgr palnta to the eeoairy wt 9 yrahahly swell the Wayne liligsttoa to ftwaaty-Hra. A epealal lepsanaatattre at The News to ggNP* ttaw who era aft* toad tog fan ealehrattoa. Jobs B. I ia*titg toft at ft Veftech yeetor tihd sad wM Jrtto toT^aJtoms WathtoytoT tolh sdraatteto «f rf»ff \?*T* : muiaMlatn» *> * ....... ..«< Counties Adopting Methodi Recommended RALSTON. Jw» !#-<*>-Haw oopotr teg islet tea hfl» base introdor wl rate tt caWaMta ta taa-Masst Spa ooaaty goverhmeat aommtesloa la bee aioa bora to4ay raporta4 Progress la Um aaw ara as goraraiaaat la atow, officials aat4. bat a4Stora aa4 ac eoaataata *aaarally ara reoperstla* Batkin apfaa forma prapar#4 by tba eooamtagtab and rvcommeadeS for aaa ta or Oar to at tala efficiency 004 uni •onaltr ta kaaptac records war* aOeptaS tn4ay Thaw will ba aup piled to tba oowattoa abort ly Aa toatltata of ooaaty Usance of boor* will ba haM at MaU College •ast maatb oadoc Otrarttoo as tka O—laateo, TtoJgM ff tka achool U to affect a of +*mn*m ***** ""4,..: think asysaU (hid kitoatt and. da* i ritoWMAi « had totgtni? bat I aA net at all earn that we hereat choasa the I wotat pari whpa w» task |to the ca reer **l tool as straggly aa the oah|s«t, i caHad Wlstfal aad Ble» which to me tails tba story as tba aaodora girl. ' After all it la net aaoaey. sac ossa or i station that a wecaag waatt bat pra toctioo sad aCdcttoa. Aad thaae are •tided la boataaas acUritlaa. Perhaps aly aoag will ehaw aaam of sty sisters the troth before »t Is lea ute 1 hope ae”. era Jofaway Kerih M faMr nafts ■■Mtog. Trey l|Hi, LeeHi flßfam, AmaJlarilh^aad ptaaaed 1m drtoe Si fHrrer last as ctoaa as paalalds to the desks 'Vhare llalkeegft hy the seam as haam. and hi tbs aetsßshds they waagtorig* IP eaap aadl yen get s gMapag *1 tli# sir lH>rfa. a Tone* Isagriiß pgftMaW la* the fawn. wfR aad nafah Waehtagtoa oatU 1 e’stock this weratog. At a petal lift aHae this hide at the Cap Hal ha wired ahead tor a special tail and wf9», he raafad at eaea ks tts^fdsl —^hkK~ sie known to hw la Wi.htogtia to try'tor a *Hb|b df CaL tdaf* *■ hMHfa Ha and Has. Theaa (fatty, sMMie. UMA Prison New* CSMppli On Prisoner* Strike w ft " ; . ‘ 'Z'.TT “ ■>' *1 .* < wL| BAI.RIOH. I ami it -OPT—It will ba ’ •4041 MWN'tlr '»* rtt SBbA* v <‘* i lie forgot* tka recant raised onto prt* aoa brrak aaya a atataaaoat from atata prlaoa. Appearing In tba Prt aaa Now* tor cooaamptloo witbla lb* walla, tba atataaaoat aaya that tba paaetea pri soner who,la afralO to otaaO for tbo right ahoold Rtra aaruly prtaoaara daa out Ira that aaatiay will mat bo tolerated. tbo roaalt will bo that a fab will oof dla<race tbo aeajeHty a* woo tbo caoo roooaty. "Tba passive prtaoaara who ta afraid ta aUa4 tor tba rtgbt, bat wbo will remain mala. as 4 fwrmtt 4a*- traottob as praparty la aa gafity a* tba Mb wbo octaally den tbi «f 4•" .. .. ,v FUNERAL FRIDAY FOR G. f. OATES t** Lift Whn LmmA CM c*n Struck Cir mWkk H« Vu Stand inf tli taberai at 0 W. Oatea *u hold y**terd*y mAraiag at Mm Pareat chnreh. It *m iwfaitM If Mr. W*r MthtiH, P**t*r « rifft Fm-l byte ties chsrch. Goldsboro at IB- Mated by Mr. W. E Nall. paster at tM nwkiiMit it—- rh« p*Hb*aroci nn ooaatag at Mr. and Mi*. Oates. N. K. Oataa, M. 0. Bowdaa. H. E kvtw, D D. g 1. tags. Mr BasKh sad Mr. Mr. Oataa na tba ya*ap»*t aa% at Mr. aM Nib V. 1. Oataa at P*te*a aai la *ar*t«*d by hla poreate at th# fallowing brathava ut atatara: Mr* Paa Mallory. MaatlaHM. Via; Mr*. V. I. Whltdr, Attala, Mr* A. Ha wiry. Ooldteoto; MMa UMaa Oataa, lblaoa; J E dalEjMita; Jaha Oataa. JMmb. bMnramu wtf» and baby. HM wtta waa Mtaa Uaai Smith of th/ Fla* VWaat rtete- Mr. Oataa waa barn la Paltea la IfM, being Mat twaaty-ty* yaara at At th# ttana at tba tecrlbl# aoeldoat la wbleh ba Mat bla Ufa. ba w«b ate* eagiaaer at tba Padaral lea Oh, .afJ Fayattartlla and wbUa aa duty to* apeettag tba caea at da* ta pa aat A eerla* at ear* raatalabi> eaal waa turaad laaaa and ran tat* the raM|- cavataa MM to toll. Ma waa hilled IMIWItU.. jjrtiMMkm- ■ jap total iii A| Olbbaaa. ab ba «ll knows, waa 0 blah type CbftaMaa Obaraetar. t*rta« hU lit* to o*4 at IS* a«a at tE M ehuiwh at Pataag. sympathy at tba aattr* aaaaaiaaity bath bar* aad at Ma bam* * -'■"■■■* i i > HERRINGJURY . OUT FIVE HOURS Uaabto to BaSek Vain mi Art OrlarM to M at 11 (Tdpck iaat Ivaifaf Th* lary haarlac th* oaaa chsngtap 1. Eaapaaa Marring with tMtatb mmt wgs ordered to bad at 11 o’alaab laat oraatac attar hartag had tfea oaaa tor flr* year*. Tli* lary will ba brought befor* Judge Harrla thl* aaara ;.iiE.ME.fc.i»Biwa< mu., if., i. w.:, diet baa aat baa r*aeh*d by that thaa that a aatatrtal will b* ordered. Examination of wltaaMM Is tbt* tea* ooaaaaMd all at y*et*rdar*a •**- Jkmu.. ..... Tba ebarg* at atardbr against Jay Bird Edward*. Lilian UtU* aad Potwy Laa* grew tag oat at tba mys terious killing of Tbiwaaa Thnmpssa local carpeutor. will b* coat!a«*d **- til th* a ext tana at e*«rt. It la an tested that they wtll ha hand.,, la a laU ta th* prooeeglags yaater day afternoon toby W. Hedrick of Raleigh dad Oatdehoro waa graatad a tlrorr* froaa |. T. JMrhk aa lb* greaad* at adultery Tba eaa* coo aaaMd ahowt lira minute* willlaai Pawaoa wa* grehjed § df rorca froaa Mary Mtaahath Dawaoa *a Richard Iran waa graatad a die* at adspHory „ Eauap Dr aoi ha waa graatad a dlr erga traaa Jo Blue Draagha on tho armada of adalterr ~^4 Judge Harrla aaapoadad aaatone* la the earn* against Mra Emma J*a dKnt egaJ' a&fcv eaauaa aha- bail baaa tee ad guilty at deposing et aaortgaged property The property wae a stare npoa which D. B. Ceg eell held paper* ▼AB •BEAR WIN! WASHINGTON. Jeae 10 OPI-Tb* National Aeronautical Aaaortettea to day officially credited W T. Tea Or man aad hla aaalstoat W, w Nertoa with rtrtwr la tha roeeat aatloaal ballooa race which eurtad froaa Ab m* They flew (he eatry at the Akren Ugh. covering TM miles before lead 'Pg oee mile aeathweat ad Maaaaah .t* -' t! A * '*jlL *-1 ys. - • . * iL^i—a rJA e! As ureatest Celebration ut CqU Shits At 11 A. ft Tsdsy Wkn Memplaa Pscb ' toBPtoBBWMP’ ■ ' *;• ~, •i' » . MEMPHIS STOPS 1 I rap POlhflT Jhae I*. -Cd*l—Th* endear M*aiphla aaterad tba Ratanain near ahertly baler* I p. ah, tanlgM add dropped aaohoi off Odd potst. Eb* wtU .raaaala bar* aaMI 4 •. whea the voyage la wtll { - AEQASD, 9. E * MMMWHE JWWB j Id.-AflV-Oal. Char lee Uadbargh ar- 1 Head atr tba VWgiala oapaa, tM* ah taraooa abi brought tba B**d ablp Mem phi. with kt«. ' It waa g riaart rap far tba happy- { miw— one mwwi es [Bani’a dfhtlag craft Tba royap* from , Obatboairg to tba Capaa. a dtetaae* of M«T aoiea, waa pad* at aa arerapa ■d-d of 21 M kaot* tn (l( day* aad bdMpwad la haapa on Ms. Ig eager ta Mad tor tba ataberat* reaeptloa aad )Mfear actlrlUaa which bpaw heaa ar reap— ta pay tribal* la Ma aaßH—- aaaat la hrtagiag twa oeadtrtaa alaaar "It iisas aaarfy a year Msaa I •tarted aaMward aa m aeaatßil trip." ■aid OM. Uadbargh Tba ablp ba* bead tba Oataa al’a all tba way aaroaa Hewatar, aatoM ataadtag that Admiral Barrage, la aa uaofficial way taM Mas that b* waa Intake from ao opa, liadborfb ordered the Oolohal aat adld tb*y d^ aiaet aatMHatdMitpb. oaspHid ta tba b*at of Ma a|Ottjr. bat ba iaaaM a*t a&U* Ma IfBMNM tba epparlaa* ■<*>■! dartat **• tala poaaa "I Jaat epat grin aa r aarilt wbaa n* SAM to H* IMWabIPB w> NOR rout. Jaaa IP.—(O) —A great ablp at tba aavy baa eetered VlrglnUN historic cap*#. Oat. Oharfoa A Lind bergh la baaa at laat. Not aatll toaaorraw wbaa tba yaaag •lar arrive, at tba Natta—l OapHal will ba aat Mad op Ma aattea aad. bet th* traagall water* of tho Paternal oaraaaad r ' , bix uauma , c BVMDi BE LAKE g BIRMBBIA WMkf ONAMIA, Miss, JtpSP ld-<ob— i Rage were*, laabed ap by s aaddea ■ad cm* woasaa who wera fishing ta t ~v Bailee perfh et beref laet aigbt. A itocra ot|i#r fßom wkmmA a raadbpapg • aear Et. Paal; Jaha MeKsaate, at Bk * • fhlllb haroaxT Par—tea. a#p. Maif 1 Njaer. M, at. Bate aad aa waldaatf r Rad yeath OorrMea la aa telaad efllapa aad wire fmai aa teatima wMh tba ptoaa Mm (MAMMMUM i ■ ' . . J DBS MOINBE Jaae It^-UPV-OMn eac* Chsssherlla a hoase KM* ta pop. , torfac <• honor Mas wttt ad "all ! maaoareia wOl ba bold la honor et , the Intrepid Iyer A gahsraatertal lJi • . j » ■ _ . . dthlh v - • ,a. A ■ . * v * > ■ MUMMMI.VniI ' i ' The Associated Cl Press ‘ ■< jj ■ M "*'** rUcyfinqwß A ajjAfra Am ggignash ti MtW ■_ BBh IB* ■ mm ■ PMh MB 14 bJBhIi ■' ,*_ . s EMrjW 1 Mr* Bighth •treat trat yy bmS^mwi*! wtil cheer the tEr gp bo " fil \ntkikjlifh ofr —. -a- A—*— Edli nn^|B mMHRb ■MMBdi. 4r ” t * • <Wboa ba tahaa g« ta bara, ME :gsnd.

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