l_ WEATHER T ' ' ‘ f'. **■ E.. ~ ***** »«<W Monday SBML :m> . . T _^ r ~.rr*;■ . ~ -•-■ El r *' -fn ~ | . ~ VOLUME SIX; NUMBER W> 1 -.’ 1 ""■'"**■ ■■ ■. = UNNUMBERED THOUSANDS DREET UNDBERON IN CAPITAL Clfv •• . »■<■■■" ■ ' WWRjgWSg^M' 1 -■ l .., '.:" : :. , — _ ■■■ ■ .."ganmnr • --- ——... _: Bloade Yowg Air Vikiif Sets Anetber Record; Makes Talk Os My 124 Winb Dontm Briagt Greetingi From V m World to Now; Display® Great Com -1 jK&£r«£ r* 1 ' 32 - Shouted Aoctaim; Ri £> Book-Dp CpriM Message Throughout Wort* |,JM WdMBINQTON, iU* u-ufv-uoi of • nation us boro to all th* world, Oboilot A. Lladbergh returned todo yi to bio native America to reoetv# tbo wslceas* of b bom* naming mm»« m .{ *•> i M| cußinry to to ttt aiucui Capital •TO* o roadwojr that boo kaown ths brood of niltdau armies obd tbo ofblog* ud if fiiimau w»i Mi of MibtlflH triuasph Hp'vtreds of tbousood straining bo roliootly age'nst. police barriers ac elatsaod tb* btond# youth riklno wbo soaqaared tbo ofr ovor tbo Atlantic lo o nanny Qtgbt oiooo to tbo ooob pit ad a MonapUpe 4t tbo oad of tM wlodlog root#, bo boa Ki*«t*d br tbo Pr*a|d#mt >f tbo (101 100 states (root wbooo boot 1 * bo rooolTod tbo highest oword for ro tor tbo Air borrioo ooy kootoo, tbo aßbtfaoi*. JDAaiJLaa atatLea Ely tap C roa® Her# tbo otoodor youth wbo wroa* tbd fcrootoot epic oa straw* bod com pote* foood a 000 of ooeoootod those oald oa bo l» igl togto 00 **mm Mr to hrtag bio oMf E- • : Mao,,lb front of tbo microphone* •itob earridd bio v«to* to way condor of thn>eaatry and to distant ~ - cßawt oo *«*. It woo o staple. brlof atoooogo bo Sf *» dqllrortd, 000 of otfoottoo for ttio *? 4 boopto tor tbo Now Wo/Td from tbo p*opl4 of the old. s poopit* srho boa orod btm os perhaps Oo other prirat* cltiooo to 4)1 history bos boon honor *d to torolgo loads. > — _ This speech Os lost lit words brooght o rooowod orottoa from tbo eatkualamic tbouMods of h IS! mined iota Oadtoooo, bat If tboir oppUua. or tbot of tbo tbousood* soda wbo grefcqd him atofllPwaaayl Tools sreoub sfHxssK his emotion' they worn kspt uadqr control by tbooe soaas n«rro4 of stool which curried . bbo aofoly through o night.of fog swot ood raid out oo tbo brood ocono | OMpaaa )«»« three wteks n» Tbo young to th* &0— 4MM * tach uilf s** w®dbo# of tb* thing* übos which tbo crowd after jforda remorkod While mao, women Pad Children sbrlokod tbo >oy tbot wos thoirs at a btn atght of him, Col Lindbergh s pros red to gfrs only occa * nalMag now and than *. Hodgaon MAkee Known Soviet Activities LONDON. Juno II.—(IfV-Now ror > oloUoaa of tbo conditions under which tbo British diplomatic mission ot Moscow oitemptod to carry oo rolo ttoo with tbo sorlot goTernasent wars •todo today to aa latorrlow by tMr MA Bsbsft Hodgson, Into minister of _ F|F Britain at Moscow He added bis rote# " ™ to Hm Wtlsb ioremmootb denials of mLZI' JOS *•*" Mift* that the astsotso woo obfiatod to eaptooago In ftus*U. Nr Robert bsolOred tbot the ur tot goysraanoat cute political deport nsejl eO>pi°r» "moet obomiaable 'mesaore of compulsion” to Induce Raaadnna toiabt an tboir ogoof* One f Naab mam id Jttteou*. wie ttw of a serraol omrtoyod by Ibe British salesi> of resign .ttaire won mre., eaed with llfo tamgrtsoorneni unless .be acted oo Informer oo tb* British sod with death If obe roreoled that eh hod been approached by barter. pu. j ciurr aumiM TB cbl. urniui NCW IRUNBWK K N. J* June 11. -4fl —Two Rlr aaoil plane* left Hadley Wield this morning wKh 1.90* . roogratulatory lotion addraaasd to V Oat. libidy. A third plane waa ‘la ' . appactad to arrtrt talar. V, . - , # Lmi / ffr. Bk < . ' , * > , * '■ . ~ ad ' THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. 'IV' 1 r ~~ 1 1 1- - T - - - - I . ■■■■■ ■ —| , -- -- - . .. fliii^imi^iiiTiiim^uftTiiKiiiimi^^iiimMtasOiesi aot4 * >n,ft *• fc au **P*r uoaMNG, junb n, ,tn J_ ‘ LIND Y WILL FLY II TO N. Y. MONDAY F I Eipadi OnmihcU Air B*rrk* Chrar idMiktoCom fat I [Jon* U—4lo— Charles A Ltadbordb la lends to bop I (ff for Torh */ I a «n. Haotorn daylight aabtagr tUm Monday aaora l h ■ H* predlctod tonight that regular I air transportation orer tbo Atlantic > hotwson largo otttaa la tbo Now r World gad tbooe la tb* old la “laovlt «bl* but not probable for ton more [ rears” in a speech before Urn Miaow lo4t* •ociMtJFv — - c-~ • ’"J Tbo posto«lc# department, father of tb* air mala aarrtoa, took a pro. min Oat part la Ltadbsrgb’a receptton rram th# batoosy of tbo dopbrt meat'* building oa Peaaaylraala an on* apt ear a largo sign through wbiob tb* pretty fas** ot whtoh young lady postal clorkw were thrust wsadlag "LindyV aa air amtl bap." ' Two aersaaod mail wagoaa oowtaia iag M Backs of air mail latter waited tbo flyar at tbo Nary York, Tb* trucks boro signs, reading “Uady s a all- ctagratulatioas scat byway of air mail." Tfc ffWtt with saotbut ante fntt of tolagraam bad a plan* la the par ado. At Urn Banco aMMtmout at »H i « Ma aagltai wlksn >4* [ sort formed, wtjjtoow skate s*U for 4# each. The leather lunged street urchins btcolrod credit for •Igrtiag “We want Llndy” that gtaw t« such proportldha that Ibe LOW icagle Ud to delay bis loach with tb* nroaiddat to rs appoar bgore Ota crowd Lindbergh woe accorded hdesjrary tuambersbtp In tbo Veterans uf-Tor vigh wars > After Preoldottf CboUd«C bad bee id wed the djNtlngulsbed flying cross' **>/d aa thrUme Eagla turned to fret «V« crowd, 49 homing ptgeoos, end from each state wore released to ~Wtag a moaaage to bla welcome orer the lenJ Tbs pigeons worn called “tb4 homecomers H v Biff Siffn to Wink Groettoffs to Lindy NEW YORK. June 11-(WV-A-gt*. antic slsctric sign IK feet shore tb* mtartTßfk; swkt'tw br-tWo-blftieo* otpw -1 la the world, will flash a welcome to Col. IJadborgb all next wash from tl# top of tbo Manufacturer’s Trust balding at Col am bla Circle oa the ''Bathwestern edge of Central park. * Tbs sign refers to .Lindbergh aa “Conquer of tbo AUagtic, maker of history, man of tb* boor, a lad wbo typ'flaa th* aptrii of America," ■ " " "* ■ 111,1 "■* sew ■■ j' ' - -j- —l. Mistrial Ordered Herring Embezzlement Charge Sat. F.llia* <o ocroo iftor havtac had . the muter tor to hour*, tha Jury ti ( the car.* charging inMultorbi n*t*»* J ft Uwxli( >M at J M vaata/itaj uturabu diamiaaod by ] jmate w « tnm* aat • mm« wdavad ?h* to*? had Mm gto*a th* mn at I N Friday aftaraooe ar.d i altar coni Iderlag the evidence uo:tl i It o'clock Friday evening vara orJ"r ad to bad Upon being cal lad bafiro : Jiutgt Mrrrta motor day morning **•?>,{- roporleu that tbay vara atill unagreed i *•* ***. l#axrU sis ItMl ikaaa-, -J, / -*T *4* «**«BrtFabax of iw;. am tlcod lor coavtcUoa aad loir 1 aggnat conviction. aad that thlo via’ .oo cooui raacbad vary aooa aftor Irarlax *bv coartroovi. Mr. It* riiag «H chart ad vitb har ing bliitprrogrtatad laadt loft ia hta cart aa nacator of aa aatata. It vat a csiviaal oaao. a oivtl tctiw coarerntan tha viattar Uaviag bwaa 1 omproaiiaad at a racoat tarai U ' coart y i Ol«aiMil of tha )ary aadod tha i t«o vavka aiUad tarn of Wayaa baa- ' > ar'wr coort, tha ftrat voak of vMca 1 had boa« given to otrU caaaa aad I o • j ■ * •> , ' . .. -SJLtJffT , .• Jr#.*•> • -ia- .. Ml IL. t’.'i LAY CONFERENCE NOW SCHEDULED EWtm Ckwcitai of Wayna Be . pacM lA tMi Two lMo nits Each Tbo stereo *fit**'—illi" churches la Wan* counts are smart od to send two delegates each to tb* Lor man's Coaforsnc* to b* bold at Jaaalaaka, Juan 21-24. Tb# first sorrie* will ba bold oa tbo srsotag of Thursday, June 21 aad tb* conclusion of tbs ooafsroace will ba at tbs atarua o'clock hoar oa SaadaY. tv* It • ” ."■•r 5 Bishop Edwin D. Mouaoo baa Is eued to hi. presidin' .Id.rS, pastor, aad laymen a Aagihg call for nit conference and tbo North Carolina Western North Carolina, South Caro- Haa aad Power Noutb Carolina 000 fereac* Boards of Lay AcUriUsa are coo Derating in the nromotiou at tb* purposes Os th* conference, togotbei with the attendance. Tb* General Board of Lay Actirt tie# la also cooperating aad render ing trory possible assistance to make th# eoafsroaea a success. It la ooafHtaatly expected that not toss than two thousand picked toy moo will ba gdibotod from North Cakplina aad Houtb Carolina, pad porbap* some tram other suits, to tab* port t« this great inspirational • Tb* Prwgrsm Tbarsday Brealng.June 2»—Address by Mabop H.' D. Mouson rrlday June |4: •:99 a. m.—Derot ion by Dr. W. W. Peel*. - • :3d 19*td —Addraab oa "Otristiaa Stewardship". Dr J. E Crawford )«;U U a. m —Wound table dtaeua T>n of '‘Dhrlsitan BtewanUp l ' U M:M a. m. Round table £* cusaltn on, tb* "Wesley Brotherhood” 'Tsrjarr;' rs;.r Aftoraooa- * ». Eh —Addro* by Bishop K. D Mounaoa Saturday, fats M> . a. m.—borollon.by Dr. *7 »:S<Ml a in Bensrol saco". kftg. O. L. Morolock. HU B « nyawmipd UM. dla- Noon "CXslaligu Ex "RRRana/l>xx*#llam' Speaker <A«to secure^' Afteroecu —Recreation: I ns Daniels Sunday. June fd: II a. m -Address T. 0. Part of Marines in Nicaraffna ttf Leave MANACH’A n -VP>—Or .•rswal of Nicaragua of all forces leaded from tbo Dotted States uaral squadron darfpg tb* recent ctrtl war fare. Oa* arlattgb squadron alao will be withdraw*. It is namorai that hsdßß Dias •s now contemplating a tffp to tb* United States *o srrsaga * loan lor bia (oreramant JJm — * * ' 1 ' —*■ ' ll T«— —■ 1 I \ .. aciiad vaak to crtailaa). Ia tha ctvit oaly minor caaaa had h*>n rfiatxaiu <f. and to tha vaak clmoa €m%>Uto NaaUr-Qjtody caaa aat’fe w ,v m aat outataadlng ttofOvv adlhvWWr cant. fi|| Horn* tatod that Jay ftted Kftva aa.' agatatt vbom a true MU for Imp V cation la tka miftdar of Tkiwnay 1 bum par o, local ftarpantor, bad b-oa broagbt, bo allowed bail ia Iba turn “to ft-Sfe. Wltinpu i.itMw awd IW.- Lan.c yO«ng vhita Utah bad oa iba •bvm -.»■»»• "1* to '■*Bh*Ma» ito«rftdtolriwwi to t - EUvatda vaai fraa paodlag trial vcai«r>lay wbaa frlaada from John* ion count) pooled hi* boad Lane and l.ittle wit# atill la- Jail lata yttui day. 1-atlag been uaahla to attar* iMind tinea. AVKBICAX ACTIOB DEAD Chaltoaham. ■•«.. Jnae u ~4Jfy— Victoria Ciaflta Wbodhul) Martin, aa tkor aad ptoaaar auffragtet vbo once r»h tar prtoidoat •( tha 0. ft dtod ""rw. . ... ..1., <>- ■. :.yKteitoi^i^fti\iia.. %am AND ' LEVINE ABOARD WITH NO VISAS Ldvlnt Has PamuaMi But No VlBMi ChauborHn Has I Nailhor WHIN, June ClsTmc* ' Cbxmblerlln aad Chariot Lerine, »l --t though handed aa barocs for their trana-Atlantic flight or* ia Germany illegally and will probably bo la the sen)# outlaw status la all tbo Europe ran countries they rialt unless they n can Had time amiddt the round of bR|AO4RMyMRIR AA jmmHHRa lb* waeau *a*y papers..,-:i Lsrtn# ba* a passport but an ytsa rhambsrlin said today “1 bars no passport and I don’t want on*.* li* rms TemxrksA, boworar. that no oa# ba* yet aekod for a passport add he doubted if anybody would. rhaanberlia ia occupying a bed koom ia th* Aondrioan embassy turafl orer to him by Mis* Barbara tohurmaa, daughter of Ambassador 'churmaa. it 1* full of gitU of bottled beer, light wine*, oaakt. steins aad icrlag cups, but hi order to correct ear erroneous Impression that BUght be gathered from this, Chamberlin emphasised that whiU likes aa oc casional single a less of beer when at home he doe* not drink at all.' “Wh*n oiero aer#.” be declared. 1 lust alp enough win* to be poltt* ia drlukfag toaata and when I take a tine# of-baer I stand on that. I don’t want more, ft aaakes km sleepy aa* naturally I waut to stay with the party." Lerine voice* simitar sentiments nad than came tbs disclosure tint dor Man nad Foreign Secretary for riipplrfng friends, neither; ChamWlia nor Le •in# uses tobacco to nay form. fl Wip reared a Whthodiet ’ Cbaoabrslto saplaiaad, “and I sup pes*. I am «EH a Mqtbodixt” Both, however nßprecUt* other Sift* that bar* been showered oa them, such as big bottle* of oraag*-j tde. a wooden hM-n:ltof of Col. Lthdy, from a seaiou. mqetqr carter and colossal wreaths fr<xu tb* naral flier# association. The German flibr# good friends at Kottbus, but their bl*beet prlbed present, nr* the ailvr* framed autmographed Ml train of Presdinet Vt HindcnbUHt Th# airmen cloeed their fifth bkay fay on “German aoH .ms the Yalx dinner aad under the auspice* at the American club. In an adress at this function, Atn hMsador gratitude of Ub country for IM ra re pt lon that had been seconded the filers, and spoke In optimistic vein EXPECTS FLOOD _ AID LOUISIANA Red Crow to Supply Hoy Beans To FarmvrN For Growth Thin Year NEW OHiJifANS, June ll ; lief that Louisiana would get mdfo •el of the greatest flood In the history of th* Mlsalenlppt valley thaa ah* will loos* was eipresed today by Secretary of Cmamerc* Hoover In working out plans for the rehabilita tion of th* five northern sugar bowl parishes. ' , "W# autat remember that no long -aa oat grant aUaria coinUy t* sub im li IfiHiHdwi D aaaail iaatoij*i ‘he said, 'fen* at tb* maia mmm «f this great flood la to educate IZSJMb,- 000 people oa tb* problem* of Leoeta jm Rveryoa* smote to eolry problem, aad It is fur this • 1 ~L,trttirrre fjr«rie**w* got aMMAui es this flood then .bs will loos* : 4-Mn^^s^eJrbfWom-A and cbiidri n; sm want you to feel that we are working **•*** yobr colle nfiee trying to reprneem the feoliag of th* American people na a wbeto About 77,000 acres of farming load are usdee water In section <4 Loaie laaa Four thou*end head of work stock ma*t be cared for ia the*# parishes Reconstruction efforts for this fall ar* to be directed toward tb* produetkw of soybean, with seed to be suprtted by tbe Red Croas. Money will be loaned by ibe new credit C 'AoarsUpas and tb* crops wiU ba sold to *4l mills. a <C - * 1 Jt -■ i la mJIP * J i THREE CASES OF TYPHOID FEVER k-—- — l —i—-... ’ Uy. Corbett Issues Appro? Re — qucMlnK I’ublic - i , Vaccinal lona With tb* battle ot tbe Woyut oouaty Health Depsrtmeat against ty-. i jhMjl —bedsled to etart on Tueedey, . three cases of th* dread dlaeaea were yesterday reported. "Bales* the general public turn ottt , promptly for the racclaatioa* mors cssos ar# expected to ba reported at aa early date,” said Dr. L. W. Cor beti, county hnalth officer. : *Tht tow tbs IV. I ■ ‘‘Ot ram* are calculated to lucre*** the number of ensea and prompt ac tion upon tbs part of th* portion con cerned u necessary. Beginning Tuesday aatl cisatlaslsg through July I, tsproauntoUras of ♦ho Pspurtmsat wUI rl*4 *nriou* roiatu lu th# oouaty for th* purpose of ndmlnlstsrtag racciaatioas against typhoid and against dlrtherin. Ersry Saturday and Monday srlll be racciaa tlon day at th* health dapartaroat. The schedule of point* to be visited to as follows ' TupsMTs Jm It, II M Grantham, f ld-I M p “|i. Jordans Store, 4:*o-l:M p. m. Bcnltha Chapel. 2:SP-I:t« p. m. „ Dobberavilto, «:od-4 #t) p. aa. - Nahuata. 2:10-2 30 p. to. ' PtSeville 4 90 4:00 p. m . g Ja*. IV tt & Ayvqck, I 00 3:o* p. «. Fremont, 1:30-4 30 p. m Hood Swamp. 3 00-1 00 p. m. Boats Station. !:M-t;|o p. m. O ten wood. t:tO-t:<Mp. m. Sevea Bprlaga. I <o 4:M p. m. Eureka, I N-ll ls a gg. Roeewoad, 144-l b p .us. KR)f Di£Jt eeeto^* * *, ® >Dwe Friday June 17. U Jaly I*l M-ogden 2 0A 3:00 p gg. Ml Olive 1:30-4:30 p. m. Saulsion, I dWI Od p. m Patetowu, 3.30-4:30 p. m. Roeky Mount Makes Entryfifi 'l^ggConteat *t/o*t MOUNT, Jwa* II—OF) in th# state egg content. The exhibit This section bee preypted its entry weighs eerrn ouaseo sad hi npproxi mately two and ona-hall iachaa I* di ameter It was laid by * Rhode Is land Rbd hen owned by B. F. Watotafr. The egg la a perfect freak, jjft shell, accidently btobua. febUied * second egg, normal in else aad gen eral appearance, Inside Spam be tween th* two shell* was Itttuj wtttr the ordinary whit* substance. *—r I- I - - - , r - I LITE OF TOpRG WOMAN ■npmmHttmmtotaF'- Bl.Tf ABtCTH CITY, Jin# 11—A 30 mile dawh in a speed boat# from tb* lonely Dare county mainland to this city today Is er*Bßpd~ with ksrtwg saved this life of Mtsa Dorothy Ptoeer, i 70. of Buffalo City, wbo wsa terribly burned la lb* explosion of a sen es wood alcohol lb*to shortly before noon ———*— 1 *"" "" ■ — l —■ ’i ■ ■ ■■■ w'— 11 ■iwieii mm, was' 'J Take Negro Charged With * * Stabbing Robert Price Jftvr Mcphnll, ftampeoa ruoMr us jra, (ti rutitte) inched in tali her, HTT“* W ‘ ll ‘ ' 311,1 l^Dr»K*r. >VUI WH* tua. <m the a»r«t»* >«f Ooldsburo * w*»k ago Ust evening Price I* Id i critical condition at tit (loidtboro ho»pli*l and has a slim rbaare of living, It waa Itaraad lata , joalsrdy _ , .... n MrPhail waa captured br dhe Golds j4tf <W tftMb ‘ tfem*” ■r# H nilft ft McPhnll front Clinton to a point *U mile* south. A warrant for ths arrant of MrPtiall had been aaat to Samp ►on officers the dap previously. bet thnr had failed to taka tha man aftor i« search At mldslght Trldar, Rhodes and Itnncaetsr. ittrniti that Frier's con dltloa wee critically sad that he mlaht aot Ilea through tha altht. tUrtad for Clinton with tha trowed purpose of bringing hack McPhall Armed with earch warrant* the officers' be tan n spsttematic search of negro homes until whey found their man. * v j W *' * , v ~ . aA , '.it [ oman *[ . U 4 p • ft a Mystery Explosion And Fro SS«,eOOFOR WAYNE CO-OPS 1 Final SwUlmmel far Yam Ba Mbdv al Matljag at ldiM Abprpxlmately 140,900 wQI be dto trlbuted anUtoß Vnyne eouaty <»sm bers of tb* North Caretian Cotton Qrowera Coaperatir* Aseaclatlaa n> a meettag to be to tb* oourt honee Tueeday morning g* l«:Sg, At I o'clock the sama afteruooa, soma 333 JM will be dtotributad among Duplin county members of the as sociation. Chocks to be given BMmbero ar* la final settlement of eqttaa ponied with tbe association the past year, f®4 tt# dll*! toittoa will be aende tin i ccssioa at a general ■aasgmnsnt to msmber discusatoa at tb* aseeels Uon, its th* datt resTp business and tbs fatnro. a 0. Maas, director es field ■arete* will come to QOldtoero to db* tribute the cheeks and will address tbs mamma, tb* association, states that trials gas and professions! man and th* pubH* generally are invited tq attend the UURINBURG I MEN GUILTY ■b Mmmmnmm Wta las iyOiMbm MMM Mil rill IfvttW cHRBf‘ IdHca as 1-7 Yaaps far ' IT Attdwpurtaj^ LdVRINBURG, Jon* U-, Clydr Norman, 11, aad Bvsrou Mar yttt. Id, mars today fattod fdflty by a Jury la court here of aswult with intent to eonuah oal attack aad war* seatanesd to not fir# yearn' aad not mors thaa seven years at hard labor la Btm* prison by Jada* Webb. Tim JnrJr recommended mercy of the eputa and returned Ms rordtot to .tes*4hfj» two hours after receiving the onto. / The two youth* were ebargad with attacking a young girl on a scar here on tba a*gto sf ttto tl. Agnasenf whtoh lamlad late nts tean night was concladed this morning '»««* fq< towed, a teraeya aad the arowd-wbo slgsasd It a* fair la every reaped CKiTNilTomrclA » MAIM A wm MABM |, FITTIBORO, n. G„ June 11—(JF>— A Forty as Catham deputies captured three men, n 41 gaitoa still and a quantity of mash la a raid today la 1 ®ror Cresh township. d Rhodes knew him and van able U idthUfp hfcn once the home In which had been ittc.led rmm Prtm ha had Hmmt M* a »f* %»d threw a cigar ha was aaMk log backward* Inward tha gutter. McPhall happened to ms* Just as tbs cigar waa thrown and R struck • What tha R you i„m„ HU «igi jwr I%# latter is desert had bp officers aa haring been drinking, and at the words of the aegro. be struck him. Oas atorp la that ha "slapped" him. Another is that he haockad him doWa 'Vice At this MdPhail la desert bad V baring dmwn n knits and stack It to tha hilt on the right side of the white awn. A lung was pierced, it has ham raid, and bleed log internally hag been Young Price was employed with a road construction camp a law miles from the oKp. - *•* • minima dl r r - — mmmmmrnmmm —■■& 60 Mamhar a# - I meuioer ei . I The AssooifttM § PfQQfl "* , s§. ■*■ Vl '"l.l Jl ...» =■7" v- PtiCß FIVB CM (Jlbbering to UP> Add#4 u» ui maipriM «i <s> »"M t °u‘att >t J r< qK Utf «*«■s uu mt u - <— -- ir. ** lorit vjH IMPpi <* "‘i*- wiiMw» ••• tr*2» tit* craw at ■ taf fra* tk»«wkM : of'WgtOT M| (mi 4Mt- ; ,n identified H MW Hi M JL» »m toli la a remMtac ft mtUtA* iwt Sm ?>!nSKh| veaimß we»*m*k*d, ■ boat Lha MM Ola tab • matfi ><a * w|P *■! * HHK' fHHB| hHBPVP Lut&chtd a daman color* |» lllttlMiftNCfe tto wffiw, w kr M u y—a ihifcww <i«ft witfcia » Tftftr Uilhirih AiaaniiA lnMd kii •aft • fttaflaTa!Saagljat ft* kMM* vs *^pto

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