* - to _ '7" 11 1 . * 1 weaimbi - • rx_r . _• * . _ _ , VOLUME SIX; NUMBER 91 - -1,. ... ' - : ■> gsas aaa s RIDES HIGHWAY OF ROMANCE AND AT END IS DEAIR • 111 ' 1r - ■M-iMiT'i 117", I "i.... ■...ir-jj-.j — — , , ....., .£-,- —,— •• ' ?•• • i £ ~ s ' rr : —*—- r ——- Would Take Expert Auditor Week To Total Out Number Os jr People At Lindy Reception Some Folks Paid 25 \C s ft i s Each for Orange Crates to StamT on: Most All Lost Hats; Seventy Two Fainted; One Re covered Hemrhig; Close-Ups of The Cele bration by Correspon •j dent* '■ j oi («r jork n. duioiitok. ir.> Muff farraspaudvot Wall, folk* I h* Lindy. ui whtt* I didn't gst ■ chance to *po*k to klip. 1 vtnl exactly by toy **lf ‘‘Bltm'' looted Rrt ttk* h* did th* first Urn I N* ktto which *»• Saturday morn ing. Rl([bt bar* while I'm thinking fbout¥ltl«l to.argn* with some «a*. In the lax few day*. Just oodlaa of folk*. ham void. "why Lindbergh look* )a*t Ilk* any other pureon.” and tkl* I* a mistake which should; ha corrected WliUe If* true that Mg faster art not ao oat as thel ordinary, yet lindy hai an apr*ar-J • one# and a personality that'* all hi* own. Clean rut. with elaar and healthy akin a straight and deodar body. tty »*t» v (hiking ftgir? any -•»' wb«ro—as all Waakingtaa woald tall you- * * ioy. folk*, thooa people up thare la w*«kiagk*o ftofi mhntr Halt when that hoy com* oat from tha Nary yard Saturday morning attttng on the hook hank of that Mg egr with hi* toother. Lindy look ad eerier doned and startled wkeo the “Mg fu*e" started, and yen caa't mack blame him, becanaa It really did ami ad Ilk* h ravolutioA and an earthquake all thrown In together. I One aged woman, who had been' act eeehiag la tha key of ‘C* sharp for ahaat a half hour before lindy and hi* h*rty cam* oeg. through the bln , gates of the Nary yard, gar* one loot fend rail whan ah* saw him and promptly foisted. leery on* wa* #*-' cited sad they didn’t ml** showing It. da otd man, who claimed he h*a been dent for twenty odd years, was nil henms end smiles after the par ads had pasasd b#nnd the crowds' war* surging on nr th# street No, he wasn’t tha proud father of • new bora son—lt was lust that all thy adfra and Wmd rnmnUag hilreajoc iCu£*^ '^s’.'u^asts&'.KKjPcac-tr'cyag.'/'.j,.■ ■ yj Nanght ft rr he* It woald take as tspert auditor a wash or more Nd'flgtir* out an ap . , tgfeulamtto* of how many people w*n ik *«d ardand the Nary yard Fa turds* morning kafbraau the hoar* es I to II SO. anfit was a crowd that MW lost tt'a sathaataam from the wee (diall hour* of the early moraine rntll the heat of the mid-day *na was hasting fiercely down overhead Standing oa each others feet, sons* tittles on orange crate* which they boaght for two-Mts apiece, while roaatleo* others perched In tree tope and qp-elalr* windows, this mob of happy American# waited patiently for their heim to come tntn rfew Vb* f \ ihroag Handles Uaaed and waiting, y suddenly startled by the loud erdbh ggd tlphle of breaking glase ''.'l-ylww SlwraAM the AUec tlou of Ihi* ua« diversion they aetr sidewalk with the ‘remain 'of a brok ca window aaah Hknfta«‘ aro.rod hi* Pgek looking for WFfSP vlorld. like 'oh* at th* old cowrtt*r» nt n>* d*>* of Qn**n Elisabeth Now here's what ZZZWnM* g> lliagim atowuiG. f-« trfWdab upsvgf.. the window, frame *ll, out *ud in > falling H had leaded on the old mao. who happened to be standing directly anderaaath While tha cruiser. Memrhlt. with 1 tadhergh on hoard, was sliding Into I*’e berth Inside the Nary yird .at shout II: 18. aamplana* in haul* for. nation, numbering as high a* thirty , ■ ala at a Haae war* flying near the k*hd as the crowd. . while two of thro* aeore, Ilyins at a treater altl rad* performed hair raising slants - •oops that mad* yon catch fatobhMo'k V' -and than a downward ruals. in a and gyrating toward j .4 v, '■ i ■ - .Si * ' . * • s '-- ’ -i* • • ’ '^l# THE GOLDSBORO NEWS READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH-READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. xzrrr 1 r ■ -?!■ ",v: ,1 -aw.rrf:'j.rrr-:-r.,r •• ••v>* ■■ ' •■. —... ■ ’ _ .X- ! SIXTEEN CASES . COUNTY COURT Dudley MndkaAlc r*tmd Guilty tpf Hi ring Manufactured ; - Whiskey SGI *. H Sixteen defendants were la county pagrt yesterday .with sutomobliee and wkiakbp tha basis for the Majority of th* charges. 'Prank Evans, young negro, wa* touod guilty of stealing n Bulck au tomobile from Z. L. Thompeon, grocer. Th* automobile was stolen Thursday afternoon and recorered by Deputy «s*rt* Carl BmHh within thiity min tftm of hotng stolen. Tracy Mitchell and 'Willie William*, young negroes found with Evans at tha time Deputy ftmlth came ufgm him changing tire* on th* stolon machine, were declared ; not guilty of Implication In the ateal -1"* Floyd Taylor was declared not gull I O' of operating an automobile la a reck lea* and careless manner " Woodard Winn was freed of a charge as tereeny. One of th»- moot uniqe* canes heard by Bland la month* wa* that I ** which V. M. Simmon* negro rat ohenlr of Dudley, wn* armlctied for j manufacturing and haring In hla poa-I seaston a 7$ gallon copper atlll. H* was gned |M for the offense. Of^ ( leant aaki he plaaafd la dally*! tha Oiddl to a blockade! hut that they got the st.ll a day before th* delirery wa* to hare boas mad* Deputy J, C. IKoruegey mad* the arrest lu this case. O; & Flanagan was declared not galljy of having materials for making a still la hla possession Jeeee Newsome will s*nr* th* coun ty on lb* roads for a total of tour month*, three month* tor larceny and , one month for vragiaacf. r. r ._ Jim Brigford waa found guilty of larceny and sentenced to &r** ala mootha on tha ratod. rharged with vagrancy and with r»- cvlrlng goods knowing them to have b*fn sloleq. Lilli* Stevens wa* d*- dbred nos guilty under both count* Matt McKinne wan found guilty of having whiskey In kta possession tor JB7pnHEFTnRB'.IJM wa !» «f«t sentenced to servo tour months on tbe roedn. road aeotence to be held la abeyance during good be haviour Tim Jonen waa Sued l&t) and coals, foe operaQag ah iIUBUMTO Whit* drunk, to which rhogie he aubmlited. and taxed with th* coats (or tr*na> Ijortlng whlagey. . Sentence la th* latter caae was aim pended during good behaviour for two years. Joe Austin wu lined ISO and tbe rosin for operating an automobile while drunk, tbe coats to Include MB for Injury don* th* automobile of Dr. D. J. Rose In aa acoldsat. ■- - _ Cost You $5.75 For North State Government In 1926 RALEIGH. Jim* irm-Pifl ■mull for mtlntninet and operation •*- t»* %wo*t iwmrtiiKßt* j* r Carolina amounted to Ik 75 par capita j m' ttrifil. jihuj ■**'"«»» *. 1 Iwue.’Tba ddiMnAouf m daananrwrW ft* federal doV*mra«nt flnda. • * Thr payment* totaled |lfl.l*>.lll. Thla lai'lndai Il'iJl.tlTw apportion Bionta for a location tp tba n.ln<>r ctrtl dlrtaion* of ilia atttte. In I till, tb« comparative par capita for malnten • ar* and oparattoa of geaeral dapart* manta waa s«.»* and la HIT, II H TlieNe»pcn#*e of public Bet-rice enter- 1 prlM amounted to HMld. Intereet oa d«bt 11.1M.174; andUoutlpya tor parmanant Improvement a. H4.2M.tM j Tba total 'parmani* tharofora, tor. oapanaaa of «an*nai dapanmaala aad . public detolee antarpriaaa. Intaiast laud outlays warn |tM«i,MI. Th» r ' a:; i r’. 1 »-»f' 1 * *; **. < . *. _ i a adai ' GOLDSBORO, N. CL TUESDAY MORNING. JUNE 14. 1927 rn I. ..OWIISII. .11 I*» .I.SWS# -■.**— . .... raMNMraRraHMMMBRpnMWMMMraHBiMMHNMJWMiii UNDY SETTING NEW RECORD HE’S MAKING 124 WORD SPEECH I.IUI *ii n"iTßgggapi^^3 . ... .It < \ t * ' : ?>: 1 y* t fr i-; P' x 1 1 -1 p -., 1 This pMara show* TJndhprgti at the Washington celebration ft the mom* nt when he wa* delivering hla UA word 1 speech to the peoples of th* eayth. a npeech broadcast by a huge radio hook-up. Plctura waa furnished News Btag ( orrespondent by oourteey of Tk* Washington. D. C Tima* |Ot|)er Pictures on 1 Good Chance Eastern Carolina Exposition Coining Goldsboro Develops At Conference imam l »U» (famti fipilWi'l pil 1 i| I.V WM. H. HARRKS WED MONUXY .' ' ' } Wake Forent Min Father of MnkJL iL Bcoll and aom Hprris ’William ft Harris, 70. of Wake Foraat, fatbar of hfrs. Sam G. Scott and of Ransom* Harris of (iold vboro, tied at hla honit yuetrrday afiernoon foll rwing a long Illness with Brlghu Disease. Mr. Harris waa on* of a family of tea children and his In Hit, i*r*t dfpadh la tka family. . Mrp. Scott sad Mr. Harrt** of Goldsboro were with their tatber at the time deetti cam* Mr Bcott left last evening with the children for Wake Per set. , Funeral services will he held to day. but Anal arrangements had not been computed U»t evening Mr. Harfa la anrvlveif by bis wife and the felolwlagsosons and daugh . W«. Mas- AUrtp. Mtnilh. ui aauimu ton. 'Mff'RWjWI ,U|l I 1 wmn fib too. Vs,. Mrs K. C. Oakley of Greensboro. Mff Wilkin *oa of Wghe Ptvreet Jack Harris of Kinston, W. M. Harris Jr., of iHiug ' lAA. Aria.. Ransom Harris of 1: all partnenta for the roar, whatbar made from » currant I rorannoa or from th* proceeds of boni] | fasti ea' TJT Ihi 'VWftbttcHTir twiHbugi i smm>*ar u* we* tan.n* a tfflfftifiWrW Hon. according to th» report. Tba depart niant gives tba total r*»- anna receipt* of tba stole f« r th* paar MW aa 1M.4T4.T74. nr 112 17' capita. Tlila rasa |M.»k*i.*43 more than tha total payments of tba yaar. | agcluatr* of thd payment# for partn ‘ meat improvement* but |<*.Ua.3p3 laaa than tba total payatanta, includ tap thoa# for '.uparaaiimt lm|»rora manta Tbee* paymepte >n nma of i rarauaa rwratpta were mat from tha procaada of d»bt obligation*. * ■\ Prop# ty and ape*Ha| Um rep re i (Continued on Papa Two) - * . • 0 ara-e- Strong possibility thßi »he next Kaxern (>rollii4iKxp)eltloD wilji be letadW- fir WbUßdlhro (TcrAoped nt a .conference here yeetei-day afternoon between the offlcor* of fli* Goldsboro chamber of Commerce, a number of toes! business men und Prssidont Tnrnsai* of the Eastern organisation, and Becretsry Bartlett. Ooldnboro can get }he nest flsposl lion if she will nuderwrlte the |ls !>oHitlfrvnf any .point in Rastnrti Carolina than ha* been the case in •my other city of ih# rection where it ha» been staged. Thoat attending th* conference yes terday d-’clarm. that if tb« bqalnocs urn generally show the spirit which we shown at th* mmUing that the | f-xpowltitm w» t*W ' i»~*i eeeqreiflv “ esviis to ihsßUoi Ihi«s itt thibr , agri*< mrut* obligating thontsblvee fori tbe sum of tloo each an a gnacantr* 1 of Ut* flnaii -ial sit cess of the Et i , mmlihm zizZ*. [ Arrangcm-nt* were mad* to havei - ~tkr hngUtm tnrt rf- •*-*»*..» u* spjpresnj. * ' MdiTSi* mj 4 . * t.AVHRNOR kXTKNDh CLEMENCY RAf.niGll. June II If) Governor McJoniTtatetodey corawnifd to n fonr to itu'fkn s'slr prison trrm the 6 In S year sentence given Rosen* Johnston. r«nvirtrjt In March l*2t. of Iredell . Superior eogH On rec«>minendailon of trial Jjdee* and solicitors the Governor paroled f Joe Ferrr, Tow Watson. Ilenry Daria ’ and fiendy Tfavt*. of Craven county, charged with aeaualt with a deadly • weapon and fined for sis months with two to atx months to go. .. .V'- A FIRST BAPTI^O PICNIC JUNfto ■ Bulletin From Ckvrek OutHnea Day’n Proßrmatand UrffW Attcnduch On Thu rad 1 y wlft bo hold the Aa nual Sunday school picnic of tka Kirs 1 Baptist church-at tha Naw Coun try club on tkv Goldsboro Mt Olive highway. - Each pe rests 4s asked la bring a well filled basket Tablet will ha pro vided for the dloner W# will kav* plenty of lemona4* to drink. J, It. Crawford wUI mike fi Nus said The. water will be fine Everybody bring a bathing suit. David Liles, rad* ] istered Scout Ufa Raver, wilt be on hand - sad act as life saver Tk* playgrqpnd la tha water for child*** will be rwr#d off. w J C Fat* witT have charge as .transportation. Everybody who hat a tar meet at th# chnrch at !•:)• a. ■ m wmwms -v land |>» B*a*>* a will hrwe charge of parking cars at the lake. O C Ule* will kav* charge of providing tables and other equipment. „ , I*4 erery church moraher arraag* —r *~'iu fFtot iF'Tarh day and meet together and kav* a ■ fin* social time It will do ns all good you need to f?T out fvlfn ttfe children and renew your youth. NEW MANAGER KINSTON. June II ~oPf— Michael Konntck. manager of tk* Kinston dub. was armed to take hi* pines. Eagles, resigned her* today *ad Ar thur Hauger, right Holder with tk* „ City And County May Join fe:-F: ; /n ErectingzCombiom Jail 7 ' 1 ■ T Official ronssderetion of lb* mat , Vr «f "'syne nrtity and th# CUy * i.ctßidgrat#' raktw 1 j '.wilding a jail will b* glyen by th« j-ywal* eommissinnnra anil by th' tcml-offlcial sources yesterday,' Under tbe plans now talkatf th* city police depart vient would be glv en headquarters In tbs propowed jail and |he dty lock ifp at th* munlcl pal hniluiox would be dlecoattvwed . j IMSoncr* of Iha city and of the j count* would alth* be confined In tk* . jell built «soperalfvely by the two gnvrnment divisions. I Those favoring tk* plan pointed . out that lk# present "can’’, as tka . lockup at the city ha!) l*/*om*tlmd* ' ritlled. Is often inadequate to hold tk* 1 nufhhere brought in over tk* weak end by lk* polio*. ■ . HV Young Clayton Man Is Killed When Car Strikes UgMess 1 Auto Stalled On Highway 10 MTH AIL ISNOT ALLOWED BOND •• . ■ Will Bs Gtara PrattMUm Bmr tRg Bnforn ladgi Bland Not MmmU? Jervi# McPkail, negro, ckkri*4 «10r ? raault with a deadly weapon upon R nbert Price, whtfb ton. on tk* Bgt uiday night of June 4th, waived k ptra- II mi nary hearing In poHe* ooart, here yefttrday morning 4R th* ragilar Monday moratna iiaaloa, had waa bound over to oouaty court fur trtnL Juu* 20. Me Hull was rstosadad to jail without privilege of bond, pend lug tit outcome of Erica's lajwrt#*, who if said t« b* la a artßral efift tioa. Jo* Aaitth, cotored. ck»rg*d with driving an automobH* While under th* laftsawo* pf liquor, was hound ovof to co-jaty court. Marl BaaadtaA far being dpqgik, wn* Ift off wltY the payment of eoot* •out Bcott, on a charge of dlanria* ly eagduet, was aaaawiad with tk* paytodnt of tba aarta. Olivia Mack, colored, charged wMI disorderly conduit, wag aonleaoad to thirty dayaftiiwr -7T jaaiWßfs •out to tk# costa. A. Pantar, wkltn, «pa*dtng, pay meat of tk* cants. Oloua Hluoent white, ala* charged with apeending was ftUSi rtva dollnrs sad tk* oasts laths town. . n. m . ixifttot wßvui« ipMnHR' wa w 1 tomoWle, bad to pay thn aosta fek hla eaa*. Carrie Wridgtoard, suit Jobs M. Wiiliaam, colorad, charged with bo lag disorderly, were aaaeeeed wNh tka payment to the co*U. Robert Carr. Rabarif Wtao, MM with unlawful assaagMy, war# anak n»ed five dollars ahd tk* coots, t ■4 , n " '' K!Hb Brother and Turn* Gun on Saif .V MUNOMNTOWL Fla-, Jura ll* if! —Refievod to bar* boas aseatnlly effected at tka Mas*. Mary Tlbeut *ad (|*n tsraed iha gwa oa bereeiJ. Rb* died a short lime talar In a baa total.' Frera tba locattoa to th* badM* whea found, poll#* bellavad tint tin He had a ballet wound In th* Mod and twg other wouada ta tk* shde maa. . The woman flrfd oae ballet through her heed. MARIIN GLOBED NEW YORK, June U-UTy—New York Stock Exchange sad tha Now tYorh curb market are closed teday The new j*IT woald also be butt* 't la understood, ao ad to hone* th county nad city health departtoanl on Tk# ftbratf Ituorr.-aSd tohor woMhr# egeaelee might alee be given office* 'bo*. fV- rrT ,,\t TfiilTj ftfcirtduui .toiiihißd- l ßdSii' , lw t-~ ' r the plans sow talked. It Is learned Members of th* City Beard to Udermaa sad of the County Bnnrd to C-om*>!•*lowers art knowy te knee dtscaaeed plana aa outlined akevi la aa auafficlal manner, A a net of tk* l*f!s\tor* passed at the last sesekm woald permit th* cotwty and Goldsboro aatbad for tka purpose of building n jail. Tkl* net wee r*»eed after eoaealtatlon with the twe board* * If a jail le erected by the too diet ..tons jointly. It la learaad Mat the •It* gives consideration la tba pre vent Jail site. ' _ W ' • 1 "" » Member of . J The Associated | ■, . .iaMl puts FIT I UNp W ill Sasaer Vu Return ing Frew Vie* te GW boro When Hy So |§ Inwf nnflv Kflkri Ui Automobile Aoriftent; ' y Wa* Native of Wayne County, 10 WmU* aftaraMß**mft. y of the road hs^sHteatW imw. * mi ti mm SNua, nail re of Ways, tMtlf. pleasantly iM early ti tth .Jm9| etnas in hts Ittrf rawyS, |2BI < tart *4 hash I* on v" *o» Ho Mm NtcMi ifcan'yM the * ran tag their fM ««** 4*l WM* ; '' the car was h Mart gbpi* Hk •«»« Saha* ui MatthfMM «t ■mß* Ur 10 Om of tea hays, * naie got oyt ng |ygjH }y tooMrife « tfaeoilie the two oQOTf tato the aaat aad ward 08* •lusher hy a terrtfca eoJbTlh iS terror, they iMMi bail ted* aalte l hed Me*. MdthfM SLjSm *M a fort riaiee tartii t*S •Me *a. They stays* mI «**» 0* "•wl«i to taredUghte Mb vtte Ml •peM «* OMthfWtd TMr te«M it* ‘Roantbady na ItU rff tw fM T °*dm tin oat fewt^SttiMOf PwlOt Slfcty. 'We afc't sea h«*Ws* jftWgwr ~ pile*, eye* wide. MOM dMCteateg with fright, sweat mftt| (Nil ——— Kinston Woman Hart In Auto Acddsat eft*i nooa hy DertMT&’mMair arter ha hag t«rai M* mMMMH* ever ?v# sail* this aMa dtPraaMf* Teracr was ca Ms wav Mite Krw- I o « • wtlaoa tag waa aaam»d«M hr jleeg, b: | her IMmSTmom R# .« •rch a eats re aa te IRMIRI-WOifftOt •realmart fr. heaflaa at VreaJM reads rag f,r*t rft. The OMaaaah’te’i