r WEATHER .* \ ♦ P r Ll probebly ahqwars W^lMter m Thursday Not much etufi la R*>;‘ • ' f i ' ’ ,■ „ , • FBHaWa^.i..r. l ... m, VOLUME f* J; NUMBER 12 ~ f-- u >-)■ . -■ : .v r : i.>- l_ Wallace Will Teach State New Wrinkle About Fairs; Baby Clinic A New Feature Festival and DupMn * County Fair Opened Last Evening and WUI Continue Through 4\ Saturday; Mammoth ~ jßaby Clinic Schedul ed for Today With Wilmington Doctors \ Commandered. ,Hy sratt Correspondent > WiAM./OE, July Ur—Wallace. the klf{( r rt.awbeiry market la North CarCviaa, . today launched iu Straw bfrry Festival and Duplin county tilr, shd tomorrow the celebration will ha rofitlnurd with a aaw wrinkle la the way of fair* tor North Carolina, Tha Wallace folks are going to have a baby clinic, aid until 1 o'clock today *rs babies bad been enrolled for the clinic Dr J. W Carroll of thil place, will bare general super - s rieioa of the ellntc, and Dr. Sedber- Ll re es WUrtagha grill he In charge. Wtlmlngton wIU practically be wtth oat doctor or nurse service white thy baby clinic here la In programs, for all the doc to; s and nureea of the Bea htle city tied# been confmandered for the clinic. Tweoty-aevea doc-, tors had been booked at noon today. With this laig*. number, it looked to day aa If there would be tan babies or <i *aoor» for each doctor. Toatgbt came the official opeulag at the warehouse beautifully decorat „ ed by R R W. Ray, of the Faab hnpwn to Goldsboro folks the work dflh# I Here in the Ran Thirty exhi bltor* have signed for space, and the h*l this morning was good to loch •trawflhniee haven't sold half bit thfl yeti and talks arm feeling good Home of tbh younser one* at ihe warehouse fbuldpT wait until tbit •Yeninr- for the dancing but were trt|/' I mu out the Black Bottom, nod tli** Charleston In the heat of the midday a vli'fti'la he nmerlng out lb* music lotight they bare soeaethlng dl? ferrnt. for the crack orcheMrx straight Bom Miami and’service wl *t on* (4 tha large broadcasting sta * tlcnt was on hand to furnish tb* »n*k These player* will be bare the rest of the week Flvwn free gets are prodded and neae.nl Manager Marr of Mt Ollre claim* that th«r are the beat on the road Friday * II wltoen the £llmas n the Festival for on that day comes tb* parade ar.d Friday night the at vie show and grand ball Vrt'sr* Is pot flag the big pot lot " tSe'Ti'iV’ons Tor 'lt* Ninvp'Kf Tt‘ . i* the 'tret time that tha distinction Os the biggest strawberry' market *i< Xortk Carolina bas come to the lira, Shipments oit of ths towi doubled those for last year mod ouster, bhadbourn for first place. A total ” of 77* cars of harries hsd been shin ped today ns egntnst SU for Inst so* •on. Wallses business men hellers ths* . they burs got in o*> tbe * round floor • t n dereloplny ssctioi that is foln>- to rstouud' the ststi| with Its derelop meat *n the neat few yeare. And tb*- i|Hot* the figures to show that thgi. are r'fht. The correspondent halier' they are. COIHTI FARMER nW i*iik from worn** RrtGSON, Juas 14—4*1 -AT o bospitr.l here today tff wound,* re ecired rest#i day when he ;«ul w ir lile home sad shat A/l a a shot a no. Albert Bentos. 14 yitr» old who D slresdy under' charges if ’kA»C > lurW hhiaker W hstd m U mrm, 4U~»M*te ♦**«•»* WM-IG A dtagge if taurd r Taat, according to ths story told to officers hers, receatly reported Demon for alleged making whlikey. It i* cknrged that tha hoy awaited Tent on n road near hit boms and sa ths tanner drove by, fired a load of hack shot at him at close range r*l Jf.ROMh IN READ NORTHHAMPTON England M— Jeruw* K Jerome noted Hr uu. a ithox died at % local boipiu, MS day from cerebral hemorrhage. W i, -'.jV BU,. l is , . *•* ' * * 4 ' '•**--*'W i ..»•*> jms,*,#-//. -iw., THE GOLDSBORO NEWS , READ IN THE MORNING WHILE MINDS ARE FRESH—READ BY BUYERS BEFORE THEY BUY. TT ■=— Dispatches Report Moscow as Beseighd | IXJNDON, June 14 -GP>- Ada. patch from Warsaw say* that r*- I ports were received there lodgy de daring that the Mate of strength »ned military protection has been l proclaimed at Moscow and that a • stage of setge Is expected Foreign- II erh are reported leaving tbe city. Tbe dispatch nays that Ibe soviet mtbof tlitMl aPa FwfllHlltW if. u r -, | :* P—peits to thetr gwu cfm»a» end - that the population Is panic stripk an. A severe censorship was Bald to hare been Imposed upon lb* | press, while *veo private telegram* were not being accepted. FLOGGING IS CHARGE MADE H—Sid Bands Reports* to Hare SevenHy Beaten Half Dozen Victims TOfXXJA, On.. June 14 o»*> Elmer Clark, a railroad coaductur and Char i's Thomas, brskegaan. surrendered to tk* ahelff here late today to answer wararnts charging then, with being members of a hooded band who flog ged Mrs. Ansley Boweis and her 16- year-old son near here Sunday. y , The boy who said he. counted lawhss applied «o Me mether s tuwdv was whipped because b* attampud t . dissuade the a>en from beating her. she said. He was not seriously in ' imed feign*. —t'- other flogging victim, included a farmer who was accused of being s bootlegger and so aeeerMy iaehed that pieces of his shift were beut.-u into! bis r»IW skin; a 66 year old w'.>msu 1 cotton mill wo.her who was a.yed xnd driven out of the county after being charged with, “having a bad hsfacter”, souther, a young woman cotton mill worker who ia related to ' by marriage to another victim, was , flogged for the -same “offense” and .lab driven from the community. Rack ' tof the victims w?7e taken from their I ion **» In the dead of night-by bend* . >f men. they told Intimate acquaint incee. who Were attired In whit* . -obes and peeked hoods. Neither of I he Incidents w*re reported to local . .luthor ties, because of the victim's 1 •a.s of lucurrina further punishment.! I Tha sheriff declared tonight that*! te hsd Investigated reports of an- . ther flogging recently but that be-,I —mAa—n—Akn._ -*-i - *- i- ' m •nw'ainMap' ■ IM- 4MMMHR|P ,> 4 tatements from persons concerned? i he enquiry hsd made no programs i TO VISIT NOS CHICAOO. June 14 -<*>>-On the .econd lap of her trsns Atlantic trip vhlclr will take h*r by sea over the ] •awl stretch her son tisversed by sir. •frs K C, f’hamherlin. of Denison, i owa, left Chicago today en rout# to' few York from wh'nce she will sail i o l.ondon next week. H —, -rrrrr—rr— :-t- ■. Satisfaction Expressed At Co-Op Settlement In City General aauafactlou >o««r the IH.C ettlemcnt of th* North Carolina CM urn Urowar. Cost; eratira AatociaUob waa voiced 'hcrj yentarday morning “4* a urnJor.tv of t*rae hundred tram* r county mi mb<-i« who gathered at tha courthouse to recadv* (hacks approxi matiba |Su,(HM> In Iha afternoon final settlement »a« nude wllh * Irupliu i rt in x* .jytwJUirn r ; Mad So «A# *»*wtbu»*4 rnim yrey** , d*|reeaaß at iba alt* I *ng bar* by w <1 Maon, dlractor of I Klcld Service for ilia aa«ociat4ob, l»y| A. T Griffin <4 Goldsboro and bjrj l George Hai ton of Goldsboro I A nun bar of thoaa praaanl at tbaj I meeting reported that they „had Int soma m-fances (oolad cotton foi < uon-mautbar tenant* tha paat yoari and that In tha pool thay raralvad front |5 to |2O ntora par bala than! so» cotn.n acid by tha tanant on tha j opan market M' Mann In tilt addraaa rariawad P Steadily increasing hualnaaa of ! which haa rnarkad tha pro ' i Aaaootatlon. Tha coat of I * BAD STORM VISITS COUNTY NOW 20.000 Farmers at Test Farm Dwmogutrgtiocui in BUU * lit 1926 . ——— < RALEIGH. June 14 - UP) The an nual plcinios and field day events of the branch experiouient station fsrma whlc|i last year attracted over jftf.ftuO vialtlug farmers, have b« en again urrauged for this * imutei. It was su uouucod today. Programs for each event hove no; *•4 been worked out, but dates so; ♦he meet lugs have been set and pro ■ ,gr#JM> Ab* First two p«'* Ung» are. f now- he4ng Beat- p4e • die will be bgld at tbe Blacklaud ex periment »taiion neap- vv-w-ua %r Waahlugton c-odoty July 14, and the second nt the Piedmont branch sta tion near Statesville. July 21 No field events are planned (taring tbe rest of the mouth. Immediately following tbe •ff 1 * ipn vent ion of farmers, to he held at State College, Ralalgb, July the field events will he renewed with the llrst meeting scheduled fur the Tob baceo branch MglkMt near Oxford, August 4. Following this picnic there will be another period of Inactivity br cause of tbe gathering of the Anierl •an Soybean Asaociatlou Msny far mere from all sections of the *lht plan to attend this meetlnfe and tou and the picnic for that week ha been pflSlpDned to tbe following week August, 21, the sunual field dnr will be held *,t ths Mountain Branch station. Swanannoa. This will be by Ibe ons at Uupper Coastal Plain near Rocky Mount on Sgptein ■ htr I, and tltat at the Coastal Plain rintlon, Willard, Stepomber 8. Tl. meetings and field day* are • rsneed jointly by *he workers of ‘H», N.wik Cp;oliua IxrirltMU 4ka< (mu 'St f!t*te Colfbgs on one band t) tail E. Millar, director of , the (o*i farms for the state department ngrlculture, and. his local super t tntendenta on the other. The meet | inrs have In the past attracted great uu i,bars of farm families and have grown In extent and popularity each successive rjss'u. THRJ.E Tots DfP AN Hf NI l f ’ As TOMORILES IX 4.1 II.FOKD IITL GRE BNBBORO. June 14 -OP>3 Three children have lost their Uvea her* since rltddsy Sunday as the Je suit of automobile accidents. , Roy Robinson, live year old of Charlotte*, was killed Sunday when he was brushed beneath the wheels of a ear driven by Dr Ehshane Taylor. I.urile Heaty. flv* years, wan Instant ly killed ysatarday afiernmm when struck b a truck driven by Will Pinnix employe of a local coal concern John ,E. Robbins, live died last night as a 1 taut. «♦ tnjwri**- reeetied xrtnni wrr automobile In which he was riding, skAided and overturned Sunday af ternoon. < Fl46.iff H AOIATORN NAYKIt PARIB. 14 <A*t I‘ellstler Dolay, Fien<Yh long distance avtator. hopped off Wtfh a companion for rachl. India at -4: o’clock this after noon, jhelr plane cry king a few dhuutes later in a burning- mass. The 'two aviators were saved. . * - ... liaiiilliup a bala of cotton hna baan radnood front SO canta la 1822 to 3S rente in im. ha aald There haa b*«o a dyes'h- tcducUup fin orei haaJ Without a cut la afflcion) cy Tha cumber of man amployad by the aaaoclation baa baan cat from 118 »n V'K to #7 in 1124, Mr Maim Ml tha Wayne faintara. Carrying charge *wf Trattaa m—nr an, T'4*: '» t *4 ip in tira yngrXfc ; WToi lie*. I Van aald. "tha aaaoclation haa [aid I I*a niemhera mora than Ibay could i bar* racalrad on Iha opan rharga.’* "Tha raputatlon of Iha aaaoclation 1 with nulla haa grown continually un • 111 today wa do im hart sufficient I cotton to haudle all mils for t from ua hr thills The fart that not i ("> ■• thl prat season did wa hava t « wn *h tara la c*ua of tha Items wur»t Ila cr'tt.bt’t.d to our growth la ~f . nan I with tha mills "Aud It mufi At ba forgotten that | tha tr sedation hna trained m»nr a | farmer In tha rnlua of tha right gr*V I and ktailo." a <•«*>--• W«-.e *>•*» ■■«** ' ° • t, » GOLDSBORO, N. C. WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUtfl-) 15, 1927 ■■■■■■ 'f— —r =~3U— ---y ■■■■■ ■ f- I Wind Reaches High Velocity - Lighlning Plays Freak Trick as Hanlcfl’ii Store at Green leaf ■ o An angry cloud blew ppt of the west Isle yesterday eurelugied Wuyiu.. county ia a blacknesM accompanied by high wind thunder and lightening and a terrific of rain A few trees and Utephoue p<)4eo blowiy down Mt Olive wlihout lights for an hour awit a trstf. rktH-pew without light all night, and local haU da magi just over the line, from l-Teiaont Iu Wilson cceinty were tha Hem* of dHnpHge. In (ioltfshoro tbe alreats were flood ed by the downpour which lasted only a few minutes. He j ug, receiver hy The News Were that in soma In stabcea fehe wind “was so high that automobiles On highway number It could not njpke In-adway again# them , ♦ A telephone pole near OraanWui *si blown down, and a number oi local pbcoie* placed oat at —coinmia I XtOB. The llghiiilng which .iu < Auuln - he storm Played u break trust at tb> 'lore es J. C, Haiden and Vons si (Jreenleaf It rnn'tnto the id Ibe electric liyit wlies, crashed th. lectric light bulb* which were luru • d on, threw ibe-switch couiroHm tbe cuireut and flashed away. Mr Harden waa In the store at the lime but was uninjured, vxcept for narv eousneas Incident to *ucb an occur 1 anas. 8 ... , A report that a child by tha name of Andrawt had been killed when a hotts* blyw -down ney jg Olive PBSIW ftf be #rru/t4 ous when investl rated by The News At Mt. Oliva, however the wind seems to have rearh tbe highest velocity than at i.thar point* lu Ibe county. Heveral chimneys were then away in the grasp of. tha flurries, a.lln roof rolled up * *b it* frame, and several telephone tol*» blown down. The” town waa l*ft without light (or an bout* and a half. I < slypao was not ao4ort*uuata. Pole* blown down nyt bruk* electric wire* mid the towii waa without current all night. FremoiM reported a heavy dfeiwtr pour of rain, aoue wind, hut uo dam age In the town. Over the lina In 1 W4l»on county, however local damage 1 ■waa reported to have beta dona by „hall.‘ Talagraph wtraa u-*ed by tha Nor 'OTfc and Southern lb dUpatehTUg Vrer* of comntflielon by tbe 1 blowing down of a poly near New 1 .ftSXJL TAaIIU. Em. teUU JilSJHttJlfsL . (»ver the Atlantic ('oast Line wires oui of Wilmiugton last night. < ouaiderabl# excitement waa cau# <d an South Center street. Goldsboro when lb# wind cauaed a short circuit ehlcta Ignited a telephone p«*t. Tb • damage waa quickly repaired Heveral automobiles parked On Uslnut at|>#t near Center war# •lows almost to John by the force of the wind One Ford lost ita lop In I attllng (hr storm . Johnfiton Man 1h Held For Shooting Father ♦ • —■ . BENBON, N c:, June 14 ~(JP) ' athan fefcUmb. 60, farm*r u*ar bei* lsol# y suffered strmt* won atm* wounds followmr an uviiaeui with firs mit. fiikrtij flVrLimti. about # ,malt *l*bt. The son la held In the Stalth fl*ld jail without bond pending out com# of bis father's injuries. Mileunb mas phot In iMfc.pwifl UM *f~ Y'***~* v - *»»»• hi' ft4**e. #pu# »w UmS| * stack of fodder as payment of a da bt • IRISH HEARTS , By Mol lie Malone A stirring novel of the most romantic people of the world will start in THE NEWS Thurs day. STROM) TAttS TO ROTE CLUB earlier Pays Tribal, lo CaaM, Affent A. K. Robert mm TU* of the charge for a checking art-puut at the bwuli aa giv en by W F Btlo>4d, vice pn sldeot of tha Wayne Natioual Hank, and die ■ uaalon of firm exifyiutvut work occupied the tioidnboro Rotaiy club at its ineciing in the Hotel 4iold*buid last uwnlrg. Mi Stroud quoted a uumher of { flgjrcs lo show that the epat of' handling Mtlag* .a«unain, an# gyu . * till acCoiiliTs, ofleii eXce#dairitHi hyo- * tit Which the hank recolvvd from pro ’ (it nuida in louuluff the money. Fra ticfflty a daily analysis of.unah ga*. count la n#c**ifeary lo det«slltu» : - *icih> i' or uot the account la a pro-J fitalic one, Mr Stroud said. So Impressed waa U#v J. U. Dan I**l with lh# figures which Mr. Stroud had quoted that attar tha bhnkaf had finished his talk, that ha Jokingly ugg#ited that a collection he takau -»*r banker* of the Rotary club A. K ItohcrtHon, county demon drallun agent, was presem aa the •lueai of Dr. W. Smith sad die *,cased deumnstratlou project* now 4-Ini? wncked out in various pari* of -te coituiy. Dr. Smith had suggast d the feuslhijilv of the Rotary club ponaortng a d- monstration (arm i-ar tbe city. A committee was asm (I to submit repoirt on this matter Joe A. Paraker paid tribute to Mr tobertsoa -aa the demonstrator who lad counted moil among Wayne »r>unly tanner*. “He has gone about -tla work, allently, unobtrusively, hut >** h*a tasew tha ——-• of raising the -eneral farm average atnea ha ha* toaet* In tha county, H said Mr. Parte er, >. #*-. % A. O. Hamilton, formerly mipar intcnijenl oi city schoolc, tendered Ills resignation to iba club in n lat ter'to President Joseph read by Bar tetary Htevens The resignation waa accepted with, "regretir Mr. Hamil 'ton on reaterdar.moved to Wilmtng ion wharo upon July ! he will enle -noa his duties a* superintendent of Wilmington and New Hanover ayg '*m# i KILLED IX HUEt k ' in , , V N'AiillVll.LH, Tenii June 14.—0 P) "d' -- lb-til# Criswell. Franklin. I’enn . resident wag kilted this After noon from a glasa cut In the throat [and other injuries wheu the car lu which she was riding aud on# driven by Riihurd Knxth. 17. collided about two miles from the city. Though tb# «-aee were, badly da moltshcd. none of lb* four other oc < upeuts waa butt. IRA IxTli: MOLIN HLN \AITO KlLl.fafi^lOlK RIItMINOHAM, Ala., June 14 A(P Hiriev F.i t'rwixxl slid his thr\ small ih.ldren were scverly Injur* cd when automobile Kaslwood w*a Jr'v nj .-.a* stuck by a Southern rail • uy trains near her* this morning John.faon wa Inken to a hospital vrl •r< idiV'li Un* <%ld- hta con'- non wat • rttical. Tha automobile' was demolished Poultry Agent Brown Says Quality Is Greatest Need -- - 9 ' The ■ri ateat ne*d» t» the poultry ii.jvtni ry in Wiyni roiiuty »ud Ku»i -«fT5 crrmtlua twdsy ere qoeitty m 4 Httffi) ip. W‘ dU£tt°l " lire lured T. 7; Mruwn, county poultry agrot. I** ter day. ’ ”Ii la purely » w*»tr to keep u'flock of mongrel hr#* wta*u 4* floch of puri-liri'di mr Juki as r»illf kept end cared for Tb* reason nhy it it a 1 %tw tr tiQkum -tit* .*«*». .Umar * .'wnwsat-finHr.- V?d%C htt «*»». mi*ru MMt »• •«* piilt ry a lo'ii told for ni>-at, Hints kelth tin- nmi' condition* and first ,rlit« prim c-innot be paid on Ibt •niikti for such ptoducts. .You innv ‘l.'rk that this <r alliy of products doee tot affect the local markai. hut it do”* affect the hip rnattrii markets a areal deal and tlmac Lit markets lb turn affect the local qiaiket* to a larre relent. i ' Hie product* from a puiehred rtock are much eaatrr disposed of and -ueb a flock It easier to cull, thereby ’*u rraelnr the ifftclency of lb* flock by removing the txurder* and weak •ngs. These point* In faror of tha •l: ' i Col. Lindbergh Gets fired Otfontinued Functions And 1 •• Gives Newspaper Boys Sit: r- ~ ' mi. I Church Will Debate Catholic Question There will b<* ■ debate at O.U i»w'a Bridge church uuat Huuday , aftci noon. June IP, at S o'clock The query l»: Heeolved. That, the Election of a Roman t athoUc to the Freiideaty o» the United Stain would be daugeiooa | 0 Am erica* tuatantlonaT* it C. (Bob) Maxwell will affirm &e* ioiui X KlUgerald will " Jelljr TTir pubic U Invited. NO adqileetao fee. 'Outlaw'* Bridge la eight milea eouth of seven Bprlagt It It a I UniversalUt church and etanda for I the open mind I PIKE VILLEBOY GIVEN HONORS Unw I'eelc (« Altond 4-H Cm< ftMHice in Wanhteftnn He dinning Tfcuru. RAUCIOHt June It -OP) — North f'awallna la seeding two boy a and two Mila to the ft rat national 4-H chab. June It 21, at Washington O 0. tllaa Maude B. Wallnee. girl club leader of tfre atnte. Is taking lfls* Loin Paul, of Pike Road, Beaufort, aud Mtaa Auiratra Raymond of Comn. Hertford county, the two out stand •ng leaders In |»fsod. hand health and bMWt." and U- g. Uruy <Uut leader, la taking Biton Kkltley of Albemarle; Stanley and Aa ron Peale, Plkevtlle out standing boy leads?*, to Washington Os tha «iatc« M are tending two boys aud two girls each. "Karat Uoye and girls art mah Inc a- large contribution to the wtd er use of 'better practical la agncul lord and borne economic*." tare I n. Bkaw, extension director ok the state.' " Leadership training, under standing of club objectives, cltixeh hlp, training, racie'btion, compr/e* the result." ' y' Sb»w aeit clad the four to go from illia' state. Here are few of the spot* to be trialled: Washington monument, IJn ‘ olu memorial, the Mail, the caplloi of the nottun. houda office buHdlng, (•nan* office t.uilding. library of loqgresa. Smlibaoaiaa Instil ate, na uonal miiwanu, Arlington cemetery included tbe tomb of tbe unknown m.ldier, >w♦ Myer», Arlington dam nhd Alexandria, Mt , Vernon, bureau sjf engraving and printing, treasury Pennsylvania avenue and olhai T'tnggd ii' I —I .... PAY OIPEIIIEH WOMAN " * -VN.. IRZEROCM, Turkey, June 14 -OPI A Turkish women balled a police man when -three men on the street insulted' her, They receive! a sentence of three month*‘ Imprlsnnn.ent and had to pay {.Aon (Iras to the Indignant !*<% I his approaimatea S6OO, - - - 9 purebred flocks are eatlrely Indep endent of the fact that much more i n*4-»f<e «H ha aaade by eeillaa etoeh fro-n a purabred flock, la addition to enough that purebred poultry part better than mongrels, la furnished by *he fact that nerer a farmer wb< once raises purrbredt. evar returnr - trr i u—tit-* sum money per bird la hr lac Sieds in# arn*4.ffat«a» rjiiti -' fiota 5# U fiKi beat are kept On these larirs pta-tlcally all the (to itsti It Itomt giwn Tb* corn, wheat, and oata art ralaed on the-farm afcd not eren the animal protein ha* to b« lurchased If a liberal supply of eklnt or buttermilk ie available U la agreed that yellow corn la better for poultry feeding tbaa whit# corn Ureen crop* ye kept growing for rraetng lb# year round. Sun flow era may be used for shade and the teed make excellent poultry teed A lot of waets grains around the farm i (Continued on Page Pour) | * •*** l , »*m*mii* «4iaia• Mxumt*»pvwt» HteßteuM, #»***.•> ,„*,*,*, as r —1 ] Member of ~ iIII P 1 ® Associated *\ Press Q' i* u — 11 ■' """ 11 1 1 iih^m PRICE mi CWfte Rises Early and Gats to Atytchell Field. Hat ing to Get Bftdt Jji Washington and Ml Beloved “Spirit of St Louis”, But Rain Pm* vents; He Skips Press Club Luncheon : " r * j _______ NLW YORK. June 14~4*>—After Otkiit kit ini I u kwlw Ud kWIMf * * ****** • unction to Interview and MR 1 function for more Hub threw^reekg, It harlee Lindbergh suddenly twite to Nay hide and seek with hid reMMi ' today and proved adopt gt Ra gGm Reporter* drifted up to the Rggß Avenue erartnoent beune ’ wkoro Lindbergh and hie mother are gusota about I o'clock this morning, thtthlNß that early enough to catch any mb* be had been np unUI tbe Small MM >f tbe morning They wore Informed at the door th*t thf~* viator - wan «M| -'eeplng and they settled down far g ■ wait. - r —' ■--- -- - Then It was announced tkgt Upd bergk bad left at T o'clock and gome tor an automobile ride. The gome togt on Tbe neat word of him OOgM fljtt Mitchell Field whore it aeemed lj had driven with Coney Md«b. t* pilot, and had enoaired a beat omng| none for flying to Washington -dm hat he might bring bock Mb plant. Condition* were had, n hogry rate »e* falling and the charts ghowm no hope of bettor wegthor. "e* Um> berth left tbe Bold bended Mr bed caught np with him SfMtIMM bewildered reporter* n view and that dteoppaarod lifdh, * But reporter* know tkgt Id Mtt to a luncheon at the MiwpgAgdf to there they lay In wnK ftg MfiL bui Undbergh dll lot |» p M luncheon Tbe rain which hod prpeenttl Sji night to Washington alee mmf nostponoment or g coremdMp ht Oom '-ral Park at whicfi the eohoed «MPt fren were to Mag. 10 the Q|er b the whole dnyo to ktmeplf «p t* f o'clock the how *et for dinner whdfeo •■e woe gueete of honor end do (%• ' •peskers program with Mom IfcttWr and other notahieo. J ‘ After dinner tbe only 'ORfgpdtodM wne 0 private midnight romance at the winter Tto dip «p> • rnngad by tha organUntton of pOoS^ ENDS JOURNEY TTfic FVFNINr I ilia d ▼ Cnitlu Praitott atoS Mm. Chattel Chht With Fnnmor fSE* < At SUtlhlto President Coolldge’e Spotont TmW Kn Route to Booth Dakota, Jane lC— (d*)--Turning from tha oggk UWMI * the corn and w heath elds of ||m MU’ die West. Prealdont Coolidge himof ! •d weetward from Chlengn to BoWh ltekuta to hit summer renideade ih Black HUIa, At the and of the trip tigmig evening, rar removed from the kflM us hia native Vermont. » now monte tain coqntry awaits him. whom among T cool atreoma and air Blind wth-g*/. odor of bnleam. rear wna la Mm to replace tbe boat and -ipftilMM gt the national cap#gl s&s’jrz i&xa House retinae through homolMtd of thp farmer, of tha >MUe Wool, the prospect, of a sum mar not toMd by the huaiuea* nod s«H-ial g|p dT^‘ VVeshiugioh appenrad to pat' bote ttjh ywitom *m vet r, .w»*dg» wr private ear an It movad through Ohio and Indiana toward Wisconsin Ml Minnesota to ware a grootfng to ten groupa which had eeaw to n*o UfS train paa# and whoa etopo very teHph Mr* coolidge laughed and ebnMbi tto ward the smiling faceo. O . .. - •* ** , BPIU COMDmUr . \ •— Tz, MOSt OW. June Id gs -- Okateen alleged spies armeted * odeaaa have been contemned to gegMc | Tbe other *U reooftmd |nU —S'S. A * |‘i| • t'\ ±*L , ij.a tei

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